Newspaper Page Text
A ffiiiiil for the Price ofl 2, or 7 .Insertions 'for' tie Price of 5. Ask the HeraM Counter Mac I THEJVEATHER ~~\ ___\ LOS ANGELES, Sept. 18, 1910. , Tlme.|»arom r.lHnmj WJndjVls |W»*th«r. 68. m.| 29.88 | 80 | 84 | NE 1 3 |"Clear sp. m.j 29.85 j 75 j 62 j BW I « I Clear Maximum temperature, B*. Minimum temperature, 56. ' ._» J • FORECAST For Southern California—Fair Monday, light north wind, changing to south. v For San Francisco and vicinity—Fair Mon day, with fog; brisk weat wind. For Santa Clara valley—Fair Monday; over cast In the morning; brisk north wind. For Sacramento valley-Fair Monday, light north wind. _ For San Joaquin valley-Fair Monday, light west wind. __^_^________— ____i B,i , ' DIED LONGLEY—On September 16. 1910. In this cty, Alice Sumner Greene, beloved wife of A S. Longley and mother of Mrs. H. B. Padelford and Snow Longley. Funeral services from the family home, 115 N. ; Carondolet St., today at 2 p. m. ■*•*»'>• j Invited. ; r/.*; 1 ANSLEY—At Rlos, Aria., September 17, V 1910, Thomas Scott Ansley. formerly of Mineral Point. , Wis., aged ». J"™' Funeral from the chapel of Robert L Garrett & Co.. 1237 S. Flower St.. Tues day. September 20. at 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment Rosedale. J 9-18-1 HANSON—In this city. September 17, 1010. Carl L.. husband of Mrs. Fern Hanson. Remains at the chapel of Orr & Edwards company. Funeral Monday, September 19. at 10:30 a. m. Interment. at Evergreen cemetery. 9-19-1 MAY—Christian May died September 18, age 87. Funeral will he held at 640 Carle ton way, Hollywood, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. ; '; 9-10-1 McKINNON —A. W. McKlnnon died Septem ber 16. Will be buried September 19 at 10 a. m. in Evergreen cemetery. 9-19-1 BULLOCKH. M. Bullock died September 18. Will be burled September 19 at. 11 a. m. ln Evergreen cemetery. 9-19-1 LYONS H. S. Lyons died September 17. Will be burled September 19 at 4 p. m. In Evergreen cemetery. 9-19-1 r—^^^'^^^^^^^^^^- • —— ' FUNERAL NOTICES ■ I. O. O. F. FUNERAL NOTICE . The officers and members of Golden Rule lodge No. 160. and all visiting brothers are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Past Grand Phil Royar. from the parlors of Booth & Boylson. 1147 8. Flower at.. Monday, September 19, at 2 p. m. Members will go direct to the parlors. OUT D. WIGGINS, N. O. Attest: ' .... W. P. SCHLOSSER. H. S. 9-18-2 CEMETERIES ROSEDALECEMETERY An 'endowed memorial park, noted tor Its natural beauty; endowment fund for per petual care, over (250,000; modern receiving vault, chapel, crematory and columbarium; accessible. City office, suit* 802-306 EX CHANGE BLDG., . northeast corner Third •nd Hill ats. Phones — 909; A 3620 Cemetery office. 1831 W. Washington st Phones 72868; West 80. 3-3-13 mo HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY Rolling lawns, trees, shrubbery and beauti ful lakes. MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Situated In the most beautiful • section ot Southern California, the Ideal location. Just Inside Los Angeles city limits. . , - Melross and Colegrove car lines to grounds. A CEMETERY THAT IS SELECT AIISL 208 Laughlln Bldg. Main ML . Cemetery phones SBO3S: Hollywood s*t. EVERGREEN CEMETERY Tbe Los Angeles Cemetery association, Boyle Heights, near city limits. . Operated under perpetual charter from Los Angeles city, Modern chapel and crematory. Offloe, 330 Bradbury Building. Phones—Main 6521 A 5488. Cemetery—Home D 1083; Boyle 9. . ■ . , . . 8-5-lim TYPEWRITERS XLL"iiAK.KB Uiiß UILT "f^BwiulCKJli Prices lowest In the olty. - - Regular 33 rental machines reduced te 33.M month, or threo months for (a. LOS ANGELES TYPEWRITER EXCHANOB Branch ■ AMERICAN mUTINQ MACHINB CO.. ASSI3. 138 ,". Broadway. Main 3961. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, LATE MODEL No, 3, big bargain If you come Monday. Room 11, 244'j. S. BROADWAY. 9-18-3 LADIES' TAILORS YOU WELL KNOV THERE IS A DIFFER ence In tailors. •We are TAILORS. Batls fact'in guaranteed; reasonable prices; very latest styles. 1 - S. ROSENBURG, Ladies' Tailor 417-416 Bumiller bldg. 9-l-6mo THE PARK-BERGER CO. ARE LADIES' tailors in the full sense of Ow term. 512 8. BROADWAY, Forve-Pettlbone bldg. 9-l-6mo 8. ZINKO. THE LADIES' TAILOR. OPERA coats, riding habits, e'.z. 465 S. Bdwy,, R. 1-3. .•■ . 9-l-6mo v THE PARISIAN CO. Ladles' , Tailoring PEDICINI, 307 8. Broadway. A3BlB. 9-1-tf .*"•""'■- -■'■ • ■'' - . " '.' , v '. • y '. - '■■ I'm awful sorry fer them folks ez was washed out by the sea ■ at Long Beach the other day, but It looks to me as lf they wus V v.. a-flyln" ln the face o' Providence to build so close to the water. I ''.-' always minded the story o' the man that built . his house on the, .; sands an' o' '.he other one that set his on a rock, an' the story ain't never left me. ..Seems to me that walkln' distance ls close , , '".' enough to the sea to build a house. Goodness knows, we some-. •*' •times ain't safe then, fer even In town an autymoblle er a street . car ls liable to fly the track an' come a buttln' into a body's front room an' mess up the furniture. '. I've also been a-thinkln' that ."" ' '■■. people ain't got no right to go stlckln' their shacks down on the water's edge an'take away the sea view. I've also noticed that * Lruler Beach'U do well to put a muzzle on some o' them smells .", that comes frum a too fitee use o' garlic in the < ookln' o' "all hots" an" Coney Island • sandwiches. You can hardly stir folks up un- , l\ ,'.,'''• less you use the newspapers, an' s when Fuller wants to 'do an \ extra stroke o' business he goes ln big on advertlsln' an' generally • -'• comes out o' t the big end o' the horn. Fuller says, "Toot yer ba- • . zoo an' the people'U set up an' take. notice — still : an' f ' they'll pay no attention to you." '• Herald . advertlsln' is a good j invest- y,* .". .'. ment every day in the week, i S^S_j^_W^A^^_*ljl^&!fl^T": .'' in i . I x Herald Classified Liicrs Under more than on* hundred special headings. The Herald offers Its classi fied advertisers real value In th* way of publicity. Th* needs of every business house, office, factory and home have en tered Into consideration when th* list was compiled. ' .. ' ,„' Too want something that classified " liners will get for you, others want some thing that you have for sale. Exchange what you don't want for something you do want „ If you are seeking a position In any honest field of endeavor The Herald win publish your request free of charge. • iln placing your classified a«*erti*in« you should consider quality of elrcuia tlnn as well as quantity. -. Th* Herald does not claim th* 'a, "**" circulation In the elty, but It does claim, and can prove to you. that as an adver tising medium it Is second to none. Try It for results. • ADVITRTISERS The Herald reserves th* right to re vise advertisements and to reject or omit and refund the amount paid. • The Herald will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement ordered for more tkan one time. Advertisers should read receipts given by The Herald In payment for "'I"""1', as no mistakes can be rectified without them. Rates for Classified Ads. IF PREPAID 1 cent ncr word eaoh Insertion. 8 Insertions for price of two. 7 Insertions-for price of five. No advertisement taken for less than 19s For contract, solicitors and advertising advice call j SUNSET MAIN 8000 HOME 10211 And ask for classified advertising man ager. BRANCH OFFICES LONG BEACH Ocean and Pine streeta, y ocean"park .. 144 Pier avenue. PASADENA . 80 W. Colorado St. SAN BERNARDINO 488 Court street. . SANTA* ANA 816 V SvcsmoTe St. FOR RENT ' ROOMS— FURNISHED Hotel .Seville 733-784 S. FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotels ln the city. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat, hot and cold water; electrlo lights; European plan. Only a short walk from Broadway. Phones Main 6618; F6538. . 8-1-tf The St. Regis ' Housekeeping apartments, 337 B. Flower st. Main 2280; A 7336. Near business center; at tractive building, 000 l porches, room phones. clean, nicely furnished apartments, 813.50 to 125. Single rooms 82.50, 34 weekly) »8.»0 to 815 monthly. No children . 9;4*lm HADDON HALL HOTEL J»ott Spring st. Large, clean, well furnished rooms; rates by week, 32 to 34i month, 37 to 315; day, SOc, 76c. 31. 8-18-7 HOUSES—FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM COTtAOE WITH BATH, NEAT- Iy furnished; piano; 325 a month. 1633 REID ST. Ph^ne, West 4397. 3-17-8 UNFURNISHED FOR FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH bath; close In; »1L CONWAY, 507 Grant bldg. 9-18-3 Poultry ranches . • if you want to lease a good chick en ranch, call at 2355 Allesandro St., city; take Edcndale car to city limits; first house ahead to left. . H. H. JEPSON.. 9-18-3 I ' DENTISTS *' Dr. Bachraann, 205-208 Majestlo Theater Hldg., 846 8. Bdway. FS6BI( Main 3816. 7-1-tt A 3 TIME AD FOR THB PRICE OF 3. OR - 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask the HERALD Counter Man. ■ t-4-sun-tf LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1910. WANTED HELP—HALS WANTED-A LIVE, ENEROETIC YOUNG STER OF 16 TO QUALIFY FOR GOOD POSITION. PLENTY OF CHANCE FOR RIGHT YOUNG MAN. APPLY TO THOM AS. CIRCULATION DEPT., HERALD. • . * »-18-tf WANTED-MEN QUICK TO LEARN A trade In months Instei I of years; no expense for instruction:- automobiles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying; actual contract work: 300 students last year. Catalogue free. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO., 658 Pacific ElectrlJ bldg. 8-1-tf TWENTY YOUNG MEN OR BOYS WITH wheels; good wages and chance for advance ment. Apply at once, 608 S. Spring st. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. 9-17-7 WANTED—SWIFT, ENERGETIC YOUNG man of 16. Good chances for better po sition to right kind. Apply BUSINESS MANAGER, Herald Office, at once. 9-19-1 WANTED-MAN WITH STEADY HORSE and commodious carriage to carry children to and from school ln the morning and at . noon. Aflpiy at once, WEST 6844. 9-18-3 WANTED— BOY TO CARRY HERALD route In Westlake district. Apply to CHAPIN, Herald Office, after 5 p. m. WANTED-* INTELLIGENT, HONEST MEN. Apply to J. D. LOGAN, Herald oyce^9-16-l{ ' ', 1 — . . HELP—MALE AN ADVANCED MUSICIAN OR MUSIC teacher who ls ambitious to study further, and would like to do light work one day each week to pay for normal instruction, may learn of such a chance by giving ad dress In full and stating what musical work has been done before. Address BOX 839, HERALD. 9-19-1 WANTED— FOR HOME EMPLOY ment; copy designs and make novelties; good pay for'neat workers. Call and see ' us.- WOMAN'S NATIONAL ART EX CHANGE. 219 N. Broadway. 9-18-3 WANTED— LADIES. ' BEAUTY CULTURE, pays big: learn right, salary guaranteed. "FLORENTINE," the world's largest, 217 Mercantlle place, corner Broadway. 8-3-tf HELF—MALE OB FEMALB WANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed In eight weeks. Catalogue tree. Mohler Barber College,'l33 E. Second st. ; ■ 9-14-tf SITUATIONS—MALE' . WANTED—MIDDLE-AGED, INDUSTRIOUS American, with Al references, wishes posi tion on small ranch or home place; have had - experience in all around ranching; am tem perate and painstaking; if you want a reli able man who will POSITIVELY look at all times to your Interest, drop me a line, fully explaining situation; city or country; good home chief object. Address BOX 39, Herald. YOUNG MAN, TWENTY-THREE YEARS old, desire- to com* west; is now assistant cashier of a national bank in Mississippi; has held -present position nearly four years; has good health and Is willing to work hard; can furnish best of references; ls not broke or out of a Job; country locality with chances of advancement preferred. Address BOX 377, Herald. "-14-6 WANTED—A POSITION BY A COMPETENT bookkeeper, age 25, married, and citizen of Los Angeles, local references, not transient; position must have future; will start at small salary; college education along with commercial education; will be glad to call on you Write card. 3411 McKINLEY AYE. H. R. '' -»-10 WANTED— COMPETENT BOOKKBEI' er, a good position that has future. City reference. Married and 2& years of age. Have been shipping clerk and office man. Position with future not turned down. Write H. H., 8411 McKinley aye., city. 9-18-10 BETHLEHEM FREB EMPLOYMENT agency. 110 vlgnes street. Main 8736; Home A 4884. Men for housecleanlng, yard work and general labor. 8-24-tf HONEST 1 YOUNO MAN WANTS POSITION as cook In private family. Address C. RIFFERG. box 3, Herald. 0-8-15 J'jji SITUATIONS — - ; . ' A WIDOW WITH LITTLE AOBD 4* years would like position Immediately to take care of children Under school age; no ob jection to the country. Address BOX 137, Herald. \'___\ YOUNO LADY WITH A-l OIL LINE Ex perience wants position as stenographer, blu er or price work. Can give reference. Fhoae EAST 514. *___* YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN ALL lines stenography, wants temporary posi tion; also rapid biller. Phone EAST 514. ~ 8-11-18 FIRST CLASS CLEANER WISHES CLEAN- Ing by the day. Phone MAIN 7169. MISS ELIZABETH. , »-»"» —| j —-^ j — WANTED— PURCHASE STOCK WANTED— - . Stock In the Los Angeles Investment com pany; 1 any amount up to 340,000; will pay within 5 per cent of th* company's selling price. G. F.. car* Globe Savings Bank. 6-11-tf TO PURCHASE—MISCELLANEOUS LIST YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTyNITIES with us for quick sale. WILSON & FOX, 728 Story Bldg. Main 7775, F3350. 9-18-6 WANTED—CASH PAID FOR FEATHER beds 758 SAN PEDRO ST. Phones Main 1106: FBO4l. ' 13-17-tt ' MISCELLANEOUS '__ QUOTATIONS ON SUFFICIENT two-year-old Malaga, Muscat and Tokay Wrape vines to set out three hundred acres, ' delivered at Fort Stockton, Tex. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINEYARDS CO., Hamlin. Tex. J 9-16-0' PATENTS—PATENT ATTORNEYB PIONEER PATENT AGENCY, HAZARD A STRAUSE. ESTABLISHED 33 YEARS. . American and foreign patents secured and ■ trademarks registered. PATENT ■ LITI GATION. 639 Cltlxens National Bank Building, Third and Main. Home A 1483; Main 2532. PATENT BOOK FREE. :-. >•.■:■.■- ■ -.■>•- »-3-tf }. S. ZERBE, SOLICITOR. UNITED STATES . and foreign patents; 40 years' experience. 522-3 BtlmsoTi bldg-, Third and Main. I Phone A 5344. . ' . ■• ■ 8-4-lmo :''■'•' ]■' ; BANITARIUM3 ; ; . - TMTwBMA^^HOSPITQLIf™ Exclusively . for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the city ' for confinement cases. Terms to suit. 1243 South Flower. F4134. , 3-13-tf CESSPOOLS IMPERIAIT^ESSPOoTr^YijMPrNG CO^ We.tak*. out largest load. West 6896; 22040. 3-10-tf CHURCH NOTICES 1 . NIEL HALL. 327 B. MAIN-NOON PRAY, er meeting, dally; gospel meeting every night. •■■ ■. . »-l-tf «, ... , .. , ; A3 TIME AD FOR THE PRICE OF 2. OR ' 7 insertions for the price ot 5. Ask the ; HERALD Counter Matt, v- , 9-4-aun-tf ii ! ' FOR SALE 7 HOUSES ( FOR SALE—HOUSES 3-room, lot 70x136 »1200 8-room modern. 86th, near Main fBBOO 6-room modern, 61st, near Moneta... .82000 } 5-room modern, 62d, near Moneta . ...f 3.100. 9-room modern, 24th, near La Salle. .$4OOO . 8-room modern. 35th, near Vermont. .$3OOO 8-room, new, Hillside avenue f?100/ All bargains. For particulars see , ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth St.. ground floor. F2314..'-/ Broadway 8183. 9-14-tf EASY WAY TO MAKE $1000 If you can pay $2000 cash and assume a mortgage of $1500, you can get a .beautiful modern, new bungalow, worth $4500, for $3500; 6 rooms, cobble front and cement floor on porch; beam ceilings, oak floors, bookcases ,and seats built In; sleeping porch room some, thing new and very fine; elegant fixtures; large fine lot, with fruit trees; on magnifi cent boulevard. Something extra choice In a fine home and a great bargain. Save JlOOO and do not miss to see this. T. WIESEN- D..INQER, 207 8. Broadway, room 311. Main 2043, A 2043. 9-17-St FOR SALE—IN SOUTHWEST. 6-ROOM cottage, living room, dining room, kitchen, screen porch, three bedrooms and bath, lawn front and rear, fruit trees and flow ers East front, one block from 6 cent car fare, 20 minutes to center of city. ■ Worth considerable mere than asked. Price $1050, $3tft> cash, . balance monthly payments. See OWNER. 91$ W. Fiftieth st. Phone So. 6144. ■,. 9-18-3 r7)BWSOn7ai.b"aum realty invest i,u iii Co.— buy, sell and exchange every where. We accept . payments $10. Speedy transactions. 203 Frost bldg. Phones, Home A 4839. Sunset 3802. 9-11-tf mm ' ll .. .iii ■ ■' ■■■■■iif ' — - "' ■' •-.•-•'•-—• HOUSES—FURNISHED FOR SALE-MY BEAUTIFUL, MODERN, furnished five-room bungalow, house and fur nishings In first-class condition; lot 81x136 ft.; good barn, nice lawn and beautiful flowers, orange, lemon, peach and walnut. trees; property located H mile south of Slauson aye. on Long Beach line, 1705 Merrill aye. Will make the price right if taken at once. . F. A. BUELOW • 349 Wilcox Bldg. Main 6613, A 9329. >'18t COUNTRY PROPERTY | "*~' "$2725 PER ACRE" 640 ACRES Half Cash, Balance at Your Convenience. Agrlcultu- ! land in Riverside county com ing under the big Colorado river Irrigation projeot yo.. read so much about. Abundant pumping water under 30 feet. This ls the best cheap land In California. Will grow oranges for the Christmas trade, alfalfa, sugar beets, grain, "cotton," dates, olives, fruits and vegetables of all sorts. Level val ley land, deep soil, no alkali or hardpan; good K. R. facilities. Total cost for "deed" $2.26 per acre. Worth $35 per acre now, and will sell for $60 per acre Inside of a year. Fortunes Till be made from this land either by cultivating or holding It. No residence or work required. Buy'lt now. Title per fect. Will, sell half. CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 641-2 San Fernando Bldg. 9-19-8 - FLORIDA- Land. $30 an acre. The best Investment Ist the world. We are below the freese, Ideal health conditions, perfect climate, growing all the citrus fruits and many of the semi-tropical fruits; marketing facil ities at our door; freight rates two-thirds lower to New York city than from Cali fornia. Land advances to $30 an acre November 1. Lectures every day at 11 a. m., 4 and 7:80 p. m. (except Wednesday evening). Come and see us. FLORIDA LANDS COMPANY, 648 8. Spring St. i 9-19-4 ? 1 22,000 ACMES'■'-.'• : $25 PER ACRE Elegant farming and pasture land, beau tifully located In Santa Barbara county; oil rights go with this proven land; town lots, warehouse and hotel included In this property. Biggest snap In California. Call or address CHRISTIANSEN A STAIR. ' 803 Stimson Bldg. Phone F2107. 9-11-tf GOVERNMENT LANDS RELINQUISHMENT — OF THE VERY best units In Yuma reservation. 46 acres, government water right, level and easily cleared. Close to U. S.-farm and .town. $400. Will consider some good trade lf taken before noon September 25. - Address OWNER, Box 38. Herald' Office. 9-18-3 WANTED — SCRIP FOR CALIFORNIA land; will pay highest cash price. Address BOX 118, Herald. . 6-18-8 BUSINESS PROPERTY , i FOR RESTAURANT, SAWTOLLE; doing good business' cheap; snap. 233 FOURTH ST. . • 9-13-7t AUTOMOBILES . . AN AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN A Pierce Racine j torpedo body 1911 model,': purchased 30 . days ago for $2300, fully equipped; in perfect order. Will sell at a big discount, as owner is going east and does not care to take ma chine. Call Paul Rowan. ' R. ROWAN & CO. 200 H. W. Hellman Building. _j 9-19-1. STOCKS AND BONDS WE OFFER 6 PER CENT, . TEN-YEAR, guaranteed gold debenture bonds ln denom inations of $100, $600 and $1000; Interest pay able January and July at First National bank of Los Angeles; not taxable; price, par and accrued Interest. Full Information fur nished on request. THB EMPIRE SECURITIES CO., Suite 502 Union Trust Bldg. .-. • ; 9-13-lmo OIL MINING AND INDUSTRIAL COM pantes. Take notice: Guarantee your j stocks If you want them to sell. Protect your Investor and he will buy. Full par ticulars forwarded on request. GRANITE SECURITIES CO., 518 Bradbury Bldg. ■-■ ■ ■ - 9-2-tf - - FURNITURE SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS. $3.00 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., 250 to 60e. Phone for our large van when you move. $1.25 per hour. . COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO. . 415-17-19 San Pedro St. Main office 605 -11 8. Main st. Phona Main 1117; F3171. t-l-tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ■';;. 7. BIG PIANO BARGAIN . $600 ■ Instrument for $150. Conover, walnut case; fine condition; full octave: easy terms. Must be sold, . 1314 ORANGE ST. Phone, 52540. »-18-tf BEACH PROPERTY FOR SALE-CORNER LOT, 106X160; HIGH, sightly location Redondo Villa tract, $200 cash for quick sale. | Corner Estrella, near 63d St., $800. $300 cash, balance $10 per month. This lot ls worth $1290. For particulars see ... ERIKSON & CO. ,; 105 W. Sixth St., Ground Floor. F2374. .■.-•.■.■ -i - I _. 9-17-3 HOTELS AND LODGING HOUSES • _■ FOR SALE-ROOMINO ' HOUSE; li ROOMS, , With lease. 227 N. BROADWAY. 9-18-3 • - -. ■ ' .. .•-■■■ . ■', . ..... --, FOR SALE m LIVE STOCK FOR SALE— LLEWELLYN SET ter dogs. 4 months old. from field brok en stock. F. H. TAYLOR. 818 West 80th street. »-»•" . PIANOS X A. Q. GARDNER. 118 WINSTON ST. Pl ■nos sold, rented, tuned; very low rates. l-13-tt ■ i. EaaaßCTM —*— '■ — MISCELLANEOUS $17.50 for 5 and 5 1-2 foot enam eled bath tub, worth. $20 to $25. $8.00 for $12.50 enameled laun dry tubs. $2.50 for enameled sink. Other plumbing goods cheap for cash to any one. " NEWELL BROS. 318 W. First St. 9-8-tf CASH REGISTER BARGAINS WELL, I SHOULD SAY SO. SMALL SIZE new register, $25; full also second-hand, fine working, for $10; small size, dandy, $17.50; full else total adder, cost now $175, perfect. $26. Call and see the CUT PRICE INDEPENDENT CASH REGISTER .OF FICE. . ' • J. R. WALLER 613 S. Spring St. 9-19-1 - , i — FOR FIRE-PROOF SAFB CHEAP. ANDERSON 218 N. Main st «-13-tf FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOR EXCHANGE FIRST PAYMENT OF $700 in 610 acr*3 of lani ln the most fertile valley ln Riverside county. Will grow alfalfa, or anges, cotton or anything grown In Califor nia. Will take property. Improved or unim proved, in or around Los Angeles at equal value for above first payment; other half payable at your convenience. Here 1b your chanco. Act quickly. CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 641-2 San Fernando Bldg. 9-18-2 EXCHAIsaE~FOR~ LOS ANGELES . IM proved for San Diego vacant, or small Im proved ranch. Phono WEST 838 after 5. 9-18-3 FOR EXCHANGE— CAN EXCHANGE your property, no matter where located. SJ.ACK ft CO.. 418-20 Grant bids. 8-31-lmo . BPECIAL NOTICES YOUiirEYES This Is your opportunity to have your eyes examined by a well known specialist. To those presenting this notice at 328 Seourlty Building, Dr. Dickson extends the courtesy of free examination and consultation. This will not obligate you to buy glasses. , . ... , RELIABLE OPTICAL CO., 823-829 Security Building. FIFTH AND SPRING, THIRD FLOOR. 7-28-tf MR. B. TOUR MOTHER WANTS TO ■se you. . 9-8-tf MILLS ECZEMA REMEDY, INSTANT RE. lief and speedy cure. Sample treatment free. 331 COPP BLDG. 9-7-14t WANTED— LADIES' AND CfENTLEMBN'S clothing. Positively highest prices paid. MAIN 8597; F5988. 6-3»-12mo CLOSING OUT 2500 GALLONS OF CAR rara paint, $1.50 per gallon. SHEEHAN'S. 900 8. Broadway. 6-15-tf WANTED—A FEW PUPILS FOR PIANO lessons at their homes, by Bessie Carlyon, 1334 Kellam aye. . ' 3-18-3 - PHYSICIANS DOCTOR.! SHORES AND SHORES ARE strictly reliable expert medical specialists In the cure of deafness, catarrh and all manner of chronic nervous and blood diseases of men, women and children. 17 years of continuous success, with a record of over 100,000 treated, MAKE NO MISTAKE. Their new offices In the HE:inE BLDG., Third and Spring sts., have every modern equipment. Take elevator or easy stairs to ROOMS 232 to 225, and con sult DOCTORS SHORES FREE. Terms for treatment low and uniform, $3 A MONTH for all catarrh, chronlo diseases; medicines free. Hours, 9 to 6, evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 13. All examination free this week. 9-17-tf DR. HICKOK SPECIALIST IN PAINLESS CONFINE MENT AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. MATERNITY HOME AND ADOPTION IF DESIRED. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. MODERATE CHARGES; TERMS TO SUIT. 883 W. SIXTH STREET, SUITE 107. 8-3-tf DR. AND MRS. WELLS. BPECIALIbTS IN DISEASES OF WOMEN Dr. Wells' Improved antiseptic methods POSITIVELY GUARANTEED ' ln all diseases and Irregularities of wo men. Consultation free and confidential. . 702 S. SPRING ST., room 206. 8-80- Una DR. CROCKER, SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. —TREATMENT— Majestic Theater Bldg. CONSULT FREE. 12-25-12 mo WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Obstotrles. surgical and medical cases. Terms reasonable. 1246 8. Flower. F4134. 8-13-tf DR TAYLOR. 817 S. MAIN ST. DlS aaaaa of women. -f^ 3-9-tf Dr. C. C. Logan. Oculist. 602 Grant Bldg. * • 8-19-tf BATHS ~~ NELLIE PRICE, Magnetic Healer For Rheumatism and Nervousness ' And Stomach Trouble '655 S. OLIVE. ROOMS 6-7. Phone F6066. 9-7-tf 119V4 8. SPRINO. SUITB 8-CHIROPODY, electricity, massage, vapor and shower baths. , ■ . 6-1 MASSAGE. BATHS, CHIROPODY. EXPERT assistants. JEAN LUNN. 630 8. Bway. 2-17-tf BATHS AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. 218 BROADWAY. ROOM 220 7-90-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSI NESS OPENINGS OK ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a business of any kind, come In and see us; we watch your interests and guar antee clear title. . ' . ' IF YOU WANT TO SELL and your business will stand Investigation, see us and we will quickly find you a buyer. LOLY & CO. Room 3, Times Branch Office. 531 8. ■ ■■ - - Spring. 9-19-1 WHEELED VEHICLES AUTOMOBILES 191) CADILLAC. $1160. 1910 new Brush runabout, $600, JOSEPH BELL, Iris Apartments, 1220 S. Olive st. ' 9-18-3t ATTORNEYS AT LAW SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS—PERSONAL Injury claims specialty; estates settled. J, • XW. - MACY. 538 Douglas bldg. Phones; A 8533. Main 8633. tf ' ASSAYING JOHN HERMAN, 332H 8. Main. Not satis faction, but accuracy guaranteed. 12-32-tt SCHOOL" AND COLLEGES { , .. Summer School Coli^eok OF Fine Arts, U. S, C All branches fine and applied arts. Catalog on request. W. L. JUDSON, Dean. Ivs is. *%«%». .f. a aa—..\l I'asadena, C.l.— l'ol>te«hnlc high school- DfirtD APAntMY 11"" »hop equipment—New dormitory. Term innuur AUMUCIfI I '"•«|n» September **• Bnd for catalogue. ■■■"■ ■ ■ f CUMNOCK SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. Seventeenth Year Opens September 2tlth. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT College preparatory and general courses. Mimic, Art, Gymnasium, Athletic Field, Outdoor Study, Horseback Riding. JUNIOR SCHOOL Fbr girls under fourteen. KINDERGARTEN For boys and girls, four to six. EXPRESSION DEPT. Professional and general culture courses, embracing Elocution. English, Dramatics. Voice Training and Physical Training. Oraduatts ln demand as readers and teach ers. PHYSICAL TRAINING NORMAL COURSE For training teachers'* and playground • -orkers SPECIAL COURSES Arranged In any department. Send f-r catalogue of course desired, MRS. MERRILL MOORE GRIGG, Director. 1600 South Figucroa Street. 9-11-tf UUUJUBIII I ■i'l Business College. Northeast corner Eighth and Hill streets. F6700| Main Sil. BEND FOR FULL INFORMATION. German, English Shorthand By experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 730 W. 31st st. Phone South 4436. »th Floor, Hamburger Bldg., Los Angeles, i mon-tu-thur-sat-tf BOYNTON NORMAL PREPARES DEOEM ber «ounty examinations; grammar cer tificate; enter now. 535 BTIMSON BLK. Broadway 1919; AlB4O. i-l-lt LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 413 W. Fifth St.' E. E. BHRADER. Ph. D., president since 1890. »>-"-« HAVE YOU'SEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL CAT. • alogue describing bookkeeping and short hand? Y. M. C. A. °-13-tf BROWNBBERGER COMMERCIAL COL. lege. 963-7 W. 7TIL Send for catalogue. 4 . 8-it-tt ■ MONEY TO LOAN To wage-earners ' and housekeepers, on personal note; $10 and upward. Do you owe the landlord or the grocer? Do you want money for any purpose? You re pay weekly or monthly. No publicity; lowest rates. PARK LOAN a CREDIT CO.. 484 80. Broadway. -* Room 1?; 8-28-tf MONEY TO LOAN ; J.OOO to loan on real estate, city. or eoun. try. 8 to T per cant, amounts to ; suet. MOYLR * GILBERT, 802 H. W. Hellmaa Bldg. Home phone A 8837; Main 6474. 10-8-tf jj. lEY TO LOAN-SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN, CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 3-14-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDG., will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. : 5-8-tf PACIFIC SAVINGS BANK. 543 8. SPRING, a friend In peed. Loans on real estate and commercial paper without delay. . . 9-4-tf MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, FURNI -ture, pianos and any kind of security; low rates. JOHNSON, 339 H. W. Hellman bldg. . 8-18-tf ' ■' * JU LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henne Bldg. 10-4-tt DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN tll you see me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 O. T. Johnson bldg. 9-1-lmo TO LOAN— MONEY ON REAL ESTATE Bee.HURD BROS.. 407 Central bldg. 8-23-lmo 1600 TO $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENtT T. L. O'BRIEN A CO.. Jefferson and Mala. 6-8-tf BUSINESS PERSONALS MORPHINE OPIUM, COCAINE and all drug habits cured at home by the mjst remarkable remedy ever discovered. No hypodermic injections; no pain. A cure or no pay. Call or write SO. CAL. CHEM ICAL CO., 20214 "*. Broadway, rooms 205-206, Los Angeles. 9-10-tf MRS. MASSON, THE NOTED LONDON palmist, 323 S. SPRING, over Owl drug store. U-38-tf LOST AND FOUND . LOST-A WATCH WITH FOB AND LOCKET with monogram "F. B. H." engraved on locket. Lost somewhere between Main and Flgueroa and 27th and 30th. Finder please call up Broadway 3621, or come to Herald office and get reward. 9-4-tf A SLIGHT MISTAKE "It's curious to observe," says a Maryland man, "the manner in which many illiterate persons prosper. I once had business . that i used to take me at Intervals to a certain place on the eastern shore. On one occasion I went into a store there the proprietor of which could neither read nor write. While I was there a man came in— evidently a regular customer. " 'I owe you some money, don't I?' he inquired. "The storekeeper went to the door and turned it around so that the back was visible. " 'Yes,' said he; 'you owe me for a cheese.' " 'Cheese!' exclaimed the customer. 'I don't owe you for any cheese!' "The storekeeper gave another look at the door. " 'You're right,' said he. 'Itfs a grindstone. I .didn't see tho dot in the middle.' "—Llppincott's. A BETTER *M*ETAPHOR Miss Neverstop (seating • herself be tween two much-engrossed senators) exclaims—A rose between two thorns! "Nay, madame," retorts one Irate old gentleman, "say rather a tongue sandwich.' —Lift i SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ■ RAILWAY TIME TABLE SANTA FE Leave " ' A"t- VJ " California Limited, 10:00 a dally. Chicago via Denver 6:t«» snd Kansas City ' I Overland Express— I 8:00p Chicago via Denver and 8:3»a Kansas' City 1 I Eastern Express—Dally 1 7:30 a Chicago via Denver and 7:084» Kansas City 1 Tourist Filer—Dally I i-OOa Chicago via Denver and $:ls« Kansas City " i Kite Shaped—Going via j B'3oa Pasadena. Return via 6:Boj> Banta Ana Canyon. __—- 7.35 a! Redlands via Pasadena [TTWi 8 -30a Redlands via Pasadena liOOp -•OOP Redlands via Pasadena l:40p 4:30p Redlands via Pasadena 7:40p 7.30 a Redlands via Orange 110:35. 10:55 a Redlands via Orange 6:30p —~ Riverside via | l:00p 7.35 a Pasadena *'*?* - 7 'aoa Riverside I 7:05 a M : Ita - via 10:36. 6:05p Orange 6:30p •——— Corona I 7-.08. 10:66 a via IJ™. 5:05p; Orange 6.30P 7Tjo a " ten Bernardino Ittla 10:55 a via l»:3ja 5:06p Orange 6:30p Tiia ' ' ' ,:,'» till *•'••• loiooa amn Bernardino. 4:00p J'OOp v,» 8:4<,,, 4 : SOp Pasadena 3:00p 6:46p T!*»» 8:00p "8:66 a ' Banta Ana JslTa ;16p • Banta Ana 3:35 a 6:05p Santa Ana l:00p H:6sp Banta Ana 0:16p -.- 3()a ———— —' " 1 6:55 a j-55a Fullerton. 7:os. 10:55 a Anaheim. J :36a 2:16p Orange 1?"* ll:s6P__ ' *! ™ » ~l7iHi Ban Jacinto, Elslnore, [TJTijI. lolssa Hemet and Murletta 6:30p 10:25a| Redondo I 4:20p ' 2:16p Escondldo ITSop 8:65 a Fallbrook, 6: lip 1:65 a Ban Diego and 6:68. flop Coronado Beach l:00p 11:55p ! Surf Line 6:l»p 7:30 a Randsburg 7:08 a 8:00p Searchlight and Chloride, 7:0841 8:top Beatty. Rhyollte, Goldfield, 8:10 a 1 and Tonopah SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station, Fifth and Central aye. Leave| l*"'!* B:OoaSan Francisco via Coast Line, B:4sa 8:16 a San Luis Obispo. Paso Robles. t:30» 3:3opDel Monte, Monterey, Banta 3:30p 6:15p Crux. San Jose and east. >:*'D 8:00p Xl:ii» " j San Francisco and Mojave, «:30p Sacramento, Oakland, via | 7:»»a 8:20 p. Bakersfleld and Fresno _ 3:16 a 7:305! Fresno. I 7:05 a 6:00p Bakerfleld 8:00 a 9:30p and Mojave t:2ol> Chicago, Kan. City, St. Louis, 7 9;45p Golden State Limited, 6:65p 3:00p The California via 7:16p Yuma, Benson, El Paso ~| ——New Orleans via I Yuma, Benson, Maricopa, 13:01p Tucson, El Paso, San An- l:86p tonlo and Houston 12:01p| Yuma, Tucson, Bensen, t:3oa 8:00p Lordsburg, Demlng, 7:16 a 7:00p ■ El Paso l:30p ■»755 i i : I 3:80 a 8:00 a Banta Barbara, 11:50 a 8:15 a and 3:30p 1:45p Ventura 7:35p 2:35p (•Not Ventura.) • 9:30p 7:30p ll:4ty "s:lsa Oxnard. Santa Susana, * 8:30 a tills Meorpark. Sorais, •11:30. 7:30p Camarlllo 2:2 Op (•Oxnard only.) ' • 7:36p Santa Paula via Saugus, 6:45 a Camulos, Plru, Fillmore, 11:50 a 1:45p Satlcoy, Montalvo, 7:35p Carplnterla, Summerland B:lsa| ! Nordhoft. ' I 2:30p 2:35p Nordhoft 7:35p 7:45a| • 6:30 a t:6sa Pomona • 7:15 a 12:01p Colton 7:16 a 3:00p Riverside, Redlands and 9:36 a 4:00p San Bernardino, 11:35. 5:60p ('Not Riverside, Redlands ' l:30p 6:15p or San Bernardino) s:3{p 7:10p 8:65al ' Covlna 111:35 a 6:46p Covina 7:I»P 7:45a| Chino ' I 9:3ta 4:00p Chino 6:2tp "t~66a Banta Ana, Anaheim, Downey 8:30. 11:16 a and Norwalk 2:16P l:00pa* Buena Park, West a* l:00p 5:10p Anaheim, Weat Orange 4:ttp . ('Downey only.) 8:55 a! Newport Beach | 4:60p B:ssa|a Los Alamltos a 4:»0p 9:45aj Brawley, Imperial, I 4:80 a 7:oop| El Centre. Calexloo 6:t6p 9:05 a San Pedro-Compton 'Ill^Sa 3:3 op* (Via Long Beaoh) | 6:86p —9:05 a • Long Beaoh-Comptoa 111:46 a 3:30p ('Via San Pedre) ____* 9:osa| Santa Catalina Island | 6:35p 6:46 a I 7:tla 7:50 a ' Fernando * 8:40 a 1:45p 11:60 a 6:00p ('Motor) 7:36p 9:30p *:>*p B:3oa[a Chatsworth Park. al 3:4tp (See note.) 1 (Note —To and from River I station only.) All trains dally except those marked as follows: "a" Sundays excepted; "b" Sun days only. SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. a Sunday only; w Week days only. Leavel First Street station jArrtv. — I Los Angeles LimitedAmerl-1 ™ can —Overland Express 10:30s Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul, 4:80p ] 2:00p Omaha. Kansas City, 2.30p I 8:00p Denver and Salt Lake • 3:00 a I ttita] San Bernardino. 8:00 a I 11:00 a Colton. 8:35 a { 2:00p Riverside. 16:41 a 3:40p Ontario j l:3tp I 6:24p " and 3:30p s-OOp Pomona 6:15p 7:10p ' 7:55 a I 8:10 a 8:10 a Long Beach 10:15 a 8:60 a 10:60. l:3ops and $:06p 3:45p Ban Pedro i:10p 6:30p W 6:60p s 7:60 ps - s 9:60p 8:50 a Santa Catalina Island ' I 6:liop »:00p Searchlight. Qold'fleld I »:0«a STORAGE »— ".' ' .i.i". .»-,.i.».iii..i ..m.. LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED. IRON rooms tor furniture, etc.; $1.60 and $3 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. 25c to 500.; open vans. $8 per day, or 760 per hour. We pack and ship household goods every where at reduced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAOE CO.. offices 608-11 8. Main St. Warehouse 418-17 Ban Pedro - fit Phones F3171; Main HIT 8-25-tx 11