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12 pAGES vol. xxxiii. I>T*TTI7' • f^A rPNTQ by cakkieii ISI'.MIIMI 9. i lllOJll ■ O\f VylillTl 13 11 It MONTH TORNADO OF FIRE STRIKES MINNESOTA; 2000 MISSING GRAVE IS SEALED OVER 14 VICTIMS OF FIRE TRAGEDY Rev. Robert Burdette Delivers an Intensely Impressive Sermon in Temple Auditorium GRIEVING WOMEN UNNERVED Five Thousand Persons Witness Last Rites at Burial Place in Hollywood Fourteen unidentified dead, victims of the Times disaster, were buried yes terday. While the bells of the chapel at Hollywood cemetery were chiming the last chords of "Nearer My God to Thee," fourteen flower-laden caskets wera lowered into the graves. Five thousand persons witnessed the last rites for the dead. Fathers, mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts of the victims wept bit terly and wrung their hands with grief us the caskets bearing the charred re mains of their lovgd ones were car ried tenderly to the grave. Little chil dren, somo made fatherless, others brotherleas by the catastrophe which killed twenty-three men, clung to the skirts of their grief-stricken mothers. Thousands of sympathetic personß mingled with the relatives, and with bowed heads and tear-dimmed eyes Jolnod in the funeral services. Among the vast throng that paid tribute to the dead were bankers and business mon and laborers. Many of them were union men. TJIKK.K THOCBAND AT SERVICES At 2 o'clock In the afternoon 8000 persons had filed Into Temple au ditorium and taken their seats. The lower floor had beon reserved for rela tives and friends of the dead. Here and there against a background of a sea of faces were patches of mourning black. White-robed nurses moved lightly among- the relatives. Long be fore the dark purplo curtain, stretched across the auditorium, had been lifted, throwing Into view the gray coffins resting on the banks of flowers on the stage, the sobs of many women and children and the sighs of grief stricken men were heard. The masses <if humanity packed in the balconies Joined in the sorrow of the ones more closely related to the unfortunate em ployes. Outside the biff building hundreds of persons stood in the streets, unable to obtain admittance. White-gloved police stood like statues every few feet alone the line of the crowd, but there appeared no work for them to do. The crowd seemed like one man stand ing in the presence of death. PATHETIC SCENES ON STAGE Shortly after 2 o'clock the first chords of the funeral march throbbed from the organ and reverberated through the great auditorium. The curtain was raised and fourteen coffins stretching in a semicircle from one pnd of the stage to the other, with a large reproduction In flowers of the Times building in the center, were placed in view of the audience. A groan of anguish went up from the throng. Women shrieked, children cried men covered their faces with their hands. The great organ ceased Its thundering and the expectant crowd sat rigid and tense. From the orchestra pit fifty men, members of the Orpheus club, stood and sang "The Lost Chcrrd," and the music of their voices agatn brought sounds of grief from the lower floor. Rev. Robert J. Burdette, pastor emeritus of Temple Baptist church, appeared on the platform off the stage and raised his hands in prayer. The sound of his voice seemed to relieve thfi pain of the fathers and mothers, wives and children of the dead, but before he had ceased they were once more weeping. Rev. Dana W. Bartlett read a pas sage from the Scriptures. Following another hymn from the Orpheus club, Rev. Dr. Burdette stood before the audionce and delivered the funeral address, which must live long in the memories of thoso related to the vic tims of the dlsastetr. In a voice tense with feeling, Dr. Burdette described In minute detail the night previous and the morning following the explosion. He pictured the newspaper room with the click of the operator's key and the typewriter of the reporter, sounding off the news of the world from the four corners of the globe. He described the excite ment, yet perfect order in the midst of seeming confusion. He took his aud ience Into the linotype and press rooms whore the rattle and din of the ma chines nnd labor of the men preceded the birth of a morning issue that was being printed—all unconscious of lm penrltng dlsastetr. "And then," said Dr. Burdette, "1 o'clock and a pleasant morning. 'All's well," calls the angel of the watch. Duty walkod down the busy line of these sons of fidollty. She called the roll of honor beside the cradle of the new born day." IMIAJrATIO ROM* CAM. OF DEAD Here followed the most dramatic scene ever witnessed by many In that throng by thousands. One by one, from assistant city editor to the men down deep in the basement of the Times' building, laboring with the presses. Dr. Burdette called their names and answered "Here." As the names of their loved ones echoed through the room cries of hysterical grief and anguish rent the air. Heavily veiled women tore the veils from their faces and rocked their bodies to and fro in mute agony, and the children, not un derstanding it all, looked on in wide eyed wonder. "High and clear, like a herald trum peting the advent of the new day," continued Dr. Burdette, "rang the voices of the angels of the watch. "One o'clock and ten minutes. A pleasant morning. All's well. "Crash and thunder of the forces of destruction! Roaring of the powers of red-hfinded anarchy! The purple night Is polluted with the lurid flames leap- (Continued on P»«e Tlireei LOS ANGELES HERALD ■ JhMi2jßßP W£K'-x* - Tilff aP JB s*vJLTfl^^^l SB £ -ftH st^.iH^^^^^^H (me fK bBPy sl^m3 BBTv *— *^ S«B1 Bu^d **"'■ ■■' '^nQ Ba^^BtMt * 13» -781 99*^ Bsßlk^^Bl BS£. si? 9 ''./-' ' aH lfi£>tß»- # AnWBfBMS--. :. , ,-■'. BWjl ;,,&. j^ i.^tSala?M^^MlE—-,lP*^^ , ID Ba ■ BW* ■ a. Bbw** HvMBB mp>d tj fion SBti^i -■ ' a SBuEßKß^B^E^^^SST^ur^u 4 ■^:'::^^bß Bpß ilrVj S^ ' ' -v« •' xEL &!tP* *■ US KB*bl^ ' B^bV ' *i iMti S^H i \ i . I'Sfl i tj ■ r ißb^ mßw iS! 4Kk. j^fl E^bw^. v 9 flBtL. c* '*■! vtiS * by Bu T^Bh ...j HSUb ?^ ! Bfiflfei *w^ i^Mfcjj^BWH' a Sn ' »!■'• WftT pVk*mßß - j». ,^E9 B*li t^m\ B^B^^B^Bl t■■■'-■"--'« B^^ übK E^^*'4B ml. _^h 7 BbF vs^^L■ BlTm9*>'^'iJlt ■' ' Bk ''■ ■* *^'^kBVMPV t ■ ■ B]6 B%vjggcr jj j| I^EHK^mhmsSS Gh !w ■ -^F J BW^-''"" BSeßbiV ■ ' ' 'j8 HP^^^^^^^*v^^ifti Se i' ■'"' '" *»B' *^;: ■ :v '^™-^^BBPfB"V L'---j* '■> PRISONERS BEAT SHERIFF; ESCAPE Two Men Break Jail at Santa Ana—Sheriff Says 'Shoot on Sight' [Special to The Herald] SANTA ANA. Oct. 9.—A jail break ■was made at 1 o'clock today from the county Jail by two Mexicans, Rosarlo Saiz and Alejo Maclas, one accused of murder and the other suspected of forgery. They beat down Sheriff Lacy as he was opening the ward door to permit a church worker to leave the jail, locked him in the cell, armed themselves with rifles from the sher iff's office and escaped. Though a score of men have been scouring the country, the Mexicans are still at large. Saiz is accused of killing Jose Mach ado on September 23, 1909. Macias has been in trouble. Both men were awaiting trial. Miss M. C. Kerl, in charge of the Spanish mission here, visited Saiz, Macias and other Spanish prisoners this afternoon and held a service. Sheriff Lacy openod the outer door, which separated his office from the Jail proper, and then opened the double door to the felony ward, Macias came close to the door to shake hands with Miss Kerl. As she backed out Macias and Saiz seized the door and Jerked the sheriff inward. Lacy threw his arms around Macias and downed him. Miss Kerl kicked the outer door. She became frightened, and when Saiz or dered her to open the portal she did so. fcalz dragged her from the door, then turned and struck Lacy over the head, dazing him and freeing Macias. They ran out and continued their flight. They threw the keys into H. Morse's yard, two blocks distant. On French street they tried to take bicycles from L. H. Padgham and F. W. Opp, but, alarmed at Padgham's outcry, they shoved a rifle in his face and put him to flight. They were seen last in a thick walnut orchard a mile from the jail. Stockford Wheaton carried City Marshal Edwards and Officer Glover in an automobile to this orchard, ar riving shortly after the jail breakers were seen. Armed with rifles, posses were soon stationed and searches were made, but without success. About 4:30 o'clock word came that two Mexicans were seen in a buggy headed through Tustin. Automobiles with deputies went that way, but found no further trace. The police assert Saiz 13 the most desperate Mexican in this end of the state. They say he was a smuggler of Chinese. Orders were given by Deputy Sheriff Theo. Lacy, jr., to shoot him down on sight. MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1910. (Sorrowing Crowds Witness Placing Bodies of Victims of Times Disaster Aboard Funeral Cars INDEX OF THIS MORNING'S NEWS LOS ANGELES Police extend Times disaster Investiga tion beyond Southern California. PAOE! 3 Arthur King unconscious as speeding automobile crashes Into bakery. PAQQ 2 Plans completed for seat sale In Audi torium tomorrow for performance to aid sufferers from Times fire. PAGE 3 One hundred thousand dollar edifice of Trinity M«thodlst church. South, Jilanned. PAGE) It Fourteen victims of disaster In Times office burled In one grave. PAQE 1 Editorial and Letter Box. PAGE! 4 City brevities. I'AOB 6 Church honors memory of J. Wesley FOR THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS The response to the appeal for funds for the relief of the wives and families of the men killed in the Times explosion has been ready and liberal but the opportunity is still offered to those who have not yet contributed to give as they are able. The families of most of the victims are left without any means of support; some of the workmen were endeavoring to pay for their homes, and these will be lost to the families unless the Los Angeles public, always noted for its generosity, adopts these sufferers as its own. This public appeal is made at the request of Mayor Alexander, who has designated the newspapers and banks of the city as a committee to receive subscriptions. _ . Let all give as they are able—dimes or dollars are equally aceptable if given in the spirit ot sympathy. The mayor has appointed the following committee to disburse the funds collected: Dana \V. Bartlett, Arthur Letts, H. W. Frank, C. O. Hawley and D. A. Hamburger. Subscriptions re ceived by The Herald up to last night were as follows: Boos Bros.' Cafeteria $100.00 Japanese Restaurant Association 50.00 Isaac Norton 50.00 Golden State camp No. 7110, Modern Woodmen of America 50.00 C. Q. Stanton , 25.00 Dr. H. M. Field 15.00 W. S. Hancock council No. 20, J. O. U. A. M 10.00 Ladies Robert E. Lee Chapter No. 278 U. D. C 10.00 L. A. Lodge No. 1, T. F. B 10.00 Alice M. Brown , 10.00 E. E. Kusel , 10.00 Dr. Francis B. Kellogg 10.00 A. E. Woolard 10.00 William Read 10.00 Ocean Park Camp, M. W. A. * 5.00 Elizabeth Brown Pallette \ 5.00 L. F. G 5.00 Wm. M. Sanders , 5.00 James Hanley , 5.00 G. G. Magill , 5.00 Cash , 5.00 J. O. Lotspeich , 5.00 Melville Dozier I, • 5.00 J. N. Snidecor 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Reno 5.00 L. A. Central W. C. T. U 5.00 Reaves, one of victims of Times dis aster. PAGE 3 Society and clubs. PAGE 8 6ports. - PAOftS 6-7 Mining and oil fle»ds. PAQH » Mothers' congress. PAGE t Shipping. PAGE 5 EASTERN Forest fires in Minnesota destroy lives of 300 settlers and reduce several towns to ashes. PAGE) 1 Employes #t Starkville mine In Colorado make futile effort to raach fifty-two Imprisoned comrades. PAGE 1 Aviator Ely starts from Chicago to New York, but accident delays him. PAGE 2 Mrs. Annie Gibson ■• • $2.50 Mrs. Augusta Metcalf. 2.50 A.B. C ••■ 2.50 Cash i 2.00 A Friend, Ocean Park 2.00 Dora Chamberlain ..... - 2.00 . Friend— X., the Newsboy -.. 1.00 Union Brick Layer 1.00 Mr. and Mrs* Geo. Dowling 1.00 An Old Soldier 1.00 Cash ........ • 1.00 Cash i ..." : i 1.00 A. M • •=«• .'...«.> •• - - 1-00 Man , ..'•......... .1.00 J. W. M I : 1.00 Giver ................,......; 1.00 Cash » ..'.......:.:.«.., 1.00 Cash 1.00 Cash ■.., 1.00 Cash ** 1.00 T. O. Kent .., 1.00 Cash 1-00 Cash 100 Friend .;;V.:. 1 1-00 Friend % i 100 Friend > ;........« 100 L. A. Motorman '... 1-00 Friend J...V .50 Cash 50 SOUTH CALIFORNIA , Two prisoners beat sheriff and escape from Jail at Santa Ana. PAGB 1 Venice milkman's horse hurled sixty feet by electric train. PAGE 10 State comptroller's figures place San Bernardino tenth among counties. PAGE 10 Rev. Robert Freeman accepts call to Pasadena Presbyterian pulpit. PAGE 10 Floating pile nearly kills bather at Lone Beach. PAGE 10 COAST Nuns conduct 400 children to safety from burning building at San Fran cisco. PAGB a j.ivt/11 Li ( V )»•>! I^Sl* DAII.T to. ON TRAINS So. Jslll ljrJ-ii!i V^/l 11j&. SUNDAYS sc. ON TRAINS 10* POISONOUS GASES RETARD RESCUERS Heroic Efforts to Save Fifty-two Men Imprisoned in the Colorado Mine s I AUKVii.i I , Colo., Oct. o.— At least fifty-two men are entombed tonight in the Starkvllle mine of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, while in the approaches to the mine hundreds of their fellows with oxygen helmets, mov able rotary fans and picks and shovels are striving simultaneously to unseal the living ' tomb and to draw from jit the poisonous gases with which it is at least partly filled. ' The men have been imprisoned and the rescuing parties have toiled since 10:50 o'clock p. m. Saturday, when an explosion, probably caused by coal dust, shook the earth for a radius of seven miles, destroying the main entrance and sealed the hapless toilers within , It. . Because of the vast ramifications .of the mine and its connections with other mine workings, it is hoped that perhaps half the men may be rescued. An at tempt probably will be made some time tomorrow to open up the sealed pass ages;^ [Associated Pressi STARKVILL.B, Colo., Oct. 9.—En tombed by an explosion in the Stark ville mine of the Colorado Fuel and lion company, at least fifty-two men are the objects of heroic efforts of rescuers who worked throughout the clay to penetrate the black depths of the mine in tho hope that some, or probably all, the imprisoned miners m: ght be rescued. The presence of black damp, which almost invariably follows in tho wako of coal mine explosions, made the work of the rescuers extremely hazardous, and time and again members or' pur ties were overcome. Late today those superintending the work of rescue decided that none should enter the mine until a portable fan was installed, and rescue work was called off for the time being. The fan reached the portal of the mine at 4 o'clock, and under the su pervision of the chief electrician of the company was mounted on an elec tric motor car and gradually pushed forward into the new stope, working as It went, driving the gas ahead, and, as was hoped, to an air shaft thou sands of feet Inside the mine, where it escaped into the optMi air. The greatest caution wag exercised that the motor carrying the fan should not be advanced too rapidly and a sudden rush of gas or kick-back over whelm ihe men operating the machine and snuff their lives out. According to a statumont given, out (CoutlnucU ob l'»Kt tw»i QcENTS FLAMES END 300 LIVES, MINNESOTA TOISOESTROKED Bodies of Seventy-five Victims Found in Path of Running Forest Fire CRAZED MEN ROAM WOODS Trains Await Women and Chil dren to Bear Them Beyond Danger Zone RAINY RIVES, Ont., Oct. B-—The. known dead: SIX UNIDENTIFIED resident* at TOt, Minn. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN AXD - BABY, homesteaders near Pitt. ■ SEVEN UNIDENTIFIED settler* en track west of Pitt. TWO ENTIRE FAMILIES, one of eight members and one of seven, ten miles east of Pitt. JOHN TUIJ^EY AND FIVE members of his family, burned to death west of Spooner. ONE SERVANT OF ALBERT BERG of Spooner, FOUR LAND SPECULATORS at Beaudette, canght by /Hunts while eat fur homesteads JOHN SIMMONS of Red Oak, la., tim ber ranger; burned on railroad track while trying to escape. MATSOX BEltO AND FIVE members of his family, near Spooner. They at tempted to weather the sea of flames In a big stone cellar and were suffo cated. JOHN HO LIN AND FAMILY' OF EIGHT from Pitt. SEVEKT IIAGEN. GEOKGE B.MTR. CHARLES BAKER. PATRICK O'HARA near Spooner and Chapman. Jhe missing include 2000 persons of oner, Beaudette and other towns. Some of. them are dead and some of them are safe In Rainy River and other Canadian towns. Many homesteaders and fanners are in the brush for a distance of 100 miles east and twenty miles south. Of these nothing can be learned for some time, as searching purtles dare nit penetrate the smoking forests. [Associated Press] WAR ROAD, Minn., Oct. 9.—Beau dette, Spooner, : itt and Gracetown have been wiped off the map by a for est fire. The bodies of seventy-five vic tims have been located, and it is thought the death rate among settlers will be upward of 300. Wagon loads of human bodies are being brought into the railway station at Beaudette. It is reported many settlers, crazed with grief at the loss of their families and property, are roaming about the woods, and search ing parties are looking for the dead, injured or demented. One family of nine and one of seven members perished Friday night. At 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening a tornado of fire struck Beaudette and Spooner, and within three minutes after tho first alarm every building was ablaze. Within half an hour they were heap 3of ashes. The people of these two towns had just time to get out of their homes with what they had on their backs. They were loaded on a passenger train standing at tho depot and taken to Rainy River, Ont. The whole country east of here is on fire. Roosevelt, Swift, Williams and Cedar Spur are in great danger. All the women and children are being rap idly removed to places of safety. The Canadian Northern railroad has stationed trains at every station and is doing everything in its power to re lieve the situation. The people of Beaudette and Spooner and the settlers all through the north central part of the state have lost everything. Five thousand are home less, and the greater part of them absolutely destitute. Help must reach them in the next day or two in a sub stantial manner, a.s the greater part of them are about half clad. NAMES OF. INJURED UNKNOWN It will be impossible to get details and names of the injured before -*(£" '■ morrow, and some of the dead will not ' be found until spring. It will be Im possible to estimate the damage or casualties until later, but tho pioneers of northern Minnesota must have help. The wind shifted tonight and car ried the flames away from Roosevelt, and unless it changes again tho town will be saved. Canadian Northern trains have been stalled here since Friday noon, when a freight train went through a bridge near Pitt. Tho crow was saved, ana. Conductor Monahan walked Into Beau-l dette, which he reported as destroyed.V. only the water tank, the schoolhouse V wails and the depot standing. Mona- 1 han says ho walked over dead bodies 1 on the way, but could not say how I many. Many settlers took to the % woods and have not been heard from since. A mother and her five children are known to have been burned. The fires are still raging and the smoko is dense. The dead, as far as known, are: Katherino Jasper, 55, domestic for Albert Berg, Beaudette: John Golvin. 45, homesteader four miles from Beau detto, his wife and three small chil dren. Katherlne Jasper fought her would be rescuers with a butcher knife and perished in the home of her employer. FLAMES MOVE IN WALL ONE HUNDRED FEET HIGH RAINY RIVER, Ont, Oct. 9.—While a wind is sweeping a sea of fire east ward on the south side of the Rainy rlvor at a velocity of fifty nillea an .(CuutiiiutU oa L't|« Xn«&