. ; j Giood People Mead and Patronize Herald Want CotafflMS-YOT'reßeaimgThemNeWo DoYoMPatroMzeTliem? |fOR SALE—Houses THERE IS NO BETTER HOMESITE IN LOS ANGELES THAN (TifiilliPPf Tract It. Is Well Built Up and Has Every .dost-ln Convenience On the Tract Are ■> . st©irib3s. phmipss nMB P>LRY(KIKOOfTOS THE TRACT IS A MODEL SETTLEMENT, ONE WELL WORTH VISITING. THE HOMES ARE WELL DE SIGNED AND WELL BUILT. $2800 —5-room bungalow. , $3500 —6-room bungalow. —7-room bungalow. $3200 — story and a half bungalow. $4800 — story and a half bungalow. A hundred to select from, each of them architecturally dif ferent. ' . . , Terms—One-tenth cash, the balance 1 per cent a month, in cluding taxes, interest and insurance. Parks and streets endowed and permanently cared for. Con venient to schools and churches. No vacant'lots. Good streets, sidewalks, curbs, gas, sewers, electric and tele phone lines. Car service on the Grand Avenue West Forty eighth Street line. Tract office at Gramercy. These homes are delivered to you complete, including lawn, screens, shades and fences. They are clean, so that you can move in at once. ' EACH HOME BACKED BY THE UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE OF THE BUILDERS OF THE BEST HOMES IN LOS ANGELES. tt-jt /^=n\ r\ /r r^ rg\ [LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMmNVI j l j i \s-^y jl' j l ji — \wjV 333-335-337 South Hill Street Home 60127 Main 2248 11-15-4t FOR. SALE— New and Beautiful Six and Seven-Room BUNGALOWS On Pacific Avenue HOLLYWOOD These houses have very artistic exteriors. INSIDE ARRANGEMENT THE! BEST. Having beamed ceilings, laneleii walls, built in buffet, leaded glass door, plate glass mir rors, cablnot kitchen, large closet room, light and airy bedrooms, hardwood floors In two rooms, electric light fixtures th« very best, pressed brick mantels—ln fact, the house* are just as cony as could be made. ATTENTION $100 DOWN $100 DOWN Balance Like Rent For the next few days we have decided to make special terms on these properties. If you want a bargain, now Is the time to se cure one of the most Ideal homes ever offered for the money In Los Angeles. These at tractive bungalows are located In the trend of the rapjdly growing residential part of the olty. Near good car service. Street work, gas, sidewalks, trees and lawns al ready In. Come and see these houses. Agent will be on the tract. Take Hollywood or Laurel Canyon car and get oft at Gardner St. Go one block north. See • INVESTMENT BUILDINO CO., 1008 Story Bldg. 11-16-tf DISTINCTIVE 'BUNGALOWS They are different from the other kind you have seen. The lots are also dif ferent In slse and larger than most others. SOUTHWEST Each bungalow has Its individual features and when you go home alone In the dark you will know It from your neighbor's. Close In 5c Car Fare They have five rooms and two porehea: living room, dining room, two bedrooms, large kitchen, bath room, plenty of clos etß and cupboards: cement foundations; porcelain bath. sink, set bowl, hot water holler, etc. The best street work and many fine trees. Right now we will sell you on| for only $1800 $100 down and $20 per month We save you $450 G. C. DENNIS COMPANY C 26-227 Baourlty Building. Pho-.«s-Ma!n 3528, F8744. . U-IT-W FOR SALE — MUST HE SOLD THIS WEEK A GOOD 9-ROOM modern residence on Twenty-fourth St., near La Halle. Flna lot and location. Price |4000. ERIKSON & CO., Room 1 Severance Bldg.. 105 W. Sixth St. Oround Floor. F3574. f Bdwy. 3182. 11-16-3t $3500 Modern Bungalow Only $3000! Lovely Euclid Heights. Owner going away, will sacrifice 6-room bullt-by-the ri.ay bungalow, elegant fireplace, white enameled kitchen, fine electric fixtures, eto. Only $100 down, balance $15 month ly. Phon» OWNER. Boyle 680. 11-16-3t FOR SALE—LOTS AND BUNGALOWS AT bi| discounts for few days. Lots 1550 up. bunfftlOWl $1750 up. Easy terms. the McCarthy company 201 N. Broadway. Main 1202. A6»41. 11-13-15-17-St INVEST IN INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW PARK . u-u-tt pOR SALE—House* • lomefa and Manchester Lots aid Bungalows Just ready for th* market. We are now prepared to sell good homes at prices that Will surprise you. This Is the reason In the first place, we paid cash for our lots and paid cash for th* material and construction of these homes. In the second place, we are prao tlcal builders and know. how to build an honest bungalow throughout and we know that we can sell you a home at the very lowest figure and in a location that is sure to advance in price. The buyer who makes a contract with us can be assured that ha Is fully protected In doing so. To the Investor or the homeseeker our proposition Is equally attractive. Call, write or phone and we will imme diately have at your service all the facilities for seeing and making an investigation of this excellent property. J. A. SWANK 815 SECURITY 111 liii. F2G24. . Main 3634. \ n-17-at FOR SALE—«-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, high and sightly location; a bargain at $3500; 11000 cash. For —Nanny goat, $10. 165 T.OLUCA ST. 11-18-3 JPOR SALE— Lots and Lands .the City ■ INQLEWOOD That Grows LAST YEAR 1000 THIS YEAR 2000 GET IN AND HIDE WITH US. 10-10-tl Going —Need the Money Owner will take $275.00 for a large, level lot, size 50 by 138, on Monte Vista aye., few steps from Moneta aye. car line, in the "Bowen's Main, Moneta and Fig ueroa Tract." Cement sidewalks and water main in, all ready to build on. Inquire of T. A. Jeroleman Room 22, Yuma House, cor. Bth and Main 11-18-16-17-8t GO AND SEE INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW PARK 10-U-tl FOR —SOUTHWEST CORNER BUR llngton and Bellevue. 70x123. and 4 room house. Terms to suit. Make of fer. DU BOSE, 701 Gross* bldg. 11-11-tf BELL THAT HOUSE, LOT OR RANCH AT ■mall expense through a Herald want ad. i = JTOR SALE— Hotels, Lodging House* FOR'-'BALD—I6-ROOM ROOMINO HOUSE, fine location, lease. . $950 If taken ■> this w«»k. Call Hi B. GRAND AVB. " 11-17-tr LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORXIXd, NOVEMBER 17, 1010. . pOR SALE—Country Property We Have Subdivided 10 Acres ADJOINING LE GRAND, Merced County, Cal., which we are selling in ten-acre tracts at $1.00 Down $1.00 Per Month. Per Acre PRICE $100 PER ACRE and only 5 per cent on deferred payments, payable annually. , In other words, you will have 100 Months to pay for this land, or about eight years' time. Any one fa miliar with California lands will tell you that Le Grand land is the very best in California, free from '1 alkali or hardpan, with abundance of cheap water. Also Rememkr that this land will pay interest for grain and is ideal orange, fig, alfalfa, vines, or, in fact, any thing can be raised on this land that will grow anywhere. Beau tiful high school, and walking distance from station makes this an ideal place to live, being near the foothills; in fact, it is located practically the same as Holly wood, so far as natural surround ings are concerned. This land ought to be worth $500 per acre by the time your last payment comes due. George J. Shocnhair 376 Wilcox Bldg. Phone A 2334. 11-17-lt \ Ii Orange Comity . Twelve Acres All Nice, Level Land', ADJOINING THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, READY TO BE SET TO VALENCIA OR ANGES. ALL. FOR $3600 OX VERY EASY TERMS. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. DON'T MISS THIS, AS YOU CAN EASILY DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN A VERY SHORT TIME. Geo. J. Shoenhair 376 WILCOX BLDG. Phone A 2334. 11-17-lt $3750 10 Acres Alfalfa, Fruit or Chicken Ranch Soil rich black loam, all been un der cultivation. Improvement. 7 room house, two barns, 2 wells furnish all water for irrigation and . domestic use. Only a little way from electric line. This is a bargain. • SEE SHAFFER, George C. Peckham Co. 204-6 UNION TRUST BLDG., CORNER FOURTH AND SPRING STS. MAIN 3221. F5392. 11-17-lt 10 ■ Acres Near Anaheim With Small House BARN, WELL AND WATER STOCK FOR IRRIGATION. FINE SANDY LOAM SOIL. WILL RAISE ANYTHING GROWN IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Price $4000 | Will Give Easy Terms. Jacob Stern 404 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG. ■ . ■ 11-17-lt 10-Acre Orange, Lemon . and Chicken Ranch Rich, fertile, sandy loam soil, with the most • modern, Improved Irrigation system, with abundance of water; most beautiful and Ideal home place in Southern California. Electric and three cars lines. See picture and maps at office. . -■':• Geo. C. Peckham Co. / ■■< , 204-6 Union Trust Bldg., Main 3221. Cor. 4th and Spring Sts. F539J. ' 11-17-lt Partnership Settlement We are going to sell 20 acres of land at /Santa Ana and 20 acres at Ontario to settle a partnership Interest. Not our prioe, but your price takes the property. For full particulars see DU BOSE, 701 Orossa bldg. U-10-tf FOR SALE-TWENTY ACRES, Hi MILES east of Upland: good house; young family orchard; ten shares of wat*r; good location for lemons; price 14600, about half cash. Address A. K. RAWBON, owner, ; Upland. Cal. Sunset phone 3018. ' 11-13-7t • LOOK UP INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW PARK • 10-11-U FOR SALE—Country Property Better Busy LAND before every acre In Southern California is so valuable that YOU will either be a lan 1 owner or be working for one. per acre—64o acres of level valley agri cultural land, where crops grow the year round. Lots of puro, soft water between 14 and 35 feet and all coming under Cal ifornia's largest Irrigation project. Ex cellent for oranges, lemons, olives, cotton, figs, dates, grapes, alfalfa, grain and gar den stuffs. This will sell for $100 per acre In two years. Very easy terms. , SEE US ron real bargains. W. H. Macomber Co. 320-2-4 LAUGHLIN BLDG. We specialize in cheaD lands for In vestors. 11-18-3t Near lerccd Alfalfa, Fruit aid Eucalyptus Laid 1210 Acres i Main Canal crosses land. Surrounding land sells for $100 per acre In small tracts. Price for this big tract. $30 per acre. 1-3 cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent. See Woods & Gillette 528 South Spring Street MERCED LANDS I 11-17-2 hnder Celebrated 1 urlock Irrigation District. Stanislaus County SUBDIVISION OF 1000 ACRES UNDER LATERAL NO. 4, UNLIMITED WATER AT 80C PER ACRE PER YEAR. 10-ACRH TRACTS AND UP ONLY $90 PER ACRE. VERY EASY TERMS. MAGNIFICENT DAIRY, FRUIT AND VEGETABLE COUN TRY. RICH, DEEP, • LEVEL LAND. •THICKLY SETTLED COMMUNITY. THIS IS A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO PRO CURE A PIECE OF LAND UPON THE VERY EASIEST TERMS IN THE BEST AND MOST THICKLY POPULATED, DI VERSIFIED FARMING DISTRICT IN THE STATE. ALFALFA; ALL VARIETIES OF DECIDUOUS FRUITS, BERRIES, SWEET POTATOES; ALL GROW TO PERFECTION IN THIS RICH LOAM SOIL, AND THINK OF THE PRICE AND THE UNLIMITED CHEAP WATER. SPECIAL RATES FOR PARTIES OF THREE. HEISLER & ELLIOT, 911 Story Bldg. • F2730. Broadway 1946. 11-17-lt $2.25 PER ACRE 640 ACRES $665 CASH. Best cheap land in Southern California. NO WORK OR RESIDENCE!. TITLE PERFECT. LEVEL VALLEY LAND. Coming under the big Colorado river Irri gation project you read so much about. Abundant pumping water under SO feet. Deep soil, no alkali or handpan. Close to railroad. Will grow oranges for the Christmas trade; alfalfa, hogs, sugar beets, grain, cotton, dates, olives, fruits and vegetables of all sorts. Total cost of deed $2.25 per acre. Worth $25, per acre now. Will sell for $50 per acre inside of a year. Fortunes will be made from this land either by cultivating or hold ing it. CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 642 SAN FERNANDO BT.na, FOURTH AND MAIN STS. READ THIS OVER. 11-15-4t i Porterville Early Orange Belt BIG ORANGE LAND OPENING; MAGNIF ICENT OPPORTUNITY, CLOSE TO T*OWN AND R. R. 10 ACRES AND UP. PRICE, WITH UNLIMITED WATER, $110 PER ACRE. VERY EASY TERMS. VERY BEST OF SOIL, FROSTLESS LOCATION. THIS IS POSITIVELY THE VERY BEST AND CHEAPEST PROPERTY IN THE FAMOUS PORTERVILLE EARLY ORANGE BELT. HEISLER & ELLIOT, 911 Story Bldg. F2730. Broadway 1946. .. ■ v. n-n-n I§§ Acres For $1750 Near Cypress ON SANTA ANA ELECTRIC LINE. WILL MAKE IDEAL CHICKEN RANCH. GOOD SOIL, FINE FOR APPLES. TERMS, ONE-FOURTH CASH BALANCE 1, I AND 3 YEARS. . Jacob Stern 404 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDCJ. n-iMt A NEW LAND OPENINO. One of the finest tracts of alfalfa, fruit, vine and general farm land in the entire Ban joaquln valley. Just put upon the market (n tracts of from 10 acres up. A first class water right with every acre sold, an abundance of water from Kings river, water now on the tract: no better ■oil on earth; every acre ready for the plow; no grading necessary; splendid en vironments; IV4 miles from railway sta tion For the next 30 days this land will be sold at halt the usual price of this grade of land. For our new illus trated pamphlet giving full particular*, address James Burke & Company, 318 Lissner Bldg, Owners. .; • ;.. 11-18-lt g INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of I, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. f-'OR SALE—Suburban Property Quicken Ranches Country Homes Acres and Half Acres At the City's Gates $350 Upward $25 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH A country home, almost in the city, makes life worth living. Inglowood Rancho acreage is being snapped up by competent Judges, and shrewd, thinking people who desire to own a country home close to the city, at the same time place their money where it will grow. Go the same distance out toward Holly wood or Pasadena and ask the price of an acre and you will be told there are none for Bale; they will offer you a city lot for $1000 and up. Now come with me anil I will show you the garden spot of the Southwest, where $400,000 worth of property has been sold and 250 houses have been built; also new $7500 grammar school, which now has 150 pupils in attendance. The soil Is a rich sandy loam. water piped to every foot of it. Talk with the people who live there and see the various crops they are planting. Take the Mir green car going south on Broadway, marked Redondo Beach via Inglewood, get off at Inglewood Rancho station. Don't get off at Inglewood; stay on the car until you reach Rancho sta . tion, one mile beyond. Courteous sales men will meet you there and show you the property. PATTON & LONGLEY A 2318 330 S. Hill St. Main «278. 11-16-2t Inglewood ■ ;> Park Is a beautiful subdivision located on the Los Angoles and Redondo Electric* line at the south city limits of Inglewood, Is supplied with gas, 'electricity, water and telephone service, streets graded and curbed, orna mental trees planted and cared for for two years. INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW " PARK LOTS ARE 100X180 FEET TO AN ALLEY. The opportunity to secure a home site In this . most desirable subdivision Is a strictly pres ent opportunity. There are only 150 lots. They won't last long at present prices. Make your selection TODAY. Inglewood Land Co. Room 349 Wllcox Bldg., Second r.nd Spring Sts. Inglewood Office. Regent and Market Sts. 11-13-7t $1500 s"Acre Tract Rich Sandy L,oam Soil On three car lines, surrounded by orange groves and fruit orchards. In an absolutely frostless belt; one hour's ride from Los An geles; foothill section, with water; easy terms If desired. George C. Peckham Co. 204-5 Union Trust Bids., Corner Fourth and Spring Sts. Main 3221. F5392. 11-17-1 ACRE- LOTS—SOUTH CITY. WHERE BIG shops are planned. Cross country car line. $10 down, $10 month. C. F. ELLIS, 228 H. W. Hellman bldg. A 7556. Main 1868. • 11-16-tf BELL THAT HOUSE. LOT OR RANCH AT ■mall erpenso through a Herald want ad. 11-2-tf JTOR SALE—Mexican Lands Mexican Land ROUND TRIP RATE TO HERMOSILLO IS NOW J37.90. WE PAY THIS IP YOU PUR CHASE ON OUR SANTA TERESE RANCH. NEXT PARTY, SATURDAY, NOV. 19. SEND OR CALL FOR "THE WEST COAST, THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OF MEX ICO," AND WEEKLY BULLETIN. Ben W. McCloskey & Co., 700 Union Trust Bid. 11-16-4t pOR SALE— Grove* SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for the price of five, If prepaid. 11-1-tf VISIT • INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW PARK 10-H-tl pOR SALE—Government Land SAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seven times for th» price of five. If prepaid. 11-1-tf POR SALE—Furniture ""foTsale"" AT A BARGAIN A quarter-sawed oak desk and two oak office chairs. Good as new. $25 For desk and chairs. ' Call at O. M. NEWBY Room 252 Wilcox Building 11-15-1 SAVES MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for the price of two, or seren times for the pries of five. If prepaid. 11-1-tf POR SALE— and Bonds OIL, MINING AND INDUSTRIAL COM nanles desiring to raise capital write at once for our literature. Insure the prin cipal of the Investor and your stock should sell. GRANITE SECURITIES COMPANY, fifth floor Bradbury bldg., Los Angeles., Cal. 10-29-lmo SAVES MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREE times for th« price of two, or seven times for the price of five, If prepaid. 11-1-tt POR SALE—Poultry, Birds, Dogs rOR SALS—TOUNQ LLEWELLYN - SET- Mr doge, i months old, from fltld brok en stock. T. H. TAYLOR, >ll W«st loth (treat- •-•-U -i [—_i--l_ -_-.-_ -_ — 1 _ ,-| ,-i - —, _., —, r>_i-_ ~1. -■■_■ ~'- -"' ' ~ ' "'- ' ~l— ~- ~i-~. —i i —i_n~^_n ~»_ i'»i ' .I' 'i_ii~ii_*~n_ r-|_r~k^>^X. Summer School College op Fixe Arts, U. S. C All branches fine and applied arts. Catalog on requas:. W. L. JUDSON, Dean. •m m m tj; • • c 1 1 1220 AUarado Street Miss Wing s School Day and boaraing •choot An grades and departments from kindergarten to college. Courses of study the same as those given in the public schools; beat trained teacher;. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 21; REGISTRATION of pupila Sept. 19 and 29. Call today for Illustrated catalogue. Home S3IM. TkvAlin A AnrlAmil PASADENA—A Polytecbnla high icbool— I nroop Acaußtny as Work, Horn* I>onotnlc9. New *"- IIIIuUU fiUUUUIIIJ tory. bend fof catalogue. German, English Shorthand By experienced teaehsr. Terms moderate. 780 W. 31at st. Phone South 443». Leader Since 1884. Fifth Floor Hamburger Dldg., Los Angeles. Catalog—B7th Year. n»B0, Main 2305. FOR SALE-SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OK MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 119H S. SPRING ST., OR PHONE MAIN 8602. 11-5-tf THE PABIIELEE FIRE DID NO DAMAGE to the property of the Rowel! School; all grades and high school studies, including German. 720 S. BROADWAY. 10-23-tf ■ BOYNTON NORMAL PREPARES DECEM ber county examinations; grammar certifi cate; enter now. 525 STIMSON BLOCK. Broadway 1919; AlB4O. * 9-2-tf 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL CAT alogue describing bookkeeping and short hand? Y. M. C. A. 6-12-tf LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, 412 W. Fifth st. E. E. SHRADER, Ph. D.. president since 1890. 10-27-tf BROWNSBERGER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 953-7 W. SEVENTH. Send for catalogue. 8-19-tt JTOR SALE—Business Property BUY A HOME IN INGLEWOOD BUNGALOW PARK 10-U-tf A 3 TIME AD FOR THE! PRICE OF 2, OR 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask the HERALD Counter Man. SALE— Livestock FOR HORSE AND BUOOT; MARE, 7 years old, suitable for solicitors or route work; god traveler and in good condition; will sell reasonable. 1932 E. FIRST. Phone Boyle 427. 10-23-tf 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf J7OR SALE—Pianos BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT STEINWAY PIANO; must sell immediately; going away. 029H W. NINTH 1 ST. 11-17-3 J?OR SALE—Musical Instruments A. G. GARDNER, 118 WINSTON ST. Pl anos sold, rented, tuned i very low rates. POR Miscellaneous FOR SALE—S3SO, TRUST DEED AND ONE 8300 second mortgage trust deed; also a fine now $40,0 piano and 2 clear lots at Hawthorne and Watts; also a fine rub ber tiro buggy worth $160; also a $50 order for room rent on good apartment house. DU BOSS, 701 Qrosse bldg. 11-11-tf FOR SALE—ONE KEMPSMITH UNIVER saI Miller No. 2; ono lathe. 16-inch swing, 8-foot bed; one lathe. 12-lnch swing, 6-foot bed; one speed lathe: one power drill press; one hack saw. These tools have been used very little. Can be seen at 653 SANTA FE AYE. 11-15-3t FOR RALE—SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVKNIT CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 11114 S. SPRING ST.. OR PHONE MAIN Mil, 11-6-tf FOR SALE - COUNTERS, SHELVING. SHOWCASES, WALt, CASH, COFFEE MILLS CASH REGISTERS and STORM FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS; CHEAP EST PLACE IN THE CIXY. WE BUI AND SELL. 216 E. 4TH ST. 10-30-tf UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION. IF PRE pald. your ad three times for the price of two. or seven times for the price of five. H-2-tf FOR SALE—AT BARGAIN, SECOND-HAND standard porcelain bath tubs. Call 123 E. FOURTH ST. 11-17-lt FOR SALE—GOOD SECOND-HAND UP rlght piano at 1038 INGRAHAM ST. Your price takes It. 11-11 tf CASH PAID FOR FEATHERS 8427 S. MAIN. Phone 24913, S. 6364. 11-8-lmo FOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE CHEAP. ANDERSON. 334 S. Los Angflli-n St. 6-15-tf RAILWAY TIME TABLE •ALT LAKE ROUTE All trains dally except as noted. a Sunday only; w Week days only. "Leave] First Street station .- >Arrl.-« Los Angeles Limited —Amerl- ~ can Express— Express 10:80 a Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul. 4:(0p | 3-OOp Omaha, Kansas City, !:lOp ■ 1:001) Denver and Salt Lak» (:00a lid ban Bernardino. (:00a ll:0iia Colton, l:l» j-OOp H!v*rsiJa. 10:41 a ( 40P Ontai 1* 1:25p l:14p and l:(0p ,;00y Pomona (:l(p _^__^_^_____ 7:10p 7-tjal I (:10a I'lOa* Loo* Ba«oh l»:15a I-50a ■ 10:50 a ■30p and COip >: 45p Ban Padra (:10p Mop ' . '■"» ~i~soa| Santa Catallna Island |«:»8p "l":»»P gearohllj-ut. Qoldneld 1 1:96 i» gr^r+SXi j* 958-5-7 W. Seventh %^gg22SSISR St. Both Phones. p^ff 1^ Jos. W. H. Camp, COMMERCIAL M _, COLLEGE B Fall term now In progress. Dally en rollments. Free catalogue. Night classes In bookkeeping and shorthand. RAILWAY TIME TABLE t SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade Station. Fifth and Central aye. Leave| lAxrlvai B:l)oa|San Francesco via Coast Line, »:45a g:lsaSan Luis Oblspo, Paso Robles, 8:30* 2:BopiDel Monte, Monterey, Bants, 2:30p • :15p! Cruz. San Josa and east, j 9:30p 8:00p| U:<6p 1 San Francises and Mojave, \ 6:3op| Sacramento, Oakland, via 1:05 a >:20p. Bakersllald and Fresno 1:16 a 7:30 a Fresno, 7:05 a f:00p BakerQeld t:00a S:3op and Mojava 8:20» " Chlcaro, Kan. City, St. Louis, I »:4Dp Golden State Limited. l:S8p a:00p The California via 7:16p Tuma, Benson, Bl Fun I" Overland —Naw Orleans via, | m Yuma, Benson, Marlcopa, ll:01p Tucson. Bl Paso, San An.*- l:IOp tonlo and Houston 12:01p' Yujna, Tucson, Benson. I t:3oa, l:00p Lordsburc, Demlns, 7:15 a 7Op SI Paso l:l»p ~«":"65a ' '" l:80» 1:00 a Santa Barbara, 11:60 a «:loa and 2:80p 1:45p Ventura. 7:tsp 2:35p (»Not Ventura.) • »:30p 7:80p if 11:45p 8:15 a Oxnard, Santa BusanaT* • l:J0a 2:>sp Moorpark. Somls, • 11:50 a 7:»0p Camarilla 2:>op (•Oxnard only.) • 7:35p Santa Paula via Saucua, 1:45 a Camulos, Pint, Flllmora. ll:B0a 1:45p Saticoy. Montalvo, 7:35p Carplnterla, Suromarlansl ' |:16a| Nordhoflf 2:30p 2:35pj Nordhoff 7:85p 7:45 a ~"~" ~~ "* »:»0a |;s&a Pomona * 7:16 a 12:01p Colton 7:lSa 3:00p Riverside, Redlajvda and »:35a 4:00p San Bernardino, 11:85 a 6 : 50 ('Not Riverside, Redlan4a l:30p C:lsp or Ban Bernardino) ■ 6:26p | 7:10p ' 8:55 a . Covina . 11:36 a _« :45p| Covlna 7:10p 7:45a| ''" Chlno I 8:»5a 4:oop| Chlno s:»»'p ~8T56a Santa Ana, Anaheim, Downey I:l6a 11:15 a and Norwalk 2:l&p I:OOp a* Buena Park, West a* I:0*p i:10p Anaheim, West Orange *:SOp ('Downey only.) B:ssa| Newport Beach | 4:5»J ~BTssaja Los Alamitos a| 4:top »:45a| Brawley, Imperial, I t:S6a V:oopj 81l Centro. Calexloe | i:ssp B:osa| San Pedro-Com-pton • 11:45 a j:3op • (Via Long; Beach) | »:36p "sToSa* Long Beach-Compton ll:4&a j:3op ('Via San Pedro) | <:35p 9:05aT~ Santa Catallna Island | e:3sp «:45a ' I 7:«5a 7:50al Fernanda * 8:40 a 1:45p ll:»0a 5:00p ('Motor) 7:lop »:30p li»0l» l:80a[a Chatsworth Park. a| 1:4*9 I (Bee note.) | I (Note—To and from River I | station only.) | All trains dally except those marked a» follows: "a" Sundays axoepted; "b" Bua days only. - SANTA FE /■/. All trains dally except those marked as folft Iowa: 'Sundays excepted: Leave |" jArrlva ~~] California Limited—Dally I 10:00 a For Chicago, Kansas City l:30p and Denver ___ I Tourist Flyer—Dally 9:00u For Denver, Kansas City, 7:10* Chicago and east ___^ ~~i Overland Express—Dally 8:00p For Chicago, Denver, 8:30 a Kansas City and East B:3Oa| ~ Kite-Shaped Track JT (liSp 7:80 a Redlanda-.. ' 10:00 a 8:30 a via 1.-00p 2:00p Pasadena 6:40p 4;;:ii[i 7:40p 6:45p f -7:25a1 Redlands via Corona 10:15 a 11:.' i! Redlanrls via Corona »:16p ~7lBoa| Riverside via Pasadena islTOp •2:oop| Riverside via Pasadena 7:40p 7:J6a Rivirsida ~7 (J746a 11:20 a via 10:15 a s:oC'i> Corona 4:3Cp , ( C:Up 7:30 a San Bernardino 7:10 a 8:30 a via (:30a 9:00 a Pasadena 10:00 a 2:CK)p l:00p 4:30p 6:4 V 6:45p 7:40p 8:00p j 7:25 a San Bernardino 8:45 a 11:3. a via 10:15 a 6:00p Corona 4:15p '_ 6: lip 7:25 a ~ Santa Ana J 7:lSa 8:55 a Santa Ana 8:45 a 11:20 a Santa Ana II:top 2:30p Santa Ana 4:15p S: