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4 Window in Bullock's, Decorated for the Fashion Show in Autumn Tones of Gold, Russet, Reddish Brown and the More Somber Colors of the Fall Jl PsISSe lilJPl raw Mi I i ■*■ H I^S Hak m% & m"m SOLDIERS ENGAGE IN MUG BATTLE Troops Go Through Evolutions of Real Warfare at Camp Atascadero [Associated Press] CAMP ATASCADERO, Cal., Sept. 26. —Engagements between infantry bat talions, outpost und reconnaissance by the cavalry, the taking up of defensive positions by the field artillery, the oc cupation of two successive outpost lines by the signal corps and the train ing of the newly formed ambulance company of the hospital corps today filled a long morning at this camp, •while tactical rides by the battalion dis posed of the afternoon. Lieut. Edward Bracken of the Eighth Infantry conducted his battalion in a spirited attack against an equal force hidden near the county road in the dense woods of Sherman hills, while Maj. Leon Roudiez of the Thirtieth in fantry was battling similarly on the Santa Marguerita side of the camp. Lieut. Paul Beck was in charge of the signal corps operations, and Capt. Hop wood of the two ambulance corps. A baseball league is in process of for mation, the idea being to play three or four double-header games, beginning October 2. The Eighth infantry, Thir tieth infantry, Fifth cavalry, field ar tillery, engineers, signal corps, hospi tal corps, camp guard troops and civilian clerks at headquarters have been asked to organl^ teams, and the winner is to challenge the Califor nia national guard for the. camp cham pionship. The army Y. M. C. A. has donated two handsome cups, which go to the winning and second teams of the regular army league. One of the remarkable things of the camp is the excellent health of the command, there being practically no one in the hospital. Another happy feature is the absence of serious acci dents. Excitement was experienced yester day afternoon when the bugles of the Eighth infantry camp sounded nre call, but the blaze proved to be a small one in the grass at the edge of the Atas cadero, and it was soon put out by the soldier fire fighters with wet gunny sacks. NATIONAL GUARD OF LOS ANGELES TO GO IN CAMP Six hundred members of the national guard of California, under the com mand of Gen. Robert Wankowski of the Seventh regiment, will leave Los Angeles Saturday afternoon for the army encampment at They Will remain in the field fifteen days. Companies-A, B. C and F, troop D of the cavalry, the signal and hospital corps will he represented. The men will assemble at the armory and march to the Arcade station, where they will board a special train for San .Luis Oblspo county. ADJUTANTS GENERALS WILL HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION SACRAMENTO, Sept. 26.—Adjutant General J. B. Lauck leaves tomorrow afternoon for St. Louis, Mo., where he will attend the annual meeting of the Adjutant Generals' association of the tJnlted States. Gen. Lauck will visit several eastern cities while away, and expects to go to "Washington, where he has matters to l>e adjusted for the state by the war department. GIRL DIES WHILE WALTZING CHICAGO, Sept. 26—"1 could die waltzing," said .Miss Elizabeth Harris, at the close of a dance last night. As she seated herself, she. ,fell over, and died within a few minutes. She had been dancing continuously for four hours. She was L' 2 years old. WORLD-FAMOUS HARPIST DEAD NEW YORK, Sept. 26.— John Che shire, aged 73, a woi^famous harpist, considered by many musicians for venrs to be the greatest living ex ponent of his instrument, died today at his home here after a brief illness. Brass Craft Work is the newest phase of art endeavor. The -uork i* intensely Interesting and the art of doing the work easily acquired. The brass covered ar ticles, such as candlesticks, handkerchief boxes and photo Cramee, come jnped with designs ready for piercing. The, piercing outfits cost from 50 cents to $2.25. Art Papers and Cardboards Ladles find im Uli S for the tinted papers and various thi-k -nosses of cardboards carried in our artists' material department. 011 l BTOBK ih TIIK m:iTI,V DEPOT ion akt .mi iu:ms in BVKBS i.ixk Sanborn, Vail & Co. 735 South Broadway, Between Seventh and Eighth Streets FRANCIS J. HENEY TALKS OF INSURGENT MOVEMENT Will Not Guess G. 0. P. Candi date for President in 1912 DENVER, Sept. 26.—Francis J. Heney of San Francisco stopped oft In Denver today for a few hours on his way home from Wisconsin and Minnesota, where he made speeches for progressive Re publican candidates. "I have been campaigning for I^aFol lette in Wisconsin and agalnßt Mr. Tawney in Minnesota," ha said. "I find the situation in Colorado Interesting. The initiative and referendum are good, but a direct primary law with a convention feature is not so good. To my mind the ideal primary law is that of Oregon, where all candidates are nominated in direct primaries and no convention is held at all." "Who's going to be the Republican candidate for president in 1912?" Mr. Heney was asked. "I don't know," he replied. "A great many things are. going to happen be tween now and 1912." STATE LEGISLATURE TO CONVENE OCT. 3 Extra Session Will Take Half Day to Correct Clerical Er ror in Bill SACRAMENTO, Sept. 26.—The proc. lamatlon calling together the state legislature in extraordinary session will be issued tomorrow or next day from the governor's office and the date will be fixed as Monday, October 3. Private Secretary to the Governor E. Forest Mitchell, Secretary of State Charles Curry, State Controller Nye and State Printer Shannon leave for San Francisco tomorrow, where there will be a conference with Attorney General Webb, Chairman Alexander of the state board of equalization and two attorneys representing the mer chants' exchange. This conference will decide upon the language to be used in the call, and this will be confined strictly to the words necessary to remedy the defect in the constitutional amendment No. 1. The proclamation will be so explicit that nothing besides the actual insert ing of thci needed words will be In the call, ar.d this will be all that can bo liken up at the extra session. The fact that the secretary of state must get out the printing to county clerks' and Governor Gillett must pub lish the call for the November election makes the time very short umler the law, and for this reason the confer ence tomorrow will be along lines to Shut off any debate upon anything ex cepting the actual Insertion of words which have been left out. It is the purpose of the state officials In ths conference to so arrange the necessary resolutions and bill that not more than half a day session will be. needed to conclude the work of the extra session. Governor Gillett will not leave Eu reka until next Thursday. MILITARY TOURNAMENT OPENS IN DES MOINES DBS MOINES, la., Sept. 26.—Five thousand troops, representing every branch of the United States army, are participating in the military tourna ment which opened here today with a military parade. Brigadier General Frederick A. Smith of Fort Omaha, commander of the department of the Missouri, rode it the head of the parade. GRAPES BRING $12 TON SANTA ROSA, Kept. 26.—Grape crushing; Is in full hlast in the wineries of Sonoma county and the crop is an ..e one. The mowers are a little pointed over the price being paid by tin' hit,' wlneries*and where possible sales have been made to independent wineries. The highest price is $12 a ton. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNINC, HKPTKMHEH 27, 1910. BROADWAY STORES RIOT IN COLORS Chromatic Schemes Utilized by Promoters of Fashion Show Lure Artist's Eye The man who invented the fable about a pot of gold lying at the foot of the rainbow might well have con ceived this pietureeso.uo fancy after a stroll down Broadway, as it looks this week. Surely never did any rainbow show more Illusive hues, more vary ing shades, nor more subtle blendings than do the windows In the big Broad way stores. The rainbow tints are all accompanied by the most re markable effect in gold tinsel, em broidery, net and spangles, until the entire street resembles one vast area of softly glistening- colors well over spread with priceless metals and Jewels. Certainly the first Fn.shion show may be called a tremendous success, if the street display, alone la to be considered. Never before have the fashions been so decorative, and the merchants along the rainbow path have spared neither time nor expense to make this show one which every observer may enjoy, and to which the visitors and residents may point with pride. Beginning with Coulter's store, near Second street, and continuing- to Ninth street, every block on Broadway con tains marvels of the modiste's skill and the milliner's art, and both sides of the street, and shops of every kind, have taken the cue and are displaying their most attractive goods. One window at Coulter's is devoted to novelties in materials, and perhapH one of the handsomest things is the crepe velvet which Is shown here in a variety of shades. A delightful as sortment of printed and embroidered chiffons and crepes help make this window one which is full of valuable suggestions, and the men's furnishings nre set forth In attractive manner. Pajamas in soft silken hues: dressing gowns of heavy, handsome materials, and smoking jackets, rich and smart looking, are all shown here, with the tie*, handkerchiefs and socks that are customarily expected in such an array. One of the handsomest of the cos tumei shown in this shop is of orchid gray satin, heavily embroidered and embossed, and another dainty evening frock shows black-beaded net with a bolero jacket over a pink silk slip which is embroidered elaborately with gold and trimmed fit the he*n with a deep pink silk fringe. An elaborate and useful treatment of an Indian shawl is also shown in this window. The Boston store shows a dinner gown of pale gray satin with an en tire overdress of embroidered net in which mother-of-pearl bands are used with remarkable effect. A sash of black panne velvet finishes the foot of this overdress, beneath which the satin foundation falls in a slight train. A number of ravishingly beautiful -scarfs are shown in this window, too, one in particular of gold net having enormous roses in soft shades printed on the fabric and outlined with the gold thread. A blue satin gown shows through black embroidered net, upon the hem of which, heavily worked, sunbursts glenm in their gold and Jeweled beauty. A broad band of gold bullion finishes the hem of this overdress, and sable fox adds its richness to the splendor of the toilette. .One window shows lavender shades, and one of hats and novelties ia mott attractive, with a tempting array of gauze ribbons, nets. gilt and Jeweled fans, pearl collars and fringes. A pattern garment of black jet beads over a gown of salmon pink satin is without doubt the most strik ing exhibit in the beautiful windows of the Vllle <le Paris, and in the. name exhibit are jeweled embroideries, ™- plecementa forming bodice and skirt trimmings and bands, and passemen teries of magnificent value. Cleopatra might 'my the display which this store affords, and the buckles, rings, combs, handbags and coiffure adorn ments are as brilliant and novel as they are beautiful. A piece of FalHley pattern chiffon over White is one of the loveliest of the materials to be seen In this win dow, although striped and dotted nets, embroidered velvet! and HRtln-bor dered crepes each add lustrous beauty to the .scene. A fascinating bandbox looking temptingly alluring with its gold embroideries and pastel shadlngs. from which tumble scarfs, laces and evening bags for milady's adornment, is quite the piece de n of one window. One fur set demands atten tion. It comprises muff and collar, and is made of fur, shirrtngs of gold tissue and frills of fine hire. She were surely a lucky mnld Or matron who may d«ck herself in these exquisite creations of millinery- Soft greens of the woodland furnish the color scheme for the window dec oratlons at the New Tort store, and her* are shown some fifteen or twenty imported gowns, suits and costumes before, which the most critical man or woman munt pause to admire. One of the simples! and most ef fective of these is a Doucel creation ,',,■ black chiffon heavils embroidered to the depth of eighteen Inches in oriental silk, with tiny buttons to har monize, outlining the sides of th« skirt, and similar embroidery at the throat and sleeves of tho bodice. An enormous hat with long- black plumes completes this costume. Paquin-is represented In a palp yel low velvet, the corsage and front panel heavily embroidered, and mair niflCent heavy lnce forming tho bodice and sleeves. Velvet shoulder straps with the gold embroidery outline the shoulders and a band of gold ribbon from which depends gold fringe orna ments the hair, over which is placed a large hat of cloth of gold. A tunic made of crystal heads on hlprk net surmounts a gown of soft pink messaline. Brilliants worked through the beads make a beautiful outline for the decolletage and shoul der straps, and a sash of rose color ties with a biff bow at the knees, from beneath which falls a short train of black chiffon over the pink satin. This frock is from Francis, and is without doubt one of the most beautiful of the entire display. * At the Broadway department store the windows are decorated in autumn leaves nnd palms, and a novelty shown here are the petticoats of accordian pleated, chiffon. These are in plaid patterns as well as the more beautiful broche designs, and the tops are of softest mcssaline. Two stunning: gownfl shown here are of black velvet with bodice embroidered in semi-pre cious stones, and a creation in mauve moire satin embroidered in the same shades with old net in the bodice nnd yoke and a hat with drooping brim and overshadowing plumes to complete the color scheme. A girlish frock of soft shirred chif fon over blue satin is gathered in at the waist with three rows of Persian ribbon and the lower part of the skirt is finished in the same way to simu late the hobble effect. Ono window shows a beautiful array of brown broadcloths, velvets, laces, gauzes and chiffons. Lingerie and corsets in novel design and attractive array are also shown in one of this store's windows. Black and white seems to have been the favorite effect destreC by the win dow dresser at the Fifth Street store. White frosted leaves and vines and soft, white, gauzy screens make a glittering background for the cos tumes of black and -white which are displayed. One of the handsomest of these is of embroidered black net over white chiffon. The bodice is embroid ered with coral and a sash of the same hue outlines the waist. A scarf of black, heavily embroidered in jet, com pletes this gown, while a coat of sim ilar texture and embroidery is near at hand. Another handsome frock car ries out the same effect in a tunic of. black satin falling over a double flounce of creamy, honlton lace. The bodice is of the honiton lace also, with trimmings of black satin and gold. A hat in this same window is of panne satin with enormous rosettes of the material and white plumes and facing. Bullock's windows carry out an au tumn scheme, even in the colors of the gowns, and dresses and materials alike show all the shades of gold, russet, reddish brown and the more somber wood shades of the same color. Each window is embellished with a hand some oil painting which continues the tones attained by the decorator and the frames In bronze, bright or dull gold furnish further lighting to the effects in the windows. Furs, ribbons, chiffons and laces mingle with the richer materials for gowns, suits and cortumes. Pony coats for my lady in her automobile, travel ' ing rugs and hats, veils and evening coats may be seen here in these same rich shades. One of the most notice able frocks shown was a street suit in which dull, brown broadcloth was en livened by panne aatin. The broad cloth fell in a lons, straight tunic to about ten Inches from the ground, a border of heavy embroidery finished this at the hem and tiny buttons on the satin outlined the long side front seam and simulated a placquet. The bodice is built in kimono lines of satin broadcloth and fur iind the long sleeves and underskirt of satin were both edged with the fur. A hat in two shades of brown with willow plumes, shading from golden brown to a deep hue, complete this frock, which found favor with many observers yesterday and will undoubtedly be copied In many materials for the winter. Many particularly beautiful hats were shown In the windows of this store, and a noticeable fancy was for the cretonne and lapestry effects In crown and brim. A Ktreet suit of wido wale corduroy and a brown velvet and broadcloth viniting Kown with big muff and col lar of mink w>re two other particular ly handsome and useful showings made by Mullock's. Silverwood's store put forth a brave array, both in tho Broadway and Sixth street Windows, and royal blue, velvet and bearskins alternate in emphasiz ing the decorative leheme. Smart win ter suits for men show a prevailing brown tune, and for tho little men a tempting array of reefers, leggins, tam o'shanters and blouse suits may be geen. One of these windows has an exhibit of fancy .ests which is at tractivo both in coloring and materials, and man ln n'B beßt arrttv wlll become almost decorative this winter. PHONE GIRL REFUSES TO SEND ALARM; HOUSE RUINED PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 26.—Refusal of a telephone girl to send In an alarm of lire, because the persona calling did not have a nickel to put In the tele phone, endangered the lives of ten per son ■ when a Hr« waH raging in the apartment house of Mrs. L. A. Humca last night. Everything in the homo worn destroyed. The loss la about $6000. Mrs. Humes was so badly burned about the face that she was taken to a huu pltal. ;;.',. Why! 16 ■ %T ' NO MORE-NO LESS f**% // f f Here's the Answer \i i*TP<//r jcjf We cut out the middle profits. j^2j-Jr yr fjT We sell direct from mills to I I f]L r &V man. We are the largest con-1 sumers of hig'Kgrade woolens IHi M MmwllK in the world, tailoring over IwMPW I'M 5000 suits daily in America Wmßß^^m Ik alone. Our purchasing power H^ ' M km CAPITAL UNLIMITED feW^Sll^i^ $ •We are content with a SMALL I^P^WI^^MI ■//> HERRING BONE PROFIT on a suit because of the many '< II ii!l^ ~W ~^^!' we make. . . KtSKjal .ES^SZ This Is the Way All Our Ii i iiPffif; ,■ '"T*" 1 '""^. Coats ArQ Made W&W&K£>''<&WUl y/A Concave Shoulder m§ •MW' ; • ¥'■ L- //A -r^T Close-Fitting Collar :W\i• i ■ ii ''•b^—^y POCKin - Never Break Front '/W* ' '^K7l The"En S lish" designers and cutters jj|l| J vM are the "top-notchers" of the profession. SMlll'lA^. ''^^^^^^ STAYTAPE The BEST is none too good. . ilft^J 5 THAT'S WHY WE PLEASE 'MmMlM^^^^ that why OUR trade grows lIPI ii f We sell for retail at a wholesale rice : 'Wm» WmM A thousand styles-a single price 157-159 South Spring Open Evenings —— i Exhibition - Auction Sale OPENS TODAY COMMENCES TOMORROW At 323 South Spring Street NORDLINGER'S OLD STORE A REMARKABLE COLLECTION ORIENTAL RUG MASTERPIECES Culled personally from the marts of the Orient and fr6m the aristocratic homes of Turkey and Persia. Absolutely containing gems that are not ob tainable in ordinary collections. It embraces Royal Keshans in sizes from . Bxs feet to 15x11 feet. Exquisite Saruks in sizes ranging from the smaUe«rt. 5x3 to the largest, 25x15. Imperial Kirmanshahs in sizes from 6x4 to 22x14. . Bidiarsv Ispahan's, Djoshacans, Afghans, Temarez, Ardahans, Mir-Sei-e -bents, Kurdistan 3, Boukharas, Beloochistans, Daghestans, Circassians, Herats, Shiraz, Cashmeres, Bergamas, etc. In fact, the GRANDEST AGGREGATION in point of numbers and rarity ever offered in Los Angelesi. f 100 ROOM SIZE CARPETS AND 1000 RUGS IN ALL SIZES. The purpose of this sale is to meet a call loan we effected to pay the $30,- >. 000 duty on this collection. EXHIBITION OPENS TODAY, AUCTION SALE WILL COM MENCE TOMORROW AT 10:30 A. M. AND 2:30 P. M. :^ MR. E. CURTIS, the veteran art auctioneer, has been retained to con- . duct this sale. Mihran ®p Company IMPORTERS ESTABLISHED IN 1878 M^^ffi LODGE'S SEAT SOUGHT BY CONGRESSMAN AMES Massachusetts to Hold State Pri maries for Election of Delegates BOSTON, Sept. 26.—State primaries for the election of delegates to various conventions will be held by the two principal parties and direct nomina tions will be made in several congres sional, senatorial and representative districts Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. ■ ' There is no contest for places on the Republican state ticket, which will Ibe headed for a third time by Gov. Ebon S. Draper, and chief interest in the primaries rests In the personnel of the delegates to the Democratic state con vention, where former ■ State Senator James 11. Vahey, who has twice led the party; Congressman Eugene I.' Foss, the victor in the famous fight in the Fourtopnth district last March; Mayor John F. Fitzgerald of Boston, and Charles S. Hamlin, assistant secretary of the treasury, are expected to strug gle for the gubernatorial nomination. Insurgency figures but little in the Republican ranks, the efforts of Con gressman Butler Ames of Lowell,- to capture the seat of Senator H. U Lodge,'whose term expires next March, being the chief contest in that party. The "pure food law" designed by the government to protect the pub lic from injurious ingredients in foods and drugs. It ia beneficial both to the public and to the conscientious manu facturer. Ely's Cream Bairn, a suc cessful remedy for cold in the head and nasal catarrh, meets' fully "^re quirements of the new law, and tnat fact is stated on every package. It contains none of the Injurious drugs required by the law to be mentioned on the label. Prlco 50 cents. If you prefer to use an atomizer, ask for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or liny fever. No cocaine to breed a drug habit. N" rnpreury to dry out the se cretlon. J'rlce 76c, with spraying tubo. All druggists, or mailed by Kly Bros., 68 .Warren street, Now York. 3 DAY DRINK HABI/l LEGAL GUARANTEE *«*" I Nollypodermics Harmless ' S4-s%<So*QklVE> 5T.| Shoes Half Price and Less Uvtr two liundred , big 'dUpla/ N barsaia tables ar*. dliplaylnf »hoe» for men, w«au and children, on aal* In many lmtanou (at halt prle* and laaa> Oonvlnoa jrourttU a*4 MO* la tb« MAMMOTH HHOIS Jincsn, (IS Booth Broadway. . I^tfs*"'^jy i fur food trunk*, B 1" "•'•■*-*^f2'lL*yi raTclina; bass, ~W"" jffrT! EB^i mA Ar— ••" h; JJ > 0 G.U.Wh!tney IIrCT IU» ©Ideal •». Übll.L.J and moat reliable trunk manuia** Muar. Star* and tasUiry, 230 South UaU. ,