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BEARS HAVE CLEAN SWEEP IN MARKET Push Prices Down with but Little Effective Resistance from Buyers SHARP RECOVERY COMES LATE Poor Showing of National Banks Contributes to the Gen eral Depression fAssoelated Press] NEW YORK, July 22.--The bear par ty was not much molested In Its opera tions In stocks today. Tho decline In prices encountered little effective resis tance In the form of buying orders exiept such as tho bears themselves supplied when they covered shorts from time to time. The operations were congested largely In a few of the speculative stocks. But the price con cessions applied to the whole list, ac tive and Inactive. Bear covering caused the sharp recovery late In tho day. The cut In tho National Lead divi dend was the ostensible motive for the eentiment of discouragement In the ■peculation which overcame the market. The Incident was thought Scarcely adequate to explain the ex treme depression of speculative senti ment and other causes were sought. The showing made by the national lianks in the compilation of returns to the comptroller and the fears of a poor quarterly statement by the United States Steel corporation at next Tues day's meeting of'directors were cited os possible further grounds for the tone of the market. I'EHKONAMTIKS COrNT The personality of. tho capitalists credited with the control of the Na tional Lead company made the action Influential as B possible Index of llnan rial and speculative policy. The par nllel interests in copper of the same financial Interests and the expecta tion of conlllctlon of opinion over the ullotment of copper production in the effort to settle on an agreement for curtailment begot the suspicion that liere might be a sign of stock market congest that might prove damaging to onlookers as well as participants. , ' The consideration of the condition of th« national banks of the country was more limited to bankers, but may not have lacked Influence on tho stock market for that reason. The nominal decrease In loans since March reported on June 3n, when considered In con nection with the greater lonn contrac tion by the New York banks for the tame period, Is no decrease nt all, but Bn Increase of over $28,000,000 outside New York. ZJOAS& INCKFASK In the same way the Increase on the loam of 276,000 in the yearly com parison has to take account of the New York decrease fgr tho same time In cluded in the total, which Indicates that outside of New York there has ticen considerable expansion of $476, --233,000 In a year's time. The gain in per centage of legal reserve In three months amounts to one one-hundredth of one per cent, and for the year there lias been a decrease of 1.15 per cent, the percentage to deposits of cash on hand, redemption fund and due from reservo agents stands at only 24.44 per cent, a docreaso In three months of 80 per cent, and In a year of 24.25 per cent. The last item is nffected by the Jieavy decrease of $83,102,900 for three months in the Item due from other tanks and reserve ngents, showing how the interior banks nave been drawing down their balances from the reserve centers. Bonds were irregular. Total sales par value $1,233,000. U. S. bonds unchanged on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Hurald by. J. C. Wil »on, 11l West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of tnide. stock and bond exchange of gan Francisco. i NEW YORK, July 22.— Following were the quotations today; Bales, Stock. Htsh. Low. Bid. Ask. Allls-Chalmers 814 » _ do preferred 28 3" • 84.800 AmalK Copper .... 60% ■ BS% 60}J 6014 700 Amer Heet Sugar.. 3014 29V4 29H 2»% „ do preferred 88 9214 2.700 Amer Can Co B'4 R 8 R-H 700 do preferred 68 6714 66V4 68 1,900 Am Cnr and Fdry. 4!> ■ 4714 47% 48 100 do preferred 111% 111% 109 112 1,900 Amer Cotton Oil .. 55% 6514 554 68 j do preferred 103 104 . , Amor Express .. 225 250 300 Am Ice Securities. 2214 53 22 22^i 200 Amer Linseed .... 11>4 ll'i 11,* 12.4 700 do preferred 20% 2514 28 89 600 Amer Locomotive.. 3514 3714 37 3S 100 do preferred 10(514 10614 102 106 29.600 Am Smlt and Rfs. OR 64% or.'i i;6<4 900 do preferred 101 10014 100* 100% 1.300 Amer Sugar 11!> 11714 117 119 100 do preferred 118 US 116 119 800 Am Steel Fdrs .... 4R\4 47 47 48 1,300 Am Tel nnd Tel . .132 Mi 131% 131% 182V4 Amor Tob pfd 9U4 IIJ% 100 Amer Woolen 27% 27% 2614 ITU 200 do preferred 93 9.1 93 93Vi 1,000 Anaconda 38% 38 37>£ 3S',i 600 Atlantic C Line ..111 109 10814 110 i«, 300 A T & Santa Fe.. 98% 98% 97V& 97V f yofl do preferred 99% 9914 99 9914 1*0(100 Bait & Ohio .......108% 107% 10S 10814 do preferred ....... .. 88 90 5.8008RT 76% 75 7r,'i IM 8,300 Canadian Poclfle. .184% 179V4 18114 181% ) 6.600 C& O 73ii 70% 71 7114 , C & A 25 27 1.500 C & a W 23 22 23 22V4 do preferred .. 45 46 900 O& N W 142 1404 141 141H 1,600 CM& 8t P 123 120 12114 12114 100 do preferred 147 147 147 147H 1,600 Central Leather .. 31 4 30<4 30% 30% , do preferred . .. .. 103 104 Cent of N J 260 2SO C C C i St L "0 72V4 , . do preferred .. 95 105 400 Colorado F and I. 30% 8014 3014 31 m do preferred ..... .. .. .. 11614 .; Columbus RCtl.. .. 5 614 100 Colorado Southern. 63% 63% 6214 Ml 4 do l»t preferred 72 7ti .. do 2d preferred 71 7S 6,100 Consolidated Ga5..13214 130 130% 130% 700 Corn rrodunt» .... mi 13% 13' i 1.1% 200 do preferred 73Mi 78 72H 72% 800 T)el & Hudson 1564 15Fi% JH 111 r> I, & W 490 625 "wDURn 29% 2R 28% 29 600 do preferred 69 68 B7',j 6814 Diamond Match 90 904 600 Distil Securities... 37% 27,4 27% 274 Duluth S S & A 11 12 3flO do preferred 514 21 214 22 J.OOO Erie 24 23U 23V4 • 23% FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL 800 do Ist preferred.. 41 tftt 40 40U do Id preferred 3D 31% 800 General Bleet ric. 139 13nV4 IWV4 1,800 Ot tforthera Ore .. 5H4 60 40% 50 8,100 do. pri rre i 124 12214 '--'- 1-3 100 Illinois Central.... 127 127 Ut U* 2,11)0 Interboro-Metro .. 18 17% 17% 1714 1.800 do preferred >""'. 4914 4814 4!>V4 SOU lnternat Paper ... 10V4 10% l'> 11 do preferred 4S 49 600 Internal Pump .... 43»4 4214 4214 42% 20ii do preferred SO% 80 80 SI 800 lewa ntraj 17*4 IT,4 1«% 17' i 800 do preferred 34% '■'■'■' '■"■"'> 3314 200 X c Southern .... C7K, 2714 27 28 100 <!o preferred 6214 «2* 62 63 t, ID A Western 1414 17V4 do preferred ■■ M 4.'i 1,800 L* N 13014 137 13714 13S 100 Mackay 84 84 .. # 83 do preferred ■■ ■• 7314 100 Manhattan 130 130 129 131 200 Mexican Centra! .. 2614 2614 26 2714 Minn & St L 23 27 do proferred ' •• 35 M 2,100 MBt" &X 8 M..120 11614 116 11614 do preferred 140 147 2.8'i0 M X A Texas 31% 30 30 .11 100 do preferred Bl 63 Bfl 64. 900 Missouri Pacific .. 6814 6514 KMi M 8,700 National Lead ....54 4814 4514 49 300 do preferred 101* 108 lOOVj 103 200 National Biscuit..lo3l4 103 102% 103 ,io preferred 12014 130 700 N'nvada Cons 19 1814 18% IS% 800 N V Air ISraite .. 73 73 78 74 7,000 N V Central 11314 111 11114 1»14 1,200 NYC& St L, 6114 t>o 60 62 do Ist. preferred lf|o HO do 2d preferred 86 "0 NYN H A Hart 148 151 1,100 N V Out & W 42% 41% 42 4214 100 Norfolk & West .. 9714 97>4 9714 97% dn preferred 8714 93 North American .. .. .. 67 69 2,900 Northern Paellle ..117% 116% 11714 117% Omaha.. 135 150 do preferred 150 170 Pac Coast x -dlv 98 10S 900 Pacific Mall 26 23% 2314 24 15,100 Penna It R C0....127T4 127 12714 127% 800 Peoplei Gas WS« B l«li 10514 108 Plttsburg Coal 15 17 do prefeired 60 70 1,800 PCC& St L 94 01% 93 8414 do preferred 1"5 116 100 Pressed Bteel Car. 31 81 30 31 400 do preferred 95% 84V4 94 96 200 Ry Steel Springs.. 30% 8014 3014 31 do preferred 9014 10" 138,100 Reading 140% 13714 133 ,13814 100 do Ist preferred.. 86 86 85 88 200 do 2d preferred.. V 2 92 »0 94 1,600 Republic S and I. 31% R>U 3014 31 600 do preferred ..... 91 9014-90 9014 r.OO Rock ILsland Co.. 30% 2914 2974 30 1,800 do preferred 73% 7214 7214 7314 100 Sloss Shef S and I 6314 6314 6214 6314 do preferred ' .. ■■ 116 St L & SF Ist pfd .. .. 68 65 600 do 2d preferred.. 40U 39 40 4014 600 St I. & S W 27 2514 25 25% 100 do proferred 67 (i 7 65 67 28.700 Southern Paclfio ..11314 110V4 IV>% 110% 2,100 Southern Railway. 22% 22 22% 23 600 do preferred 64% . 63 6214 63% Tennessee Copper 21 22 Texas Pacific 2S 2614 400Thlrd Aye 1014 9% 914 10 200 Toledo 8t L * W.. 22 22 2HI 2214 1,800 do preferred 47% 45% 4514 4B 100 Twin City R T.... 106 10614 107H Un Bag and Paper .. .. 64 8 do preferred ■• "4 60 109,000 Union Pacific 1M 157% 158% IBS% 800 do preferred 9014 90 8814 90 United Rd« of S F .. .. 25 28 100 do preferred 6614 56% H M I! s Cast Irn Pipe .. .. 13 7ii 15?* .. do preferred 6514 (16 1,700 U S Rubber 8514 8214 3214 3314 800 do Ist preferred.. 107 106 10514 106V4 do 2d preferred 754 75% 173,500 V S Steel Cor .... 69% f<H% 67»4 67% B.SnO do preferred 116* 11414 11414 114% 4.800 Utah Copptr 44% 42% 4214 43 2.J00 Va-Car Chem Co.. 13% 67% 68 6814 do preferred US 120 1.800 Waba«h 17 16 16 16% 2,900 do preferred Sl% 82% 33 S3',i Wells Fargo Fx 185 170 .. Western Union •• "0 6014 400 Westlnghouse .....68% 67% 67% B7T« 1,000 W& L E 614 4<4 6% B% 100 do Ist preferred.. 9li H% 10 V»<i 600 do Id preferred.. 6 6 6 614 910 Wisconsin Central 49 47 47 4S 200 Am Hide and Lea 5% 6 6 6% 100 do preferred 27 27 26 27% Am Agr and Chem .. .. 38 40 do preferred 100H ]02 Associated Oil 61 Beth Steel 22 24% do preferred •• •• 6.1 Nat F.nnmel and 8 .. .. 15 17 do preferred TJ 100 Pac Tel and Tel 31 83% SOO Infl Hnrvester ... 91T4 8914 « 90% . ... do preferred i H» 12" 100 II S Realty 83% 68% 68 70 200 West Maryland ...41 3i 4314 43 44 Total sales, TM.WO shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll. son 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem bir New York stock exchange. Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Franclico. Ni;\V YORK, July 22.— Following were the closing quotations: Bid. Asked. Atchlson gen 4a '-'w m Atchlson cony 4s l"i 104% Baltimore & Ohio Ist 4s i'sl- M* BRT 43 S2Vi JjH Colorado Industrial Es To V 8 Realty 6s M Ml* Rock Island 00l 'Is 71' i 71* i Southern Pacific ref 4s 93' i 83% Southern Pacific col 4« K» 90H Southern Paclflo eonv 4s 98Vi i)6\i Union Pacific Ist 4s lOOij MW4 Union Pacific cony 4s 102' i 102% U s Steel r.s 10°H 112% United Hallway 4s 6S 70 Wabash deb 4.« 63% 64V» Western Pacific 5s 92% i'3l4 n & It O ref 6s *Ha 01 Japanese 4» M7fi (*% Japanese Ist 4" 94^ M Japanese Id 4%» MVi "4s« IT B2a registered 100% 101 V« IJ S 2s coupon 100% .. US Sa registered .; i..,...10H4 102 U S Si coupon lfHi 102 U S 4s registered HH, 115 U S 4s coupon lll'i II" 1; Panama 2s 10«H 101 Panama 1938s 100% 101 FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK. July Money on call easy, 2@2H per cent ruling late, 2Vi; closing bid, 2; offered. Jtt. Time loans easy; 80 dayi, 3ViO3H per cent: U0 days, 3%®4'1 six months, 6. ' Close: l'rime mercantile paper, BHJfS per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.836004.8370 for 60-day bills and at 4.8565 for demand. Commercial bills, 1.83 V». Bar silver, 54V4<\ Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Ir regular. TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, July 22.—The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds—Gold coin, $866,743,669: silver dol lars. 1490,032,000; silver dollars of 1890, $3,044. --000; silver certificates outstanding, $496,032,000. General Standard silver dollars In gen eral fund, »2,298,602; current liabilities. $98,894, --816; working balance In treasury offices, 133, --3(i."..017; In banks to credit of treasurer of the United States, $40,228,776; subsidiary sliver coin, $19 200; minor coin, $1,156,513; total balance In general fund, $95,250,634. NEW YORK COTTON Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll icn, 212 We* Fifth street. Los Angeles. NEW YORK, July 22.-Onoe again today's cotton market In the near options showed more pressure than the distant, and the. losses, while not severe, wera greater than for the new crop positions. The session, however, was rather devoid of Interest, closing quiet with but small differences. Spot market was quiet and un changed at I6e, with sales of 200 bales. Quotations ranted us follows: —Close- Open. High. I»w. Bid. Ask. January 12.77 12.88 12.76 12.87 U.M February 12.88 12.90 March * 12.79 12.93 12.78 12.82 12.93 May 12-87 1299 Tu k. 18. 111.00 15.95 It. 15.96 August 15.20 15.26 Xi 17 15.26 15.27 S,i,t,mber 13.68 13.73 13.65 13.72 13.74 October U.M 1;|.ll 13.07 13.10 13.11 November U.M lI.IT 12.85 12.94 12.96 December 12.81 12.93-12.80 12.83 12.93 LOS ANGELES EIERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1010. FINANCIAL LOS ANOELEi, July Clearlngi were J2.162.227.35, an Inon asa of H7.TO as com pared with tlie amount for the ponding ■ I last year, Following !■ a comi i •tatemi nt : 1910. 1909. IMS. July IS 12,718,080.4! |2,050,651.H 11,664,660.61 July 1!. 2,381.341.7* 1,917,HM64 1.721.440.5S July 20 8,129,139.03 2,741,67«.ia 1,718,133,76 July 21 2,244.13U.2'> 2,383,692.011 1,321,448.81 July 22 2,1C2,227.08 2,118,810.13 1,408,1(i1i.1ti LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Friday's marital wa» littter In tone, but In a number of Instances prices were off. However the trading was broader tharf it baa bei n Ci r a number of flays. In the Industrials and tho puhiic utllties Home i'tc/ii • sold ut 38. The banks wcro quiet, except for Bank of Southern California, which sold nt 95 to tho extent of 80 ■han Thero was also OHIO In quiry for Citizens National and Home Saving. In the oil sh:i!. Consolidated Mldwa: was weaker, selling at 2214: California Mldwi wan off. Cleveland waa itrongar. and. all Pal mer. Mexican preferred was a slight tradi There has been a strong rumor that the Mexi can Petroleum Company, Limited, was about to cut the dividend on its preferred stork. The exchange was notified officially that this wa» absolutely untrne. • MORNING sales 40 Bank of Southern California 95: 1000 Cal Mllway, B. 30, 47; 10.E Joniol Midway 22' A; 1000 Cleveland 1BV4: 1000 do, B, 30, 17; 3 Mcx Pet Ltfl pfj 65; 3 do Gl'i; 3 do 64%; 3 do 64%; 3do 6414: 7 do 6514; 500 Palmer Oil Co 1.44; 600 do i..|>i.,; «0 Union 102.25; 1 do 102,9214; 30 do 102; 5 do 102. Off board—lo Mcx Pet Ltd com 22.60. afternoon UUH 10 Bank of iilh<rn Cal 8B; 10 irnm» 37.75; ! 10 do 3S; 2000 Cal Midway 46,*,; 1000 do 41; 1000 do 4G%; 1000 do, B, 30, 47; 3000 Cleveland 1G14; ■2000 Consol Midway 22>i; 20 Union 102. BONUS Bid. Ask. American Petroleum Co <H% Associated Oil Co 97% 8914 Corona City Water Co 92 .. Corona Power and W Co 99 *• Cucamonga Water Co * 92 .. Edison El Co Is R 102 Ed Eleo Co old Issue 103 108 Home Telephone Co 79 83 Home Tel Co Ist retg 73 L A Pac Bst con mtg» 10414 L A Traction Co 6h 102 110 L, A Traction Co 6s 101 106 Mexican Natl Gas Co 100 Mlation Trans and R Co 97' i .. Pao Elec Ry Co 100 Pac Light an.l Power Co M 90T4 Pasadena Home T and T Co .. .. Ml Pomona Con Water Co 102 S Monica H T and T Co 80 S Diego H T and T Ist mtgs .. .. 80 Temescal Water Co 99 Union Transportation Co 90 93 U S Long Dlst T and T Co 75 Vlsalla Water Co M Whlttier Homo T and T Co M BANK STOCKS Bid. Ask. All Night and Day Bank 100.00 Bank of Southern California ... 95.00 97.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 150.00 California Savings Hank 116.00 130.00 Central National Bank 175.00 178.00 Citizens National 224.00 226.00 Commercial National 150.00 Farmers and Merchants Nat 1 ..270.00 Federal Bank of L, A 12.50 First National 485.00 Oerman American Savings i 37.60 Globe Savings Bank 120.00 Home Bavlngi Bank of L A 118.00 118.00 Merchants National -^..600.00 Merchants Bank and Trust R>..110.00 160.00 National Bank of Cal 190.00 National Bank of Com -100.00 The Soutern Tr_u»t Co 74.00 76.00 (50 per cent paid up.) INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Ask. Cal rortland Cement Co 76.00 UO.SO Edlion Electric pfd 69.80 75.00 Hawaiian Com & Sug 40.00 41.00 Homo Telephone pfd 87.8714 35.50 Horn* Telephone com 5.25 5.50 Hutcalnson B P Co ...- 17.00 19.00 L A Athletic Club W.OO L. A Browing Co 100.00 L, A. Investment Co 3.10 ..... Paauhau S P Co 2600 27.r,0 Pac Hut Life Ins Co 2M.00 Pae Con Stone Co of Cal 5.15 Pasadena Home T and T Co 35.(k) P.tverslde Homo T and T Co 24.50 San Diego Home T and T Co 24.3714 Santa Monica B H T pfd 18.00 22.00 Sun Drug Co 1(l° Seaside Water Co 100.00 Title Q and Trust Co pM 275.00 Title I and Trust Co pfd 176.00 do common 175.00 do er C 176.00 ..... Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co 20.00 35.00 Whittler Horn* T ajid T Co 90.00 OIL STOCKS PRODUCERS-' "id. Ask. Amalgamated Oil 60.00 ..... American Crude oil Co .. .88 American Pi-t Co com 65.00 ..... '• Associated Oil «■'» 40.12' i Brookshlre Oil ■■ •■ -1« California Midway Oil Co .47 ..... Central ■•J*. -■'" Cleveland Oil Co 16' m ..■•■ Coallnga Central Oil Co .63 • Consol Midway Oil Co l>Vt .22% Continental Oil • - 55 Enos Oil Co Ml ■•••; Euclid Oil Co RS -'5 Fullerton Oil *■"" aiobe o,v^:::::..::::::::::::::::: ■* ••■;; jade on Co so ■■;: Mexican Petroleum ••-• ■■' Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 64.75 68.J5 Mexican Pet Ltd com .-3.00 Olinda Land Co (Oil) ?... .J3J4 ..... Palmer Oil Co 1.374 l.« Perseus Oil C-> -3il Pinal Oil Co „ l*>-° 0 Puru Oil and LCo liH ••••• Rice Ranch Oil Co ■• 100 . Section Six Oil Co IB .46 Trader's Oil Co 1"0.00 Union 101.621J 101.75 Union Provident Co M.BO 100.6215 United Petroleum 100.00 103.50 Western Union ino.OO NON-PRODUCERP- Coallnga Crude on Co .sn McKlttrlck Inv Oil Co 03 .1214 Oleum Development Co 0514 .06 DAILY MINING CALL . No calM- LISTED STOCKS LISTED STOCKS CALIFORNIA- Bid. Ask. Cal Hills M Co OS Consolidated Mined Co 6.00 M .01 NEVADA— Johnnie Mng and Milling Co 10 .13% Quartette 8.50 Searchlight Parallel ■> 01 .02 PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO. July 22.—Flour—Family extras, $6.8<N86.20; bakei-s' extras, $3.80<jJ6.20; Oregon anl Washington, $."#5.20. Wheat-Shipping, II 62%®1.C7H. Barley—Feed, fl.osUt)>l.lo; brewing. H.IJ4. Oats-Red, $1.SO@1.10; white, »1.65; block nor n I28®81; mixed feed, 524 ®30; rolled barley, $23®24; oatmeal, $3.60; oat groatu, M.WI rolled oats, J2S<3>29. Hay—Wheat, $!*<gl4; wheat and nat. $0«I12; wild oat. $7@10; tame, $5®12; alfalfa, $7©10; straw 35^60c. Beans—Pink, $666.25; Lima, $4.40@>4.50; small white, $3,760)4.10; larue, $3.76« M. Potatoes—Merced sweets, So4pi new potatoes, 750@51.26. ' . ■■; . Onions— $2; common. $1.75. Various—Oreen pc« 1, WWoi string b«an«, lfl> 8c- egg plant, M©7Bc; »re«n peppers, 25«J50r:; tomatoes, 35366 c; summer Knuash, 25850 c; as paragus nominal; garlic, 2VMMKC. Poultry-Old roosters. $f.rr5.50; young do. $7® 10- small broilers. |2.9tf3; large do, $8®3.60; fryers, $s@«: hens. $5«T10; old ducks, $4.50@5: young do, $5(87.90; geese, $2ff2.50; K'osllngß, J2 2.60; young pigeons. $1.50<ff1.75. Receipts—Flour, MS7; barley, l!,Mt; oats, 2596- beans, 43; corn. 662; potatoes, 9393; onions, 840; bran. 87; middlings, Ij hay. 315; straw, 5; hides, 390; wine, 20.02". MINISTER RETURNING PANAMA, July 22.-F. P. H. Hltt. tho retiring- American minister to Pan ama, who recently was appointed to Venesuela, left hero today for tho United States. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Ppeclal servlco to The Herald t>y J. C. I Wilson, ill West Fifth street, Los Angxles, member New York Stock exchange, Chicago Hoard of Trade, Btcx k and Bund enchango of Su'i Francisco. SAN FRANCIICO, July 22.— Following were the clnnlns flotations: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Hid. Asknd. Alain. : i Artesian W Co 6i. M) Associated OH Co 6a 9714 Hay Counties Power Co Cs W3 104 I 'al Ctntrtl Oas and Eleo .'i* ll Cal O»l and El«c gen M&CT M...100 California St Cahlo Co 6a 100 California wine Afsn 5s 88 City Electric Co :-.... SSV4 90 Contra Costa Water CO 5s 1"> do K>n mtK Bl 03.4 Edison Eloc Co of L A sf> 100 Hdlion Light and Power Si 110 Ferries and Cliff Houn i.■■■ 6s 10] Hawaiian Coml and Bugar Es 10)% Honolulu n T nnd r, Co 6s l'H'.i Lake Tahoa Ry and T Co Bl OT l>is Angeles Oas and El Co 5a 100 Los Armeies Rally ay Bl 106 Los A «cli i Lighting cd Si 100 Tx>s Anfc<f!fs htlng gd 6s 110 r, A r.i ■ B R Ist con mtg Bi lii L a Pac R R of Cal Bi 111 Markel Btresl Cable Gs 101 104 do liv lit cons mtg 6s »9 Northern rty Co of Cal 6s v::.'i, Northern Cal Railway H 100 Northern Cal Power Co 5a l"0 Northern Eleotrlo Co Bl 9214 Oakland Ooi Light and H 6s 102 Oiiklnnd Tramil Co 63 .' 107 Onktand ' 'ranslt 5s 103' Oakland Transit Con Bl WriVi 104 Oakland Traction Con ."a f|S Oakland Traction Co Bl 92 Oakland Water Co gtd Bi IB omnibus ibis Railway 6n I<W IH7 Pacific O II Imp ll SO R7'4 Pacific Electric Ry Co 5s V>sH Pacific Llghl and Power Cn 6s 98«4 97! i I'ac Light and Power gtd 6s K>% Pacific Ti and Tel Co 5n 98 Park and Cliff Houae Ry «s t>« Park and Ocean R Tt 6s 100 People's Water Co 5i 65 66V2 Powell Btreel Railway Cs I™> Sacramento Elec Gas and Ry 6s — 100% js F Oak and San Jose Ry Ss 104 do 2d mtg 65.; "514 R r Oak and 8 J Con Ry r,s 96 S J and Bant Clara Co R R 414s .. w Blerra Ry of Cal ■• 10914 S P R R cf Cal 6s 1912 104 s p ti R f)f Cal Ist c Ktd B 6s 11214 Ig p Branch Ry of Cal 6s 124 S P R R CO Ist rfd 4s 9414 9114 Rtotktrn Oai and El Corp 6s 106 S V Water Co gen mtK 4» 90 Inliel Oas and Tlec Co 5s 9814 United it R of 8 F 4i 69 Valley Counties Power Co 5s 10014 10314 WATER BTOCKB— Bprlnr; Valley Wnter Co 47% 3,iS AND BLECTRIC STOCK - Clty Electric Co * 6 N Cal Power Co Con 61 Pacific Lighting Corp ™m 66V6 INSURANCE STOCKS— California Insurance Co 80 Fireman's Fund 235 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— Callfoinla 12214 Preildlo 25 32H POWDER STOCKS— Giant Consolidated Co SO,4 85 BUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Coml and Sugar Co 40U Honokaa Sugar Co 19(4 Hutchinson Sugar Plantation 17' i 18 . Kilauea Sugar Plantation Co 13^ Maltaweli Sugar Co 39>4 Onomea Bugar Co 4614 Paauhau S P Co 26 26% OIL. STOCKS— Aseoclated Oil Co 44 45 Sterling Oil and Dcv Co 2 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers' Association 91% 83 Cal Fruit Canners' Association ..100% Cal Wine Association 26% 2".i Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 6 Pacific Coast Borax Co 155 Pac Tel and Tel pfd 9314 95 do common 8014 34 Morning sales—looo City Eleo Es 89; 3000 Northern Cal Power Co 5s 0414: 1000 United Ry 4s 68%; 3000 Assd Oil 5s OS; 10 Alaska 9214; 95 Assd Oil 45; 15 Assd Oil 44 7i; 25 Cal Wine 26%; 25 Cal Wine 26T4; B City Elec 6414; 2 Ger man Savings Bank 28"; 40 Hutchlneon 17%; 10 Onomea 46: 160 Sp V Water 48. . Afternoon list— Key Route 6a 104; 1000 Pac Tel 5s 90; 2000 So Pao reg 4s 9614; 4000 United Ry 4s 68%; MM Pac Eloc 6« 104; 15 Alaska 9214: 100 Assd Oil 45; do Hawaiian 4014; 65 Hutchinson 17%; 10 Pao Tel 96. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The HeraM by J. C. tVll ton, member of the Chicago board of trade. New York stock exchange and San Francisco bond and stock exchange. 212 West Fifth street, Lob Angeles. CHICAGO, July 22. -The wheat market was morn directly under the Influence of cash wheat and the corn market than under Rny thlng that has heretofore been effective. New Investment buying has been tllm, general trailo small and lonss ihowad a tendency to reduce I holdings. Weather dry In th« northwest, but tooler. Foreign markets affected by unfavor able crop news from France, where Paris made a further advance. Kansp.s and Missouri mills denied early claims of export sales of flour, and added that domestlo buyers also were not Interested. Crowd was skeptical of any export talk. , Unexpected rains over nisht in eastern Ne braska and western lowa, extending since Into southern Illinois and Kansas, forced many of yesterday's buyers of corn to sell today. Tho trade, as heretofore, was largely local and pro fessional, and It was found almost as hard to si 11 corn today as It was to buy it yesterday. Values were also as responsive as yesterday, the market losing mnst of yesterday's gains. Country sales of cash corn over nlKht were free to thope who bid for them, but the total to this market was small. Crop report* today have bpen uniformly good. Tl oats market waa only a faint reflection of the corn market. Having responded only moderately in yesterday's corn bulge, oats to day wero slow to respond to the corn weak ness. The acceptances of oats today In the country were fair. Local supplies are low and shippers were unablo therefore to do much new business. Provision products werr hlsher early, easier later, but final price changes were not ma terial. Outslile packers bought moderately on tho lessening hogr run. Local packers also bought a little. Weakness of grains later counted against the market, leading to some reallElng, ... . . MARKET RANGES WHEAT— Open. High. l,»w. Close; July 11.09 $1.03% $1.08% $1.(18% September 1.0714 1.07« i 1.05% 1.05% December 1.09% 094 I.OS I.OS May 1.11 1.134 1.11% 1.11T4 CORN— July nv t .fi!% i;i"- .61 September 83M .88*4 .6214 .62% December lUi .61% .59% .69% May 63% .63',i .6114 .61% OATS- July 42% .42% .41*4 -41% September 3!>% . -Wi .804 .3114 DecAber 40% .40% .4014 ■*>» May 42Vi M% .4814 .ISM I'ORK- Beptemher 81.85 21.87% il.<ni 21.78 January 18. RD— " ' . September U. 52% . 11.85 11.75 11.W Ootobor 11.70 11.72% 11.60 11.67% January 10.25 IUBS— September U. 70 11.72% 11.«2% 11. October 11.124 11.11 11.06 11.12% January ; 9.37% 0.37% 9.27% 9.27% Cash quotation" were as follows: Flour firm: No. _ rye, SOe; feel or mixing barley, 83@62c; fair to cholca malting, 64®71c; flax seed, No. _" louthwestern, UV4; No 1 northwestern, II.58H; klmothy seed, $4.7r>(ffs.r>o: clover, 111.BO; mess iork, per bbl., $2«W26.25; lard, per 100 lbs., 111.76; short ribs, sides, loose. $11.87%© 12.27; short clear slles, boxed, $13©13.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equnl to 81.000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstrnet's were equal to $1,047. --000 bushels. Primary receipts were 811.000 bushels, compared with 9.6 M.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. EOstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. B<l c.-irt; corn, 244 cars; oats, 198 cars; hogs, 9000 head. . ' . . . Today's movement of produce: 1 ■ r Receipts Ihlpmenta. Flour, barrels 14.200 17.200 Wheat, bushels 13.W0 29.600 Corn buphels 205.700 375.900 Oats, bUßhels 219,600 107,400 Rye. bush ils I -ncfl Barley, bushels 55.500 41,100 SUGAR AND COFFEE NEW YORK, July 22— Coffee futllrPH clnaoil steady net unchanged tn 8 points lower. Clos ine btdi: July. G.S5c: AufUit, 6.WV: Beptcmbtr and October, H.9Be: Mnvember, 7c; Deo«mb»r, I.Ogo; January. 7.150: February. 7.10 c: March. MJo April. 7.14r: Ma/, 7.J701 June, 7.18 c. Bpot steady: Rio No, 7, Mtoi Santos, No. 4, M*c Mild quiet: Ci rdova, lrtfil2Mc. Raw SuKar (Inn: Muscovados. 89 test, .I.Me-; centrifugal, M test, 4.SOc; molassen i^ar, R9 test. 3.61 c: refined steady: crushed, t.Soc; gran ulated, 6.15 c; powdered, 0.150. . ALL GRADES OF EGGS REDUCED IN VALUATION Three Cents Decline in Two Days. Cantaloupes Down to $1.75 a Crate Tho cks committee of the produce exchange Kot bUKy again yesterday and clipped , ri'ith'T cent eft the wholesale price, ft drop of 3 cent* in two days, all nn account of the warm weather. Jobbers are anxious to movo tupply on hand. Butter and itoea unchanged. I'iicfs nn cantaloupes dropped npaln today to H.76©a per crate. Receipts were heavy nnd quit" nn amount ivas carried over. However, the prospects ire lhat prices will ecovei with- In the next f' iv days, aa they are now at a level whero farmer, feel they had better allow thl to remain en the vines than to s^'ll them at loss. Demand is good fur cantaloupes anil watermelons. Receipts nf poaches and plums, It was evi dent, are cleaning up. The crop will Boon l>o over, and prices, especially on peacbei, are expected to advanoi from now on. Receipts of peai anil grapes are increasing almost dally, while apricots are practically all gone. Supply of fish sufficient to meet thu de mand Receipts of produce in Loi Aniteles today were: Ekcb, 211 casing; butter. 10,773 pounds; cheese., fioso poui potatoes, 1611 sacks; onions, 4CO Backs. PRODUCE PRICES Following oro tho wholesalo prices of produce to retailers as compiled by the irktt Repori EGGS—Local ranch, candled. 33c I do cose count, buying price, 28c; fresh eastern, 27c; eastern stoi age packer, extras, 25c. BUTTER— Selling price to trade iVit higher. California creamery, extras, SlVic, do Brjtl, 30c; cooking butter, 2Gc; lad butter, 26c. CHBJESE— fre»h. 16%@17Cj an chor, large, 18c: Oregon Dal»y, I«H©I»CS eastern singles. lSVic: do Twins. 18>,ic; do Daisies, lS',j<gl9c; do Long ll"rn. lUlc2oe; do chedders, ISVsCi Imported Swiss, 30c; Jack cheese, 26c: domestic Swiss. 22®260; cream brick, 20c; Ltmburger, 190300! Roquefort, 38^400; Edam, it>bis; Canadian cream, box. $1.00. BEANS—No. 1 pink, $7.25; No. J Ltmas, 14.75; No. 1 Lady Washington, 14.50; No 1 small whites. $4.75; No. 1 Black eyes, $G: No. 1 Garvanzas, $4.50; No. 1 lentils, California. $7. _ POTATOES —New potatoes, lug, ,■>'■: 00 $1.50 sack; Highlands. J1.60; yellow sweeti, 5 ®6c lh. ONIONS— LocaI Australian brown, per cwt., 12.50; local Silver Skins, lug box, 00c; do cwt., $2.60; local yellow Danvers, cwt., 11. W; carlic, per lb., Be. _- FRESH FRUIT — Astrakans. |1.7»i Pcarma'lin. 44 tier, »'.'; Pearmains 4 tier, 1 50; Newtown Pippins, 4 tier, *2.-5; aa 4 U tier, $1.35: Spltzenbergs. 52^50; Wine taps, 4 tier, »3®«! crabapples. J1.25; Alexan ae™EßßltES—Strawberries, per basket. 4® BERRlES—Strawberries, per *»*JJ; *• Be; raspberries, per basket, 6c; blackberries, Per basket. »07o; loganberries, per basket, 7| l ß T ß^^Grapefru,l. Oeeed,ess |l; do seed Ilnis $2; Valencia oranges. |8.60®4; llraes, 20-lb. box, 11.25; lemons, $4'i... TROPICAL—Bananas, 4Vic lb: do refl. So, Fard date* 10© 12c lb; do Golden. 7®7lie '^nCELLANkoUS^Aprlcots. per lv. box. nvST cabbage, crates. ILTIOSi «««: tl PB' box M©«Cl crapes per crate. 60cif|1.10; iieachei box, 76ffS5o; plums, lug, CocfiJl: »»■ term*"n. HT2o lb.; nectarines, |1 per crate; hunches itatSci string beans, lb., l®30! dozen 25c; rhubarb, Crimson winter. »pi do flozen Ssc; rhubarb. Crimson winter. .sc; do northern Strawberry, box, $1; spinach, dozen, 25c- souaih, summer, per lug box. 35c; joung onions, dozen, 25c; turnips. dozen bunches. 25 @350 tomatoes, lEOSIo; northern arti chokeV do!!.. 85c: cauliflower, $1.50 box. DRIED FRUITS-APPles. evaporated, lb., S.??; apricots, lb.. 12c: figs, white loose box JIBO- do black. $1.35; Imported figs, per lb.. 13 ©16ci current.. IM01Oe; pearches, h..5He 7He- pear., lb.. 9@loc; plums, lb.. 10c; nec "pmilfflMt* IHtflOei 40-50,. 7%c; 60 6?s 8 4c; 60-70S, 6c; 70-SOs, 5%c; 80-OOs, B»*ImNS-MmcH.UI 2 crown, loose, 80-lb. r'NnTS^AlmSnds, fancy IXI* lb.. 16«17oi Brazils rt.""" cocoanuts. 90c; filberts, lb.. "-"pecans XXXX. lb., 17c; peanuts., eastern, lb 7Hc: do Japan. 6@6V4c; walnuts. No. 1. S. id., It, 14t4@15cT do No, 2. 12c . do budded, 16c; P^Scorn. cirtern, per cwt, $3.50; do local, $3.6* ViICF -Fancy Honduras (Carolina), per 10b ll", $6 75- chol:> do. $656.50; Japan grades. $3.75@4; Island rice, $5.60; broken $3.60. HONEY— water white, lb., BVic: do white. 7%c; do light amber, 7o; comb honey, 1-lb. frames, 18=; beeswax, lb., 20c. LIVE STOCK—Packers pay, r. o. b. Los An- Keles for: Beef steers, B@sWe; beef heifers, 4U«lsc- beef calves, 6H@6c: mutton weathers, 15 BOge: do ewes, $8@5.60; do lambs, $3.60@3.75; hn pOULTHY—Turkeys, live, per lb., 23@25c; large hens. 4 lbs. up, per lb., 18c; small hens, 2>AJ3'/s. per IK, 16c; broilers, 1 to IV4. per lb., 16c; friers, 1H to a lbs., per lb, 19c; roast chicken, per lb.. 30c; duck, per lb., 15c; geese, per lb., 15c; squabs, per dozen, $1.50; old roos torß, per lb., 10c. CHlLl—Evaporated strings, !b., 2f»c; do. loose, 22c; Mexican black, lb.. 25c; green chill, lb., 8c; chill Teplns, lb., 85®90c: Japan, 16911 a, HAY (baled)—Tho following quotations are furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Storage Co.: Barley, $12.60014.50; tame oat, per ton, $149 16.M; alfalfa. $13.60®14.60; wheat hay, $14®15. MILL. FEED—Bran. $1.50; whole corn, $i.7'i: cracked corn, $1.75; feed meal, $1.80: rolled barley, $1.20; oil cake meal, $2.50; shorts, $1.75; Kaffir corn, $1.75; white oatß. $1.90; do red, eastern, $2.25; wheat, original sacks, cwt, $1.80; do 100-lb. sacks, $1.85. FLOUR Vr^D FEED Following are the wholesale prices on flour nd feed furnished by the I»i Angele* Farm ing and Milling company: FAMILY FLOUR XXXX Standard, blended, per bbl $6.00 Purity 6.Si Our Pride 6 20 Apple Blossom 5.00 Flour in %-Backs 20e per bbl hisher. XXXX Ib retailed at $1.70 per <A sack; 900 per H sack. MEALS AND CEREAL QOODS— 5s Bales. Ks v,« Graham flour $3.40 J3.20 $3.15 $3.10 Entire wheat flour 3.50 3.30 3.2") 3.20 Rye flour •■"> »H0 8.65 1. 80 Rye meal 80 3.60 8.85 S.SO Corn meal, Y. & W 2-80 2.60 B.M 1.50 Oatmeal, steel cut 6.70 C.r.o 6.45 6.4* Hominy, large and Bmall 4.10 3.90 3.«6 3.50 Farina «-00 3.80 »75 3.7.) Cracked wheat 4.09 3.80 3.75 3.70 XXXX pastry, In bales $3.5!ijf3.3« XXXX family In bulca 3.70@3.E0 | Holied wheat, bbl. 125 lbs Rolled wheat, sacks, 70 lbs., per Back 2.5» Rolled wheat. Backs, 60 lbs., p«r sac* 1.70 100 Ids. Alfalfa meal «l-30 Bone, jrranulated 2.00 Bono meal £•"* XXXX beef scrapi 8.19 Bran 1-50 Rolled barley 1.20 | CharcoaJ 8-10 1 XXXX chick foad »■»• Per bale 20 6-lb bags 8.10 Per bale of 70 10-lb. bags 3.10 Corn, eastern mixed I.M Eastern whlt« 1-J3 Yellow dent 1M C:acked ,1 -5 Small yellow l.»» Feed meal J -^ White ■KBi-ptlan • ••••■• *■»• XXXX dry mash (a superior egg food) per 90-lb. sack 1-1» Grit, granite •<* Oil cake meal i',ll"illjl i'm Oats, extra quality white feed 1.85 lrS^^ffil^^Srit*-^v::;:-:;i| XXXX special dry scratch ffod 3.10 Shorts -1 -™ Wheat };• 100-lb. sack »•» Cracked, 100-lb. eack J" BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO, July 23.-Butter— Fonoy creamery, 30c: MCondl, 29c; fancy dairy, 2Sc. Cheese-New, I.i.iM'.c; Young America, 15 ®ICV4e. „ ■ KKKS-Rnnch. 3<Hic: store, 2,c. CHICAI-.0, ( July JJ.—ButUr steady; cream erlea 23ft27c; dairies, 23®2«0. Im steady; reoelpti, U.4BT cases; at mark, cases Included, iflOHo; firsts, 15o; i.rline firsts, Cheese steady: Daisies, 16«iiifl6c; twins, KifP 15Hc: Young Amerlcai, 1514©Uc; liong Horns, 16@lGUa. J. C. WILSON 212 WEST FIFTH STREET UFUIIER 1 New York Stock Hxrhnnse. Chlrogo Honrrt of Trade. The Sto«k «nfl ' " llon'l Y. irliaiiK'. 8. 1". MAIN 6000 CORRESPONDENTS I riSJJ Harris, Winthrop & Co. NEW YORK CHICAGO LONDON PARIS ra»a.l<-nn rlli-nM Call nome 110. n. O. LATRItOP, Manaitef. CLEARING HOUSE BANKS =T -T~~~ KAMB .iri-irEiw G ' . , -ri_-,L» W. A. BONYNOF., Proildent, ommercial National BanK newm'.n essick,ca»w«r, Capital, $;rm, J 401 S. Sling. rorn'r Fourtß. Hurphm .t I i-..11vl Profits, t47.f!W.0». Farmers & Merchants National Bank c'ha'rleb seyler, ca«hie'r. Capital, $1.5i«i,000. -orn-r Fourth Mid Main. gurplUß an 1 Profit!, $1.800.000. F- —— —— 7— J. M. ELLIOTT, Pre»Ment. irst National Bank w. t. s. hammond, cashier. Capital stork. f1,230,MK>. 6 X rn-fp- s.rrr.' »n'l Firing. Sun.lm nn.l I'milts. '1.'.:.' "■'"■ —^———— ! ~~~ ' \v. H. HOLL.IDAY, Preild«nli erchants National banK chas. okeene, cashier. IjM Capll 1200,(100. ISI P>. B. ccrn>r Third and P-rlng. Surplus anil Un.llvMed Profit... $650,000. _-= T~r; ; r „ ,-, '■ "" .r. K. FISHBURN. President. a ational Bank of Lalilorma H , s , MoK eb, cashier. National Bank of Caiiiornia Capital, c'aahi«r. Capital, 15 ,0 I £ N E. corn»r Fourth -aii'l Spring. Surplus and fn.livll.--i1 Proflta, $130,000. ~ ; : 7~Z . a. F. ZOMBRO, ITcsldcnt. fi'-ntral National Bank jamesb. <ust, cashier. q Capital. $300,000. U 6. E. corner rMirth and Broadway. Surplus ■■■■, I l'.i.ll'H».l rrofltn. >i4n,000._ " ~ WARREN OILT.ELEN. President. fj roadway Bank & Trust Company A . w , kkdman, cashier. U ' Papltal. $260,100. 0 M*-B« ir.a^.y. Bralhury bulldlr.n. Surplus an-1 ■ : iivH».l Front... $235,000. —-—; — '. — [SAIAH W nr.r.r.Man, Preildent. nited States National Bank f. w. smith, cashier. Capital, $200,000. P. E. eom<T Ma:v> ani Commprelal. Surplus ar..| Profits, $73,000. ; Citizens National Bank " p • WATERS, ['icsl.lrnt. Citizens National Bank \\ m. w. wi k ids. < :a»w«r. Capital, !'..' 8, W. comer Vhlrd and Main. »^________-— -LOS ANGELES SfIVINGS .gEC^ITRITV „. ATiyftS 15AWI£ ? Largest and Oldest in the Southwest Resource, $29,000,000.00 Fare the hlhe.t rate, of lnterett and on the mo»t Überml term. conslttenl wll* »ouml. consorvative banklnir. T , . , Largest and best equipped Safe Deposit and Storage Vault in the Southwest. ( Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets J —^■JlPi'"" THg. SANK. WITM THE ■ ■">■■?■ Jr EFFICIENT JEJtVIQE, ST jePRING ANM* FOURTH JTJ; FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, July 22.-Fancy aPP]^ 66c@f1.25; common, 35©500; strawberries, $1® | 6: blackberries, J3<ff4; raspberries, »7@loc; or dinary grapes, 40@75c; oommon pe«r», EOo; fancy 11.25; Hartlett, »1.36®1.60; common peaches, fancy, 75c; common plumi, 20c; fancy, 85c; navel orangeo nominal; Mexican limes, *G®6.80; common California lemons, J2; fancy, $6- watermelons. »1.50@3.50; fancy cantaloupes, $150- common, $1; bananas, 60c@|3; pineapples, *2®3- — - CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, July 22.—Estimated re ceipts, 000; market steady; beeves. J3@8.40; Texas steera, J3.60(g'5.70: western Bteera, $5® 6 80; rtoekera ami fasderi, S*>ls-39.40; cows and heifers $3,656.65; ealvea, M.75@8.75. Ho K "-Reoetptß estimated at 12.000; market 10 o higher! llEht. W.TW9.10; mimed. IS.3OSB.jKi heavy $S«s.7&; rou»h, »8®8.20; good to choice heavy! $8®8.75; pigs, |5.75@9: bulk of gales, 'Vhfep-Recelpta estimated at 12,000; market strong native, *2.60®4.25; western. 12.M04.25; yearlings, UMOS.W: lambs, native, $4.50®7.40; western, |4.50@7.50. PITTSBURG AERO CLUB ISSUES 'WIND CHECKS' riTTSBURG, July 22.—The Pittsburg J Aero club has been in existence but a few weeks, but it already lays claim | to something alleged to be original in aeronautics called the "wind check, not an accessory to aeroplanes, but a coupon entitling the ticket holders to come around next day free in case the wind prevents llights at the aviation meet scheduled to be held August 5 at Brunut's island in the Ohio river. Aviators Glenn H. Curtis, «nit. Thomas H. Baldwin and J. C Mars have been engaged to show Pittsburg the art of flying There is some speculation as to whether the unusually dense smoke laden atmosphere will make flights easier here than elsewhere. It is Bug- I d that it should do so on the principle as salt water is the more buoyant to the swimmer. FRENCH WOMAN TCTRY CHICAGO-N. Y. FLIGHT NEW YORK, July 22.—A French woman, one of the four or five women who have done serious work in avia tion, has Indicated her intention of coming to America shortly for the pur pose of attempting a flight from Chi cago to New York for the prize re cently offered. i She is Mme. Mathllde Frank, the French Wife of a British journalist. Mmo. Frank has made leveral excel lent flights recently. Slie flew yester day fourteen miles ai Mourmelans 'without stopping, establishing a record < as a woman aviator. She is at pres ent preparing for a flight cross the English- channel from Calais to Dover. $20,000 IN PRIZES ASBURY PARK, N. J.. July 22.— Twenty thousand dollars in prizes for professional and amatour aviators will be offered at the ten days' aviation meet to he held at Interlaken, near here, from August in to 20. Curtlss, Hamilton, Baldwin and four of the Wright aviators are expected to com pete. SHOOTS CHORUS GIRL WIFE AND WOUNDS SELF NEW YORK, July 22.-Alfred M. Dalby, formerly a music director with Do Wolf Hopper, shot his wife, known as "Teddy" Hudson, a chorus girl, and attempted to kill himself on Broadway tonight as crowds were leaving the theater Both ho and tho girl may re cover, it is said. They had sepai some time ago, but Dalby was angered when he saw her walking with an other man. ©whether you ought *o!tT^rS open an account? It nlUVjas^^ Jf pay you to «tcp in any fSi ff clay, but especially Saturday or V| U Mondaj-. See the thousand* of de- I ■ positors, old and new, aud a»k MB M (hem what they think of the AH U B Night and Day plan. They are our n A reference. Talk with our officers. II M You wIU open a new account be- J B fore you leave. **' H Mil mfflnmj >®5r 6th and Spring Sts.*fmF DESERT HEAT CLAIMS FIVE VICTIMS IN WEEK SAX BERNARDINO, July 22.—The toll of intense heat in the desert sec tion of this county is beginning to come in. Word of three deaths and probably a fourth came in tonight to Coroner Van YVie. and is believed still Others have perished in the desert wil derness which has been like a furnace for days. The body of an unknown man was found beside the Salt I>ake track near Kelso. He Is supposed to have perished from heat. The body was taken to Kelso. So far it is un identified but it is believed to be that of a. laborer who ran out of water. Two men are reported to hove died near Doble on the north slope of Mount San Bernardino. Both are understood to be miners who were overcome by the int. use heat while working in pros pect holes near the Rose mine. Teamsters coming in to Victorvillo report having seen a man insane from hi ■' roaming through the brush some distance out but. they were unablo to catch him. A searching party will go out to seek him, but is believed that no man Ins been able to survive the heat of the two clays since ho was Wit ti the death reported from X ties today, this makes five deaths on the desert this week. ASSASSIN ATEMPTS TO SLAY FORMER PREMIER BARCELONA, July 22.—Antonio . Maura, former Spanish premier, was wounded today by a would-bo assassin. Ili~ assailant was arrested. The man's name Is Manuel Posa, and he Is a native of Barcelona. Posa fired three shots as Hignor Maura was leav- I train, wounding him In the leg. | The former premier was hurried on . the steamer Mlramar, where a i his wounds, which are to be slight. He left Immediately for the island of Majorca, BISBEE SWEPT BY FLOOD, AND TEN LIVES ARE LOST Bli PASO, Tex., July 22.—A dis patch early this morning from Bisboe, over railroad wires, itated that tho city was swept by a destructive flood last night. It is said ejght or ten persons were drowned and a portion of the city greatly damaged. Particulars could not be learned. FOUR PERSONS KILLED DOUGLAS, Ariz., July H.-lIMHIH received here this evening say that mountain cloudbursts again flooded Blsbeo today, and that four persons met death In the torrents. The tele graph wires were swept down, and ef forts to procure further information bo far have proved fruitless. 7