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12 Los Angeles Herald THOMAS E. GIBBON, . .- President and Editor. . - Entered M second class mutter at the fostofTloe In lot Angeles. 'V^r OLDEST MORNING PAPER IN LOS ANGELES. 3 Founded Oct. 2, IS7S. ' Thirty-sixth Tear. ; Chamber of Commerce Building-. Phones—Sunset Main 8000; Home 10211. The only Democratic paper In Southern California receiving full Associated Press report* __ _ NEWS SERVICE—Member of the Asso ciated Press, receiving Its full report, aver aging 26.000 ■word!! a day. __ KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION WITH BUNDAT MAGAZINE Dally, by mall or carrier, a month. ...$.50 pally, by ji^ll or carrier, three months 1.50 Dally, by mail or carrier, six months.. 300 Daily, by moll or carrier, one year.... 6.00 Sunday Herald, one year *•»<> Postage free in United States and Mexico; elsewhere postage added. '" TUB HERALD IN SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLANDLos Angeles and South ern California visitors to San Francisco and Oakland will find The Herald on *ale at the news stands In the San Francisco ferry building and on the streets In Oakland by Wheatley'and by Amos News Co. A file of The Los Angeles Herald can be seen at the office of our English represen tatives, Messrs. E. and J. Hardy & Co.. 30, II and 32 Fleet street, London. England. free of charge, and that firm will be glad to receive news, subscriptions and adver tisements on our behalf. On all matter* pertaining to advertising address Charles R. Gates, advertising man ager Population of Los Angeles 327,685 CLEAR, CRISP AND CLEAN ff^SXLGIA JlULlvAilfl Mf;ft£XRORSUML ;BJ If elected, Theodore Bell will toll the death-knell of Southern Pacific corruption in California. According to the almanacs this is the fall season, but you wouldn't ever find it out by taking your basket to mar ket. The east's idea of a mining congress is a body of men wearing low-necked blue flannel shirts and cowhide boots, and every man chewing tobacco.* London Punch intimates that Roose velt would like to be emperor. We are not always bright enough to see the humor In Punch, but this one is easy. The Public Welfare league of Seat tle is planning to remove the mayor of the city by recall. Probably will be a case of welfare meaning fare weli. Laura Jean Libbey's short experience with the stage is ended because she did not get on with the managers. She has given up friction for fiction, so to ppeak. We have ,lstened until our ears hurt for some sound of great joy from the insurgent camp over Mr. Taft's rul ing that they will be welcome at the pie counter. Real estate owned by New York city has increased in value Rome 9000 per cent since It was bought in 1850. Oh, yes, municipal ownership Is a very, very, bad thing. Uncle Sam having decided that ho Will give no more "Immunity baths" to guilty parties, we can cross him off the list as a possible customer for some of our surplus water. A physician now says that, a tea spooful of sand before each meal Is good for Indigestion. It would re quire a good deal of that stuff In the system to take the dose. We particularly abhor thosi waste l>asket hats of the women that hide the Head anil face, but after getting a look at some of the faces we must Bay they have their merits. Five tons of babies in a Broadway department store baby Bhow must send a shiver of apprehension through the school board, already at wits' end to care for the rush of "Incomers." Gallagher, who shot Mayor Gaynor, Is said to need money for his defense. A little while ago he was praising Hearst as his friend. Has h ■ tried a "touch" In that appropriate direction? Talk about tough luck! Henry Clay waited all his life for the presidential lightning- to strike him, but in vain; yet lightning has hit his statue in Lexington, Ky., twice in seven years. Massachusetts Democrats have one of the best chances In years but evi dently propone to earn dunces" caps by nominating for governor one of the wont professional politicians in tho country, Mayor Fitzgerald of Boston, known t . his 'ronios as "Fitzy." Admitting Hearst's boast that he carried Maine for the Democrats, the Houston Post .-till thinks General "Washington should be given the credit for the surrender of the British at Yorktown despite H.-urat's omnipo tence. Richard Metcalfo, Democratic can didate for United States senator In Nebraska, is supporting the Repub lican candidate for governor. These are the days when the political dope sheets are as confusing as a problem la the fourth dUucusion. BELL'S PROGRAM THK opinion of the thousands who ■ heard Theodore Bell at the Tom pie auditorium Saturday evening is that he will do. The Impression made by his personality upon those who had not spen the Democratic can didate b«fOPe was not disappointing, and the meaartge he brought ns to his views was particularly well told and gratifying in substance. Mr. Bell has spent several years in denouncing the corruption of Cali fornia by the Southern Pacific Rnil road company, and Is today as stout j In hia demand that the railroad ma- j chine be kicked out of politics. He j urged this years afro ns now, and some , people may have got the impression j that this had become an obsession with him—that his program was all nega tive. That impression, if any hold It, can- | not persist with those who heard him ; Saturday, or read his speech in Thn Herald Sunday. Mr. Bell is destructive ! so far as evil exists In California, but he is as truly and strongly con structive. He Is not a corporation baiter. He gives corporate wealth and activity full credit for what they havo done for California. If they stick to their legitimate sphere he has nothing but good will toward them. "I shall not, if I am electod governor, give them any of the best of It; neither will I five them any the worst of it." The Southern Pacific, as a railroad company, has a friend in Theodore Bell. If fairness did not impel this, his de sire to build up California would. He knows, as he said, that the people of California will not be satisfied with an administration contented to apply the boots to political corruptionists, rail- road and others. California Is pro gressive, an "upbuilding community." It wants stealing stopped, but legiti mate enterprise fostered. It wants ex orbitant freight and passenger rates cut to fair figures, but wants the rail road to get all it needs to prosper and grow. It wants monopoly crushed but every industry to prosper that is dis posed to play fair with the public. Mr. Bell's attitude on these matters was all that could be asked. He is equipped to carry out his policies be cause he has ability and has never asked a favor of a corporation and owes the railroad machine nothing, which is a good deal to say for a man who has been in public life for years— and let no one think Mr. Bell has never met the tempter. He had in fluence and a vote "they" wanted. Theodore Bell long ago fought the corrupting railroad machine when It wasn't fashionable to do It. He ought to be remembered for that. And he purposes to be a governor who will push things forward, and that is what California wants. FASHIONS AND FATHER WHILE the Log Angeles fashion show that is now in full swing— and with a great deal of credit to the fine stores for which this city Is becoming famous—is primarily and almost solely for the feminine sex, it is by no means without interest to the other. No "mere man" with an eye for the beautiful can stroll along the win dows on Broadway this week without a feeling of admiration for the mo distes who appeal to the women with such a "fine Italian hand," the more so when he reflects that many of the wonderful creations are the work of men dressmakers. Let him entertain no morbid thoughts on the probable cost to him. He's got to count.on a certain outlay, anyway. And let him not criticise the styles, for there Is hope. He is to have his chance. The recent national dress makers' convention in Chicago went on record as being in favor of asking father and hubby their opinions be fore any further radical fashions are Inaugurated. "Father," said a speak er at the convention, "cannot be longer overlooked. It is getting to be a se rious proposition to put forth fashions that will coax the ducats from the husbands' pockets." It Is well. The recognition of men's rights has been a long time coming, but it Is here, so why carp about the past or even the present? Taxation without representation is at an end. The successor of the hobble skirt will not find him standing aside with caus tic and cynical comment, for he is to be an integral part of the fashion world. He will have a say and must bear his share of the responsibility. Let us see If things will be any better as to stylo and price when he takes a hand. LAST CHANCE TODAY anrl tomorrow are the last day* on which the voters of Los Anseles county who have not had their names put on the registry list in the year 1910 can do so and assure themselves of the right to take part in thi election next Novemher. Several thousand have jot not taken the trouble to attend to thla personal regis tration that the law demands. Some of them think their names are down. The only proof they can have la the ocular They should take tbe trouble to stop at one of the numer ous tabli ■ on the principal business is and make sure. In many respects the November elec tion will be the most Important ever held In the state and county. It is the Brat opportunity In many years to take the control of California from a rail road machine and restore It to the people. There is also an opportunity to redeem Los Angeles county from professional politician! whose extrava gance has raised the taxes of all tax payers and made living higher for everybody. The failure to Belie these chances will mean that things will go from bad to worse. Success means cleaner gov ernment, less waste and a stop to growing tax burdens, It will moan— soon, it is hoped —the abolition of the dual government here that costs the ratepayer almost double what it should for administration. Register, if you want to we these things brought about, The time ex pires tomorrow evening. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 27, 1010. ; . '.. - '. • ■.■■. GRAFT, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC IN his talk before the City club on Saturday last on the municipal ownership of public utilities, the Rev. Herbert Bigolow answered one of the objections to such a program— namely: that it would create further opportunities for political gjraft, by showing that matters could not be worse than under private ownership, citing the Illinois Central revelations. Such illustrations are unanswerable. Mr. Bigelow might have cited the insurance scandals of a few years back as further proof that graft is not absent under private management. Tho Hughes investigation revealed a perfect saturnalia of graft at the ex pense of policy holders In wTiieh every body from directors who didn't direct down to agents in the field partici pated, and millions owned by policy holders were juggled through Wall street to make millionaires richer, while the "yellow dog fund" to corrupt legislators was an established part of the business. These things were concealed for many years and only exposed through a quarrel of the big plunderers, Hyde and Alexander. Such conditions could never go on unrevealed, at least so long, under municipal ownership. Make every voter a stockholder, and he will see that politicians do not plunder him very long. Mr. Bigelow's talk also made apt and of local interest the revelations brought out by the present investiga tion in New York or {eglllatlve influ ence by the big corporations. The street car companies, it is shown, were banded together to corrupt the legislature, the president of the met ropolltan system. H. H., having confessed to "taking up stock accounts" In Wall street for pur chased legislators to the amount of a quarter of a millien dollars. With such facts before the public, tlm opponent of municipal ownership is wasting his breath If he puts his objection on the' score of probable graft. With Harrisburg. Springfield, San Francisco, Albany and Denver in memory, not to :-pr.ak of numerous other instances of plunder and corrup tion from private sources, it must bo a timid person indeed who would not prefer to take chances with legisla tures, councils and courts further re moved from the debauching influence of the privately owned public service corporations that buy their way with as little conscience as many of them cheat their small shareholders. Two weighers in the New York cus tom house have been convicted of underwelghing imports—a forceful re minder that the millionaire higher-ups of the thieving sugar trust are still enjoying life on Fifth avenue. A Georgia court has ruled that if a man gives a woman silk hose and lingerie it is not platonic affection. But how doea the learned court know but Plato had a lady friend of that kind? With that noble political sentinel, Julius Caesar Burrow*, on g-uard at the head of the l.orimer inquiry, one must be hopeful indeed if he thinks any report on the <ase will be turned in before election day. FOR A BOOK A monk once labored In a lonely coll, Gilding tho paseß of a missal rare, And those who tassed looked In to se« him there. Hl» Ill's »ort smlllntc. and a lliiht tliat foil Glorious about hl» head; ana one would tell: ■11. r.' "its ha all th« day and will not spars Himself for weariness, but his look will Ruch'pcaco a» In God's fac« alone may I «dv *'l «lv« the* this and auk thee hern. To read the.a page. In th. light that made The monk iimilo always, and his task, each Crow Hunter and his soul more unafraid; loir had It. wonder on his spirit laid; And In that vlFlon's brightness all was dear. —-uNoireya J. O'Conor la th. Bellman. Nothing There for Father PUBLIC LETTER BOX TO CORRESPONDENTS— Intended for publication must bo accompanied by tjie name ami addrew of The writer. Th. Herald give, the widest latitude to correspondent., but assumes no responsibility for their view*. . , J. R. K.'S DREAM Editor Herald: I had a strange dream last night. Dreamt I was in Tokio, Japan, and was reading one of the papers containing the local items, one of which was that the judge who had control of the park system of that City declared that the city needed a German beer garden in one of the larks, and a German should be hired to run it. But when it was found that many Japanese gardeners with largo families were tramping the streets in vain, looking for gardening* to do, the order was rescinded in short order, and the control of the parks given to one who had more respect for his fe"llow countrymen than to hire foreigners. J. R- K. Los Angeles, September 24. WHAT VAUDEVILLE DID Editor Herald: May I speak out in meeting and bear testimony to at least one wholesome influence of vaudeville? I have discovered such a fascinating phase of our city life di rectly traceable to vaudeville. It is this: Since Annette Kellerman has been at the Orpheum the whole city has gone mad on exercise.. That lovely sermon in flesh has inspired our city to dazzling deeds of walking, swim ming and all kinds of fancy flips on land and sea. Beauty is contagious, and I fancy not many looked upon that lovely wa ter sprite without being impelled to seek the Land of Lost Youth, of ban ished curves and slender waist lines. I know of old, fat lads who are hit ting the trail again, of comfortable, square matrons who are swimming on piano stools to reduce their square ness; whole troops ofchildren are learning the arts of dolphins and flying fish. Something very clean and wholesome and vital has come to stay, and it came through vaudeville. HARRIET MORRIS. Los Angeles, Sept. 25. NEEDED REFORMS Editor Herald: The following list is a partial enumeration of the many reforms, governmental and social, that are advocated as essential to the establishment of justice: 1. Public ownership of public utili ties—national, state and municipal. 2. Initiative, referendum and recall — national, state and municipal. 3. Direct election of all national, state and local officials. 4. Proportional representation and the cumulative ballot. 5 Direct taxation and home rule. Special privilege, child labor, tariffs, prohibition, prison reform, graft, money, conservation, shorter hours— all await the more fundamental reforms ; listed above. Reformers should recognize that a foundation must be had before the superstructure is begun and not get disgusted because the many social evils which sprinpr from imperfect political conditions are not at once abolished. Communities must first make them selves free. Then the state can be reformed, and with the reform of the state will follow national readjust ment. First of all, the units of state gov ernment must be given freedom to reform themselves. They must have home rule in all matters pertaining to local affairs. The state should keep its hands off in all matters of local government. We should raise the money we use and spend it just as we please. With actual home rule a com munity can apply every desirable re form as an example to other communi ties. The reforms Instituted by Gal veston have given a hundred cities a "commission" government. The reforms instituted by Oregon give promise to make over all our state governments. In this way we learn to rule ourselves. How long do you suppose Los Angeles would inflict herself with the present unjust, humbug, cumbersome method of taxation if she had home rule? How long would the people endure the tariff if some enlightened community applied a scientific method of raising revenue which could be used nation ally? These reforms are coming after many years of effort on the part of the earnest few to find the way. Let those of us who so ardently desire our Ideal social state partially assist in the less Inspiring labor of laying a Him and enduring foundation. K. Oi Jr» A 11.1. i . . Washington.' Sept. 24. BELIEVES IN ROOSEVELT Editor Herald: The question has been asked through your Interesting letter column, "Who is this man Roosevelt who ia swaggering through the coun try, and what has he done for it that all the people should turn out to do him honor?' One correspondent says 'It was the glorious charge of San Juan hill that has made him great in the tyes of the people. There surely can be no glory in slaying our brother man, but he has been brave enough to stand fin- right and honest principles without lear or favor and even more so than ever before, since he has dared to chal lenge nis own party to come out and meet him squarely on these issues that are of no much importance and con cern to our country. If by his political stand and influence a now party shall arise from the ashes of the old, purified from the dross of corruption, he will have served hia country well. AH honor to the man Roosevelt. ANNIE OED. Glendale, Sept. 22. NO MILLENNIUM YET Editor Herald: Your correspondent J. C. Beynolds asks If the change from Republican to Democratic rule In Maine will lessen the cost of food, clothing and si lter, increase wages, decrease hours of labor, abolish child labor and factory work for women, stop boodling and corruption, improve the schools and clean up politics, give every one remunerative employment, and other rl :'orms that would realize at once the millennium. No, Brother Reynolds, it wouldn't. The election in Maine merely indicates that the ma jority of the voters of that state are dissatisfied with existing conditions, and want some changes for the better, but they lire not looking for the mil lennium and wouldn't vote for it. The moral and Intellectual development of the nation must reach a much higher plane than at presant before we are ready to' live under ideal social and economic conditions. The suggested in ference of Mr. Reynolds is that a vote for some other party would be sufficient. But the average class conscious, revolutionary, non-compro mising, "scientific," all-or-rione-Social ist—is no more prepared to live under ideal conditions than the average voter. Those who are working to effect pro» gressive improvement in present con ditions are the only ones who are do ing- effective work toward the realiza tion of an ideal system.*- W. H. STUART. Los Angeles, September 23. DEWEY FOR PRESIDENT Editor Herald: What's the matter with the Democrat!: press generally? Why are so many of them now either silent or Joined with the cheap Re publican press in boosting Teddy the Trickster for a third term? It is easy to understand why the Republican ed itors do so, but Democratic editors surely know Teddy is no more sincere in his strenuous denunciation of special privilege seekers than he al ways has h.een, and that in seven years' trial, or pretended trial, he ac complished nothing of material value for the common people or the welfare of the country generally. His suit against the Standard Oil was sheer hypocrisy, never intended to material ly incommode Rockefeller. Had he desired to do anything worth doing he would have Instituted suit' against Harrlman, the real offender. But he and Harrlman, according to Teddy's own letter, were "practical men." Yes, very practical In raising cam paign funds to re-elect Teddy and p«r petuate the rule of special privileges- Just what Teddy and his toadies are seeking to do now. It must be that, unless Teddy has become an ingrate— the most detestable of men. Democrats never had a better op portunity to elect a president than they will have in 1912 if they will with one accord boost a well known, life long Jeffersonian Democrat, who is not a political trickster, has no bitter en emies or special interests to warp him, but Is of ripe years, undoubted hon esty and firmness of character; for In stance, RtlOh a man as is Admh'al fleorge Dewcy, whose platform is the constitution of the United States and the declaration of our Independence.. Respectfully yours for true democ racy 'iiid equal rights for all. Los AngeKs, Sept. 25. In the Grand Canyon The four-seated buckboard at El To var. Grand Canyon of the Colorado, could carry eight pasengers at a squeeze; fare $4. But six appeared. The driver gazed at them scornfully. "Ef I'd known it was goin 1 to be a little bunch like this I'd brought a lighter rig. Ain't they goin" to change it?" Hotel Carriage Boy—l dunno. They was two cancellations. (He gloomily pulls two lunch boxes out of the bag. A long wait.) The Driver—Ain't they goin to change? The Boy—l dunno. The Driver—Git up! He drove his fourteen miles mono syllabically, but coming back he woke "Dear mo!" said the Lady from Cali fornia. "Seems to mo it's rougher than it was going." "Tho rocks I miss goln' I hits com ing hack," explainod the driver, ge nially. "Have a driHk of wnter. ' "I will," said the Lady from Maino gratofully. She took the cool drops from the canteen. "Won't you have some?" (to the driver.) "Naw! I hain't much use for it. Readin' about all the trouble Noah hart with It prejerdiced me. Besides. I had an uncle drownded in it once. The Lady from Maine—ls there a bar at the hotel? The Driver—'Deed there is, mum. The Lady from Malno—l haven't got Tht Driver (in alarm)— How long have you been yere, lady? Tho Lady from Maine— They don t have them In Maine. The Driver—l thought Kansas was the only crazy state. The Man from New York—There are ten move of them. Tho Driver—Up in Nevady they ladle it out In bushels. Tho Lady from Maine—Well, may be they drink It, but you don't see it in Maine. I like it that way. The Man from New York—Tastes better taken in secret? The Driver (to everybody)— Hey any of ye been to Barstow? Where is it. lady? Why, Barstow's the garding spot of Callforny. Say, but it's the hot hole. Why, they hey to feed the Across the Pacific San Francisco is but half way across the United States, geographically speaking. The Canadian Pacific steam ers from Vancouver to the Orient skirt for six days the long Aleutian Penin sula and its pendent string of islands, the property of Uncle Sam, which to gether reach nearly across the North Pacific, forming the southern shores or Behring Sea and almost touching ivamchatka. For three days the Islands are in occasional view, and on some voyages on the fifth day out the for tunate travelers are favored with a splendid spectacle which, with mis taken modesty, the Canadian steam ship people fail to mention in their literature. It is the volcanic peak now called Mount Cleveland, after the ast Democratic president of the United States, and well worthy of the name. It lifts Its six thousand feet abruptly from the sea. and so seems more lofty than the usual rocky peak of twice its height. Snow-clad* from base to sum mit" it gleams like a great crystal In the clear Arctic air. suggesting the glory of Fuji, its nearest neighbor. In Japan. The cone is gone, but the sharp outlines of the crater show clear-cut against the sky in the unblemished whiteness of the Polar snow. Some times it smokes and grumbles wear ly In its vast loneliness as Enceladus stirs himself below, but for the most part this sentinel of the icy sea is silent serene and most magnificent among the mountains of the world When it lifts it head above the clouds it most sug gests its Japanese rival, though more An Ambitious City Los Angeles deserves to expand and prosper. Situated some twenty miles from the Pacific, it has annexed Wil mington and San Pedro, on tfie coast, and a narrow tract of territory con necting them with Its old area. Now U proposes to build a 100-foot boule vard all the way to the sea, and is al ready at work condemning property for that purpose. Referees have Jut reported to the superior court their ap praisement of damages to be awarded for the condemnation of "VTfnr the 288 pieces of property required for the enterprise, the total amount involved Merely in Jest OF EQUAL WIT The story is told that Judge Story and Edward Everett were once the prominent personages at a public din ner in Boston. The former, as a volun tary toast, gave: "Fame follows merit where Everett goes." The gentleman thus delicately com plimented at once arose and replied with this equally felicitous impromptu: "To whatever height judicial learning may attain in this country there will always be one Story higher."—Lippln cott's. A TROUBLE MAKER John Fox, the novelist, stayed over night in a cabin in the Kentucky mountains. In tho morning he repaired to a mountain stream, producing Inci dentally from his traveling case a comb and a toothbrush, and being re garded critically by a native youth, who finally said: , "Say, mister, ain't you a lot of trouble to yourself ?"—Ladles' Home Journal. HE HAD "Papa, did you ever see a little bird with a big bill?" "Yes son, I once, ordered a quail on toast at a fashionable restaurant."— Houston Post. ABOUT ALL "Can a man do any good at college "Well he's too old for football, of course. He might possibly get on the mandolin club."—Kansas City Journal. IN BOSTON "Do you believe in fairies, little "No- but I pretend to, just to please mar ma. She thlnK-. I do; and why rob her of her harmless Illusions.' — Kansas City Journal. NO REFLECTION. "Even tlnn the baby looks into my h« :-mil.-H," said Mr. Meekins. "Well," answered his wife, It may not bo exactly polite, but it shows ho has a sense of humor."—Tit-Bite. (NVw York World) hens cracked ice there to keep '^fl from layln" hard-boiled eggs. Tho Lady from California —Huh! I The Drlvor—An 1 that ain't all. while ago one of them Southern CaH fornians dlod an' they put him in tl crematorium an' turned on the ftfl Threo days after they looked In I soe how he "was gittln' on. Ho reaehß out and said, "Oil me my overcoaH I'm chilly." The Lady from California—l doifl bollcve you ever was in California. 1 The Driver —Yes, I was. Lots holnn! Loa Angeles, Ranty Barharfl Sandyago, 'n' Monterey. I druv thfl ■avantaoo miles. The Lady from California—l learrtM to swim at Monterey. You can't sal anything against Los Angeles. The Driver —Looks like 80 cents ta mo with the 3 rubbod out. The Lady from California—You don 1! seem to like any place. The Driver—Yea, I do. The Lady from California—Where! I'd like to know? The Driver— Right hyar. This is th« garding spot. Why, nobody ever dleJ here. Say, it's that healthy, all right! Why, we hain't got no cemetery! The Lady from California—Do yoj mean to say it's healthier than CallJ fornia? Tho Driver—Why, lady, an 1800-year-l old man frisks around here like si 14-year-old boy in Californy. WhyJ Californyi been tryin' to git Arizony to annex her for tho last six years. Tho Man from Chicago (with Inter est)— Any graft here? Tho Driver—Naw! Hain't had any senco they grafted milkweed on to the lea machine to git ice cream. Silence. The Driver (to all)— Arizony's a state now. The Demmycrats are goin" to stoat William Jennings Bryan pres ident of the United States. - Tho Lady from Maine—l thought ho wasn't going to run again! The Driver—Americans hate a quit ter. William J. ain't a-goin' to git hated. See that pint of rock over the canyon? That's where Taft stood last October an" had his picture took. The Lady from Maine —Did he have a rope around him? The Driver —Naw! He stood all by himself. He Raid tfye canyon was tho biggest hole he'd ever been in. Haw, haw! Teddy Roosevelt said he'd rather hey the Yosemite. Git up! austere and l«ss ornamental in aspect, bit now less impressive to the eye. Few Americans ever heard of this glorious peak, and fewer still have be held it. . Drifting down from Alaska comes the greatest of all sea plants, the Arctic rockweed, that grows in shape like a huge ship's hawser, and sometimes with branches five hundred feet long. Thero are no signs of leaves, but at intervals of a fathom or so a knob, for al^ the world like the buoy on a drift-net, grows around the stem, aiding, as does the buoy, in keeping the plant afloat and creating the Impression that some nets have gone astray. The United States makes little use of the Aleutian Islands, save so far as they serve the purposes of the fur company which controls the seal fish- 4 erles. But Japanese fishermen workJ across in their odd boats from the! Kurils and pick up a fare of fish now] and then, making the farther islands] an outpost in this work, and plratoj among the scanty seals. ■ J Japan is "east," but one travels al-« ways west to get there. America 1«B "west," but one travels always east t<M return. It is hard to put only Americans oiffl guard, or even Canadians, despite thai trouble both countries take. For exam- j pie, Capt. Henry Tybus of the Canadian I Pacific steamer Empress of Japan Is a ] Cape of Good Hope Dutchman by birth, and so Is Capt. Adrian Zeeger of the, Pacific Mall ship Siberia. About tho only born Americans to be found under*, the flag are the ship doctors. being approximately $800,000, while the condemnation of other properties needed for the same project is ex pected to bring the final aggregate, above a million. With government aid a first class harbor will eventually be constructed at San Pedro, from which Los Angeles will, of course, benefit greatly. If further proof of the exist ence of a progressive public spirit on the part of its citizens were required, it might be found in the introduction of b. water supply from a source 200 miles distant. A city with such an imagina tion deserves to grow.—Providence (R. I.) Journal. Far and Wide MORE INJUSTICE It was unfair for the New York World to remark that the "Missouri mule will have to take a back seat" since Missouri's Chief Josephine broke the world's milk record. So far as known, the Missouri mule never has made any claim to being a milk pro ducer.—Kansas City Star. MORE THAN A NAME If Congressman McGllllcuddy of Maine is in his usual good voice when he makes his first speech in the na tional house, the instruments at the Washington observatory are likely to record a seismic disturbance at that time.—Concord Mirror. LOCATING GREAT MORAL FORCE Lorimerism in Illinois is under a heavy cloud. Coxlam in Ohio is at tho top of the heap. And the great moral force is' always found courageously and vociferously paradingl at the head of the crowd in the direction that the crowd wishes to, take.—Milwaukee News. ZEKE COOK'S SPEED Zeke Cook tried to run down a gray wolf in hi 3 pasture last Monday, but ho wasn't fast enough. Zeke aays ho never has been able to run like he did when Sid Snow caught him making love to Mrs. Sid in the park.—Crocker News. A CAMPAIGN PROPOSITION Now a reciprocity treaty with Can ada is proposed and will continue to bo proposod until the campaign is over.—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. CHEERING HOPES The Democrats are still further cheered by the hope that Secretary Norton will write another letter. —In- dianapolis News. EVERYTHING ELSE SOLD The packers may yet have use fof the squeal.—St. Louis Times. Instead of th* Outlook why not call It the Outlet? — Life.