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18TH IRRIGATION CONGRESS OPENS 'Save Forests, Store Floods, and Make Homes on Land,' Says President Fowler GREAT CROWD CHEERS BRYAN Alva Adams Favors State Con trql—Nebraskan Says State and Nation Must Agree PUEBLO, Colo., Sept. 88.—The Ques tion of state right* versus the new na tionalism looms large on the horizon at the clone of the first day's session of the eighteenth National Irrigation con gress. Whether the quentlon of state* righto in the matter of water distribution nil) he brought squarely before the congress will depend Inricrly upon the position of the Colorado delegation. This delega tion will meet tomorrow morning to de tide upon matters of pollry. Until the decision of Colorado Is announced otlier rielrgutlons are maintaining a neutral attitude. [Aasoclated Press) PUEBLO, Colo., Sept. 26.—Laying down the policy that "no gang rule shall flourish here," and reiterating the congress' motto, "Save the forests. store the floods, reclaim the deserts, make homes on the land," President B. Fowler of Phoenix, Ariz., Informally opening the eighteenth National Irri gation congress here this afternoon aligned himself with those delegate! who favor a thorough discussion of all practical problems of Irrigation. While President Fowler in his ad dress did not intimate knowledge of any attempt to Inject personal ques tions into the deliberations of the con gress, he took the broad position that this congress is and must remain the national forum for consideration of ir rigation matters. He reviewed at length the achievements of the con- grfss in its almost twenty years of ex istence, both in securing beneficial leg islation In congress and in furthering the construction of irrigation projects In the west. Recognizing that the con gress Is confronted by many import ant problems for further consideration, President Fowler in closing declared: "This congress must watch over and continue to contribute to the develop ment and groth of its foster children, national forestry and Irrigation, the kindred subject of national drainage of the swamp lands of the south and the east will need its help, national wa terways and the system of treatment of our rivers, especially at the head waters, will demand and should receive our careful consideration and aid. "Here, in this congress of the people in the national forum for the considera tion of all vital questions relating to the uses and advices of water. Irriga tion and forestry, and so long as the governments of the people, by the people and for the people shall live, so long will the need of great popular convocations like this exist and appeal to the people who boast of enlightened freedom." Former Governor Alva Adams, In discussing "Colorado: Conquest and Conservation," declared himself In favor of state control of irrigation projects, whioh would place the devel opment and conservation of national resources close to the people. This, he said, would "insure tranquillity, pro mote the dignity of the states, harm no one, strengthen the nfttion and ad vance the welfare of all the people." Thousands of delegates and local people packed the Mineral palace to hear William J. Bryan discuss "Irri gation and National Development" to night. Emphasizing the importance of irrigation. Mr. Bryan said, in part: ■ "Irrigation is in its Infancy. It is one of the oldest forms of agriculture In the world, but it is one of the newest In the United States, because of the vast areas available for cultivation with the natural rainfall. As these lands have now become occupied, the attention of the American people has been turned to the reclamation of ewamp lands and arid lands. Already we have begun storing water in the arid regions of the west, and this will go on until all the surplus water has been utilized. "In the utilization of these flood waters a conflict has arisen between states, making It necessary for the national government to act as arbi trator. "This discussion is now among the conservationists as to the spheres of the Btate and the nation. This dis cussion Is a natural one. It Is not only healthful but necessary. "The national Interests are not to be Ignored, and in the same way state in terests are not to be overlooked. I be lieve when the problem has been thor oughly discussed in all Its phases the two factions therein will agree on a plan which wIU give both the sub stanc# of the things contended for." SELECT COMMITTEE CHAIIMrEN Late today chairmen of committees were chosen as follows: Resolutions—Governor J. H. Klbbey of Arizona. Permanent organization — H. Moody of Spokane. • _ Credentials—Francis Cuttel of Cali fornia. The following announcements were made of members on the resolutions committee: Colorado— Judge C. C. Holbrook. Kansas—E. R. Thorpe. Board of control members—Former Governor Adarris »nd R. M. Faxon. The California delegation Is making a strong fight to seoure an indorse ment of San Francisco as the place for holding the exposition celebrating the completion of the Panama canal. Today, while attending the congress, Governor Shafroth received a telegram from Governor Gillett of California, asking him to use his influence to have the resolutions of Indorsement adopted by the congress. Governor* Shafroth replied that he would be glad to comply and included the announce ment that he had appointed J. Knox Burton of Pueblo, honorary vice pres ident for Colorado. JUDGE HUTTON IN COLORADO Judge W. M. Conley of Madera county began sitting in department four of the superior court yesterday for Judge Hutton, who has gone to Pueblo, Colo to address the National Irriga tion conhi-phs. Judge Conley will re main for several days. He is hearing the divorce calendar. It'i v ea»y to *ecure a Dargaln In a u«4 »utmr,obtl». through want advertl.ln*. v It aw* to b«—and still l»-to aaeur* a hor«« •vid can lac*. SAN DIEGO WARMS TO THEODORE BELL Democratic Candidates Open the Southernmost Rally with Crowded Meeting (Associated Praia) SAN DIEGO, Sept. 26.—The Demo crats of San Diego had their first rally of the ' campaign < this evening, . when they filled Germania hall and wildly applauded a long speech by Theodore Bell and a very brief one by Timothy Spellacy. . • . E. E. Capps presided and promptly presented Mr. Bell. ■ At the outset Bell spoke of the great future that California will have through the opening of the Panama canal. < ■„■ ,; ■.. ,'- ,-; "The Democratic doctrine ;of equal rights to all and special privileges to none," he said, "If steadily adhered to in this state ■will mean industrial progress never witnessed before." Coming to the question of the South ern Pacific railroad lln politics, ■ he suggested that it is customary to put new converts on probation, • and that four years would be a proper proba tionary term-for Republicans who had concluded to ; break away from rail way domination. He continued: "The political supremacy of the Southern Pacific is not the product of a few days or a few months. It' runs back many years through the history of California. This pernicious Influ ence has been exorcised through the medium of the Republican party. Time and time again the Democratic party has taken an absolute and une quivocal , position against- its domina tion in our affairs, but year after year the people by a majority vote for Re publican nominees have suffered this great political evil to continue." Mr. Bell asserted that he had fought the Southern Pacific four years ago and was still fighting it. 11 As to the immigration question, Mr. Bell said: "I am opposed to • Asiatic immigration, whether It be Chinese, Japanese, Hindu or any other Oriental people, and I shall not hesitate to use the lawful powers of the state to pre vent their encroachment upon , the state." i / r The speaker devoted some time to education In California. "If elected governor," he said, "I shall overhaul our entire school sys tem, and where modifications and changes can be made to Improve Its value I shall not hesitate to do all that lies In my power." JURY DECLARES CRIPPEN BELLE ELMORE'S SLAYER American Dentist Found Guilty in Court at London LONDON, Sept. 26.—The coroner's Jury, after one hour's deliberation to day, brought in the verdict that Mrs. Cora Crippen, known on the stage as Belle Elmore, had been willfully mur dered by her husband, Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, an American dentist. After listening to the testimony for several days and hearing the summing up of the case by Coroner Schroeder, the jury was left but little choice. The inquest had been dragged out longer than usual In order to giva the police time for evidence. They ex pected to bring out at the trial testi mony tending to identify Belle Elmore'a body, through the agency of a piece of flesh found to contain a scar. The case will come up for trial at the next criminal sessions, scheduled for October 11. PARK BOARD OBJECTS TO ROAD ACROSS ARROYO SECO The park commission yesterday adopted a resolution protesting against the construction of a dirt railroad and wagon road fill across the Arroyo Seco at Pasadena avenue. The fill proposed Is 1200 feet long and fifty feet high. In Its resolutloln the park commis sion says that the fill will destroy the possibility of ever using this portion of the arroyo as a parkway, as has been proposed. It is possible, says the resolution, to build an arched con crete bridge that will enhance the nat ural beauty of this location. It is bet ter to wait for further funds than to proceed with the dirt flll because it is cheaper. The injury to property val ues adjoining will be greater than the saving. A copy of the resolution will be for warded to the council, the county su pervlslors and the city officials of South Pasadena, as the expense Is to be shared by. all three. SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED FOR BANKERS' ANNUAL MEETING For the convention of the American Bankers' association in Los Angeles, October 3 to 7, the list of those who will make addresses is now complete. A variety of subjects Is covered and will prove one of the most Interesting symposiums of topics which has ever been presented to the association. The speakers and their subjects follow: Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president University of California, Berkeley, "The Banker as a Public Servant." Prof. A. Piatt Andrew, assistant sec retary of the treasury, Washington, D. C, "Work of the Monetary Commis sion." i Irving T. Bush, chairman National Currency league. New York. "Needed Banking and Currency Reforms, from the Standpoint of iha Commercial In terests of the Country." Harold Remington, New York city, "Bankers and Bankruptcy Law." Frank B. Anderson, president Bank of California, San Francisco, "Pacific Coast Need for Banking and Currency Reform." R. G. Rhett, president People's Na tional bank, Charleston, S. C, "A Southern Banker's View of the Cur- rency Question." It is also expected that Senator Bur ton of Ohio will be present and talk on banking and currency legislation. PROF. OVERSTREET GOEB BERKELEY, Sept. 26.—Prof. Harry A. Overstreit, who for the last ten years has been connected with the philosophy department of the Univer sity of California, announced today hi*, tance of the chair of philosophy at the college of the City of New York. He will leave here In January. S. P. INCREASES WAGES HOUSTON. Tex., Sept. 26.—An agreement lias been reached tonight between officials of the Southern Pa cific railroad and representative"; of the car repairing department of the road providing for un increase In wages. LQS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1010. MAID OF MANALAY CHARMS AUDIENCE Tuneful Opera Produced by Bank Clerks and Friends Wins Generous Applause GRACEFUL DANCERS APPEAR Melodies of the Humming Variety Promise to Continue in Memory of Hearers BY I-I,OKENCB BOSARD LAWRENCE Los Angeles was presented to "The Maid of Manalay" last night at the Auditorium theater, and the introduc tion seemed a happy one. Certainly Los Angeles was pleased—of that there was no doubt. Flowers by the bushels, applause, huzzas and bravos testified to the admiration of the audience. And the maid? She offered her sweetest songs, her brightest smiles and most alluring dances in evpression of her en joyment of the situation. This opera, the second we have heard from the pen of Harry Olrard, received a production last night at the hands of tho bank clerks and their friends which will establish an entirely new standard for local amateur dramatic work. No such home talent work has been heard on a local stage before, so far as solos 'and ensemble singing, dancing and marching may be con sidered. A large chorus, alive and very much awake every minute, a well trained orchestra and a great number of voices which are actually musical is an excellent instrument upon which a capable director may play, and under the baton of Harry Girard, coim poser and producer of the opera, last night's premiere was astonishingly suc cessful. MELODY IN CnORUSKS Musically, the opera Is more am bitious than was "The Alaskan." It has fewer tunns of the popular sort, but many of the choruses and both finales are beautifully harmonized and orchestrated. A number of the solos will prove to be of the "humming" variety. The book, too, is replete with good lines and kept the audience amused, if not actually hilarious throughout the evening. In the cast last night were several singers who made their first public ap pearance. Of these a notable success was attained by Fred McPherson in the tenor role of Dteut. Ney Val Flagg. This young man sang and acted his part In excellent style. His voice, which is high and clear In quality, earned him several encores and the en thusiastic applause not only of his friends but of every appreciative lis tener In the house. Edith Salyer as Hua, a native wine seller, displayed grace and charm in the dance which opened the opera, and formed a picturesque addition to every picture. Miss Hazel Runge, while a stranger to the footlights in Just this particular sphere, has yet had so much concert experience that her undoubted success as the fascinating Widow Tarbox was only to be expected. Gifted with a spirited manner, admirable stage pres ence and a voice already excellent and constantly growing and developing to fuller beauty, this young woman may, If she so aspires, hope to attain to" con siderable heights in the operatic world. CAPTIVATING SAILOB BOY Agnes Cain Brown Girard Is already well known to theatergoers here, but rarely before has she had a part In which she was so delightful. Her petite figure was most captivating in the na tive costume and as the Insouciant sai lor boy she was Irresistible. Her songs, "The Maid of Manalay" and "Aloha Oe," as well as later numbers, were given with the utmost vocal art In which her beautiful voice appeared to excellent effect. Edward Phillbrook in the bass role, Mehoku, was also one of the stars of the evening and every member of the entire cast acquitted himself excel lently. Remaining characters of the piece were as follows: Reddy Wiggins, a New York barkeep, Carroll Johnson. Admiral Att. United States navy. James D. Sherry Reeves. Timothy Hanks, king of a neighboring Isle. T. J. Flynn. "This," mldshlßman, United States navy. Jesslyn Van Trump. "That," midshipman United States navy, Miss Sherry Reeves. First sailor. F. A. Sansome. Second Bailor. R. Van Clave. Utter-bearer. A. J. Mitchell. . Mulligan, Mlsa Sherry Reeves. Octette, nieces of the Widow Tarbox. the Misses Dolly Schmidt. Stanley Beatrice Dobbins, Madge Sheppard, Violut Hughes, lone Gale, Virginia lricldlucoine. Lillian Young and Eknon! Navarre. Ensigns, F. A. Sansome, R. T. Van Cleve, John CaldwelL S. W. Kerr. F. H. McCor mlck. Frank Forgoy. A. M. Sparks. G. Q. Stone. Hornpipe, Misses Salyer, Van Trump, Murphy. In the audience were noticed Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hampton/^IA and Mrs. Dan Mur phy, Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Gates, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Clarke, Miss Jean Gates, Miss Hazel Gates, Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burdette, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Toll, Miss Lena Scott, Miss Alice Viall, Mrs. N. Barclay. Mrs. N. W. Hardenberg, Miss Bess Nichols, Mrs. Li. Mac Lean, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Souden, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Rad ford, Mr. and Mrs. R H. Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Callander. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard Jess, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hart Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MacFarlane, Mrs. A. H. Runge, Mrs. I. N. Van Nuys, Miss Kate Van Nuys, William Freese, Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson P. Chandler, Don W. Carleton, Mrs. L. H. Carleton, Miss Cnrleton, Miss Lillian Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beardsley, Captain and Jirs. H. W. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Angus R. Llndley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pratt, Mrs. Grace P. Hare, Mrs. R. C. Rankin, Mrs. Edna Lee Modic, Harry E. Shephard, Mr. iind Mrs. Edwin T. Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Katidolph Miner, Mrs. Mary Long street, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Woolwine, Mr. and Mrs. Woods Woolwine, Mr. and Mrs. Boyle Workman, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Spenee, Mr. and Mrs. Irwln Herron, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Henderson, Mrs. Helen Henderson Steckel, Mrs. K. M. Nightingale, Mlbs Alice Kytnn, Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Braly, Mr. and Mrs. Kail B. Millar, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Petti grow, Dr. and Mrs. West Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Albee, Mr. and Mrs. William McVay, the Misses McVay, B£r. and Mrs. Otheman Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Brand, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Car rol Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Maroo Hellman, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gibbon, Mr. ami Mrs. Motley Flint, James Copp, Airs. Mary Huehrmann, Arthur Chipron and Cap tain Eppley. ARRANGE DEDICATION OF FEDERAL BUILDING Five Bands, Singers and Speak ers to Take Part in Big Ceremonial At a meeting of'the citizens' commit tee at 147 North Spring street yester day further plans were made for the dedication of the new federal building, October 5. The ceremony will take place on the Main street side of the building at 7 o'clock Wednesday night, the thorough fare as far as Commercial street being reserved for the occasion. The main entrance of the building will be re served for the speakers' platform. Joseph Scott, president of the cham ber of commerce, will open the cere- monies with an address after being in troduced by Milton Carlson, chairman of the citizens' committee. Mayor Alexander will follow Mr. Scott's ad dross with a short talk. Speakers of the evening will be Sen ator Frank P. Flint, Congressman Mc- Lachlan, Joseph Mesmer, R. F. Del Vaile, Will D. Gould, Rev. Dana Bart lett, J. E. Muchmore, supervising archi tect of the federal building, and J. M. Dougan, representing the contractors. Six bands will participate in the ceremonies—Shoeneman's, the News boys", Letter Carriers', Chlaffarelll's of Venice, the Ocean Park and Whlttier school boys' bands. "Star-Spangled Banner" will be sung by Mrs. M. (X Gonzales In front of the speakers' platform. The La Cinqulntalne Mandolin and Guitar trio will play selections In tho United States court rooms. Ten thousand official programs will bo distributed among the public and badges will be worn by the executive officers, committees and vloe presi dents. Representatives of all the commercial bodies, bank presidents, federal officers, city and county officials, consuls and vice consuls, judges, mayors and cham ber of commerce officials of surround ing cities and the Pick and Shovel club of Venice have been invited to attend the dedication. Pioneers of Los Angeles county will be invited as Vice presidents of the occasion. Another meeting 1 of the committee will be held at 147 North Spring street at 9:30 this morning. DENY RESPONSIBILITY FOR SWAN GIRL'S DEATH Dr. Grant Charged with Crime, and Athlete Is Held RAiN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26.— Beyond the formal charging 06 Dr. James F. Grant with the crime of murder, there were no new developments In the Kva Swan case today. Both Grant and Paul H. Parker, the former Stanford university athlete who is held by the police in connec tion with the affair, still cling to their stories that they were in no way re sponsible for the death of the young stenographer. After a long talk with Parker today District Attorney Charles M. Flckert ordered him back to the city prison, where he will be held indefinitely. In a complete statement made to day, Miss Marie Messerschmidt, the nurse who was employed by Dr. Grant, and who says that she saw him place the body of Miss Swan in the trunk, told Fickert and Detective Ed Wren that Parker did not accompany the pirl to Grant's offices on her first visit to the place. She said, however, that Parker later knew of the fact that the girl was half delirious from her suffering. Miss Messerschmidt was certain also that Willie Saack, the boy who is supposed to have assisted Dr. Grant Jn disposing of the remains, was not present when the body was placed in the trunk. _ ■ ia 111. L'l 'BIGGER FLEET' CONGRESS PLANNED FOR WEST COAST San Diego Chamber of Commerce Indorses Evans Idea SAN DIEGO, Sept. 26.—The idea of holding a Pacific coast congress as the means of taking steps for urging upon congress the importance and necessity of maintaining a fleet of battleships on the Pacific coast as recommended by Admiral Evans was indorsed by the San Diego chamber of commerce at a meeting today. A telegram was sent to the admiral notifying him of the action taken. Also a telegram was sent to Governor Gillett informing him that the local chamber of commerce indorsed the congress plan proposing that the con gress be held at San Francisco and asking him to co-operate In the move ment. Telegrams were also sent to the eljambors of commerce at Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane and Santa Barbara, informing- them of the moce ment, asking that they co-operate and suggesting to them the propriety of the meeting being held in San Francisco. To other civic and municipal bodies up and down the Pacific coast letters are to be sent embodying the same facts. POLICE WILL TRANSFER NO MORE LIQUOR PERMITS The police commission last night an nounced the policy that it wl' grant bo more transfers of ownership In liquor licenses. The precedent was established by refusing to grant a transfer of the saloon at 116 North Spring street from Carl Leopold to Gus Hall and a wholesale permit from Charles De Long at 231 East Sixth street to C. L. Krug. The police commission holds that a liquor permit is a personal privilege, and that when a holder of one wishes to give it up hn must come before the commission and surrender it. The man he wishes to sell his business to may apply for the permit, but the commission will use its own judgment as to whether or not it shall bo granted. BTUBBS STILL LIVES CLBVHLAND, Sept.-26.—The condi tion of Donald P. Stubbs, general agent of,the.Union Pacific railroad here, who Is Buffering from a pistol wound in the left breast, self i inflicted Saturday night, is crave. 37,426 STUDENTS IN LOCAL SCHOOLS Superintendent Francis Reports Enrollment Increase of 2919 Over Last Year 6397 AT THE HIGH SCHOOL Educational Institutions Are'Re- ported as Well Protected from Fires Superintendent Francis' monthly re port, submitted at the regular meeting of the city board of education last evening, stated that the total enroll ment in all the grammar schools of Los Angeles has reached 37,426, with two weeks of school past, an increase of 2919 over the same period last year. In the high schools the superinten dent's report shows 6397, an increase of 1689 over one year ago. These figures are for all the high schools under the board's jurisdiction. The city high schools proper have an increase In en rollment alone amounting to 1029, or 22 per cent over last year. The proposition of whether the Los Angeles Planing Mill company, which had the contract for part of the fur nishings for the Manual Arts high school, should build certain tables for use in the kitchen of that school was left to the board's building committee. This committee in its report recom mended that the secretary advise the planing mill company that unless it builds the cooking tables at once the board would have such tables con structed and deduct the cost of same from the amount due on the finished contract. The communication received from the board of fire commissioners in re gard to the safety of school buildings was referred to the building committee with power to act on the -suggestions offered. It was the consensus of opin ion among the members of the board that the Los Angeles school buildings were safe from flres. The building foreman testified that all doors swing outward on all the buildings and that all have four exits which are kept wide open all during school hours. An item In the finance committee's report calling for a quantity o£ hard woods for use at the.Manual Arts high school was ordered stricken out of that report and returned to the committee for further information. The board waa of the opinion that if the students of the new school were to have mahog any, maple and oak the board ought to at least know just what such expen sive wood was to be used for. U. C. FRESHMEN BEAT SANTA CLARA HIGH 29-0 BERKELEY, Sept. 26.—The Santa Clara high school Rugby fifteen re ceived a crushing defeat today at the hands of Che University of California freshmen, the score being 29 to 0. The high school boys proved no match for the collegians. As a result of his participation in the game, Max Steinhart of the Santa Clara team was removed to an Oakland hospital tonight and operated on for appendicitis. Steinhart, the doctors said, had been suffering with the dis ease some time without being aware of the fact. His exertions in today's game brought on a condition that necessi tated immediate operation. The opera tion was performed late tonight, and the surgeons said Steinhart was in good shape and had every prospect of recovery. BODY OF INDINANAPOLIS MAN FOUND AT BISBEE BISBEE, Ariz., Sept. 26.—The body of Albert Weghorst, aged 30, of Indian apolis was found in a pasture at Naco today. He was identified by a meal ticket on a local restaurant. There were many Indications of a struggle, and investigations are being made. The wave of crime that set in In Cochlse county a week ago continued tonight, when a cowboy single-handed held up a saloon at Benson and escaped with $35. A posse is in pursuit. JOHNSON AT PLACERVILLE PLACERVILLE, Sept. 26.—Hiram Johnson tonight addressed a crowd of enthusiastic Republicans, who tilled the local theater and overflowed into the streets. He spoke fully on hour and a half, the trend of his talk being that progressive Republicanism was the hope of the state and the nation. Going East Via Salt Lake Route This popular scenic line from Los Angeles to l-»e east has three through trains for the accommodation of its patrons, namely: The Los Angeles Limited, leaving Los Angeles daily at 10:30 a. m., and running through in three days to Chi cago via Salt Lake City, Ogden and Omaha. This train consists of the fin est of standard and tourist sleepers, dining car and observation-library-buf fet car, all electrically lighted. Nothing Is lacking for the comfort and pleas ure of travelers. In addition to the Chicago equip ment is a standard sleeper through from Los Angeles to Denver, connecting with the St. Louis-Colorado Limited, solid from Denver to Kansas City and St. Louis. This gives practically through sleep- Ing car service from Los Angeles to St. Louis In a little more than three days. Another limited train Is the new American Express, leaving LO3 An geles daily at 2 p. m., with through standard sleepers to Chicago and Den ver and tourist sleeper and diner to Salt Lake City. No coaches or chair cars are par ried on either or the above named trains. The American Express train also has a'through express car to Chicago and New York. Lastly Is the Overland Express, leav ing Los Angeles daily at 8 p. m. and making all local stops, connecting next morning at Nipton for Searchlight and at Las Vegas for Goldfleld. This train has standard sleeper, diner, chair car and coaches to Sal Lake City, tourist sleepers for Chicago and Kansas City, and on Wednesdays a tourist sleeper for St. Paul and Minneapolis. Dining car service of this line is a popular feature and experienced trav elers say It is not excelled in Quality in railway service. If you contemplate taking a trip cast. Salt Lake route agents will bo glad to give you full information as to fares, trains, etc., to any point de sired. Loh Angeles offices are at COt South Spring street and First street station. Amputation Not Necessary What One of a Thousand Has to Say of the Greatest Electro-Mag netic in This Country Today Prominent Xin X " eonuty man saved from an operation. Mr. A. B. Buckner of Hanford, irhoM arm was perfectly stiff for twenty-five years, tellH In his own way how lie vas cured hy Dr. Glass, the Great Electro-Magnetlo Wonder. Mr. Bnckner says: Dr. Glass can't perform miracles, but the next thing to It. A Mr. Cnrter soys bis life wa» mivi-iI by the wonderful healing power he obtained from eighteen treatments. Up,.- J Dr. Gla«s, the Great English Specialist, More Ccmmonly Known All Over the World m» the Great Electro-Magnetic Wonder, Who Has Been Performing 6uch Wonderful Cures All Over This Country. By giving new life and energy to the affected parts, as well as the whole system, he is able to remove tumors and cure the most complicated diseases in a. short time. The doctor I 3 fully able and prepared to cure and restore to health tha most obstinate cases, as he has done for thousands of others during the last three years, and should not be classed with the too common and unscrupuloua charlatan and quack. Dr. Glass is a graduate of the regular schools of medi cine and still uses medicine in some cases, but all of his remarkable curesl are produced by the use of the ELECTRO-MAGNETIC. ALL CHRONIC DIS EASES treated by him. but the doctor prefers to treat patients that have beon pronounced incurable by other doctors. After an examination if the doctor finds your case incurable, he will frankly tell y °" f£ N° , DIS EASES TAKEN FOR TREATMENT. ALL DISEASES AND DEFORMIIIES TREATED. WOMEN. STAY THE KNIFE! Nine out of every ten who sub mit to the knife can be cured and restored to health in short time andl be able to enjoy health and happiness. For further Information as to methods of treatment, etc., call at office. Office hours: 10 to 4; evenings. Tuesdays, Thursdays anl Saturdays, 7 to 8, for men only. FREE Examination and one treatment Free to all who call during the next fifteen days. DR. GLASS, 3081 S. Spring Street SAYS WATER TRAFFIC OPPOSED BY RAILROADS WASHINGTON, Sept." 26.— "Probably the greaest single deterrent water ter minal advance In the United States 13 the present adverse attitude of rail lines toward independent water traf fic, in' their exclusive control of front age, in refusal or neglect to co-ordin ate with general water traffic and in refusal to pro-rate generally with water lines in through movement of traffic." This is one of the conclusions of Her- Bert Knox Smith, commisisoner of cor porations, just made public, of his re port to the president on water trans portation in the United States. After an exhaustive inquiry into the harbor situation of the country and an anal ysis of conditions, Commissioner Smith deals In this section of the report with water terminals and he finds five sa lient facts regarding them. That terminals are as Important as channels: that the harbors of the coun try have not fully developed their ter minal frontage nor are they properly organized or controlled; that railroads largely control water terminals, often to the disadvantage of general water traffic- that there is almost no linking up of the rail and general water sys tems at the water's edge, but rather the opposite tendency, and that there is little co-operation by localities with the federal government which improves their channels. Lack of co-operation between locali ties and the federal government In wa ter terminal development, he says, is in marked contrast to those continental countries whose waterways have been most highly developed. MRS. SLATER'S TEN DRESSES HELD AT CUSTOMS HOUSE NEW YORK, Sept. 26.—Mrs. H. N. Slater of Readville, Mass., related to the prominent Slater family of New England, and financially interested in a New York firm of the same name, was not permitted to take away her baggage when she arrived today from Europe on the Kaiserin Auguste Vie- She declared ten model gowns valued at $1400 and additional personal effects worth only $300, but the customs in spectors insisted on a complete ap praisement of the contents of her nine pieces of baggage. After the seizure Mrs. Slater said she could not remember how many gowns she had brought over. No charge was filed against her, but her declaration will be compared with the contents of her trunks. WIFE OF ARTIST CHRISTY GOES TO NEW YORK ALONE ZANESVILIiB, Ohio, Sept. 26.—1t bo eiune known today that Mrs. Howard Chandler Christy, wife of the artist, left the Christy home on the Musking um below here Sunday and returned to New York. No member of the family Accompanied her to the station, and she used a taxicab instead of the Christy automobile. Friends of the family say that all hope of the ex pected reconciliation has been aban doned. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES OPEN HEADQUARTERS ROCHESTER. N. V. ( Sept. 26.—Can didates for the nomination for gover nor at the Democratic state convention to meet here Wednesday are opening headquarters. The names most promi nently mentioned are Mayor Gaynor of New York, Thomas M. Osbonif of Auburn, Representative Sulzer of New York and Representative James F. Havens of Rochester. Here la one of the very ordinary: "To Whom It May Concern: "This is to certify that I had a very bad arm for over thirty years' stand ing, which had to be dressed twice every day and ha-1 become worse than useless. I was losing sleep at night, caused from pain and poison going through my system. All the doctors I consulted said It would have to bo taken off, and I had decided to have it done, but (thanks to Dr. Glass) I saw his ad in the papers, I called and consulted him and after four months' treatment I am well, without pain or knife. A. B. BUCKNER, "Lemoore, Kings Co., Cal." People Coming from All Parts of the Country to Be Treated by Dr. Glass with Remarkable Re sults POLICE AND STRIKERS HAVE BATTLE IN BERLIN BERLIN, Sept. 26.—The police and coal strikers had a series of pitched battles tonight in the Moabite precinct. Fifty strikers were wounded by re volver shots and sword thrusts in po lice charges. Twenty were taken to the hospitals severely Injured. Forty police also were wounded while protecting strikebreakers. About midnight thousands of strikers stormed the flre station and the Re form church In Buessel strasse, wreck ing the wlndqws and doors. The police were compelled to charge repeatedly and to use severe measures. They were bivouacking in the streets throughout the night. In consequence of the frequent use of firearms in pub lic places during the present labor troubles the commissioner of police haa forbidden the < carrying of weapons without license. ROBBERS SECURE MAIL FROM TRAIN IN SOUTH Two Masked Men Board Car Out side New Orleans NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 2«.—Tw* masked robbers Invaded the mail car of the Southern Pacific train leaving New Orleans at 9 o'clock tonight and secured several packages of registered mall. No attempt was made to rob passengers. The robbery took place at Avondale, twelve miles west of New: Orleans. Postal officials at Now Orleans state they could not make an estimate ofi the loss, their only report being from a mail clerk that the postal car had been robbed. The robbers are sup posed to have boarded the train at New Orleans and entered the mail car when the train came to a stop at Avondale. Officials of Jefferson parish are in pursuit of the robbers. GREEK SHOOTS BROTHER SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 26.— 1n * quarrel at the feast following a wed ding at which ho acted as best man, Harry Proltinopoulous, a Greek mech anic, shot and fatally wounded hia brother, Nicholas, last night. The as sailant escaped. RUNS TO SAVE COIN AND DIES BOSTON, Sept. 26.—T01d that his bootblack stand In which he had $300. was on fire, Joseph Sosone of South Boston, ran so hard to save his prop erty last night that he dropped dead! of cerebral hemorrhage. The fire waa extinguished before it reached the money. 5000 TONS OF HAY BURN STOCKTON, Sept. 26.—Fire of mys terious origin destroyed, yesterday, a, large warehouse of the Mealifalfa com pany on the water front. Five thou sand tons of hay and several hundred tons of grain were consumed. .The to tal loss Is about $00,(000. « ■ » ASK SUSPENSION OF MAYOR COLUMBUS, 0., Sept. 26.—Petitions asking Governor Harmon to suspend Mayor Marshall on charges of gross misconduct In office growing out of his management of the car strike sit uation, -were formally filed at the gov ernor's office today. FINANCIER DIES ATLANTA. Ga., Sept. 26.—Samuel F. Parrott, president of the Atlanta Compress company, and for manjr years vice president of tho Georgia Southern & Florida railroad, died hero tonight after a long illness. 11