Newspaper Page Text
Y©O¥E TMDED ©THEIRS — TRY MEEHLO WHMTPMES FOR RENT ATABTMENTS—FURNISHED AND - UNFIiItNISUKU Hotel Seville 752-754 8. FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotsls In th* eh 7* Newly furnished throughout; steam heat; hot and cold water; electrlo lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Fhonesi M.iln 8613; PttU. 4-t-ti The St Regis Housekeepng apartments. 237 So. Flower st. Main 2290; A 7338. Near business center; at tractive building, cool porches, room phones, clean, nicely furnished apartments, $12.60 to $28. Single room* $2.50, $1 weekly» fft.nO to «1S monthly. »-»-lmo BOOMB—FPBMBHBP GIRARD HOUSE 115 B. THIRD BT. "lit all outside rooms; 60 with prlTatt liath; central location: elevator irrvloe; ateam keat; rates a» low as $16 month; with private bath. $25. Main 1330; Horn* 10$ll. t-u-tt HADDON HALL HOTEL 330\j South Spring St. Large, clean, well furnished rooms; rates by week, $2 to $4; month, $7 to $15; day. 60c. 75c. $1. _7-12-W TWO LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED COM plctn for housekeeping; newly papered; bath, water and gas free; $3 week. 1011 N. nROADWAY. 7-21-3 ; nOUSES—UNFURNISHED ■ FOR RENT—7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $18 per month; ten minutes to business district; 6c fare. E. W. HOWATII, 649 S. Main St., near Seventh, ndwy. 5310, F4078. 7-22-23-:i-3t FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM HOUBB, MODERN conveniences; barn, alley entrance. 1145 E. 37th St.; block from car. Inquire 1182 B, 37TH. 7-23-2 FOR EXCHANGE REAL KSTATB .. EXCHANGE SNAP 20 acres good loam soli, near churches and schools, only one mile from the busy town of Anaheim, 46 minutes from I.os Angeles. There Is a good residence, hard Onlsh Inalde; large barn, chicken houses and pens, well, windmill and tank house. Improvements are good and substantial. Family orchard, gar den, lawn and flowers. It's a pretty, home like looking place. The personal property Includes 400 chickens, 3 flnely bred cows, good horse, buggy, harness and farm wagon; ttlfo tools and implements. Price $6500, easy terms, or owner will exchange- for Los An geles house and lot worlh $3000, tome caah, balance OH time. resh & McCarthy co. 624 Hellman Bldg., 411 S. Main St. 7-23-1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA—FOR EX change—Wo have an equity of $700, amounting to one-half the value, of 640 acres of land In the most fertile valley of Southern California; plenty of water; will exchange for vacant or Improved prop erty In Los Angeles or vicinity. . CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 641-2 San Fornando Bldg. 7-21-8 FOR EXCHANC3E—CLEAR LOT AT RE DONDO FACING THE OCEAN. FINE VIEW. FINE FOR ' APARTMENTS. THREE BLOCKS FROM CITY HALL. WOULD EXCHANGE FOR LOT AT GLENDALE, TROPICO, IIUNTINGTON PARK OR CITY. VALUE $900. AD DRESS BOX 664, HERALD. 7-14-tf JXJR EXCHANGE—WE HAVE AN EQUITY of $700 In fine land; will trade for auto mobllo or as part payment on automo bile. See CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 641-2 San Fernando Bldg. T-M-l FOR EXCHANGE-REAL ESTATE. WE do. Large list to choose from. What have you? SEE LUNDEEN FOR HOMES CO., Suite 133 Central Bldg., 6th and Main Sts. 7-12-lmo FOR EXCHANGE—A CLEAR LOT AT COLTON. CAL.. VALUE $300, FOR DIAMOND. RUNABOUT OR WHAT. AD . DRESS BOX 634, HERALD. 7-14-tf FOR EXCHANGE—WE CAN EXCHANGE your property, no matter where located. SLACK & COMPANY. 418-20 Grant Bldg. 21-33t Ml.-SCKLL.AMvO WILL TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CRBBK Gold company and other mining (took for stock In California Wave Motor company (Reynold!). BOX Ui. Herald. »-»6-tt WHAT HAVB YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR A g«d 46-70 Sprtosfleld rlfl.T .Addres. BOX 201 Herald office. «-»-tl FOR EXCHANGE—A GOOD 45-70 RIFLE. FOR a good shotgun, or what have rout Address BOX W8 Herald office. «-t»-tf rOR EXCHANGE-A GOOD 45-70 RIFLB for a »ood shotgun, or what have youT Ad dress BOX SOI. Herald. 4-29-tt CHEAP JOHN BUYS AND SELLS EVERY thlng. Address 718 X FIFTH ST. 6-22-lmo CESSPOOLS L.I'ERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPING CO.— take out \arg«»t load. West 6393; 22040. 2-10-tf ' -V«ff'™Ll~M~f '_~n "Laws, sakea nllve. If there's {pai WzHXA^w^K>!\ anything In this world more indua ™§P|liirW«- %-f^ trlous tli;m a California flea I'd like ¥BBSws^l*'/' '\ fiil to know Ita name," said Aunt Em '9B&&f'<:^oJE> lly as she scratcher] tlle place where yNiePsi^i^' " woul<^ do the most good. d&r&/P^>>i3£\ "Los Angclea Homeseeker is his /K}|^4j*2^EJn name," said Uncle Fuller, "and just f vtygp^/f*'?/^?^^ now ne has any old armor-clad, - fi\y dagger-tooth flea skinned a mile, •;. :„• V when it comes to real hustle." ■*;.-" While the homeaeeker is busily seeking, and finding, the realty man ia just as alert. Carpenters, paint ers, plasterers, masons, artisans of '• all kinds are working up to the end of an 8-hour day, building more homes for more homeseekers. Have, ' you bought yours? No? Well, 1 '» • there's no excuse for that. Read Herald classified ads. for good propositions and BUT. "■■ ■ I FOR SALE SIIBURnAN rRorERTV $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ <f> 1 $500 \ I Orchard i I Dale I «* Acres Z tA </> Z Honest Valises <» *^ Invest your money In beautiful (A East Whlttler, r», 10 and 19-acre | -- tracts. Oo out anil see the new w I w orchards being; planted. Two- tn &3- year-old orcliardn sell at $1800 tn per acres t anil H-jear-oid orch- if) ard» »3UOO to *SS«O per acre. *# ( <& I </> We ran positively show yoa " ' n whrre yon ran clear $800 per a«re <fi In two years. One-fourth rash, -« <y> balance lonff time nt low Inter- w f « est. Come prepared to buy and ■£/> *" see this beautiful spot. m «> OncnARD DAI.F—An Ideal *" home villa. Subdivision overlook- </i j *"■ ln)f mnunlain, valley and sea. Ab- „ e/j. solutely frostless, rich n|lt soil, T*i nhundanre free nnter; $100.(100 <yj *" worlh of Improvements Riven to ifi Its purchaser*. *" V» SEE ORCHARD DALE *» w early and buy the cream w „ of Southern California. ■«» Z Davison, j Z Smith j; Z & Mizener 2 *" OWNERS. & t» 218-219 Pac. Elec. Bldg. Z Phone A 3617 <* m *° Dally ex. su ff </> \Jm fS tfi rfj (J ff* tf* tf* flj C? (1? (Ij O *2j *j^ (J* SyJJij'IpiJvVVVVVvvV WITH CHARLES MASON . will make a real estate Investment; $10 a month will hold It for certain profit In San Pedro LOS ANOELES' $15,000,000 HARBOR the only guaranteed city In the world. Phone F2334, Broadway 4762. or write 203 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, corner Fifth and Hprlng streets, or 117 W. Sixth street, Kan Pedro, Cal. . ■ CHARLES MASON 7-16-tu-th-sat-sun-tf LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN PARK For a short time all lots $250 $5 DOWN, $1 A WEEK No Interest, No Taxes. W. W. NORTON & CO. 415 South Hill St. Phone Main 8774. 7-13-tf ON THE VENICE SHORT LlNE—slsoo— 192Hx182, well located, equal to four lots, next ta new Venice boulevard; Just tha place for rambling California bungalow. 080808 J COTE, -"20 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Maln_B6B<: A 5161. 7-15-33t CITY LOTB AND LANOS FOR SALE)—GOOD RESIDENCE LOT, N. W. corner 67th aye. and Aldama it., Highland Park; street work, sidewalks nnd «ewer all paid for; fine bungalow site. Can arrange terms. Might consider good exchange. Address OWNER 154S North Hoover. T-15-tt I.MTKRIAL VAIXBY FOR SALE-OOOD FIVE-ACRE CHICKEN ranch in San I.vis Oblspo county: good soil; BlmoKt new 7-room hou«e. flne well, wlnd . ill and tank, good sized barn; only few blocks from good scnool and railway station; In best of climate- will go for $1800 In next 30 days. . ... I have also FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Town property, ranches, large and small, walnut orchards and eucalyptus lands, all in San Luis Oblspo county. For further particulars call on or address D. B. MEAD, Westgate, Cal. 7-17-lmo LOS AffGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1010. FOR SALE urn sis I. " CITY—FOR SALE New, Modern and Strictly Down to Date g {t | t J • By i The Largest Co-operative Build* ing Company in the World Builder and Owner. These Choice Homes Are Located Upon Our College Tract mi iimex And contain all of tho most modern Interior ' flnllh and conveniences, as hard^ woo« 1 floors, beams, plate rail. buffet, beautiful flrep ar*. »'.'ok^ e'^f^ kltciien. screen porch, decorated and tinted walls, cement porch, gas. electno lights and sewer, lawns made, shade trees, etc. mm« va- Each home buyer Is given tho free uso of and option upon the adjoining va cant lot for two years at present price. A FEW PRICES $292?— Modern 5-Room Bungalow. $3100 Modern 5-Room Bungalow. $3850 —Modern 5-Room Bungalow. $3400 Modern 6-Room Bungalow. $3500 —Modern 6-Room Bungalow. $4100 —Modern 7-Room Bungalow. $5000 —Modern 7-Room Bungalow. $5700—Modern 8-Room Bungalow. Ai^'u'pon^o'uV V^m-paVing terms. Monthly payment. Including Interest. In turance and taxes. OR WILL BUILD TO SUIT Upon the same terms. Grand "avenue car marked West 48th street direct to the tract. Our autos in waiting at our Hill street office every day except Sunday. Have properties in all sections of the city. \ DEEBLE TRACT SPECIALS Hooper aye. car on Spring st. to 36th st. ng^ $2850 —Modern 6-room hunnalow. $2600 —Modern 6-room bungalow. $100 cash, $25 a month. Call and let us show you some of our choice homes. tos Angeles Investment Co. Main 2248 333-337 S. HILL ST. 60127 11 HOUSES FOR BALE— . High-Class Bungalows ONLY $150 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT. Handsome 6 and 7-room, itrictly modern, new BunKalow; large lot that cmnmnnds an uninterrupted view of the surrounding hlUs and mountains: cement porch and steps, large veranda, waxed oak and maple floors throughout; woodwork In lemlsh oak finish; dainty living room, with built-in seats and bookcases, handsome brick mantel and lighting fixtures equal In elegance and de elgn to those found in ISOtiO residences; built in buffet S feet wide; leather paneling In living room and dining room; an ideal Fri neh kitchen, equipped with cupboards, flour bins and drawers; screen porch and laundry tray; bath with iavatory and con veniently built-in dressing case; bedrooms also have built-in dressers, largo beveled plate glass mirror; latest sanitary plumbing; hardwood In bedrooms, bath and kitchen white enamel; In fact, every one of Its rooms has new and interesting features, end the living rooms are to cozlly arranged; gas, electric lights, lawn and shade trees aleo in. These houses have been carefully built by day labor and aio delightful homes. You will agree with ma if you see them. OWNER «15 N. New Hampshire Heliotrope drive enr to Clinton aye., go cast two blocks. 7-21-23-21-3t |C 0 DOWN, -f2O PER MONTH BUYS A6 room modern home, gas, electrlo lislus, high, level lot 60x150, curb and sidewalk; near 5c yellow car; school, church, etc., close by. Apply 1 BELVEDERE REALTY CO. 4600 B. First St. Phone Home 41550, Boyle 1158. " . 7-22-tf A Cozy 5 loom Bungalow Good Valie $13?5 $.10 down anil $I."> l>er month, rratly to move Into. Living; room, tliree bedroom*, large cabinet kitchen, closets, cooler, screen porch, bathroom, toilet, ttno large lot, best of candy lanm soil, cool and de lightful climate) cement walks, curb all in; artesian water piped into each lot; 10 minutes from Sixth and Main. See owner at once. Open Haturdny nl«-ht. 8. EHKLICH, 6W South Main st. FOR SALE—RESIDENCE. MODERN. 8 ROOMS, 9 BLBBPINQ PORCHES, WEST LAKE DISTRICT: LOT 60x150; EAST FRONT; HIGH GROUND; BUILT 3 YEARS. OCCUPIED BY OWNER. CALL HOME PHONE 51691. 7-21-6 FOR SALE—S-ROOM HOUSE, PLASTBR ed, gaa, eleotriclty, aewer connectkins; all street work done; $1500, 1100 down, 110 per month and interest. Why pay rent or live in apartments? See owner, JAMES INVERARITY, 1479 E. Forty-sec ond atreet. 7-22-3 FOR SALE-PORTABLE) HOUSE, 18xSB; FINE condition. Low price for Immediate sals; cash or terms. SOUTH 5689, or P. Q. BOX 1103, Huntlnfton Park. t-litt FOR SALE HOVSES 1 ' II COIMHV PROI'KBTY SACRAMENTO VALLEI IRRIGATED lands. The largest Irrigation project in California. The most valuable water right In the world, granted by special act ot congress. Irrigating an area from 4 to 12 miles wide and 70 miles long in Glenn and Colusa counties; 150 miles northeast of 6an Francisco; 85 miles north of Sacra mento. Both river and rail transporta tion. Roads graded around each quarter eection. Water delivered to the highest boundary of each 40. Complete drainage ayatem. Most perfect system of irrigation ever undertaken. No pioneering to ba done. Good towns. with telephones, eleo tricity, schools, churches; $125 an acre. Including perpetual water right; $15 an acre caeh. balance in ton annual pay ments. No land sold to speculators—only actual sottlers —tillers of the soil wanted. This is a Kuhn project. The Kunns de veloped the Twin Halls teflon In Idaho and their prevloug signal achievements of this kind 'nsure the success of their lat est and greatest undertaking. SACRA MENTO VALLEY IRRIGATION CO.. W. S. Kuhn. President. The Kuhn Cali fornia Project. Vernon J. Barlow. Resi dent Manager, 00S Central Bldg.. Loi Angelea. Cal. t-l-tl CHEAP LAND with plenty of water "al $2.25 per acre." Just think, 840 acres—J7oo cash, other half long time —should be worth "4100 per acre" In a yenr. No alkali or hard pan I level, and title perfect—in Cnllfor nia, in "Riverside county." Soil thai will grow anything. Near railroad. Bettor buy now. "The opportunity" won't last long. California" land co. 641-J San Fernando Bldg. 7-J3-J 127-ACRE ALFALFA RANCH, PERRIS valley; big income on purchase price; fine Improvements; easy terms. STACY REALTY CO.. 531 S. Spring st. F2115. 7-21-tt FOR SALE CHEAP-LOT IS. BLOCK 6, OF Torthorwald tract, one of the best situated lots In the truct. I. G. SMART, Box 48, Bunland. Cal. 7-16-14 POULTRY, DIKDS, DOC 33, SUPPLIES FOR SALE—I FINK TIIOROUGBRED Barred Rock cock bird and few hens same breed; all good strain, prolific layers; will sell male nlnl with or without hens or will exchanga for pullets, fryers or broilers. Theso birds are splendid breeder!, but owner must redluoa stock. Also have ■ few fancy younss eocicerele at reasonable prices. 1543 NORTH hoover. 7-17-tf ■Ttnuuxvua SJCFARATH LOCKED IRON ROOMS, |).0t per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. 250 to 68a Phona lor our large v»u whan you mare. ( eer hour. COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO «I*-17-1» ian Pedro et. Main office 50»-U a. Ktln at. Phona Main HIT; FII7I. t-l-U MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE—DOCTOR'S OFFICE OF OSTEO- I.aIUy and chiropractor; everything up to date; doing a good business; must leave city. 331V4 8. Spring St., Room 8. 7-IS-tt IF YOU WANT TO CSET OOOD BOYS' AND youths' suits for 13.50. come to CHEAP JOHN, 7ia E. Fifth Bt. 7-20-lmo FOR SALE—MEMBERSHIP IN U A. A. Club, 170; party leaving city. Address BOX 2iio, Herald. 7-15-10t FOR SALE—FIRE-PROOF BAFH CHEAP. ANDERSON. 2U N. Mala iv 8-15-tr FOR SALE riAxos 50© PIANOS GOOD ONES. GUARANTEED 10 TEARS. GOOD ONES. OL'ARA NTEED 10 E V.RB IIEINO SOLD \T FITZQERAI B LSEINCJ SOLD AT FITZGERALD'S $ 6.00 cash, $1.2.n )inr week. No Interest. i 5.0n cash, j1.25 per week. Nn interest. $ 5.00 cash. $1.25 per week. No interest. Money back If not satisfactory. Price $^)) P=7 ;=7 Ef/TT\ ZJ /ocs>U Price Worth $375.00. Worth 5375.00 Worth $373.00. Worth $375.00 Worth $37.".00. Worth $375.00 These pianos are worth $37j on our floors or on the Hoiii-s of any other dealer In the country. Club members got them for {.'77.50. Tills prli i Im ru b everything. The are no, of any kind. Each club member gets: I —A stool. 2—Two tunings. 3 —a year'i trial and privilego of ex change. I —The piano delivered Into his house im mediately uptn Joining the club. 5 — 10-year unconditional guarantee over slgnatura of our house. s— Free life Insurance, which, in event of death, ovides for canceling the payments remaining unpaid. 7 — To participate in the profits of the club in thi shape ol cash reba.tee If dues are paid faster than at the rate of $1.25 a week. Thl« big club Is nearlng the end — almost all of the mbershlps are taken, and If you ai contemplating the purchase of a piano you cannot afford to miss this won derful opportunity to secure a splendid In strument at such a low price and on terms so exceptionally easy. Call at our stores and Bee the pianos for yourself. You cannot af ford to appreciate their lerfectlon of tone and beauty of design. Satisfy yourself that the pianos are exactly as we represent them to bo. Band for our booklet giving full details of the club. Mention The Herald when you write, and we'll Includo a book of T,u old favorite songs.' Call or write at once. FITZGERALD MUSIC CO. 523 S. Broadway Open Saturday Kvenlng Inlll 10 oTlnck. PIANOS AT *2 60 AND IS PER MONTiJ. Bquare pianos of >.tandard markes in ex cellent condition. Will tell on th. aboT. .mall payments. GBO. J- BIRKEL CO.. J45-J47 B Spring st. 10-ls-tr A G. r,AKI)NI!R, 118 WINSTON ST. PIANOS told, rented, tuned; very low rates. 7-10-30t MONEY TO LOAN UOSBI TO LO.YJS . j ooe to loan on real estate, city or coun try 8 to 7 per cent, amounts to suit. MOVER & GILBERT, 3u2 H. W. Hellman Bide. Home phone ABS27; Main 6474. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL. LUAKB. Sco US before you borrow money on sal ary or furniture. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO (Inc.), 512 Grosse Bldg., cornet Sixth and g.irlcg. FBS4B; Main 4925. 4-2-tt Jit JEY TO LOAN-SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. . 3-14- tf R. W. POIKDEXTEK, 409 WILCOX BLDO., •1! loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a ■ v>cialty. 5-9 s;onry loa::ed ON diamonds, FURNl ture, flanoa an! any kind of security; low rates. JOHNSON. 339 H. W. Hellman Bldg. 2-IS-6mo TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE, 419 Henne Bldg. 10-4-tf LOANS-WE LOAN MONET ON REAIi E3 tate; low interest, easy payments. A. E. RUDELL, 211 Mercantile Place. S-23-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see me. F. A. NEWTON. 70! O. T. Johnson Bldg. 7-9-lmo PRIVATE MONEY. 8 TO 7 PER CENT. LOCKHART & SON. 601 H. W. Hellman BldK. A 7552. 3-10-tf |600 TO 110.000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO.. Jefferson and Main. «-»-tf TYPEWRITERS \NALfr But Walk Direct Upstairs to 2441 So Broadway where you,, will find Baker Hoey Typewriter Co. selling all makes of typewriters at less than one-half manufactur er's price. We'll also rent you the machine of your choice at SUMMER RATES. . This Should Interest You 8-30-lmo ill. MAKES RISBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Prices .owest In the city. Regular J3 rental machines reduced to »2.5« month, or threo months for $5. LOS ANOELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANOB • Branch AMERICAN \7RITINO MACHINE CO.. A 5913. 13S ". Broadway. Main 3955. 8-3-tf n'rEWRITEKS BOUCIIIT iXU RESTED AH makpi guaranteed i r*ymirln(r. BAKGK ROEY CO. (Inc.) 24»',i So. Broadway. Main 401)11 A4OT>. l"-»'-'t SANITARIUMS "~TuS~WOMAN 'iTTIOSI'ITAI, Er.eluslvely (or womeu aad children. Best • iulpped and homelike huupltal In the city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. Li4l Bouth Flower. F4134. 3-12-11 LEGAL NOTICES VHKo< i ING^NOTI' To the stockholders of the Western Trust Company, Los Angeles, Cal.: Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of your com ipany. Los Angelea, Cal.: otico Is hereby given that the annual tins of the stockholdera >>f your com pany will be held Monday, August 1, 1910, at the offices of the company, 111 Wmi Fourth street, at .1 o'clock p. m. All Itook holders are requested to be represented, either In person or b» proxy. By order «f the Board of Directors of the Western Trust Company. I • Jr S. TORRANCE. President. Morgan Adams, Secretary. 7-16 to s-1 Ins 6CHOOLS AND COLLEGES Summer School College of Fine Arts, Xj. S. C, . All branches fine and applied arts. Catalog on request. W. L. JUDSON, Dean. 1 - jtt|"^wmty^ German, English imMJJ^^^Mlm Shorthand Boatneii College. Nirtl>.-;.M corner ElgbUl br »Tpenecce<l teacher. Terra. mo4«mu» anil Hill ltreet«. F8100; Main 511. no W. ll»t it. Phone South Hl*. ; BEND FOB I I'll. INFORMATION. LOS iINOEI.IBS BUSINKP3 COLLEGE, «1T W. Fifth »t. _. R. BURAOBR. f' L..-: ~~ pre.ldent .Inc. ll»«. lt-»t-U & fTS^^pf A/) HAVE TOtT OUR DAT SCHOOL, CAT ( \/ J Woot///W'l/! Sjr-J V// alo«rue descrlbln? bookkeeplne and .horthan* <-^£¥///////''liA-'Q/^U/^ couree.? T. M. C. A. 6U'ti BPECIAL REVIHiW FOR ARIZ ona «_. Floor, H._ o _ E « °y n^Q'hu^{!s -■• .■'•■,:■';•'.;;; k>g| BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ©dDinivneit nim Sainn Ooneimtlnim elves to the world greatest lnventl n of century, to protect banks nnd Individuals mf?c"aMvorfd *FR_E PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION THIS WEEK AT 484 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SAMI'LE CHECK PROTECTED nr MAf HINK SENT FREE. Cut out coupon nnd retnrn. NATIONAL CASH I'KOTECTOR CO., 220 I. W. Hellmiin Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. I wish to protect my bank account and the public, therefore would Ilk* to receive sampla check and literature without cost to me. Name Address * * V-8-tf ■ i . PHYSICIANS DrTThickok; dr hickok. bpeciaust FOR women. Treats all .diseases of women under a Pi '■-■ ITIVE GUARANTEE. Ladiea who have for merly paid for each treatment, whether ben efited or not, will appreciate the difference. Pay only for satisfactory results. Charges moderate. . .. DR. 'tICKOK gives modern antiseptic treatment and patients aro in no danger ol blood poison or infection. Everything is sterilised hefore use. DR. HICKOK provldei a private home, with nursing, for women in confinement. . xpert care and home comforts at reason able rates. Confinements by modern meth ods are safo r.nd free from pain. Adoptions If desired, DR. HICKOK gives personal attention to every case. Consultation Is free and confi dential In all troubles. Any wnman not sat isfied with her condition Is Invited to call for free consultation and free examination. Dr. HICKOK carefully examines every rnae and gives an honest opinion and reliable advice free. X-RAY EXAMINATION made when necessary. If a case is accepted for treatment a cure Is guaranteed. Moderate charges for satisfactory results. Terma can always he arranged. Hours 10 to 4. Sun days 10 to 1. Phone F8236 for appointment at other times. DR. HICKOK. 632 W. 6th St., Suite 107. 7-20-tf DR. AND MRS. 'WELLS. SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF WOMEN Dr Walls' Improved antiseptic methods POSITIVELY GUARANTEED in all diseases and irregularities of wo men. Consultation free and confidential. 702 S. SPRING ST.. room 206. 7-20-lmo DR. CHOCKEII Specialist for Women. Hamburser'9 Majestlo Theater Building, Absolute privacy. Hours 10 to 4. CONSULT FREE. 12-25-1 WE WILL GIVE FREE HOSPITAL TREAT ments for a few confinement cases during Auuust. Telephone Main 4111. F6394. or address MISS REARDON, 418 Llssner Bldg. - 7-20-6 J. S. 55ERBE. SOLICITOR. UNITED States and foreipn patents: 40 years' ex perience. 622-3 Stlmson Bldg., Third and Main. Phone A 5344. ■ 7-23-lmo ~ WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1245 S. Flower. F4IJ4. 3-IJ-tf DR. TAYLOR. 317% I. MAIN BT. DIB -epsns of women. A 3-9-tf PATENTB — PATENT ATTORNEYS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY. HAZARD - BTRAUSE. ESTABLIBHED 82 YEAR 3. American and foreign patents pecured and trade marks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 639 Cltlwns National Bank Building, Third and Main. Ilomn AHM; Main 25-i. PATENT HOOK FREB. 2-8-tl PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ALL COUN tries. A. H. UDDERS, patent lawyer and ■jolicitor, 612 Am. Bank Bldg., 2d and Spring. U-«-tf NO PATENT. NO PAY. ATTORNEY FES cut M. B. O. WELLS, 634 Germain bldg. B-15-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE SANTA FB _-— | ~ " Axrl-e Eastern—California Limited, ' MKO am dally, Chicago via Denver 6:00 poa and Kansas City "~~"~~~ Overland Express— "~~"~~~ 1:00 pm Chicago via Denver and 8:80 am Kansas City ~~ Eastern Express—Dally —— T:80 am Chic—tro via Denver and 7:06 am Kansas City ■ Tourist Flyer—bally ' " • •■OO am Chicago via Denver and 6:86 an K—ns_s City ■"—-"" Kite Shaped— via 1:80 am Pa.-adens. Return via 6:34 pa Santa Ana canyon 7:88 am 10:00 am 8:80 am Redlands via P_s_dena 1:*) pm I.'OO pm 5:4 i) pm 4:80 pm| 7:40 pm Y:SO am Redlands vl» Orange 10:35 am KM am 6:30 pm "" I 1:00 pm T:S6 am Riverside via Pasadena j 5:40 pm 7:30 am j 7:08 pm M:66 am Riverside via Orange 10:38 am 8:0» pm[ 6:30 pm 7:80 am r7:de"ai_ 10:88 am Corona via Orange 10:36 am 6:06 pm 4:30 pm 7:JO am ———~~~—~—~~~~~~~ 7:06 am 10:66 am San Bernardino Tt» Oranti* >M am 5:06 pm 4:M pm 7:35 ami ' ""!"**• am 8:30 am 10:00 am 10:00 am Ban Bernardino via Pasa- 4:00 pm I:<«| pm _en_ 5:40 pm 4:80 pm «:00 pm 6:46 pm 6:00 pm ■ 7:40 pm 6:66 am 6:66 am 1:18 pm Banta An* 8:26 am 6:05 pm 1:0° P"» ll_6s_pm| __________--_-_- l:13 P™ "7:30 am 6:66 am 8:65 am '=« am 10:65 am FuUarton, Anaheim, 8:26 am 1:16 pm Orange 10:36 am 6:06 pm l:°0 P™ 11.66 pm B_»_pm T:«6 ami Ban Jaclnto, Elslnore, H»- 10:35 am 10:66 am met and Murlatta 4:30 pm 10:28 am Redondo 4:20 pm ">-15 pml Bscondldo TlToo pn» 1:66 am Fallbrook 6:16 pm 8:66 am Ban Diego and 6:65 am 1-16 pm Coronado neach l:00pn 11:66 pm Surf Line 6:16 pm 1:10 am RamlsDura; 7:06 am T_e __T Searchlight and Chloride IIM am i_--B> Beatty. Rhrollte. GolOfleM t:» Mi t 1 lai»«_a- -- L ••«T~ SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BARGAINS IN SODA FOUNTAINS — PA CIFIC COAST SODA FOUNTAIN FAC TORY. 133 E. Fourth St. 8-29-tt BUSINESS PERSONALS MRS MASSOnT" THE NOTED LONDON palmist, U_ S. SPRING,, over Owl drug store. H-28-tt BATHS REMEMBER THE NUMBER, 119K SOUTH Spring, suite S.; chiropody, electricity, mas sage, vapor and shower baths. 6-6-tx MASSAGE, BATHS, CHIROPODY. EXPERi" assistants. JEAN LUNN, 620 S. Bway. 2-17-tt BATHS AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. 211 B. BROADWAY. ROOM 220. 2-24-6 mo ATTORNEYS AT LAW iin_C?AT-H[NVEiTi£ATION3 - fERBONAI." injury claims specialty( astat-a .etUed. J. W. MACY, 638 »ou«l__ bl-«. Phones AS6H. Main 8633. _______ DIVORCE! LAWS OF NEVADA AND OTHER states tree on reauest. BOX 623. Goldneld • Nevada. 6-"-_ , ASSAYING tSks EOBBMAIf, »»M- ■.»»*_ >•* H«ta< . faction, but accurary guaranteed. 12-2-'-tf ' RAILWAY TIME TABLE 6OUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station. Fifth and Central aye. Leav. | ~ I Arrive 1 »:oo amitsau Francisco via Coast Line. 8:46 am 8:30 am 8:15 am San Luis Oblspo. Paso Boblas. 2:30 pm 2:30 pm Del Monte. Monterey, Banta »:30 pm ' 6:15 pm Crux, Ban Josu and east 11:48 pm 8:01) pm| I , Ban Francisco and Mojava 6:fO pm Bacramento. Oakland, via 7:08 ara «:20 pm Bakerßfleld and Fresno 8:18 am 7:30 ami Fresno I 7:OS am 6:00 pm Bakersflsld 8:00 am 8:30 pm and Mojave 8:20 pm Chicago, Kan. Ctty, Loulsl , 8:48 pm Golden BUts Limited 8:88 pm , 8:00 pm Uhe Callfornlan. via 7:1» pa ___^ Yuma, Benson. El Pasa ' Overland—New~6rlean» via I 1 12:01 pm Yuma. Benson. Marlcopa, Tuo- 1:80 am son, £1 Paso. San Antonio, Houston ______ 12:01 pm _uma. Tucson, Benson 6:30 am 8:00 pm Lordsburg, Dem_K. 7:lf.ira 7:no pm El Paso 1:30 pno 4:65 tun i 8:30 am 8:00 am 11:60 am 8:15 am Banta Barbara 2:30 pm 1:46 pm aait 7:35 pm 2:86 pm Ventura * 8:30 pm 7:30 pm • (»Not Ventura) 11:48 pm 8:15 am Oxnard, Santa Susaiui, • 8:30 am 1:88 pm Moorpark, • 11:60 am 1-M pm Bomls, 2:30 pm Camarlllo * 7:38 pm (•Oxnard only) 11:45 pm Santa Paula via tSaugna, 6:45 am Camuloa, Plru, FUlmore, 11:50 aa 1:48 pm Eatlcoy, Montalvo, Carpla- 7:88 j>m terla, Summerland ■ 8:15 am Sord-ofl 2:M pm 2:35 i»m| | 7:38 pm 7.4,1 am • 6:30 am 8:55 am Pomona • 7:18 am 12:01 pm Coltoa 7:18 am 8:00 pm Riverside Redlanda e_s 0:35 am _0* pm San BernarUl-o 11:38 am rin pm ('Not Riverside, Redlands 1:30 pm 1:16 pm • or San Bernardino) 8:28 pm J ) 7:10 pm 8:66 uml Covlna 11:35 am 6:45 pm| 7:10 pm 7:40 ami China D:35 aro 4:00 pm| 6:26 pin aut— Ana, Anaheim, Downey 8:56 am and MorwaUE 8:30 am 11:15 am 2:16 pm 1:00 i>m a* Buena Park, West —• 8:00 pm 8:10 pm Anaheim. West Ora_se 4:89 pa ('Downey only) fc:ss am| Newport Beach | 4:60 pm vf>"> im|i Los Alamltos a[ 4:50 pm 9:45 am Brawley, Imperial, 1 6:») am' 7:00 pm El Centro, Calexico j 6:56 p—l 9:06 ami San Pedro-Compton * '£i :48 aiio 5.30 pm t'Vla Long Beach) | 6:35 pm 8:05—1—1* Long Beach-Coznpton 111:45 am ___p_j (»Vla Ban Pedro) | 6:35 pm HMj umj Santa Catallna Island | 6:35 rm 6:46 am ~ I 7:06 anT 7:60 am anda • 8:40 am 1:45 pm 11:60 am 5:00 pm ('Motor) 7:38 pm 8:30 pm 8:00 pro 8:30 biu a Chatsworth Park. (Bee a 3:46 pm note). (Note—To and from River station only.) All trains daily except ~t_—m~ la rkad as ini lows: "a" Sundays excepted: "-" -oadari cnly. SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. s Sunday only, w Week days only. Leave | First Street Station Arrive lOTOO am Los Angeles Limited I 4:30 pm 8:00 pin Overland Express 8:00 am Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansas City. Don- I . ver and Salt Lake. f 7j am San Bernardino, 8:00 ami J am '.■•';', Colton, 8:35 am 3:40 pm Riverside, 10:11 am 1:38 pnl 5:24 P—l Ontario and 5:15 pm 6:00 pm Pomona 7:10 pm 6:45 ami 1 8:10 am 8:10 am s 9:03 am I 90 am Lone Beach 10:50 am 10:50 am and 3:16 pm 1:30 pm 3 San Pedio 6:06 pm . , pm 6:10 pm 6**o pm , ,", '. w 6:50 pm s 7:60 pm s 8:50 pm 8:50 am • w 10:50 am 1:30 pa w, Santa Catalina Island w 6:60 pm ' s t:80 pm I;W c»l eearcUltbt, Ool4_«4 _ i B:UJ an 15