vox., xxxin. TJTJTr^TT". K(\ ■ fFNTS BY carrif.r
number 28. JrltlLJli! O\J v^HiIN ±£5 win MONTH
Big Pennant Clinched in Hot
Game with Chicago Nation-
als; Score 7 to 2
Cornelius McGillicuddy Beams
and Says '^They're a Grand
Bunch of Boys"
(Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 23.—The baseball
championship of the world belongs to
the Philadelphia club of the American
league. They clinched the big pen
nant fast today, scoring seven runs
to two against the Chicago Nationals,
and there was none in the big over
flow crowd to say that they'had not
won it fairly and squarely.
Five games were played and the
en stern youngsters took four of them
by outbatting, outflelding and out
rushing the veteran Chlcagoans. They
got the "Jump" at the start. Although
Chicago punctuated their . progress
■with a defeat yesterday, it really did
not change the situation a bit. The
Philadelphians wore due. They won
the American league banner in 1802,
but there was no world's series that
Five years ago the New York Nation
als were too strong for them. In this
year of grace It was not on the cards
that they were to be denied.
While the the series was not the 1
most profitable ever played, It helps
to simplify the high cost of living
problem confronting even such heroes
as the Philadelphians, to say nothing
of the Chicagoans, with their winter
coming on.
The players' share of the money,
amounts to $79,071.93. Of this 60 per
cent, or $47,443.15, goes to the winners,
and $31,628.68 to the losers. As there
are twenty-three olayers on each team
eligible to participate, each of the
I'lnladclphians is entitled in round
numbers to $2062, and each Chicagoan
to $1375.
The players shared lntoday's receipts
by courtesy of the management of the
two clubs, who conceded that if today's
receipts should be larger than those
of any previous day, the smallest re
ceipts should be credited as accruing
to tho fourth day, and the Sunday re
ceipts accredited to the fourth con
test, tho last in which the players
held a financial share.
The total receipts for the series were
U73.980. The two clubs get $38,755
apiece, while $17,398 goes to the Na
tional commission.
The total attendance was 125,219 per
According to the general verdict, the
world*! prestige of the Philadelphias,
and their wealth, entitles to top
places in athletic bluebooks and for
the same reasons, with others added,
it is decided that while Connie Mack
is a good work-a-day appellation and
fits nicely into the headlines, as man
ager of the greatest ball team on earth
he should henceforth be addressed as
Mr. Cornelius McGillicuddy, with never
a syllable slurred.
When this was put up to Mr. McGil
licuddy, however, he blushed modestly
and said it did not matter what the
manager of a team like his was called.
"They're a grand bunch of boys,"
lie said, beaming on his men, "and I'm
proud of them. They never quit. In
the first four games we used only ten
men, which speaks well for the way
the boys work together, and not until
today did I make any changes."
The performance of Coombs in pitch-
Ing and winning three of the five-game
series is probably unique. He had but
one day's rest between the second and
third games, but three days intervened
between the third game and today's
exhibition. He had better control to
day than In the previous contests, and
foiled the opposing batters when hits
meant runs.
Brown, for Chicago, pitched excellent
ball, except in the disastrous eighth,
and the holocaust of that inning was
by no means entirely his fault.
The day was bright and the weather
of the Indian summer variety. Ground
rules, as usual, were necessary. Phil
adelphia took the lead at the outset
when Hartzell, who went to left, while
Lord played center In place of Strunk,
singled. The Philadelphians present
cheered, for that was exactly the rea
son that"Topsy" was played Instead
of Strunk. He stole second while Lord
was striking out, and brought in the
first run when Collins hit to center
for one base. Brown struck out Lord
and Davis in this inning.
Chicago came right back in the sec
ond, when Chance doubled to left, took
third on a sacrifice and scored when
Stelnfeldt delivered a belated hit.
In the third and fourth stanzas the
Philadelphia^ were not threatening,
but Coombs did some stellar pitching
to save himself from trouble in Chi
cago's half of the fourth. Two hits
and a pass had filled the bases, with
one out, but the young Phlladelphian,
settling to his work, fanned the always
to-be-feared Tinker and Archer.
The easterners assumed the lead in
the fifth and were never Ijeaded there
after. Steinfeldt's fumble gave Murphy
a life at first. Barry sacrificed, and
Lapp, who donned the catcher's mitt
in place of Thomas, sent him home
with a single.
The Chicago team went to pieces in
the eighth. Brown held Coombs too
lightly, and the latter singled, but
later was forced by Hartzell. Lord
doubled and Hartzell scored, following
which Collins rapped out another two
bagger and Lord crossed the plate.
Collins, taking advantage of the con
fusion in the Chicago camp, stole third,
but was out at the plate when Baker
lilt weakly to Zimmerman. Davis was
allowed to walk, placing runners on
first and second. Then Chicago blew
up. Murphy singled to center and
Baker scored from second. Davis was
at Baker's heels, and Hofman. who
retrieved the hit, threw a block away
from Archer, and Davis scored. Mur
phy had reached second and stopped,
hut Umpire O'Day invited him to take
(Continued on rage Six) j
For T.ob Angeles and vicinity: Fair Mon
day) tog in morning; light north 'wind,
changing to loath. Maximum temperature
yesterday, 74 degrees; minimum tempera
ture, 60 degrees. /
Charles Walsh carries off honors for
spectacular flights at meet of Aero
Club of California. PAGE 1
Board of education Is expected to au
thorize building a model bungalow In
which to teach housekeeping. PAGE 2
Lios Anselcs-Paclfic may add 1400 labor- '
ers to gangs relaying and paving
Hollywood line. v PAGE 2
Mrs. I.avtn Is taken by Attorney Rogers
to view the Times ruins. PAGE 1
Eastern Star delegates from San Diego
convention, stop In Los Angeles.
Fourteen Indian reservations In South
ern California to be placed under wa
ter systems. PAGE 3
Angelcnos who traveled abroad amused
at shopping In Orient. PAGE 3
Lorln A. Handley, candidate for con
gress, scores trusts and suggests cor
rective measures. PAGE 5
Alhambra resident reports he was
robbed of 1800 on street car. \ PAGE 6
Bishop Conaty officiates at blessing of
Holy Cross parochial school. PAGE 12
Editorial and Letter Box. PAGE 4
City brevities. PAGE 6
Politics. PAGE 6
Mining and oil fields. PAGE 9
Classified advertising. PAGES 10-11
Mothers' congress. PAGE 9
Shipping. PAGE 10
Churohes. PAGE 12
W. C. T. V. PAGE 10
Dissension In Republican ranks over
reception of Johnson In San Ber
nardino Is ended. PAGK 5
New East Side Christian church at
Long Beach dedicated with Impres
sive ceremony. . • PAGE 8
Tournament of Roses association plans
for contest to select festival queen for
Pasadena. PAGE 8
Frederick Alonzo caught by undertow
drowned at San Pedro. PAGE 8
Hiram Johnson leaves Ban Francisco
on his final trip to Southern Cali
fornia. PAGE 5
Eastern financiers visiting here are ex
pected to buy oil property, . PAGE C
Professor Day of Ban Francisco Theolog
ical seminary speaks of Biblical study on
coast. ' PAGE 1
In Amador county Theodore Bell makes
strong speech for stats unity. PAGB 2
Official of Pressmen's union at Denver
says newspaper buildings will blow up
' before strike is settled on^ publishers'
terms. PAGB, 1
High wind prevents aeroplane flights at
second day of International aviation meet.
Philadelphia wins world's baseball cham- .
pionship. 7 to 2, game with Chicago
Nationals. PAGES 1 and 6
Last hope for safety of steamer Bluenelds
and twenty-nine on board disappears.
/ PAGB 1
Nine balloonist* win big records near Ca
nadian border and one Is missing.
\ PAGB 2
Carnegie returns from Europe .in frail
health and silent about business and poli
tics. PAGE 2
Florence main shaft goes below 600-foot
level Into virgin ground. PAGE 9
Associated contracts to sell Japanese gov
ernment 10,000,000 barrels of crude oil.
Miners approach vein in the Gold' Bul
lion tunnel. * PAGE 9
Last Hope Disappears for Safety
of Bluefields, and Twenty-
Nine on Board
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.—The last
hope of the survival of the Norwegian
steamer Bluenelds of the Vaccaro com
pany, caught in the gulf hurricane,
near the Yucatan channel, more than
a week ago, disappeared tonight when
the steamer Corinto reached New Or
leans without tidings of her. The Co
rlntc sailed from Ceiba, Spanish Hon
duras, last Wednesday, following the
course always taken by the Blueflelds.
That the Bluenelds was lost with the
twenty-nine persons aboard, Including
besides the crew the wife of Capt.
Lange, is the general belief.
The belief that the British steamer
Crown Prince, Capt. R. Klrkwood,
with a crew of thirty-flve men, bound
from Santos and last reported at Bar
badoes. October 7, went down in the
storm, was strengthened by the con
tinued lack of tidings today.
REDDING, Cal., Oct. 23.—D. C.
Jones was arrested last night and
placed In the county jail accused of
having uttered threats against the life
of Judge J. E. Barber, who granted a
decree of divorce to Mrs. Jones last
week. The authorities say Jones
pledged himself to kill the judge un
less the decree was modified. He will
be taken into court tomorrow to an
swer to a charge of contempt.
OAKLAND, Oct. 23.—Daniel B. Flem
ing, a state railrotd policeman, was
arrested tonight charged with the mur
der of George Vallior, the 19-year-old
Tacoma boy, who with a companion
was found unconscious on the roof of a
car of an overland train at Redding
August 25 and who died of his injuries
a day later.
Birdman Gives Thrilling Exhibi
tions at Field on Playa
Del Rey Line
Cannon Supplies Excitement
While Being Towed Around
Grounds by Large Auto
Charles F. Walsh again carried off
the honors at the novice meet of the
Aero Club of California yesterday aft
ernoon, held at the Los Angeles mo
tordrome, although Jack Cannon, J. J.
Sla,vin, Edgar Smith and George Dues
ler filled out a program as successful
in its class as the professional meet
at Dominguez field last January.
Walsh secured four trophies and about
$200 in prize money by his flights Sat
urday and yesterday.'
Slavln made a short flight, which re
sulted disastrously, as he smashed his
alighting gear and a protecting skid
of one plane in landing. Duesler was
unable to make a. long flight because
of the slippery condition of the motor
drome paddock.
Walsh made a variety of flights, cir
cling about in any direction desired
and landing easily at the starting
point. He did not attempt to fly high,
and the altitude prize was at first
awarded to Slavin, • but on a protest
from Walsh's friends the contest com
mittee decided in favor of the San
Dlegan. The trophy for highest flight
is a silver cup presented by business
men of San Diego. i Other cups won
by Walsh at this meet are the Whitley
Jewelry company's trophy for endur
ance, the W. H. Leonard cup for the
best circular flight and a newspaper
trophy for distance.
When the observers reported the
altitude in favor of Slavin, the Walsh
aeroplane was on its way to the
hangar, but although it was almost
dusk Walsh went back to the starting
course and made several more at
tempts to fly higher than he had done
before. The contest committee was
called together by President Twining
of the Aero club and he rendered a de
cision giving the award to Walsh.
Slavin got into the air in excellent
fashion, but an automatic balancing
device which is a feature of his ma
chine failed to work to the necessary
limit. As ha* started to land his ma
chine turned - sideways and struck
heavily on one plane. The side strain
crumpled up his running gear and the
crowd saw an exciting spill. Slavin
was thrown out of the machine, land
ing several feet away in the soft earth,
but was not injured.
The crowd which quickly gathered
around picked up the disabled ma-,
chine and carried it to the hangar.
Slavin will begin his repairs this
morning and expects to be able to
make a flight next Sunday afternoon.
Jack Cannon furnished the greatest
excitement of the afternoon with his
towed flights in the biplane built by
the Cannon brothers. Towed by a' big
Stoddard-Dayton driven by L. Mor
timer, which skidded around the
curves in the soft ground, Cannon
guided his machine several times
around the inside course of the motor
drome paddock without coming to the
ground. The crowd cheered as he
went by the grandstands and com
mented on the ease with which the
aerial machine made its rounds us
compared with the difficulties under
which the automobile party labored.
Cannon won the, only prize awarded
for an exhibition inside the motor
drome and L. Mortimer, the owner of
the automobile, received an honorable
Edgar Smith tuned up the engine
of his little Demoiselle early in the
afternoon and went i skipping. around
the grounds. When he struck a par
ticularly soft spot and the engine
stopped he lifted the little monoplane,
engine and all, without assistance and
walked over to a new starting point
with it. .
"Smith's machine's , off the ground,"
shouted the crowd, delighted at • the
novelty. "Give him a prize."
Smith believes that a , lighter man
with a dry, hard starting ground can
get his little monoplane into, the air,
and he may give a less heavy aviator
a chance at it at next Sunday's mat
inee meet. B. F. Roehrig, who was
unable to get his engine working, will
■"toe in shape to take part in the mat
inee next Sunday afternoon, and . two
■or three other members of the club
also expect to participate. ■
The novice meet • was voted an en
tire success by the members of the
club. It is the first of the kind in
the United States at which the flying
has been so successful, although a
similar meet was held in St. Louis last
June. Present plans of the Aero club
directors are to hold amateur flying
exhibitions at popular prices at the
motordrome every Sunday ' afternoon
until the big meets are projected.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.—Manorial
services for tho late Senator J. P. Dol
liver of lowa were held here today in
the Foundry Methodist church. The
church was draped in black and the
altar was banketf high with wreaths.
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson,
Bishop Earl Cranston and Bishop
Charles Osborne of Oregon delivered
SAN DIEGO, Oct. 23.—Two Chinese,
one of them the steward on the Ameri
can-Hawaiian liner Columbian, now In
port, are under arrest, charged with
smuggling opium. Ling Sing, the
steward, was arrested last night when
seven cans of opium were found on his
person. Today the customs officials
arrested his assistant, Vim Sang. No
opium was found on Vim.
Jack Cannon Making His Sensational Biplane Flight
While Towed by an Auto at Motordrome Yesterday
Heavy Weather Prevents Flights
at Second Day of Interna
tional Aviation Meet
NEW YORK, Oct. 23.—There were
two smashups, no flights and 7500 dis
appointed spectators at the second day
of the international aviation meet at
B"elmont park. Long Island, today.
The wind was so strong that only
two aviators, Grahame-White and
Moissant, cared to dare it, and both
of them came to grief, though without
personal injury.
There is great dissatisfaction among
the Frenchmen entered for the Gordon
Bennett speed race. Alfred le Blanc,
champion cross-country flyer of France;
Emile Aubrun, his pupil, and Hubert
Latham, all complain that the course
is not laid out according to the rules
of the Federation Internationale, and
Le Blanc wrote to the Aero club of
France ten days ago asking if the
French team should compete.
They expect instructions by cable to
morrow or the day after at the latest.
Four Frenchmen here to compete for
the altitude, distance and duration
prizes are not affected, but the Gordon
Bennett cup is the red letter event of
the aeronautic calendar. It brought
the international cup to this coutryn,
and with it the second international
meet. To have the Frenchmen desert
would rob the tournament of more than
half of its interest.
When the bomb sounded for the first
distance event this afternoon only
Grahame-White and Moissant came
out. White chivied his machine into
the wind and rose cautiously. He
needed all his caution, for even at a
height of not more than forty feet he
pitched like a ship in a heavy storm,
and in alighting careened to one side.
Splinters went flying into the air. The
whirring propeller had touched, and
*oth blades were smashed to splinters.
Moissant never got off the ground,
but his machine was much more badly
damaged. The wind picked it up out
of the hands of his machinists and let
it fall again. Both of his planes were
crumpled, his rudder was broken and
the crank shaft bent.
White said his damage could be re
paired in a couple of hours. Moissant
hoped to have his machine repaired
by Tuesday. Both his machines are
now out of commission and unless he
can borrow one he will not be able
to fly tomorrow.
DOTJAI, France, Oct. 23.—Captain
Madiot, a military aviator, was killed
at the aerodrome here today. He was
making his first practice flight at this
course, and when at a height of 500
feet tried to stop his motor and glide
to the ground. The motor continued
to run and the machine plunged to
the earth.
Mrs. Schmidt Is Wakened to
Hear of Son's Death
SAN RAPAKLi, Oct. 23.—Dreaming
during the night that her son would
be killed if he joined a hunting party
in the Marin hills today, , Mrs. Alfred
Schmidt of this city was awakened by
neighbors this morning to be informed
that shortly after daybreak her 13
--year-old son George had been shot to
death accidentally by his cousin, Fred
May, aged 18.
The two, with Arthur Hams, had
gone in quest of quail. The Schmidt
boy was unarmed and was instructed
by his older companions to remain in
the rear during the day.
However, he wandered from the trail
and was standing behind a clump of
brush v.hen his cousin fired at some
birds nearby. The charge of shot
struck the boy behind the left ear
and ho died in half an hour.
SEDAMA. Mo., Oct. 23.—President C.
E. Spencer of the Sedalla Boosters club
tonight denied the report circulated last
night that A. W. Sullivan, general man
ager of the Missouri Pacific railroad, In
a conversation with htm over the tele
phone yesterday, agreed tentatively to
take back Into the employment of the
railroad striking machinist foremen.
More non-union mechanics came here
today to replace the strikers. The
only trouble reported was by W. A.
Wright, a non-union machinist, who said
that he was attacked by two unknown
men l»Ht night.
Denver Strike Official Says the
Buildings "Will Blow Up" Be
fore Pressmen Give In
DENVER, Oct. 23.—Prediction by a
labor union national official that the
buildings of three local newspapers
whose pressmen are on strike will en
counter destruction before the publish
ers win electrified the Denver Trades
and Labor assembly at a meeting this
The speaker was Albert B. Kreitlw,
third vice president of the Interna
tional Printing- Pressmen and Assist
ants' Union of North America, who
appeared before the assembly asking
aid in the strike.
When he had finished a committee
was appointed to Investigate the situ
Kreitler spoke rapidly and after the
first few minutes with vehemence, but
he suddenly slowed down and seemed
to pick his words.
"I tell you the buildings will blow
up before this thing Is settled the way
the publishers want to settle it," he
He finished his speech amid great
Persons who attended the meeting
directed attention to the careful phras
ing of the prediction, particularly to
the fact that Kreitler did not say the
buildings "would be blown up."
General Guerrera Shot, as Is
Policeman with Him
HAVANA, Oct. 23.—General belief to
day regarding the attempted assassina
tion last night in front of the presiden
tial palace of MaJ. Gen. Pino Guerrera,
the commander in chief of the regular
army, is that the crime was of a polit
ical character. The precise motive is
not clear.
Gen. Guerrera is now in the military
hospital at Camp Columbia His thigh
bone was shattered, but his condition
is favorable.
The identity of his assailant is still
doubtful. Manuel Fernandez, a city
patrolman, absent from duty without
leave, was arrested. He denied all
knowledge of the shooting, and neither
Guerrera nor a policeman who was
shot while going to the general's as
sistance was able to identify him.
SAN DIEGO, Oct. 23.—Ada Scott, the
young Santa Barbara girl who eloped
from that city on October 11 with Guy
H. Metzler, alias G. H. Ward, alias A.
H. Harris, was found by officers in a
lodging house in this city today and
placed in the care of Mrs. Olive Cham
bers, the police matron, pending ad
vices from Santa Barbara.
Harris, who was arrested yesterday
for swindling: merchants jy means of
forged checks, now admit, that as Guy
H. Metzler he eloped with Miss Scott.
Miss Scott declared they were mar
ried in Los Angeles October 12, coming
here a few dava later.
OTIVT/^tT T7< /^/^"OTTTG • DAtLT tc. ON TRAINS 80,
bJJN (jrJ^llli L/Ul 1 JllO . BCKDAYB 5c ON TBAINB 10*
Professor in San Francisco Theo
logical Seminary Discusses
Bible Study on Coast
(Associated Press)
FRESNO, Oct. 23.—1n a personal
statement published today. Dr. T. P.
Day, professor in the Old Testament
department of the San Francisco The
ological seminary, whose attitude of
higher criticism of the Bible was con
demned by the Presbyterian synod, as
serts the vote of 168 to 92 marks an im
portant stage in Biblical study on the
"Every movement haa its critical
periods," he states, and again, later,
"truth's rewards are for the man who
gives up all for her sake. She hides
her secret from the intellectually lazy
and from the morally insincere."
Higher criticism on this coast lias
made less headway than elsewhere,
says Dr. Day, because it is a newer
country and men are too busy to en
gage in deep Bible study. The ap
parently true hypotheses here are ac
cepted as the true. The wavering vote
on other questions than the Mosaic
authorship of the pentateuch is con
sidered by Dr. Day as an indication
of uncertainty as to how far condem
nation of higher criticism should go.
He closes as follows:
"Surely the mind that was made for
truth cannot forever bar its free en
trance. We may confidently hope that
the ecclesiastical liberty won by Chris
tian scholars in Scotland. England,
Canada and the eastern sections of our
own country will not long delay its
coming to our western coast, where
strangely enough the paradox presents
itself, of a church more conservative as
a rule than may be found elsewhere,
surrounded by conditions that in other
spheres—politics, literature, education
—make for the greatest possible free
Atlantic Revenue Cutter Picks Up
a Cry in the Night
NANTUCKET, Mass., Oct. 23.—Wire
less calls for help to the tank steamer
Oklahoma were picked up tonight by
the revenue cutter Achusnet.
The Achusnett being- unable to get
Into further communication with the
steamer, reportd the mutter, and
messages are being flashed out in every
direction by the wireless operator on
Nantucket shoals lightship.
The Oklahoma has not yet been lo
cated. Her call was picked up by a
number of ships equipped with wire
less u.s well as by several of the land
stations, and a general search is being
The Achusnet left New Bedford Sat
urday and is cruising in this vicinity.
SOLOMONVILLE, Ariz., Oct. 23.—
The jury in the case of David E.
Andress, charged with embezzlement,
returned a verdict of guilty here last
Andress, as justice of the peace In
the Morenci precinct, is alleged to have
carried on a system of grafting in con
neotion with prisoner! and fines. Thou
sands of dollars were involved.
DALLAS, Tex., Oct. 23.—Jesse Frlcke,
jr., of Dallas was fatally Injured when
an automobile collided with a motor
cycle on the state fair speedway this
afternoon and crahsed through the
fence Into a crowd of spectators. E. E.
Hokkh, who rode the motorcycle, was
hurt but not fatally.
Mrs. Lavin Whisked in Auto from
Dark Cell to Brink of the
Dynamited Pit
Finding of Visiting Card Leads to
Address of Vacant Lot in
Los Angeles
Detective Samuel L. Browne of Los An
geles arrived here today with a number
of subpoenas for local persons who will
be summoned to testify before the I.os
Angeles grand jury some time this week
in the investigation of the causes that
led to the explosion in the Los Angeles
Times building.
Browne will await the impaneling; of
the grand jury before* commencing; his
work here. Meanwhile he will devote
his attention, he nays, to gathering to
gether evidence against certain persons
suspected of the dynamiting
The discovery of a portion of the pos
tal card In the house formerly occupied
by David £aplan at 1641 A Fulton street
today gave the police a new clew on
which to work. The card bears the
name of "Jack Kyne, Sacramento street,
city." On the reverse side were the
Initials "O. A. T."
In a search of the room In the Corte
Miuloru hotel, In Maria county, formerly
occupied by the man known to the po
lice as "Smithy," Deputy Sheriff Agnew
of .San Rafael found a small piece of
cloth upon which appear two rough dia
grams, one of a building Bite and the
other a crude design of San Francisco
bay. Some figures also appear.
The diagram representing, the build-
Ing site Is In two parts. In the center of
one of which is the letter "T." The
outline of the bay bears the initials of
the various points visited by the men
who purchased the dynamite at the
Giant powder works on September 23.
The detectives on the trail of the
men who blew up the Times played
a trump card yesterday and claim to
have taken a trick that will mate
rially aid them in their work of run
ning down the criminals.
Mrs. Belle Lavin of San Francisco
was whisked from her dark cell in
the county jail to the brink of the
ruins of the dynamited newspaper
building at Second and Broadway.
Blinking in the bright sunlight of the
early afternoon, she peered into the
abyss of tangled and twisted debris
at her feet and was shown the death
pit of twenty-one men, one of whom
she is formally charged with murder
ing. Attorney Earl .Rogers and Chief
Eity Ford from District Attorney
cricks' office stood by her side,
grasped both men by the arm
lie viewed the scene and shrank
. Then they hurried her away,
she was taken back to her cell.
When Rogers returned to his office
after his dramatic seance with Mrs.
Lavin at the Times ruins he declared
that the day's interview had proved
satisfactory. "Mrs. Lavin has become
uuite amiable," he said, "and has ver
itled some facts in the case which will
be of great use to us. She has added
considerably to the information she
Brst gave us."
liogers and Ford called at the coun
ty jail early in the afternoon and
were closeted with Mrs. Lavin for
some time. When they came out of
the jail Mrs. Lavin was with them.
She was neatly and becomingly at
tired in a close-fitting blue tailor
made suit. As she reached the pave
ment her face brightened, she looked
up at the sun and drew a deep breath.
The prospect of an afternoon in tho
sunshine freshened her and she ap
peared to be looking forward to it
with \he zest and enthusiasm of a child.
The \ nos of care and fear that had
been stamped upon her features while
in the cell had entirely vanished. They,
entered Kogers' automobile.
As the red touring car moved swift
ly down First street and around the
corner into Broadway she looked wist
fully at the holiday crowds. Ahead,
a mass of humanity viewed the ruins
of the Times building. She manifest
ed an inteerst at once and leaned for
ward In her seat, curiosity showing on
her face. The men by her side sat
motionless. The big car reached the
outskirts of the crowd and Mrs. Lavin
exclaimed: "What's all the attrac
tion." The automobile stopped and
sho was taken to the brink of the
ruins. None in the crowd was awaro
of her identity saye a cordon of plain
clothes men who aif believed to have
guarded the little party.
Kogers is conducting tho prosecution
of his work with vigor. Many tele
grams were received and sent north
yesterday. Following his consultation
with Mrs. Lavin and a brief visit at
his headquarters ho drove to several
addresses in the city believed to have
hail tome connection with the case.
Rogers said yesterday that !ie should
be in San Francisco, but that certain
developments in the case kept him in
Los Angeles.
Asked if there was any probability of
an arrest in the case in Los Angeles,
be said there was. "Then the hunt
for the dynamiters has not shifted to
Ban Francisco?" he was asked. "No,"
replied Rogers; "it is going on in both
places. An arrest hwe is to bo ex
pected Just as soon as in San Fran
Connected with the finding of a small
visiting card among: Mrs. Lavin's per*
sonul effects in San Francisco, on
which was written a Figueroa street
address, are possibilities of the open
ing of a new avenue of investigation
ami the exposure of tho friends of tho
■uipectt who are supposed to have
given them aid ami possibly assisted in
the carrying out of the plot.
Detectives found the addreas was
(Continued <m I'ngo Two)