Newspaper Page Text
219-229 South Broadway /(t^xrr^J^^ 224-228 South Hill Street 7 ~Z~Z I Decorative Possibilities in Underpriced \ /4^#4»**tr* fW**** €****>**&* \\ 1 — 1 At 25C Rugs and Draperies COttOft DreSS GOOdS At 85c **^ «^*jFv ixugs anil i/i aperies O%^C Silk, leather, elastic and embroid- Economy at a glance, in these underpriced articles for home enrich- [8 MPkoMwr jO>%*\4m All sorts of stylish belts; in leather ' '- ... . -, ,- ! ment and adornment. Splendid opportunities for homes, hotels, M KJill Ih If &*■ ) silk and wn-li" .„-,.„,-;., I'. -.-oi,, ,' ered wash belts; values to $1.25. !, churches, clubs or institutions to secure rugs, carpets and draperies | IVCyllvvU $225 materials; values to for less: | I «P«| m GO :' <■' 9x12 Wilton RugS 9X12 Body Brussels If, at the end of the season, one had a chance to pay the reduced prices < RJL^wiW #jllf\ CP 1 Indian; reg. $50, now $37.50 Mattewan; reg. $30, now. .$25.00 \ we quote below for desirable cotton dress goods, there would, even D /Q<fliyTr#*<»iPs BVTfLS[%I TEL Lormond; reg. $60, n0w..545.00 Arundel; reg. $30, now.. .$25.00 ( then, be ample justification in buying for later use. lf\.VMiliClsH A^^^ mmMm£^ Persian; reg. $57.50, now. .$45.00 Berkshire; reg. $30 now. .$22.50 But to save so much on wanted goods at the forefront of the sea *"~ ; Art Loom; reg. $45.00, now $37.50 Middlesex; rg. $27.50, now $22.50 son is oure irood fortune- |/!j f%* I* R Pl\rirP#l Two-tone; reg. $47.50, now $40.00 Marmara; reg. $27.50, now $22.50 ', SOU ls pUre gOOCI """"" : M |^i I W lr|\/^|C I» KCJJI StCU | 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x 12 Axminster Rugs j WUVW Goers-away to mountain camps or Regularly $20, now $18.00 Regularly $60.00, now... .$35.00 ; /, 124c und^lfc ' b npeS) PaiS an ciecs- ; A strai ht reduction of twenty-five beach cottages will appreciate the low- j!j Regularly $24.85, now... .$15.00 Regularly $25.00, now... .$20.00 | siap.e i.k .mu ix. ; cents a pair on all gloves priced be er prices now in force upon good bed- : Others Proportionately Reduced .'. j 12ic for 36-inch percales; all colors, light and dark, and solid shades, ! tween a dollar twenty five and five din^: , Drapery Silks "' ' Bed Sets j to as well as. pretty dots, figures, stripes and checks; reg. 15c. i fifty, will bring crowds to this section: Pull size bed pillows; filled with . „. cikii • retr $125 vd 75c Loom woven reg $1.75 and ' 12 2C or silk mixed mousseline, in plain colors and embroidered '< chicken and duck feathers; covered ; mK - n ' s> 'en $2.75, now $1.25 and.. $2 00 '<• dots ; good patterns; regularly 35c. I 24-button gloves, white only; with Amoskcag blue and white stripe Plain Corean; reg. 90c, now 50c «,*• '. ' rep . «7, c 0 now tenn ( ■ • $ $5 00 value for $475 ticking; regularly $2; now, pair...51.50 ! Fig. Florentine; values to 85c, Regularly $5 00 now !! .'. $3 00 i w lOc for 32"inch white Persian lawns; regularly 15c. ! * Bed comforters; 72x75; niied with white Fi^atins•' 're's? '$i 25 # "now '75c Regularly $3.75! now $2.75 \\ 15c for imported voiles; all new styles, in white and colored \ 22-button gloves, white only; SSS S^'i^".??..S : ImP°rted J>aP- -P^ fiWed; | r e^d n y ets7 00g n$ow IfoO I f^' CheckS -d Plaids, in light and navy blue, browns, ; $S-°° ™lue £°r $4"7S Campins bianketa in gray mixtures; . w ularl 25c ' now... 20c 20c Keguiany s>^.3U, Si::::$S?S : grCen> PUlk °r gfay; regUlaHy ... I 20-buttongloves;black,white nr Camping blankets In gray mixtures; Fancv satin: reeularlv 20c iwguioujr *""'u' ««w.,.,i|)ijwj ... , B »°« ,'•« - r; ':■«/«. rood weight: 10-4 alee. $1.80 pair; u-i- { and 25c now 15c Door Panels ' 25c for 32-inch mercerized pongees, in plain weaves; for suits, ' and colors; $4.50 value, $4.25 slze « 17 '! _, "^» . uuw ;■■";: _ ... uw ,' IU" ' , ; shirtwaists and men s shirts; cream, white, brown, lie-lit and med- - 8 ' Z "■; ;■■;■■■;■;"■■:;■■: Fancy ticking; reg i\ '»„ %0r; reg 75c, now. " on' ! ium blue, lavender, pink, gre^n, champagne regularly^ ; And so on down the list, with 16-but- Extra heavy single blue blankets; ,\ and 40c, now 10c, 15c and 20c Regularly $1.25, now 90c , ..'.;, / :. . ;■ ■ 5 , 60x75. special; $2.00 i Fig. silkoline ; reg. 15c, now. .8c Regularly $1.75, now $1.25 v 10c for 32-inch Glasgow linen finish suitings; lavender, brown, ! t°. 12-button, 8-button and two and Reduced prices on every size of the j Hungarian cloth; reg. 30c, 20c Cable net; reg. 55c, now... 25c ;! pink, leather, tobacco, golden brown, old rose, cadet and light ! three-clasp styles—such famous makes genuine Ostermoor Mattresses, for ;- Cretonnes; reg. 35c and 25c, Embroidered scrim; reg. blue, green, tan, champagne and black, staple all over the country as Perrins, Trefousse, Majestic, Moni which we are sole representatives. {{ now 20c and 15c $1.25, now 25c !;| at 15c. ! toretc. Inducements to Buy Your Hundreds of Pieces of Jewelry 1 Man's Firrnichinerc I inonc U ol , o ™d N^ w Much Below Value-65c e" 5 * urnisnin S l^llawO^ OVI V Olid l^fOvV : Many of the pieces set with imitation stones, rhinestones and like orna- j;! Iflke A PriCC Xllßlble ?) mentations; all gold plated and silver plated, some sterling silver. } r>^..~.,- '■ ,< t m . ... ,...■ There ought to be enthusiastic response to linens at such prices as these, < u A manufacturer's clearance-so samples, and odd pieces of which '< bargains that will appeal to a man are here in plenty during the sale this Ihcre ought to be enthusiastic response to linens at such prices as these, , A manufacturer s clearance—so samples and odd pieces ot wnicn week and next Forevanmle coming,.as they do, from a store known throughout the West for the ex- i; there are but a few of a kind, making description impossible. Look for > Men's golf shirts; cXdetached; plain colors only-blue, tan and coming,-as they do, from a store known throughout the West for the ex- ; ' & l . * Men's golf shirts; cuffs detached; plain colors only—blue, tan and cellence of its linen stocks: < !'! „. Hat Pins ■ M Brooches « Waist Fin bets •i, c ; ; gray; sold always at $1; now... 55c ( Veil Pins Scarf Pins Necklaces Cuff Links Cuff Link Sets \ Men's black and whitrctrinr««rir eV,,-r+V- ail c ; « Vmm idi"i-«i7 All hand-embroidered bedspreads, for twin size and full size beds; }■. Belt Pins Buckles good SOc quaUtv now 35c"3 f<T Von On sL eTt br°idered linen to sheets: now PriCCd $22' Innto1 nn to l^nn < Plenty of salespeople to give quick, pleasant service; plenty of coun- ]; ; Men's night shirts, made of good muslin;"regular 50c "grade","now 35c; On sale at $10.00 to $20.00 / ter space; values to $1.50 at 65c T 3 for . . $100 30-inch round German Cluny centers Special ....... $1.00 / •»» • »^x« • a* AV * Men's night' shirts—2s dozen of them; 'regular' $1 "garments" specially Linen crash; bleached; 17 inches width; regularly 10c; for, yard.. 8c ;. VV t*O ITnfhll^l/l^f'Bf* MX It I" i priced at ....75c Absorbent huck; 18-inch width; regularly 12ic; for, yard 10c ▼▼ «I « &MIUU3fiUdUC f\VKJUI Men - S dress shirts; — - — e — •■ cuffs attache or detached :$1 s Damask crash; for roller or kitchen towels; reg. 16 2-3c, for 15c \ . TPB% *»*.** H.«m<rw* grade for 75c Extra heavy crash; Russian weave; all linen; reg. 15c, for 12Jc , I il@S© DUgS v I Men's $*dress shirts for $100 Huck towels-Half linen; regularly 12 Jc, for I.oc j _ because they're just like others for which we have obtained two and Men'B all-linen initial handkerchiefs; regularly 25c; now 3 for.. ..50c All linen; regularly 25c, for 20c three times as much. When assortments dwindle, some price-cuts for Men ,s colored mercerized handkerchiefs; good variety of patterns; All linen; regularly 35c, for 25c 1: stock adjusting: ; regularly 15c, no™f for * \ 25c Extra large; very fine huck; good at 50c, now 35c TOT 1 RAGS AT $1 75 • values to $4 50 Men S fifty-cent half hose, lace patterns .... . : 25c Heavy and very good quality; reg. 75c and 85c, for 50c LOT LOT 2—BAGS AT $3.85; values to $7.50 £ f o l n™W shirtS and drawers; all slzes ' whlte onlv; "gularly Friction towels, for hot weather; corded bath towels, in several qual- !|| LOT BAGS AT $7.85; values to $16.50 I; All'odds and ends of drawers only, in Belfast " Linen ' Mesh] Ramie, ities; regularly 35c, for «7.' ....25c ', ;! Every leather, every color, every size that is good and worthy of a place h etc., small and large sizes only; special $1.50 Knit wash cloths; pink, blue or white borders; sold always at sc; on ! in a first-class leather goods stock will be represented—no "seconds," no j! Men's fine mercerized shirts and drawers; pink and blue only; regu special sale, by the dozen, for , 35c j shopworn goods, but odd lines and broken assortments. f} larly $1.25; all sizes, at, each 75c Girl's Middy Novelty Silk I Save on Notions Suits to Measure Opportunities for Art Blouses 90c Petticoats $3.75 s °| enerous"savhigs amon& very necessary Only $35.00 Needlework Lovers "A \/^r Q^s.l D.,5 JT received in . time to enter the sale I! notlOns: shields, Ifc 3c tape, 3 pieces for sc. Savings of the realest sort-on made-to- \ Enough, we are sure, for all comers, of these A Very Special PriCe new skirts, justoutof their , -tf" -* 15< P P ; standard of excellence: 0"^ j "€£€£!l£M. c ,. .... ■■■".. . , boxes, and here by express from one of '• we, auc ana ouc nmsn- Fora limited time we will take pieces; a number of different sizes; values'to these are reduced even so little bit; of the begt knQwn skirt makers fl 15c bone hair pins, 10c; ,- ing braid, 35c bolt. _ orders for making to your measure AU finished embroidery pieces—pillows, center these are reduced even a little bit; of country: ; 3 for 25c. •• 10c pearl buttons, 5c splendid hand-tailored 7 suits, lined pieces, scarfs, doilies, etc., on sale at just half tins particular style we happen to have % , 5c hooks and eyes, 2' card. with guaranteed satins and made ; Novelties of every sort that you expect to find rather too many—hence the price-cut: Rich Dresden ruffles on plain colors for sc . . after newest models, complete for . jSJ.'di.k*SSSStta?brtc^-SJl* df^tfw r-i'M-^ m i ♦ • ■ •-a novelty that's certain to please ; 5c shoe laces, 2 for sc. thirty-five dollars; the equals in p.Tces for?maXi"cSndteLttek«~tetu™toTms Girls Middy Blouses, for tennis, all of you who see it. Plain black ; 35c and 50c hose sup- . every respect of those for which we etc., out in three groups yachting golfing and outing wear and colored skirts also included. We ; porters, 25c. nets 2 for 5? and other good tailors ask $45 and ' AT A 3^ :6S^v2u« to «60 in general; white, trimmed in blue; very much doubt if any store in town ; 1Q . . , nets, 2 for sc. ; $ 50 . Choose from light, medium and AT at'sl; values to $ for girls of 8, 10, 12 and 14 | can duplicate these skirt values at ; 10c collar support sc. • 10c wire hair pin "* dark colored fabrics of every stylish \ asrSdwU ew^o^ Mv»V« M 'c?^M ™°Zn vears • 90c I anything like so low a price as $3.75. \ 10c collar supports, sc. nets, sc. weave, at the price. \ 'T/.Z.TZ\.^!T..!?..^:.Z f2 f T^ »V ' ■ Alt tf* ' ) It Is Economy to Dress All Sorts of Toilet Requisites j A Q/ila g%4 IA/aic+e ■'■■■■ in Sillr'" "' Much Below Value—6sc j *\ OQIG ill VV aISIS *;' } ' Good news of just the things in greatest demand for summer use, at less InrllfffilW DtVirtlfVlllv T?\fmr\r *JtvlA Out of the ordinary to find silks of this character at all reduced; to find jji- Prices than y° 're accustomed to paying. |; II1V.1UU1I»5 r 1 ULLICUay &VCI y OtJ^lC such sharp price-cuts in force is rare good fortune: ' I; £ 'S&gzS&i;'i^K^n:::::;::::.v:.v.v:.:v::.v.v:v::. 1!)rf..^ lit in Stock 34-inch diagonal Cachemere de Soie, in good colors; regular price j;|: 35c and EOc Carved Barettea ' ; 25c News of particular interest to women who value economy, when it ma« »z.50, to close out the lot, $1.50 .|;, All Fancy Braids HALF 1 li be achieved without loss of style or individuality or newness: 34-inch plain Cachemere de Soie, in colors only; regularly $2.50; to I!; All Braid Pins!! !!!... HALF ( at $3.Bs—Several'dozen white or black Japanese and India silk -waists; Close OUt the lot $150 >> All is*,<l.-.,.,./ WATT? ' > former prices, In nearly every Instance, $5. Good, washable silks; tucks i *")U 5? | All ttandeaux tiJ\L,t i and dainty lace yokes or lace trimming. 34 and 36-inch colored messalines; were $2.50, now $1.50 ; ,& t _ uarßnteed Syrinms . re(rular $1 75 and .„ for , 125 - . At $4 waists that have sold at IB bo and $6. 'and even as high as *7.80 2 nrif? T-niiar*- mifirantppH civrinff-oq- r^irninr *1 i^ av\A to fnv ti o^ At ? —waists tnui ujive soiu a.i. ♦j.ou ana ?>n, ana e\en as nipn as ♦<.&o 36-inch Ottoman Brilliant, in colors only; a small lot of regular $2.25 I HSHl^^ S^tt^EMCSS 4£tt3^%& quality on special sale at .$l.OO ,< Go0(J standard Perfumes; regular 60c and 75c, for, ounce ....25a wlth lace or plaln tucks -35-inch black taffeta; chiffon finish; special edge; regularly $1.25: 0 25c Pa P|er Poudre Books 150 AT $9.75— handsomest lingerie waists which sell In a regular way for on SDecial sale at - • «i nn '! With every cake of Castile or Geranium Glycerine Soap at 10c a free full I $14, $15 and $16. Not sale waists, by any means, but garments that repre f • «""»- «>«•...» $I.UU S) size wash cloth. ( gent the makers' best efforts; somo hundred waists In this assortment. Specia^Tnmmmg I At $1 1 .50 and $ 1 7.50 Women's Apparel I Ribbons Change Fringes In white black and colors- lto ot our entire stock, of course— not expect that— but very satisfactory selections from every part of our carefully purchased regular lines of stylish ,•• 2* inches wide; values to ,0,, on "special IM| •' JI • C - A C'll J 11/ 1^ jl I • * J C MI VS^^^STSS '%£££!' S& ; Ik at y; rd, ; c Wool and Linen Suits: Silk and Wool Coats: Lingerie and Silk Gowns r y la r T T £r*r -•Sb BUck and colored, plain and fancy braids 1 . , . . Persian, Dresden, plaid, molro and like and bands; values to 26c now 2 yards Bc Knowing the reputation of this house for carrying only first-class goods, women will at once recognize what an unusually good offer this —and that every handsome ribbons, regularly 40c, 50c, 75c L _! 1 1 garment has been radically reduced for this stirring week's selling. ) and even $i, on special sale at, yard sse 219-229 S. Broadway CoillteF Dry GOOdS CO. 224-228 S. Hill Street LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1910. 5