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10 LATE HAPPENINGS IN SPORTDOM OAKS TAKE ONE MORE FROM HAP Wolverton, Captain of Commut ers, Struck by Pitched Ball in First Inning OAKS AND BEAVERS CLIMB dub— Won. toit. VeX- Portland 01 '.3 -611 Oakland 1«» 83 -657 Pan Francisco I" »I -510 Vernon »i »* - 491 I.os AnftelM 03 09 •4tl- Sacramento .... {y™ M» •SM <;ami:s today I.ob Angeles, at Son Francisco, Sacramento, at I'ortlnnii. • Oakland, at Vernon park. KESUI/TS YESTERDAY I.on Angeles 4, San Francisco 2. Vernon 0, Oakland 2. Portland 3. Bnrranifnto 1. In a closely contested struggle of the pitchers" battle style, Oakland made it two straight from the Villagers yester day afternoon at the Chutes, winning by a score of 2 to 0. A single error marred the fast fielding stunts of both delegations, and the fans were Joyous at seeine the semblance of real ball again. , , Wolverton, captain of the visiting team, was struck on the temple by a pitched ball in the first division, and al though able to walk to first after re gaining consciousness, he was com pelled to retire in favor of Cameron. Willie Hogan moved up to the final corner station, Pfyl went to center and Cameron appeared once more on his regular sack. The Oakland captain will probably be around for battle soon, but will not be seen in action for a day or so at least. Maggert's iielding work was the fea ture of the day. He came into the cir cus program in the second inning, when Kitty Brashear banged a game-win ning swat to deep left center. Maggie sprinted for the fence and picked off the missile with one hand. It looked like Peter de Jeff back on the home lot, and the fans went wild. The only scoring of the game took place in the second inning. After Mng gert had gone down, Roy to Kitty, Wares received a base present and went to second on Pfyl's biff to left. Hogan singled to the infield, tilling the Backs, and Wolverton won the same by becoming a martyr to the cause in getting in the way of the ball, Wares being forced across the plate. Cutshaw singled through Llndsey, scoring Pfyl. and Swander and Mitze retired the side with lofts to the field. Score: OAKLAND An n II SB ro A c Masgert. If '•> 0 0 0 4 10 wItJ. ss 4 10 0 0 3 0 Pfvl, 1b ami rf 4 110 3 0 0 v,-. Hogan, cf an.l 3b.... 4 0 3 0 14 0 Wolverton, 31 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 Cameron, lb S 0 1 0 11 1 0 Cutshaw, 2b S 0 10 2 7 0 Swander, rf 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 Mitze, c 4 0 0 UF 4 1 0 Moser'jp 4 0 1 - j> 1 - Totals ■•■ 2 7 0 27 19 0 VERNOX Ali R HSBPOA E Carlisle, cf 4 0 0 0 10 0 Burrell, 8b 4. 0 0 0 a 1 1 Roi!< , .if 3 '• 1 r > 1 0 U i Brashear, 2h 4 0 0 0 13 0 ,-,,,- r f 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 N. Braihiar, lb 8 0 1 0 11 1 0 I.ln-lsay, ss 3 0 I 0 i 6 0 H. Hogan, 2b 2 « " "J 1 0 x lit , n 2 0 0 0 110 .E=::::::.l I^lll TVtals 2S 0 4 0 27 12 1 xliosp batted for Hltt In eighth Inning. BCORE BY INNINOB Vomon 00000000-O g£s ::::::? 11l 111 SK Base hu;-:::::::::::.. 301010101-7 SUMMARY Hits-Off Hosp, 8. Throe-ba?o hit -W. Ho ean Two-base hit-R< Sacrifice hlt-H. ,T<£an* Innings Pltched-By Hltt, 8 -Bases on hall=-r>« Hltt. 8; ofl Mosvr, .!. Struck out ,,, vim 4- by mosv. 2. Double playß-Ma- K Pri to Cutihaw to Wares to Moeer to Mttze to Cameron- Wares to OitEhaw to Cameron, imbyptched • ill Wolverton. Time oUamo -1-40 Umplreß- Van Haltren an.l Hlldebrand. MAURICE McLOUGHLIN TO ARRIVE HOME SOON BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6.- In a tele gram to B. R. Marvin, founder of the Golden Gate Junior Tennis club, Mau rice McLoughlin stated yesterday that he will return from the easl next week. He won the Longwood and Southamp ton events two of the .bigg' I annual tournaments, but was rather over shadowed by TI omaa Bundy, the Los Angeles cra-k, who won the national singles event al Newport and gave Champion Lamed an awful scare in the challenge match. McLoushli Is one of thf- most popular players in the country and will receive a hearty welcome from local fans. NO RESERVATIONS TO BE MADE FOR BIG SERIES CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Only 1 ■t the 0 National li ball park will be sold for tl championship series g ' "<• reservations will I by mail. Tins decision was rea by Robi it Mcßoy, secretary ■ I \m.T (r t!:r ■•"■". ;,,,, h ere, ai 1 President .Murphy of the Cubs, . v s a com 1 quence the recommi tioii sen! the national comm Tuesday asking that th grand- Btan d 1 ) k'ed, will be abani Ml four umpli assigned to the world' will officiate In same One «111 rule behind the btl 'no will make •ai 1 di ona and two will offlclate In the field, _ - -o ♦-■♦- — —— WORLD'S SERIES WILL OPEN IN N. Y. OCT. 13 NEW VOItK, Oct. B. —The. scrirH of post geaffon Buniih to be played under the auspices °' "v" national commix ■lon between the local National and American league teums uill Hurl Thurs day, CM'loher 13, at Hie polo km.uihls and' «ames will be played dally except- Ihk Sunday, alternating at the two parlu till one team hu» won '°"r contest*. ohonlil a seventh game be necessarj the place and date will be decided by the tons at » coin. HOWARD, INFIELDER, WHOSE HOME RUN HELPED ANGELS WIN jp -'Mhßhl sic Hsj 'tj^ JHnHHSHi S' AMERICAN LEAGUE Club Won. Lost. Pet, I'hiladelplila l»i *» •«*« New York 88 BS .377. Detroit 83 «8 . .3<i;t Boston 81 *° J"*' lev.lnnd «'•> ft" .46» C'liiciißn «« 81 -1 »<> Wattliingrton li« »■"• .4:iJ St. l.i.uls 4.6 103 .305 GAMES TODAY Boston at Washington. New York at Philadelphia. WASHINGTON DIVIDES DAY WITH BOSTONIANS WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.—Washington and Boston divided today's double header, the visitors winning the lirst. 5 to 2, and the second going to the locals, 6 to B. Milan's steaA of home was a feature. Score: First game: Bhlngton 2, hits 8, errors 2. Boston 6, hits 10, errors 1. , Batteries—Gray, Otey and Ainsmith; Ccllins and Carrigan. Second game: Washington 6, hits 8, errors 3. Called end eighth; darkness. Batteries —Walker, Johnson and Street; McHale, Wood and Carrigan. NEW YORK AMERICANS WIN FROM PKILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 6.—New York defeated Philadelphia today by scor ing two runs on HemphlU's double, Chase's single and Knight's three-bag ger. Score: New York 3, hits 6, errors 1. Philadelphia 1, hits 7, errors 3. Batteries—Ford and Mitchell; Uygert and Thomas. CHICAGO TRIMS DETROIT AND CINCHES POSITION CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Chicago virtually clinched sixth place todiy by taking the first game of the series from De troit, 11 to 6. Manager Jennings tried a. left-hander, Peasley, who was rapped freely in the second and fifth innings. Lange, who relieved "White in the fourth, drove in four runs for Chi.ago. Cobb got a double and a tingle and a pass in five times at bat. Score: agro 11. hits 11, errors 3. Detroit j, hits s, errors 3. Batteries—White, Lange and Sulli van; Pei I y, Wlllett and Casey. LAJOIE SHINES, BUT BROWNS TAKE CONTEST ST. LOTIS, Oct. 6.—St. Louis won from Cleveland today, i to 5. Lajoie yot three hits out ot four tUni bat. Si lire: St. Louis 6, hits 7, errors -1. Cleveland 6, hits 8, errors 4. Batteries 11. Mitchell and .Stephens; Koestner and Clark. NATIONAL LEAGUE flub Won. Lost. Pet. Chicairn t'« I* .871 \,-w York BO BO ■(il>> I'itUbure 8B i;l •s1:l l-liilmldphia '8 M •■>l)-' ( iiiciiiiiiiii 7* W .481 Brookl)-n 63 xx .418 m. I.miU 60 x<» .HI Boston 51 0» .340 GAMES TOOAY Philadelphia at Boston. Brooklyn at New YorK. BABE ADAMS SUFFERS BEFORE CUB SLUGGERS CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—ln the first game on the home grounds since they rllnchod the National league pennant Chicago today shut out the Plttsburgs, 4 to ii, the loca] team hitting Adams, tin star of the world's series of 1909, hard, \-hile Richie was Invincible and had tei ling support. Score: Chicago 4, Ims 8, errors 0. Pittsburg 0, hits 6, errors 3. Batteries—Richie and Needham; Adams, hillippl and Gibson. Umpires—Brennan and O'Day. DRUCKE EQUALS LEAGUE RECORD OF STRIKEOUTS NKW YORK, Oct. 6.— New York de feated Brooklyn today, 9to 3, irucke, the local pitcher, tiding the National league strikeout record of the year of thirteen. Score: Brooklyn 'd, hits 8, errors 6. New YorK S. hits 1">, errors 0. Batteries—Barger and Miller; Drucko and Wilson. Umpires—ldem and Kane. BOSTON MAKES QUAKERS LOOK LIKE BUSHER NINE BOSTON', Oct. 6.—Boston secured twenty-two hits and scored twenty runs off three Philadelphia pitchers to day, whlli the latter made twelve hits and seven runs. Score; Philadelphia 7, hii 12, errors 3. Boston "0, hits 22, errors 3. Batti rles—Ewlng, Glrard, Slaughter and Doom, McUonough; Parsons, .Mat tern and Kariden. Umpires—Bason and Jennings. «> » » — ■ The Union Hardwares will play the Verdugo Park team at Verdugo to morrow afternoon. Players are re quested to port at the Pacilic FJee trio depot at 1:45 o'clock. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1010. WALDO THROOP TO LEAVE FOR MEET Crack Los Angeles Sprinter Will Join Northern Athletes in Eastern Trip William Martin of the Beattle \th letic i lub and Charlie Thro of the University of Southern California are ; the two crack sprinters from the Pa cific coast who will compete In the na- ' tional track and Held championships to be held at New Orleans on Friday and j Saturday of next week. Word was re ceived from Seattle a .few days a o that Martin would bo the only repre e ntatlve from the- northern club to participate in tha Amateur Ath etic union games. Throop liis been train ing; all summer and is expected to be well to the front when tii- short dis tance men reach the tape in the 100 and 2?0 yard dashe*. Mart.n is expected to join the Olympic club team, which will leave for the scene or' the gaincs Sat urday from San Fran( The announcement that these two sprinters will be in competition in New Orleans has been received with considi enthusiasm. Both Mar tin and Throop are as fast aa the cist ern sprinters who are runnirg; at the present time and their efforts are suro to result in additional victories fir western athletes. The . Olympic club team will not be particularly strong in tha sprints, but the entries of Martin and Throop will witness a Wi 11 bal anced aggregation from the coast that is likely to make a clean-up in the senior events on Saturday afternoon of next week. Lee Scott, tha former Stanford po!e vaulter and holder of the world's rec ord in that event, who will compete for the Olympic club In the American championships, will be on the scene of competition tomorrow. Scott let. New York 'on Monday and will have plenty of time to practice on the field which is to be the scene of the games next v,. cii. The balance of the Oiymi ie club team will proceed by way of Los Angeles and will stop here to prac tice. WILL CONSTRUCT NEW U. OF C. CINDER PATH BERKELEY, Oct. 6.— With the re pori today of the secretary for the ts for the University of California to the effect that the pe tition of the student body for a new track had been favorably looked upon by the building and grounds crmmit tee and had received the indorsement the president of the university, it seems very probable that a much ed new cinder path will be con structed on the Berkeley campus in the near future. The location selected for the track is in Strawberry canyon, beginning at a point near the reservoir, below the dairy farm. It will extend across the bed of the canyon, west and south, terminating In a tennis court below the Stringham property. Thf plans that have been considered for the new track call for a flr<t class structure throughout. It- will be a nuarter-mile circular track, with a ,■■.l straightaway. Space for the tii-iil events will be laid off inside the cinder path. The fact that it is to be located in a canyon presents unlimited facilities for unique bleacher con struction. MILWAUKEE WILL HOLD A. A. U. CHAMPIONSHIPS CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Milwaukee will be the scene of the central A. A. U. indoor track and field championships for 1911. This «as the announcement made by President Hermann yeater- Mr Hermann Issued a call for a board meeting, at which the decision • -rd. the meet to Milwaukee will be ratified, and regular date set. It I H probable the affair will be run on either the first or sf-cond Saturday of next March. DANNY LONG SECURES NEW PLAYERS FOR SEALS Danny I.nngr has secured two tipw players for the Seals. They are Weaver, who played shortstop for thn York club of the Trt-state league, and Me] i maid, outfielder and third be man of the Tern Haute club of the Central league. During the pn n they have batti d .286 and .270 They will not don the Seal uniform until next sprinff. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO TEAM TRIMS KEIO JAPS Ti iKK ). Oci 6. Before 10, apecta i Included American Ambas i I'Brii n, the University 'if Chl baseball team today defeated the Ktelo university nine, 3 to 1. Score: errors 1. Kelo 1, hits 5, errors 2, HARRY BURNS IS HERE Harry Burns, manager of the pen nant winning baseball clubs of Em palme, Bonora, Mexico, In the Sonora Winter league, during the seasons of , who, in Hi- sporting 1 In I tnd I often referred to as the "father of 1 a ball on the ,,-, t," .ii"; 1 ■'1 Into the city y. na. p ur lng the two leasons that Burns the Empalme club, he had such celebrities as Pitcher Scott, now twirling tor the Chicago White i ■ i (andil, a! 0 of the Box; "Klti '■ " Knight, I ' ! tie North west league; YOl 1 ••■i — ' nager of the Waco • lub In tl c T xas league, and many others on his club and to contend with on the teams of Hermo ■Hlo and ' iuaymaa. SOME STATISTICS During the season Oakland has . m ore vlctoi over Portland than any other club In tin league. The Wolvertona nave twenty-four wins to their credit on the league lea i i , while they have beaten Sacramento but twenty-one and Los Angeles twenty times Another peculiar feature of the [g the fact that th( ft ■•■ [g due to tluir failure to )> at ■ ■), the tail eiul<'is Poi tland iventy-nlne games from the while the Bi als beal them M out of thirty-two games play. d. Waldo Throop, U. S. C. Time Clipper Who Will Enter New Orleans Meet ; — r —p —_, KING BODIE HOLDS BATTING THRONE Ffyl, Nominal Leader, a Lacking Feature in the Oakland Batting List Ping Bodie continued to larrup the ball at a regular gait during the week and had little trouble in retaining his lead as the coast's best batter. Pyfl and Krueger, who have taken part in but few games, loom up with good averages, but the honors of second place belongs to Fisher. Perry, Dan zig, Van Buren and Shinn of the Sac ramento force made gains for the week. Melchoir took a slump down the line for the Seals, while Jimmy Lewis made a gain of a few points. Maggart is running wild stealing bases, but Howard is coming strong in that line. Carlisle Is the only player with more than 100 runs to his credit. The aver ages follow: Games. AB R H SB Pet. Pfyl, Oakland 24 Tii 10 23 4 .303 Bodle, can Francisco. .186 631 90 177 27 .181 Krueger, Portland ... 27 M II 27 B .231 Fisher, Portland 143 4tlti 62 12S 13 .275 rry, Sacramento ...169 62S 73 172 32 .274 Shaw, San Francisco.l2l 377 45 103 16 .273 Tennant, San Fran . .104 723 73 193 30 .267 Madden, San Fran.... 70 237 23 63 1" .266 Lewis. San Franclsco.ll9 430 35 114 16 .265 Danzig, Sacramento,.lll 420 39 111 13 .264 Hosp, Vernon 18 103 13 27 6 .264 Daley, ..Los Angeles. ..187 666 97 ISO 41 .262 Carlisle. Vernon IS7 67G US 176 36 .269 Melchoir, San Fran... 554 54 143 26 .2f.S Maggart, Oakland ....183 614 75 167 59 .256 Hogan, Oakland 162 600 Bt> 152 29 .261 Wolverton, Oakland..ls2 52? 42 130 fi .250 Cameron. Oakland ...US 538 46 134 16 .249 Casey, Portland 144 453 36 113 6 .247 Bernard, Los Angele».l63 518 66 128 23 .247 R. Braahsar, Vernon.lSO >j2'J 82 152 34 .245 Howard, Los Angcles.l7l 607 62 14S 62 .244 Van Buren, Bacram..lsl 638 54 130 IS .242 5-hlnn, Sacramento ..168 EM 71 144 40 .211 Ryan, Portland 167 627 69 151 25 .241 Rapps, Portland' 170 673 66 138 23 .239 Swander, Oakland ...ISO 642 54 152 19 .237 Dillon, Los Angeles...l6o 665 59 131 27 .237 Hetling, Portland .... 83 253 24 6(i 6 .234 Stewart, Ban Fran.... 47 107 10 25 4 .234 Nagle, Los AllKfles .. 4t 120 7 28 5 .233 Thomas, Oakland .... 7S 198 9 46 9 .233 Murphy, Los Angeles. lßo 6-18 69 160 S3 .232 Wares, o«k!and 187 675 61 156 44 .231 Willett, Vernon 40 I2ii ll 29 7 .231, Olsen, Portland 171 652 s>i 150 34 .230 Coy, Vernon 172 «20 57 142 23 .22.! I: irdman, Sacramen.l6o 654 42 131 6 .229 Viit San Francisco ..165 605 74 137 35 .226 Burrell, Vernon l"2 453 37 109 13 .226 Stovall, Vernon 119 353 40 B. 22 .225 Kastley, San Fran .. 33 SO 4 18 0 .22:> Roth, Los Angeles ...122 429 25 96 13 .224 Tozer, Los Angeles .. 37 107 10 2! 3 .224 Delmas, Los Angeles.lßo 805 47 132 14 .222 N Braahear, Vernon.l6l 886 44 119 14 .222 Cutxhaw, Oakland ....185 656 68 150 41 .219 Brlggs, Sacramento ..MS 629 40 188 18 .219 Waring, i-'is Angeles. 57 144 13 31 1 .217 Lively, Oakland 46 127 10 27 1 .213 Rom,, Vernon 97 288 26 60 S .210 McCredle, Portland .. 62 163 16 84 0 .208 Brown Vernon 121 865 27 76 16 .208 Speas. Portland 149 486 38 98 20 202 Carroll, Oakland .... 102 2SB 32 68 13 .201 INJURY OF EVERS HAS CHANGED ODDS ON SERIES CHICAOO, Oct. B.—While brtting on orld's series between Chicago and Philadelphia has not yet become brisk, ral wagers have been laid. "Piker" bets have been laid at vari ous place?, the average price being 10 to 7 on the cubs, but those, on the long end now demand even money. Most , , the wagers were placed before the injury to Johnny Evens, and the lay ers contend that with liim out of the game it is an even-money content. AMATEUR SCHEDULE OAMES FOR SUNDAY r.ns AngelM Atliletlc dul> and ralms, at I'nlms. >uth Central* an<l Burk Athletlo club, at Ascot I'ark. Ktvals an.l Downey, at Downey. I.os \dkcU-h t'ul)» «ud j:i Monte, at El Montt. Gn-at Easterns and Oeeanslde, at Oceanßlde. \\. si minuter* and Jeffer«nn Centrals, nt Fortieth and MeKlnley avenue. Los Angeles Grny» and Oxnard, mt Ox uarcl. J'ecan I'latinc and San Fernando, at Sun Fernando. O!hi(!a First* and Goldninlths, at Ollnda. Ollndn Second* and Santu Ana, at Sun I v Ana. Eurllils and California Athletlo < liih, at Boyle llel(flit» (morning.) . Bedondo and Gardena, at Gardena. Vnlverslty Merchant* and San Tedro, at .San I'edro. Moneta Merchant* and Dya*-CHne», at 1-ort.v-seventh and Moneta avenue. Wblttief and Teddy Uear*. at Lai Nelton (second game of aerie*.) Walnut and rotnona, at Toniona. Klvemlde and Arlingtons, at Arlington. HATL'KDAY GAMES Clune* and Soldiers' Home, at Soldiers Itome. EVERS' INJURY SERIOUS; MAY CAUSE RETIREMENT Friends Fear That Speedy Sec ond Baseman Will Never Play Again CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—John Evefs, the •Chicago National's crack second base man, had his leg reset yesterday at the West Side hospital. A number of his teammates were located in the gallery of the operating room and watched the setting of the broken bone, and when Dr. Davis, who con ducted the operation, declared it was the worst break he ever saw in any man's leg, they all left the hospital with the id/-a that Bvan might never get well enough to come back. For forty-eight hours, at least, Evfirs will have to lie with his leg elevated at an angle of forty-five degrees. Be fore he can move the Injured member the plaster cast will have to harden. Some unforeseen accident might occur between now and the time of healing, and such a thing Is possible, accord ing to Dr. Davis and his assistants. He acknowledged that the break In Evert' leg Is the most complicated he has ever Imd to deal with, and while the physicians feel certain they will be able to turn him out in good shape, six chances 'in ten are aganst the scoedy second baseman. OUTLOOK FOR RACING BRIGHT A EMERYVILLE EMERYVILLE, Oct. 6.—The outlook for some fair sport this coming race season is very encouraging. While but few important stables have been an nounced to campaign out here up to date, it is safe to assert that there will be several hundred useful horses at Emeryville at the opening on the 12th of next month. Last season turfmen were timid about shipping out here on account of the uncertain condition that surrounded the turf. Judging by the rulings last year, the California Jockey club do not fear any interference, al though it is common gossip that the steam roller is to be applied to oral bitting at the next legislature. The purses this season are to be bingor. which will have a tendency to Improve the sport, which was very b>\<\ lust season, and judges standing for a Whole lot of In and out running. The horses that performed at Salt Lake. Vancouver, Butte, Ogden, Denver and other western points are now being shipped to Oakland. California should secure at least ten stables from Louis ville and half a dozen from the Can adian trucks. It is also likely that half a hundred horses that figured at the y C( nt New York meetings will be sent here. SOLDIERS ENJOY BALL GAMES AT ATASCADERO CAMP ATASCADERO, Oct. 6.—Ac tive maneuvers were commenced by the California National Guard today when Its cavalry, acting from Asun i i<in toward Sandy Ridge, worried the Infantry into deploying for action. In tii" morning the entire command, reg ular, and national guard alike, turned out to witness the field firing of a war strength infantry battalion, augment ed by three machine gun platoons, all under Major Wright of the Eighth infantry. The baseball league is providing 1 much sport of Interest to the camp. Two games were playi il yesterday, the Eighth infantry defeating the engi neer! 19 to 7, and the Thirtieth Infan try winning from the Eighth cavalry, 9 to 3. The standing now is: Team. Won. Lost. Pet. Eighth infantry 2 0 .1000 Field artillery 1 0 .lono Thirtieth Infantry 1 0 .1000 Engineers 0 1 .0000 Eighteenth Infantry o 1 .00(10 Klghth cavalry 0....J .OO.Hi BRITISH COLUMBIA WILL PLAY STANFORD AND U. C. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 6.—The Brit ish Columbia Rugby unions are m >k ing preparation! lor the annual visit of their representative team to pi ly California and Stanford universities hero this month. The team -will ar rive here Sunday, October 22, and play the first game of the tour against Cali fornia university on the following Wednesday. A. A. OF C. HOLDS MEET SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6.—The thirty-third semi-annual field clay of the Academic Athletic league of Cali fornia will be hold on the University of California cinder track next Satur day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The en try list exceeds that of any previous fall meet of the league, and from nil Indications the meet should be a record breaker, aa seventeen of the leading high soliool teams of the state have en tered teams. ANGELS DEVELOP SPEED AND WIN, 4-2 Howard Slams Ball for a Home Run, and Criger Makes Three-Bagge- OAKIAXP, Oct. 6.—Six lilts off Browning, one of them • homo run "y Howard, proved •ufllolent today to give Los Angeles its second victory over San Francisco by ■ iOOre of 4 o 2. Hrownlng was relieved In the slxtii, Kastley taking up the burden, and w ille the latter was touched up lor flva nits, none ot them figured In the tally line. Los Angeles had its batting clothes unpacked for the day, Crlgar hammer- Ina out a triple and Smith B doubli'. bealdea Howard's long drive (or n homer. Crlger and Nagle, wlio relieve;! | him in the BUth, allowed ne hits, but fast fielding and poor base running j prevented San Francisco from piling up more than two runs. Score: LOi ANGELES ab r h sn ro a H rialov cf * >> ° ° 1 '■ 0 ' 1 So'narx'rt":::::::::::.... Si j 0 1 J 0 Howard. 2h S » 4 « 1 4 0 Dillon, lb ■« l 3 I '. : „ Murphy, If !• S ? -2 1 ? ? Halllmm, 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 K-i'-SHE SSK ,' ::::::::::::::::::j j. jjj J j Totals .....' 32 411 8r 14 ' SAN FRANCISCO AH R H SB PO A E Madden, of » ] • • • \ » Shaw, ss , b rt ■> 0 3 0 0 Melchoir rf • ft J • « ' 0 Bodle, If :;::::::::::•:::« o 1 110 0 o T«n»«yt. lb i ? Jo 3 l o •::::::::::::::: . s » Mohler. 2b 0 Browning, p l o 0 o o 0 o xllenley 2 0 10 0 10 Eastley, p -J _____ _ Total , 36 2 9 1 87 17 1 ibattea'tw Browning In flfth Inning. SCORE BY INNINOS- Urn Ansele. 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0-4 Ba.e hits J J J * f J Jo 0-2 ta^TSu^..::::::::SS ?«»•••*-• SIMMAUY Four runs and 8 hit, off nrownln* In *r« smmm too Umpires-McQreevy and Irwln. LOUISVILLE RESULTS TOUISVILLE, Oct, 6.-CHmatic and tho favor™. was cut off in the back sUeUh and finished outside tho money. Summary:. lon .,_idi«weiss, won; l-'lrst race. six f urI °"* envor. thlra. Mln.ilnette. Becond, Ja*-W «ea I:l" 6i'fth race six furlon S «—l-lttie Father, ""sixth race mile and » sixteenth—Camel, wonf The Pee™ second; Pirate Diana, third. Time, 1:64. _________ OGDEN RACES nrnF « Oct. 6.—Arlonette. the favorite, won The feature race today. Balronla w.. a close contcn.ler. Joek.y Qaugel wa» 1U" pended Indeflnttely becau.e. with Alaxle, he cut off lnau«i.ratlo,i In the second race. Summary: vimt n\x furlongs—Hannibal Hey. wnn; Silver blocking, .ccond; Altalr. third. Tlmo' 1:1 T. Baoond race, five furlonus—Alaxlo. won; Inauguration, second; Cruzlnda, third. Pime, 1:03 3-5. Thir.l race, flvo furlongn— won; Tuhe Rose, second; Zlcll Ahrams. tutrd. Time, 1:03 1-6. Fourth r«ce, nix furlongs—Arlonette, won; Balronla, second; Sowell, third. Time, 1:15. Fifth race, one mile —Captain Burnett, won; Oberon, neconil; Knight of Ivanhoo, third. Time, l; 48 *■'■>■ Blzth race, seven r\irlon_»— Netting, won; Dorothy Ann. second; Dr. Downle. third. Time, 1:31. OGDEN ENTRIES First race, live (urlonga—Zlch Abramn, Aquiline, Aunt Polly. 105; Jim CafTeraln, 10a; Galene Gale, Runsum, 99. Second race, live furlongs—Amargosa, Dor lde, 100; St. Heller, Copper City, 105. Third face, five furlongs- -lit: Knowi, Alaxle, Byron, 106; Busy Man, HurnlnK Buih, 101; Susie Qregg, Ill; Orelio, 99. Fourth race, five furlongi—Thtetle Eell<-, 118; llannuh I.oulse, 105; Metropolitan, 1H; Tube ROM, 100. Fifth race, one mile — Geiico. Pnrlnst Ban, Swell Olrl. 102; Hannibal Oheron. 107. sixth raoe, six furioiiKS —Sir Barry, 105; Harry Btanhope, Judge Bhortall, Pal, Moss back, Nebraska Lass. 108. ( CLANS GATHERING FOR GOLF TITLE TOURNEY CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Miss Lillian B. Hyde of Bay Shorn, L. 1., representing the advance Ku;irU of eastern golfera who are coining for th'o national woman's championship, which takes place at Homewood next week, arrived in Chicago yesterday. Many players are expected to arrive today. Including Mlsk Fannie Osroocl of Boston, MIH Frances Griscom, Mrs. R. H. Barlow .ma Mrs. Caleb Fox of Philadelphia. The Canadian delegation, Including Miss Dorothy Campbell, the present title holder; Mrs. Thompson and four or five others, are due Friday. The Canadian women will meet a team of western women In match play on Sat urday. PHIL BROCK AND TOM MURPHY FIGHT A DRAW CANTON, Ohio, Oct. (].—rbll Urmk, of (Wi-lund, und Turn Murphy, i>f Ni-iv York, fought a fa*t 1 ©-round, draw here tonight. WEBFOOTERS TRIM SENATORS AGAIN Portland Still in Winning Stride, and Arellanes Is Selected a Victim y POUTLAND, Oct. 6.—Portland won tlio Moond game of the present series with Sacramento, 3 to 1, today. Both pitchers made flno ihowinga, and It was only the good fortuno of Portland In hitting Arrellanes In two Innings that saved the day for the locals. Score: BACRAM.BNTq AB R H BB ro A M Shinn. 2b i 0 0 0 1 40 v,u, Burco, cf .. 4 0 i 0 4 0 v ll.isi.r. lb I 0 0 0 1,0 U Dan»ig. lb 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 , Uoai-diimn, 3b ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 ■ Brlggs, Tt I 0 0 0 0 0 0 Burns, M 3 10 0 3 10 La Longe. c 10 0 0 2 0 0 Arrellanos, p ... 3 o 1 0 l 3 l Splmmao, o 1 0 o °_f-_f_ Total, 30 1 * *\.H 19 1 PORTLAND AB R 11 SB PO A M Ryan, cf a 0 0 o 10 o Ol«on. »a 3 110 2 3 0 ! Kruegor, if « 1 1 ° * ° ° > c««ey, 2b 3 0 0 0 I 3 I I Sheehan, 3b 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 I R.i|)|>B. lb .1 0 1 0 » 0 0 I ni-l. rl 3 0 3 0 2 0 X Kisher, c 4 0 0 0 I i a ; Sieon, p 2 1 1 0 0 J_ J_ Totals 2,7 3 « 0 27 13 3 ■OORH BT INNINGS Sacramento 0001000 — Baiie hits ...11001100 o—i0 — i Portland 00000210 —3 Base hit* ..0 0101211 •— SUMMARY Struck out — By Steon, t; Arellanes, S. Bnsos on balls —Stecn. 2: Arellanes. 4, Two base hit — Kruogor. Baorlßo* hit,—Helster, Caaey, Ryan. Stolen bases—Arellanes, Bheehan, Rappa. Hit by pitched« ger. Paand ball—Flshor. Kirst ba,e on errors—Sacramento. 1; rortland, 1. Wild pitch — Steen. L*ft on bases —Sacramento, 5; Portland, S. Time of game, 1.40. Ur n. plrM — Finney and Rankln. HETLING CASE MAY DECIDE PENNANT National Commission's Decision Will Probably Be Pennant Award of 1910 Judge Graham derlarea that Waltp»- McCredla is laying the Portland olub open to a rleal of trouble with the na tional baaeball commission by defylns the pn-sitifiit of the Coast league with I threats of turning outlaw. Up to uato President Oraham has not officially received Wolverton's, protesta of all the games in which Hetling took part, and until tho official scorer at Portland'delivers the written protests to him the Judge of course cannot de cide whether Portland will lose to Oakland the three games which Het ling helped win. President Graham re fased to commit himself, but the Ouks Intend to make a fight for their con tentlon and Portland stands in dangrr of losing its hold on first place. If the games are awarded to Oakland the fig ures stand as follows: Clubs— Won. Lort, P<-t. OaklanJ i"4 80 .6W Portland 94 73 .663 Tho decision of awarding the three games practically means tho crisis- of the pennant race, for with such a good lead obtained the Oaks would have a half Nelson on the Beavers, who only have two more weeks of play on tholr own grownds. PIONEER OF BASEBALL CONGRATULATES CUBS CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—A. G. Spaldlnsr, candidate for United States senator from California and a veteran of thb baseball game, called itt the hpad quarters of the chioiiffo ' National leaguo team yesterday to congratulate Manager Frank L.. Chance, president C. W. Murphy and momhers of tha team for winning tho 11)10 pennant. During his visit Mr. SpiUdinp; was pri lented with the baseball which ho pitched- forty years ago this summer when the Chicago White Sox defeated the Forest City team at Rockford. Mr. Bpaldlng expressed tho opinion that the baseball season should bo shortened. v •| am heartily in nccord with tho stand taken by President Johnson oi" the American league, and to my notion the ideal baseball season should start late in April and end October. 1," said Spalding. "Then the world's series, the greatest event of the baseball yfiir, would be started under perfect weather conditions. Mark my words, the game li going to the dogs unless some radical changes are made along these lines." f Never $3.00 Vest It's the Same Fine Hat $3.00 Everywhere Else Always $2.50 Here r > La Touche V 25 6S. Broadway, Near 3rd ,