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THE CITY Strangers are Invited to visit the exhibits of ( ulifornla products at the Chamber of Commerce, building, on Broadway, between Flret and Second street*, where free Infor mation will ba ilvon on all subjects pertain ing to this section. The Herald will pay »10 In <-n«h to any ene furnishing evidence that will lead to the arrest and conviction ot any person cnuicht ntrallntf onpjes of Tho Herald from the premises of our patrons. Membership In the T.os Anieles Realty boanl Is a virtual guarantee of reliability. Provision Is made for arbitration of any differences between member* and tholr clients. Accurate Information on realty matters Is obtainable from them. valua tions by a competent committee, niroo tory of members free at the office of Her bert Burrtett. worotary, T. 25 Security Bulld- Inr. Phone Broadway 1B0«. The Legal Aid society at 233 North Main ■tr««t is a charitable organization main tained for the purpose of aiding In legal matters those unable to employ counsel. The society needs financial assistance and ■eeka Information regarding worthy cases. Phone Home A 4077: Main 8368. . The HorsM. like every other, newspaper, Is misrepresented at times, particularly In canon Involving hotels, thPßtnrs, etc Tho public will plenna take notice that every representative, of this paper 1b eqnlpiicd with tlio proper credentials and more par ticularly equipped with money with which to pay hla Mill. THW HERALD./ TABLE OF TEMPERATURES Max. Mld. Atlantic City. N. J ™ S 4 Hol«e, Idaho '* «* IlKNlnn, JUKI "* 'Jj lluffnlo, N. V. •") «3 Charleston. S. C "- '" Chicago, 111. «0 52 Denver, Colo «•••> '» ■«■ lies M01n..», la »J . ' »7 Ka»tport, Me ••« ■* i11..-Inn, Tcim "I J» KatUraa, N. C 2? '"* Helena, Mont "* *> -Unniuui City, Mo 88 <•» Los Anßflen. Cal ■■'« "* Louisville, Ky ••• " >>* Memphla, Term. •.. »» 6y Montgomery, Ala "8 »J New OrlraiiM, 1m 18 . 74 New York. X. V '.. -M «'- North I'lntto, Neb »*> 40 Oklahoma, Okla •* ™ Phoenix, Art 0" JO Plttuburic, la »0 «* Portland, Ore 14 40 It»lelh, N. C <«> 62 Rapid City. R. » 40 80 Komvell, N. M 00 06 St. I.OIIK Mo. ■« «4 St. Paul, Minn 70 ■ 84 Suit Lake City, Ft»ta «R 48 Ban I'ranclsro, Cal. M) ** BMt« Mr. Marie, Mich 52 '4« Sheridan, Wyo. • 40 ' 24 gpokane, \Va«h 00 38 Tampa, Fla 5* '* Toledo, O. <l(i 8* Tonopah, NeT • '3 S3 Wanhlngton, D. C « •»* . "4 WllliMnn, N. D 44 , 20 Winnipeg, Man 48. 28 AT THE THEATRES AinifOKHTM —"The Maid of Mannlay." UK I. A.SCO —"GIrIB." BCRBANK— "Trilby." ORANH—•'The Old Clothes Man." MM ANOEt.lsS—Vaudeville. MAJKSTIC—Dark. MASON—Dark. OLYMPIC—Musical fare*. OIII'HKCM- Vaudeville. l'ANTAOKH—Vaudeville. l-RIXCK-SS—Musical farcf. AROUND TOWN MASONS TO CELEBRATE Golden State lodge, A. F. and A. M., will celebrate its seventh anniversary Thursday night at Masonic temple. TO GIVE DANCE The annual dance and card party of Palestine chapter No. 210 Order of Eastern Star will be given tonight in Assembly hall. Sixteenth and Flower streets. All Eastern Star members and their friends are invited to attend. KEYSTONE STATERS TO JOLLIFY Members of the Pennsyvania State society will hold their regular monthly meeting in Fraternal Brotherhood hall, Lincoln and Flgueroa streets, tonight. There will be a social hour followed by an entertainment and dance. Pennsyl vanians are Invited to attend. PIONEER WOMAN DIES Mrs. Catherine Ann Emerick, 69 years old and for twenty-five years a resident of Los Angeles, died yesterday at her home, 1349 West Thirty-ninth street. She is survived by one son, John Emerick, and a daughter, Mrs. Mlnnte Langstadt. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Langstadt, 1611 West Twelfth street, Wednesday at 2 p. m., burial to be in Rosedale cemetery. WILL GO TO MEXICO Arrangements aro being made by the chamber of commerce for an excursion to the west coast of Mexico. While the Southern Pacific probably will give cheap rates, Secretary Wiggins cannot give them out at presont for lack of information from Mexico. A limited number of persons will be taken nnd the chamber is anxious that those de-, siring to make the trip forward their names to the secretary at once. CUNARD COMPANY PLANS STEAMER 980 FEET LONG An ocean steamer 980 feet long—the largest of them all—is promised soon by the Cunard Steamship company, Ltd. It will be longer, broader and, It is said, speedier than any other vessel now afloat or under construction. It will run between New York and Liver pool, calling: at Queenstown op account of the steadily increasing Irish travel. Advices regarding the now steamer flave been received by the steamship department of the Oerman-Amerlcan Savings bank, which represents the Ounard company In Los Angeles. The Cunard company already owns, the great liners Mauretania and Lusltania, in addition to many smaller vessels. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD ENTERTAIN BIG SMOKER L.a Fiesta camp, Woodmen of the World, entertained Us members and friends at a smoker and entertainment last night at 517 South Broadway in preparation for a banquet to be given early in November at one of the down town cafes. Dr. Beebe was chairman of the evening. The program consisted of a solo by Prof. Wells, a song by W. H. Scott, sleight of hand performances by C. A. Prlchard, an address by J. P. Transue, a selection by the Woodmen orchestra and an address by W. Staf ford. CITY BRIEFS Henry J. Kramer forms a juvenile beginners' dancing class Saturday, Oct. 1, at 1:30. Adult beginners Monday evening, Oct. 3. Inferences required. It'f as easy to secure a bargain In a used automobile, through > want advertising;, a. 11 ' used to > bo— ■• (till la—to s*cur* a bant ' and cjkirtun. . ' - Latest News and Notes in Realm of Politics BELL CONTINUES TRIUMPHANT TOUR Arranges for a Trip Through the Southland Into San Joa quin Valley SANTA ANA MEETING TONIGHT Timothy Spellacy Will Take Part in All Meetings in This Section Theodore Bell will continue his tri umphal tour of Southern California this week, leaving San Diego this morning and making his first stop at Santa Ana. He will arrive at Santa Ana at 11:44 o'clock this forenoon and ■peak there at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Following Ik Mr. Bell's Itinerary through Southern California and into the San Joaquin valley, on all of which ho will be accompanied by Timothy bpellacy: Leave. Santa Ana by auto Wednes day morning, September 28, speaking at Corona at noon and Riverside at 8:30 Wednesday night. • Leavo Riverside S::!0 a. m. Thursday, September 29, to arrive at Co'ton 8:36, with meeting at 10 o'clock a. m. Leave Colton 12.01 p. 01., Golden State limited, arrlvb Imperial Junction 4:12 p. m., leave 4:30, arriving at Im perial 6:40 p. m. Thursday. Speak at Imperuil evening ot September 29. Leave Imperial 3 a. m. Friday, Sep tember 30, arrive at Redlands Junction 1:20 p. m. Take auto there for such trips as the Imperial county central committee shall have provided, speak ing at Redlands at night. Saturday, October 1, all day in auto, at such points as may be arranged by local committee, speaking in San Ber nardino in evening of October 1. Leave San Bernardino Sunday morning for Los Angeles. Leave Los Angeles 9:20 Sunday night on No. 7 on the Southern Pacllic, ar riving Bakerslleld 7:10 Monday morn ing. Take auto for Kern river oil fields with speech at Oil Center at noon, visiting such other points as the committee may designate; speak in evening at Bakerstleld. Leave Bakersfield at 7 a. m. Tuesday, October- 4, arrive Fresno 10 o'clock, speaking at Fresno county fair in afternoon; take auto after speech for Visalia, speaking at 8:30 p. m. Tues day, October 4. Leave Visalia by auto via Goshen Junction, Traver, Klngsburg, speaking at Selma at 10 o'clock, Fowler at noon. Continue via Fresno and Herndon, speak at Merced In evening Wednes day, October 6. Leave Merced by auto October 6, speaking at Turlock at 10 o'clock and Modesto at noon. Leave Modesto by Southern Pacific at 2:52 p. m., arriving Port Costa 6:12 p. m. From Bonecia to Vallejo by auto, speaking there in evening. WOOLWINE WILL OPEN WITH RED HOT SPEECH Candidate for District Attorney ship Promises Lively Address • on Politics This Week The big political meeting of this week is that scheduled for Friday evening in Simpson auditorium, when Thomas Lee Woolwine will launch his spoaking campaign for election as dis trict attorney. The meeting will bo held under the auspices of the Good Government organization. Much interest has been shown in the Woolwine campaign because of the amount of preparation made by Mr. Woolwine In porttfying the arguments he intends to present. His speeches were extremely sensational in the last campaign, but he defied his opponents to disprove his charges. "If what I say is not true it is crim inal libel," said Mr. Woolwine at the time, "and they know It. I defy them to arrest me and let me prove it." His challenge was not taken ,up. Now he says he is coming forward with a redhot set of Speeches that will cause the district attorneyship cam paign to sizzle from Friday night until election day. « "You may be sure that I am going to force the fighting right from the start," declared Mr. Woolwine last night, "and it will be hot right from the beginning. There is so much to be said that there is no need to mince matters from the beginning." SANTA ANA WILL ACCORD BELL HEARTY WELCOME SANTA ANA, Sept. 26.—Theodore Bell and Timothy Spellacy, Democrat ic candidates for governor and lieu tenant governor, will be accorded a hearty welcome on their arrival here tomorrow morning from San Diego. A lumMioon will be tendered them by leading Democrats, to be given at the Rossmoro hotel at noon. An automo bile trip to Anaheim will be taken after luncheon for the purpose of a street meeting at that place, Theo dore Bell speaking from an automo bile at 2 o'clock. ■ From Anaheim Bell will bo taken to Orange, where he. will spenk at 4 o'clock. Returning to Santa Ana, a big meeting will be held here at 8 o'clock, the Santa Ana band to be on hand to open the meeting; with stir ring music. Bell will of course make the principal address of the meeting. ELECTRICIAN HAS FAINTING SPELL AT HOLLENBECK Edward Bennett, chief electrician of the Hollenbeck hotel, suffered from a fainting spell yesterday morning, which may result In his death. The young man was walking up some steps in the baHcment of the Hollenbeck when, sud denly overtaken by a fainting spell, he fill backward to the pavement and fractured his skull in two places. Fellow wiirknwn, hearing him fall, rushed to his assistance and summoned Dr. W. F. Harrlck. Ho was re moved to iiis room mill everything in the power hi the hotel management la beinif done to aid in his recovery. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1010. HANDLEY BEGINS VIGOROUS CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN Democratic Candidate to Discuss Live Issues in 7th District Lorin A. Handley will begin this week a vigorous speaking oampaign, rnvt ring all parts of the Seventh enn gresHioiiiil district and taking up every which he had hoped to debate with his opponent, William D. Stephens Subject* which he will discuss at dif ferent meetings, the dates for which Will be announced by the Democratic coraoolttee, are as follows: 'Tho Tariff" —Pomona. "Transportation and Federal Steam ship Line"—San Pedro. "Conservation of Natural Resources" —Pasadena. "Public Extravagance"—Los Angeles. "Labor" —Labor temple. "Soldiers of War and Soldiers of Peace" —Soldiers' home. "Trusts and Monopolies" — Long Beach. ••High Cost of Living"—Venice. GOOD GOVERNMENT IS WINNING STATE Chairman Lissner of Republican Committee Tells of Activity in Northern Cities TOTAL VOTE MAY BE 300,000 Conservative Estimate for John son Figured at Plurality of 75,000 in November That the Los Angeles system of good government work is permeating the entire state is the opinion of MeyeT Lissner, chairman of the Republican state central committee, who returned to Los Angeles yesterday from his headquarters at San Francisco. De spite the whirlwind campaign which the Democratic leaders are making and the Bell-Spellacy enthusiasm In the north, as well as south of the Teha, Mr. Lissner is confident of his party's success. "I expect to be in San Francisco practically all tho time until after election," said Mr. Lissner yesterday. "While the state headquarters are es tablished In San Francisco the Repub lican party campaign work in South ern California will be managed from Los Angeles at the headquarters es tablished by members of the state committee living in this section. "We consider that we htive a good organl zatlon In San Francisco and shall make an extremely vigorous campaign. "I estimate that the total vote of the two parties will be 800,000, and we are very confident that Johnson will have a safe majority. The rumors of dissensions in the Republican ranks are much overdrawn. There may be some reactionary forces that will work toward this end, but the Republican fighters are all for the ticket and they will vote that way. It Is conservative, I think, to estimate that Johnson will have a plurality of 76,000 In. Novem ber." ' MEDAL WILL BE GIVEN BY TEMPERANCE UNION There will bo a gold medal contest conducted by the Woman's Christian Temperance union in the First Meth odist church at Sixth and Hill streets this evening, Woodlawn, Los Angeles and Hollywood unions taking part. The following program will be given: Song, "America"; invocation, Rev. J. A. Gaisslnger; remarks by Mrs. F. Trf. Gloason, president of University W. C. T. U.; contestant No. 1, "Young America's War Cry"; contestant No. 2, "The Martyred Mother"; violin and piano duet; contestant No. 3, "The Final Voice"; contestant No. 4, "The Anti-Prohibitionist's Story"; violin and piano duet; conteatant No. 6, "The Court of Last Appeal"; contestant No. 6, "Gold Blinded American Greed"; duet by Lillian Backstrand and Ruth Aber; reading by Mrs. Cox; report of judges and presentation of medal. An Extraordinary Collection of Rugs—Weavers' Masterpieces Not^only In extent, but In class, Is this the most meritorious assemblage of Oriental Rugs and Carpets that the rug lovers of Los Angeles have ever had submitted to their Judgment. _ Colors that are bewildering 1, colors that are kaleidoscopic; Royal Keshans that confuse with their combinations of soft blues, old rose and dreamy browns. Kirmanshahs with tree of life and sacred flower designs, exqui site Saruks with their characteristic firm texture, with Ivory, lavender and old rose so blended that they resem ble some soft old pastel by Watteau. Palm leaf Senna^ and palm leaf Sera bents with their wide and Intricate borders. Beautiful Daghestans of geo metrical design. Rich Khivas, • with that maroon-red ground color that some poetic genius has likened to the dregs of old wint. Indestructible Circassians that are as heavy as lead and as thick as the proverbial board. And then there are grand carpets with grounds- and medallions to properly display your dull finished mahoganies and your baronial oaks, accentuating tnolr beauties. There are hall and shiir runners in Infinite variety of shade and weave, some of them nearly thirty feet long, <and embracing tex tures from the light and supple Bakon to the dense and board-like Bldjar. In short, no sich collection of good and old gems of the Oriental weaver's art has been seen here for years. And in face of the patent fact that the world's finest pieces are being fast bought up by the ever increasing army of collectors, it behooves you to do yourselves the pleasure of an exam ination of this unusual aggregation of rarities. Nordlinger's old stand at 323 South Spring Is the place and the time is the present. A word to the wise should be sufficient. AWFUL THOUGHT nee—l had -an awful dream about that Inrorrlglbln boy next d'>or. l'utrlce—What wiu It? ]'atieni'« Why, I dreamt he was twins! — Yimkrra Statesman. PINCHOT PRAISES TRUE CITIZENSHIP Former Chief Forester Speaks to Large Gathering in Simp son Auditorium SPECIAL INTERESTS SCORED Tribute Paid to Ability of Theo dore Bell Wins Cheers from Audience Last night was Pinchot night in the local political campaign. His personal standing brought out an audience that filled SirrJpson auditorium and he was given an enthusiastic greeting. Democrats were much in evidence In the audience and Mr. Pinchot'K tribute to the ability of Theodore Bell was cheered. As had been expected, much of the speech was for non-partisan pol icies and these received the greatest applause "Citizenship Is a finer thing, a big ger thing than business," said Mr. Pinchot, and this was the theme of his talk. He dwelt on the need of putting good hearted honesty into political ac tion and spoke for conservation poli cies and in favor of suffrage for women. PRAISE GIVEN HOOSKVELT Chairman Russ Avery, in introducing Mr. Pinchot, eulogized Theodore Roose velt and the audience cheered at length. Next to this in point of enthusiasm was that demonstrated when Mr. Pin- chot said: "I say to you, Republicans and Dem ocrats alike, that the paramount duty before the American people loday is this—to put the special Interests out of politics." • William Kent, Republican candidate for congress from the Second district, made a popular speech on lines simi lar to those advanced by Mr. Pinchot. Francis Keesllng, candidate at the pri maries for lieutenant governor; Ches ter Rowell, chairman of the Republi can state convention; William D. Ste phens, candidate for congress from this district, and others also made short speeches. ADDRESS BY PINCHOT Mr. Pinchot said In the course of his address: "Your welcome makes mo think I have some friends yet. I thank you most heartily for it. I am thoroughly glad to bo here, thoroughly glad to be here tonight, honored by so great an audience, to speak for a cause in which I so thoroughly believe. I came to Cal ifornia a little while ago, crossed the continent to speak for two men, be cause I believed and I said that the eyes of the whole nation were fixed on California and that what California did in the case of these two men would be of vital concern t» every man, woman and child in the nation. And I don't exclude the children by any means. "When I came here to California at that time I said a good many times on the platform that a great progressive wave was sweeping over this country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and that fully 75 to 90 per cent of our peo ple believed in Progress with a capital ■p* and progressive with a capital 'P." METHODISTS ASSEMBLE FOR SESSION IT FRESNO Los Angeles Clergymen Will Take Part in Thirty-Fourth An nual Conference The closing of the Southern Califor nia Methodist conference year, pre paratory to the opening of the thirty fourth annual conference to convene at Fresno tomorrow, has been marked by activity within the circle* of the de nomination in Southern California dur ing the past few weeks. The records of the churches show a large increase In membership and funds commensurate with the increase of the population and the financial con ditions of the country. The closing scenes before the final start on the special train from the Arcade depot last night for the confer ence were those of hustle and bustle. At 9:45 o'clock last night the Methodist assembly boared the special car. An effort will be made to bring the sessions for next year to Los Angeles when the thirty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the conference will be celebrated. The First church of Los Angeles will «xtend an invitation for the next session. Bishop William Hughes of San Fran cisco, the presiding bishop for Cali fornia, will preside at the conference. Among those who left last night for Fresno were Rev. Mr. Clock, K. J. Taylor,, H. C. Gibson, Rev. Mr. Barton, J. A. Gulsslnger, W. C. Botkin, J. B. Green, P. P. Carroll, A, L. Baer, F. M. Clark, C. F. Beller, J. A. Jackson. 8. W. Carnes, J. A. Wood, W. G. Barron, Mrs. R. C. Jones, Miss Sanborn, Mrs. Mllburger, A. W. Adkinson, G. R. Graff, I. G. Sigler, C. H. Seymour, C. V. Cowan, M. W. Beckweth, H. C. Mul len, A. W. Bunker, M. S. Hughes, G. W. Wilson, R. T. McKee, W. F. Lusk, H. W. White, W. C. Loomis, W. L. Summers, W. C. Wilson, E. J. Inwood, W. A. Sapp, M. C. Paxton, H. W. Brod beck, B. S. Chase, E. H. Fretz. G. W. Coultas, O. W. Relnlus, Miss S. Hogan, F. Miller, F. D. Ashley, W. A. Knish ten, Mrs. W. A. Kniffhten, Miss Colo, Miss E. Hough, A. W. Lamport, C. H. Lawrence, B. H. Wilson, G>. A. Henry, M. Mitchell, F. Lucas, W. H. Fulford, F. G/ H. Stevens, J. T. Workman, A. W. Pasko, A. C. Welch, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. J. L. Mathews, Miss Davis, Mrs. Z. L. Parmlee, W. A. Brown, B. C. Cory, A. Hardle, F. M. Larkin, C. M. Crist, E. P. Ryland, A. Z. Taft, G. Hof len, E. Voughan, J. Oliver, W. C. Geyer, D. B. Loffburrow, J. C. Gowan, W. E. Tilroe, J. Blackledg' 1, E. A. Healy, C. H. Fowler, H. W. Peck, V. H. Brink, G. C. Skafte, C. H. Scott, L. T. Prose, J. H. Jacobs and W. F. Wenk. Willie—Don't the blueflsh go about In schools, mother? Mother—Yes, dear; why? WllUe—Oh, nothing; only 1 was just wondering what the school does If some fisherman happens to catch the teacher? BRITISH SHIP CAPTAIN PLACED UNDER ARREST Charged with Allowing Alien, Barred by Government, to Enter Country Capt. G. Lo Couter of the British ship Formosa, now at San Pedro, was arrested by Deputy United States Mar shal White yesterday on a charge of allowing an alien placed in his charge by the federal authorities for depor tation to escape and re-enter this country. Ho was released on deposit ing $500 bail, and his examination on the charge of violating an immigration law will be held before a United States commissioner Wednesday afternoon. John Butcher, a rony-cheeked Bng lish boy, who wanted to see tho world, and who .stowed him»elf away In the hold of the Formosa while -she lay at the Liverpool docks, is the alien about whom a legal tangle has developed. He deserted the ship last week In com pany with four of the Formosa crew. federal officers rounded up Butcher and three of the British tars in a San .Pedro saloon, and they were lodged in the county jail. Butcher was exam ined before the immigration bureau and ordered deported, and a federal officer delivered the men into the car# of Capt. Le Couter, who failed, the auf. .rities claim, to exercise, proper precaution in keeping Butcher on board. Capt. Couter, following his arrest, was very indignant at the action taken by the authorities, and is alleged by the deputy marshal who made the ar rest to have used some very strong terms on American hospitality." He Immediately conferred with the Brit ish vice consul, who urged a peaceful solution of the problem. Meanwhile, Butcher, the stowaway, is tired of America and wants to go back to Eng land Just as fast as the Formosa can carry him. John McCarthy, Godfrey Day and Frank Frost are the sailors who de serted the Formosa. They will be held as witnesses against their captain In his examination. The authorities hava been unable to locate L. Richardson, who left the ship with Butcher and his comrades. CIVIL WAR VETERAN AND OLD CALIFORNIAN DIES William S. Reynolds, a veteran of the civil war, and until recently cap tain of company X at tho Soldiers' home, died yesterday morning at his home, 1604 West Forty-ninth street. He was 76 years old, and, aside from his wife, is survived By his brother, C. C. Reynolds, of the Harper-Rey nolds company. Mr. Reynolds had resided in Cali fornia for a quarter of a century and was a well-known real estate dealer in San Francisco until hi.s health failed several years ago. He came to Los Angeles five years ago. Funeral services will be held Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chap el of Peck & Chase, the body to be cremated at Rosedale cemetery. ATTORNEYS FROM ELEVEN STATES ADMITTED TO BAR Attorneys from eleven states were admitted to the practice of law In California yesterday. They were Charles Del Bondio of Taf,t, formerly of Nevada; Edgar Gilman Pratt of Redlands, formerly of New York; Warren C. Shermurhorn of Glendora, formerly of Pennsylvania; Alois R. Clarke of Los Angeles, formerly of Michigan; Writ C. Smith o€ Los An geles, formerly of Indiana; George F. Zimmer of Hollywood, formerly of In diana; John W. Meek of Whittier, for merly of Arkansas; James W. Glass ford of Redlands, formerly of North Dakota; Frank L. Edenborough of Santa Monica, tformerly of Michigan, and John Clemmnns Benton of Santa Barbara, formerly cf Kentucky. Personal Mention Judge S. O. Ray of Nevada is stop ping at the H^yward for a few days. T. S. Mlnot, an attorney from San Francisco, is stopping at the Angelus for a few days. H. P. Pine, a druggist from Sun Francisco, is among: the recent arriv als at the Hay-ward. Dr. M. C. Myers, a practicing phys ician of Sacramento, is registered at the Angelu% for few days. C. H. Uttir. -•; clerk of the United States court at Yuma, Is among tho recent arrivals at the Hollenbeck. - Mr. and Mrs. John Agee of Silver City, New Mexico, are at the Hollen beck for few days. Mr. Agee is presi dent of the city council of Silver City. Mrs. Frank Short, wife of the well kno\vn corporation attorney of Fresno, is among the new arrivals at the Alex andria. Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp and Miss Nellie Kemp form' a party of Tucson people who are stopping at the Alexandria. i E. D. Hashimoto, a prominent and wealthy Japanese contractor from Salt Lake City, is In Los Angeles for a few d"ys, a guest at the Hay ward. Henry F. Dorgeloh, Pacific coast manager of the Hamburg-American line, is among the late arrivals at the Lankershim from San Francisco. J. J. McKerty president of aw. of the largest manufacturing chemistry establishments in the west, is a guest at the Lankershlm for a few days. A. C. Bowles, president of the Amer ican Graphite company in Now York City, is in Los Angeles for a few days on business, a guost at the Hollenbeck. *H. B. Green, connected with the Pennsylvania Steel compuny of Pitts burg, Is stopping at the Hayward for a few days, registering from San Francisco. Mrs. W. T. Cushlng, wife of a wealthy oil operator of Houston, Tex as, accompanied by her family, has taken apartments for the winer at the Lankershim. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kendall, Miss Kathryn Kendall, Messrs. J. L. Ken dall, Jr., and E. W. Kendall, all of Plttsburg, are tourists who registered at the Angelus yesterday. George C. Roading of Fresno, one of the largest fruit growers in Cali fornia, and the man who made two trips to the orient In disguiso in order to study the .development of the Smyr na fig, is in Los Angeles for a few days, a guest at the Hollenbeck. H. Joe Temple, superintendent of the Southern Pacific railroad in Sonora, Mexico, is at the Hollenbeek from Guaymas renewing his acquaintance with John s. Mitchell, manager of that hostelry, with whom Mr. Temple whs associated In Arizona a number of years ago. What Ails You} .m Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head- xi/i? ' BSLI aches, coated tongue, bitter or had taste in morning, iMV \ "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after \. »» A eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, n\^2^' ' poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred I O~*^: JS""~~> symptoms ? JW Hffm If you bare any considerable number of th* eS^^^^s*' above symptoms you are suffering from bilious- I^W ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. jgSsA . S^W Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery is mads . - t^lfvjv^ up of the most valuable medicinal principles Bfilf* known to medical science for the permanent fill ■• cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most J&&' efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, bowel ™^ regulator and nerve strengthened The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum* ■ a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. INTERESTING ROUTES OF TRAVEL Toyo Kisen Kaisha (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY) via Honolulu to Japan, China, the Philippines and the Far East . . *. S. S. "Tenyo Maru," Triple Screw Turbine. .21,000 Tons Si S. "Chiyo Maru," Triple Screw Turbine. ..21,000 Tons S. S. "Nippon Maru," Twin 5crew............11,000 T0n* Around The World Tours , I Stopover Allowed 1 at AH Ports. Service and Cuisine CnaxceueAT 1 Wireless Telegraph. ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT REDUCED RATES ' Schedules and Information at Company's Office. ' '■.:.. Room 240 Flood Building, San Francisco MM. H. AVKItV, Assistant General Manager. •r T. A. GRAHAM. Agent Toyo Kisen Kaisha. 600 S. Spring St.. Xjo» Ans;sl(s> GERMAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK. Steamship Dept* I.os Angeles. L ■— -l ■ ■ I ■■' ' '■'■■■ , "'■ " ' " ' " —^—^»^^^"^»_.. M , santa CATALINA island HOTELS, CANVAS CITY AND ISLAND VILLA ARE STILL Or EN . Concert and dancing every evening, except Sunday. In the big pavilion. Dally ■ steamer leaves San Pedro 10 a. m. Extra boat Saturdays « p. m. Returning, leave Avalon SUB D. m. dally. - BANNING CO.", Agents "aXT: 104 Pacific Electric Bldg. $25.50 PORTLAND $20.50 EUREKA $3.00 SAN DIEGO <ttn crt CAM T7T?AMPT«sPr) First class, Including berth and $10.50 bAIM JfKArMUiaWU meals, S. S. ROANOKE and S. 8. rKO W KL.DEK. Alternate sailings from San Pedro south every Monday evening; north every Tuesday evening. NORTH PACIFIC STKAMSHIP CO., 524 S. Spring St. _ Main 6115: F74SO. ' I "•■ HOTELS-RESTAUBAMTS-RESORTS | Ye Alpine Tavern Situated on Mt. Lowe. A mile above the sea. American plan, {3 per day. Choice of rooms In hotel or cottages. No consumptives or Invalids taken. Telephone Passenger Dept., Pacific El ectrlo Ry., or Times Free Information Bureau for further information. CdfC Headquarters for visiting delegates to the Mining congress. Pojra m r) • . * lar prices. Music by the Bristol orchestra. Entire basement H. V-rf OriStOl XV. Ifpllman Hlcl.. Fourth and Spring. : ' SUPERVISORS REJECT S. P. CROSSING PLAN Highway Commission Asks the County to Pay for Safety De vices—Accept Toluca Road The board of supervisors at Its meet ing yesterday voted to reject a propo sition made by the Southern Pacific company through the highwiiy com mission to compel the county to pay the expense of building a crossing: over its tracks at Ardmore and the bearing of the expense of any safety devices installed. The motion blocking the railroad's move was made by Su pervisor Manning of the First district. The highway ccirnniit--.sion has desired for some time to obtain a crossing over the Ardmore tracks, and the Southern Pacific at last consented to allow the public road to meet over its tracks, providing the county would bear the expense of building and maintaining the crossing, A crossing over the Santa Fe tracks at Lorraine avenue, Glendora, was ac cepted at the cost of the county build ing the crossing, which amounts to 164.M. Final acceptance of the Hollywnnrt- Toluca division of tho good roads sys tem was made by the board. The proposition made by Eugono Murray, team supplies contractor, t>i Install a blow-oft pipe in the hall of records to carry off the surplus Bteam, at a cost of $296.40, was taken under advisement. A trip to the Montebello district to inspect a protection levee which prop erty owners are placing along 1 the Rio Honda will be made by the supervisors Wednesday. The assistance of. the county In the work was :^£ke(l. B. " C. ■■■ Loury, a Sherman druggist, was granted a liquor license. The board has experienced difficulty in finding ten delegates to the national dry farming congress to be held In Spokane next week. The chamber of commerce, asked to assist in the mat ter, reported to the board that It was unable to obtain the delegates needed. 1 I ;'*r; -y.i ■» I » THE DANCER Ho dancp<i attendance on a niitM: Hn danced with her th« nlKht they wed; With kid In arms he's dunrlng now At night when he should b« in ted. —Yonkeru BttttMtpaßi JAPAN WILL PROTECT FOREIGNERS IN KOREA United States and Other Nations to Deal Hereafter with Tokio Officials WASHINGTON, Sept. 26.—The recent expansion of Japan from an island to a continental power through the an nexation of the little "Hermit King dom" of Korea, makes it possible for the American and other governments to deal directly with Toklo In the securing of redress for any wrongs committed on foreigners in Korea. Tho Japanese authorities have now, assumed full responsibility for the pro tection of foreign interests In Korea. In times past there have been numer ous ocourrences at Seoul, the capital, and elsewhere in that country that altated quick diplomatic repre sentations. Riots, massacres of Catho lic priests and other religious and political agitations, and attacks on American vessels and reprisals by American forces were among these oc currences. It has been some years ■ince Chin Fome Ye, the last Korean minister to Washington, closed the legation here for all time and wended his way toward the far east under In structions of the foreign office of Seoul. The latest reports received here esti mate that the revenues of Korea for the present fiscal year will reach $20, --916,678, and tho expenditures the sam« amount. President Ichlhara of the Bank of Korea, who Is an ex-mayor ot Yoko . declares that prior to the estab lishment of the residence generalcy at f'>ur years ago the people were always obliged to give the officials all they earned, "by the sweat of their brow;" that all classes were practically penniless, but since Koreans have be- Kun to save money, life and property have become guaranteed, and Koreans, with few exceptions, welcome the con stitution. APPOINT 13 NEW PATROLMEN Thirteon new patrolmen were ap pointed by the police commission la/it night. They are li. D. Lewis, C. P. Btovena, I-eopold do Ix>s Rlos, O. B. Kctchurn, Praderick Luth, J. H. Col lins, B. It. Cato, Charles Vernand, B. \\ . Hull. J. C. Mathiesen, "W. E. Jouas, 11. A. Houston, K. r. Bradley. 13