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TOLSIOI IS DYING IN PEASANT'S HUT Aged Novelist Stricken on Way to Monastery-Wife Receives Last Sacrament QHURCH BAN CAUSES FLIGHT Countess Leaves Deathbed and Hastens to Prostrate Hus band at Railway Station TULA, Raul*, Not. IB.—Ooant I*o ToUtol I* Buffering from bronchi!!*, and owing to a high fever Is In an extreme ly weak condition.' A tneanaicci from hit daughter Alexan dra, who Is nursing him at Astapova, giving this Information, add* the phy sicians soy no Immediate danger threat en*. Tolstoi raftered from a severe attack of bronchitis In the winter of 1809. and as a result was susceptible to the disease again when he exposed himself to a long Journey In the cold and rain. The home of the station master at Astapova Is quite comfortable and the patient Is receiving skillful attention at the hands of Dr. Makovetsky and an other physician. In addition to the care of his daughter. *X? ' (Associated Press) TUtiA, Russia, Nov. 15.—The con dition of both Count Leo Tolstoi and the countess Is reported today as critical. The count appears to be suc cumbing to a fever brought on by mental distress and exposure Incident to his voluntary exile from home, while his wife Is dying of a broken heart. The mind of the great Russian scarcely could have conceived a more tragic ending of two lives which have been Interwoven for half a. cen tury. Tolstoi, overcome with fatigue 'while attempting yesterday to continue his pilgrimage from the monastery at Shamardlno to the Caucasus, where he had hoped to pass his last days in the Tolstoi colony on the shores of the Black sea, lies In a miserable hut at the railroad flag station of Asta pova, at which point he was removed from the train, and his physician and companion, Dr. Makovotsky, realized that a continuation of the Journey would result in death. Today Dr. Makovetsky and consulting physicians declared that the condition of the aged man was most serious. FOUR DAYS WITHOUT FOOD On the Tolstoi estate at Taanaya Pollnana, less than eighty miles from Astapova, the countess today received the last sacraments. When her hus band disappeared last Saturday she attempted suicide. Since then one ner vous crisis after another has followed. For four days she has not touched food. The two physicians who have remained In constant attendance say the patient Is prostrated mentally and physically and that her illness has reached a critical stage. Those in close touch with the novel ist say Tolstoi felt the approach of death, and his disappearance from home was Influenced by a desire to spare his family pain and the compli cations that might ensue regarding: his funeral because of excommunica tion from the Greek church. Prince Obelenski, who first gave to the world the news that the count had abandoned his home secretly to seek solitude, pointed out today that Tol stoi was always deeply Interested in the legend of Alexander I, who did not die when he Is supposed to have done so, but passed many years as a hermit In Siberia under the name of Kusmitch. Countess Tolstoi astonished hpr physicians today by demanding- that she be taken to her husband. She would not listen to objections. Later the party proceeded to Astapova, the rountess being accompanied by her two sons and a friend, M. Tchertkoff. Later today less apprehension was felt for the countess, who exhibited marked improvement following the receipt of a touching letter from her husband. It was written at- Shamar dino after the count had learned from Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleaaant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to in curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloated sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure en the heart and lungs and difficult breathing, head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the in terior of the stomach could be seen it would show a slimy, Inflamed condi- tlon- The cure for this common and ob stinate trouble Is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy ap petite and thorough digestion will fol low their regular use after meals. Mr. R. S. Workman, Chicago, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamea and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward Into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre scribed for me for three ,years for ca tarrh of stomach without cure, but today I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot find appropriate words to express my good feeling. I have found flesh, ap petite and Bound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets la the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meuls. INDIAN TREATY FIGURES AS EVIDENCE IN U. S. SUIT Gen. 'Mad' Anthony Wayne's Doc- ument Introduced CHICAGO, Nov. 16.—The treaty the Indiana of Chicago and vcilnity, made In 1796 by General "Mad" An thony Wayne, was Introduced In evi dence by Special United States Com missioner Neil Satterlee in taking of testimony In the government's suit to enjoin the Economy Light and Power company from constructing a dam at Dresden Heights. The treaty was explained by Profes sor W. C. Alvord of the University of Illinois. "It gave the government the right to use the Chicago, Desplaines and the Portage to the Illinois river," he said. "The government is seeking to prove that back In the fur trading days ths Desplaines river was used as a navig able stream." ROBIN COOPER FREED IN CARNACK MURDER CASE The Tennessee Attorney General Moves for Discharge, Ending Famous Political Tragedy NASHVILLE, Term., Nov. 15.—Robin J. Cooper, charged with the murder of former United States Senator Edward W. Carmack, November 9, 1908, was given a verdict of not guilty in the criminal court today on the recommen dation of Attorney General A. B. An derson. Thus was brought to a close the final chapter in one of the most celebrated cases in the annala of the courts of Tennessee. In striking contrast to the scenes marking the first trial of this. case, when the court room was packed al mpst to suffocation by those eager to hear every word of the evidence, there were only a few persons present to day. Attorney General Anderson said: "This defendant and Col. Duncan B. Cooper and John Sharp were indicted jointly for the murder of Senator Car mack. The case resulted In the acquit tal of Sharp. Col Cooper and this de fendant were found guilty of murder in the first degree. The supreme court affirmed the case of Col. Cooper, but as to this defendant there was a reversal." Judge Nell then stated to the Jury that in view of the statement of the attorney general, and in view of the fact that no further effort had been made to prosecute the case, the Jury would return a. verdict of not guilty. This was done. i his daughter Alexandra of her moth er's distress. Leas encouraging news comes from Astapova. Count Tolstoi apparently Is approaching his end. The fever has not abated and occasional severe chills are experienced. The aged man is most of the time In a stupor of delirium, calling out the names of old time friends. He occupies a bed in the lodging of the railway station master and it attended by Dr. Makovetsky and another physician. Tolstoi's condition was aggravated by the drive In the pouring rain from Shamardino to Kozelsh. Despite the weather the count insisted on starting from the monastery immediately after Alexandra brought the news that his removal had been discovered and the newspaper correspondents were on the way thither. He looked ill and de pressed when he boarded the train and refused to speak to his fellow pas sengers. After a little he fell asleep. Dr. Makovetsky had hoped to get his charge to the home of a friend at Rostov-on-Don, where he might rest quietly until able to continue his jour ney to the Caucasus, but soon discov ered that the count was in no condi tion to travel. HAS CATARRKAX TROUBLES According to the diagnosis of the physicians, Tolstoi Is suffering from a catarrhal inflammation of the lower lobe ,of the left lung. His heart ac tion is good. The maximum temper ature today was 102, falling at times to 99, which is practically normal; pulse 104, dropping to 90; respiration fair. The physicians add that expectora tion and diuresis are sufficient, and that the patient has enjoyed tranquil sleep, is In good spirits and is resting quietly. Altogether this in considered a sat isfactory report, particularly in view of the high temperature which was maintained yesterday and the symp toms of mental distress which Tolstoi was said to have developed. Countess Tolstoi, after the * first shock caused by her husband's aban donment of his home and family, dis played astonishing energy this morn ing when she instisted on being taken to the count. ■ The illness of the author brought about the reconciliation between the countess and Tchertkoff, whose em bittered feelings in recent months have caused Tolstoi much anguish. Count Tchertkoff was summoned by telegraph to Yasnaya Poliana, where he joined the countess and her sons. Tolstoi himself in a letter has ex pressed a desire for Tchertkoffs presence. DIFFERENCES EXPLAINED The differences between the countess and Tchertkoff arose over Tolstoi's literary legacy. Tehertkoff had col lected a large quantity of unpublished material, copies of "Hadji Murat," Tolstoi's latest work, as well as vari ous documents which he had been for warding for safe keeping to London. These he intended to offer for free publication in pursuance of the au thor's wishes. The Countess Tolstoi, in behalf of the family, has been in sisting that Tolstoi procure a copy right for all his publications, the re turns from which would serve to aid the very numerous family Instead of fillinp: the pockets of publishers. Three months ago, when the admin istrative order expelling Tchertkoff from Tula province was repealed, he visited Yasnaya Poliana, but left hur riedly, as the countess had peremp torily forbidden him access to the grounds. Tolstoi thereupon visited Tchertkoff on his estate three miles away in Moscow province, In spite of the attempts of the countess to dis suade him. Serious family misunderstandings ensued, and in consequence recent visitors to Yasnaya Poliana have re marked the clouds over the customary serenity of the palace. The countess suffered seriously and a professor of nervous disorders from Moscow visited her several times prior to Tolstoi's pilgrimage. BEWER CAVE.IN KILLS MAN DENVER, Nov. IB.—Charles Hawkins was killed and George Campbell, Jo soph Mann and Jos h Lamadze were Heriously injured yesterday In a cave- In of a sewer here. All the men were employed as laborers. J LOS ANGET.ES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORMNG, NOVEMBER 16, 1910. CROPS OF WORLD REPORTED LARGE Foreign Conditions Are Reviewed by U. S. Department of Agriculture WHEAT AREA IS INCREASED Potato Shortage Is Reported in France and Germany-Poor Product in Wines (Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.— Foreign crop conditions for October are re viewed by the United States depart ment of agriculture as follows: "Agriculture in the northern hemis phere has in the last month been In its final autumnal phases—the sowing of winter cereals, and the gathering of late maturing crops. In the tem perate zone of the southern hemis phere it is the vernal season, corn planting is in progress and winter cereals, in near approach to maturity, are in the stages of vegetation char acteristic of the latter half spring. From neither hemisphere is reported any widespread variation from a sea sonable normal in the condition of cereal crops and to that extent the agricultural situation is satisfactory throughout the world. Good prices and other causes in the last few years have given fresh impulse to wheat cultiva tion and in many of the principal pro ducing countries Increased areas are spoken of as having been land 1 sown to this grain. "In Argentina it is officially con firmed wheat will be reaped at the approaching harvest from a million acres more than last year, and indi cations point to an increasement of probably half a million acres in Aus tralia, REPORT AUTUMN VERY DRY "Throughout western and central Europe and in parts of Russia the autumn up to mid-October was dry. Difficulty ~nd delay were widely ex perienced In preparing the soil for seed. Late October rains, however, relieved the situation and in all the states win ter cereals, though In some cases sown late, are for the most part spoken of as growing well. "The dry season was propitious for harvesting the late crops, especially for the digging of potatoes. The Eu ropean yield Is almost five billion bush els annually—in point of bulk, the most Important of all food crops. The strik ing feature of this season's yield Is the disastrous deficiency in France; a heavy shortage is also foreseen in parts of Germany. "Corn .in southern Europe has most ly been gathered and the yield, as a whole, will probably approach the rec ord. Vintages In France, Spain and Italy have given extremely poor re sults. In some of the important pro ducing provinces of the same coun tries the olive crop is pronounced a failure and a heavy deficiency is pre dicted In the European output of olive oil." STATE RELEASES ACCUSED EXPRESS TRAIN ROBBER $5000 Offered for Men Who Held Up Great Northern SEATTLE, Nov. 15.—Richard Howe ly, on trial charged with having robbed a Great Northern express car in this city May 12, 1908, was discharged today at the request of the prosecuting at torney, whose witnesses could not identify Howely as the robber. The robbery was a sensational crime. Soon after an eastbound train left the union station two men, one dressed as a train man, entered the express car, struck down the messenger and stole $5450, mostly in currency. The thieves left the train when it slowed up at Interbay. Detective James Ryno, for merly of Detroit, obtained Howely's arrest and showed to Great Northern officials a statetment by Miss Marie Southerland of Tacoma in which she said Howely had made a complete con fession to her. Rewards of $5000 for conviction of each robber are out standing. George Ebeling, serving a term in the Missouri penitentiary for having robbed a Missouri Pacific train at Glencoe, Mo., has confessed that he was one of the Seattle robbers. WRECKED VESSEL BURNED; FIREBUGS ARE BLAMED SANTA BARBARA, Nov. 15.—The four-masted, full-rigged ship Ensign, which went ashore in March, 1908, twenty miles west of here, was burned last nleht. The boat is a total loss. The Ensign was built in 1904 at Ever ett, Wash., by George W. White, who was the owner at the time of the wreck. Attempts made by underwriters and later by the purchasers. Sudden & Crystensen, to float the boat were un successful. The boat rested on sandy bottom and the hull was not much damaged. The fire ia thought to be of Incendiary origin. FINE MAN WHO FAIL TO DEPOSIT FEDERAL FUNDS FRESNO, Nov. 15.—Albert E. Gor don of Maricopa, Kern county,, was fined the sum of $250 by Judge. Olin Wellborn of the federal court this morning for having failed to "deposit government funds while serving in the capacity of postmaster at Maricopa. Gordon entered a plea of guilty to the charge, and after sentence he was given over to the custody of the United States marshal. The fine was paid. STAMPEDE FOR SQUIRREL MINES NOME, Alaska, Nov. 15.—Glowing! news of the richness of the new Squir rel district has aroused much Inter est here and the movement to the diggings has assumed the proportions of a stampede. Sixty thousand dol lars' worth of gold has been brought down from the Squirrel river district since the stampede started. TO PUT BAN ON FIREWORKS LOUISVILLE), Ky., Nov. 15.—After January 1, 1911, the ban will be placed on all fireworks in Louisville. They are deemed by the general council a menace to the public and in the past havo caused a long death Hat. ECHO OF RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR IS HEARD IN COURT Coal Delivered to Cruiser at San Francisco Cause of Suit SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15.—An echo of the Russo-Japanese war was heard In the superior court here today, when suit was entered to establish possession of a cargo of coal con signed to the Russian cruiser Lena, which took refuge in this port while hostilities were on in the east. The cruiser was dismantled and compelled to remain here until the Portsmouth treaty was signed. The captain of the warship refused to accept the consignment on th-> ground that such acceptance would be a violation of the neutrality laws. Later the coal was sold on the mar ket and suit has been brought for the difference In price which would have been obtained if the coal had been delivered to the cruiser. FEDERATION OF LABOR CHEERS SUFFRAGETTE Maude Younger Declares Women Need Votes to Protect Sex Industrially ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15.—"Women should be able to vote in order to protect their own sex industrially," declared Miss Maude Younger of San Francisco be fore the American Federation of La bor late today. The statement was greeted with en thusiastic applause by the delegates. Miss Younger is connected with the San Francisco wage suffragette conven tion. Her address was one of the im portant features of the day, the other being the address of Governor Hadley, in which he urged that one-third of the judges and one-half of the lawyers of thf country were unnecessary. Miss Younger was presented to the Convention by President Gompers, after he had completed the reading of his an nual report, and her appearance on the platform was the signal for enthusiasm. Governor H. S. Hadley of Missouri addressed the delegates on "Working men's Compensation." His address was the only set speech of the two sessions of the day. President Gompers continued the reading of hts report, which he began yesterday. The other business was the filing of reports by committees. Before the convention ends the dele gates, according to leaders, will have to decide for or against Socialism. Presdent Gompers in his report said that politically an invariable problem which confronted the trades union movement was how to take action without binding itself to a hard and fast ism, ology or platform. Victor L.. Berger of Milwaukee, So cialist congressman-elect, and Max Hayes of Cleveland are leading in the struggle to have the convention declare for Socialism. Hayes' friends would like to see him succeed Gompers in the pres idency. USE PHONOGRAPH TO TALK TO MOTHER ACROSS OCEAN Family Makes Record and Then . Ships Birthday Greetings ST. LOUIS, Nov. 15.—Morris I. Gold man and his seven children are send ing their voices across the Atlantic ocean for a birthday greeting to Mrs. Goldman, who is visiting relatives in England. Goldman pondered long before he hit on the idea. Taking all the little Gold mans with him yesterday he went to a downsown phonograph store, where it was arranged that all should talk into the hour while a busy little revolving cylinder of wax took down every word they said. Goldman led off with the announce ment: "The Goldman family record " Then all joined in the Goldman yell: "Rah, rah, rah, "Who are we? "We are the Goldman "Familee." Nine-year-old Archie stood close to the horn and shouted: "What's the matter with father? "He's all right." "Then it was 5-year-old Ethels turn. With a pretty lisp she said: "Hello, mamma! Dollies well, but her nose is busted. When are com ing home?" Seven-year-old Queenie sent her mamma a million kisses,.adding: "If you were here I'd hug you, mam ma, dear." Goldie, 11, and Gertie, 13, told of their progress at school. Jack, 15, sang a college song, and Hetty, 19, had more serious things to tell mamma, about how the household had been going in her absence. NEW DISEASE ATTACKS SHEEP IN COLORADO MONTROSE, Colo., Nov. 15.—A pecu liar and hitherto unknown disease has attacked the flocks of Samuel Staples, one of the largest sheep growers in this region, and neighboring sheep men are taking extreme care to prevent the spread of the malady, which is fatal In most instances. A post mortem examination of one of the victims revealed a quantity of water between the hide and the flesh of the sheep and about tlve gallons of water were found inside the body. Tho heart and lungs were surrounded by a growth, and the vital organs had almost entirely disappeared. ( WOMAN STRICKEN IN TRIAL OF SON'S ALLEGED SLAYER REDDING, Nov. 15.—Mrs. Alice Val lier, mother of George Vallier, who was killed on the roof of a passenger coach here last July, has collapsed as a result of the strain experienced by her at the preliminary hearing of Daniel Fleming, the Southern Pacific policeman charged with the boy's death, and her condition is said to be critical. Since the beginning of the prelim inary hearing tho mother has been con stantly at the side of the prosecuting attorney, suggesting questions to wit nesses. She has vowed to spend her small fortune In the prosecution of the case. FOOTBALL CLAIMS VICTIM MIL.FORD, Mass., Nov. 15.—Kdward J. Byrnes, a 13-year-old lad, died to night of injuries received In a football scrimmage three months aic PRESIDENT GRANTS PINCHOT'S DEMAND Taft Gives Former Chief Forester Right to File Brief in the Alaskan Land Case NORTON GIVES OUT LETTER Fear Expressed that Interior De partment Will Allow the Cunningham Patents (Associated Fresa) WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.—President Taft, responding to the request of Gif ford Pinchot, former chief forester of the United States, and his brother, Amos Pinchot, for permission to submit a brief on the question of issuing pat ents in the Cunningham Alaskan coal land claims, has informed Mr. pinchot that he may submit such a brief, and advised him to forward It to the ex ecutive office before December 1. Mr. Pinchot was thus informed in a letter, authorized by President Taft, written by the secretary to the presi dent, Charles D. Norton, and made public today. The letter is in reply to^, recent communication to the president from Mr. Pinchot and his brother, ex pressing fear that the interior depart ment would recommend the patenting of the Cunningham claims. Following is the text of the letter: "November 9, 1910. —Gentleman: I am directed by the president to acknowl edge the receipt of your letter of No vember 7 and to reply as follows: "On the Ist of June, last, the secre tary of the interior invited the atten tion of the president to the Cunning ham coal claims, consisting of thirty three coal entries in the Juneau land office, district of Alaska, approximately 160 acres each, and suggested that in view of the unusual character of these claims and in view of the public inter est relating to the disposition of these claims, the president direct that no final action be taken by the general land office looking to the issuance of patents therein without first advising the president of the action contem plated. ORDER IS SENT OUT "Under date of June 6, 1910, the presi dent issued the direction recommended, and on June 8, 1910, this order was communicated to the commissioner of the general land office, and that official issued orders to his subordinates in accordance with this decision. "The president further directs me to say that if you desire to submit a brief on issuing these patents you may do so and forward the same to his office. Ha is not advised when the evidence will be submitted to him, but thinks it would be well if your brief were pre sented before the first of December. "Very truly yours, (Signed) "CHAS. D. NORTON, "Secretary to the President." Mr. Pinchot's letter to the president and the reply of Secretary Norton con stitute the only exchange of communi cations between the "White House and the former government forester since the executive action dismissing the lat ter. HOKE SMITH MAY BE A CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR Georgia Governor to Choose Sus cessor to A. S. Clay ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 15.—Already there is much speculation among poli ticians in Georgia as to who will be the next junior senator from this state to succeed the late Senator A. fc. Clay. The interim appointment, which holds good until the legislature meets next summer and elects a suc cessor, ii in the hands of Governor Joseph M. Brown, and although he has not given the slightest intimation of his selection, the name of former Governor J. M. Terrill is most promi nently mentioned. Governor Brown's appointee will be in congress from the first Monday in next December until March 4. It is also rumored the state legis lative committee will call a primary which will take the appointment out of the hands of the assembly. In this connection a subject of lively conjec ture is the possibility, remote or other wise, that Governor-elect Hoke Smith may be a candidate for the seat. DEATH OF LONGSHOREMAN REVEALS PROFESSOR'S SON SEATTLE, Nov. 15.—Ernest Welch, alias Tom Walsh, the longshoreman who died from a beating he said was administered by a gang of thugs Sat urday night, is the son of Prof. Thom as Welch of Ottawa, Ontario, accord ing to the dead man's wife. Mrs. Welch says her husband was born in Liverpool and at an early age ran away to sea. Ho did not com municate with his parents, Mrs. Welch says, until ten years ago, when he waa located by his father, who wrote to him. PUTS BAN ON FOOTBALL GAME IN SMALLPOX FIGHT LANSING. Mich.. Nov. 15.—Because of smallpox epidemics Secretary Shumway of the state board of health has ordered the railroads not to take passengers next Saturday from Sagi naw, Flint and Lapeer to the Minne sota-Michigan football game at Ann Arbor. Dr. Shumway 'said he took this action at tho request of President Hutchins of the university. In the last forty-eight hours only two smallpox deaths were reported in the state. WOMAN HELD UP IN STORE AND ROBBED OF DIAMONDS NEW YORK, Nov. 15.—Two men held up Mrs. Sarah Schwartz yester day in her little shoe store Jn First avenue, and at the point of revolvers tore hor diamond earrings from her ears and took a pockctbook containing $60 from a dresser, escaping after a chase of several blocks. Mrs. Schwartz was alone in tho store when the men asked to see some shoes. She fought until knocked down. PROFESSOR EXNER DIES COPENHAGEN, Nov. 15.—Julius Kx ner, professor of art at the Academy of Fine Arts, died today. Ho was bora In this city in 1825. One True Medicinal Whiskey Beware of Imitations and Substitutes Unscrupulous Dealers Tell You Are "Just as Good as" , Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey These cheap concoctions are foisted on the people with the intent to deceive by dealers mindful of their profits only and caring nothing for the health of their patrons. Some go so far as to try to make you believe it is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, Substitutes Are Dangerous When a remedy has been before the public for more than half a century, has been prescribed and used by the best doctors and in prominent hospitals, and has carried the blessings of health into as many thousands of homes as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has, imita tions arc bound to arise. But they can imitate the bottle and label only—no one can imitate the contents. 11 ill Duffy's Pure Malt l|i IK Whiskey Is Beneficial p| I* is an absolutely puie distilla §? f^Blll^^P^^^Jlil Jll"ous substances render it so, 3" '^ssll^SlSß^F"^^* 'ow fevers> stomach trouble* and IDuffftHiS^^^!! The genuine Duffy's Pure Malt pi 1 -^^^Fgy^.^g^jg Whiskey is sold in sealed bottles !b««-r^i^Si§TS!°nly- The "Old Chemist's Head" rUl*€|j|^^^^^^|is on the label and over the cork everywhere or direct, $1.00 a iißi^"^^^ bjb^^ Tirfc bottle Facsimile of package, and bottle greatly Th« . Duffy Malt WU'key Co., Rochester, reduced, »• ** . DESMOND'S Cor. Third and Spring Sts. (DOUGLAS BUILDING) EVERY visitor to our store IS INVITED to register HIS or HER NAME and ADDRESS WHETHER A PURCHASER OR NOT. ON (NEXT) JANUARY 4, 191 1, ONE of the visi tors will become the proud possessor of this BEAUTI FUL PACKARD LIMOUSINE. Call Today, Register, and Tell the Man Where You Wish It Sent The Famous JBa^& —1 Gives the Best Light at Any Pike When you pay more than the Rayo. price for a lamp, you are paying for extras r-1 S decoration* that cannot add to the quality < > of the light. You can't pay for a better S^ >v light, because there is none. An oil light / \ has the least effect on the human eye, and , / \ the Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made* n \ though low in price. You can payss,sl(k "-r ■■,.111 m- 1 or $20 for some other lamp, and although \\WK/7 you get a more costly lamp, you cant \lf &M get a better light than the white, mellow >g£t3& diffused, unflickering light of the low* «f B priced Rayo. ;■ W^^^^ Has a durable shade-holder. This se*. W' ton's burner adds to th* strength ftnd appouvnoe. m^^ Mdc of solid brass., nickeled, and easily polUhod* Jp| Once a Rayo User, Always Ona Jim. Dtoitrs Btrryiohtrt. If net etycur*, »"it*Jot- dtnf+nm ■^mammr J^t etnuUr WM« ntanst agttuy «f»*» jm&Jsk Standard Oil Company This Fine Rocker lߧg*ls^i HiL Solid Fumed Oak Rocker in Mi Ib^ JE^uTy? son effect- Upholstered spring seat. H^^*** iLJr Worth $10. Extra Thanksgiving Your Credit J TfWPWPIT^ Is Good .^ HiQirrFrrnNG QQlasg' 3