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Good People Read and Patronize Herald Want Columns—You're Reading Them N§w» BuYoiPafreilzcTleii': TO LET— Unfurnished « INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 3, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. TO LET-J2O, 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT, close In. Call at 1330 LOS ANGELES ST. Phone 21617. 11-S-3t TO LET—MODERN, COMFORTABLE 3 . room flat, $11. 841 HEMLOCK, near Cen . tral. _______ TO LET—MODERN, COZY 3-ROOM FLAT, $13.60. 634 8. DALY. & Los Angeles, TO LET—Houses, Unfurnished THE 810 GREEN PADDED VANS FOR moving. "They know how." Fireproof storage for household goods. L. A. P WAREHOUSE CO. SAVES WORRY. lIS Commercial st. Main 306. A 8727. 10-15-tf TO LET—6-ROOM UNFURNISHED COT tage, modorn Improvements: gas for light and cooking; water free; beautiful view; 111 per month. Inquire at 1422 West FIRST ST. 11-6-3 FOR RENT—COZY 6-ROOM COTTAGE, modern; lawn, yard and fruit trees. Ap- I ply OWNER, 829 E. Eighteenth at. j* 11-6-1 WANT TO RENT TOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. 10-t-tl TO LET—Houses, Furnished WANT TO RENT TOUR ROOMS. HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. 10-8-tf TO LET—Storerooms WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. ■ 10-8- TO LET—Housekeeping Rooms 6 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions fur the price of 8. Ask The Herald counter man ■ 10-12-tf TO LET— Furnished WANT TO RENT TOUR ROOMS. HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. 10-8-tf TO LET—Lodging Houses WANTED—CASH DOWN. FROM OWNER, modern rooming house from 16 to SO rooms; walking distance. Phone West 2366. J. A. niCHKY, 828 W. 3<th place. 11-6-3 TO LET—Office* WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD win' columns. ' 10-8-tf J7OR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FOR SALE .OR EXCHANGE .. I "Have 1160 Acres In Woodville District WEST OF PORTERSVILLE. TULARE CO., VERY GOOD ALFALFA LAND; IN FACT, OOOD FOR ANY CROP YOU WISH TO PLANT. WANT CLEAR LOTS OR HOUSE UP TO 16000. PRICK OF LAND $60 PER ACRE. MORT GAGE ON LAND. $4400 AT 6 PER CENT, RUNS ABOUT FOUR YEARS. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. GEO. J. SHOENHAIR 376 Wilcox Bldg. Phone A 2334. . lt-6-Tt JTOR EXCHANGE—ReaI Estate FOR SALE OR TRADE—FINK «-ACRE ranch, modern now buildings; on the Ban Pedro car line. A dandy home. Price 16000. Sell or trade. Ask us about It. ERIKSON & CO. 105 W. Sixth St., Ground 1 Floor, Room 1. Phones F2374, Bdwy. 3182. 11-4-4t WANTED-VACANT LOT. GOOD LOCALITY, MOO to $1000, as first playment on modern 6 room home. 57th near Moneta; all improve ments; give*description and' price. Address OWNER. Box 124, Herald. 11-5-3 FOR EXCHANGE—WE CAN EXCHANGE ycur property, no matter where located. BLACK A COMPANY, 41S-20 Grand bids. 10-14-lmo j^OR EXCHANGE— Miscellaneous ■ FOR EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS— Good pair of high top rubber boots, prac tically new, for bull pup. Address B. 8., . box 162, Herald. Give phone and ad dress In letter. 11-3-tf UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION. IF PRE paid, your ad three times for the price of two, or seven times for the price of five.- . U-l-tf ' I CAN MATCH ANY EXCHANGE: WHAT have you? DU BOSH. 701 Grosee Bldg. FU67. M-lli-tt ING WANTED—I CAN TEACH ANY INTELLI . GENT PERSON ASSAYING IN THREW HOURS, . or will forfeit $100; new process, covered by U. S. patent; practical, accurate. J. C. HAMES, Assayer, - 127 WEST FIRST -STREET. . 11-6-2 BAVE MONEY! TOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two. or seven times for the price of five, if prepaid. 11-1-tf JOHN HERMAN. ZStMi »■ Main. Not satis faction, but accuracy guaranteed. 12-22-tf PHYSICIANS— DOCTORS SHORES AND SHORES ARE strictly reliable expert medical specialists In the cure of deafness, catarrh and all manner of chronic nervous and blood diseases of men, women and children. 17 years of continuous success, with a record of over 100,000 treated, MAKE NO MISTAKE. Their new offices. In the H:l NB IiLDG.. Third and Spring sta., have every modern equipment. Take elevator or easy stairs to ROOMS 222 to 225, and con sult DOCTORS SHORES FREE. Term» for treatment low and uniform, 13 A MONTH for all caU-rrh, chronlo diseases; medicines free. Hours, I to 5, evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. It to IX All examination free this week. V t-17-U DR. C. C. LOGAN, Oculist, 512 Grant Bldg. ■ ■ 8-19-tf (CHURCH NOTICES— 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. i -NIEL HALI* 227 P. MAIN-NOON PRAY er meeting dally; gospel meeting every night. ; 8-1-tf DRESSMAKING- _ _ ; S' INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. ■ 11-l-tf JJAIR DRESSERS— 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD 'for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf (JESSPOOLS— IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPINQ CO.— We talc* out largest load. West 6391; ' 12040. 1-10-tt |>jONEY TO LOAN— WE LOAN MONEY To wage-earners and housekeepers, on personal not*; $10 and upward. Do you oito tn* landlord or the grooerT Do you want money tor any purpose? Too '•■ pay weekly or monthly. Mo publtoltrt lowest rate* PARK LOAN * CBHDIT CO., 414 80. Broadway. T-21-ti MONET TO LOAN 11000.00 TO 1100,000.00 to loan at current rates on city or coun try property. See HENRY W. MBLI.EN. Loan Dept. WRIGHT & CALLENDER CO. 403 South Hill it. Home phone 10746. *** "o-13-tf MONEY TO LOAN—S6OO TO 14000 IN SUMS to suit on olty or country property; prompt attention; no delay. MENNELL & HANCOCK 918 Wright & Callender Bldg. F7638. Broadway 1789. 11-6-8 ~~~~ MO Mil TO I/OAA ; '.000 is loan on r«al estate, city or eotui trjr. I to 1 per cent, amount* to suit. iIOYUR * GILBERT, m H. W. Hellmai Bids- Home mljub. AIWJ; Main Mil 10-l-tf PRIVATE MONEY, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. NO IWLAy. ON CITY OR COUNTRY PROPERTY; 'STRAIGHT .BUILDING LOANS. LOCKHAHT & SON, 601 11. W. HBLLMAN BLDG. Main 1410; A 7582. 10-tt-lmo MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $500 TO HMO, Lowest current rates. Quick appraisement; ■funds waiting. No charges for appraising or papers. FRANK C. SMITH, 602 American Hank bldg. 11-6-a WANTED— MONET. WANT $10,000 UN gilt edge city real estate. W. A. ROB ERTS REALTY CO.. 131 S. Broadway. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. FBSS4. Main 469. 10-»-H I HAVE $100 TO $50,000 FOR RKAL KH tato loans, city or country. Lowest rates. Money waiting. R. W. MOVER. 004 Frost bldg. F6107. 10-«-tf J,, JI TO LOAN-SALARIED HEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CRKDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. , 1-14-tt R. W. POINDEXTER. 4«» WILCOX BLDG., will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds. Building loans a specialty. j 6-»-tf UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE paid, your ad three times for the price of of two, or seven times for the price of five. 11-2-tf MONEY TO LOAN-FULL VALUE ON diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture, stor age receipts. G. F. THOMAS. 711 S. Broaa way . UMt-ti TO LOAN—SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 411 Henna Bid*. . 10-4-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you see me. F. A. NEWTON, 708 O. T. Johnson bldg. 11-6-tf $to» TO $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN * CO.. Jefferson and Mala. ■ i-a-t« SPECIAL NOTICES— •YOUR EYES Thla Is your opportunity to nave your eyes examined by a well known specialist. To those presenting this notice at 328 Security Building. Dr.- W. C. Dlckson extends the courtesy of free examination and consultation. Special attention paid to eyes of children. RELIABLE OPTICAL CO., (28-329 Security Building. FIFTH AND SPRING. THIRD FLOOR. T-SI-tt ROOF REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTEND ed to. All work guaranteed. CALIFOR NIA ROOFING AND SUPPLY CO.. 411 B. Seventh at. Main 2426. Ffii4«. 10-14-lmo PAINTING, PAI)ERHANGING AND TlNT ing to please you at very reasonable • prices. Work guaranteed. Phone A573S or F2982. GREENBLATT. 11-6-3 D>(n!(n>lPlM<ni * nd building paper, best K«U/HJ>lrll^HUl grade. Closing out, half price. 2902 GRIFFITH AYE. South 4163. ■ 11-8-tf WE FIX ROOFS TO STAY FIXED. Chimney cleaning and repairing. MON MERT CO., 1513 W. Pico. West 6886, 62567. U-2-tf PRINCE JOHN DE GUELPH'S MEMOIRS $2 per copy; fine autograph by his half brother. HARRY COLPERS, 425 Court st. 11-6-10 STANDARD ROOFING AND REPAIR CO., repairs any kind of leaky routs, city or country. Bdwy. 3746. 626 I. FLOWER ST. 11-4 -3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. WANTED—LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively hlghajt prices paid. MAIN 8897; F6936. 6-26-12 mo CLOSING OUT 2600 GALLONS OF CAR rara paint, $1.60 per gallon. SHEEHAN'S, »00 E. Broadway. «-15-tf PERSONALS, BUSINESS— I MORPHINE OPIUM. COCAINE and all drug habttu cured at home by th* I mjat roiiarkable remedy ever discovered. No hypodermic Injections; no pain. A cur* or no pay. Call or write SO. GAL. CHEM ICAL CO., 202 M '■>. Broadway, rooms 206-208. Los Angeles. ■ 9-10-tt ANY ONE HAVING ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING CHARLES MALONEY PLEASE ADDRESS HIS FATHER, TELFORD MALONEY AT 580 CENTRAL AYE.. LOS ANGELES. 11-6-3 ANY ONE KNOWING i'HE WHEK3 abouts of George Freeixan Bradley, who was last heard of by his family In Brio, Pa., will do a great favor by notifying MISS NELLIE BRADLEY, care genera, delivery, L-ke Charles. La. 10-9-lm> ANY ONE HAVING ANY INFORMATION concerning Charles Maloney, please address his father, TELORD MALONEY, at 680 Central aye., Los Angeles. 11-6-3 PERSONAL— DR. H. Y. McNa'JUHT HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICES 1O SUITE 601 11UMILLER BLDG., 430 S. .dKOADWAX. HOURS, 10-12 AND 3-6. 10-30-lmo 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD, for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of [>. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf MRS. MASSON, THE NOTED LONDON palmist. 322 S. SPRING, over Owl drug store. ; 11-Z»-tt $TOCKS AND BONDS OIL, MINING AND INDUSTRIAL COM panles desiring to raise capital write at once for our literature. Insure the prin- j cipal of the Investor and your stock should sell. GRANITE SECURITIES COMPANY, fifth floor Bradbury bldg., Los Angeles. CaL 10-29-lmo SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for the price of five. If prepaid. 11-1-tf J\£USICAL INSTRUCTION SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for thp price of five. If prepaid. 11-1-tf jyi ininq— I SAVE MONEYI TOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for the piico of five. If paid. tl-l-tf MACHINERY— v _ _^_ SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times lor the price of five. It prepaid. 11-1-tf | LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1010. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS RENTED $5 for 3 Months Every machine Is guaranteed to be In fine working order and will be kept so during | term of rental. Inltlrl payment allowed to apply If purchased. We also have for sale a fine line of Re built Machines of all makes on which you can save SO to 75 per cent. Year'» guarantee. Bend or call for catalogue. American Writing Machine Co. 138 S. Broadway. ' A 6913, Main 3959. 10-30-sun-mon-tf | RIO.UINOTON TYPEWRITER, FINE order; j nothing bettor than a Remington; this mm \ coat $100; take It for ten dollars. Room 10, 241';, P. UROADWAY. »-«-■' BATHS— SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE ] times for the price of two, or seven times j for the price of live, If prepaid. 11-1 > PERSONA^, - SULPHUMK, VAPOR. SEA •Alt baths, scalp treatments, 10 to 10. F7H». BADGER TOILET PARLORS. Room 225. 701 b. orlnr '«" KIM ANITA HELDMAN, 814 SANTEE ST.. two blocks east of Main. Bait baths, electrlo baths and treatment. 10-19-tf MISS LOLA HILL. 708 CROCKER ST.. tub baths and alcohol rubs. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. 10-20-tt il»Vk B. SPRING, BUITB •—CHIROPODY, •leotrlcity, massage, vapor and sbower baths. MABaAdE, bathe, chiropody, expert «>»l«tnntii. JEAN LHNN. 520 8. Bway. i-17-tt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES— FOR MANUFACTURING JEWELRY shop; benches, tools and machinery and office furniture. No reasonable offer re fused. 800 BROADWAY CENTRAL, BLDG. 11-6-3 FOR SALE—HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC supplies, close in; price MOO. WILSON & FOX, 328 Story bldg. Main 7775, F3350. 11-6-3 PARTNER WANTED—INTEREST OLD, paying real estate and land office, 1260. Receive value In property, office or bonus. 617 SAN FERNANDO BLDO. 11-3-8 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf FOR SALE—SMALL NO. 1 JOB PRINTING office at one-half Its value. J. W. HART, 63 E. Colorado St., Pasadena. 11-3-7 FOR SALE— SHOP, 145 N. BROAD WAY; have other business; a snap. 11-2-Et PATENTS AND PATENT AGENTS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY. HAZARD & BTRAUSE. ESTABLISHED 12 YEARS. American and foreign patents secured and trademarks registered. PATENT LITI GATION. 839 Citizens National Bank Building, Third and Main. Home A 1493; Main 2522. PATENT BOOK FREE. J S ZERBE, SOLICITOR. UNITED STATES •nd foreign patents; 40 yean" experience. 122-3 Bllmso-i bide . Third and Main. Phono A 5344. 10-6-tf PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, ALL COUN tries. A. H. LIDDERS, patent lawyer and solicitor, 612 Am. Bank bldg.. 2d and Spring. 10-IC-tf AUTOMOBILES— FOR SALE— S-WHEEL DELIVERY TRICYCLE In good runnlg order; will hold 110 10c loaves bread. ADDRESS 311 E. SIXTIETH ST., CITY. 11-6-3 1400. WORTH- DOUBLE, SPLENDID 4-CYL lnder 6-pasacnger' "30" auto; fine condition; I; cost new $2250; will accept best offer before Tuesday, Bth; must sell. Call or send address to E. MICHOLS, 1711 Ocean aye.. Santa Monica. 11-5-3 HAVE YOU AN AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE, for exchange or otherwise? Then use THE HERALD'S classified automobile columns. 10-14-tf ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAWYER'S ADVICE FREE Suite 836 U. W. Hellman Bldg., Fourth and Spring. General practice of law in all Its branches. Civil and criminal cases conducted In all courts. Charges moderate. Confidential. 10-IS-lmo SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS—PERSONAL Injury 1 claims specialty; estates settled. J. W. MACY, 538 Douglas bids. Phones: A 8533. Main 8531. U I INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the prlc of B. Ask The Hern 1.1 counter man. SANITARIUMS— —-»-~—~~- -~-^~^-~-^^^^-^-^. ~^^-> THIS WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the cltj for confinement oases. Terms to suit. 1345 ■oath Flower. F4134. »-13-tt ! ]?OR SALE—House* FOR SALE— New and Beautiful Six and Seven-Room BUNGALOWS On Pacific Avenue HOLLYWOOD These houses have very artistic exteriors. INSIDE ARRANGEMENT THE BEST. Having beamed ceilings, paneled walls, built in buffet, leaded glass door, plate glass mir rors, cabinet kitchen, large closet room, light and airy bedrooms, hardwood floors in two rooms, electric light fixtures the very best, pressed brick mantels—ln fact, the houses are Just as cozy as could be made. ATTENTION $100 DOWN $100 DOWN Balance Like Rent For the next few days we have decided to make special terms on these properties. If you want a bargain, now is the time to se cure one of the most Ideal homes ever offered for the money In Los Angeles. These at tractive bungalows are located In the trend of the rapidly growing residential part of the city. Near good car service. Street work, gas, sidewalks, trees and lawns al ready In. Come and see these houses. Agent will I be on the tract. Take Hollywood ox Laurel Canyon car and get off at MartcPlt.; walk two blocks west, " -. MR. ANDERSON Phones F3175 or Broadway 4575. 11-5-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MODERN 6 room cottage between Main and Moneta on 67th; sewer, gas, all Improvements; worth $3000. Want clear lot or .(-passenger car to $750; no Junk. Address BOX 124 Herald. FOR SALESROOM HOUSE, MODERN CON- | venlences; barn, alley: a. bargain. 141» E. 27TH ST. Call Sunday or evenings; also fine building lot at 52d and Vermont at a sacri fice. Phone 29850. ' - 11-5-3t Invest In Inelewood Bungalow Park & 10-12-tf 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. POR SALE—Furniture :^' SAVE MONEY! ' YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times I , for the price of five, if prepaid. . 11-1-U j pOR SALE—Suburban Property Domft Belay Another Bay Investigating LAWNDALE, With the electric car shops located 3 minutoa north of Lawnd.Ue and $10,000,000 steol plant 3 miles east of Lawndale, valufS are sure to go ■oaring. Jn Lawndata you will find all the conveniences that make suburban life perfect. You Cain Buy A Vfc-a.crp for 5 per rent down and $10 per month, no Interest and no taxes for first year. Prices lower than all surrounding property. Special Notice The Guy M. Rush Co., Inc., wishes to Htats thiit the present "prices (in the remaining fractional acres will not be raised until Nov. 15, when at least it 10 per cent raise will be made on all remaining prop erty. We have one complete chicken ra l nch Cor sale, cheap, on easy monthly payments, and some Vt -acre pieces as low an $150, $5 down and $5 monthly. Guy M. Rush Co,, lnc o Main 1041. 901-2 Story Bldg. F4lB. FOR Suburban Property Ingle wood IB mi in flow Park Is a delightful place to build that nice, new bungalow you are thinking of building. We offer special inducements to the first build ers . of houses on this beautiful new sub division. We will allow five per cent dis count for all cash, an extra five per cent on the first six houses erected, an extra five per gent on the first six two-story houses erected, and an extra five per cent on the first ten houses erected costing more than $2500. These Half=Acre • ■ Lots Are supplied with gas, electric lights and good, pure water; streets graded and curbed, sidewalks graveled. WHYNOT go out and see this new subdivision TO DAY? Take green car marked Kedondo Beach via Inglewood, get off at Pine street, tract office right there. HALF-ACRE LOTS ■ , $750 TO $1000 EASY TERMS INGLEWOOD" LAND CO. Room 349 Wilcox Building, A 1229; Main 6913. 2d and Uprnlg sts. U-«-7 FOR SALE—I ONLY SELL MY OWN PROP erty; about one and one-third acres In Trop ico, $1000; $300 cash, balance on time. Call Monday and Saturday, 1253 BLANCHE AYE., Tropica, Cal. 11-5-3 ACRE LOTS. ADJOINING HAWTHORNE, $600, 10 per cent down, $10 a month; where big shops are planned and cross country car line. 228 H. W. Hellman bldg. C. F. ELLIS. Phones—A7ss3, Main 1368. 11-6-tf SELL THAT HOUSE, LOT OR RANCH AT - small expense through a Herald want ad. 11-2-tf POR SALE—City Lots and Lands £ -^__^ The City IPLEWOODi That Grows LAST YEAR 1000 THIS YEAR 2000 GET- IN AND RIDB WITH US. 10-10-tf Go and See Inglewood Bungalow F'ark • • . • - 10-U-tf SELL THAT HOUSE, LOT OR RANCH AT small expense through a Herald want ad. 11-2-tf POR SALE—ReaI Estate, UnclassTd "GLORIOUS KOOTENAY," BRITISH COL umbla. No . irrigating; delightful climate; fruit farms, $10 to $80 per acre; easy terms. Free booklet, etc. INVESTORS' TRUST & MORTGAGE CORPORATION. LTD.. 134 Hasting* St.. W.. Vancouver. B. C. 11-6-lmo ' JTOR SALE— Grove* * Visit Inglewood Bungalow Park 10-12-tf POR SALE—Musical Instruments A. Q. GARDNER, 118 WINSTON ST. l'l uiii (Old, rented, tuned | very low rates. . I-11-lf POR —Government Land SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for.tha price of five, If prepaid. 11-1-if POR SALE—Suburban Property POR SALE—Country Property "Iff" Acres N In our SOOO-acre subdivision west of Ducor, Tulare county, If properly farmed, means Independence for you, as this land, without irrigation, will produce better than 20 bush els of wheat per acre, and when Irrigated will produce from 6 to 10 tons of alfalfa per aero In a single year. Our water supply is pure and unlimited. An abundance for ir rigation purposes can be had at a depth varying from 25 to 38 feet. While we rec ommend this as a first-class alfalfa propo sition, our land will grow all kinds of de ciduous fruit to perfection. The price of our land runs from WO to 165 per acre. On our $40 to $50 land we can make you terms of 11.00 an acre cash and 11.00 an acre per month. On our $55 to $65 land our terms are one-fourth cash ana the balance in one, two, three and four equal annual payments, or monthly pay ments of $1.00 an acre If desired. As over one-half of our subdivision has been sold, we urge you to come In at once and arrange to go up with us on Thurs day night, November 10. The trip will take but one day's time, as we travel at night. $5.00 for the round trip, including sleeper. PACIFIC FRUIT AND ALFALFA LAND CO. 718 Delta Bldg. 426 S. Spring st. , . 11-6-4 RICHFIELD . ORANGE LAND $150 PER ACtl 60 MINUTES' RIDE FROM THE CITY, IN THE ABSOLUTELY FROSTLESS BELT/ SHORT DISTANCE FROM THE CITY OF FULLERTON, THE BEST ORANGE SEC TION IN THE STATE. WE ADVISE TO BUY NOW, AS PRICE WILL ADVANCE RIGHT ALONG. WE CAN MAKE TEKMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. JACOB STERN 404 PACRIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG. a-6-2t ANTELOPE VALLEY We handle bargains only, and are In a posi tion to furnish you from 10 to 840 acres, mak ing you prices that will sure enable you to double your money in the next two years. We are showing our faith by buying land n this valley Just as fast as we can raise the money. Come and let us show you. ANTELOPE VALLEY REALTY CO. 106 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, or Lancaster, Cal. 10-S-lmo Main 1144. A SIM. for" SALE-FORTY-ACRE ALFALFA ranch near Los Angeles; good stand; good pumping plant; will sell cheaper than you can buy unimproved land joining It; biggest bargain In county; must sell soon; need money. G. W. JOHNSON, Owner, KIM S. Broadway. 11-6-3 • Look Up Inglewood Bungalow Park ' 10-12-tf 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. , 11-1-tf POR SALE—Mexican Lands "^MEXICAN LAND*" SONORA—BINALOA SEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, "THE WEST COAST, THE CALIFORNIA OP MEXICO," AND ■WEEKLY BULLETIN. BEN. W. McCLOSKEY & CO. 700 Union Trust Building. 11-2-tf ]?OR SALE—Poultry Ranches MONEY RAISING CHICKENS—OPPORTUNI ty to purchase 10 acres; good soil, buildings, trees; 25 per cent under market. STACY, 304 Fay bldg. F2115. 10-8-eod-tf POR SALE—Poultry, Birds, Dogs FOR SALE DACHSHUND PUPPIES from prize winning stock; also grown dogs. Mrs. McClure, 946 E. FIFTY-FOURTH ST. 11-6-3 FOR BALK —YOUNO LLEWELLYN SET ttr doss, 4 months old. from field brok en stock. T. H. TAYLOR. 918 West 50th «tr«et »-»-» POR SALE—Livestock ~ FOR SALE—HORSE AND BUGGY; MARE. 7 years old, suitable for solicitors or route work; sod traveler and In good condition; will sell reasonable. 1332 K. FIRST. Phone Boyle 4?" 10-23-tf A Summer School College of Fixe Arts. U. S. C All branches fine and applied arts. Catalog on requ3S'. W. L. JUDSON, Dean. ■- m . tti • • /•» t t 1228 Alvarado Street Miss Wing s School Day and boardlng gchoo ,. All grades and departments from kindergarten to college. Courses of study the same ns those Riven in the public schools: best trained tfachors, FALL TERM OPENS? SEPT. 21; REGISTRATION of pupils Sept. 19 and 20. Call today for Illustrated catalogue. . Horns E3141 TkvAAH AArlnmil I-AsADKNA—A Polytechnic high icbool— I nrnnn OPtflslHllßV Shop »'»« Home Economic*. New Uorml. I 11l UUU ftUUUulllJ tory. Bend for catalogue £-2r*s%> * 953-5-7 W. Seventh s_>^_______l St. Both Phones. m£%^*" Jos. W. H. Camp, COMMERCIAL Me ( in l I ..I. 6 Fall term now In progress. Dally en rollments. Free catalogue. Night classes In bookkeeping and shorthand. Leader Since 1884. Fifth Floor Hamburger Bldgr., Los Angeles. Catalog—27th Year. FIBSO, Main 2305. WANTED—STUDENTS, $• MONTH •"GREGG" shorthand, bookkeeping, banking, day or night Positions. NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, 608 Cham. Commerce. 10-12-lmo 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for tho price of 2, or 1 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The W«rald counter man. BBOWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COL, lege. 863-! W. 7TU. Send for catalogue. * — •; 8-11-r> POR SALE—Business Property MEAT AND VEGETABLE MARKET IN valley of 1800 population for sale; doing cash business;' no competition; healthy place to live; can clear $250 a month on investment of $450. Investigate; don't wait. GEORGE M. LA MAY, 17 N. Raymond aye., Pasa dena. . "-6-2 Buy a Home In Inglewood Bungalow Park ° 10-12-tf POR SALE—Miscellaneous 2000 Feet 3-Inch Standard Wrought Iron Pipe, New, 20c .ft. 4, 36x4-inch "Diamond" Auto Casings, slightly scuffed, $30 each. All kinds of plumbing goods cheap for cash. NEWEL BROS. 218 West First 11-5-3t FOR SALE—SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 11114 S. SPRING ST., OR PHONE MAIN 8692. • 11-5-tf FOR SALE — COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES, WALL CASE, COFFEE MILLS, CASH REGISTERS and STORK FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS; CHEAP EST PLACE IN THE CITY. WE BUI AND SELL. 216 E. 4TH ST. 10-30-tt UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE paid, your ad three times for the price of two, or seven times for the, price of five. 11-2-tf CASH PAID FOR FEATHERS 8427 S. MAIN. Phone 24913, B. 6364. 11-2-lmo FOR SALE— FIKE-FKOOF SAKE! CHEAP. ANDERSON -'12 N M»ln st i-li-tt RAILWAY TIME TABLE SANTA FE All trains daily except those marked as to\% lows: 'Sundays excepted^ Leave| I Arrive I California Limited—Daily J 10:00 a] For Chicago, Kansas City I 2:30p I and Denver | Tourist Flyer— 11 9:00 a For Denver, Kansas City, 7:10 m Chicago and east j' Overland Express—Daily S:OtJij) • For Chicago, Denver, \ 8:30 a I Kansas City and East B:3oa| Kite-Shaped Track | 6:15p ~7:30a Redlanda 10:00 a S:3oa via l:00p 2:00p Pasadena 5:40p 4:30p 7:40p 6:40p i' 7:2;al Redlanda via Corona I 10:15 a 11:20 a) Rpdlands via Corona | 6:lSp ~7:30a| Riverside via Pasadena I 6:40p •2:oop| Riverside via Pasadena | 7:40p ~*"T2ria| ~ Rlversiilo S:4,"a 11:20 a via 10:15 a s:o<)r> Corona 4:30p _| 6:15p 7:30 a fan Bernardino 7:'' a 8:30 a via . 8:30 a 0:00 a Pasadena 10:00 a 2:00p l:00p 4:30p 5:40p 6:45 d 7:40 P 8:00p "7:25 a San Bernardino j 8:43 a 11:80 a via >■ 10;15a s:ooi> Corona 4:15p I '■__«. 7:25 a Santa Ana 7:l^a 8:65 a Santa Ana 8:40 a 11:20 a Santa Ana 12:50p 2:30p Santa Ana 4:15p 5:00p Santa Ana 6:00p 11:59p Santa Ana i" ti:i|Jt( | Santa Ana. Sunday only | 10:30p 7:23 a Fullerton, Anaheim 7:13 a 8:55 a and Orange B:4Da 11:20 a 10:15 a 2:30p 12:G0p t:OOp . 4:15p H:s9p ___^ i 6:1"P ~8~55a San Diego and 7:loa 2:30p Coronado Beach 12:50p 11:59p «:0() P Sunday only 10:30p •7:30 a Elslnoro and~~Murietta ~ »10:15» •11:20 a Elsinorc and Murletta * 5:40p •2:00p Elslnoro and Murletta ~7r30a San~Jaclnto and Hemet | *10:13 a •11:20 a San Jacinto and Heniet j' «5:4«p •2:00p San Jacinto and Hemet | x7:4op "•2:3op| ■lido'" Q12:50p "SjjTsJai Fallbrook _ _|_»6:00p bT:00p|~~ Searchlight I MB:3Oa 't:oop| Ooldfleld, Tonopah, Beatty I 10:15 a I and Rhyollte I •-Dally except Sunday. S—Dally except Sat urdays. M—Except Mondays, x -Sunday only. German, English Shorthand By experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 730 W. Slat it. Phone South 4418. FOR SALE—SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 119V4 S. SPRINO ST., OR PHONE MAIN 8692. 11-S-tf THE PARMELEE FIRM DID NO DAMAGE) to the property of the Rowel! School; all grades and high school studies. Including German. 720 S. BROADWAY. 10-23-tf BOYNTON NORMAL PREPARES DHCEM ber county examinations; grammar cer tificate; enter now. BIS ETIMSON BLK. Broadway 1919; AlB4O. 9-1-U HAVE YOU BERN OUR DAT SCHOOL, CAT. •logue describing bookkeeping and short - hand? Y. M. C. A. 6-11-tt LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE. 412 W. Fifth st. E. E. SHRADER. Ph. D.. president since 1890. 10-27-tt STORAGE— LARGE) PRIVATE, LOCKED, IROJI rooms for furniture, etc.; 11.50 and $2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc.. Jso to coo.; open vans, $6 per day, or 75c per hour. We pack and ship household goods every where at reduced rates. COLYEAR'3 VAN AND STORAGE CO.. offices 60»-U a Main St. Warehouse 416-17 San Pedro Bt- Phones FI171; Main 1117. 1-88-tf J^ENTISTS— . . t . 3 INSERTIONS OP A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tt Dr. Baehmann, 803-200 Majestic Theater Bids., 845 8. Bilway. FBSal; Main 3816. RAILWAY TIME TABLE BOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station. Fifth and Central aye. Leave| [Arrive B:ooaiSan Francisco via. Coast Line, 8:45 a 8:16 a San Luis ObUpo, Paso Robles, 9:30 a S:BopDel Monte, Monterey, Santa 2:3 up »:16p Cruz. San Jose and east. 9:Sup 8:00p ■ ll:iSp " j San Francises and Mojave, 6:3op[ Sacramento, Oakland, via 7:06 a >:20p. Bakersfleld and Fresno 1:15 a 7:30 a Fresno, 7:05 a l:00p Bakerfleld 1:00 a »:30p and Mojave 8:30p, Chicago, Kan. City, St. Louis, 9:45p aolden State Limited, «:56p *:00p The California via 7;15p Tumi, Benson, El Paso |~ Overland —New Orleans via 1 Yuma, Benson, Marlcopa, . 12:01p Tucson, El Paso, San An- l:IOp tonlo and Houston 12:01 pl Yuma, Tucson, Benson, 4:30 a 3:00p Lordsburg, Doming. 7:15 a 7:00p SI Paso l:30u t:(sa ' " 1 »:30a (:00a Santa Barbara, 11:50 a 8:15 a and .:..(';> 1;45p Ventura 7:35p 2:35p <»Not Ventura.) • 9:30p 7:30p ' : 11:45p 8:15 a Oxnard. Santa Susana. • 8:30 a 2:35p Moorpark. Somis, * U:(0a 7:30p lamariUo . 2:!0p (•Oxnard only.) • 7:35p Santa Paula via ,Saugu». (:45a Camuloe, Plrti. Flllmore, 11:60 a 1:4.. I' Sattooy, Montalvo, 7:3i8 Carplnterla, . Bummerland g:lsa "" Nordhoft ~~ I 2:30p j:36p Kordhott | 7:S6p 7:46a| ~™~" • «:l«a 8:55 a Pomona • 7;15a 12:01p Colton 7:15 a 3:00p Riverside, lie, Hands and 9:30 a 4:00p San Bernardino. Il:3:» 6:60p ('Not Riverside, Redlands l:30p 6:15p or San Bernardino) 5:25p 7:10p S:ssa| Covina 111:35 a t:4sp| Covlna I 7:10p 7:45a| Chino I 9:35 a 4:oop| Chlno I 5:25p ~8T65a Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey 8:30 a 11:16 a and Norwalk 2:l(p l:00pa» Buena Park, West «• J:00p 6:10p Anaheim, West Orange 4:50p ('Downey only.) 8:65 a Newport Beach I 4:60p B:B6a|a Los Alamltoa a| 4:50p ■ :4&a Brawley, Imperial, I t:3oa y:00p El Centro. Calexioo | «:55p 9:osa| San Pedro-Compton *|11:46 a 3:3op|# (Via Long Beach) | (:86p ~9:osa|* Long Beach-Compton 111:45 a B:3op| (»Vla San Pedro) (:36p 9:o3a| Santa Catallna Island | B:3Jp C:4sa| ~ I 7:OJa 7:60 a Fernande * 8:40 a 1:45p 11:80 a £:00p (*Moter) 7:86p »:30p 8:00p (:80a[a Chatsworth Park. iTTMIp (See note.) _____ ~~~~ (Note—To and from River I station only.) | All trains daily except those marked as follows: "a" Sundays exceptsd; "b" Bun davs only. L SALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. a Sunday only: w Week days only. L«ave| _2_ First Street "station |Arrlv* " Los Angeles —Ameri- can Bxpress—Overland Express 10:10 a Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, f.lQp S:00p Omaha. Kansas City, l:SOp 8:00p Denver and Salt L—.k> ( 8:00* (:86a| San Bernardloe, 8:00sj 11:00 a Colton. B:36sj I:00p Riverside. 10:41 a , ii Ontar% 1:35 6 24P and l:80p l:00t> Pomona l:lta 7iloq 7:65 a ' "TH73 (:10a a Long B*»oli . 10:11 a 8:60 a " a»a 10:60 a l-80p and J:o»B t:4sp Ban Pedr» «.10p I :»0P •. •■*» "B:6oa| ganta Catallna Island I »:«»P '(:•«»( Bsarohlliiht. Qoldfleld 1 (:fta 11