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LATEST FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTS OCTOBER PAY DAY SHADOWS MARKET Reading Sales Aggregate Over 40 Per Cent of the Day's Transactions - LONDON BUYS LIBERALLY $7,500,000 U. P. Refunding Bonds Neutralize English Influence in Gotham [Awoclated PressJ NEW YORK, Sept. 26.—The stock market today gave more signs of life and took on a semblance of breadth and strength. The Increased conges tion of the dealings in Reading as tho day progressed, however, lessened the appearance of breadth and restored that of narrow professionalism, which has been the fault of tho market for some time. Sales of Reading made up over 40 per cent of the day's ag gregate transactiona. London Joined liberally in tho buy- Ing, and there was a substantial de mand also from uncovered shorts. The conspicuous strength of Heading at first was made an argument in fa vor of the general advance, but later became the grounds for some doubt and hesitation over the general move ment, as the professiona 1 operations engrossed an increasing proportion or the whole market. The hardening ten dency of money rates was Ignored in the conviction that the causes for it were temporary and lay in the prep arations for the October settlements. In Berlin especially the necessities of these payments loom large. Tho ad vance in the official rate of the im perial bank of Germany, while pre dicted, was made full 1 per cent to 5 per cent instead of the expected 4% per cent. The private discount rate rose only % per cent to 4V6 per cent, but the private discount rate in Lon don made a sharper response, the rate ; for three months' bills getting above the official bank rate. An advance in tho bank rate on Thursday under such conditions would not cause surprise. The placing In London of $7,500,000 of Union Pacific refunding bonds neu tralized the influence of the London money market of the stock market here. Bonds were strong. Total sales, par value, $2,362,000. United States bonds were unchanged in the bid price on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to Th« Herald by J. C. Wll- Hon. 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber .few York stork exchange, Chicago board (if trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, Sept. 26.-Following . were the quotations today:. Bales. Stock. -•'• ' Hlch. Low. Bid. Ask. Allls-Chalmers 8 9 do preferred .. 29 36 19,600 Amalg Copper ... 62% SI 62 62V4 1,400 Amer Beet Sugar. 38% 38 38% 8814 „ do preferred /.; ,93*4 95 300 Amer Can Co .... B*4 S ' Si 8% 600 do preferred 67% 67V4 67% 68 400 Am Car and Fdry 47 ■ 4614 46% ■47 do preferred " .. 11l 114% 200 Amor Cotton Oil.. 6214 62 62 63 Mt do preferred ..... .. .. 101 ....... Amer Ex '.. ■• 225 240 600 Am Ice Securities 10% I!>% Mi 19 100 Amer Linseed ...12% 12% 1214 12% 300 do preferred 31 30% 30% 32 400 Amer Locomotive 37% 8714 3714 38 do preferred .. 102*4 I*o*4 3,800 Am Bmlt and Rfg 66% 6574 66*4 66% 400 do preferred 101 101 -100*4 101 400 Amer Suirar 117% 116 . 117 113 .-■ do preferred \. i .. 114 120 Amer Steel Fdra 42 43 -2,600 Amur Tel and Tel. 138% 137% 137*4 138 , Amer Ton pfd ; .. 92 92*4 100 Amer Woolen .....28*4 28*4 28 .2854 ....... •do preferred ... 93 95 200 Anaconda 39 MM' 38% 39 300 Atlantic C Line.. llo*4 109 110% 111 7,500 ATA Santa Fe.. 99% . 98% 9!) 99*4 400 do preferred 100% 10014 100 101 1,300 Bait & Ohio 105% 104% .105, 106V4 do preferred .. 86 89 10,700 B n T 77*4 76 76% W% 500 Canadian Pacific. 19014 190% 190% «,300 C & O 76% 7614 75% 76 C * A .. 27*4 30 me & a W......;... 28% 2S*4 23*4 24 - 100 do pr«ferred 47 47 46% 47 300 C & N W 146% 146*4 146V4 146% 4,000 C M « St P 121% 120% 121% 121% ... .. do preferred 14« Vi H7».j 600 Central Leather .. 33% 33 33*4 t»% 100 do preferred 105 105 104 105 Cent of N J 260 285 CCC *St L.... .. .. "72*4 75 do preferred .. .. 9974 110 100 Colorado F and I. 80*4' 30*4 30*4 3014 do preferred .. 100 120 . . Columbus H C ft I ..'-,.• 4 614 100 Colorado Southern B2H &2>4 82V4 64 .. .. do Ist preferred.. .. ... .71 71 .. .. do 2d preferred.. .. .. 70 73 2.400 Consol Gas 181% 131 131 131% . Corn Products .. 14 14^ !do preferred .. 74 76!4 /. 400 Del & Hudson ...166 165 163 ICS DL & w 600 675 "■906 D& R O 31% 31 31. 31% 100 do preferred 72 72 71% 72*4 100 Diamond Match .. 8674 8674 8614 88% 100 Distil' Securities .. 27% 27% 29 29*4 .. Duluth S 8 & A 21 . 23 S 500 Erie ... 2*X -**> 26*4 26% 800 do Ist preferred.. 43V4 42V4"' 43% 44 .- do 2d preferred .. 33% 33% 800 General Electric ..145 115 142% 145 600 Ot Northern Ore.. 66 65*4 66 56 4 100 Gt Northern pfd~.126*4 125% 126*4 12«% '100 Illinois Central ...129% 129% 129% 131 700 Interboro-Metro .. 21% 21>,i 21*4 21% 9!400 do preferred ..... 57% 66% 66% 67 Intcrnat Paper ,' ' .. 10 10*4 .; .... do preferred ..... .. :■■ ..'-.' <B*4 49H .. Internat Pump .. , 40 40* i 200 do preferred 82*4 82*4 82*4 .84 . 800 lowa Central .... 16% 1614 16% 16% J.. v.t.. do preferred \ .. 29*4 30 BOOK C Southern ...29 29 2SV4 2l)'/4 . w# do preferred ..... .. • • 63 64 ....... LE & Western .... .. 15. 18 do preferred 35 40 ■"800L&N , 144 143 143% 143% .. Mackay ..'' .. •• ; 91*4 92 do preferred , 73*4 74*4 Manhattan .. 137*4 140 .Mexican Central ... , .. 31% 81% 200 Minn & St L 23% 28% 23 24 .. do preferred .. 38 49 900 M St P & S 8 M..134% 133% 134*4 135 • 100 .do preferred 148% 148% 144 150. 1,000 MX & Texas .... 32% 32 31*6 33 100 do preferred 62 63 61% 6314 800 Missouri Pacific .. 63% 63 63% 63% 200 National Lead ...52 52 62 6214 100 •do preferred 104 104 102*4' 10414 100 National Biscuit.. 112',i 112% 111 112% 100 do preferred 120*4 120 Vi ; 120 . ■ 130 *. 800 Nevada Cons ..... 19% 19% 19% 1974 ...NT Air Brake ..... ... -73 74 2 600 NY Central 11314 112*4 11314 11314 , X T C 4 St 1 60 63 "" .. •do Ist preferred .. .. 100 1 110 "" .. do.2d preferred.. .. .. 80 ;.9S • ""ioON YNH ft Hart.ls2 163 15214 153% 180 ON V Ont & W.... 41*4 40 • 4114 41,4 '300 Norfolk & Western 96 98 «9«%- »7*4 . do preferred .. 83 89 North American .. .. • .. 6714 68 * "49006 Northern Pacific ..116% 115% 116*4 116% .. Omaha .. 133 ISO do preferred - .. 140 • 165 Pacific Coast 99 > 110 • ■"'WO Pacific Mall 31*4 *V 4 31*4 lIU i 300 Penna BTI Co 129% 129 12914 129% ' 200 Peoples Gaa ..... 107% 107% 10714 107% 700 Plttsburg.Coal ... 1714 16% . 171 i 11% 100 do preferred ..... 69*4 69* i 68% 70. P C C & St L 03 94 ...... do preferred ....... .. 101 US 100 Pressed St«el Car. 32% 32% 32 8214 do preferred '•• 94 95 100 Ry Si,.] Springs..'32*4 32% 82 33 do preferred ....t .. ' .. 92 99 174,200 Reading 147*4 143% 14«% 1-16% 100 do Ist preferred.. 87 87 86*4 87 400' do 2<l preferred.. 91 97 98V4 100 100 Republic B and I. 80*4 ,30*4 30% 81 do preferred 93 95 7,800 Rock Island Co .. 31*4 30% Jl% 31% 2,400 do preferred 82% 63 61 .63 , Bios Slirf 8 and I .. .. 84 65 do preferred 105 114*4 St L .4 BF Ist pfd,'.. .. 65 65 200 do 2d preferred.. 40 40 -89 40 200 St I, &S W 29*4 27 27*4 , 2»*4 400 do preferred 68 - 65«4 65*4 66 11,000 Southern Pacific .116% 114* 115*4 us% 700 Southern Railway 23% 22% 23*4 23% 1 300 do preferred 62V4 62*4 63 BS',4 } 2.600 Tennessee Copper. 82*4 31 31% 82 Texas Pacific .'... .. •• 26*4 20% ; 100 Third Avenue .... 9*4 9*4 9*4 *% I 800 Toledo St. I. &W. 23 82% 22*4 23 I 700 do preferred 63 51*4 61*4 52*4 Twin City RT HO 111 Un Bag and Paper .... ' ,8 9 do preferred 64 63 46,700 Union Pacific ....167% 165T4 167 U>7*4 ■ 100 do preferred D 292 91*4 92*4 100 United IMs of B F 28*4 28*4 26 28 do preferred .• JJ ■ JJ • D S Crist Irn Pipe .. .. I"! !r>*4 .; do preferred .. •• M 67% 800 U S Rubber 3474 34*4 84*4 84H , do Ist preferred .. .. 107 103 do 2d preferred 69 71 68,500 U 8 Steel Cor ... (M 67% «S% m\ 300 do preferred 116*4 1W 116% IW% --4,600 Utah Copper 45*4 45*4 45*4 46*4 100 Va-Car Chem Co. 68 68 68*4 58*5 do preferred •• 122 134 ••••ioOWab^.":.::.-..!^ 16% 16*4 16% 200 Wabash pfd ....'.. 36 36 30*4 37 Wells Farso Ex (••'•■ •• *" ■ 16.1 1,700 Western Union',.. 69 66*4 68% 68*4 800 Westlnghouse ..... 62*4 62*4 61% 62*, 600 W& L » 6% 6% « 100 do Ist preferred.. 12 12 11 12 200 do 2d preferred.. 7*4 7*4 6% 7 Wisconsin Central... ../ 61 52*4 Am Hide and Lea 2i*4 2*4 4 * 400 do preferred .:... 21% 21*4 21*4 21% 200 Am Ar and Chem 44 43% «% *• "'2,'ioo Beth "StOl .. .'.'.'. '■ '. 28% 27 27% 25% 600 do preferred 69% 68*4 69% 60 Nat Enamel and 8 .. .. 13*4 16 do preferred <"> °? Ss Pan Tel and Tel & a* J* B lOOlntl Harvester ....97% 97% 97-4 WK dr. preferred •• ™ -'1 12.300 Ooldneld Cons ... 9*4 BT/48 T/4 8% 8* . U S Realty «J» ■ JJ» West Maryland «* " .. Pullman V BO 1M Total sales, 477,255 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll sin 213 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, Sept. M.-Following were the clnMn*. quotations: «>»• *""!; Atchlson gen 4s 1 •• « ' ™* Atchlson .cony ,4s 1"» x" Baltimore & Ohio Ist 4s 99 99*4 BRT 43 •■ »™ "% Colorado Industrial 6s '» '■ '■ S Realty 5s <" . »» Rock Island col 4s ™ ™v* Southern Pacific ref 4s 94% » Southern P.-icldc col 4s 9}V4 ■- Union Pacific Ist 4s ...........V-WIH 101*4 Union Pacific cony 4s "2% I"2W U S Steel 5s ....103% 104 United Railway 4s •■ °' Wabaah debenture 4s " JJJJ Western Paciflo 6s M*. 94/4 Japanese 4s • ,/• •/ Japanese Ist 4*4 »•••••• »*}* «i Japanese M 4*4s «J *}„ Southern Pacific cony 4s 97% 97* Denver &R O refunding 5s 93% 93*4 US 2, registered ™£' «»» U8 2s coupon *"?£ ™' II S3s registered ™* ™* US Ss coupon it WJ* I™^ VS 4, registered "«■ JJ'g US 4» coupon \\° »™ Panama 2s * , 00 7> Panama 1938s """"" ' IWk TREASURY BTATEMENT wismvaTON Sept. 26.—The condition ofThe t'r'easuTy at the" beginning of business tO T ru.t W*unds-do°.d Bco.n. imMMMi -- ver dollar" J484.004.000; silver dollars of ?f!io $" 663,000; silver certificate, out "SS'ffil Vund^an-dard silver dollars in ccnertfl fund, $6,947,466; current liabilities, »9807L870; workine balance tatr~.WT.-oJj coin $930,996: total balance In general fund, $91,523,784. FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK. Sept. 26. —Money on call easy 1%@2 per cent; ruling rate. I per rent'; clos^B bid, 1 7-8 per cent: offered at 2 T?meToan. firm; sixty days, 3% ©4 per centT ninety days, 4®4 1-4 per cent; «ix Tins!; Vriif.^.rSSti?.ll^. ■«• P«' "Berlin* exchange strong, with actual bus iness In banker/ bills at $4.83.6004.83 75 for sixty day bills and at $4.86.40 for de mCommerclal bills. $4.85@4.83*4. Bar sliver. 63% c. Mexican dollars. 44c. - , Government bonds steady; railroad bonds strong. . FRUIT MARKET BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. Fruits— Fancy apples. 7Bc; common, •>:.» Berries—Strawberries, J3.50f ( <0; hucklp berries, B@10o; raspberries, »4®6-. cran berries. J3{f4. .._,.„ Orapes—Muscat, 86®B0o. Pears—Common, &0c; fancy, 8Bo; Bart * Peaches—Common. «0c; fancy. 780 Plums —Common, 65c; fancy, 11.16. Oranges—Valencia. »2.604j>4: , Mexican limes. *6.:. ■■ ■/•■;: , lemons— California. $2.50; fancy, Melons—Watermelons, Jl«i>2; nutmegs, 25 (SBOc; fancy cantaloupes, J2; common. J 1.25. Tropical fruits—Bananas. 75c@»3; pineap ples, »5@2.80. . CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NHW YORK, Sept. Evaporated ap ples unchanged; fancy. ' 10o; choice, BH@ 9Vic prime firsts, 808Vio: common to fair, Prunes firm, with no selling pressure. PrUQM firm, with no selllne pressure. Quotations ranged from 3 -14 to 10c for Cal ifornia fruit up to 80-408. and from 5 to_ i) Vie for Oregons. firm; choice. 10HOUKe; Apricots quiet, firm; choice, 10H@ll%c; extra choice, 11 l-4@131-4c; fancy. 12® Tenches are not offered aulte as freely; choice, 7',4c; extra choice, 7Vi«7<kc; fancy. B©BV4c. ". ■ Raisins quiet; local, spot prices unchanged. Loose muscatels. 4 l-4®«c;. fair to fancy seeded, 4f7%c; seedless,, 6®60; London layers, 11.2601.50. . . ■' '. _ . r . -m * w PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26.—Fam ily extras, »5.60@6; bakers' extras, $5.50® $• Oregon • and Washington, $4.80@6. Wheat— Shipping. $1.62*4 @1.57tt. Barley—Feed, $1.02V4©1.05; brewing, 11 07%® 110. >'■' Oats—Red, $1.2001.30; white, »1,*5@1-«0; black, $1.35©1.46. Mlllstuffs —Middlings. $34©S«; mixed fesd, $25026: rolled barley, $33.60@ 24.60; oat meal. $3.80; oat groats, $4.25; rolled oats, |S@3.!o. ■■•.■' ' ■" • , jiay—Wheat. $7014; wheat and oat. $8 Oil.; oa«. wild, $8.60©9; "oat, tame, $7® 11.60; alfalfa. .47013; straw, »35®60. Receipts—Flour, 1353; wheat, 2265; bar ley. 20,235; oats. 1080: beam, 624; pota toes 7085; onions. '1125; middlings. 455; hay.' 1558; straw,, IB; hops, 343; hide*. 1535; wine 22,400. 4.45®4.50; small white, Beans —Lima. 4.45^)4.50; small white. 13 65; large white. $3.60. Potatoes—Salinas Burbanks, |1.40@1.60; Merced Sweets. IViOSO. _ ( , . ; Onions —Fancy, $li common. 800. Various —Green peas. 3©oc;. string beans, 3660: egg plant, 40060 c; green peppers. 40«iS0c; tomatoes, 25@50c; summer squash, 40t»65c: garlic, 3(i io; cucumbers. 60©780. , Poultry—noosters, ■ old.. $5@5.50; I roosters, young, 16 5008; broilers, small, $5®3.50; broilers, large, $3.60©3.75; fryers, ,$4 07; hens,. 15®1O; ducks, Old, $5@6;. ducks. young,%s7@»:'«eesn,- $1.80452; goslings, Jli ©2.50; pigeons, youllß, |1.80©1.75. .• ■ LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1010. FINANCIAL LOS ANQELES, Sept. 26.-Bank clearings were $2,332,793.96, an increase of MrAWZ.OI aa compared with the amount for the correspond ing date of last year. Following Is a com- 1910 1909 1908. Sept. !6 $2,382,798.98 11.874,731.96 $1,291,304.31 LOS ANGELES BTOCK EXCHANGE The market was very active, Consolidated Midway and Cleveland again leading the game. Consolidated Midway was very active at 28, ! opening at 24U In the morning and In the afternoon at 25V4. Cleveland opened at 4% and Immediately began on the upward climb, elos ; Ing at SH, sales amounting to gome 100,000 1 shareH. Union was strong at 98tt and Asso ciated was steady at 42. Union Provident sold at 96. The rest of the market was quiet, oil mo nopolizing the entire day and hardly giving any other class of Btocks breathing space. MORNING SAI.KS 10 Associated Oil 42; 1000 Cleveland 4H; 2000 do 4%: 1000 do 4%; 80,000 do 4V4; 1000 do 4%; 10 000 do BV4; 3009 do 6; 7000 do 6; 100 do, buyer 3 4%; 1000 do do 6%; 10.000 do Z&H; 13.000 do 25%; WOO do 25%; 1000 do 26%; 4760 do 26; 10O# do 24%; 1000 do 24%; 2000 do 2414; 1000 do 24%; 7000 do Wi: 1000 do 24%; 1000 do, buyer 80, 25%; ' 1000 do, teller 10, 26%; 10 Mcx Pet Ltd com 28.37%; 70 do 28.50; 10 Union 98; 60 do 88.50; 10 do 98.76; 15 Union Prov Co 96. AFTERNOON B.UJSS 10 Associated Oil Co 41.87/2; 15.000 Cleveland 011 6W; 1000 do 5%; 4000 do 5%; 1000 do, buyer 25%! 6000 do do 26; 8000 do do 28V4; 10 Union 98.60. BANK STOCKS Bid. Asked. All Night and Day Bank 40.00 130.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 160.00 176.00 California Savings Bank 116.00 Central National Bank 180.00 Citizen*' National »«00 Commercial National 160.00 Kqultable Savings Bank 200.00 Farmer* and Merchants Nat' 1..270.00 Federal Bank of Los Angeles... 13.60 First National 485.00 German American Savings 32').00 340.00 Olobe Savings Bank 120.00 Homo Savings Bank of L. A...116.00 Merchants' National 660.00 Merchants' *;ank and Trust Co 160.00 National Bank of California ...190.00 National Bank of Commerce ...105.00 Security Savings Bank 300.00 375.00 The Southern Trust Co 70.00 75.00 (60 per cent paid up) INDUSTRIAL AND PCBLIC CTII-ITIKH Bid. ABk«d. Cal Portland Cement Co 80.00 ..... California Hospital ™m Edison Klectrlc pfd 89.50 70. M Edison Electric com 60.00 62.00 Hawaiian Com and Sugar 41.00 Homo Telephone pfd 80.25 84.3iVi Home Telephone com 4.75 6.60 Hutchlnson SP Co 17.00 1900 L A Athletic Club !«■<» I. A Brewing Co 1«000 L A Investment Co 3.16 •■■■■ Mexican Nafl Gai com 17.00 38.00 Paanhau SP C- (■ 26.00 28.00 Pac Mutua. Life Ins Co of Ca1.290.00 ■••". Pac Con Stone Co of Cal JS'* Pasadena Home T and T Co 8».00 Riverside Home T and T Co 22.00 aan Diego Horn- T and T Co 1860 Santa Monica B H T pfd *?•«> Sun Drug Co 1"? "•>aslde Water Co 100.00 Title Q and Trust Co pfd 17J.00 Title I and Trust Co pfd 17«.0» "'tie I and Trust Co com 178.00 Title I -id Trust sor C 17H.00 U S L D T and T Co pfd.... 26.37H "• Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co 80.00 53.00 Whlttier Home T and T Oo 90.00 BONDS Bid. Asked American Petroleum Co 80 90 Associated Oil Co »«4 »H* Corona City Water Co 98 Corona Power and W Co 9» 104 Cucamonga Water Co »l Edison Eleo Co Ist Jl 96 Kdlson Klec Co old Issue 103 108 Home Telephone Co SO Home Tel Co Ist rfd« «tt 72 Huastcca Pipe Line .. 100 1 L A Pac Ist con mtgi .. 104 li ' L A Pac Ry gen con 101 L A Vnc- Ry Ist rfdg »» • L A Rallwr • Co I<* < L A Traction Co Is 1W 1W • L A Traction Co 6s 101 106 Mexican Nat'l Cv Co .. 1M i Mission Tram and R Co 974 , Pac Elec Ry Co 100 Pacific Light and Power C 0.... »* 100 I Pasadena Home T and '•' Co M i'rmona Con Water Co 102tt - Santa Monica Bay H T Co 80 i Santa Monica H T and TCo 73H Ban Diego H T and T lit mtg* .. to Temescal Water Co 19 Union Transportation Co 90 »2H U S Long Dlst T and T C 0...... .. 7t Vlsalla Water Co 91% Whlttier Home T and T Oo TO 90 OIL STOCKS PRODUCERS— Bid. Asked , American Crude OH Co 98 American Pet.Co pfd 90.00 Associated Oil 41.76 42.26 California Midway Oil Co 48 .63 Central 1.84 1.87 Cleveland Oil Co 06% .06V4 Columbia 1.26 Consol Midway Oil Co 25\4 .23% Continental Oil -35 Enoa Oil Co 100 Euclid Oil Co -65 Fullerton Oil 6.00 Jade Oil Co 28 -3014 Mexican Pet Ltd com 28.50 28.62V4 Mascot Oil Co 4.00 Olinda Land Co (Oil) 66 Plnal Oil Co 10.00 Ilru Oil and L Co 17 nice Ranch Oil Co «d .85 Trader's Oil Co 70.00 90.00 Union 98.25 99.00 Union Provident Co 96.00 United Petroleum 97.50 105.00 United Oil Co 65 .60 Western Union 100.00 NON-PRODUCERS— McKlttrlck Inv Oil Co 6.00 M .02 Oleum Development Co 04 .04ft DAILY MINING CALL No sales. LISTED STOCKS CALIFORNIA— Bid. Asked. Cal Hills M Co <m CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Sept. 26.— Receipts es timated at 36.000: market 10 to 16c lower: beeves »4.74®8.20; Texas steers, |3.50ffi5.80; western steer., «4.20©6.85; stockers and feeders, 14.16@5.86; cows and heifers, $2.20 @8.«0; calves. 17®9.65. • ''".' Receipts estimated at 21,000; mar ket steady; light, $8.05®9.55;. mixed. 18.5 a ©9 80; heavy, J8.404j59.45; rough, 18.40© 8 60- good to choice heavy, $8.60©8.48; pigs, 8.6009.50: built Of sales. 18.75®».20. • Sheep—Receipts estimated at 52,000; mar ket 100 lower; native. *2.66@4.40; western, «3@4 35; yearlings, «4.60@6.60; lambs, v na tive (50W7.26; western, J5.26197.20, * « » BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE BAN FRANCISCO. SPpt. 26.—Butter Fancy creamery, jlHoj seconds, 29Hc; fancy rlnirv **8c Ch ees"a--New, 14H©lB«o; Young Amer ica, 15W@17c.% Eggs—Ranch, 44c: store. 40c. CHICAGO, Sept. 36.— Butter— Steady; creameries, 24@28c; dairies. 23®27c. . Eggs—Firms receipts 73^8 cases; at mark, cases Included, 18W@21c; firsts, 23c; PrCheese—Steady; Daisies.. lB»io; Twins, Cheese— Steady; Daisies.. 16% c; Twins, 14 Mif 16c; Young Americas, 15H@16c; Long Horns, 15V4@16c. ■ '. '■ VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY NEW YORK. Sept. 28.—The visible sup ply of grain In tlin United .States Saturday, September 24, as compiled by the New York produce exchange, was as follows: Wheat, 32.243,000 bushels; increase, 2, --623,000. t"orn 4 638,000 bushels; Increase 788,000. Oats, 18,560,000 bushels; increase, 437,000. Kye,' 31U.000 bushels; increase 29,000. Barley, 1.530.000 bushels; increase, 457,000. The visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday was 4.198.000 bushels, an In crease of 908,000. PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET A NEW YORK. Sept. 26.—Standard «> ... copper weak; spot, ,*l2@l3.U*| Oo- <•> $ toter. »12.03V4@1*.1S 1-7. ■ V. j <$■ <$> • I^nd dull. Nt M.37Vj©1.40. ■;■■;«. <J> : Mar silver. H3%e. < • <i> BEAN PRICES HIGHER; ONIONS ARE WEAKER Committee Named to Arrange for New Quarters for Pro duce Exchange President C. W. Thompson. Paul Plepers, Z. M. Cole and Secretary 13. A. Holmee. Jr., will represent the produce exchange In con ferring with the new City Market company about the arrangements for the new quar ters for the exchange at the corner of Sixth and Alameda streets. Moving day will bo' November 1. One of tha most important features of the new exchange will be the increased size of its call board. The pres ent hoard la only ten by twenty-sevi-n and a half feet, while the new board will b ten by forty feet, thereby allowing every produce commodity handled to be llste 1. As It la a number of the less important Items are not posted. Business was brUk In the market, with eggs, butter 'and chceso Quito firm. Blackeye beans were quoted at J.ifiU as against )6 flat Saturday. Oarvanzas were down 50 cents a hundred. Potato prices were unchanged, except ing sweet potatoes, which sold at 11.60 to $2, as against J1.75&2 last week. Demand was brisk for fish, of which there was a fair supply. Receipts of produce were: Eggs, 137 cases: butter. 12,870 pounds; cheese. 4244 pounds; potatoes, 2152 sacks; onions, 33'r sacks; sweet potatoes, 320 sacks; apples, 12,607 boxes. PRODUCE! PRICES Following are the official prices of pro duce to rrtallers as complied by the Marke: Reporter: EGGS —Local ranch, candled, 43c; do case count, buying price, 39c; eastern fresh, 35c; eastern «tora/?e. packed extra, 30 it 33c; do, storage saconds. 26c. BUTTER —Sellng price to trade SHo high er; California creameries, extras, 32He; do firsts, 31c; cooking, 25c; ladle, 25c. CHEESE—Northern fresh, 17@17%c; local, 18c; Oregon Daisy, lS^igilUc; eastern singles, 19c; do Twins. lS'4(?fl9Wc; eastern Palsies, 19(^19'Ac; eastern Long Horns, 19'/4®2oc; eastern Cheddars, 20c; Im ported swlbs, 30c; Jack, 19c; domestlo iwiss, 22®24c; cream brick. 19c; llmburger, 19c; Roquefort, 38c; Edam, J8@8.50; Canadian cream, box, $1. . BEANS —No. 1 pink, J6.50; No. 1 Ilmas, J5.00: No. 1 Lady Washington. J4.50; No. 1 small whites. J4.60; No. 1 blackeyes, (6; No. 1 Garvanzas. J4-50; No. 1 California lentils, $7®B. POTATOES —Highland, cw^, $1.40@l.«0; local Burhanks. J1.25; Salinas, J1.65; yellow ■weets. J1.60@2. ONIONS—LocaI yellow Danver«. $1.60® 11.60; northern. $1.60@1.60; do Australian browns, $1.6091.60; local, »1.50@1.60; local silver aklns, lug box, $1; garlic, 7c lb. FRESH FRUITS — Apples — Bellefleurs, $1@1.15; 4',^-tler, $l@1.10; Pearmains, white winter, 4-tler, $1.25; do re«, 4H-tier, 11.00; Fall Pippins, 4-tler. $1.00; Jonath ans, California, $1.75; 4tt-t!er, $1.35; Bald win, 4-tler, $1.65; 4H-tler, $1.26; Greenings, 14-tler, fI.TO; Spltxenbergers. 4-tler, $1.63; 4M-tler. $1.36. BERRIES —Strawberries, per ba»ket, lo; raspberries, per basket. 10c; blackberries, per basket, 9® 10c; cranberries, bbl., $9.r,0. CITRUS FRUlTS—Grapefruit, needless, . $3.50@3.75; seedlings, $2.50; lemons, $4 a 4.60; Valencia oranges, $4. TROPICAL—Bananas, lb. 404Hc; Fard dates, lb., 10@13c; golden dates, lb., 7c; alligator pears, doz. J3.605M.50; pineapples, lb., 6@7c. MISCELLANEOUS —Local cantaloupes, cabbage, crate, $2.60; casabas, crate, J1.r.0; figs, box, fl.OO; Muscat grapes, lug box, 11.25; peaches, per box, Sr.cWSl; Bartlett pears, $2.50 box; plums, crate, $2.00; prunes, $1.60@1.75: quinces, box, 90c; watermelons, lV»@2'ic lb. VEGETABLES—Northern artichokes, doz. $1; green asparagus, 15c lb; bell peppers, lb. s«f 6c; beets, doz. bunches. 25c; lima beans, 4 ft-sc; string beans, lb., sc; green cabbage, sack. $1; red cabbage. 8c lb.; carrots, doz. bunches. 25c; cauliflower, crate, $1.50; cel ery, crate, $2.2502.50; cucumbers, box, 40c; green corn, box, 60®65c; corn husks, 10c; egg plant, lb., 2@4c; horseradish, lb., 26c; okra, 6c lb.; lettuce, crt., $1.50; peas, s@7c lb; parsley, doz. 25c; northern strawberry rhubarb, box. $1.60; spinach, doz. 20925 c; sprouts, 12Mc; summer squash, lug box, 25 @Ssc; young onions, doz. 20c; turnips, doz. bunches, 20c; tomatoes. 50c. DRIED FRUITS —Evaporated apples. I lie lb; apricots, 12H@140 lb; peaches, 7%@9c lb; pears, 10@12c lb; plums, 10c; necta rines, 8c lb. PRUNES—3O-40S. S®loc; 40-60S, 9®loc; 6Ck-«0s. B@9c; 60-708,. Tc; 80-908, 6%c; 90-100 a, 6c. RAISINS—i crown, loose, 60-Ib. boxes, BHe lb; 3 crown, do, 4c; 4 crown, do, 4He; London layers, 2 crown, 20-lb. box. $1.15; do, 8 crown, $1.25; do 4 crown, $1.60; Sul tanas, bleached. 6®7c lb; unbleached, 4\( 6c lb; seeded raisins, 16 oz. pkgs, 7c; do, 12 oz. 6c. NUTS —Fancy IXL almonds. 17We lb; bra zils, 14@15c lb; cocoanuts, 90c; filbnrts, 14c lb; pecans, XX. 15c; do XXX, 16c lb; east ern peanuts, 7@7Vic lb; do Japan, 6%c; plnenuts. lSc; No. 1 assorted walnuts. 16c; do budded. ISc; eastern popcorn, cwt, $3.50; do local, $3.50. RICE —Fancy Honduras (Carolina) $6.73 cwt; choice Honduras (Carolina) $6@6.50; Japan grades, $3.76@4; Island, $5.50; broken, $3.50. HONEY—White water extracted. 9c lb; do white. BHc; do light amber, 8c; comb, water white. 1-lb frames, 18c; do white, 17c; do llsrht amber, 14c; beeswax, 30c lb. LIVE! STOCK—Packers pay f. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers. s(ffsUc: beef heif ers. 4Ms@sc; beef calves, s^ij6c; mutton wethers, $5.50@6; mutton ewes, $5©5.50; mutton lambs, $3.50 0 3.75; hogs, lie. POULTRY —Turkeys. live, 25<§>26c lh; large hens 4 lbs. up, 19c lb; do small. 2Vj r, ( i B>.J lbs. 17c lb; broilers, 1 to li lbs. 17c lb; friers, m to 3 lbs. 17c lb: roast chicken, 18c lb; ducks. 160 lb; geese, lie lb; squabs, $1.50 doz; old roosters, 8c lb. CHILI —Evaporated, strings. 3"c lb; green, 4c lb; chill teplns, 750 lb; Japan, 16c; ground, Be. HAY (baled) —The following quotations furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Storage Co.—Barley, $12. 50 @ 14. 50; tame oat. ton. $14@18.50; alfalfa, ton, $13.50^14.30; wheat hay. U4<3>l6. MILL FEED —Bran. $1.53; whole corn, $1.75; cracked corn, $l.R0; feed meal,; rolled barley, $1.15; oil cake meal. $2.50; shorts, $1.80; Kaffir corn, $1.75; wliitu oats, $1.85; eastern red oats, $2.25; wheat, ori ginal sacks, ewt. $1.90; wheat, 100-lb. sacks, $1.96. NEW YORK COTTON Bpeelal service to The Herald by J. C. Wll •on, 212 West Fifth str«ot, Los Angeles. NISW YORK, Sept. 26.—Althou(?h cotton apoculatlon was very much reduced, prices were strong and the opening, which was above Sat urday's final!), practically lowest of the day. The September and October options were with out any sensational feature, and most of the strength In the distant months was attributed to short covering anil the belief that next month's bureau figures will warrant a level \v> 11 above 13 cents. Liverpool due 6H points lower on September and \Va to 2M, higher on later months. Opened the market was quiet but steady at a net ad vance of 9 points on September and 2M to 3>,4 points on later months. Spot cotton steadier, 8 points higher at 7:79.1. Sales, 6000 bales, of which 5000 were American. Port receipts for t(«l«y estimated early at 62,000 bales; last week. M,000; Inst year, 50,700. Th"» government has Issued a report which shows total supply of cotton tor the year ind*d August 31. 1910. as 11.fi85,D58 running bales, made up as follows: Stock at beginning of year 1.453.555 hiilcs; glnnlnirs, 10,350,07s bftla ; importß UI.BM bull's. Distribution of the ercp Is as follows: Exports. 8,339,018 bales; con sumed 4,707,127 bales. Stock! at close of y»»r, 989 803 bales, of which 518.101 are hrl.l by man ufacturers and 421,705 are distributed elMwher*. Number of active spindles Is 25.34U.067 bales, of which 10.8W.8M are In thu 001 ton mowing states and rr.U2.HI »r« "> :1" "thl'r Btl" -s —CloFe— / , Open. High. Low. Hid. Ask. January 13.27 13.36 13.3S -13.32 IS.SS February ..■•■ 13-a'' 1:l;l7 March 13.34 13.44 13.34 13.41 13.41 May ....... •• 13.40 13.61 13.39 11.47 13.48 1.,* 18.48 13.48 , u i v '.'.'.'.1... 13.47 13.47 13.48 13.45 13.46 Seutember" 13.37 13.63 1J.31.-13.58 .. .. 0ct0b« ..." 13.87 13.40 13.26 13.33 13.34 November >• ••••• ■■•■•' 13.w 13.34 Decrmber'...■......■ 13.2« 13.38 13.26 13.31 13.35 i Spot cotton,, 13.«0cj quiet, 10 point* lower. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE f-','"'-lal service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 Wist Fifth street, Los Angeles, mnm b.r New York stock exchange, Chicago board of tritile. stock and bond exchange of San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26.-Following were tho closing quotations today: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Alameda Artesian W Co 5s 100 American River Elec Co 5s 91*4 M Associated Oil Co 5s 94% 9514 Bay Counties Power Co 5s ;..101V4 102'/i Cal Central Gas and Elec 5s 101 Cal Gas and Klec gen M&CT 05.... 97 98 California Street Cable Co it 100 California Wine Association 5s 86 90 City Electric Co 6s BS% 89*4 Contra Costa Water Co 3s 99 do gen Mtg Is 82 Edison Elec Co of L, A 6s 99 Edison Light and Power 6s 107 . E It c!u P de Nun Pdr 4V4s 84 First Federal Trust Co 6s 101*4 Ferries and Cliff Houae Ry 6s 100 Hawaiian. Coml and Sugar 6s 107 2 Honolulu R T and L Co 6s 104*4 Lake Tahoe Ry and T Co 5s 98 Los Angeles Elec Co 5s 98 Los Angeles flas and El Co 5s 98 Los Angeles Gas and Eleo corp 65.. 97 99 Los Angeles Railway Si 106*4 Los Angeles Lighting gd 5s 100 L A Pac R R Ist con mtg 5s 103*4 L A Pao'R R of Cal El 102 Mar In Water and Power Co Cs 100% Market Street Cable 6s . .. 104*4 do Ry Ist cons mtg 5s 97% 9814 Northern Ry Co of Cal 5s 112*4 Northern Cal Railway 5s 105 Northern Cal Power Co ■"> ■■ 102*4 Northern Cal Power Con 5s 93% 95 Northern Electric Co 6s 89*4 91 Oakland (las Light and H 6b 99% Oakland Transit Co 6s 108 Oakland Transit 5s 103 . Oakland Transit Con 5s 104 Oakland Traction Con 5s 95 Oakland Traction Co 5s M 93 Oakland Water Co gtd 6s .. 9594 Omnibus Cable Railway 6s 106 Pacific Gas Imp is 82 Pacific Electric Ry Co 6s 104% ' ..: Pacific Light and Power Co 5s 99 Pac Light and Power etd 6s 100 102 Pacific Tel and Tel Co 5s 97% Park and Cliff House Ry 6s 100 Park and Ocean R R 6s 100 People's Water Co 5s 62% 62% Powell Street Railway 6s U 63*4 Sacramento Elec Gas and Ry 65....101*4 San Joaquin Lgt and Power 6s 96*4 98 5 F Oak and San Jose Ky 6s 106% 6 F Oak and San Jose 2.1 mtg 65.. .. 96 S F Oak and S J Con Ry 6s 96 I J and Santa Clara Co R R 4*£s,. .. 90 Sierra Ry of Cal 6s 109*4 S P R R of Cal 6s 1912 104*4 do Ist c gtd g 6s 116 S P Branch Ry of Cal 6s 124% S P R R Co Ist rfdg 4s 95*4 Stockton Gas and El Corp 6s 104 8 V Water Co gen mtg 45... 90*4 United Gas and Elec Co 6s 98% 100 United R R of S F 4s 68 68*4 Valley Counties Power Co 6s 89*4 100 WATER STOCKS— Spring Valley Water Co 48*4 49*4 GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co it ■,•'•" Oro Water L and P Co 61*4 Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 77 Pacific Lighting Corp com ...; 68 .. INSURANCE STOCKS— California Insurance Co 80 Fireman's Fund 239 Pacific Coast Casualty Co 155*4 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS— California 130 Presidio 25 32*4 POWDER STOCKS— E I dv Pont de Nem pfd 83 85 do common 148 151 Giant Consolidated Co 84*4 SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Coml and Sugar Co 88*4 Honokaa Sugar Co 17 Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation 17 17*4 Klleauea Sugar Plantation Co 12 .. Makawell Sugar Co 35% 38*4 Onomea Sugar Co *'. 49 Paauhau S P Co 26% Union Sugar Co . 75*4 OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated Oil Co 65 Associated OH 43 Palmer Oil Co 1% I*4 Sterling Oil and Dot Co 2 2% West Coast Oil pfd 101 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers Association 88*4 Cal Fruit Canners Association 101 102 Cal Wine Association /. 32% North Alaska Salmon Co 120 Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm 5 Pacific Coast Borax Co 165 ■■'.. ■■■ Pao Tel and Tel pfd 94*4 do common 31% .. Philippine Tel and Tel Corp 23*4 Horning sales—looo City Eleo 6s 88%; 1000 People's Water 5s 63; 1000 Oakland Traction Co 5s 02; 20 City Elec 62%; 100 Hawaiian 38; 25 do 37%. Afternoon sales—ls,ooo People's Water 5s 62*4; 2000 Spring V Water 4s 90%; 6000 do 49*4; 1000 City Elec 6s 89; 1000 Market St 6s 98; 20 Alaska 89; 10 Bank of Cal 206; 10 Pac Tel common 82*4; 20 Pao Light com 70. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil eon, member of the Chicago board of trade, New York stock exchange and San Francisco bond and etock exchange, 212 West Fifth street, T.,09 Angeles. CHICAGO, Sept. 26.—Wheat was compara tively firm, but later drifted lower. Trade was dull at all times. Early strength was due to the bulge in corn, which induced some of Saturday's short sellers to cover. Later the market eased off because of the attempt of Home of the early buyers to re-sell. Weak ness in the northwest, an unexpected heavy increase in the visible supply and a poor milling call for cash wheat, all combined to depress the market. The main depressing fea ture, however, was the extreme dullness, European markets showed little color or direc tion. Statistical news largely depressing. The absence of speculation and the accumulation of supplies bid fair to drag us lower unless for eign markets come strong again, as they have been doing unexpectedly at times lately. Corn was higher early because of the ap proach of cold weather. Freezing tempera tures, almost winter, prevailed in northwestern North Dakota, and frost is forecasted for the northwestern and the western portions of the corn belt tonight. In addition, the market Is helped by .the small sales from the country and the presence of a fair export call at the seaboard. Latter, however, was not as good as last week. The later weakness in wheat and a disposition on the part of the local bears to sell caused a reaction from top prices. Oats higher, with other grains early, drag ging lower with a dull trade later. No ap parent demand of Importance after early cov ering by shorts. Country sales over Sunday very light, but eastern demand correspond ingly limited. f. Competitive buying between shorts and pack ers of the September and October lard was the leading factor in provisions. It helped prices of other futures to some extent, but the bal ance of the list tended downward. MARKET RANGES ' WHEAT— , Open. High. Low. Close. September $ .97^ * .97% $ .<IKV 4 * .96% December 99% 1.0014 .99' i .99% May I.o*B 1.06 1.0614 1.0614 CORN— September 53% .6374 .53% .63% December .61% .61% .6114 .61H May MM .55 .54V4 .54% OATS— ■ December 84% -3«i .34V* .34% May *% -37% .37% .37% PORK— September 18.15 October 18.55 ■ 18.55 18.00 18.0) January 17.8214 17.85 17.62',i 17.70 May 17.50 17.56 17.45 17.45 LAUD— September 12.80 12.85 12.80 12.85 October 12. 13.72H 12.60 12.60 January 10.65 10.60 10. 10.55 May 10.30 10.3214 10.25 .10.25 September 11.6214 H.67',4 lI.WA 11-83 , October 11.35 11.40 11.07V4 11.10 January 9.42V4 9.47% 9.40 9.40 May i. 9.37% 9.40 9.35 8.3714 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady: No. 2 rye. 74c: feed or mixing barley, 55® 6 4c; fair to choice malt- Ing, 68«D71 o; flax seed, No. 1 southwestern, IjTte; No. i northwestern. 12.78; timothy seed, »7.50<8>9; clover, |10©15.25; mess pork "per barrel. $18.65©18.90; lard per 100 lbs $12.85; short ribs, sides (loose), $11 @11.7u; short alear sides (boxed), »12t75S* Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 77.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,830.000 bushels, compared with i, --002,000 bushel* the corresponding day a year ago The; visible supply of wheat in the United States increased 2.622.100 bush- Promoter's Opportunity •^ imaa^s^swaaa^ - • By PROMOTER is meant, not a stock salesman but a man of past successful accomplishments, bent upon adding to his store of the world's goods by the honest development of Nature's re sources or the legitimate creating of profitable industries. In this particular instance the industry has been created, the demand enormous and the profits ranging from 100 to 1000 per cent, and over. All the time-consuming and painstaking prelimi nary details have just been completed. Additional capital is needed. The right man now has one of the few opportunities of the last several years to make anywhere from $50,000 to $600,000 profit, dependent on his ability and whether he utilizes his own money or that which he controls. Two skillful and efficient or ganizations will be under his control —one the business itself and the other the financial. Immediate action commensurate with sound business judgment is necessary. Address confidential communication for interview to BOX 287, Care of Herald, Los Angeles. Flr'psva£ 9lve I LOS Angeles Office I Ho^r"s J, wire Home. 1 Hotel Alexandria | Main am. mmmmmmmmmm. 212 West Fifth Street Wi^mm^K^mm Francisco J C WILSON ™ Mills Bldg. Jl Ul ffILUUII During Palace Hotel B a LATHROP, Manager Winter .*£ • • V">-.= : -■ ■ tka anmmammammaf* Correspondent* IBs^HaMsa XewSTtocJ Harris' Winthr & Co. I «£T&- Bxchange. | New York. Chicago. Farts. London. g of Trade. __CLEAR[N GJJ OUSEJANKS__ M y.\MB ~ ~~~" OFFICEKS __ — 1 ._ ,T~ZI .. #-< „,„-,„.. WARREN GILI.ELEN, President. , s roadway Bank & Trust Company A , w redman. cashier. . Capital, $260,000. 303-310 Broadway, Bradbury Building Surpluo and Undivided Proflta, 1247,00* " ~ " — ~ " I3AIAS W. HELJ.MAN, President. , nited States National Bank f. w. smith, cashier. ,; Capital, $200,000. S. E. comer Main and Commercial. Burpll: : and Profits. $73,000. — — ■ ; ■ R. J. WATERS. President. . ltizens National Bank wm. w. woods, cashier. i I. Capital, $1,000,000. President. litizens National Bank wm. w. woods, cashier. Capital, J1.000.000. P S. W. corner Third and Main. Surplus, $600,000. ; _ ' ; — ; —— , w. A. BONYNOE. President ommercial National Bank newman essick, cashier. (-T ; ;~ — 7~~ Capital. $200,000.00. President, ~ J lommercial National Bank newman essick, cashier. Capital, J200.000.00. I 401 B. Spring, corner Fourth. Surplus & Undivided Profits. $4T.0M.0« F__ : ,_. . I. W. HELLMAN, President, armers & Merchants National Bank seyler, cashier. Capital. $1,600,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus and Profits. »1.900.000. .^OfWWj F— —■ —— — — "J. M. ELLIOTT. President, irst National Bank n w. t. s. hammond, cashier. , Caplul stock, $1,250,000. S. W. corner Second and Spring. Surplus and Profits, $1,628.000. f M~ ! , _ , W. H. HOLLIDAY, President. erchants National Bank chas. greene. cashier. S. E. comer Third and Spring. • Ca-ltal, a'nT'^dlvlded Fronts. $BW.«< S. E. corner Third and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Profits, HM.OOI J-r; ; , _ ... . J. E. F. .HBURN. President. ational Bank of California h. s. moicee, cashier. N- —T '. ,_ ... : ~"~ Capital, $600,000. President, ational Bank of California h. s. mokee, cashier. Capital, *600,000. ... A ™ N . K. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $180. C. I,_, , ~ . S. F. ZOMBRO. President. entral National Bank james b. gist, cashier. Capital, $300,000. ..„.„, S. E. corner Fourth and Broadway. Surplus and Undivided Profits. $a43,00r S~ECUJtITY . Largest and Oldest in the Southwest *.sourc $29,000,000.00 Par* the highest rate, of Inter..* an« •■ th» m..t liberal term. eon.l»t««» wl» wand, conservative banking. Largest and Best Equipped Safe Deposit and Storage Vaults in the Southwest. Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets J iamuauuuatM "W!P" THE BANK Wl TM THE *^a^^> j£r^ EFFICIENT SERVICE.^ -m*jm~ EFFICIENT SEJ9VIC& £j J'JPRMVG AN a FOURTH STS, V HARNESS "^TT^lnXstreet. SADDLERY els for the week. The amount of bread stuffs on ocean passage Increased 432,000 ""Estimated receipt, for tomorrow: Wheat. 99 cars; coin, 521 cars; oats, 197 cars; hogs, 12.000 head. ..^movement of -us w Z-, b=..-::::::::n: ■ gX «£ /.::::::::.». sl:ao° Ss,r'S.;.-:::::::: «X urn COTTON AND WOOL NEW YORK, Sept. 26.—Cotton j closed ■taady with September showing a gain of 1 point and later position, of 11©1« point. '°BT?'IJOUM Sept. 26.—Wool—Quiet; me dium grades combing and clothing, £324 c; light fine, 19021 c; heavy fine, 15©17o; tub WS 9po e tdcloL®d 3easy, 10 points lower; middling uplands. 13.60 c; do gulf. 13.85 c. Sales, 12, --15 Futures' closed steady. Closing bids: Sep tember, 13.38 c; October, 13.33 c; November and January. 13.320; December, 13.34 c; Feb ruary 13.35 c; March, 13.41 c; April. 13.43 c; May, l«.«Oi June. 13.460; July, 13.45 c. COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW YORK. Sept. 26.—Coffee futures cloud barely steady at a net sain of »©ls points; sales. 70.700 bans. September and October »5.90; November, $8.95; December and January, $9; February. $.01; March, $a.02; April. $9.04; May, $9.05; June. $9.07; July and August. $9.10. Spot coffee firm: Rio No. 7. lie; Santos No. J. 11 5-Bc. Mild coffee quiet; cordova, 11 l-4i&U3 s»c- Haw sugar steady: muscovado, S9 test, $3.74; centrifugal, 96 test. $4.24; in. sugar. 89 test, $3.49. Refined steady; crush ed, $3.05; granulated, $5.05; powdered, $j.lj. 1910 WALNUT PRICES Monday the members of the Southern Cal ifornia Walnut Grower* association met !n the assembly room of the chamber of com merce ami fixed the wholesale prtoa Ol NO 1 association walnuts for 1910 al II e«HU anound. us compared with UV4 Otßtl tat the* season of 10(19. The blghW . to tbo shortage In home and foreign production. f| "Impressions A 3v SF 'J&r we make on our children" ntut the text of one of tbe best^B* sermons ever preached. We try yt' to teach our children to save i money. The best teaching Is by An example. Set your children the y:i example by having a saving; ac- Vj count of your own, and then start ra one for the child. 3 and 4 per, M cent interest. MM I FACTS AND FINANCE of the California Oil Industry Written and Compiled I By WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS, Editor California Oil News and Digest. Expressly for ATLANTA OIL CO. This Edition Is Limited — a copy with the Compliments of J. 13. L.XVI, Fiscal Agent, 411 South Main St. ' Los Angeles. Cut j NATIONAL BANKS REPORT $9,826,181,452 RESOURCES WASHINGTON, Sept. —National banks of the United States have reported resource* of 19.820.181.453 and reserve* Of ll.MI." 713,686 in answer to the call for their «on dltion on September 1. . National banks which responded num bered 7173, 196 more than a year a«o. . Tb«jr reported Increases of Il«r300.000 In depos it* and $72,000,000 in surplus and prom* since September' 1. 1809. ■ 7