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10 Los Angeles Herald THOMAS K. GIBBON, ' President and Editor. Entered m second class matter at the eottofTlce to Loa Ancrlcs. i OLDEST MORNING PAPER IN i LOS ANGELES. | Tended Oct. .*. 187». Thirty-sixth Year. Chamber of Commerce Building. Phones—Sunset Main S000; Home 10J11. The only Democratio paper In Southern California receiving full Associated tress ] report* I NEWS SERVICE — Member of the Asso- | ciated Press, receiving Its lull report, aver aging 85.000 »ord« a day. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION WITH SUNDAY MAOAZINB Dally, by mall or carrier, a month.... I .60 Dally, by mall or carrier, three months 1.60 Dally, by mall or carrier, nix months.. ».00 Dally, fey mail or carrier, one year.... 6.oi> Sunday Herald, one year 2-»«' Postage free In United States and Mexico; | elsewhere postage added. TBI HERALD IN SAN FKANCISCO AND OAKLANDLos Angolas and South ern California visitors to San Francisco an I i Oakland will find The Herald on sale at th« ; Dews stands In the Ban Francisco ferry building and on the streets in Oakland by Wheatley and by Amos News Co. A Hl* of The Lai Angeles Herald can b« seen at the office of our English represen tatives, Messrs. E. and J. Hardy & Co.. 30, II and SI Fleet street. London. England, free of charge, and that firm will be glad to receive news, subscriptions and adver tisements on our behalf. On all matters pertaining to advertising address Charles R. Gates, advertising man ager. __ Population of Los Angeles 319,198 CLEAR, CRISP AND CLEAN At last accounts King Diaz I had issued no royal proclamation concern ing the troubles on his side. Our advice is to watch the S. P. and Bee that It does not absorb the aque duct and the federal building, too. Mr. Taft arrived at Panama in Rood health. After that election not even a rough voyage could make him sea sick. Tacoma and other cities that padded, did it, like some of the women are SAID to have done—to improve the llgure. Missouri voted down a prohibition amendment by 200,000 majority. This should be sufficient to "show" its ad vocates. No wonder so many men seek to be aviators. The new aviation costumes of the women would make any man want to fly. Turkeys have gone down 2 cents a pound in New York, but there is hardly time now to have one shipped from the metropolis. If, as a Philadelphia man says, Bello Elinore is in Chicago, her punishment is almost as severe as that of her dis tinguished husband. Nothing appears to stand in the way, the fruit canning and election being over, of the women doing their Christ mas shopping early. The charter amendment election next month is a trivial matter. The im portant question in, who will manage the Angels next year? The attention of .Mr. Balllnger 13 called to the fact that the British cab inet talks of resigning and asking the voters for a vindication. Another election in December. Los Angeles is the onb Ity to hold five reform elect) n In a year und get away with them all. Democratic congressman nr^ com bining against Cl ti ipeak er. Evidently Clai k Is not an abbreviation for champ m. Lafayette Young, the nnw lowa rrn ator, is a n hist >ry ho will be known who made DolUver more fai lous 1 rlson. If our Engli3h cousins were puted as noi overmuch given t" humor we should, suspei I n in the choice of 23 as the date foi Crippi m '^ fan The population of Cl] 364,463, c.-vi be read backward I I ward. JJut don't Met the impp that "Cinoy" i.' in any vay la :kward. It would seem that a decent regard for the amenities would impel Jlr. Bal linger to congratulate Mr. Plnchot for his excellent campaign work In Cali fornia. A San Bernardino m,.n brought the hme company to time by threat ening to shoot a lineman. Many peo ple aro tempt It to put a bullet into the > . a punitive measure. "American* want nothing chear. this It m ; ■ oheap .1 m Sher man told the SouiU Carullnlans. Jim li eomii tent The liia rii a ml truat Bre n< retting tbeir ice obeap, Texas had a dtate-Wul< Corn club which vtl urtive in the recent ]>algn. ')Vx:i < han claimed inu her crops, )<ut tins is tiie ivo'va heard of the corn that is a. thouiand tuiles or no in width. CONSOLIDATION THE movement for consolidation of City and county governments has been piven a gratifying forward 1 push by the appointment of a special commission by Mayor Alexander, whose j selection! could hardly have been made 1 with mON wisdom. There is abundant legal ami lay ability, as well as proven aggressive public Fpirit, in this body Inspires confidence that it ■will ' i work out a feasible plan to bring an important reform, and will mi its duties without unnecessary delay. The arguments for the union are so ninny that the commission will be al- | | most relieved of any work in that dl ■ rection. The economy of a single gov | rrnment, the need of our aqueduct wa ter arid power in tho growing com munitles around us, either now or in the future, the sentiment involved in ised prestige that will come ilto them by merger, and the material; benefits that go with our broader city charter ought to overbalance n>iy paro chlal obj< etions that can be raised. The matter of pride will cut some flg- j ure. Pasadena and other cities of growing Importance may hesitate to give up entity and identity, and fear to surrender self-government to a dis tant central authority. But the Pasa dena Civic association has already de clared for the union if some satisfac form of autonomy can be pre ; in them, and there ought net to be much difficulty in arrannrinß for this. I New York worked out this problem to the satisfaction of the boroughs com- ; posing the greater city, and it should bi possible to do the same here, either alonp the same lines or after some orig- ; innl plan which the able commission is well fitted to think out. If Brooklyn has lost none of its identity by union witli Manhattan, Pasadena and Long Beach can see In It an example of groat bene- ; fits with no considerable disadvantage in consolidation. If the plan can b<? worked out, 'with I all the gain to every town concerned j that seems to inhere in it, it probably : will be tho crowning achievement of j the Good Government administration, j Under no other would there be a seri- j ous chance for it. Under machine poll tics more offices and not fewer are | wanted in order to take care of the j party workers out of the tax money. ' And it may also be said with confidence j that under the old reprime the towns it is now proposed to invite into our fold would not consider for many mo ments a scheme to give ud good for bad government and to be exploited by professional politicians and office hold ers. The initiative, referendum and recall are the guarantee to these other com- | munitles, and from the more local .standpoint it is to be hoped the plan will go through, because it would be apt to help insure the continuance of a non-partisan, business administration n£ the city and county. PRICES AND "VELVET" PEOPLE will read the "news" that the price of foodstuffs is going to drop with more of an amused cynicism than confidence. They will Btill go to market with the conviction that if some commodities are offered at a slight reduction It will be for but a short time, -when the upward tendency will again assort itself and probably more than make up for any temporary fall. Tim public has come to understand at last why food Is high (as well as everything else), etnys high and goes higher. It is because the law of sup ply and demand is no longer operative i In Isolated cases. The means of production may not yet all be in the hands of combines, but they might as well ln\ for the means of distribu tion are, and the keynote of the rail roads Is "all the traffic will bear." This also is the motto of the sugnr trust, the coffee trust, the beef trust and the score of other trusts that ab solutely command the control of their commodities, thanks largely to the protection of a high tariff. All the traffic will bear in their case means that nil the possible profits must be squeezed out up to the point where exorbitant prices would cause a se rious falling off in consumption. Be that, of course, It Is not policy Occasionally a. trust may lower a price for reasons of policy. It may 1,,- ; — itocked i.r may want to culti lurger market by a temporary con esslon. But even this does not often happen; indeed, It Is so rare that mi. v cases are hard to recall. So th public has learned to base no on iilg crops or any other event that used to make a difference II there i» any "velvet" the trusts ami the railroads atid the Jobbers, too, when they can, are going to have it, as they have had it now for some Lillian Russel' would not only give lhe ballot t" women, but take it away from the nun. if Lillian should take . it away '• m ;■!' her husbands sin i would accomplish much toward her reform. Son-in-law Nick Long worth, having I o books to his i onstituentesHßS, i should now follow thorn up with some l as to !.ow to bring the recipes within reach of the ordinary family. Congressman Bennei of New York was licked, but Its will retire with the fame <f having been the man who made San Francisco play pious to gut an exposition. A Republican candidate for congress hfivii licen elected in Texas, nothing » ild surprise us now; not even If Ban Francisco tihouid vote unanimously for a respectable gov ernment. N«»w York's fashionable women have liikon to carrying dolls a.s a (ad. it is edly ile trop, a bas and so forth In N«W Xork swelldom to touch a baby. LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNTNG, NOVEMBER 17, 1010. "If I Can Only Get My Foot on That String" '^/pJ^'S&S'* I?* 1 *^ *^^^AajJ^^'&r' " '^"'JfU#^ e^"^ ir||||| 111 I 111111 l Illflllllllllllll I I fIFI A RASH CHAMPION WE find tlio following cxtruct of sublimated wisdom in the es teemed Ventura Democrat. By dint of the masterly effort*) of tlie Los Angeles Herald and Los Angeles Express to defeat Fred ericks and elect Wool wine district attorney of Los Angeles county, the former was elected by a rousing majority. The district attorney's Ventura, champion is more valiant than dis creet. At a time when the. attorney for John Gales is trying to "forget It" and promises to turn over a new leaf if left to his own meditations, the champion forces us to cay that the revelations made by The Herald and other papers did liave tremendous ef fect In the campaign. The Herald has already shown that as near as it can be figured the. normal Republican plurality in Los Angule3 county was 24,263. While some of the candidates wero getting that indorse ment, Fredericks was receiving the "rousing majority" of a scant 2000—or about 22,000 behind the normiil. Mr. Hartwell, the coroner, who is probably also a subject for the Ventura paper's commiseration, was about 20,500 behind what he should have been. Nothing saved these candidates but tb'e largo Socialist vote and the diffi cult matter of cutting the ticket. The Independent, thinking, reading vote, which The Herald is pleased to believe makes up the greater part of its clien tele, was overwhelmingly against th"m. Jiud officials will have even a harder row to how when the party circle is abolished and the ballot shortened as they will be by the next legislature; and the Ventura Democrat and other thick-and-thin party organs will be unhappler than ever. NOT AN EXCEPTION CALIFORNIA, thinks the Chicago Record-Herald, was an exception in the elections of la.-a week. The rest of the country rose up in mighty protest against the Aldrlch tariff, but (In the word of that Journal; "the state of California Is for a high tariff, and the California Insurgents know it. Their fight was made in the main against the railroad domination of their party. It was popular when v fight on the tariff would have been unpopular, and the people will naturally prefer the. Republican party to the Democratic party for the very reason that the former is the party of protection." /i [a the reverse "f true that the tariff Is popular here. In that respect irnla is of a mind with the rest country. She turned down Dun ran HcKlnlay and elected William Kent, an avowed enemy of special privilege. She turned down McLachlan i 3 Stephens, another foe of .1 ege tariff. She turned down En ; :ht and elected Judge linker, a he cast upward of 60,000 . i -more proportionately ihan : l state—every one a pro i t gainst privilege as It )s typified in tin tai ■ era of California have [oubl ' aid in the tariff. They riminated against bi - the manufacturers of the east have built the tariff so as to shut foreign competition on , the protection given our n't give them the Am. rii la market. Southern Italy sup pi;, i mons In this country. l here who la helped hy the t.triv rouged by it. For every dollar of benefit there are flvo dollar trusts. And Cali forni it. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS In case w» nntertaln a man, A. atraiiK< i or renown, Wu'vo nuihtiii mure to offer than Th» freedom of tin' town. But when n woman come* our way And In upon us drop», Wn hand lior on a silver tray The freedom of the sho, PUBLIC LETTER BOX TO ci>l>Hi..-l".i.M)i:xT> —Letters Intended tor publication mum be accompanied or tu< name and address of the writer. Th» Herald give* the widest latitude to correspondents, but assumes do responsibility for their views. , CHANCE FOR A WIDOW Editor Herald: 1 have read with amusement the letters in which the $15 young lady and the $7 young man are the stars. I loaned a young man once the money to buy the license and bought the young lady a pair of white slippers and hose to wear at her wed ding. It turned out all right, and today they are worth, I guess, ten or twelve thousand dollars. The old saying, 'jjove will tind a way," is truej enough If the parties stari out with the right intentions. I am a widower, 44 years of ase, been through the mill and willing to try it again If some J comely maiden or good Christian , widow will come to the rescue, for I'm bashful nnd a stranger. My ad vice to youne people is marry early I in life and raise a nice lamily. There j Will always be enough bread in the I world to feed them. Good luck to the young couple. J. O. ARTHUR. Los Angeles. EARLIER SOCIALIST VICTORIES Editor Herald: I have seen in your paper, as well as in others, that the first Socialist ever elected to congress has been chosen from Milwaukee. I. have been waiting for a correction, but in vain. The first Socialist elected to congress was Henry Smith. He was elected from the county of Milwaukee in 18 5 by the following vote: Brown, Re publican, OG4T.; Black. Democrat, .23: Smith, Social-Labor, 13,335, winning by a plurality of 3TIO. To show that he was a real Socialist, I will give you the platform upon which he was el ict ed: Arbitration for the settlement of labor difficulties, government control iif money, land and means of com munication; public improvements, la j bur bureau, opposition to contract con vict labor, the election of all offli tali by a vote of the people, income tax, the forfeiture of all land giants and I the prohibition of alien ownership of lands, etc. This movement did not stop with Milwaukee, but the following spring it came near capturing the city of Chi cago, their candidate fur miyor, Charles G. Dixon, standing second in the race. The state ticktt in Chicago came within 17,(00 votes of carrying Cook county, and was only 1000 behind the Democratic nominee, and they elected a dozen members of the legis lature. JOHN' SOBIESKX Los Angeles. A PRODUCER'S COMPLAINT Editor Herald: Tour clipping from Collier's Weekly, giving the experience of the New York farmer gelling peaches, the railroad and commission dealer kindly leaving him ?;> cents on thirty-six baskets of peaches, is sure to make men look for betterments, I own a lot in Ocean Park. Recently that city ordered a street Improvement and ma.le an assessment, it cost me | more than $3 a front foot. In another place, not incorporated, the citizens on a. certain street joined In an Improve ment on their frontage, hired it done under competent supervision, and the, same kind of work cost G5 cents a front foot. I ordered six sacks of corn from a farmer in Merced county, Cal. It cost 96 cents a sack to get it to Tropico. At that rate a carload would cost, in freight, $1580. Everywhere and on all small quantities, whether in freight or In purchases, people must pay exorbi tant prjees. The man who buys five pounds of sugar or a peck of apples or v sack of coal must pay from 20 to 40 per cent more than the man who a barrel of apples or a SB£k Of sugar. I have been a Republican Corty-flve years, and if the Socialist party has remedies for many or even a few of these His, 1 shall give party my hand and heart in the work. Let the grafters and exorbitant dealers go on making Socialists. They will get a mul titude of Socialists ere long. PRODUCER. Tropico, Cal. TRADES UNIONIST'S VIEWS Editor Herald: 1 notice that editors in this country and In Europe nre giv ing reasons for the Republicans In the last election changing their voi Borne other party, but nono of them have discovered the principal reasons for the increase in the Democratic ranks. As I have been a member of the Knights of Labor and also of the Carpenters and Joiners' Union of tlio United states and Canada, for the la i 36 yearn, I am well Informed in regard to the change of voting. The funda mental principle of the preamble of the Knights Is to agitate and educate the tolling muiN in a way tliat will enable them to exercise the right" of suffrage In an intelligent manner. At least thirty minutes In each meeting must be occupied in discussing the question of intelligent voting. In the trade unions politics were tabooed until lately, when the confederated trades unions resolved to vote for the party through which they would be most likely to secure legislation more favorable to the working classes. The last election was the first opportunity i they had to exercise their judgment l according to the decisions of their or j dors. The worklngmen have learned j by experience that the leaders Of the Republican party are their enemies, and all of the Judges of the courts are j their enemies, and all of the women of the churches except the Catholic are their enemies, and all of the Young Men's Christian associations are their enemies; consequently the labor or ganizations have resolved to either form a new party or Join the party they think will be most favorable to them. As Bryan was the first cham pion of the rights of the toiling masses the last election has recorded large gains for his party, and any editor that i can't understand the situation and realize the principal factor for the voters deserting the Republican ranks can't be thoroughly posted. CHARLES W. PRATT. Westgate, Cal. JUDICIAL OPINIONS Editor Herald: The inordinate length of the decisions of our courts, I would say, if not disrespectful, i? a veritable nuisance. They are never read by the common,'people, as Mr. Lincoln calls them, and very seldom by members of the bar, or even of the Judiciary. The common people, who simply have not the time to wade through these longdrawn-out disquisitions, must re ! main ignorant of the law unbodied in them, although our system of govern ment assumes, or rather requires, every man to know the law. Our Judges generally take it upon them selves to discuss over and over every decision on "authority' 1 referred to by either side. This is a task so entirely uncalled for as to render It absurd in the extreme. This practice must' have grown out of the youthful or callow character of our judiciary, but it is not now con fined to the younger Judges Old and young alike indulge in It. The older, apparently, do not wish to be outdone by their younger brethren or to fhow loss erudition. The Judicial decision of a case may be in a very few words. A long opinion is In the nature of an apology for the decision, but no apol ogy is or can be rendered for ita In ordinate length. O. B. S. Los Angeles. HARM IN LAND SPECULATION Editor Herald: I see where another small patch of earth has been watered to the tune of $12,500 in your city with out any real improvement having boen added to it. This means that the chances of the common man getting a home Is getting farther away.. It means that the con suming public is to be taxed a little more in order that some one may be able to do business on that lot, but it means that Socialism is coming that much nearer. I was talking with a man on Main street, near First, some time ago about hia chances of business in that loca ti*. He said the rent he had to pay was such that he could not make a decent living from his store. In con versation with men who had come to ingeles with the expectation of going into business, I was told that the prices asked them for business rooms was but of reach, and that they would have to give up their prospects there and seek other fields. Fictitious prices on ground privileges were never intended by God Almighty, and those who bring it about are guilty of sinning, not only against their (el low man, but against their Creator as well. In our city there are many vacant lots, right In the heart of the town, and with rubbish and weeds on them to spoil the looks of tha place, that are being held for a fictitious valuation; and the same is true In Los Angeles as well. My claim is, and I see the plan has been adopted in some foreign country, to tax such lots Ju«t as if they had buildings on them, and by thin means force their owner either to build on them or sell them to some one who would. ONTARIO. Ontario, CaL Boss Herrin on Socialism (Oakland Enquirer) Mr. Herrln, the head of the South ern Pacific's political bureau, in Los Angeles the other day discoursed ad versely on tho growth of Socialism. The employment by the public serv ice corporations of the Messrs. Her rln all over the country Is respon sible for the growth of Socialism. For had they not been employed our legislatures, state and national, would not have been so busy refusing to pass laws for the benefit of the pub lic and our courts would not have been so technical in construing exlst lnp laws af&inst the people. The Herrins, too, are responsible for those "Innovations," the Initiative, the referendum and the recall, for which there Is a popular demand and against which the Herrins declaim, For if the Herrins had not been em ployed these "Innovations" would not have been necessary to compel public offlrials to serve the public rather tluin the public service corporations and tho Interests. "Carrying tho mails," said Mr. Her rin in Los Angeles. "Is a Socialistic function." So, by the way, are the public schools, tlie municipal owner ship of water and lighting plants, the building and maintenance of streets and roads nt the public expense, the free public libraries, free hospitals at public expense, and the thousand and one other things the public does for the benefit of the Individual. Offending the Eye (Sprinftflfld Republican) The drift of civilization Is toward suppressing useless city noises, and as with odors the reform is rational even though bused on an Instinctive repug nance. And no less reasonablo will be. the movement for giving relief to the optic nerve which has already begun, and whlth will sooner or later decisive ly win tho day. Now that the part played by eye strain In nervous de generation Is understood, there is a sound basis for reform moasures; it Is probable that the excessive demand upon vision is more injurious to city dwellers than even the most pande moniac noine. Man was made for out of-door life among the woods and fields, and while his organs havo won derful powers of accommodation, there are limits. The worker who strains his eyes all flay at a desk, perhaps with inadequate daylight or with an equally harmful glare from a too intense elec trict light, needs repose and soothing influences when he leaves his work. Much of the familiar restfulness of 8 country retreat Is due simply to the In stant release from eye strain. In a modern city, on the other hana, the optic nerve Is Incessantly bothered with appeals which, though silent, are Advertising California The California development board is a very valuable aid to Immi/ration to this state. During October it has had display advertisements of the advan tages of this favored land In forty-one eastern rural papers, has had advertis ing matter at an exhibition in Cincin nati and will have a» exhibit of prod ucts and lectures on California re sources at the Land and Irrigation ex position in Chicago' during the last half of the present month. At both these places men are placed to answer in quiries about this state and they are so well Informed as to bt able to an swer fully and readily all questions. these exhibits and the advertising literature accompanying them are the most effective form of advertising. A Los Angeles Wins and Deserves It Los Angeles must be congratulated on the astonishing growth of popula tion within its boundaries as recorded by the federal census. All California hits known of the remarkable advances marie in that city (luring the decade, but the estimates were in fact so startling and so unprecedented that some people wore inclined to regard them as more of less inspired by local enthusiasm. Now comes the cold blooded enumeration of the federal Merely in Jest WHY HE DECEIVED "How far is it to Gloompvllle?" we ask of the native who is leaning over the gate. "Ten mile straight ahead," he an swers. "But we met a man a little way back, and he said It was only two miles." "Short, fat man, driving a flea-bitten sorrel hoss?" "That's the man." "Did you meet him or pass him? 1 "We passed him." "Thought so. He's drivln' a balker I traded him, and he didn't want tils hoss to know how much furder he had to go."—Chicago Evening Post. DYING WIT A British newspaper, the Clapham Observer, commenting on our state ment that humor had no part in the two groat mortal acts of coming into the world and departing from it, tella a certain number of stories in limita tion of this principle, the best of which concerns Tom Robertson and Artemus Ward. The playwright was endeavor- Ing to persuade the dying humorist to take his medicine, and assuring him meantime that lie would do anything for him. "Would you really, Tom?" said Ward. "I would," was the reply. "Then take the stuff yourself, dear fellow," said Ward.—Collier's. FAVORITE FICTION "Vis, sor, Misa Jones will be down in a minute." "And now, my friends, a few words about the tariff." "I wish I didn't have to make a speech «t the banquet tonight." "Araminta, darling, you're the first girl I ever kissed." "What! You owe me $602. Why, Thompson, I'd forgotten it entirely." "Glad you liked that little poem; I wrote it In a great hurry." "The baby Is your very Image, Mre. Newmoml" "I beg your pardon, madam; I didn't notice that you were standing up." THE CONTEST "AH men," said the earnest citizen, "are born equal." "They are that." replied Mr. Raf ferty. "But they don't stay equal after they're big enough to get together in the school yard."—Washington Star* All thes» thins* havo been, could still bo, done by private persons or corporations—many things hardly lens essential to tho welfare of tho Indi vidual arc conducted by private enter prise—street and steam raihroads, tho telephone, electric power plants, for instance. In tho early days of Cali fornia the Pony Express, a public fervlce corporation, carried letters "aeroil tlie plains" and charged "all tbO traffic, would bear," viz., $5 per half ounce. No doubt, being employed by a pub lic Borvlco corporation, our Mr. Her rln KTOUId bo bettor pleased If all serv ices rendered to the public were ren dered by public service corporations. Them Would be no "Socialism" under such conditions. But tho tariff for such services would be, as it Is for all existing public service corpora tions, "all the traffic will bear." Mr. Tlerrin also views with som« alarm the fact that Wisconsin lias elected a Socialist to congress and that Milwaukee has a Socialist mayor. He should realize that these Incidents are merely protests against the op pressions of the Wisconsin public serv ice corporations. I>t him also realize that, for the increase In the Socialistic) vote' In California, he and his prede cessors nt the head of tho Southern Pacific* political bureau are respon sible he, they nnd the corrupt public servKi" corporations of the state. as destructive to nerve tissue us tho shriek of locomotive whistles. It was bad enough before th« use of Illumi nated signs be#ran; now tho once peace ful night 1s worse than the day. A bight flashing light automatically at tracts tho eye, and tho contrast -with darkness makes its effect tho more In tense. Moreover, wo are all creatures of a reading habit—to see print any where, at any time, la to try to spell it out. Tho advertiser is turning to his own private proilt not only the forces that bring vast multitudes together, but tho enormous expenditures on pro longed education which make the aver ngo man an easy victim to anything put Into print. It is not. surprising that tlie question should already bo raised whether ho has any natural richt thus to bombard the already overstrained visual nerves of urban society. To be, sure, he keeps on his own land, but he >;enerntes and protects rays of light which are none the lens real for being merely undulations of ether. The log ical tiling would be to let him make all the light he wants, provided he does not let it escape from his own prem ises, and if the evil rtows past endur ance, some such radical measure may be necessary. (Stockton Independnnt) Hubbard squash weighing nearly 100 pounds is certain to provgke questions and the answers are repeated a dozen or a score, Of times by the hundreds who hear them and thus the fame of California spreads. California flga, raisins, prunes, dried fruits and, In short, every other fruit, vegetable or product provokes like questions and elicits Information that Is spread abroad by those who hear It. Prices of land, cost of living and what crops can bo grown and the yield per acre are fully gone into and the gospel of life In California and its many delights are thus widely disseminated. Some of these exhibits and advertisings are glow to bear fruit, but they 1 bear It in the most surprising ways, and San Joaquln is getting a share of It. (San Francisco Call) government and confirms in the full est and most conclusive manner the figures made at home. With a population of 3T9.198, show ing a gain of 211.5 per cent for the decade, Los Angelea easily leads the procession for growth and takes its place among cities of the first rank. They are a great people down there. They not only command success but deserve it. San Francisco extends to Los Angeles her assurances of the highest regard. Far and Wide SOMETHING OF A REDUCTION It isn't so much that The Hague tri bunal has scaled down the American claims on Venezuela from $1,400,000 to less than $60,000 that is important, as that the trouble between the North and a South American country has been amicably adjusted without the firing of a shot.—Philadelphia Bulletin. AUTOS FOR ELECTION Autos at $5 por hour make political campaigning come high. The pcrty is in luck which has many members who will loan theii- machines and so save the party treasury.—Fitchburg Senti nel. HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL While posing «ir "the white man's hope," Barney Oldfleld helped to turn out some films that are now the hope of moving picture men.—Des Moinea Tribune. THAT MAXILLARY MOVEMENT Those woh Inveigh against chewing gum are informed thta the consump tion of it is only 300,000 pounds a year.—Knoxville Journal-Tribune. COMING AND GOINO While putting the lawn mower away in the cellar you may ag well bring 1 up the snow shovel, thus killing two birds with one stone.—Sioux City Journal. AND SENS' VTIONAL Mary Garden says she is cerebral— purely and slmly cerebral. We had harbored the thought that Mary was vocal. —Baltimore Sun. COMPARING THE INVISIBLE A biplane 9000 feet In the air simply looks like two sHces of 40 cent bacon. —Denver Republican. WHERE THE BULBS GROW . It is estimated that electric illumina tion is used by about 700,000 out of a total of about 8,500,000 households In the United States. NOR INCONVENIENT FOR HER Sarah Bernhardt has triumphantly shown that it la not a disgrace to be 60 years old.—Chicago Record-Herald. LANGUAGE NEEDS REVISION Our Idea of a misnomer is the pilot of a balloon.—Ohio State Journal.