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"LATEST FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTS MARKET SUFFERS SHARP REACTION Speculation in Stocks Is Listless and Without Marked Initiative SPECIALTIES ARE FAVORED Demand of the Interior for Cash Begins to Reassert Its Influence [Associated Press] NIOW YORK. Oct. 6.—Thero was a relapse into llatleisneai in tho specu lation in stocks, and operations were hesitating and without marked Initia tive. The Kharp reaction nL' the day re ■ulted in considerable dllCOtirage nt to movemonts for a rise. It \v:ia the current supposition that an organiza tion recently formed to conduct a mar ket movement on nn enlarged sciin had encountered opposition in tho form of free offerings front bankers and from Insiders, which acted as an admonition that these interests were out of sympa thy with the attempt to conduct un ex tensive speculation at this time. Tho Immediate condition In tijn local money market if ■somewhat easier with the passing away of the effects of the October money payments. Tho interior demand for cash beßins to reassert its Influence. "Tun sub treasury absorption of funds also gaea on, although moderated from the de mands of last week. There was renewed attention pntd to Ftncks known as specialties, which am often subject to individual Influenai < outside the current of general tenden cies In the market. The substantial ad vances here and there in such Stocks was believed to bo caused by market pools formed fox tho purpose. The re currence of this movement overcame to Komo extent tho heaviness shown at one time during the day. Lower prices for cupper in London did not hurt tho copper Industrials in the local market. ltonds were stendy. Total sales, par value, $2,287,000. United Slates bonds were un hanged on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wll »on, 212 W»«t Fifth Btreet, Los AnKeles, mem ber New York etock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stuck and bond exchange of Baa Francisco. NEW YOIIK, Oct. 6.—Following were the quotations today: Bales. Stock. Hich. Low. Bid. Ask. 400 Allls-Chalmers ... 9% 9% 9% 9% 200 do preferred 31% r.i 32' i 84% lE,3ooAmalg Copper .... n:,-, MU r, \ M 1,200 Amer Bret Sugar. 38"4 S7^i 88v t 38% do preferred D 314 94% 10<1 Amer Can Co 8U 8U 1% 8% 200 flo preferred 68% 63% 6814 68% 100 Am Car and Fdry 48 48 4St; 49 do preferred 114 111% 700 Am Cotton Oil ... 65V4 65 f.5'4 C 5% Amer Ex -. .. 2!» 270 Am Ice Securities .. .. ISI4 18*4 Amer LlnMfld 11 12% do preferred SI 3354 . I'» Amer Locomotive. 35% 35% 87% SBV4 8(K) do preferred 104% 103 10.1 1"1 6,400 Am Bmlt and Rfg. 69% 68% KM »9% 100 ilo preferred 10114 10114 102 102% 1,000 Arier Sugar 117 115% 11(1 11614 rlo preferred 115 117 Am Steel Fdl.' 43 4314 40C Am Tel and Tel ..137% 13714 13714 137% 200 Amer Tob pfd .... 94% 94 94 9414 400 Amer Woolen 30% 8014 30% 31 do preferred 94% 95 300 Atineonda 40 39% 83i 40 Atlantic C Line 114 114% 4 7fio AT* Santa Fe..100% »9H 10014 100 200 do preferred 100% 10014 100' i 100% 700 Bait & Ohio 106% 100 lon»i 106% do preferred 90 81 1,400 B n T 76% 7B\i 7614 76V 10 700 Canadian Pacific..l 96% 1M 193% 193« i 14 200 C Sl O 8214 s(l'i 8214 8214 100 C & a SI 35 S6 3514 me & o XV 23% 2311 23% 24 300 do preferred 47% 4714 47' i 47% 100 C *. N W 14714 14714 147* 148 2 900 C M&St P 122% 121 1811 122% 100 do preferred 14814 14514 US 149 300 Central Leather .. 34Vi 34y 4 34H i 34% .. do preferred 10414 IKB Cent of N J -- 2>7 300 500 CC C &St Ii 75<4 75 7514 17 .'.... do preferred .. •• 99 110 ' 400 Colorado F and I. 32% 3214 32% U ..!.... do preferred 100 120 Columbus HCft 1.. ■• 614 7 600 Colorado Southern E6% 66 IS6II 57 do Ist preferred 74 .5 .. do 2d prefererd 73 75 ■■"800 Consolidated Ga5..133% 13214 18SM U3li 200 Corn Products .... 15% 15% ir.% 16, . do preferred ■■ 7ri: 7715 ""400 Del & Hudson 16616' 16514 1«« 168% D L A W 497% 625 :::::::»Sis 31%y 35% 100 do preferred 73 73 TWf 73 100 Diamond Match .. 8714 S7>4 S7 8714 300 Distil Securities .. 29% 29% 2914 29 4 Duluth S S * A 13 "H 300 do preferred 2414 24 24 25 3100 Erie 27% 27% 27% 27H 400 do Ist preferred.. 4514 46 4i;'4 4514 100 do 2d preferred.. 38% 35% 3514 36 1700 General Electric. 147% 150% ir.l% 200 Ot Northern Ore.. 67 57 57 Bs 1,700 Gt Northern pfd..l2S<4 127H 1M 12S i ....... Illinois Central .. 13014 13211 2500 Interboro-Metro ..21 2014 B< H« 2*oo do preferred 6614 65V4 B6 BCfc Inlernat Paper llvi J2 £s^safa-;:::a?ajg h •"wolnternat Pump ...42% 42% 42U UM 100 do preferred 844 84H IHi 300 lowa Cf-ntra! 17% «V 4 ljjt ljii 200 do preferred 84 34 53% 34 100 X C Southern .... 31 31 soi, H do preferred J4 6a L, E & Western .. .. .. " 20 . do preferred »« *B 45 "* JoftT. & N M 5% 145 14014 146 Silackay 92V t 0114 02 9211 100 do preferred 7614 7614 7614 77 200 Manhattan 1M 141-4 144J4 l«H 200 Mexican Central.. 3214 33 8214 3214 Minn & St L, 24 26 do nreferred • • 43 oi *T7OOMSt P&SSM..IS2T4 132U 132% 133<^ do preferred 145 150 •io,'9oi M X* Texas .... U% 3314 34% Mk .... do preferred «3V4) 6414 ■" 600 Missouri Pacific .. B4 64 6414 54% 400 National Lead ...*55 54 6414 55 ... do preferred 10314 10514 ""m National Biscuit.. 110% 10914 10914 11014 ' 100 do preferred 121% 121% 121 122 •600 Nevada Cons 2014 2014 2014 20!4 N V Air Brake 73 , 76 ■"766 N V Central 113% 11314 113% 114 .....Y. NYC& St I, 63 65 .. do Ist preferred IMJ4 110 do 2d preferred BS% 95 '"IMNYNHS Hart.ls4 164 163 154 ioONYOntftW 4114 4114 4114 41H 800 Norfolk & Western 984 97% 9811 9814 do preferred ..«.. .. .. 8314 90 North American mn'iiH 1& ■'3,400 Northern PucillcllSVi 117V4 11SH UIH Omaha « }" .7 do preferred .. IJS IM . PaclftoCoaßt :::::: »h m™ 1U ■■"iOO Pacific Mall 31% 31% 31 31% 2,900 Penna R n C0....129T4 129>i 129% 129% 100 People's Gas 107% 107% 107% 10714 Fittuburnr Coal •• 17 17% ""460 do preferred 6S 6814 6814 60V4 .„. PCC& St L 93 98 do preferred 105 115 ""ioo Pressed Steel Car. 33V4 8314 3314 81 do preferred 95 . 97 "" ".. By Steel Springs.. .. '.. 34 88 " .. do preferred 93 »9 '63J00 Reading H7V4 146 147>4 14714 „ do Ist preferred.. .. .. 86V4 88 ■"■" a o Id preferred 96 98 ■■"ioOßepublio S and 13114 31% 3114 31% . do preferred .. H 93% "j;000 Rock Inland C.O .. 31% 31 31% 31% 800 do preferred ..... 63 63 li3V4 «4 600 Sloss Shef S and \ 62% 61 51% B3 . do preferred ....?.. .. 105% 114% :; .... 68 «6 , ■ 700 do 2.1 preferred.. 41% 40% 41 41% 100 St 1/ & S W 30 29 28 30 20« do pr-ferred 67% r.7 66 . 70 6,500 Spiithern r.-iclflc,V4 114% 115% 115V4 200 Southern Railway. 23% 23% MM -24% 600 .lo preferred 64% 64% 64% 65% 10,300 Tenneieee Copper. 35% 33Vi 85% 35% , '. Texas Pnolflo 27% 2S 1,700 Third Aye 10% 9% 10% 10% 800 Toledo St Cj & W. MM 26% 25% 26 300 do preferred 68% 58 67% 58% 200 Twin City R T...113% 118% 118% lll',i. Un Bag and Paper .... 8 9 . do preferred • •• 64 60 I 43,800 Union Pa»»no .'....16774 ICC% 167% 167% 100 Union' Pacitlo pfd. 81% 91% »1 »Vi Uplted lids of S F .. .. 27 29 do preferred 67 58 , U S Cast Irn Plpo .. .. 1r.% I* "do preferred 60 80 . U S Rubber 36'j 36% 100 do it preferred..lo9% 109% 109% 1011% do 2d preferred 70 76 67 400 U • fltcel Cor .... 6974 68% 69% 69% 800 do preferred UTS« 117% 117% 118 4,600 Utah Copp« 49% 48% tWi «Jt 4,300 Va-Car Cliem Co. 60% 60 60% M% .. .. do preferred 122'< i I^3 200Wabash n 1«H 18% 17 2,700 do preferred 37 30 8M 37 .. Wells Fargo B» .. .. •■ '»» , ]2' i 2,700 Western Union ... 75% 74% 76U 70% 4,500 Wostlnghouse 72% 70% 72% 7.% 1 1.100W&LE 6% 6% 6% 6% .. do Ist preferred 10 1 j do 2d preferred 6 7 Wisconsin Central. .. ... 64% r.r.% 200 Am Hide and Lea 4% 4% 4V* 4,* "i'lMAm J5? and Chem. MM « 46 «M ••••«,,£BETS*"*:** im» g* do preferred ™ ™ S^iS!U:Ssa a f: «}* sssSm fff |8 a. as 100 do preferred 121 121 120 .12 --4,100 Oolclflfld Cons .... 8 7% ••••^Westilary'land"::;^ '''■' 47% 47% 100 rullman 163 163 M 3 i»J Total sales, Mt.MO shares. _ NEW YORK BONDS ■fumleJ aervlee to THe Herald by .1. C. Wll .? Ml w!lt Fifth street, T.o Angeles, mem "e-'NVw Yo,k stock aMbange, Chlca board o? trad* Btock and bond exchange of San Frnnclsco. NEW vnr.K. OctreT-Followln, were the eloelng quotations: ™'L, AsKea. Atchison gen 43 '■ * 1(lS Atehlson cony 4» • ''J™ V,JJ Baltimore and Ohio Ist 4s ••••_•••_•; jj* JJ^ Colorado Industrial 5s 77 78 Colorado Industrial 6« " „„ U s Realty 6s "' 76 7? Hock Island col to.. . flr(4 Southern Pacllio ref 4s »» »»» Southern Paciflo col ta « t Union Pacific Ist 4s j"l J.'t Union Paolno cony 4s ™ JM g U S Buel 6s \.£ 67 H United Railway 4s • fiB ™ 65Vi v,,,1.i h deb 4a •■■ •••••••• , 4 94U Western Facinc 68 gj % 93 Armour Co 4%» sg 1* 90 Japanen 4s ..^- """... M 94% Japanese Ist *W ... 93>4 03% .laiianeso F-int conv:-i,"::::: 0,1/ 95% Southern racltlc conv_ 4s » Denver and R O rcf Bs «jU ln]1; UH 2s registered inn^ ]flUi U S 2s coupon I'!.". ]fl] 102% US 3s registered I(U% 102V4 U B 3s coupon 114 11S i IT S 4a registered llr 115^ US 4s coupon iotv% ... Panama 2s '""100% Panama 1988s •; FINANCIAL RECORD 2T £sf« cc^ Mruirn y g %"» , S" ninctT aays,' 4%«6 per Cec t.ose S! Xtpr.m Oe ntmercat 4t.'ie "pa^r. 6% to (i exchange steady with actua^bu. l-nr sliver. 64,%. q 1o Cv Xer^e dnt"an'd ra?iroa a bond, steady. TREASURY STATEMENT '"^.r^uS^OoTd'oOin. 5597.971.669; sll '"f- n 4l"und--Standard silver doHars in diary slKer coin. H8.423.554; minor coin, $812,652! total balance in IHMI tuna, J91.995.081. FRUIT MARKET SAY PRAWCIBCOi Oct. 6.—Fruits— Fancy nrfnte? V. v • common, 35c. Berries, straw- E rrios *3 50©5 00; blackberries, nominal; tit- fancy TO. Pomegranites, 75ct0J2.5"; nerslmmons 75c@»1.25; quinces, 75W»00. Orai^es Valonclas, |».60©3.00; Mexican Umes 1J.8001.00. Lemons, common Call foTn'a, BI.BOT fancy. $5.50. Melons, water- Sn,, * |1.00w:.00; nutmegs, 65c®*1.0J; ancv' cantaloupes, $1.75; common. 81.M. 'noi.icaim.lts, bananas, 780® 18.00; pineap ples, |2.00®2.50. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT NEW YORK, Oct. 6.— Evaporated apples, nuict steady, unchanged; spot, fancy, 10c; choice. l5#»H«l prime. B<a)B%c; common 'Vrunes^nrm. 0-offerings lighted; 6 to 10c tof CaUfornlas up to 30-40.; 7%@9V4c for °rA»??cot« quiet, easier; choice ll%012c; extra choice, 12>i<iD13c; fancy 13%©14 c. Peaches, quiet, barely steady; choice, 7 @ 7 iic; extra choice, S(3>B%; fancy. B*i©Bo. Raisins, dull, steady; loose muscatels, 65ViS> 66c for 'i'u i crownj choice to fancy seeded, 6%©Be; seedless, 6Si 6c; London layers, (1.2001.15. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 6—Flour— Family extras, |8.89©«.00j bakers' extras, JS.SOWS; Oregon and Washington, 4.50@5.00. Wheat —Shipping,. *1.60® 1.55, Barley — Feail, 97% c" brewing, ll.00»1.05. Oats—Red. |1ia@1.27«,i white, $1.60@1.60; blacK, VlB 1.50. MUlstuffs— Middling*. Jt4.VO« 36.00: mixed feed, »25.00 20.00; rolled bar ley, 132.005f23.00j oatmeal, J4.25; oat groats, 14.86; rolled oats, $29.00@31.00. Hay— Wheat, J7.00@14.00; wheat ami oat, 18.00® 11 60- oat. wild, JG.504(>9.00; oat, tame, J7iU> 1160; ulfalla, $7.00®13.00; straw, 35@600.' Recoipts—Flour. 1317; whaat, 3930; barley, 15 116; oat«, S6O; beans, 3674; corn. 6a»; i)o'tatoo3. 3205; onions, 1955; bran, 142; mia dllnga, 182; hay, 748; hops, 142; hides. 1U6&; wine, 35.600, Beans—Pink, »5.25@5.50; lima, |I.<;SO 4.90; small white, $3.75 ib 3.90; large white, $5,7593.t0, l'otutoos, Salinas Burbanks, |1 01.60; Merced sweets, lOtMe. Onions, fancy, 11.15; common, $1.05. Various, greon ]>eaa, 40601 string beans, SMO4O! egg l)lant, 40Sia0c; green peppers, 40@60c; to matoes, 2ufu3Sc; summer squash, su4i'7ic; gorlic, SttiiilHe; cuoumbers, 40@76c. Poultry—Roosters, old, |8.00@6.50j roost ors, young, (6.00@8.60; broilers, small, {3.00 ©3.60; broilers, larg«, 13.5004.0U; fryers, 56.00Q6.00; hens, |6.00@10.00; ducks, old, $U.00^17.00; ducks, young, 18.004J 10.00; geese, 13.0003.00; goslings, I 2.00©3.00; pig uons. young. J1.501Ui1.75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Oct. 8. —Cattle, receipts esti mated at 7000; market strong; bseves, 14.70 r,, 8.00; Texas steers, $4.10@5.66; western steers. $4,004*6.76; stockei-H and feeders, $3 40<6>5.75; cows and heifers, 12.25^6.40; calves, $7.50@10.O0; hogs, receipts estimated at 11,000; market. 10 higher, light, $B.«s(jj' 0.20; mixed, $8.40©a.15; heavy, $B.U«S.KI>; iuugh, $8.16&>8.40; good Lo choice heavy, $5.40w».!i5; pigs, $S.2o«f u.ou; bulk of sales, $8.60@8.85. Sheep, receipts estimated at 40 000- market steady; natives, $;'.60©4.26; western, $a.7u@4.:0; yenrlings, $4,304(16.50; lambs, native, $4.60W7.00; western, $4.loitf 7.00. NEW YORK EXCHANGE CHICAGO, Oct. 6.— -Exchange on U«w York, 20c discount. LOS ANGELES IIEKALD: FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7, 1910. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6.—Bank clearings wera 52,:.i3,28i.91. an Increase of 1156,274. over 1909. For throe yours tho report o£ .the clearing house compares as follows: 1910. 1909. 1908. ■ October 5.... 13,077,424.80 12,147,692.36 »1.713,616.5.1 October 4.... 2.605.337.78 8,066,017.35 1,589,110.58 October 6.... 8,378,169.63 8.894,253.93 2,04«,920.a3 October 8.... 2,253,281.i1l 2,098.007.07 1,694,091.63 , LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Tho market on the stock exchange for Thurs day was an exceptionally good one. Prlcea wore well maintained and In some Instances phoWAd a xain. ; Union Oil was Rotlve and firm at 99, ooneld- , erable stock changing hands at that price. Th' remainder or the Union Issues remained about at .1. i ilay'n close. Mexican common and preferred were the star tiiii and each showed a gain of nearly a I point. Mexican common showed great itrenfth and there were orders on tho Boor [or all I there was to be had at prices which showed a , decided gain over yesterday. j Cleveland was very active, but ihowed no change. Consolidated Midway waj also a good I trader, but there was no decided movement In i this stock. American Petroleum showed ai gain and was In domand at 69. I The bank stocks were strong, but no trnns- | actions ware nude. The bond list showed only I I un Inquiry for Home first mortgage. The market shows a decidedly good under- | tone, and any day Is liable to show a decided | advaiice In the active traders. mohnin<; IAUM 40 Assoclaed Oil 43.87%; 20 Am Pet Co com (i8.6f1; 11,000 Cleveland oil 3; 4000 do VA 1000 Consol Midway 24%: 100U do 24%; 8000 do 23%; 3000 do 24; 100 Cal Midway o?,; 2000 do 60%; 10 Mcx Pel Ltd com 82.62%; 10 do 32.75; 10 do 32.87%; 10 do 33; 60 do 33.25; 60 do 83.12%; ISSS Union -99; 10 Union Prov Co 97. AFTKHNOON *AI.I> 3000 Cleveland 2%; 6000 do 2%; 3000 Cons Mid- I way 24; 8000 do 23%; 40 Mcx Pot Ltd com 33.25; ' 300 do 33.12%; 10 do, buyer 30, 83.75; 10 do do ! 83 62%; 70 Union 99; 10 Union Prov Co 07; 100 ■■ Palmer oil Co 1.53; 10 Mcx Pet Ltd pfd 63. BANK STOCKS • ' Bid. Asked. All Night and Day Bank 40.00 125.00 Bunk of Southern California 100.00 8.-adway Bank and Trust 150.00 176.00 California Savings Bank 115.00 ..... Central National Bank ' 179.00 18<!.(IO Citizens' National 200.00 Commercial National 160.00 ..... Equitable Savings Bank . 200.00 Farmers and Merchants Nt 1....271.00 Fi .eral Bank of Ljs Angeles... 12.50 First National 485.00 ..... German American Savings 3W.00 340.00 Globe Savings Bank 120.00 Homa Savings Bank of L. A...11K.00 Merchants' National 660.00 •■•" Merchants Bank and Trust Co 145.00 National Bank of California ...190.00 National Bank of Commerce ...105.00 ..... Security Savlngj Bank 300.00 876.00 The Southern Trust Co 67.00 76.00 (50 per cent paid up) U. S. National Bank >.... 1-45 i INDCSTHIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. A.1f.1. Cal Portland Cement Co 65.00 85.00 California Hospital *°-w BOison Electric pfd 70.00 70.50 Edison Electrlo com 60.00 62.00 Hawaiian Com and Sugar ■ 41.00 Home Telephone pfd 26.12Va '" — Home Telephone com 4.75 6.60 Hutchlnson S P Co 17.00 19.0» L A Athletic Club W.OO L, A Brewing Co • 10°-» L A Investment Co •■!' Mexican Nat'l Ga-. com 17.00 88.00 Paauhau S P C- M.OO 28.00 Pao Mu' Life Ins Co of Ca1.290.00 Pao Con Btoue Co of Cal 6.07H Pasadena Home T and T Co 35.00 Riverside Home T and T Cj J2.00 Ean Diego Honr- T and T Co 18.60 Santa Monica B H T pfd 2»-00 Sun Drug Co .2.'il feaslde Water Co 100.00 Title O and Trust Cv pfd 175.00 Title I and Trust Co pfd 176.00 ""tie I and Trust Co com 178.00 Title I •-•a Trust s«r C 176.00 U S L D T and T Co pfd.... 25.37% t'nlon Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co 30.00 33.00 Whlttler Home " and T Co 80.00 OIL STOCKS PRODUCERS— ; •. Bid. Asked. American Crude Oil Co -50 American Pet Co pfd .....' ..... 98.00 American Pet Co com 68.00 59.00 Associated Oil :.. 43.87% 44.50 California Midway Oil Co 60% .61 Central 1-85 1.89 Cleveland Oil Co 02% .03 Coalinga Central Oil Co "o Columbia ls,o Consol Midway OH Co 23% .23% Continental Oil -35 Enos OH Co 1-00 ..... Euclid Oil Co ...... J -™ Fullerton Oil »-™ Clone 06 .15 Jade Oil Co ••£ Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 69.00 7».00 Mexican Pet Ltd com 33.12% 83.60 Mascot Oil Co ■ 6.00 New Pennsylvania Pet Co 76 1.10 Ollnda. Land Co (Oil) • -65 Palmer Oil Co 1-30 ..... Pedseus Oil Co «R* Pinal Oil Co «■<» Rice Ranch Oil Co l.«J> Section Six Oil Co ..... ■» Trader's 011. Co.."::::::::::::r.:^% 80.00 TTntnn •••• "b-b'tb JJ.w Union Provident Co 98.87% 97.25 United Petroleum 98.00 103 United Oil Co 66 .69 Western Union 160.00 Yellowstone Oil Co .•••• ■">" NON-PRODUCERS— Oleum Development Co 03% BOXJM Bid. Asked American Petroleum Co 80 80 Associated Oil Co J4H »stt Corona City Water Co »' - Ccrona Power a-.d V/ Co » 104 Cucamonga Water Co W " Edison Eleo Co Ist n »J s» Edison Elec Co old isßue 103 Jf* Home Telephone Co 80 « Home Tel Co Ist rfdg «*• T* Huasteca Pipe Line JW L A Pac Ist con mtgs * •• }°|li L A Pac Ry gen con »J L A I'uc Ry Ist rfdg " ■■ " L A Rallwr ■ Co JJ» " L A Traction Co 6s 10* W L A Traction Co 6s Ml »<"> Mexican Nafl Oas Co .. «« Mission Tram and R Co >7V» Pac Elec Ry Co 100 " PaclAc Light and Power C 0.... 98 100 Pasadena Home T and '»' Co 80 Prmona Con Water Co 102% Santa Monica. Bay H T Co 80 Santa Monica H T and T Co iS% Pnn Diego X T and T Ist ratgs .. 80 Temescal Water Co IWt •■ Union Transportation Co *> »2% U S Long Dlat T and T Co .. i« Vlsalla Water Co 87% .. Whittler Home T and T Co 70 »0 DAILY MINING CALL N° SaICS LISTED STOCKS CALIFORNIA-- Bid. Asked. Cal Hills M Co ) -u» NEVADA— , , Johnnie Mng and Mil Co ••• ■« Searchlight Parallel .„.. 7.00 M .01 METAL MARKETS NEW YORK. Oct. 6.—Standard copper, | dull: spot. October, November and D»oem ber 20*12.30. London, easy; spot, £&v I 17s' 6d. 'Futures. £56 15s. Custom housu returns show uxports of 332S tons so far this month. Lake copper, $12.62 J2^>1..87 , electrolytic. $12.50^12.76; casting. $12.-o^ 12Ti°n unsettled; «pot. 136.00; October. 135 62W036.70; November. $84.5<>W 3u.iiJ ; London market weak, spot, £160 15s; fu tULVad.qufet,"sl.4o(gi4.Bs; New York. »«fS«i Ivea'd, quiet, $4.40®4.55; New York, Ug'^M, 04.8 TH, East St. Louis. London, spot>fj:i3 l7Spt?ter, quiet,* $6.60® 5.60 New \Yorlt. $5.37Vi«f*5.42>,i East 6t. Louis, .London, spot £22 15s. • Iron. Cleveland warrants 49s 6d In Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foun dary northern. $15.76<iji6.35, No. 2, $15.60^ 16.00; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $15.45016.85. >,7- COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW YORK, Oct. —Coffee closed quiet, net 6 points higher. Bales. 6750 bales. Oc tober, $8.86; November, $8.90; December, 18.95; January, 18.9T; February, $B.SS; Mar.h and April. 13.00; May. $9.01; June, $9.02; July. $9.01; August and September, $9.05. Spot coffee steady, unchanged. Rugar —Raw, steady; muscovado, $3.450 3.6Q; centrifugal, 13.1) 4.00 molaaiea tug ar, J3.00® 3.25. Refined, steady, SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Social service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, m*m- 1 ber New York stock exchange. Chicago board of trade, itock and bond exchange of San Francisco, 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 6.— Following were the closing <iuotations: MISCELLANEOUS BONDS— Bid. Asked. Alameda Artesian W Co 6s 100 American River Eleo Co 6s 91% H Associated Oil Co 5s M | Huy Counties Power Co 5s 101% 1 '.ii 'entral Qai and Elec Im i"i Cal Gas and Eloo gen M&CT 65.. BTTVi 88 California Btraet Cable Co 6s 100 California Wine Asnoclation 6s .... 85 90 City Electrio Co 6s 1 89 Contra Costa Water Co 5s 89 1 do gen mtg 5s J.. •■ 93% Edison Light and Power 6| .....*..107 X I dv Pont de Nem Pdr 4V4s 83 88 First Federal Trust Co 6s 101% I Ferries and Cliff House Ry 6s 100 Hawaiian Coml and I iis 101 102 Lake Tahoo By and T Co 5s 105 I.os Angeles Elec Co 6s 98 i Ix,s Angeles Gas and El Co t0... 98 ] Los Angel«s Gas and Eleo Corp 6s BS I Los Angeles Hallway 5s 106 | Los Angelos Lighting gd 5s 98 li< A Pao R R Ist con mtg 6s 101' i 102 [, A Pa ■ R v of Cal Bi 101 i Marln Water an^l Power* Co 85....10094 Market Street Cable 6s 164% do Uy Ist cons mtg 5s 07% 88 Northern Ry Co to Cal 6s 110% Northern Cal Hallway 5s i Ws ; Northern Cal Power Co 6s '"-'- Northern Cal Power Con 5s 94'/a Northern Electric Co Bs 88 90 Oakland Oaa Light and H 6s M% Oakland Transit Co 6s 1S» Oakland Transit 5s 101 Oakland Transit Con 5g I'l' I Oakland Traction Con 6s 97', Oakland Traction Co 5s 95 I Onkland Water Co gtd i.s 92 »dM* j Omnibus Cable Railway 6s 102',j Paolflc Oai Imp 4s 82 I Pacinc Electrio Ry Co Ba 104% Paciflo I.lKht and Power Co 6s 88 do gtd 5s 10° , loa Pacific Tel and Tel Co 5s 95% I'ark and Cliff House Ry 6s 100 Park and Ocean R n 6s 100 .. People's Water Co 5s 64% «5Vi Powell Street Railway 8a 99 Bacramento Bleß Gas and Ry r>g...jni»i San Joaquln Lgt and Power 6s ... 9614 B r Oak and San Jose Ry 6s 105,4 ■■ do 2d mtg 6a J™ S V Oak and S .T Con Ry 5s .-. 96 B J and Santa Clara Co R R 4%5.. .. 85 Sierra Ry of Cal 6s •■ 1™ HPR Rof Cal 6s 1912 101% 102% do Ist c gtd g 6s, ■• 118 S P Branch Ry of Cal 6s 122% ■■ S P R R Co Ist rfdg 4s 95% 96 Stockton Gas and El Corp 65.., 10aV» S V Water Co gen mtg 4s 90% ■• United Gas and Elec Co 6s •• i«« United RP.Of S F 43..;... 66% 67% Valley Counties Power Co 6s \. 19% 100 WATER STOCKS— Spring Valley Water Co ■■•;•■■ .. «A • CAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS- City Eleotrlc Co 51'« 63 North Cal Power Co Con .60 64 Oro Water L and PCo 60% 63 Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 76 11 do common ;••• °J ™ INSURANCE STOCKS- California Insurance Co 74% »v Fireman's Fund -•» Pacinc Coast Casualty Co .. .......155 BTREET RAILROAD STOCKS— California " "* Presidio M *"» POW.DER STOCKS- E I dv Pont d« New pfd 83 do common 1™ " Giant Consolidated Co 85 »> SUGAR STOCKS- ■ Hawaiian Coml and Sugar Co .... 34% ■■ Honokaa Sugar Co 14 i» Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation 16 17V6 Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co. li •■ Makawell Sugar Co 3- a» Onomea Sugar Co 4014 41% Paauhau S P Co » «V 4 Union Sugar Co •°™ OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated Oil Co •■ 0!> Associated Oil • *f* Palmer oil Co ■••••• 1-s^ " v Sterling Oil and Development Co.. 2 Jtt West Const Oil pfd •••• W1 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- Alaska Packers' Association m Cal Fruit Canners" Association ...101% •• California Wine Association a^-s North Alaska Salmon Co «« Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm ■■ • Paelflc Coast Borax Co «» •• Pac Tel and Tel pfd ■■ » Pac Tel and Tel com 45^ 4b, 4 Philippine Tel and Tel Corp 23% •• Mornlne sales—2ooo L A Railway 6s 105%; loJo P.o\V. W.tVr 6s 64%; 8000 do 64%;: 6000 Rorlmr Valley 43 90%; 1000 Hawaiian 6s 101%; 10 AsfocTated yoil 44; 25 Hawaiian 34%; 10 Pac Lighting pfd 76%; 35 Pac Tel com 4«%; 150 do 40ifUrn°oon Ji.a?esd^ i 'Hawa.lan 6. 101%; 1000 Oakland Traction Con 6. 17, 6000 Spring Valley Water 4s 90V.' 1000 Pac Tel 6s 98%; 26 Ha wauan 34%; 225 oTome 41; 25 do 40%; 20 Pac Tel com 45; 75 do 46%^ CHICAGO GRAIN Bpeclal service to The Herald by J. C. Wll son, member of the Chicago board of trade. New York stock exchange and San Francisco bond and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth street. Lof Angeles. CHICAGO, Oct. I.—Th« wheat was a very nervous affair today. Trade was somewhat larger In volume than recently. Values »ew lower early. higher later, then reacted sharply after the shorts had covered. The latter sold too freely on the ■ opening decline and were forced to cover on the bulge of about lc from the early low points. Early Argentine news was largely favorable, but later news the re verse. All cables, however, conceded that dry weather continued. Some claimed fears of frost in' some sections, others that it was too hot. These contradictory reports kept the tra le guessing. Mianwhlle export trade is non-ex istent, bids on Manltobas about 2c bolow workable limits, and there Is no noteworthy dcmustlc demand. Although primary receipts continue to run short of last year, there ia a more rapid accumulation than last year, borne Indication at the last that considerable wheat had been sold by leading buyers yeaterday, as well as some fresh lines' of short wheat put out With the primary movement running so light comparatively, and the Argentine news bound to be a factor for some time to come, we think wheat can he bought on the breaks yet, accepting fair profits win ti shown. Corn was subject to about the same sort of changes as in wheat. Short selling ovcrdune on early decline, shorts covered on a later bulge, which was helped along by the wheat strength and a better shipping call, then turned easier again after the short Interest bad iK-on . llminated. As in "wheat, there was no important accession of new buying. Hard frosts last night extended into northern ami western lowa and Kansas, and phenomenally heavy rains occurred in the Ohio valley. Would only make sales on the hard spots. Oats followed other grains. Trade, was of liberal proportions. lowa a»aln selling oats at the country stations today, one elevator line reporting Ita purchases In northern lowa today the largest of ony day of the crop. Provision aborts bought the list. The most urgent demand was for nearby lard, conges tion being apparent in the October. There was some! fair buying of November lard by packers. OKeriß«» on the advances were suf llcient to check any runaway tendency that might have developed In October lard. MAHKKT BAJHIKS WHEAT- Open. High. Low. Close. December .... $V * -99Vi l-gj I JBU December .. ....... 1-04% 1.0H4 1.04H 1.04% Yn\y ::::::::.::::.. 1.00*4 X.00»,4 .98V4 .90% DeCceSbe7 »JJ \m •«% ' ■«% May .M* •B3 -Ws "™ %£ lB. .::::::::: & :$. S* 3* PORK— lg , B May .^..::::.:".: 10.274 w.» io-27'4 10-33 Vi SSK:::::::::: J:«* WWW May ..""""" »•«* 9M 942W 9'47H Cash auotatlons wero as follows: Flour steady; No. I rye. 76>,4c: feed or mlxlns barley 60@60c; fair to choice malting, 70«> 7414 c flax seed. No. 1 southwestern. ?2.62; No', i northwestern. 15.66; Timothy se«d, S'6 50«i8.50; clover, »5.00©14.60; tne«s pork, per barrel, 118.50018.75; lard, per 100 lt>».. ,1112.110; short ribs, eldos (loose), JIO.B7H© • HEAVY POTATO RECEIPTS CAUSE SLUMP IN MARKET Irregularity Prevails in Cheese. Bellefleur Apples Advance. Citrus Fruits Decline Heavy shipment! of potatoei to the local mark" ■ and do increa. In the demand caused a drop In prleee yesterday and tilt u,-neral tone m oheeae wai weak, altnoug" several varieties advanced a traotion. Can taloupei were weak and iiepi ■ ilrm, out no advance wai noted In tho latter, the price remaining at Jscii»l a lufl box roi The decline In potal caused the most comment In market olrcles. On the «>- clianiiß Hlghlande were marked up at 5j1.40 as against a former quotation 01 j1.40&1.50, an,l there were mure potatoes sold at |I.UOMI than at the larger prlcu. While potato recelpta yeeterday we.c light car lot buyers ware unable to muvu their stock on hand and are l.ajing ue murrage ror the cars on hand. It was re ported that on acoount of the low prices heing paid that digging has been iu«pena< at the north. If this report is correct, says the Market Reporter, the market shouM recover before the end of the week. The price of Bsllefieur apples advanced to the trade 5c a bo*. Baldwins were l. lower and Ked Pearmalm dropped lac '■' 26c a box. Bpltunburga declined 15c a box and Imlth Clden were offered to thu trade at 11.26 a box. The price of cranberries dropped oOc a barrel, to i'J. The price on grapefruit de qlined 25c to koi a box. Lemons and or anges were also Quoted at 50c lower than the previous day. Cantaloup*! declined to $2 a box. with a light demand to oantend with, Uartlett pears advanced to 51.7;, for the best, whereas they have brought aa low as f 1.25 a. box. Quinces declined luc, to OOc a box. Dried apricots declined lc, to 12<fe>13c. Prices were lowered slightly on new dried figs. Dried peaches, pears and plums were firmer. Cabbage declined 16a a sauk and cauli flower 26c. The market was easier on cel ery. • There was a sufficient supply of all kinds of fish on hand to meet the demand. KECEIITS The following gives the total receipts of produce for the last 24 hours, excepting shipments of eKKS. butter and cheese, origi nating outside of California. Last Last Today. Week. .'Year. Eggs, cases 23 68 93 Butter, pounds 28,276 9,744 35,1118 Cheese, pounds 989 640 18,6tJ0 Potatoes, sacks 661 555 1,877 Onions, sacks 81)0 ... 1-5 S. Potatoeß, sacks ... S!0« 259 245 APPles, boxes 4,236 11,400 3,359 PRICKS Kggs, doz 41-45 43 43-47 Butter, roll 67 65 72 V 4 PRODUCE PRICES Following are the official prices of pro duce to retailers as compiled by the Market Reporter: EGGS —Local ranch, candled, 45c; do case count, buying price, 41c; eastern fresh, 35c; eastern storage, packed extra, 32c; do, stor age seconds. 27c. BUTTER— price to trade, 2Hc higher; California creameries, extras, 33V4c; do firsts, 32c; cooking, 25c; ladle, 25c. CHEESE— Northern fresh, 17@18c; local, 18c; Oregon Daisy, 19c; eastern singles. 19c; do Twins, 18'^c; eastern Daisies, luo; eastern Long Horns. IO0>OVi«; eastern cheddara, 20c; Imported swlss, 32c; .lack, 19c; domestic swlss, 22@24c; cream brick, 19c; limburger, 19c; Roquefort, 38c; Edam, $5@8.50; Canadian cream, box, $1. BEANS—No. 1 pink. »6.50; No. 1 llmas. 15.00; No. 1 Lady Washington, $4.50; No. 1 small whites, |5; No. 1 blaekeyes. J5.5U; No. 1 Qarvanzas, $4.50; No. 1 California len tils. $7. POTATOES— Highland, cwt, $1.40@15O: local Burbanka, |1.25; Salinas, $1.70; yellow sweets, $1.50. ONIONS—LocaI yellow Danvers, 11.75: northern, $175: do Australian browns, $1.75; local, 11.75; local alver skins, ug box, $1; garlic, 7a b. FRESH FRUITS — Apples — Bellefleura SI'S 1.10; 4i,i tier, 90c; Pearmalns, white winter, 4-tler, $1.25; do red, 4H-tler, |i; Fall Pippins, 4-tler, $1; Jonathans, Califor nia, $1.65; 4H-tler, 91.35; Baldwin, 4-tler. 11.85; 4Vi-tler. (1.25; Greenings, 4-tier, Jl.Ba; Spitzenbergers, 4-tler, $1.76; 4*4-tler. $1.35. BERRIES —Strawberries, per baaket, 8c; raspberries, per basket, 10c; blackberries, per basket, 10c; cranberries, bbl., $9.50. CITRUS FRUlTS—Grapefruit, seedless. 53.75; seedlings. $2.75; lemons, $465; Val enclas oranges, 94@4.50. TROPICAL —Bananas, lb. 4@4Wo; Fara dates, lb., 10@ 13c; golden dates, lb., 7a; alligator pears, doz. 93.6004.50; pineapple:, 11)., 4@70. .MISCELLANEOUS — Local cantaloupes, crate, $2; Casabas, crate, 91.50; fLKs, box, $1.00; Muscat grapes, lug box, 75cffijl; peaches, per box, 91 g 1.25; Bartlett pears. 92.75 box; plums, crate, 91.50; prunes, $1.50; quinces, lug box, 90c; watermelons, I*4® 2 lb. VEGETABLES—Northern artichokes, doz. 91; green asparagus, 15c lb; bell peppers, lb 4@sc; beets, doz. hunches, 25c; cabbage, sack, 75@85c; red cabbage, 3c lh.l carrots, doi. bunches; 25c; cauliflower, crate, 91.26 ip 1.50; celery, crt., $2.25@2.50; cucumbers, box 60c; green corn, box. 80@66c; corn husks, lie; egg plant, lb., 2^4c; horseradish, lb., 25c; okra, 6c lb.; lettuce, crt., 91.25; peas, 5@70 lb.l p#rsley, doz., 25c; northern straw berry rhubarb, box, $1.75; spinach, doz., 20 ®25c; sprouts, 12V4c; summer squash, lug box, 25635 c; young onions, doz., 20c; tur nips, doz. bunches, 20c; tomatoes, 26@500; yellow, 75e. PRUNES—3O-40s, 9@loc: 40-SOS, 9@loc; 80-60S, 8@9o; 60-70 S. 7e; 80-90S, «He; 90-100s, «c. RAISINS —2 crown, loose, 50-Ib. boxes, 3*»c lb; 3 crown, do, 4c; 4 crown, do, 4Vic; London layers, 2 crown, 20-lb. box. $1.16; do, 3 crown, $1.25; do 4 crown, $1.50; Sul tanas, bleached, 607 c lb; unbleached. 44T 5c lb; seeded raisins, 16 oz. pkgs, 7c; do; 12 oz. 6c. ■ NUTS —Fancy IXL almonds, 17 Me lb; bra zils, 14@15c lb; cocoanuts, 90c; filberts, 14c lb; pecans, XX, 15c; do XXX, 160 lb; east ern peanuts, 7<3>7%e lb: do Japan, 6Mic; plnenuts, 18c; No. 1 assorted walnuts. 16o; do. budded, 18c; eastern popcorn, cwt, $3.&0; do local, 93.50. RlCE—Fancy Honduras (Carolina) 96.75 cwt; choice Honduras (Carolina) $6ffi6.50; Japan grades, $3.75@4; Island, $5.50; broken. 93.50. HONEY—White water extracted. 9c lb, do whtto. B%c; do light amber, 8c: comb, water white, 1-lb frames, 18c; do white, 17e; do light amber, 14c; beeswax, 300 lb. LIVB STOCK—Packers pay f. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers. E@sHc; beef heif ers, 4"/a&sc: beet calves. s*&S>6c; mutton wethers, $5.50@0; mutton ewes, 95@5.50; mutton lambs, 98.50(313.75; hogs, lie. POULTRY —Turkeys, live, 25@260 lb; large hens 4 lbs. up, 19c lb; do small, 2V4W «V 4 lbs. 17c lb; broilers, 1 to l*i lbs. 17c lb; friers. 1 >-i to 3 lbs. 17c lb; roast chicken, 18c lb; ducks, 16c lb; geese, 110 lb; squaos, $1.50 doz; old roosters, 8c lb. CHILI —Evaporated, strings, JOe lb; green, 4o lb; chili teplns, 75c lb; Japan, 16< : ground, Be. HAY (baleo) —The following quotations furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Storage Co.—Barley, 912.50@14.60; tame oat, ton. 914@16.50; alfalfa, ton. $13.60® 14.50; wheat hay. $14«15. MILL FEED —Bran, 91.55; whole corn, 91.75; cracked corn. $1.80; feed meal. $1.55; rolled barley, 91.18; oil cake meal, $:'SO; shorts, $1.80; Kaffir corn. $1.75; whit, oats, $185; eaatern red oats, $2.25; wheat, ori ginal sacks, cwt. $1.90; wheat, 100-lb. saoks. $1.95. # «..,-.. 11.75; Bhort clear Bides (boxed). Jll-75© GRAIN STATISTICS Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 40,000 bu»hel». Primary receipt! were 1,157,000 bushels, oompared with 2. --042,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 78 cars; coin. 258 cars; outs. 11* cars; hogs, 12.000 head. MOVjmKNT OF PBODCCB Articles— Receipts. Shipment* Flour, barrels 33.400 30,31.0 Wheat, bußhel 72,000 10.31)0 Corn, bunhel. 208,700 65,800 Oats, bushels 199,800 3U0,4U0 Ity«. bushels •••• 00° Barley, bushels 5!,600 28.100 Fir»t r»rin«ive | L O s Angeles Office 1 nom«nri?sti w^uVu-e. 1 i Hotel Alexandria \ Maln <K"><> mmmmmmmm^ 212 West Fifth Street imm^m—mm irLuco I n WILSON .eS2 Mills Bldg. Jl Ul ffILUUII During Palace Hotel B . G LATHROP, Manager Winter mmuammmi&mmm Correspondents e,v SSttu** I Harris, Winthrop & Co. I chhjjgg- Kx.lian«e. | New York. Clilrago. fitrli. I/>inton. B ot Trade. CLEARING HOUSE BANKS , " N-AMB """ OIIICEItS C, —; ~~ ~~ "" Si. F. ZOMUKO, President, entral National Bank jamks b. oist, caahier. Capital, ._ I. E. corner Fourth and Broadway. Su.iius and" Undivided Profits, WM.CW ' — — — ' WAHUKN niU.BLBN, President. roadway Bank & Trust Company A . w kedman. cashier. 888-810 Kroadway, Bradbury Building Su^l'ua and'i:ndlvldfd Front.. »247,C0« U— ——^^————— ISAIAS W. HEL.LMAN. President. nited States National Bank p. w. smith, cashier. Capital 1200,000. P. B. corner Main and Commercial. ami Profit*. »73,000. CH J WATKKS, President, itizens National Bank wm. w. ,woog3. cashier. Capftal, J1,000,000. B. W corner Third and Main. Surplus. IW.OOO. _. —— w A BONYNGE, Pnoiaent. Clommercial National Bank newman kssick. ca»hi.r. P ,01 , Spr,n, comer Fourth. S^J^ZtejP^. N.^ Farmers & Merchants National Bank i\V II lI'I-M Presliient. Farmers Merchants National Bank Su?pl»a and Proflta, cashier. Cornar Fourth .nd Main "■■"''"• *^™«*. "^ ■ Fir^t National Bank &* s^^Jj^K^'™"- Caplt.'. stock, J1,260,000. S B corner Heoond and Spring. Surplaß and ProHts, $1.685.000. ■ — — ■ — W. H. HOIXIDAY, President. Merchants National Bank • ■ cha^ oreenb, ca»hi«r. Wl S. E. corner Third and Spring. SuVpluV anV'-ndlvldod Profit.. tSSOM National Bank of California li. \ moKwe, ; ckshier. N E -cornpr Fourth and Spring. Vum'.i'"-' n'rfi 'rndlvld"d Proflf. 11.10.M* LOS ANGELES SAjmiG^JANKS^ „ S^ ECURITY ; Largest and Oldest in the Southwest K»ourc, $29,000,000.00 r.j. tb. blh«.t rat., .f lnt.r«* «4>« •» tl« m«.* Übe«. t.rm. -IU. •ennd. conaervativ* banking. I Largest and Best Equipped Safe Deposit and Storaga I Vaults in the Southwest. 1 Security Build'ng Spring and Fifth Streets J NAHUIMKSM mmjSl&P m" THE. BANK Wl TM THE **^H J^ EFFICIENT SEJRVIGE.^ X SPRING ANA FOURTH ST3^ M HARNESS 7rr,T"S^' .treet. "" SADDLERY NEW YORK COTTON Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-Aided by better Liv erpool cables today's opening prices showed from 13 to 20 points gain. On reallz arou noon the market sagged oft, but failed to ie act as far as last nlghfs closing, and In the afternoon rallied again, helped by the news that the Manchester lockout had been settled and that the mills would reopen on Monday next Some slightly less favorable W«»thei conditions In portions of the belt also helped the rally. The closing was strong. Notwith standing today's continued strength it Is cer tainly but reasonable to expect a material re action after this great upward mover Without doubt the technical condition of the market is weaker than for some time, and this is rather an element of danger which should cause caution as to taking on cotton around "&&&. ~n,ed as fo,lows Low -Close- January £.30 1U £g gjj SSSTT..::::::::::rare «:a %* [\ti &?.:::::::::::::::;;:» «:« «:« v:« »:« •I u"f ii'ii iiiii ii!ie v.a urn Jul [Vw v 05 13.90 13.98 14.00 Bi|i|i||lf OHIO CORN nMriNNATI, Oct. e.-Conslderable progress asalnst 13,730,000 last year. 1 * t BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEEBE sa.Wiifti'A*}«»■? ""■>■ "i>"' "^HTrIGO Oct 6.-Butter steady, cream- America., Lon K Horns. 18^c. LONDON WOOL TONDON Oct. 6.— A large and fine »e --merino" "vhi.h W.r. Uk« <»' i™ 11""?^ Account. Lower sorts w ere steadier. 180 ottering! today numbered 14.m. STOCKHOLDERS REQUEST OFFICERS' RESIGNATION Stockholders of the Hell Water company of the town of Bell, Just outside the south east border of Uo* Angeles, requested their directors to resign at a mass ousting held there last night. The meeting th«n ud lournod for one week when. it was an nounced, the resignations will be received and aoceiitad. or "further action" will be Tho mass meeting was the outgrowth of tho recent annual election uf live direc tors. The oomyuny U a. community af fair and for »ome tlma th«re have b»en two factions. The minority faction elected the directors, but a committee appointed by the dissatisfied ma.iorltv at a stockholder*' meeting called after tho election. Investi gated and made a report charging that In eight cases stock has been voted by per sons who did nut own it and In six other cases stockholders had voted more stocK than they owned. This report wa« considered at the mass meeting held last night and dissatisfaction was expressed with the directors. Among the recommendation! offered and adopteu was the une ciUlhiK for the rMlfUUlona. CASHIER'S SENTENCE 20 YEARS AUBURN, N. V., Oct. 6.—ln tho t'nlt ed States court here today J. Howard Lowery, the def&Uitltlg nssistant cash ier of the Utica National bank, pleaded guilty. JiuiKe Ruv Mntanced him to twenty years in tho federal Deniten tiury at Atlanta. ?| Watch Our @ new building. It will soon start. It will be built over our heads, Jg but we are not going to move, M and we will hare a line new U banking home and large, commo- Jjj iHouh »afe deposit vaults, it mv pro jfr mt tx cafi B FACTS AND FINANCE of the California Oil Industry Written and Compiled y By WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS. Editor California Oil News and Dlgaat. Expressly for ATLANTA OIL CO. This Edition Is Limited —Get a copy with the Compliments of J. K. I.EVI, Fiscal Agent, 411 South Main St. Los Angeles. Cal. HOMF SAWMS BAMKj WrIi*AMAWIA Hsm fllO» Six months savings •c-^S' fl counts earn four per cent. One/SrjHL/ dollar or more will start you. MmaiS£j&f Begin to save and earn now. HI l& FIFTH t> SPUING JTJ. -j»__ BREAKS DEADLOCK AND GETS GAME WARDENSHIP "W. J. Durm was appointed county jramo warden yesterday by the board of supervisors by a vote of 3 to 2 to fill the vacancy left by the death of W. B. Morgan. Durm is said to have been the cholca of Supervisor McCabe. A deadlock existed for several days in the ballot ing of the board for the filling of the vacancy. The salary carried by the position Is |12E a month, with $40 from the state for the dutiM as nre warden. J. H. Bant* has been acting warden since Morgan's death. JOSEPH BOGART, MUSICIAN AND COMPOSER, IS DEAD Joseph Bogart, 50 years old and one of the well known musicians of tho city, died at his home, 4H3 South Pre mont avenu«i yesterday after an illness of only two days. Ah. Bogart was a member of Moore's band and also played with the Venk'9 and Catalina bands. In addition to a well known band musician ho ujh also known as a composer, several of his eomposltions being popular with local bands. Funeral gervlCM Will 1)6 held Saturday, the final arrangements to be completed today. FRUIT GROWERS MEET IN DEC. STOCKTON, Oct. 6.—Announcement was received from State Horticultural Commissioner J. W. Jeffrey this morn- Ing that the State Fruit Growers* convention would be held in this city, during tho first week In December. Ho requested that commit com posed of three citizens each be ap pointed for reception, entertainment and publicity, respectively. 7