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1 fk PAGES xxxvu. 1 JLilLJil . KC\ C-JCiiMO by cariukr M MBKR ■.'».% M. XVAI_/J:j . O\J \_>Jlill XO I'KIl MONTH FIGUEROA FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER IN FIRST DEGREE Slayer of Young Bride Unmoved as Verdict of the Jury Is Rendered WILL BE SENTENCED MONDAY Killing of Girl Wife Denounced by Prosecutor as Crucifixion of Womanhood Ooorgo E. Flguoroa sat unmoved in Judge Willis' department of the superior court Bhortly after 7 o'clock iMt night and listened to the foreman of the jury which .had heard his caso read the verdict of "guilty of murder in the first degree." Jlo will l>o sen tenced Monday. With the same sttild and almost in solent look ho had worn throughout tho trial, he gazed steadfastly nt tho Jurors when they entered tho Jury box after their secret ■deliberations, heard them aaked If they had reached a verdict and listened without apparent emotion to its reading. All yesterday tho jury and the idle curloui who crowded tho courtroom to sulfocntlon listened to arguments by the prosecution and the defense. Every reason that either Bide could advaneo for taking a life for a life or not taking a life, for a suicide was given. Arthur Kectch, deputy district at torney, opened the argument for the people. He grew In eloquence as ho advanced in his logic, and step by step detailed tho happenings which led to the loss of a life. He assured tho Jurors that the evidence was not cir cumstantial— it was as plain as if an eyewitness had told them of, its every point. He visibly affected his Hearers, not only the occupants of the Jury box alone, but all who thronged the court room, as his voice rose high nbovo the whirr of tho electric fans which labored In vain to cool tho apartment, and he told of tho crucifix ion of womanhood which braved death rather than submit to dishonor. nitcinxios OF ■womanhood "When this young wife was called from the home of her husband's aunt to go to the Bummer house," said Mr. Keetch, "she went under every protest of her womanhood. Kaeh Btap sho reasoned with the husband wlio, she folt, was trying to degrade her, and when Bhe finally was forced to the door of the summer house, she pro tested with voice and' body against entering. She planted her feet firmly together, held her head high and threw out her arms to prevent being fdrced into the house —with her very body she made thnt most sacred of all emblems— cross. It was tho very crucifixion of womanhood." Joseph Seymour, Jr., and Fred W. Morrison, attorneys for the defense, followed Mr. Keetch. Considering how greatly tho evidence was against their client, they made good arguments. Mr. Seymour pictured to the Jury the last few days of a condemned man's life, telling 1 the horrors of the death cell and the few luxuries finally accorded him, as if an earthly Tantalus were showing him how the Joy of life was to be taken from him. v Capt. J. D. Fredericks, district attor ney, completed the argument for the prosecution, calling upon the Jurora for a verdict of murder in the first degreo and without any recommendations. He said ho asked that for tho Bake of tho young girls who still are living—aa a protection for them. When tho Jurors filed into the jury room, where they were locked. That was at 4 o'clock, after they had heard tlvo hours of argument. At a few min utes after 5 a pounding was heard upon tho door as if the Jurors had reached a "verdict and were hastening to tell it. Judge Willis was summoned, Figueroa was taken back into court, his father and mother resumed their seats near him after a few moments of reaplte In the fresher air outside, and the throng filed Insido to hear if a man were to lose his Hfo. But the Jury had only fooled them all. Its members merely wanted to eat their dinners. It is reported that they had reached a verdict at that time, and that they only wanted one more meal at the expense of the county. At any rate, one member admitted they had no trouble in agreeing. • ; - As they insisted upon eating, how ever, Judge Willis declared they could go, and fixed 7 o'clock as the time when all interested parties were to return. It was only a few minutes past that hour that the Jury rendered the verdict. As before, all officials had been sum- | moned. Figueroa entered without a I quiver, his face wearing what was nearer to a smile than the feelings ex pressed by any other person present. Perhaps he was thinking of the motto—. "Smile!"—attached to the wall by the gldo of the door to the Jury room. E. N. Currier, formean, cad the ver dict »lowly and clearly. Figueroa sat perfectly still, hla face absolutely calm, his eyes upon the Jurors' faces. His at torney asked for a polling of the Ju rors, and still unmoved he heard twelve men slowly respond to the calling of their names with the one word: "Guilty!" AGONY FOB MOTHER I Judge Willis set Monday morning at 10-30 o'clock as the time for parsing sentence, and dismissed the Jury. The. idlers In the court room began to tile out. An official turned to escort Figuo roa back to jail. Another said: "Let him tell his mother good night." Flgueroa turned to the little woman in black who almost cowered In her neat and threw himself Into her arms for a moment. She clasped him close — he is still "her boy." Then the young man turned to hla father, who stood at hand, nervously fingering his hat rim, staring (it the floor with eyes whioh shone, with tears. Father and son told cheek to cheek for an Instant. The convicted man went with the Jailer. The father and mother, hand in hand, left the room. Joseph Seymour announced his in tention of appealing the case. Figue roa, as lias boen frequently recounted, , vl is tried "H the charge of killing hla iiriiic- "f twenty-four days, Mrs. Sarah Pugßiey BHguerofti with whom he sloped to Saiita Ana to be married, at the summer house of his aunt, Mrs. Eloiaa Sammann, at Ocean Park, the night of May 22. LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY FORECAST For l<nn Angeles and vicinity—Fair Satur day) l!<jlit west wind. Maximum tempera ture yesterday 81 degrees) minimum Gl. LOS ANCELES George Flgueroa found guilty of murder In first dugree for killing of young wlfo. PAGE 1 Chnrlcs A. Snider an wife Injured when Pico street car hits auto. PAGB 1 General West surprised at Los Angeles' growth in twenty years. ; I'AQB 3 Church to hold special service for race track touts and gamblers. PAGB 4 Miss Hazel Barter and mother of I>og An geles deny she Is brldo of mining man IVM. PAOI3 5 Equalization board stands firm on assesH ment of taxt.t. PAOB 8 Representatives, of Iluntlngton Interests plead tat more paving law. PAOB 8 Charles T. Hendrlek, well known tenor, sent to Insane ward at county hospital. . -■ PAOB 8 Artist's will shows many of his friends ar» remembered. PAGB 8 Montenegrins charged with threatening life of "patriot" under arrest. PAGK I Ilojii find body of Margaret Henzn floating near Bristol pier. PAOB 9 Jack Colburg is run down and killed by motor car on Southern FaclDo line. PAGB 9 Supervisors refuse to return plans of un successful bidders on hall of records furnishings. PAGIS 9 Foundations are being laid for handsome historical and art museum at Agricultural park. ■ PAOB 9 President of Good Government fund says It |i no part of the organization of same niunf. PAGB 13 Pasadena business men Indorse candidacy of J. P. Wood for superior Judge. PAOB 13 Meyer Llsaner, secretary of Good Govern ment lenKuo, says Johnson will win nor n for governor. PAGB 13 Lincoln-Roosevelt workers canvassing as sembly districts. PAOB 13 Democrats take political vacation while Republicans fight among themslves. PAQB 13 T:. > Rev. Joseph McManus appointed pastor of St. Mary's church. PAOB 18 Dr. W. H. Gelstwclt to supply pulpit of Uev. Brougher. ' PAOB 16 Ilulldlng permits. PAOEI 5 Shipping. -. PAOB 6 Citrus fruit report. PAGB 8 Municipal affairs. PAGB 8 Sports. PAGES 10-11 Editorial and letter box. PAOB 12 Politics. PAOB 13 City brevities. PAGB 13 Marriage licenses, birth, deaths. PAGB 14 CMasslilel advertising. PAGES 14-15 Personals. PAGES 10 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Mrs. Robert J. Burdetto attempts to vote in bond election. PAGB 1 Fight to deny admission of Mrs. Skelly's rtylnt? statements in trial of husband for murder. PAGB 4 Two boys drown In Ccrrltos slough near Long Beach. PAGB 5 Death of veteran at Ocean Park puzzles police. .. . PAGB 9 Minnie A. Barton petitions court to annul ; marriage with Hin m A. Barton. PAGE 14 Rev. Ooorge M. Lehlgh speaks on 'True Devotion" before Baptist assembly. PAOK 14 The Mls.«es Trance accused of battery for ejecting woman from lodging house. PAOB 14 Pasadena school bond election falls to carry. PAGE 14 COAST Attorneys for Van tilew, principal of Chlco normal school, attack right 8t state super intendent of education to sit on examining board. PAOB 2 San Bernardino woman dies of terrible burns caused by explosion of gasoline. PAGB 3 "Assembly" Republicans in Oregon begin war on system of election of senators. • _ PAGB 3 Loss In forest fires In northwest total more than J6,000,000. PAGB 11 James J. Regan of St. Paul seltcted as grand president of Ancient Order of Hi bernians. PAGB 11 EASTERN Senator Cummlngs declares that Republican party broke 1U pledges in revision nf tariff. PAGB 1 Western Federation of Miners plans action against Homestake mine to t«tt co-called blacklist policy. • PAOB 1 President Taft concludes Bar Harbor stay. PAOH 1 Deep mystery shrouds theft of 170,000 worth i of bonds from Russo-Chlnose bank in New Tork. PAOB 1 Senator Pristow speaks on railway law at Junction City, Kas. PAGB 2 General Crozier, chief of ordinance, says sudden pull caused explosion at Fort Monroe. PAOB 2 War department orders establishment of two army cooking schools. PAGB 2 Head of Plttsburg Team Owners tests traffic law and Is arrested. PAGB 2 National Dental association to hold next meeting in Cleveland. PAOB 3 Cotton, copper and Illuminating oil load United States exports during fiscal year Just closed. PAGE 16 Roosevelt discusses literature with pollti clans. PAOE 16 WOMEN'S SONG SAVES THEM FROM RATTLESNAKE Reptile, Ready to Strike, Charmed to Sleep by Music [Special to Tho Herald] SAN BERNARDINO, July 22.—Mr&. P. P. Dunlap sang a venomous rat tlesnake to sleep, aided by Mrs. Harry Allison and Mrs. W. A- Vale. When the big reptile had dozed off under the spell of vocal music the women hurriedly destroyed it. They sang:, not because they wished to remain by the snake, but because thoy realized that only by charming the, reptile could all escape unharmed. The three were seated on a lounge under the trees on the Vale ranch in Waterman canyon. Suddenly Mrs. Dunlap, a society woman of Rialto, perceived the snake crawling from a cushion upon which she was seated. It was between her and h«.r friends, who also occupied the lounge. "L«t'3 sing," whispered Mrs. Dun lap, as she camtnenced to hum "Near er My God to Thee." The others took up the hymn, ndt knowing the reason for tho sudden song. They sang in a low tone, the sweet words floating through the silven gloom, and at tract ing a merry bunch of picnickers opposite, who paused in their laughter and rollicking to listen. Tim snake paused also. Its head was oruct and motionless. As it remained in that position for sonw minutes Mrs. Dunlap quietly iiroso and still singing beckoned to her friends, who at that moment perceived the deadly serpent. All-maintained their presence of mind, and only when at a safe distance and armed with clubs did their singing cease. They then killed the reptllo. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 2:*, 1910. MYSTERY SHROUDS $70,000 THEFT OF BONDS FROM BANK Russo-Chinese Institution in New York Loses Big Bunch of Securities NO CLEW FOUND TO ROBBER Valuables Disappear from Safety Deposit Box to Which Several Had Keys [Associated PressJ NEW TORK, July 22.—The Russo- Chinese bank, one of the most power ful financial Institutions In the far eaat, Is short $70,000 in negotiable bonds, which disappeared from Its branch office hero some time last week. There is no clew to the thief. An nouncement of the loss was made to day but only the most meager dotalls were available. All Inquiries were re ferred by tho bank to its counsel who replied that, without the permission of tin; bank, ho could give only a very circumscribed statement. These are the facts he gave: The Kusso-Chlnese bank In thla city has no vaults of its own, but rents vaults in a nearby bank, the name of which is withheld. Some time, pre cisely when is not stated, a safety de posit box containing the missing se curities was taken from the neighbor- Ing vaults to the second floor of tho bank. On Thursday the loss of the securities boname known. Several em ployes of tho bank had keys to the box but none of them had disappeared and nono is mentioned as under sus picion. manaoer on vacation A rigid examination of the circum stances surrounding tho loss is being made. Thus far, the facts on which to baso an examination are so slight that no complaint has been made to the police and no private detective has been called up. Counsel could not even say when the securities were last seen or chocked up. Gustav Gortz, now in Europe, whith er he left on his vacation two weeks ago, is manager of the Russo-Chinese bank hero. A list of the missing se curities has been furnished to all bankers as follows: Southern Railroad Development and General Mortgage four per cent bonds, $25,000; Union Pacific convertible four per cent bonds, $30,000; Southern Pa cific convertible four per cent bonds, $10,000; Norfolk & Western bonds, $1000. $1000 MISSING FROM LOCAL BANK'S SHIPMENT Mystery Surrounds Disappear- ance in San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, July 22.—For the past two weeks officials of the Crocker National bank and the San Francisco postofflce have been endeavoring to trace a package of $1000 missing from a consignment of $100,000 sent through the mails by the First National bank of Los Angeles. It was delivered to a clerk at the Crocker who gave his receipt for the full amount. The transaction was between John P. Hearst, bank clerk, and Frank A. Haas, clerk In the postofflce. Hearst has been suspended on a charge of carelessness. The money was shipped in four mail sacks, each containing 25 coin sacks and each sack contain ing $1000 in $20 gold pieces. When the money reached the bank from the office, conveyed in an auto mhobile by Hearst and another clerk named Cassius P- Wright, who acted as guard. It was locked for four hours in a wire cage before being counted. Then It was discovered that one sack was missing. WOMAN ROBBED OF $40,000 HAMBURG, July 22.—1t was report ed here today that thieves on board the Hamburg-American liner Amorlka robbed Eva Stradford of New Jersey of jewelry valued at $40,000. The Ham burg police believe the thieves belong to an International band working on transatlantic liners. CHURCH MEMBERS WILL OPERATE GROCERY STORE Name This Unusual Venture 'the Square Deal Grocery' WASHINGTON, Ind., July 22.—As a means of raising funds with which to erect a new church in tho west end of the city the congregation of tho second M. E. church will operate a grocery store. Tho congregation pur chased a store, and the pastor, Rev. William Hogan, has been put in charge.- The name has been changed to "The Square Deal Grocery." The preacher is not a novice in the grocery business. "Do you intend to continue selling cigars and chewing tobacco." he was asked. ••Yes " was tho reply "wo must do that, for that Is part of the business." WILDCAT AND WOLF ARE KILLED IN SAN DIEGO SAN DIEGO, July 22.—A wild cat Goldberg, a bride of a few days, gave a different portions of tha business sec tion of this city yesterday afternoon by policemen. The wildcat was found in a chicken corral by v woman and the wolf was tound under a flat car in the yards of a local lumber company. Both were slain without difficulty. How they succeeded In penetrating to the heart of the city before being discovered •''>■■ PRESIDENT TAFT LEAVES WATERING PLACE IN COACH Concludes Bar Harbor Stay with Overland Trip and Boards , the Mayflower MAKES SPEECH ON GREEN Addresses Townspeople on Sub ject of Vacations and Bene fit Derived Therefrom [Associated Press] * BAR HARBOH, Mo., July 22.—Presi dent Taft brought his stay at Bar Har bor to a close this afternoon. He left as a member of a, merry coaching party headed for Seal Harbor, eleven miles away. The Mayflower steamed around to Seal Harbor to meet the president. The yacht afterward went to Northeast harbor and anchored there for the night, with the presidential party on board. Tomorrow morning she will steam across Frenchman's bay to 'the Mount Desert ferry, where Mr. Taft will take a special train for Bangor, After visiting that city for two hours and making a speech, he will proceed by special train to Ellsworth, the home of Senator Hale, to be the latter*s guest until Sunday afternoon. Mr. Taft also will make a short epeech at Ellsworth. The president left everybody In Bar Harbor happy. He met the townspeo ple today on the village green and made a speech to them. He spoke of the value of vacations, and won much ap pleause by saying that two weeks no longer suffices for summer rest, but sixty days seemed the proper time In which to recuperate from the nerve exhausting work of the winter. The president told the people of Bar Harbor the summer air here was like "cham pagne In a prohibition state," and that tho severe winter tended to build up a sturdy and never-surrendering race. MAKES COACHING TRIP As soon as the president had finished his speech he mounted the coach, which was tooled by Philip Livingston of New York, and with a nourish of trumpets was away for Seal Harbor. Arriving there, he and his party were enter tained at luncheon by Mrs. Mark Han na. Tonight the party was entertained at luncheon by Mrs. Charlemagne Tow f.r. at her place two miles from the har bor. Mr. Taft la adhering strictly to his determination to keep away from poli tics on this trip. There was not a sug gestion of politics in his speech today. He said in part: "In my father's time he thought, though a hard working lawyer, that two weeks vacation was ample time during the year, and when I came to the bar he suggested that if I stayed at home in the summer months I would make a good deal more money than If I went away. "But the American people have found that there is such a thing as exhaust ing the capital of one's health and con stitution, and that two or three months' vacation after the hard nervous strain to which one is subjected In the autumn and spring Is necessary. "Mr. Justice Strong of the supreme bench, who lived to be 88 or Sit, told me it was part of his life to take sixty days each year out in the woods, away from the people, exercising and living in the open air, and to that he attrib uted his long life." TO ACT AGAINST HOMESTAKE MINE Western Federation of Miners ' Plans Suit to Test So- Called Black List DTCNVER, July 22.—1f a resolution presented to the convention of the Western Federation of Miners this af ternoon is finally adopted, a test suit will be brought against the owners of the Homestake mine in South Dakota because of the use *>t its so-called blacklist policy. The committee on resolutions asserts that the barring (rf miners because of their membership in labor organisa tions is a violation of the constitution guaranteeing free speech and other forms of individual liberty and believes the mine owners may be punished for requiring workmen to disavow their al legiance to organized labor. J. P. Madigan, delegate of the Great Falls, Mont., union, against whom charges of serving as deputy sheriff during the strike of switchmen on the Great Northern railroad were preferred, was exonerated by the committee ap pointed to make an investigation. The convention postponed action until next Tuesday, waiting further evidence. Teli ■;rams from Great Falls union gave Madipan a clean bill cf health, but a member of the Switchmen's union sign ing himself "Maloney" sent a telegram stating that furher affidavits against Madigon were being forwarded. Mad igan stated that the switchmen's and minors' organiaztlons In Great Falls were not on friendly terms. COL. THOMPSON SURRENDERS NEW YORK, July 22.—C01. Robert M. Thompson, who was abroad June 17, when the federal grand jury Indicted him, together with James A. Patten and Hve others, for conspiracy in re strinnt of trade In connection with the operation of an alleged cotton pool, to day surrendered himself to United States Commissioner Shields. Colonel Thompson was released on a $5000 bond. SENATOR TO PRESIDE OMAHA, July 88. The Idpuhliean state centra] oommlttee today nom inated United BtfttM Senator Korrla Brown of Kearney temporary chair man of the state convention which me«tl ut Lincoln July 27. Airship Built by Massachusetts Congressman Tested by U. S. Navy ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 22— Testa of the Ames aerocycle, as the air ship Invented by Congressman Butler Ames of Massachusetts will HUMORIST'S WIFE ATTEMPTS VOTING Mrs. Robert J. Burdette Endeav ors to Cast Ballot in the Bond Election "I am in favor of voting bonds for militant suffragette," said Mrs. Clara B. Burdette, wife of Robert J. Bur dette, pastor-humorist, after she had attempted to register her vote at the high school bond election today. "I have been urged to join the movement, but I decided that the time has not come for me to join the 'votes for women' club. I contend that the basis of suffrage should be educational with a property qualification on all bond elections. I have been a taxpayer in Pasadena for eighteen years and 1 be lieve I have the educational qualifi cations. I do not advocate the franchise for women In general elections at tins time, but I do claim Hint the time is here when every woman taxpayer should be allowed to vote on bond elections. "I a mm favor of voting bonds tor municipal water, for seliools and t"r playgrounds, and I believe that if the women taxpayers were allowed to vote on those questions the city would he brought out of the present, small, nar row, penurious way of (loins tilings. Women oertatianly are as well quail fled to east intelligent ballots on these, questions as some men whom we see in lino at the election booths.'' Mrs. Burdette followed her hußband to the ballot box today and calmly marked her ballot !n favor of the $:■»'>. --000 bond issue and the Colorado street site When she offered her vote to the inspector that official at first seemed nonplused, for it was the first time in the history of Pasadena, so far as known, that a woman had at tempted to vote. When ha recovered he said: "Is your name on the great register?" "No," replied Mrs. Burdette," but it has been on the tax rolls for many years with constantly Increasing as sessments apainst it." Mrs Burdette was not allowed to cast her ballot officially, but she signed her name to the slips of paper ami In serted them in the box "for future ref erence," as she termed it. With that the incident was closed. She stated last evening that she has no intention of testing the validity of the law at this time. CHICAGO BROKER SENT TO JAIL FOR 3 MONTHS CHICAGO, July 22.—Willis Counsel man, broker and clubman, whoso di vorce from his Insane wife, Lulu Counselman, wal »et aside by the courts after Counselmnn married Miss Clara French, was sentenced to three months in Jail by Judge Chetlaln in the superior court here today. Judge Chetlain held Counsolman in contempt of court becauso of the broker's tes timony in the divorce hearing. BARON CALTHORP DIES LONDON, July 22.—Augustus Cholo mondeley (ioiiKh-Caithorp, sixth baron Calthorp, died here today. He was born November 8, 1 IjiVTI l< 1 i'() I* I l<lv< • DAILY te. ON TRAINS Be. OlJUiji' VjUllijO. M M).\YS 80. ON TKAINS 10<b BCTI.EU AMES probably be called, began at the naval academy today. Before a naval board the workings of the machine were dem onstrated by its inventor. CAR AND AUTO IN CRASH; TWO HURT Charles F. Snider and Wife Are Severely Injured on East Pico Street Charles P. Snider,, asalstnnt secre tary of the Charles L. Hubbard com pany, and his wife were hurled from their automobile und injured painfully last night when their machine was struck by a westbound Pico street car near Hoover street. The auto was thrown to one side of the street and smashed. Mr. and Mrs. Snider were ruling near Hoover and Pico street when west bound car No. 353 of the Pico street line, in charge of W. C. Sharp, motor man and Conductor Frazier, ap proached. Snider, who was at the wheel of the auto, thought the motor man was about to stop at Hoover street and so he steered his automo bile in front of the car, so witnesses say. S.i as to turn into Pico street. The motorola!!, however, continued on at un'liminished speed. The fender of the car struck the rear of the auto, throw ing the latter sidewlse against the front end of the car. The machine was hurled to the curbstone. The occupants were thrown directly in front of the street car wheels, ac cordlng to spectators, and were only sived from death by the prompt ac tion of the motorman, who applied the brakes when he saw a collision was in evitable. The victims, refusing to go to tne receiving hospital, were taken to their home at 1776 West Twenty-second street, whore Dr. M. L. Moore of 800 South Alvarado street was called. Dr. Moore found Mrs. Snider was Buefflrng from a scalp wound, abrasions a.m| lacerations on both knees and from shock. Snider suffered a lac. ra tion above the right eye, contusions on Hi,, nose and upper lip, and his. back is sprained. He was also lacerated in a score of places-. Or Moore said Snider may have sur fered internal injuries. The victims were bo dazed from the accident they could not give any accurate account of it. FEDERAL GRAND JURY PROBING PACKING CO. CHICAGO, July 22.—The federal grand jury which is conducting the in vestigation Into the. affairs of the N - tlonal Packing company heard the te§ tlmony of eight witnesses hire today and adjourned until Tuesday, when the examination of witnesses will be continued. Witnesses who appeared today were from the east and south. BIG GUNS' SHELLS PIERCE SAIL OF WHITNEY YACHT NEWPORT, U- I, July 81—It ni learned today that Harry Payne Whit ney and his brother, Payne Whitney, had a narrow escape as the sub-caliber had a narrow escape at the sub-caliber Wednesday. Two shells pierced the mainsail of the former's steam yacht Atlantic aa they were passing the forts. The brothers were seated beneath the boom and the shells paused but a few feet above their heads. CENTS ] G. O . P. PLATFORM PLEDGES BROKEN S AYS CUMMINS Proimses on Tariff Revisior Not Kept in Payne Measure; De clares lowan BLAMES ALDRICH AND CANNON Invades the District of a Kansas Regular and Upholds Insurgents' Stand [Associated Press! COUNCIL GROVE, Kas., July 22.— Senator Albert B. Cummins of lowa In a speech before a Chautauqua audience here tonight asserted the pledge of tha Republican national platform for a re vision of the turlff was not fulfilled, and Senator Aldrich and Speaker Can non and tho others who took the lead in framing the tariff bill had never at tempted and never intended to keep tho pledge. Senator Cummins came Into the district of one of the Kansas regu- lar congressmen. Representative James Miller, to give this message. He said: "Cannon and Aldrich and other stand pat loaders were driving the nation into Socialism or co-operative control and away from the Individual or competi tive theory. "It is only -within the last few years that the lack of competition between American and foreign goods has become so marked that the people began to talk about the tariff duties being too high. The people have found the absence of foreign competition in the markets of this country has made It possible for the American manufacturer to increase his prices at his own sweet will without regard to actual market conditions. "In the Republican platform there was no technical promise to revise tho tariff upward or downward. The party simply pledged itself to make such re vision of the tariff as would equalize the cost of production here and abroad and make competition possible In this country in many lines. CONOBSM FAILS EM DUTY "It was the duty of congress to make this revision. Congress did not do it. It did not even attempt to do it. Under the leadership of Cannon and Aldrich the tariff was revised without the. slightest heed to tho cost of production of anything. It is of no avail to reduce the duties on any commodity if the duty is left so high that the domestic producer can still maintain his prices by keeping out competition or even make his prices higher than before and still have lower duty. Some duties were reduced, but not so it would benefit the American people in any way because there was no effort made to get the productive cost of the article. "In many cases the charges were left so high that the price on many articles was increased in the face of a reduc tion in tariff, and because the domes tic manufacturer was not afraid of for- eign competition. In all the long debate on the tariff bill Senator Aldrich never attempted to apply the standard of the Repub lican platform pledge. Ho and his tol lowers openly and contemptuously re nudiated every word of that platform pledge In all the evidence taken by the house ways and means committeo there were not a dozen items of tho 6000 in which a showing was made aw to the cost of production at home and abroad. OFFEBS A REMEDY "The insurgents—or progressives, a better term—are for two remedies. "First, knowledge of the cost or production. No one knows what the different items of cost now are. What we need is the constant work of an intelligent, independent, impartial and non-partisan tariff commission that can get the information and then tell congress just what it wants to know. The first tense of the progressives is to establish such a commission. Wo hpve made a start in tho tariff board, but it is not the best way of doing "The second remedy is to make a rule whereby any schedule of the tariff bill may be revised at will with out going through the whole of tho tariff schedule. This would eliminate the intolerable evils of the present system whereby a congressman will make combinations with other mem bers and will vote for many schedules lie believes are absolutely wrong to K er a schedule he believes Is right. When shown a report from De 3 Moines today to the effect that he fav ored the organization of a third party to take up tho progressive propaganda, Senator Cummins said: "I havo never thought of a new narty and am not organizing one now, and do not believe in it as the ex ponent of progressive Ideas. Tho Tle rmblican party can be made the pro gressive party, and I am a Republi can." ADMIRAL RODGERS WILL SEARCH ALASKA FOR SON To Follow New Clew as to the Youth's Whereabouts SEATTLE, July 22.—Rear Admiral John A. Rodgers, who has just retired from the command of the Puget Sound navy yard and who will be placed on the retired list of the navy next Tues day, sailed for Nome on the steamer Senator today and will make search in the interior of Alaska for his 22-year old son Alexander, who went north last summer to look for fortune and adven ture and who vanished from the over land trail half way between Valdei and Fairbanks. Recently a letter was received from Bethlohem, at the mouth of the Kus kokwim that a youth answering the description of the admiral's lost son had been engaged there In building a boat to go up the Kuskokvrlm toward the Idltarod. Admiral Rodgers will follow this clew and others that he may find. Alaska has been so thor oughly searched, however, that it i« feared the white-hulred father's queat will end in pathetic failure.