, - ,---.--.----■.■ . -- . - .- . ■■ ■- -^ - . ■ ■ ■ _■:■-_,-. - ■ - ' ■
Trading in Wall Street Swells
* Considerably but Not to
State of Animation
'■■•V '■ ———— j*
£ Roosevelt's Speech on Special In
) terests Causes Apprehension
Among Sellers of Stocks *
:•/ > (Ass- lated Press)
NEW TORK, Sept. I.—The amount
■ of business done in the stock market
today was ' swelled considerably over
yesterday's total. The first hour's
dealings in fact crossed the day's total
for yesterday. ; This increase In activ
ity, however, by no means brought the
dealing Into a state of animation. The
overwhelming preponderance of the
' transactions In Reading, Union Pa
cific and United States Steel showed
: the professional character of the mar
ket and how little changed it was in
that respect.
. The entire stagnation of demand for
securities In itself served as encour
agement to attack by the bears In the
speculation. A movement of prices in
either direction was welcomed by the
hoard room traders as a relief from the
unprofitable stagnation and they Joiner!
freely in the day's movement In the
three most active stocks,
I Colonel Roosevelt's address In Kan
sas yesterday ■in its militant attitude
against the "special Interests" was a
subject ■of professed apprehension on
"'"the part of sellers of stocks.-, ,
Restriction of projects of improve
ment and cutting down outlay as far
as possible were admittedly on the
•j program for future months. A general
. policy of retrenchment ; by ■ railroads
j. points to reduced demand for such a
■ variety of commodities that the list of
industrial securities was unfavorably
■ affected. United States Steel was con
spicuous in this respect.
• 1 Amalgamated Copper was a compan
. • ion In i weakness. Exports of copper
) ,•; during August reported at 27,976 tons,
''' were .the largest In any month since
• April of 1909 but the price of the metal
receded in London and the copper se
curities wore sold with the rest of the
list. The expected , advance in the
Bank of England discount rate did not
• occur but the private discount rate In
I London held firm. Inroads in ■ New
i York bank cash are being made at a
? heavy rate, indications pointing to an
I ' increase of $10,000,000 or upwards in
\ that item for the week.
\ ; Bonds were easy. Total sales, par
\ value. $1,476,000.
,\. United States bonds were unchanged
i on>call. \ ' ■
I': Special ttrvlc* to Th» Herald or J. C Wll
vY'»on. Jl2 West Fifth str««t; Lo« Anwlu, num.
\Ji«r New York stock exchange. Chicago board
kJSf.: trade, stock and bond exchange at - San
I -NEW YOrtK, Sept. L—Following were the
' quotations today: ; 4
Bales., Stock. =-,'■' High. Low. Bid. Ask.
;. Alils-Chalraer* ....... .. 8 0
"....... do preferred...... .. .. 31 S3
' 15.100 Amal Copper ...... 64% 62*4 63% ti:i»i
2.100 Am Beet Suirar .. 36? i 35% 35% 36%
do preferred ..-' 91 .84%
, 200 Am Can .Co 8% 8% 8% OH
1 200 .do preforrod 88% 68% 6S 68%
....... Am Car * Fdy .. 47 4»
'.•'....... do preferred ...4.;. .. ll'J',4 116
800 Am Cotton 0i1.... 61% 61% 61% 81
• 100 Am Xx ■ > ..V.....;..237 . J37 230 280.
....... Am lo» 8ccnr...... .. .. 10 20"
- 200 Am Minted 13 11% 11% 12%
*':.',, do preferred .. SO S3
800 Am Locomotive .. 35% 31% :UH 35
!.'...."..'.'- do preferred-.; ' .. 11l 108
7.299 Am Btnelt & Rfg.. <I B■' 66% 6694 66%
• j 100 do preferred 103%'103% 103 104
....... Am Sugar, dlv 1%. .. •.. 117 118
.' do pfd, dlv 1% .. 117 130
:• 100 Am Steel Fd5...., 43 43 42% 44%
TOO Am Tel ft Tel Co. 135% 135 135 136%
;. do preferred ....... ..'■ -02% 93%
Am Woolen ........... .. !7% ■• 28
(M do preferred ..... 05 »4% »(% 95
70* Anaconda .. ....... 80% 80 39% 39%
.;..... Atlan Cst Line...... .. 110 111 .
9,300 AT* Santa. Fa... 98 ' M<4 ■ 98% MV
> 100 do preferred ...„ »9%'98%' 90% »9%
■ . 13,900 Bait ft 0hi0.......104% 101T4 102% 102%
....... do preferred ..... .. .. 87 90
3,000 B Tl T.. ........74 73 73% ■ 74
2,*)0 Canadian Pacific...lM'i 192% 19:% 193%
2,200 C & 0.... ....73% 72% 72% 73%
C &A.. .; 29% 80%
V ;^>4oo C & a V?.,. 2214 22 22% II
800 Ido preferred ..... 44% 43% 43 41
. -»0C & X ■yV.;;... 143%148 148%. 143%
(1,500 CM& Bt P.. 121 118% 118% 119 :
■ 1,300 do preferred 146 144 144 145
200 Central Leather ... 34' i 34 ■ 83% 84
i;■-'. '>■ 800 do preferred ..;..10« 106% 106% 106%
....... cent of NJ..•::..;. ;. .. 250 300
• ' ..'a C C ft St L. %1 ' .. 70 75 ■
-■'/...;... Flo preferred '?....' .. 95% 100
; 800 Colo Fuel ft Iron.. 30 V- 29% 29 80%
S .".....,*' do preferred•» .'■..-. 100 ( 120"
7>v-. 600 Col Hock eft 1... 4% •' *% 4 .6%
.200 Colorado Southern, ElVi 63% 63 54
:...... do Ist pfd..... .. 71 72%
......■." do 2d pfd ...7. •■•;.'■- 69 72
5,000 Cons ana 129% 128 125% 129%
. .:- 300 Corn Product! .... 13% 13% "% n%
100 do preferred ..... 75 -75 72 ■' 7%
..;...; Del ft Hud50n....... .. ■ 158 ■ 160'
,-..;...'. DL & W ..y. ..:.... 493 620
. 200 D & R Q........... 80 -■ 29%. 29% 30%
'. . ;' 400 •■ do preferred ..... 71% . 70% 70% 70%
> 600 Distilling Becur.... 27 . 20% 26T, 28
....... Duluth S 8 ft A.... .. 10 10%
Slr.T.'.Vi^'flo preferred ........ _.. 19 22
"■ .. 700 Erie .. ..*.;......:. 25% 25 .24% 26%
100 do Ist pfd 41% 41% 41% 41%
■ ; .......odo 2d pfd ,t..;;.... .. 30% 82%
1;,.... General Electric .. .. , .. .143% 114%
100 Gt Northern Or«.. 64 64 ■5S 14
1,000 do preferred 124% 122% 123 .123%
300 Illinois Centra 1....129 129 129 129
1,800 Interboro-Metro '.. 18% 17% 18 \ 18%
1,400 1> do preferred ..... 48 ,47% 48 65%
;...;. Internat'l . Paper .. 10% 11%
;..'..i-. do preferred ..... ... .. 47 49
> 200 Internat'l Pump ..39 38T4 . 38% , 89%
-■ ,'..T.... do pref erred .. -.. 80 81%
, >• 300 lowa Central ...... 17% 17% 16% 17
..ti,..;' 1 do preferred .. .. . 30 ■' 80%
!.;..;.. Kan City Southern .r... 27% ' 29
"•■■."."«■;.. T: do pt*t erred ..'...., .. 62% 63
• ..;.. Lake Erie & West ... .. 14 17
;,.;.'•' do preferred .. ... 85 45
i..T.TI- 4 N.,.......:.....'.. .. l 4 142 143
;.... Maokty ..»..■....;..'.. < .. ' si" 86
■* 100 .do v«f«rred 74% 74% 74% 70
Manhattan .. .. ;'...■-- 129 ,133
2,7«> Mexican ;■ Central.. 81 ■ 30% 30% 80%
autt Minn & St L 24%' 24% 23 25
,\...- do preferred • .. .38 49 r
■ 400 MBtP ft S 8 M..129 128% 128 . 128%
' do preferred..'.... .. ■ -.. -; 145 . 148
600 Mo Kan & Tex.... 31% 31 30% 31
WJ^t;* do preferred ...t. ,; .. 61 63%
\ ' 200 Missouri Pacific ,i 62 '.. ■62 63 , 52%
100 National Leadt.... 61% 61% 51 ;■63 .'
...■.-.■."l'i.'idO preferred-...,. .. .. -.103% 104
100 National Biscuit ..113% 113% 112 -114'
.......v do preferred ..... .. .. .. 121%
1 Sfi&j*.' 400 Nev -C0n5''.'......... 20% , 20% ,• 20%, : 20%
......*NY.Air Brake., .. .72 .:75 .
l'-'* 6,200 N V- Central 110% 109% 109% , 110 „
•'..„;;. NT c & St v;..,;, .., 61 ea
'■ ..- do Ist pfd....... .. '.." 100 .110-'
-.......'do M pfd.;....... .. •• 80 »»
200 NYNII ft Hart. 161 15014 HI 156V4
N V Ont ft W .. Sii',4 40
Norfolk & Went .. MM ■■'■':
...i>4. do preferred .."...; 87 »0
HOO North Amnricail >. 68 H tiil'i 88
8,000 Northern Pacific ..114% 113% 113% USTi
.Omaha.. .' 130 150
> do preferred ..... .. .. if* 165
Pacific Coast ..100 111
400 Pacific Mail 27 UN -'''4 26H
4.71H1 IVnnsyl 11 It C 0..125% 127"* 127% 127%
100 Peoples Gas l«i% IMM 104 106 Vi
....... Flttsburg Coal .... .. .. 16 I"V4
100 do preferred ...,. 65% 6594 65% 66
100 PO C 4 fit !■..... 84% 94% 91 94%
do preferred ■• 105 115
200 Pressed Steel Car. 35 86 33% 34 ,
■ do preferred ... 8«% "3%
Ry Steel Bpgs Co.. .. ... -80% 34
100 do preferred 91% 91% 91% W
69,500 Reading .. 142 1:18% 13014 13!>%
..4.... do Ist pfd 85 88
do 2d pfd 80 93
400 Republic H ft 1.... 30 29% 29% 29%
do preferred •• . 90 . m
6,700 nock Island C 0.... 30% 28 20 29%
800 -do preferred 86% 04 63 65
Slobs Shet 8 ft I . 66 66
do preferred MB 111
St L & 8 F Ist pfd .. .. 65 65
do M pfd 39 40
ItLtl W •• 23H 24
100 do preferred 58 6R 67 67%
18.300 Southern Pacific ..113% 111% 111% 111%
800 Southern Railway. 22% 22% 22% 22%
....... do preferred 60% 62
300 Tennessee Copper.. 26%' 25% ti% 26
100 Texas Pacific 26 26 26% 211*4
....... Third Avenue •< .' • - 8%
300 Toledo St Lft W. 23"! 53% 82 23
400 do preferred 49% 49% 48% 49%
Twin City JIT 107 110
....... Union Bag ft Pgpr .. ...,"■ 7 9
.,•..' do preferred -•> • &5 . .„; 60
73,800 Union Pacific ......167 164% 1<14% - 164%
....... do preferred '.' ".■ ■. 91 82
United Rds 8 F... .. .. 26 28
100 do preferred .....64% 64% 64 65
100 V 8 Cast In Pip*.. 16 IS 14 16
do preferred •■• 61 68
600 U,B Rubber 34* 83% 33% 35
do preferred .. 105% 107
do 2d pf<l »5., 75
83,600 U 8 Steel C0r.... 69% 67% 67% 68
,700 do preferred 110% 116 116 116%
800 Utah Copper 45% 4ti% , 45% 46%
100 Va-Car Chfm Co.. 67% 67% 6«% 67%
do preferred 121 125
300 Wabash 17 KJi 18% IT
1,600 do preferred ..... 30% 35 35% 35%
Wells Fargo Ex It* l«s
Western Union 61 63
400 Wssllnghouse .. .. 69 69 DO 61
W ft L E 5 » 4 »
do Ist ptd .. ■» 11
....... do id pfd 6% 7%
200 Wisconsin Central. 63% 63 61 62%
300 Am Hide, ft Leath. 6 6% ■6% 6
800 do preferred ..... 30% 2*% 28 29%
100 Am Agr & Chem.. 4494 44% 43% 44%
do preferred 85 l'">
Beth Bteel •• 26% 28
100 do preferred 67% 67% 67% 69
Nat Enamel ft 8 15 16%
do preferred .. 82 98
JOOPao Tel ft Te1.... 33 82% 82 38
70QInt'l Harvester ...96% 95 95 96
. A do preferred 118 «119%
MOO Goldfleld Cons .... 8% 8% 6% 8%
100 U 8 Realty 70 70 70 71%
West Maryland ... 42 44
Pullman .. 168 160%
Total shares sold, 401.400; bonds, 512,000.
Special service to The Herald by .T. C. Wil
«on. 212 Wn! Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem-
Nr New York stock exchange. Chicago board
of trade, stock and bond exchange of San
NEW YORK. Sept. -Following were the
Closing Quotations: . Bid. Ask.
Atchison gen 45..... 98% 98'/«
Atchlson cony 4s • 104% 106
11 A O Ist 4s US'* 99
ii nt 4* ««4 «JU
Colorado Industrial 6s 72 75
us Realty 6s ««% 87
Rock Island col 49 72% 72%
Southern Paclf.o ref 4s 03% 91
Southern Pacific col 4s '9 <»%
Union Pacific Ist 4s 100% 100%
Union Pacific eonv 4s .104% 116
U I Steel 6b '... •■ W3% 103%
United Railway «• 65 .0
Wahash deb 4s 63% 63%
Western Pacific 6s ••■ '«% ****
Japanese 4s 89% ■ 89%
Jap Ist 4%s WU- MH
Jap 2d 4%» 1 03J4 94
Southern Paclflo cony 4s 97% 97%
Denver Sl Rio QraAde ref Gs 91 91J4
U8 2s registered 101 101%
IT 8 2s coupon I*l ■ I°'%
V S 3s registered 101% 102%
11 8 3s coupon 101% 102%
U I 4a registered ./. 115% 11BJ.
U 8 4s coupon 115% Ho*
Panama 8s J*' ••
Panama 1838» Ml -••
Washington, sept. I—The condition of
the treasury at the. beginning of business to
day was as follows: Trust funds—Gold coin,
$889,811,669; silver dollars. »4S = ,939,000; sil
ver dollars of IJ9O, $3,587,000: sliver oertl
flcates outstanding. $485,939,000. General
fund—Standard silver dollars, $3.9i4,791.;
current liabilities, $99,058,746; working bal
ance In treasury offices, $30,836,057; in bank
to credit of treasurer of V. H., $35,774,441;
subsidiary silver coin, $20,386.i»3; minor
coin. $922,151; balance In general fund, $59,
NEW YORK, Sept. I.—Money on call
steady, l'< 4©2 per cent; ruling rate, 114;
closing bid and offered at 1 7-8. Time loans
dull and firm; 60 days. 3% por cent; 90
days, 4®4 1-4; six months, 4%@5; prime
mercantile paper SV.,^ per cent; sterling
exchange steady with actual business In
bankers' bills at 4.8330<fi 4.8350 for 60-day
bills and at 4.8635 for demand. Commercial
bills 4.83®4.83 8-8. Bar silver. 63 7-8 c;
Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds,
steady; railroad bonds, oasy.
CHICAGO. Sept. 1. —New Tork exchange
80c discount.
* » ♦
(■peels! servloe to The Herald by J. C. Wl»«
ken. 212 West Fifth street, Los Angelas.
NEW YORK. Sept. I.—Today's first cotton
price* wem from 1 to 2 or 3 points higher.
Almost Immediately, however, the market be
came dull with n slight sagging tendency,
which caused active options to show madlum
slxed losses for the day's work. Trading was
quiet and the market seemed to lack any par
ticular Incentive In either direction, suffer
ing somewhat from the recent over excite
The market ranpert as follows:
Open. High. Low. Bid. Ask.
January 13.45 13.50 13.86 13.37 13.38
February 13.38 15.40
March 13.53 U. 57 13.44 13.45 13.46
May 13.5S 13.62 13.60 13.51 13.52
Juno U-50 13.63
j u [y 13.48 13.50
September 14.15 H. 23 13.9fi 13.98 13.M
October 13.53 13.60 13.43 13.47 13.4S
November 13.38 13.99
December 13.47 13.51 13.36 13.38 13.39
Spot cotton, 15.50, easy; 200 lower.
LONDON, Sept.. 1. —A sale of sheepskins
was held here today. The attendance was
good and there was a fair demand for the
8300 bale* offered. Prices were practically
unchanged except for medium coarse cross
breds. which were unchanged to %d dearer,
and Punta Arenas, which ranged from un
changed to l-4rt lower. Following are the
sales and prices obtained for clothing and
combing: New South Wales, 800 bales at
3 l-UUj> 8 3-Sd. Queensland, 200 bales at
lOSUd. Victoria, 1800 bales at 4%©9 d.
(outh Australia, 1400 l.nles at 3'»4@9%d.
Tasmania, 200 bales at 3 08Hd. New Zea
land, 1100 bales at 3 l-4(»10%d. Punta
Arenas, 1600 bales at 4%@9%d.
BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. I.—Fancy cream
ery butter 31 %c; seconds. 80%o; fancy dairy:
28c. New cheese, 14@18%c: Young Ameri
cas, 16 % 017 c. Ranch eggs. 35 %c; (tors
esfffl. 320. - ..,V*ss. |'VMt!3**iV^lflft§W
CHICAGO, Sept I.— Butter, ■ steady;
creameries, 24%«29c; dairies, 250270. Eggs
steady at mark, cases included, V 14017 c;
firsts, i 20c; prime firsts. 22c; .receipts «197
cases. Chese, steady; Daisies,,'■ 16016Hc;
Twins. 15%o;. Young Americas,: 18%<iJ>l«%c;
Long Horns, <l«olS%o4m^ffi^«m9^itfsi. 1
LOS ANOKLBB, Sept. 1.-Bank clearings
were 12,092,075.49, a decrease of »226,058.11 a»
compared with the amount for the corre
sponding period of ltst year. Following le a
comparative statement:
1910. 1909. 1901.
August 29... $2,288,330.81 $1,814,378.11 11,868,366.09
August 30... 1,»23,297.0(> 1,876,«94.0T 1,2Cf,,6!4.36
August 31... 2.719,363.79 2,264,732.60 2,063.103.76
Kept. 1 i,09»,076.49 1,318,183.60 1,376,802.26
The market on the exchange Thursiny was
a particularly good one. The caller was kept
busy all day with tho oil stocks. Consolidated
Midway was a heavy trader and while It did
not fiuotuat* much, the price closed stronger
than the opening. It opened under heavier
selling movement thnn ha« been seen on the
exchange for some dnys. The stock changed
hands rapidly and there seemed to be no
limit either to' the buying or selling crowds.
Associated was about at yesterday's Brloes.
Mexican common ugaln showed a splendid gain
of a point and a half. Palmer also was up.
(Hindu Land ihowttd a gain of three points.
Union was steady at yesterday's prices. Cen
tral Oil showed quite a decline on the after
noon call.
The exchange will bo closed Saturday of
Oils wi;ek, thus taking the same action as the
other large exchanges In the United States.
The dewing for tho week-end gives the brok
ers a three-days' rest—Saturday. Sunday and
Monday (Labor day).
10 Associated Oil, 40.25; do, 40.12%: 1000 Enos
OH 1 20; 4000 Consol Midway, 2Z%; 2000 do
25' - 3000 do 25%; 600 do 25%; 12.000 do 25Vi;
22,000 do 26%; 600 do 26*; 5000 B-30 26; I'MO
Cleveland Oil, 13%; JOO Palmer Oil Co., 1.50;
10 Mcx P Ltd com, 24.25; 10 do 24.50; 10 do
24.62V4; 10 do 24.76; 30 do 24.87%; 50 Union,
101.00; 10 do 101.12%; 10 do 101.25; 10 Union
Prov Co, 99.00.
600 Cal Midway, 62«! 1000 do 61; 1000 do
I»-3<) 61%; 1000 Hnos Oil, 1.26%: (300 Oonsol
Midway, 25V.; 3000 do 26%; 1000 do B-30 26;
3000 Consol Midway, 85%; 2000 do ib%; 100 do
13-30 26%; 20 Mcx P Ltd com, 25.25; 1000 Cleve
land, 1814; 1000 do 13%; 1000 Central, 1-84; 10
Whlttler Home bonds, 70.
Bid. Asked
American Petroleum Co .. 95%
Associated Oil C 0........ • 80%
Corona City Water Co i 93 ..
Corona Power and W Co 99 104
Cucamonga Water Co 08 ••
Edison El Co Ist R » ," ■»Jx2 * -
Edison Elec Co old Issue 103 108 •
Home Telephone Co 82 87%.
Homo Tel Co Ist rfds; 67% 70.
Huestecft Pips Linn .. }*»
L A Pac Ist cor. mtgs "Ml
L A Pad Ry gen con I'l
L A Pao Rr Ist rfdg .. "
L A Traction Co 6 101 JW
L A Traction Co 5s .....* 101 I<W
Mexican Nat'l Qas Co ........... .■ 10°
Mission Tram and RCo 97% , ..
Pac Elee Ry Co 109 * "
Pacific Light and Power C 0.... 96 100
Pasadena Home T and '»' C 0.... •« V, »0
Prmona Con Water Co ■■ 108%
Santa Monica Bay H T Co .. JO
Santa Monica H T and T Co 73%
San Diego It T and T Ist mtgs ..SO
Ten;esc«l Water Co .............. 99 "
fnlon Transportation Co ........ 90 92%
V S Long Dlst T and T C 0...... >. >•
Vlsolia Water Co 97% ..
WBlttler Home T and T C 0..... TO »0
Bid. Asked
All Night and Day Bank 40.00 • 100.00
Bank of Southern California 90.00
Broadway Bank and Trust ....ISO.OO 175.00
Cal Savings Bank-.......*. 11!.00 ......
Central National Bank • 180.00
Citizens. National .........200.00 830.00
Commercial National 16".00 .....
Equitable Savings Banks 800.00
Farmers and Merchants Nat' 1..870.09
Federal Bank of L A H-W
First National 4 .48J.M v .....
German American Savings 837.50
Globe Savin-rs Bunk 120.00
Home Savings Bank of I. A....111.00 .....
Merchants National 560.00
Merchants Bank and Trust Co 168.09
National Bank of California ..190.00 .....
National Bank of Commerce....los.oo
fi< jrlty Savings Bunk 300.00 8711.00
The Southern Trust Co 60.00 75.00
(50 per cent paid up' ; ■ .
. Bid. Asked.
Cal Portland Cement C0.f....... 81.00 .....
Edison Electrlo pfd 70.60 71.
Edison Electrlo com 49.00 64.50
Hawaiian Com an! Sugar 41.00
Home Telephone pfd 83.78 s'°o
Home Telephone com 4.75 5.50
Hutchlnson 8 P Co 17.09 19.00
L A Athletlo Cl .b ..... «.00
L A Brewing Co 100.00
L A Investment Co 3.15 .....
Mexican Nafl Gas com 17.00 88.00
Psauhau 8P C- JJ.OO 28.00
Pac Mutual Life Insurance C 0..80.00 "•■j n ,
Pae Con Stone Co of Cal ».07%
Pasadena Home T «nd T C 0.... ..... 86.00
Riverside Home T and T Co .22.00
San Diego Home T & T Co.. 17.60
Santa Monica B H T pfd 18.60 .....
Sun Drug Co i -J's2
f>»astde Water Co 100.00
Title a and Trust Co pfd 278.00 .....
Title I and Trust Ca pfd 176.0« .....
"'tie I and Trust Co com 176.00
Title I -"d Trust sit C........-.176.09
U 9 L D T ft T CO pM 20.00 85.00
Union Security Corp pfd 100.00
Union Trust Co 29.00 55.00
Whlttler Home T and T Co 80.«•
PRODUCERS— i '-\ , Bid. Asked.
American Crude Oil Co.' : -98
American Pet Co pfd 96.00
American Pet Co com 80.00 66.00
Associated Oil <0.00 40.25
Bear Creek Oil ft M Co 20 . .30
Brookshire Oil "i 1-25 1.75
California Midway Oil Co 50 .61
Central 180 ••••
Cleveland Oil Co 12? i ' .13%
Coollnga Central Oil Co '; ' .75
Columbia ...;.... MS ■ 1-85 ,
Consol Midway Oil Co .26% .26%
Continental OH -35
Enos Oil Co 1-20 '
Euclid Oil Co ..... .63
Globe .;.. •••• 0» •«
Jade Oil Co 30 .85
Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 66.00
Mexican Pet Ltd com 25.00 26.60
Mascot Oil C 0..., i 2.26 •■•■•
New Pennsylvania. Pat Co 80 1..00
Ollnda Land Co (Oil) 63 .64
Palmer Oil Co 1.48 - .....
Perseus Oil C 0..... • '•'■■■ .32
Plnal Oil Co • 10.00
Plru Oil and L Co 17 .....'
Rice Ranch Oil Co 1.10
Trader's Oil Co i .....'75.00 100.00
Union .. ...'.....; 101.25 102.00
Union ' Provident Co 89.00 100.09
West Coast Oil,com. ...: 9.00 .....
Yellowstone OH Co 100.00
McKittrtok.lnv Oil Co.. .01 .05
Oleum Development Co 04% ...
1000 Daisy, 6; 6000 Bullfrog Alliance, 4..00 M.
Caf Hills M Co <Wik
Consolidated Mines Co 7.00 M .01
Searchlight Parallel .01
CHICAOO. Sept. I.—Cattle receipts esti
mated at 6000; market steady; beoves, (4.90
«j)8.40; Texas steers, 13.76HJ)6; western steers
|4.40#7.55l stockers and feeders. $4.10^
6.25; cows and heifers. 12.50iij 8.80; calves,
Hogs, receipts estimated at 14,000; mar
ket steady to strong; light, I8.1O8J9.7O;
mixed, $5.70{|9.60; heavy, 18.6509.40;
rough. 18.55iP8.90; good to choice heavy,
J5.3009.40; pigs, I8.80O9.60; bulk of salus,
Sheep, receipts estimated at 15,000; mar
ket strong to 100 up; natives, 12.5504.75:
westerns, JJ<ai4.7o; yearlings. |4 T
native lambs, $50 7.10; westerns, 150 7.
■ CINCINNATI, iSept; I.—The price Of
spirits was advanced B>cents today, -making
the basis price 11.33. v;' . •
Special service xo The HeraM by J. C.
Wilson, 218 West Fifth street. Los Angeles,
member New York Stock exchange, Chicago
Board of Trade, Stock and Bond exchange
of Ban Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1,-FolloWln* were
the closing quotations today:
Alameda Artesian W Co 5s 100
Associated Oil Co 6» > 91% ..
Bay Counties Power Co 6s 103% ••
Cat Gas * Elec Gen Mft C T 65.... 97% ••
California St Cable Co 6s 100
California Wine Association os 89% •■
City Kleitrlo Co 6a..... 88 88%
Contra Costa Water Co 6s .. »
Contra Costa Water Co gen mt« 6«. 98% 95
Edison Kleo Co of L A 6s 103
Edison Light * Power 6s 107 '..
First Federal Trust Co 65..... 101
Ferries ft Cliff House Ry 5b 100
Hawaiian Com 1! ft 86s 105 107
Honolulu RTft LCo 65........ 104% ••
Lake Tahoe Ry ft T Co 65.. 98
Los Angeles Railway 5s 108 ..
Lob Angeles Lighting gd 5s 100 ..
L A Pac H R Ist con mtg 6s 103% ..
L A Pac R R of Cal 6« 1«2%
Marln Water ft Power Co 6s 100% ..
Market Street Cable «s 104%
do Ry Ist cons mtg 5s 9914 i ••
Northern Ry Co (of Cal) Bs 112% v.
Northern Cal Railway 6s 101 105
Northern Cal Power Co Ks 100 105
Northern Electric Co 69 90
Oakland Gas Light ft H 6s 102
Oakland Transit Co 6s 107% ■•
Oakland Transit 6s 103% ••
Oakland Transit con 5s 103% ..
Oakland Traction con 6s 9S
Oakland Traction Co 6s 104
Oakland Water Co gld 6s 96%
Omnibus Cable Ry Co 6s 106
Pacific Gas Imp 4s 80 8,%
Pacific Electric Ry Co 6s i..104% 104%
Pacliic Light ft Power Co 6s BSH
Pao Light ft Power gtd 6s 99% ..
Pacific Tel & Tel Co 5s 97% ..
Park ft Cliff House Ry 6s 100 102
Park & Ocean R R 6s 100 ..
-ople's Water Co 65.,.>...... 64
Powell Street Railway 6s 102% ..
Bao'to Eleo Gas & Ry 69 101% ..
S F Oak ft Ban Jose Ry 68 104% ..
do 2d rat« us 90>,4 ..
S F Oak & S J Con Ry 53 96
S J ft S Clara Co R R 4M.-S 90
Sierra Ry of Cat Cs •• ' 109%
BPR Rof Cal Bt (1912) 104% ..
5 P R R of Cal Ist c gtd g 6s. 116
6 P Branch Ry of Oal 9s 124 129
8 P R X Co Ist rfdg 4s 94% 94%
Stockton Gas ft Elec Corp 6s 104
8 V Water Co gen mtg- 49 90% 90%
United Gas ft Elec Co 6S 98% .>
United R R of 8 F 45.... 67% 68%
Valley Counties Power Co 6s 99% ..
Spring Valley Water Co 49% 60
City Electric Co *9% ..
N Cat Power Co con .« " "
Paolflo Lighting Corp pfd 78 ..
Pacific Lighting Corp com 67% ..
California Insurance Co 76
Fireman's Fund 236 ..
California 4 125 ..
Presidio - 25 .32%
Giant Consolidated C 0................. 82% 84%
Hawaiian Com'l ft Sugar Co 40
Honokaa Sugar Co 18% ..
Hutchlnson Sugar P1antati0n......... 17% ..
Kilauea Sugar Plantation Co 12 .. '
Makawell Sugar Co 37% SS%
Onomea Sugar Co « • ••
Paauhau S P C 0..... 27% 29
Union Sugar C 0.... <»»
Amalgamated Oil C 0........ • M
Associated Oil CO «0% 41
Alaska Puckers' Association 88% 90
Cal Fruit Canners' Association.. 101 ..
Cal Wine Association... • 82 83
Poo Auxiliary Fire Alarm..... 5
Pacific Coast Borax Co 156 .."
Pao Tel ft Tel pfd .. 95
Pae Tel ft Tel com • 82H 85
Morning stiles— City Elee 6s, 88; 1000
Cal Gas ft Eleo ss, 97%; 9000 8 V Water 4s,
90%: 100 Associated Oil, 40; 80 City Elec, 49%;
40 Hawaiian. 40%; 5 Honokaa, 18%; 100 Hutch
lnson, 17%; 20 8 V Water, 49%.
Afternoon sales—6ooo S P ret 4s, »4%; 20
Amn Bank, 126; 5 Associated Oil, 40% j 60 City
Eleo, 49%. _
Special service to Th» Herald by J. C. Wil
son, member of the Chicago board of trade.
New York stock exchange and San Francisco
bond and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth street,
Los Angeles.
CHICAGO, Sept. I.—Market was a rather
ragged and mostly a heavy ulTair In wheat
today, differences oontlnulng to widen, tlie
September discount the largest now of any
time on the crop. Deliveries were heavy at
2.580.000 buihels and went to scattered com
mission concerns. The latter resold more or
less as September weakened whenever ele
vator support was withdrawn. Russia and
Roumanla are reported by Antwerp cables as
underselling America, and the drought In
Argentina appears to have been broken by
good rains. Export bids reported below pos
sible export limits. Nevertheless there were
claims of export of 72,000 bushels, Manitoba
wheat by Duluth exporters. Cash demand
here slim and confined to elevators. Fall
plowing far advanced In the winter wheat
country, threshing far advanoed and fall
plowing begun In the Canadian northwest. The
market continues to hinge on the foreign sit
uation and the continent appears to buy on
every weak spot They turned Liverpool from
% lower to VI higher today by buying car
goes of Australian wheat off coast.
The corn market was quite irregular but
changes within narrow limits. Trade In Sep
tember limited and that month covered a
wider range. Trade Is still a little nervous
over the possibility of frost damage later, but
buyers were disappointed because of failure
of frost to show over night. Fair reins cov
ered most of the belt last night or predicted
for tonight or tomorrow. This will help nil
the oorn but Is a menace In case frost shows
up early, as the crop is late. Country sold
a little more freely.
Oats were a little firmer on smaller deliv
eries than expected and evidences of heavy
purchases by eastern dealers who are hold-
Ing In cheap storage and hedge the grain here
mainly for December and May. Erroneous re
ports that there were sales for export grew
out of the fact that eastern exporters were
among the concerns who bought the cash
Provisions were mainly lower, nearby lard
the weakest. Foreign concerns sold tho lard.
European lard stocks decreased moderately
last month against an Increase a year ago.
The stock there Is now 37,500 less than a year
ago In store and afloat.
WHIBAT— Open. High. Low. Close.
September .. * .99% S .99% 1.98% » .98%
December 1.M% 1.04 1.03% 1.03%
May .. 1.09% 1.09% 1.08% 1.09%
Se^mber .. ..... .68% .59% .65% .69%
December 67% | .57% .67% .57%
May 60 .60% .59!, .60%
September ........ .83% .84% ' .83% .84%
December 36% .36% .30% .36%
May 39% .39:4 .89% .39%
October 20.90 .20.90 20.77 20.80
January 18.67 18.70 18.50 18.50
September 21.15 21.15 \ 21.02 21.02 .
LARD— ........18.03 18.10 ' 11.97 12.02
October l»02 12.10 11.97 12.02
January .. ........10.70 10.73 10.60 10.62
September 11.95 12.03 11.93 '11,95,
October 13.03 12.07 11.90 . 11.90
January 9.73 9.75" 9.67 9.67
September .. 12.25 12.27 12.12 12.16
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour,
steady; No 2 rye, 73% c; feed or mixing
barley, old, 65 @ 58c; fair to choice malting,
68©71e; No. 1 southwestern flaxseed, $2.41:
No. 1 northwestern, 13.63; timothy seed, $7
©8: clover, [email protected]; mess pork, per bbl.,
$21.50021.75; lard, per 100 lbs.. $11.
short ribs, sides, loose. $11.50*1 12.25; short
clear sides, boxed, $12.37% ©12.50.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 206,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 1,036.000 bushels, compared with 825.
--000 the corresponding date last year. Esti
mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 78
cars; corn, 463 cars; oats, 203 cars; hogs,
16,000. head. .
. Articles. Receipts. ShpmU.
Flour bbls '.... 40,600 •" : 131,600
Wheat, bush 139,200 193,000
Corn, bush 475,000 •', 259,100
Oats, bush 607,600 353,700
Rye, bush 3,000 1,000
Barley, bush 34,500 4,000
VALLKJO, Sept. I.—Rear Admiral
H. E. Mason, chief of the bununi of
ordnance of the navy department, will
arrive at the Mare Inland navy yard
tonight to inspect the nnval muguzlne.
The latter supplies all of the ammuni
tion for the vessels on the Pacific and
Asiatic stations.
Prices Restored to 37 and 33
Cents a Dozen-Half-Cent
Advance in Cheese
The reduction of 2 cents In the price of
local eggs resulted In quick absorption of
the excess stock, and Thursday the former
quotation of 37c and 33c was restored, so
that eggs to the consumer are as high as
No change In butter.
Northern fresh cheese advanced 'Jo to 17
@17% c. Eastern singles were quoted %c
higher at 19c; Daisies advanced %c; domes
tic Swiss and llmburger lc, while the prices
on eastern Twins and, Long Horns eased oft
The price on Salinas potatoes on the ex
change was raised 5c to $1.65 per hundred.
Thn price on sweet potatoes declined 15c to
lid to $1.85@1. Irish potatoes are firm. Re
ceipts were only 862 sacks.
Enough fish to meet the demand.
Produce receipts— 125 cases; butter,
8344 pounds; cheese, 762 pounds; potatoes,
861 sacks; beans, 300 sacks; sweet potatoes,
150 sacks; apples, 1248 boxes. '
roUowlng are the wnoleeulo prices of pro
iuc« to retailers as compiled by the Market
EGOS—(Per dozen) Local ranch, candled,
37c; do case count, buying price, 13c; east
ern fresh, 30c; eastern storage extras, 17c;
eastern storage seconds, 24c.
BUTTER—-(Per lb.) California creamery,
extra. 82 %c; do. firsts, 81c; cooking, 25c;
ladle, 25c.
iIIEESE"—(Per lb.) Northern fresh, 17©
17%o; large Anchor, 18c; Oregon Daisy, 19C;
singles, 19c; eastern Twins, 18%@19o; east
ern Daisies, 19@19%c;. Long Horns, 19% c;
eastern Cheddars, 20o; Imported Swiss, 30ci
Jack, ISc; domestic Swiss, 23©25cj cream
brick, 19c; llmburger, 20c; Roquefort, 38c;
Edam, $8.50@9; Canadian cream, box. 11.
BEANB-No. 1 pink, $6.76; No. 1
limaß. $5; No. 1 Lady Washington. $4.50!
No. 1 small whites, $4.50; No. 1 blackeyee,
$6.00; No. 1 Garva~n*as, $4.50; No. 1 Califor
nia lentils, $7.00.
POTATOES —Highland?, cwt., $1.4001.60;
local Burbanks, $1.50; Salinas, $1.65; yellow
sweets, $1.858.00.
ONIONS—LocaI yellow Danvers, crates.
51.50; northern yellow Danvers, cwt,
[email protected]; northern yellow Danvers, cwt.
$1.60; local silversklns, lug, 90c; do swt. $3;
local Browns, $1.50; garlic, lb. Be.
FRESH FRUIT 9— Alexanders, 4
tier, $1.65; Gravenstelns, 4'tler, $1.60; 4%-tr.
$1.00; orßb apples. .So lb; Bellefleur,
4-tlor box, $1.26.
BERRIES—(Per basket). Strawberries,
6©7 c; raspberries, To; blackberries, 7@Bo.
CITRUH FRUITS —Grapefruit, seedless. S3
©3.50; do seedlings, $2.25; lemon*, $4.00@>;
Valencia oranges. $3.0004.00.
Tropical fruits— (P«r ib > Bananas.
4@4%cl flo red, 60) Fard dates, 10©14 c;
do Golden, 7@7%c; alligator pears, do«.
[email protected]. ..
crates, local, $3®8.50; grapes, lug box. 60o;
nectarines, crate, $1.88; peaches, box, $1.00
©1.25! Bartlett pears, box, $1.76; rlums,
lug box, 81.t891.50i quinces, box, $1| figs,
$1.25 box; casabas, crate, $1.«0®1.76; Tokay
grapes, lug box, 4001.60.
VEGETABLES —Northern artichokes, do*.
90e©$l; bell peppers, lug, 60c; beets, do*,
bunches, 26e; string? beans, B@7c; do lima,
7c; green cabbage, $1.60 sack; red, «c In;
carrots, 25c do«. bunches; cauliflower, $1.50
crate, celery. 60@70c doz; cucumbers, box 26
©60c; green corn, 60c box; corn husks. 10c;
ege plant, 4@6c lb; horseradish, 250 lb; okra
2®4c lb; lettuce. $1 crate: peas, to lbs pars
ley 20(9230 doi: crimson winter rhubarb,
750©51; do northern strawberry, $1.36 box;
spinach, 150 dozl summer squash. 25a lug;
young onions, 200 dos: turnips, 250 dox.
bunches; tomatoes, 40@60c; asparagus,
DRIED FRUITS— Evaporated apples. Hi.
I»c- aprlcnts, lb., 12is;»loose white figs, box,
$160; do block, $1.36: peaches, lb., Tc; pears,
lb . B©lßC| nectarines, lb., B®loc.
PRUNES—3O-40S, 10c; 40-60s, 9c; 60-COs, 8c;
60-7CS, 7%c; 70-Si-, 7c: 80-90s. 6%c; 90-lOOs, 60.
RAISINS (Muscatels) —2-0! own, loose, 80
--lb. box, lb. So; 3-orown. do, 4et 4-orown, do,
Be; London layers, 2-erown, 20-lb. box, $1.10;
do l-crown. $1.35: do, 4-crown. $1.50; Sul
tanas bleached, lb. 7c; do unbleached, 3%n;
seeded raisins, 16-o». pkg. 6%@7e; do 18
--"nuts— (Per lb.) Fancy almonds, IXI,
N UTS —(Per lb.) Fancy almonds, IXI,
llai brazils. 14c; cocoanuts. 90c; fllbertu,
14c; peoans, XX. 18c; do XXX, 17c: do
XXXX l»ot eastern peanuts. 7%0; do Japan
6%c; plnenuts. toe: No. 1 walnuts, assn. ISC<;
do. budded. 17c; eastern popcorn, cwt. |3.60s
do local. (Per' 100 lbs.) Fancy Honduras,
JUICE (Per 100 lbs.) Fancy Honduras,
Carolina, $8.78; choice Honduras, Carolina,
$6©8.60! Japan .trades. $8.75®4! lsland % rloe.
15 60: broken. $8.50. "
HONEY—(Per lb.) Extracted, water while
8«,9%c; do white. 9o: do light amber, 7%c;
comb, water white, 18c; do light amber, ltoi
beeswax, lb., 30c.
LIVESTOCK —Packers pay t. o. b. Los An
geles for beef steers. 5©6%0i beef heifers,
4%©6 cl beef calves, s%©Cc; mutton,
wethers. $5.50®6: mutton, ewes, $5©6.50!
mutton, lumbs. $3.5003.76! hogs, 110.
POULTRY—(Per lb.) Live turkeys, 859
••«• large hens, 4 lbs. up, !sc: small hens,
$14 to 3% lbs ICe; broilers. 1 to 1% lbs.
19c- friers? 1% to 8 lbs., 16c; roast chicken,
170- ducks. 14c: geese, lie; old roosters,
So; squabs, dozen. $1.50.
CHILI— Evaporated, strings, lb.. 26ei do,
loose. Jlo: Mexican black. 25c; green. 6c;
ruth tepina, 90c. ground, Be.
_.(Baled.) The following quotations
are furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Stor
ag' Co. Barley, [email protected]; tame oat.
hay per ton. $14016.60; alfalfa, ton. $13.50
©14.50! wheat hay. $14©18. '
MILL FEED—Bran, $1.65: whole corn.
$1 10' crrcked corn. $1.85; feed meal. $1.80;
roiled barley. $1.25; oil cake meal. $2.50!
short. 81.80; Kaffir corn. $1.78; white-oats,
11 90- red oats, eastern. $2.88; wheat, ort
glnal sacks, cwt $1.90; wheat. 100-lb. sacks.
$1.86. '■
irailnwirß are the wholesale prices on flour
and Ted furnished by the Los Angeles Farm-
Ing and Milling company:
XXX.X standard, blended, per bb1.,..;.....56.«
Purity J'J!
Our Pride • •'••" J'Jjj
A^!, B ln B%"acks >20c < P V; <bbV."hi;;"xXXX
Is retailed at 11. per % sack; 900 per Vi sack.
Graham flour »3.« $3.20 $3.15 $3.10
Entire wheat flour 3.50 8.20 3.25 3.20
Rye flour * 3.80 3.60 8.65 8.50
£11 meal 3.80 3.80 8.56 3.50
Corn^al/Y. & V.- 2.80 2.60 B.M 2.60
Oatmeal, steel out 5.70 6.60 5.45 8.40
Hominy, large and small 4.10 8.90 .3.85 3.80
Farina • ••• 4.00 S.BO 3.75 5.711
Cracked wheat 4.00 8.80 8.75 8.70
XXXX pastry, in "ale. '3-s°®3^
XXXX family, In bales 3.70©3.50
Rolled wheat, bbl. 125 lbs $4.50
Rolled wheat, sacks, 76 lbs., per sack 2.6«
Rolled wheat, sacks. 60 lbs., per sack....^. 1.70
Alfalfa meal • ♦J-* 1'
Bone, granulated 3.0J
Bone meal ••» *•«•
XXXX bust scraps 3.10
Bran }•»
Kolled barley *•»•
Charcoal .....". • J-JJ
XXXX chick feed. 2.90
Per bale, 20 6-lb. bags 8.30
Per ba'.i of 70 10-lb. bags 8.10
Corn, eastern mixed 1.80
Eastern white }•»
Yellow dent 1-86
Cracked 1-76
Small yellow I.J»
Feed meal l-*>
White Egyptian 1.80
—XXX dry mash (a superior egg food)
per 90-lb. sack 2.15
Grit, ganlte •»
Oil cake meal 2-76
Oats, extra quality white teed 1.86
bliell, California, clam 76
XXXX special dry scratch food 2.10
Shorts }-2
Wheat .......J. .../. 1-fO
100-lb. sack !•$•
. Cracked, 100-lb. sack *•<*
NEW YORK, Bept. I.—Coffee do^-,1 to
day steady at a net gain of 10 to "0 points;
bales 59,750 bags. Sept. and Oct. 7.95 c;
Nov. 8c; Dec. 8.10 c; Jan. 8.12 c; Feb. 8.14 c;
Mar<h 8.15 c; April 8.17 c; May. 8.10 c; June,
t.JOe; July, 8.1!3e; Aug. S.!4c. Spot, linn;
Xi> 7 Rio. IO&IOVjc; So. 4 Santos, 10% c;
BUM. firm; Cordova. 10%©lSc
Sugar—Raw, steady; Muscovado. 89 teat,
3.B'.'c; centrifugal, 90 test. 4.U0; molasses
sugar. )i» tost, 3.67 c. Hotlimd, steady;
crushed, 6.95 c; grunulat-il, powdered,
«"* p^" T* I Los Angeles. Office I Home™!*?!!?!
wire n0.,.0. I Hotel Alexandria | M" 6006
——— '- 212 West Fifth Street mammm
s— in WILSON *£•!
Mills Bldg. Jl Wl ffILUUII During
Palace Hotel B . G. LATHROP, Manager Winter
■OHBUEcnMVMa Correspondent» ■huhiw—n—
n T^\ Harris ' Wiflthr °p & Co- I chi^sr-rd
Kxchln«V. | New York. Chicago. r»rU. Tendon. | ot Traile.
National Bank of California £ E s ; SZSgggafl? I**1**
Capital. $500,000. .
I*. ■. eorn»r Fourth ami Bprln«. Burplna ami 17iii1ItMp<1 Profit*. »»■»>«■
C. , .v> _• 8. F. ZOMRRO, President.
ential National Bank jamrr b. gist. cashier.
Capital, $300,000.
ft ». «>rn»r ronrth and Broadway. Surplus and Undivided Profits, K*i,*{*.
Broadway Bank & Trust Company l^So&g c Si e r" sl<lenu
Capital, 52t1,000. .„,
«M-» 1" Broadway, ftraabury building. Burplua artd Undivided Profltg. $247,0
U. ~~r ~,, „ , ' ISAIAH W HELUIAN, President.
nited States National Bank F w . smith, caabur.
Capital. 52OO.0O&
*. K. eorn>r Main »IH Commercial. F.n-plu.- nnri Prom., 173,000. .:.■._■
fiitizena National Bank • . WATEItfI, President.
iitizcns National Bank wm. v,\ woods, cashier.
Capital, 11.00 D.000.
U 8. W. corniir Vblrd and Main. Burph:*. tWO.OOO. , __
C| ommercial National Bank W. A. BONYNOK. President.
Commercial National xJanit newm n ersick. cashier.
I 401 B. Bt.-lnic. «m« Fourtt. .. Capital, »2W,000.00. Front., t47.00»0C._
| m*. «» ln ß . rom-r Fourth Burphn .t TTndlrldM Profit., $47.00».«».
'* L' ,'' i t» l_ IW HEIjIjMAN, President.
"armers & Merchants National Bank v obarlss pkyi.br. c»»hi«r. (
eorn*r *> th and Main. «»rpi»«'nn': Profits. ti.900.000.
■irst National Bank . s.^hammond. ca«hi*r. '.-■
■ Capital stock, $1,250,000. <
B. V c«rti»r « Pl >ifli,i and Sprins;. Surplus and Proftta, n,*W.WO. M|
""' —~ , W. H. HOLLIbAt, President. 7^ >
Merchants National Bank chas. bnEENE, cashier.
*. «■ comer Tblrd and Trtn> gg^u,: andVnd.vidM^flf. IW, ',
Largest and Oldest in the Southwest
Resource $29,000,000.00
Far. th. highest rat., of Inter... .a* .* th. .... Üb.»l *"»» »— »«»
Mood, conservative banking-. , an
Largest and Best Equipped Safe Deposit and Storage
Vaults in the Southwest. .
Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets J
- , __ ■
■Mil " ' me. bank Wl tm * TH£ "■■■■r*
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1 —'C"™" 1
Dies BJfCOe; slrawberriei, ♦»•««•'""?:
berrle«. 1406! raTpberrles, »7«10; ordinary
Brapes, 40@S5c; Muscat.,, 40@65c; common
pears, 50o; fancy. HI Bartlettß $1.5 a «*1.76.
common peaches, 60c; fancy, 75c; common
plums, 40c: fancy. 850: Valencia oranges,
»2.60@4: Mexican limes, J6<3>6.50; common
California lemons. J2.50; fancy, $».B0; nut
meg melons, 60©85 c; watermelon.. *I©2.
cantaloupes, fancy. J2.55; common »1.7 o.
bananas, 75c@»S;' pineapples, [email protected].
NEW YORK. Sept. I.—Evaporated apples
steady and quiet; spot, fancy, "'*?"? 0
choice, Bi,i@9c; prime, 8®8Ho; common to
fair, ««i@Tttc. Prunes, quiet and firm,
quotations 3W#l»B for California, up to 30
-- 403 and B@9Ho for Oregon.. AJ>ricots quiet
and unchang.«; choice, lo',i©lH.c: extra
choice, HVi»I3V4o; fancy. 12@13Wc.
Peaches, quiet and steady; choice. 7c; extra
choice, 6?i@7<ic: fancy. B@BJi c. Raisins,
aulet and firm; loose muscatels, 3% * ;>i.c,
choice to fancy seeded, 4 @11%«i^^ seedless.
4'.45',4c; London layers, H. 20©1.28.
SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. I.—Flour, family
and bakers' extra*. $5.30®«.20; Oregon and
Washington, $5®5.20; shrpplng wheat,
$1 tTUtfl.ls: feed barley, 95c@$l; brewing,
$1 [email protected]: red oats, $1.2001.35; white,
$1.(501.60; black, [email protected]; middlings.
$32@35; mixed feed. $25@26; rolled barley,
$22<S>28; oatmeal, 13.60; oat groats, $4.25;
rolled oats, 130®32; wheat hay, $7<B>lS;
wheat and oat, [email protected]; wild oat. $6.50®
9; tame oat. $71811.60; alfalfa, »7@lS;
straw, 35@6fic; pink beans, $6©8.26; lima,
H ((04.50; large white. $5.75@4; small do,
$3.55©4.10; Salinas Burbanks, $1.25@145;
Merced sweets, 2 '.iff 3c; fancy onions, 85c;
common, 75c. green poas, 3@6c; string
beans, 3@Bc; egg plant, 40@60c; green pep
pers, 25'5>G0c; tomatoes, 40©75 c; summer
squash. 4Offl>6Oc; gnrllc, 2H©4c; cucumbers,
35@50c; old roosters, [email protected]; young. $5.50
@8; small broilers, $2.25ff?3; large, [email protected];
fryers, $4® 5; hens, $3® 10; old ducks, 14.50
@6; young, $sfg>7; geese, $1.504J2; gos
lings. $2i3>2.50; young pigeon*, $1.r>[email protected].
Receipts—Flour, 7890; wheat, 652; barley,
2645; oats, 1620; beans, 100; corn, 30; po
tatoes, 5505; onions, 1705; bran, 100; mid
dlings, 20: hay, 1015; straw, 6; hides, 1650;
wine, 37,200.
BT. 1/OUIP, Sept. I.—Wool, unchanged;
medium grades combing and clothing. 23 1$
24c; light flnp, 19@21c; heavy fine, 15®17c;
tub washed, 25^ 33c.
NEW YORK, Sept. I.—Cotton closed to
day steady'at a not decline of 3 to 20
points. Spot closed quiet, 200 points lower;
middling uplands, 15.50 c; do gulf, 15.75 c;
sates 892 bales. Futures closed steady;
Sept. 13.95 c; Oct. 13.47 c; Nov. 13.38 c; Dec.
13 38c; Jan. 13.37 c; Feb. 13.38 c; March,
13.45 c; May, 13.51 c; June, 13.50 c; July,
13.48 c.
WASHINGTON, Sept. I.—Horribly
burned about the legs and body, pretty
16-year-old Alice Woodson is lying at
the point of death in c. hospital as the
result of her clothing having caught
fire while she was riding with her
fiance on a motorcycle.
Louis Knight, to whom Miss Wood
son was engaged to be married next
fall, is an enthusiastic motorcyclist.
He has affixed a temporary cradle seat
to the rear of his machine. In this
Miss Woodson was accustomed to ride.
They had been touring about the Po
tomac parkway and the Mall, and were
returning to Miss Vv'oodson's home at
a high rate of speed when a spark
from the carbureter caught her under
skirt, which ignited in a flame. The
rapidity of the motor fanned the spark
Into flames before Knight could stop it.
Miss Woodson screamed with pain
and fright. Knight brought the cycle
to a standstill and boat out the blaz
ing garments with his bare hands.
. A policeman ran to the assistance of
the excited couple and insisted that
Miss Woodaon be conveyed to the hos
pital at once. The doctors say that
sho has a chancq for. recovery. :
A Wedding A-
| present. What would be
/r more appropriate than a savings
Jf , ,m( .' Nothing, could be more «
I* practical for any newly wed. It ■
n would be the mean* of starting Jn
M the fund for *> home. The first vl
V year they would save enough for V
B their first payment on a home. 3 H
»\ and 4 per cent. M
WJW ffHl'PWWwW'w' 506
H toM% Savings 3AW
amamar Wt <
Biz months savings **•£ss M ft
counts earn four per cent. One MSL^ijl
dollar or more will start you. »«Bsy/
Benin to save and *am BOW. MTI&
FIFTH » JPig/^g JfJl Jit
COST $5,000,000 PER MILE
Central Railway to Connect with
the Two-Penny Tube
LONDON, Sept. I.—A quarter of a
mile of "tube" railway Is about to
be constructed from the bank of Liv
erpool street station, at a cost of $1,
--250,000 or $5,000,000 a mile. It is to
be ready In eighteen months.
The new line will be an extension of
the Central London railway, or "two
penny tube," and will bring the Great
Eastern Kailway terminus, with ita
quarter of a million passengers a day,
and Broad street station also, into
direct touch with the whole tube rail
way system of London.
It is hoped to substitute movlnr
stairways for the lifts at the Liverpool
street end of the tube. This would
provide continuous descending and as
cending slides, on which passengers
would merely have to stand in order
to be taken up or down.
The principle of moving stalrwaya
has been approved, and It is hoped
to overcome one or two difficulties In
detail which are at present under con«
Army Aviator Asks Permission to
Sail Beyond Post
SAN ANTONIO, Sept. I.—ln lha
war department everything moves with
micrometric precision, at least so it
would seem. When some time ;i~<>
Lieut. B. D. Foulois, who manages the
aero squad at Fort Sam Houston,
wanted to put wheels on his Wright
flyer, the permission of the. war de
partment was necessary. For a long
time it seemed as if the communica
tion had gone astray, but finally action
was secured and the wheels were put
on the machine.
Now, the lieutenant would make
aerial excursions beyond the confined
of the post, and once more permission
is necessary. Th« itrmy airman has
applied for this, but Is still waiting.
In the meantime the kit.- Is getting
dally exercl.se in low flights, high
flights, quick start* and landing and
other maneuvers.