Newspaper Page Text
A 3-lime Ad for tie Price %i 2, or T Insertions for the Price of 5. Ask the Herald Counter Man WANTED ■ '--■'■ mcLy—MAUi • ■ WANTKD-MEN QUICK T(j LEARN . A ' trade In months Instead of rears! no expense for Instruction; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying; actual contract works 200 students . lout year. Catalogue free. *'»riTED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTINi} CO.. 668 Pacing Electrlj bldg. 0-1-tf FIVB YOUNG MEN WI'UI WHItEM, AT once. Apply, (i:o S. Spring St., seonnd floor. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH CO. ' •- ■- .■ ■ :■ 9-1-lW . HJiLP—FEMALB WANTED—LADIES. BBAUTT CULTURM, pays big;; learn right, salary guaranteed. "FLORENTINK," the world largest, lIJ M'rrantllß place, corner Broadway. 8-»-tf SITUATIONS ' ' AN ADVANCED MUSICIAN On" MUSIC 1 teacher who Is ambitious to study further, and would like to do light work on* day ea li week to pay for normal Instruction, may learn cf such a chance by giving address In full and stating what musical work has been 1 done before Address BOX 3:», Herald. 9-4-71 FIB.BT CLASS PIANIST WANTS SITUATION. Experienced In orchestra work, especially ] dunce work. Will also cater' to afternoon toas, weddings, banquets, receptions, etc. : Can also furnish orchestra. Moving picture dhows not considered. Phone BROADWAY , 4438. *__ »-8-» WANTED-DAY WORK BY LADY; WASH- Ing, Ironing or cleaning. Address E. 11., MO3 Ruth aye., or phone Ruth apartment • house. Ask for Mrs. Hamilton. 9-4-12 BETHLEHEM FREE EMPLOYMENT agency, 510 Vlgnea ■ street. Main (728; Home A 4884. Men for houaecleanlng, yard work and general labor. i-34-tt WANTED— PLACE IN COUNTRY FOR BOY 14 year* old. to work for board and go to school. Address E. 11.. 853 Ruth aye., Los Angeles. 0-8-3 WANTED —WORK FOR THURSDAY, FRI -day and Saturday of each week by strong and willing young man of 18. BOX 379, Herald. : 9-9-3 EXPERIENCED COLORED CHAUFFEUR wishes position with private family; best city references. BOX 801. Herald., 9-4-7 HONEST YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION a* cook In private family. Address C. RIFFERG, box 2, Herald. 9-9-15 . BIIUAXtONJ—IKMALI ' ' TOUNG LADT WITH A-l OIL LINE EX perlsnce wants position aa stenographer, blll •r or pries work. Can give reterenoe. Phone EAST »14. »■!-« WANTED —POSITION BY EXPERIENCED lady stenographer; good references; owns machine. Address BOX 384, Herald. 9-7-7t WANTED—BY FIRST CLASS SWEDISH laundress, work by the day, 82.10. Please phone evenings only frim 8 to 8. At>s3l 8-26-8 WANTED —TO ASSIST AT LUNCHES. • afternoon -teas or evening receptions; reference*. 1638 REID ST. 8-JB-15 WANTED—HOUSE CLEANING. SWEEP- Ing, etc. 1888 REID ST. ■ 8-2»-18t TO MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FEATHER beds. 758 BAN PEDRO ST. Phones Main 110«; FBO4l. 11-17-tf. WANTED—TO PURCHASE STOCK ■ Wanted—i' .:■ • Stock In the Los Angel** Investment ooo pany; any amount up to 140,000; will pay - within * per cent of the company's selling ttric*. O. F., car* Glob* Savings Bank. fo?V- ' . i-U-tt , BOOMS WANTED—UNFURNISHED ROOMS NOT TO exceed 1260 per month, on ground floor If possible. BOX 63. Herald. 9-10-8 "■••■:•- MONET - • TO BORROW »l»0» ON GOOD LAND IN Can Joaquln valley to Improve same. BOX 880. Herald. i ' '* ' 9-9-8 ,,. , ; SPECIAL NOTICES This If your opportunity to have your eyes •xamlned by a well known specialist. To those presenting this notloe at 828 Security Building, Dr. Dlckson ext«nds the courtesy of free examination and consultation. This will not obligate you to buy glasses. ?1 1 ■ RELIABLE OPTICAL CO., i 828-329 Security Building. FIFTH AND SPRING. THIRD FLOOR. T-JS-tf pjgij ■ "< \ " if MR. B. G.—TOUR MOTHER WANTS TO ■•• you. ;■.;■_•; 9-8-tf -■ : ' ■"■ ■'/ ' .. ■ ' ANNUAL 'STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Searchlight Owl M. & M. Co.. called for Thursday, 2 p. m., September 15, at 449 M S. Spring st. F. J. LIEPBR, Secretary. /_!'■;; • 9-8-8 12 ACRES ON SANTA ANA CAR LINE. 8S6O0; any kind of terms. PALMER A HAM MOND, 613 Union Trust. FI7S3. 8-SO-17t MILLS ECZEMA REMEDY. INSTANT BE lief and speedy cure. Sample treatment free. 881 COPP BLDG. ■ 9-7-14t WANTED—LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively highest prices paid. MAIN 8597; F. 6936. , 6-25-12 mo CLOSING OUT J6OO GALLONS OF CAR rara paint. $1.50 per gallon. BHEEHAN'S, 900 S. Broadway. , . 6-15-tf . ' I .'l — ii I Ex-Governor Pardee spunked up to Short o" Fresno, an' the folks at the conservation congress wus lookin 1 fer a mix-up, but nothln" happened 'ceptln' Pardee shakin' his flst under Short* nose. He couldn't git It eny higher, fer Short Is a tall man, an" Short only looked at Pardee an' thought: "Well, If It comes to flghtln' Pardee'll hey to build a scaffold to stan' on If he wants to black my eyes. The Incident wus closed by Pardee a-walkln" one way an' Short another. Nuther one a' them wus very con servative when it came to that. Looks like Los Angeles wus to be the final surappln' ground. They done a lot o' talkin' at St. Paul, but nobody said enythlng that would lead the congress out o' the wodifs. The conservation question Is «, big thing. It's worth a lot o' study an' care—mos' enythinir worth enything Is worth that—an' Loa Angeles will soon be consorvln' the Owens river water, an' besides supplyin' the' city with water an' power will irrigate over 100,000 acres o' land. That's goln' some. That's conservln' fer the people, all right. No one agent hez worked harder fer the project than The Herald, an' that with a large number o' other good things It hcz done has called fer the respect igro o' the progressive people o' Los Angeles. FOR RENT iYV'i! p rooms—fTHNiMran s • J5 Hotel'Seville'-"-. 735-784 S. FI.OHKK ST. One of the finest family hotels In the city. Newly furnlshod throughout! steam heal, hot and cold water; cleotrla lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. ■ Phones Main 8618; F6SBB. 4-1-tt *f- The St. Regis ' ! Housekeeping apartments, 237 S. Flower st., Main 2290! A7»8«. Near business center; at- , tractive building, 000 l porches, room phones, clean, nicely furnished apartment*, |l».5O to 125 Blna-le rooms Uli.SO. ft Meekly *»..M) to $15 monthly. No children. 9-4-lm CUBAN SUNNY BOOMS; FREE PHONG and liiuh; walking distance, lll'/t N. HOPE st. »--T AFAKTMJSNTB— fURNISIIKU AM* UNFURNISHED ' ■; Majestic Apartments ; ] Corner First and Hope streets. Modern | conveniences; summer rates now on. All i ontl^n rooms. »-11-lmo I LADIES' TAILORS Tisiioi Announccmcnlf Our fall on.l winter goods are here. They em- | brace every deslgD ana color to be worn durlrT the season . A discount of 10 per cent will- bo given new patronr. [%*\.\ George Edwards Sit S. Broadway. Phone F5504. 9->l-6mo YOU WELL, KNOV THERE IS A DIFFER ence in tailors. We are TAILORS. Satis faction guaranteed; reasonable prices; very latest styles. S. ROSEINBURG, Ladies' Tailor 417-418 Bumlller bldg. 9-l-6mo A PERFECTLY FITTING. STYLJSH GOWN Is much admired by everybody. That Is the kind we make. ONZ * JEDIJCK, 8(1 S. Broadway, 2d floor. Tel. Home AI4U. 9-10-1 j THE PARK-BERdER CO. ARE] LADIES' I tailors In the full sense of the term. 612 8. ] BROADWAY, Forre-Pettlbone bldg. 9-l-6mo S. ZINKO, THE LADIES' TAILOR. OPERA ' ooats. riding habits, eta. 455 S. Bdwy,, R. 1-2. \ , 9-1-Cmo ] THE PARISIAN CO. Ladles' Tailoring PEDICINI, B')7 P. Broadway. ASMS 9-1-tt FOR EXCHANGE HKAI. £SXATB FOR EXCHANGEA FIVE-ROOM BUN galow, price $1000, clear, for other prop . «rty. ./■>' y J. M. CLUTE, Owner, it 830 Hill St. (-8-4 FOR EXCHANQE-WE CAN EXCHANGE your property, no matter' where located. BLACK & CO., 418-20 Grant bldg. s-81-lmo ■•.'.W MISCELLANEOUS ' WILL, TRADE STOCK IN BISHOP CREEK Gold company and other mining (took for stock In California Wave Motor company (KeynoMHV BOX 242. Herald. «-8«-tt PHYSICIANS DOCTORS SHORES—SHORES ARE RELIA bIe expert medical specialists In the cure of deafness, catarrh and all manner of chronic S nervous disease.! of men, women and children. I In all the words Imply, with 17 years of con- | tinuous success us specialists, with a record of over 100,000 treated. Their new offices In the HENNE BLDO., Third and Spring sts., have every modern equipment. Take elevator or easy stairs to ROOMS 222 to 225, and con sult DOCTORS SHORES FREE. Terms for treatment low and uniform, $3 A MONTH for i all cataxrhal, chronic diseases; all medicines : free. Office h*urs, 9 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; J Sundays, 10 to 13. Examination free. 8-13-tf DR. HICKOK SPECIALIST IN PAINLESS CONFINE MENT AND DISEASES OF WOMEN; MATERNITY HOME AND ADOPTION IF DESIRED. FREE CONSULTATION AND" EXAMINATION. MODERATE CHARGES; TERMS TO SUIT. til W. SIXTH STREET. SUITS 107. :;.'•■ ■■. ■, ■ , : 8-2-tf DR. AND MRS. WELLS. SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF WOMEN Dr. Wells' Improved antiseptic method* POSITIVELY GUARANTEED In all diseases and Irregularities of - wo men. Consultation free and confidential. 702 8. SPRING ST.,, room 206. ■ 8-20-ln»» i DR. CROCKER, SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. »S—TIIKAT.MKNT—«S Majestic Theater Bldg. CONSULT FREE. •. , 12-25-12 mo WOMAN'S HOSPITAL, Obstetrics, surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1343 S. Flower. F4184. 8-13-tf WOMEN —PRIVATE HOME PREVIOUS TO confinement. 221 W. JEFFERSON ST., between Main and Grand. 7-ts-tf DR. TAYLOR, 317 % 8. MAIN ST. DI3 eases of women. 1-t-tf Dr. C. C. Logan. Oculist. 601 Grant Bldg. 8-l»-tf T.OS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1010. FOR SALE houhks li " ■ ■ 4t 4! -"■->•■-- -i,-. j .!-■■ Hundreds of them. Miles of them. Built, sold and for sale now. We can show you in all parts of the city new, modern, entirely down to date, two-story houses, story and a half bungalows and one-story bungalows and cottages. ON TEMiS—LIIE RENT Most of these places contain all of the most modern interior finish and conveniences, as hardwood floors, beams, plate rail, buffet, fireplace, book cases, buffet kitchen, screen porch, deco rated and tinted walls, cement porch, gas, electric lights, sewer, etc. A Few Prices. \ ■ ■ ! 5 Room Modern Bungalow from $2000 to $5000 6 Room Modem Bungalow from $2300 to $6000 X Room Modern Bungalow from $3500 to $8000 8 Room Modem Bisigalow froms2TOO to $10,000 Many beautiful two story houses in the best sections of the | city. Prices from $5000 to $30,000. Our Specialty — Building to suit the client—upon their lot, located anywhere in the city, upon same terms. Our autos in waiting to show these homes. Call upon us, or phone us, and we will have auto call for you. Or take the West 48th street branch of the Grand avenue car line. Get off at 48th and Gramercy place. Tract office right there. Agents there to show the property. *** HOUSE DEPARTMENT ', Los Angeles Investment Cm 333-337 South Hill Street Main 2248 60127 Largest Co-Operative Building Company in the World , , —» 9*B-4 SUBURBAN PROPERTY Lookout Mom nt am Park [ ; m An all the year 'round mountain bom* re sort, only 38 minutes from Los Angeles, and 6Vtc car fare. • ■ . • To invest now Is to get In on the ground floor, as these lots will double in value soon, j For a short time your choice of these lots only ' $250 $5 Dpwn v $1-2 Week 1 n <U> Taxes % Big. Sale' Today * Get tickets at our office for trio through Los Angeles and Hollywood, with auto ride through Laurel canyon. •:■' ■ ■' • ROUND TRIP 20c. Great Improvements have been made; Beautiful winding boulevards lead to the Scenic Rim • drive. Pure mountain water Is piped to every lot. The new LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN HOTKL has Just been completed. . New homes are being built, and lots are selling fast. Get our folders. 'I W. W. Norton & CO. ':'':' 415 South Hill street.' Phones— S7l4> FB4II. 9-10-1 - ; ■ MEXICAN LANDS BUY 20 ACRES OF MEXICO LAND ON easy terms, and watch your money grow. Prices of unimproved property there are advancing at rate of 100 per cent per an num. ' .' • ' ( ' We have sold thousands of . acres to 1 Americans • since July Ist. Our proposi . tion ' will Interest you whether you wish 10 acres or 1000 acres. A splendid opportunity for a most prom ising and legitimate Investment. ' UNITED LAND * DBV. COMPANY, 380 Pacific Electric Bldg. 9-8-3 STOCKS AND BONDS OIL MINING AND ' INDUSTRIAL COM panlea. Take notice: Guarantee your stocks If you want them to sell. Protect your investor and he will buy. Full par ticulars forwarded on request. GRANITE SECURITIES CO.. 611 Bradbury Bldg. . 9-a-tf GOVERNMENT LANDS FOR ' BALE—RELINQUIBHMENT OF . 1M acres at VI per acre; surrounding lands sell for 125 to 11000 per acre. For particulars see ERIKSON & CO. 10) W. Sixth St., Ground Floor. FJ374. ; ..■■-. 9-10-3 ' ; '.'.-■■•,' PIANOS .-, .-• ' A. O. . GARDNER, 118 WINSTON »T. Pl ■ anos soW. rented, tun»«') very lew rates. »-12-tf FOR SALE HOUSES ■ HOUSES , VOA BALE— High-Class Bungalows ONLY $250 DOWN BALANCE LIKE RENT Handsome 8 and 7 room, strictly modern, Dew bungalow; large lot that commands an uninterrupted view of the surrounding hills and mountain.,; cement porch and steps, ■ arge veranda, waxed oak and maple floors throughout; woodwork In Flemish oak finish; dainty living room, . with built-in seats and bookcases, handsome brick mantel and lighting fixtures equal in elegance and de sign to those found In $8000 residences; built in buffet 8 feet wide; leather paneling In living room and dining room; an Ideal French kitchen, equipped with cupboards, (lour bins and drawers; screen porch and laundry tray; bat.i with lavatory and con veniently built-in dressing case; bedrooms also have built-in dressers, large beveled plate glass mirror; latest sanitary plumbing; hardwood In bedrooms, bath and kitchen white enamel; In fact, every one of Its rooms has new and Interesting features, and the living rooms are so cozlly arranged; gas, electric lights, lawn and shade trees also In. These houses have been carefully built by day labor and are delightful homes. You will agree with me If you see them. 8e« OWNER 615 N. New Hampshire Heliotrope drive car to Clinton aye.; go east two blocks. ' 9-10-2 FOR SALE—HOUSES J-room modern, th, near Main $3100 (■room modern,' list, near Moneta $2600 6-room modern, 62d. near Moneta $2600 9-room modern, 24th, near La Salle $4000 6-room modern, 25th, near Vermont $6000 S-room new, Hillside aye $2100 6-room, corner, Normandle, near Wash ington $2900 All bargains. For particulars please see ERIKSON & CO. 106 W. Sixth .Ground Floor. 'FM74, Broadway 3182. ■ »-»-7t $1200 HOME $50 CASH, $15 PER MONTH A new four-room plastered bungalow with ■ good big i rooms, bathroom, toilet, front and screen porch,, cabinet kitchen, cooler, . level lot, good soil, dement work com plete, good neigh norhood. If you really ■ want a home come and go out with me ' today. *'■;..■. P. H. RITCHEY. . . " . ' (41 8. Main St. 9-10-1 HAN PEDRO '. WITH CHARLES MASON $150 will make a real estate Investment; 111 a month will hold it for certain profit la | ; ' S&ti Pedro -' LOS ANGELES' 111,000,000 HARBOR ; the only ruaranteed city In the world. Phone FI3S4. Broadway 47«2, or write Ml Security Bide-.. Los Angeles, corner Fifth and Spring streets, or 117 W. Sixth street, Ban Pedro, Cal. , V ."..'■; CHAr'.ES MASC I , • ', I-16-tu-th-sat-sun-tf _ LIVE STOCK FOR SALJB-rTOUNO LLHWELLYN SET , ter dogs, 4 months old. from field • brok en stock. F. H. TAILOR, 11l West 10 th •tr««t »-»« FOR SALE . COUNTBV PKOI'ISBTT ran SALE— Inglewood Rancho, California Oolng east 5 acres of the best alfalfa "'I! In California; dar.; sandy loam, no dob-, no alkali; 7 rooms, 2 storage rooms, Outside sleeping porch and every modern conveni ence; the latest Improved 10-pen poultry I hoUFe: easy for hens, easy for owner; ca- i pacity HO hens; 2 incubators, tools etc.: 40 high class White Leghorn*": concrete Incu- ] bator house, office, shop, brooder house, 40 young fruit tree* and small fruit; plenty of water. You will be glad If you see this up to-the-minute place before you buy. OWNER, Inglewood and Lenox Aye. 9-fl-St ■ CHOICE TWELVE ACRES In the frostless belt, within 100 feet of a sta tion on the electric car line, not far from i Los Angles: good noil for alfalra or oranses, PLENTY OF CHEAP WATER FOR IRRI- j GATION. price $300 an acre, only $500 cash down, balance long time, ; resh & McCarthy co., • 624 Hellman Bldg., 411 S. Main. 9-18-1 ALFALFA AND DAIRY " ( RANCH Highly Improved, plenty of water, big ditch I and artesian wells; 9-room house, 6-room j house, dairy house and all buildings complete. BEST SNAP IH KERN COUNTY. Must be sole', 61816 acres. Good terms. STACY REALTY CO.. Ml S. Spiinj. F2115; Main 2860. ______ 8-27-eod-tf BC^INESS PROPERTY I FOR SALE-GROCERY IN GOOD PASA dena residence section. Stock and fixtures Invoice about tIOOO. Average dally sales $55. Low rent; long lease; good reason for sull lng. Box 76. HERALD PASADENA BRANCH, 30 W. Colorado st. __ 9-9-3 FURNITURE SEPARATE LOCKED IROM ROOMS. $100 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. 25c to 60c. Phone for our large van when you move. $1.26 per hour. ■ COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO. 416-17-19 San Pedro St. Main office 609 -11 S. Main st. Phone Main 1117: F3171. 5-1-tf MISCELLANEOUS ■ V Second Hand Material 1,000,000 Second-Hand Brick 1,000,000 ft. Sec-Hand Lumber Also New Lumber, Sash and Doors All Kinds Building Materials Special Prices on Plumbing Materials FRANK L. PECK & CO. Offices 211-12 Stimson Bldg. Yards 1562-68 Industrial St. ' . 9'S-2t $17.50 for 5 and 5 1-2 foot enam eled bath tub, worth $20 to $25. $8.00 for $12.50 enameled laun dry tubs. H $2.50 for enameled sink. '•.'. Other plumbing goods cheap for cash to any one. > NBWHJLL BROS. 218 W. First St. 9-8-tf FOR BALE-FIRST CLASS R. R. TICKET to Ealt like City. Apply 217 MERCANTILE PLACE. 1 nones— Main 1357. 9-10-2 FOR SALE—FIRE-PROOF SAKHS CHEAP. ■ ANDERSON 212 N. Main st l-l»-tf MONEY TO LUAN "^WE^OA^rMONEY^ To wage-earners and housekeepers, on personal note; $10 and upward. Do you owe the landlord or the grocer? Do you want money for any purpose? You re pay weekly or monthly. No publicity! lowest rates. * CREDIT CO.. ; PARK LOAN & CREDIT CO.. 42« So. Broadway. Boom 710. MOMS* TO LOA3 i j 000 to loan on real estate, city or coun try. I to 1 per cent, amounts to suit. MOYDR ft GILBERT, 103 H. W. Heilmaß Bids. Home nbuse A 8827; Main 1474. 10-S-tf SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. Bee US before you borrow money. ■ GREAT WESTERN INV. CO.. 511 . arosse Bids. FM4J: Main 4*31. MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, FURNl ture, pianos an.l any kind of security; low rates. JOHNSON, 339 H. W. Hellman bldg. 8-18-tf 11 IKY TO LOAN-SALARIED MKN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO. 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. l-U-tt H W. POINDEXTKR. 40* Wll.L'uX IIL.DU., '" loan yo- what you need on real es tate, stocks ana bonds. Building loans a ■ -«cl»lty. »-»■« PACIFIC SAVINGS BANK. 543 S. BPRINIj. a friend In need. Loans on real estate and commeroial paper without delay. 9-4-tf TO LOAN— BALAIMKD PEOPLE: NO RED tape; without security! confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. «19 Hsnne Bldg. _^_ - 10-4-tt DON'T BORROW MOWEY ON SALARY UN til you ,see me. F. A. NEWTON, 70t'O. T. Johnson bldg. 9-1-lmo TO LOAN—MONEY ON REAL ESTATE, Be* HURD 8R05..,407 Central bldg. l-U-lmo ISOO TO »10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PEH CJfiN*f7 T. L. O'BRIEN * CO.. Jefferson and Main. €-»-tf > . BUSINESS PERSONALS i MORPHINE OPIITM, COCAINB and all drug habits cured at home by the moat ■ remarkable remedy ever discovered. No hypodermic Injeotlons; no pain. A cure i or no pay. Call or write SO. CAL. CHEM ICAL CO.. 20214 'i. Broadway, rooms 205-20K, : Los Angeles. 9-10-1 : MRS. MABSON, THE NOTED LONDON , palmist. 322 S. SPRING, over Owl drug , store. * . 11-28-tf THE ADDRESS OF DR. LAURA LANE IS 1007 Palmer avenue. Pueblo, Colorado. ■ 9-7-7 STORAGE LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED, IRON rooms for furniture, etc; 11.50 and %i per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. 25c to 10c. i open vans, It per day, or 75c per hour. We pack and ship household goods every where at reduced rates. ... COLYEARS VAN AND STORAOB CO.. office* 50»-ll 8 Main St. warehouse 415-17, San Pedro St Phones FJI7I; Main 1117. l-H-ti SCHOO!" AMD COLLEGES Summer school College op Fink Arts, Tj. S. C All branches fine and applied arts. Catalog on request. W. L. JUDSON, Dean. " ■ ~~ ■riiKAnn i > nrilU l-anadens, Cal.—A I'oiylechnlo high school— I UDll ID nPR II tMY lino «l>op equipment—New dormitory. Term innUUr MUnUI-111l «ln* srpteml»r *'• Send for cmuilomie. The Los Angeles State Normal School Fall Term Opens September 12 41'SSI. F. MIIXM'AI'OII. I're.lilent. 61 v Hour, naiubur|i«r 81..3.. !.»• inm-lev ■xon-tues-thurs-sat-tl BOYNTOX NORMAL PREPARES DECEM ber county examinations; grammar cer tificate; enter now. 525 STIMSON ELK. Broadway 1819 i AIB4O. 9-2-tf j.EMEMBER TUT ROWELL SCHOOL GIVES personal instruction only. Term opens Sept. 12. 720 S. BROADWAY. 9-10-3 ASSAYING JOHN HERMAN, 252 Vi B. Main. Not satis faction, but urac> guaranteed. 12-22-tf LEGAL NOTICES ~~ DKLINQUENX NOTICE Ramera Oil Company, a California Cor poration; location of principal place of business. City of Los Angeles. County of Los Angeles, State of California. . Notice is hereby given that there Is de linquent upon the following stock on ac count of assessment levied on June 9th, 1910, the following amounts opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: Name— No. Cert. No. Shares. Amt. Mrs. M. A. 81ye...173 200 00 Mrs. M. A. 81ye...363 230 1.80 L C. Brown 101 1,000 10.00 L. A Clarke 316 200 2.00 Alfred C. Deake. ..168 220 1.20 S. R. Deacon !«2 . 200 1.00 J. A. Dunn 131 j 1,000 10.00 J. A. Dunn ..;.... 132 ~ 1,000 '. 10.00 J. A. Dunn 133. 1.000 10.00 J. A. Dunn 318 2,650 25.50 J. A. Dunn » ' ISO l.sO A. J. Boston' 389 500 800 Carl Finkelstlen ...177 800 25.00 J. I. W. Fisher. ...207 l,6"0 15.00 W. H. Fisher 208 50 .60 E. A. Gibbs 317 800 6.00 E. A. Olbb 318 ,500 5.00 A. J. Gottschalk...B4s 185 1.85 J. Hooper Gray 48 860 3.60 J. W. Gates ......100 100 1.00 Fred B. Kuck 73 ■ . 600 6.00 Fred B. Kuck 74 600 8.00 Fred B. Kuck .... 75 800 5.00 J. T. Keck i. 224 2.000 20.00 Richard Kelley ...188 1.750 17.60 I. Kaufman 228 . 40 .40 Alex. Levin 172 300 , 8.00 S. Laurence 86- 100 1.00 Mrs. M. H. McClln tock 232 100 1.00 N. McCUntock ....239 100 1.00 Sadie Nelson ..... 60 600 8.00 Ben Newman 244 4,500 45.00 C. C. Norton 305 6,000 50.00 C. C. Norton 306 2,600 . 25.00 C. C. Norton 307 2,000 20.00 C. C. Norton 309 2.000 20.00 C. C. Norton 322 1,000 10.00 C. C. Norton 823 1,000 10.00 C. C. Norton 324 1,000 10.00 C C. Norton 325 1,000 10.00 J. C. Orr 361 70, .70 C. I. Plummer ...249 100' 2.00 C. E. Riley 358 , 1.000 10.00 M E. Rlley 57 60 .50 M. B. Rlley 90 797V4 7.87* M. E. Rlley 329 1.000 10.00 Gussie Roth 123 125 1.25 H. F. Richards ...363 185 1.65 Annie A. Richards. 125 14,000 97.15 W. J. Stephens ...124 150 1.60 P. A. Stanley .....159 60 . .60 John Smith 890 280 2.80 W. P. Simms 83 2,097 20.97 Mary A. Voach .. 58 100 1.00 S. Weinberger 123 1,300 23.00 A V. Walker 282 1,000 20.00 R. M. Young 187 100 1.00 Fred R. Yerxa 879 18,000 160.00 And In accordance with the law and the order of th* Board of Directors made on the 9th Day of June, 1910, so many shares of each parcel of. such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the'office of said corporation, 812 Copp Building, No. 211 South Broadway, in the City of L*s An gelas, on the 14th Day of September, 1910. at the hour of 12 o'clock M. of said day, to pay the delinquent assessments thereon together with costs of advertising and ex pense of sale. (Seal) BENJ. P. WELCH, , Secretary of the Ramera Oil Company. 8-80-31—9-1-2-1-8-7^B-10-11 BROWN * THOMAS. 805 W. SIXTH ST., have sold their .business to McMlllon i & Bcheuble. Present all bills there for next 6 days. 9-8-5 RAILWAY TIME TABLE SANTA FE Lgavel ', ~ ' l A"lv « ' Eastern—California Limited, 1000 a dally, Chicago via Denver «:»0p ■ and Kansas City 1 'I Overland Express-Dally j 8:00p Chicago via Denver and 1:30 a Kansas City • ~" Eastern Express— Dally j 7loa Chicago tfla Denver and 7:»5a - Kansas City . ' 1 Tourist Filer— Dally !~*| • ■00a Chicago via Denver and 8:15 a ' Kansas City ! 1 ' Kite Shaped—Going via j «-30 a Pasadena. Return via l:80p Santa Ana Canyon. *7-35a| ' Redlands via Pasadena |l*:6oa 8:30 a Redlands via Pasadena l:00p 2 00p Remands via Pasadena . C:4op 4 :30p Redlands via Pasadena 7:40p -7,Soa] Reminds via Orange |10:35 a 10:65a| Redlan-ds via Orang* 6:80p r~ Riverside via *.j l:00p 71 sa| Pasadena t:4op ""7 30a ' Riverside 7:os*a 10:55 a •■' via 10:35 a 6;05p Orang*. - | *:lop TTilat Corona . I 7:05 a 10:5»a| via 10:33 a t;osp| Orang* I *:30p ~7-80a| Ban Bernardino I 7:06 a 10.55 a via 10:35 a s ; osp| Orange | 8:30p 7:367 —— - I 3:30 a ,O a ' ' • 10:00 a 10:00 a ■•» Bfernardlna 4:00p 2 OOp via .. 6:40p 4 .Mll Pasadena COOp t:4tp ':«°J> 6:OOP ~8:56al Santa Ana OTa 3:15p Banta Ana 8:35 a 5:06p > Banta Ana I.OOp 11 ;55p Santa Ana 3:15p ~"7:30a ' 8:55 a 3:5Sa Fullerton. 7:05 a 10:56 a Anaheim, l:J5a 3:18p Orange l«:16a 5:05p l:°°l> 11:65P *--30» 7:35 a Ban Jaclnto, Blslnore. |10;35a 10:65a| Hemet and Murletta I *:30p 10:25a| . Redondo I 4:20p 3:16p Ejrcondldo l:0»P 1:66 a Fallbrook. »:18p 8:55 a Han Diego and «:56a 2:15p Coronado Beach l:00j> 11:65p - Burf Lino «:»p 7:30 a Randsburg 7:05 a 3:00p Searchlight and Chloride, 7:06 a l:00p Beatty, Rhyollt*. Ooldn*ld, 1:10 a and Tonopab SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES German, English Shorthand : by *tp*rleaced teaonar. Term* wMiim 110 W. list it. Phone South »*»«. Uuslacsn College. Northeast corner Klglitll ■nd 11111 street!. F0100) Main 811. BKKO FOB ITPt.Ii INFORMAXIOM. IS>* >NOBL»S BUSINESS COLLMS, «1* W. Fifth st. X. R. SHRAB«R. fj-..**! president since KM. I>-M'«81 HAVE YOU BEEN OUB DAT SCHOOL CAT alcgue describing bookkeeping and shorthand eonrses? T. M, O. A. . «-«»•«« BROWNSBERGBR COMMERCIAL COl» lcge. 953-7 W. 7TIL Bend for catalogs*. 8-lt-tl BATHS ,-."• V*-.:;^ NBI.LIB PRICB, Magnetic Healer For Rheumatism and Nervou«n*a» And Stomach Trouble t> • 855 S. OLIVE. ROOMS »-T. Phone F5965. . *-•,: »-T-« MEDICATED STEAM BATHB AND BClEN tltlo manipulation for rheumatism, paraly sis malaria, nervousness and constipa tion; lady specialist. 880 S. BROADWAY. 1-12-1 mo NEWLT OPENED MANICtTRINO, FACB: and scalp treatments. Room 1, 450 H 8- SPRING. Open on Sunday. ' *•«■»«■ S SPRINO. SUITE 8-CHIROPODT, electricity, massage, vapor and shower bath*. MASSAGE. BATHS, CHIROPODY. EXPERT assistants. JEAN LUNN. 820 B. Bway. 1-17-tl BATHS AND EBECTRIC TREATMENT. 318 BROADWAY. ROOM 220. 7-30 -~~ LOST AND FOUND omnruUT-ru-^.''"-""-J"'^r^^' l"0"'"*"*l *|1'ir" LOST— WATCH WITH FOB AND IOCKBT with monogram "F. B. H." engraved on locket. Lost somewhere between Main anil Figueroa and 27th and 30th. Finder pleas* call up Broadway 8624, or come to Herald office and get reward. M-U LOST—LEATHER JEWEL CAS* CON talnlng stick pins. Reward. , C. STONE, 136 N. Madison. Pasadena. 8-4-T ' DENTISTS Dr. Bachmann, 805-208 Majestic Theater Bldg., 815 S. Bdway. FSSSIi Main 8818. - 7-1-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE ■" W:£ ■* " " BOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central aye. Leave| ""JAiTlve I : ooa San Francisco via Coast Line,! «:45a 3:16 a San Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles, »:80a 2:3opDel Monte, Monterey, Santa 2:SOp 8:16p Crui. Ban Jos* and east. *:80p I:00p -li» ' I San Francisco and Mojave, 'r" l:3»p| Sacramento, Oakland, via j T:*la 8:20 p. Bakersfield and Fresno *;I'* 7:30 a : Fresno. " I 7:*sa 1 oop Bakerfleld B:**a « : jop and Mojavo 8:8*» Chleaga, Kan. City, St. t<«ula, 9:46p Golden State Limited, 4:»5p 3:00p The California via 7:169 Tuma, Benson, El Pas* " Overland Orleans via I ' Tumi, Benson, Maricopa, 12;01p Tucson. El Pas*. San An- lit** tonla and Houston '■_' 12:01p| Tuma, Tucson, Benson, [ l:i*a OOp Lordsburg, Demlng, 7:16 a 7:00p El Paso 1:3*9 ti»K —~~ • ■ p7ll* 8:00 a Santa Barbara, 11:50 a 8:15 a and 2:30p 1:45 Ventura 7:359 1:35p (♦Not Ventura.? • 8:309 7:80p j| ":«'» 8:15 a . Oxnard. Santa Susan a, *| 1:30 a 2:35p Moorpark, Somls, • 11:50 a 7:30p Camarillo 3:80 a (•Oxnard only.) • 7:359 Banta Paula via Saugua, ' 8:46 a camules, Flru, Flllraore, 11:80 a 1:45p Saticoy, Montalvo, 7lll|> Carplnterla, Bummerland .'> ■■:.' 3:lsa| " Nordhoff I 1:8*9 2-35p Nordhoft 71869 -TTTsa] ' M • »♦» |:s(a Pomona * 7:15 a HOlp Colton ■■■'■'■, 7:11 a 8:«0p Riverside, Redlands and 8:31 a 4:OOp San Bernardlne, ll:3(a 6:B0p ('Not Riverside, Redlanas 1:1*9 i 16p or Ban Bernardlna) 6:26i> ,"»':* p til>9 1:55 a C*vlna 111:11 a «:4Bp Covlna 7:1*9 7-4ga| Chin* I I:l6a' 4:oop| China 6:t^l» "8:66 a Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey] 1:30 a 11:16 a and Ncrwallt 1:16P l:00pa* Buena Park, West a* 1:0*9 6:10p Anaheim, West Oranga 4:1*9 (•Downey only.) B : sSal Newport Beach | 47Top "TT6BT a I Los Alamltos i 4:109 } : 45a " Brawley, Imperial, TTlia 7:OOp Bl Centra. Calexlo* 8:569 ~905a San Fedro-Com'P'toa •|11:45a 3:3op|* (Via Long Beaoh) | 3:369 ~9~«5a • Long Beach-Compton "111 3:30p ('Via Ban Pedro) | 3:319 9:05«| Santa Catallna Island | 8:16p «:46a| ■ * ' I ':»»• 7-50 a Fernanda • 3:40 a SS •' '•--' 15 6 00p (»Motar) 7:38p »:30p^ *■■**» 3:3oa[a ChatswoTth Park. '' al 1:499 (Bee note.) I 1 (Net*To and from River I station only.) | All trains daily except those marked a* follows: "a" Sundays exeepted; ••»■• Sun days only. ' SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains daily except as noted. a Sunday only; w Week days only. Leave] First "Street station |Arrlv* I Los Angeles Limited. I Overland Express 10'00a Chicago, St. Louis, Bt. Paul, 4:309 (OOp Omaha, Kansas City, 8:00 a ' Denver and Salt Lake I 36a San Bernardln*, I 3:00 a ii^OOa Colton, . 3:3(a jjlOp Riverside. 10:41 a 5:?4p Ontario ! It) 1 o"ii and Pomona 5:15p ' 7:109 6:45 a . I >■*■»+ 8:10 a ■ Lang Beach 0:01 a l:60a I*:.*» 10:50 a and l:15p l:3OpS > 6:05p 3:45p Ban Pedr* , 8:109' l:30p - ■■» »:50i> s 7:509 . ' » l:tOp l:50a , Santa . w[lO.Sv» l:30p w Catalina , w t:6oi> * I . island w| »:*»9 ;*;«opl (Bearchllght., OoldfleUi TIZ^ J 15