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16 KING MAY ASSIST IN LORDS' REFORM British Sovereign Attends Session of Privy Council to Discuss Legal Measures REDUCTION IN MEMBERSHIP Lansdowne Advocates Abolish ment of Hereditary Principle in Parliamentary Chamber (Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 16.—King George met the privy council today presumably for the purpose of obtaining the ad vice of the councillors regarding his course in the matter of giving Premier Asquith guarantees to Increase the number of peers sufficiently to sup port the government in its policy of reforming the house of lords rhe meeting brought together the leaders of both parties. The cabinet also held sessions today. .„.*«« The impression is widespread that at the meeting with the premier and wltix the privy councillors the king suggest ed that the veto bill be scut in due course to the upper chamber for con sideration. This probably coincided with Mr. Asquith's personal wish. UNBDOWKX MAKES WINNING The Karl of Crewo did not place any specific limit as to the. length of the debate on the veto bill but said the government later would consider when the second reading of the measure should be taken up. Lord Lansdowne, the opposition leader, thus scored the first point In the political game and disorganized the government's original plans for the immediate dissolution or parliament, though there is nothing tangible to show how long the day may be deferred. ■ The Karl of Crewo said he did not agree with the belief expressed by Lord Lansdowne yesterday, that future con ferences might be more successful than the one just opened, saying: "That conference has shown conclu sively that it Is impossible to settle this question by agreement." The earl added that tlio government would not accept any amendments to the veto bill. The veto bill passed the first reading. Lortl Lansdowne, on moving the in vitation of the movement to produce a veto bill for consideration by parlia ment, nald that the upper nous* was ready with its contribution toward a solution of the question at issuo. His party, dpntinued Lord Lansdowne, was committed to the view that in a re formed house of lords there should bo a reduction of membership, abolition of the hereditary principle, an adequate representation of the best elements of the existing house, reinforced from the outside either by nomination or some kind of an election. They also were ready, he said, to devise some means of settling the differences between the two houses. UNIVERSAL KING JAMES BIBLE FESTIVAL PLANNED NEW YORK, Nov. 16.—A1l the Eng liuh-speaklng countries of the world Will Join next year in celebrating the tercentenary of the King James ver sion of the Bible. As the day and the month when the King James version was first given to the world are not known, the date of Its observance must first be settled by an international arrangement The plan Is to have a celebration on the same day throughout the English speaking world. Churches, colleges and schools will hold exercises, and there will be ex hibitions by libraries of rare copies of tho Bible. TEN FREIGHT CARS PILED UP IN TAIL END COLLISION PAYETTE, Idaho Nov. IB.—ln a collision today between two freight trains on the Oregon Short Line four miles west of here Fireman James Frye and Brakeman William Lyn horst were killed. The westbound train crashed into the caboose of the eaetbound train as tho latter was tak ing a siding. The engine of the westbound train, in which Frye and Lynhoret were rid ing, was overturned and ten cars were piled up in a heap. REPORTS ON WHEAT STORAGE ■WINNIPEG, Man., Nov. 16.—The Saskatchewan government elevator commission which has been investi gating the grievances of the farmers relating to the storayo of wheat re ported today in favor of a government system of elevators. Co-operation among the farmers with government aid is recommended us nn alternative. You Ought To Know thnt impure blood with its weak ening results, unpleasant breath, headaches, unrestful nights, poor appetite, sallow skin, pimples and depression,comes from constipation BEECHAM'S PILLS have been doing ffood to men and ■women for many, many 3 ears and their value lias been tested ami proved. They remove the cause of physical troubles. A few small doses will show their safe tonic action on you. Beechum's i'ills Mill surely help 3011 to an active liver, a pood stomach, a sweet breath, clear heaJ Mil refresh ing sleep. In young or oiJ they will Relieve Constipation Sold Ewrwhan. la bom 100. and 25c, TESTS ON PURITAN PROVE VALUABLE Nava! Officer Declares Explosion Could Not Do Same Damage to Modern Boat MONITOR IS BADLY DAMAGED The Armor Plate Buckled and Cracked. Seams Opened Letting in Water (Associated Press) "WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.—Informa tion valuable in naval architecture is expected to result from the test to which the monitor Puritan was sub jected yesterday at Hampton Roads when heavy charges of nitro glycerine gelatine were exploded against her tur ret and water line armor. Rear Admiral Newton E. Mason, chief of the bureau of ordnance of the . navy, Is of the opinion that such an attack will never be duplicated in ac tual warfare. But he said valuable information was gained in connection with the manner of backing armor | plates in warship construction so that the maximum of resistance to buckling and dislodgment under any kind of attack may be secured. Rear Admiral Mason believes the ex plosions would not have had the same ' effect on a modern battleship, whose I resisting power is much greater than that of the monitor. Admiral Mason calls attention to the turret armor of the Puritan which has a thickness of eight inches, as against j 12 and 14 Inches in the battleships of the latest design. AIJMOIt NOT HEAVY The side armor of the monitor at the point attacked, he adds, was ten inches thick tapering to five inches at the lower edge of the belt. Her belt armor extends only about three feet j below the normal water line and only two and a half feet below the exist- j Ing waterline at the time of the test. ' While the armor of the turret. > against which the first explosion of 200 | pounds of explosive gelatine waa made, ( was considerably bent and cracked. Admiral Mason says that so far' as • now is apparent the turret was not vitally damaged. The*second charge, directed against the armor belt, buckled the plate, springing its ends outward and opening \ up the seams at the ends. The lower i edge of the plate also 'was buckled outward, opening up a seam below wa- j ter and starting a bad leak. While ! It Is impossible to state the extent of the damage below the armor belt, the ', Rdmlral says there is no indication that j It was serious. The wider plates of a battleship's I belt, the statement says, would have | resisted buckling more effectually and j the longitudinal bulkhead which exists ' In all modern ships, would have con- I fined the flooding within narrow limits. | MAY NEED PONTOONS TO REFLOAT PURITAN NORFOLK. Va., Nov. 16.— Unit ed States Monitor Puritan, which yes terday submitted to high explosive Brmor plate tests, today remains on the flats where after compartments were flooded as a result of the experi ments. An expedition was pent out from the Norfolk navy yard today to ascertain what would have to be done to get the vessel to the yard for docking. The official report has not been pub lished, but it Is paid that the Purl tan will have to be raised by pon toons. FAYE COMET DISCOVERED ON ITS PEGULAR VISIT Scientists Say Sky Rover Won't Be Visible without Glass SAN JOSE, Cal., Nov. 16.—The ■astronomers at Lick observatory have been making observations of the Fayo comet, which recently appeared in the constellation Taurus. They were no tifled of its appearance by Cerulli, a European scientist, who at first thought he had discovered a new comet. The comet is seven degrees, 0 min utes north. It Is periodical and makes its appearances every six or seven years. It was said at the Lick Ob servatory tonight that the comet will probably not be visible to the naked eye during its stay and it Is now only a telescopic object and is mov ing away from the sun. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OBSERVERS STUDY COMET BERKELEY, Cal., Nov. lfi— Prof. A O, Leuschner, director of the stu ■ observatory at the University iia, announced tonight that at ions completed at the observ atory had established positively that the etui' t discovered by Dr. V. Cer- Ulli of v.te. Ocllruanla observatory at Toramo, ltn.lj, la identical with F;iyf>'s t, a well known member of the solar system. The calculations were made by Instructor \V. F. Meyer of the I > .at'iiv and Miss Sophia, Levy, a senior student in the univer sity. The astronon 1 observations by Prof. E. Mlllosevltch, director of the Royi 1 observatory, Collegium Ro manum at Rome, and Fubsequent ob servation:? by J. ]!. Eppes of the United States naval ibßervatory at Washington, and by Prof. K. Young ut Lick observatory, ■ WILSON TO SEVER LAST PRINCETON CONNECTION PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 16.—A let ter v public horc today from Woodrow V, ilson, governor-elect of »« Fei . In which he announced that he had 'decided to resign as pro fessor <f politics aiid Jurisprudence In Prlncitun university, thereby severing all oonm I >vith the teaching body uf tho institution. Dr. Wilson liiis gone to the middlo west for a .short rest. SEINE FLOOD IS FALLING PARIS, Nov. in.—The river Belne, v. filch has ovi I red itn bant many points ami dons considerable damage in the lower uarts ol the city, fell slightly today. LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER .17. 1910. — |i^rrr <Trrr t[iTrinrnTmf 1 'T cT^/IJtrA^— —^—- UnpackingMoreToys 4Wirr[sQi\\mfflfk Our Xmas Piano Club The Biggest Display Soon To Be Ready /WwtO. Join Now-The List Is Filling Fast Almost hourly great shipments are coming I. to keep busy the \J V AJ Only 100 membora will the advantaga of this opportunity dozens of people who Hie unpacklng-the dozens of others - ftAlf «Ts!?7ri/«mr'Y>-*!lin ?rnrm toSftvefromss°to tm«n the'pianothey choose. . Instruments ranging the displays! And such toys! Never have you seen so MrJOAD\A_S/ FltTTlTn « H LL sTkElT\> are unexcelled in materials, construction and tone quality, many beautiful and original ones—and never have they been |_ unvni/liru. uyiiin,** i "*■»» v» "fc*-» ,J Thlg , 3 an engv payment plan you w m appreciate, so low priced! '■ ■ ■ , =====' . . ■. ,\ These Gloves Will Go Quickly" at $1.25 Furniture, Floor Coverings and Draperies __. , ,- T . w v mi D ... a Original Weaves and Designs That Impress You at Once! They're Worth More YOU 11 Readily Agree Typical money-saving values from our big Third Floor, with vast stocks of You find a better variety of gloves to select from at Hamburger's <_ «<J /S |T furniture, carpets, draperies—everything to make the \ <v£aß msßammSi and hotter quality for a given price in each individual pair. The $1 .ID IlOi; ie a 0™ bCaUtifu1 ' convenient and comfortable place three listed here arc incomparably superior to any you will . see a— This Kitchen cabinet $12.75 P^^P^ XwJIfL M c is C whcre, at, pair This Kitchen Cabinet $12.75 E^^J Julienne Kid Gloves Pique Kid Gloves Mochas and Suedes Of selected white maple and has all conveniences of a jSffiir*wiJijJl Julienne Kid Gloves Fique Kid bloves Mocnas and dm kjt h n con( f entrated into one piece o f fur- J^»^^^ In black, white and all col- Glace kid. in black and col- One-clasp mochas in black, nitltre. '^ "*'■ ."•--. '^Vj^~~ "all I'l ' 'Jil __j| ors; two-clasp, overseam ors. Paris Point backs; also mode and gray, and long DINING CHAIR—Of solid quartered oak, with French legs «J«J Ra^,^_L]}i^^7^l| I sown Paris Point back. Of one-clasp cape gloves, in the black or mode suedes that Rlu upholstered In genuine leather. Golden wax finish N>J fEE3£_» nOnT^^Tn WYn o fln nr. k! d:.. H e"....5i.25 Eaf. a. d::: $1.25 Z^ZJ::: p:. $1.25 1;-^^^^';".".'.'-^. ■ :: r- I'r^,::u; I v ] ;..;J-;:-■.;:-;:;':' $25 p|||| _^KJ^_l ■——■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ \ j 11111 il t__T^^^l^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^i. nOP NeededThl the Holme' "i^J^^SSSS J»SB^SS eak Loudly for Made of ■riSed'^hJte oak, quartered. _ . i, . ~_^~» •an- '^^feSs*^ Themselves! Oolden finish and highly polished. A Comfortable handsome and thoroughly wel^^con- More Unparalleled House- Furnishing Specials -'"""'' Values That Will Place This House-Furnishing Day Far Ahead of Even Our Previous Successes—Read Them All!, ™> j. l^i a . 9x12 Wilton KUgS 532.5U - _ r '- _. - ©i hSt'ekm!' vKX'» Have all the characteristics of rugs Bedding Offerings Among the Most Important f|#^E|l e^^o!^t Wool Nan Blankets Cotton Blankets Bleached Sheets IfWi||K||l ™* eff*cts- Extraordinary Bargains $^12^ >%-'»- *. ta" ° gray ' ™». h-. ceg«| kJ&M iW\l Body Brussels Rug $26.50 Because there are slight Irregularities %vltli fane v . rjoraers. OVC muslin, gpe.-ial [ ilM'ssm ** WV W Slz« .9x12. A finery woven nig In a —"misprints"—in their borders we special _.-« WUN J?RZim _«**'sl\ variety of attractive designs and new fw.r. able to B et the, .oft. nurnMi> <Zhnot<! f e ather Pillows vt^W^zMS^ eBt shades. In size 8y *xloV4> the price fleecy white blankets, with JJliraOie ijtlCeiO ■*■ »-l**'*«-» , *r , IV// J'Z^^ o*&3r^0 *&3r^ \\l is only *2*. ' i,ik. or bine borders . v as g izo 72x 90, fully bleachod Of regular rize. dustloss _ »»''L/?lflrti || 1 I*^ *«. $15 \i;2T:^rZlT t0 Ze£':r::: 55c SKV^ 48cWl?Ji|ffll Twistw've Rugs $15 , n T /^ _ '_. W^^lWmK% £$M\ The popular bungalow rug in Crafts- # ICC* (^lirtOtnS¥¥^\\Y4\W\WlM\m man designs and oft, rich color com- Women's 7 ailored Suits of ZZsk^ch ttf"'J KIH I -££ A rug that is different. Exceptional Beauty oj hike Sketch . 4 9c!^^»l^ Bt:rviceable'artistlc' lnexpenslve t, 4 EZ Cep, ti°f l 1 % l v? e? Uty t ««o* N'o«»'Rh. ara 'A e7^/C msa^ iimjmmi 2 Yds.Sq.Table Covers $2 They Are Regular $18 Vol., 100 $ f 195 curtains, in rich floral patterns or attractive side * covera ln a mercerlzßa ?rh. B ht nd.™mseAaT. w, d.,^ t»d Mhiv: II border. Beautiful curtains, full 2* yards long. aure weave. Beautiful^wo-toned excellent linings, charming models in a variety M M Take advantage of the best opportunity of the colorings In embossed designs. Have "™ co,orin, a ; . ... y ....... - no season to drape your windows at small cost. deep, hand-tied fringe. Panama Skirts 54.75 Values S2- Think o; it _4 9c a pair! 5x9-ft-Couch Covers $7- 50 Stunning plaited models; also plain gored ef- S . v OX^-11. \jOUUI yUVCIS *i.JV fecte, in all lengths. Made of blue, black, jf& Figured Silkoline. green, pink or tan. yd 7ic Heavy, reversible and are exact rep brown or gray panama-good $4.75 values .figured bllKOline, green, pinK or wn, yu--. ■■IV- Jlcag of genuine oriental rugs. Styles m M% IR ~ 1 Tapestry Portieres, 2 J yds. long, pair $2.50 and patterns that you will not find I ' IV 11.50 Rug SI. 10 2OC Scrim 2 C 75c Table Damask, 53-in., half bleached 59c elsewhere at any price. if Wl^'vk 27xeo-:nch velvet Rugs, close mesh ecru scrim, 40 36-In. Wall Burlap, all wanted shades, yd 10c Drapery Scrim, Yard 40c :\mwtW pi!e SCnd°a r heavy!' closely suitable for curtains or Brass Curtain Rods, with fixtures, each .. ,6*c New plain and novelty scrim, including I woven back. fan"y work- Cotton Challis, light, dark, medium, yd 5c -me pretty hemstitch^ tar^ejtoctj. D__HB___S___l____H __________i____H__l____H_HM■■■_■___■—■——l artistic curtains. MUNICIPAL LEAGUERS TO DEBATE NEW CITY PLANS Lawyers Will Oppose Commission Government—Santa Barbara Wants Next Session SAN DIEGO, Nov. IC—Little time was wasted by the delegates to the convention of the League of California Municipalities this morning in settling down to the business of the clay Promptly at 9 o'clock «'* tonve"V r O t n ivus called to order and the depart ment of engineers, councilmen ana street superintendents heard a paper by William B. Gester, on "Cement and CVment Testing," the department of city attorneys a paper on "Commis sion Government in Small Municipa h ties," by Charles N. Kirkbridge, city attorney of San Mateo. At 10 o'clock the delegates adjourned to a local theater for a moving Picture demonstration on the "F£ Pest," The Pure Milk Crusade," "The Tubercu losis Fight" and "The Child Labor Evil " Statements in this connection were made by Prof. W. B. Herms, Uni versity of California; Dr. F. K. Burn ham, president of the San Diego board of health; Dr. George H. Kress sec retary state association for the study and prevention of tuberculosis, and President O. K. Cushing of the Cali fornia Playgrounds association. At 130 o'clock the convention list ened to an address on "Reducing the Fire Hazard in Municipalities," by George N. Robertson, engineer of the board of fire underwriters of the Pa cific, and at 2:30 o'clock J. H. Reed, tree warden of Riverside, illustrated with Btereopticon views a lecture on "Street Trees." At 330 o'clock "Sanitation in Cali fornia Cities" was discussed by Dr. W. F Snow, secretary of the state board of health; N. D. Baker, engineer in spector of the state board nf health; Prof C. C. Hyde of the State Uni versity; Dr. C. C. Browning of Los Angeles; r>r. Rupert Blue, United States public health service, and Dr. E. B. Hoag, state university. Hygiene In the schools, quarantine methods and general sanitation were the subjects of interesting papers and . sions. It seems probable that at the election of officers on Friday 1 y L. Hodghead, mayor of Berke |i y and now vice president of the league, will be chosen president. So far La known there is no opposition to h Four cities are now in tho field for the convention of 1911. These are Barbara, Visalia, Watsonville and Berkeley. At present Santa Bar bara Beems likely to be chosen. Tomorrow prornisos to be an espe cially Interesting day. The commis sion form of government for cities will he the topic tnd there are indi cations tonight that the opponents of that plan will make a strong show- Ing. I that many of the city attorneys who are attending the con vention do not share in the enthu siasm of other delegates In regard to the commission plan. These lawyers expect tv be hoard tomorrow. OUTLAW ELUDES PURBUIT LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 16.—"Bad Jake"'Noble, the Breathltt county out liiw, has age :: eluded pursuit. Reports last nifflit that ho had killed two men und wounded uthers and had been himself wound' I np:ir Saylersvllle, Ma- Koffln county, ■ ere today definitely es tablished as untrue. Club News The opening session of the conven tion of the Los Angeles district Feder ation of Woman's clubs will be held this morning at the Friday Morning club house, when a conference of pres idents will assemble. The clubs of the district with their presi idents are as follows: Wednesday Afternoon club, Alhambra, Mrs. J. B. Pexton; Mary Williams club, Avalon, Mrs. Seth Gilder; Azusa Woman's club, Mrs. W. W. Neth; Woman's club of Carpentaria, Mrs. E. W. Andrews; Pathfinder club, Compton, Mrs. J. Lee Shepard; Monday Afternoon club, Co vina, Miss Emma L. Hawks; Saturday Afternoon club, Downey, Mrs. M. D. Kinney; Mountain View Shakespeare club, El Monte, Mrs. J. H. Baker; Wednesday Progressive club, Gardena, Mrs. C. W. Stephenson; Tuesday after noon club, Glendale, Mrs. Mary H. Gridlcy; Glendora Woman's club, Mrs. K. F. Blankenship; Hollywood Wom an's club, Miss E. C. McCullough; Ir windale Miscellany club, Miss Mary McKibben; Alpha Literary and Im provement club, Lompoc, Mrs. Grai c Rlos; Long Beach Ebell club, Mrs. C. F. Doyle; Woman's Music Study club, Long Beach, Miss Ethel W. Putnam; Avtrill ciu'D, Mrs. B. F. Nance; Boyle Heights Enlre Nous club, Mrs. C. M. Buck; California Badger club, Mrs. Louis A. Gould; California Business Woman's association, Mrs. Florence Collins Porter; California chapter of Cliff Dwellers, Mrs. William E. Riddle; College Woman's club, Miss Evange line Gray; Cosmos club, Mrs. George W. Jordan; Civic association, Mrs. Oli ver C. Bryant; Each and All club, Mrs. Lillian Bense; Ebell club, Mrs. E. C. Bellows; Friday Morning club, Mrs. 0. P. Clark; Galpin Shakespeare club, Mrs. E. H. Barmore; Highland Park Ebell, Mrs. Jane Beatty; Woman's Health club, Mrs. Herbert Ponle; Kin dergarten club, Miss Olga H. Dorn; National Council Jewish Women, Mrs. Benjamin Goldman; Koseerans Study club, Mrs. J. K. Coleman; Ruskin Art club, Mrs. W. H. Bradley; Tuesday Afternoon club, Mrs. Minnie Gray; Thursday Afternoon club, Mrs. Anna E. Yoakum; Travel club, Mrs. I. W. Gleason; Twentieth Century club. Eagle Rock, Mrs. W. K. Cowan; Wednesday Morning club, Mrs. W. C. Mushct; Woman's Lyric club, Mrs. W. H. Jami son; Saturday Afternoon club, Mon rovia, Mrs. Dorland; Crescent Bay Woman's club, Ocean Park, Mrs. W. H. Anderson; South Coast Civic league, Ocean Park, Mrs. C. M. Rundle; Mon day club, Oxnard, Mrs. J. A. Alnslie; Pasadena Study club, Mrs Lizzie Baugham; Shakespeare club, Pasadena, Miss Anna L. Meeker; Washington Heights club, Pasadena, Mrs. I. N. Smith; Woman's club, Pasa Robles, Miss Clara B. Churchill; Eboll club, Pomona, Mrs. J. T. Brady; Woman's club, RedondO Beach, Mrs. C. A. Hlb bard; Woman's club, Pomona, Mrs. J. W Wilkinson; Woman's Civic club, San Luis Obispo, Mrs. Homer J. Ridle; Woman's club, San Pedro, Mrs. H. N. Stone; Woman's club, Santa Barbara, Mrs. Frank Maguire; Friday Study club, Santa Barbara, Mrs. F. P. Smart; Minerva Literary club, Santa Maria, Mrs Will Adam; Woman's club, Santa Monica, Mrs. E. P. Nittenger; Brlggs 1. N. S. club, Santa Paula, Mrs. Mag gie Mullet; Current Events, Santa Paula, Mrs. Byron de Nuro; Woman's club, Sawtelle, Miss Caroline Lewis; Polnsetta club, Saticoy, Mrs. L. B. Hogue; Woman's club, Sierra Madre, Mrs. George H. Letteau; Woman's Im provement association, South Pasadena, Miss Bertha C. Moore; Troploo Thurs day Afternoon club, Mrs. Charles A. Barker; Pick and Shovel club, Venice, Mrs. George Sibley; Avenue Ladles club, Ventura, Mrs. Irene Williams; La Loma club, Ventura, Mrs. A. L. Burson; Tuesday club, Ventura, Mrs. George Oonklin; Sliakepeare club, Ventura, Mrs. Edith Ne»l; Wednesday Afternoon club, Mound City, Ventura, Mrs. W. E. Ready; Woman's club, Whlttier, Mrs. Annie L. Coftman; Woman's Improvement club. East Whittier, Mr?. S. P. Mendenhall. ' The presidents will have luncheon at the club and this afternoon the milk t-upply will be the subject for discus sion, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Farwell Edson of the Friday Morning club. Experts of highest standing in various lines will present papers dealing- with this subject, and the program is sure to be an enlivening and instructive one. Charlotte Perkins Oilman will be the speaker for Friday morning, and In the afternoon Miss Jessica Hazard will talk on "Meat; Its Cost and Nutritive Value." This evening the Ebell club house will be the scene of a reception given to the delegates by that club, while the College Woman's club will assist In entertaining the guests by presenting a play in the auditorium. The conven tion will adjourn Saturday noon after election of officers. Present officers of the district are Mrs. William Baurhyte, president; Miss Elsie Ara Waggoner, corresponding secretary. Charlotte Perkins Gllman, who Is to arrive in Los Angeles tomorrow morn ing, will speak a Gamut club aud itorium Friday evening on the subject "Woman's Place in Civiliza tion." The presence of Mrs. Gilman in the city at this time is arousing much interest. Her lectures here have been A Clean Man i Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man mny JR, Mm scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Good W._ IM health means cleanliness not only outside, hut inside. It means gmmi' ' \Mm a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean lirer, and m mkfPrW new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way Fg Ml .jt> -j| will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think "^ Bl? M clean, clear, healthy thoughts. .... JB *r Bl\ He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood )Jsf*\ disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom- LJ f£# achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. r Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery prevent* these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean and healthy. It cleans the digestive organ*, make* pare, clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh. It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervoui exhaustion and prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pieroe ■ Pleasant Pel lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. A Real $10.00 Mattress "^w FOR Mattress^W /[!> SCK F* 1 t^.^f^^^^^M M ' 40-pound Mattress,' Genuine wBJSHSif^^// Felt, Imperial Edge, Art Tick, V /n»/' rvr X worth $10. $O 95 S We are sole a §ents or the Scaly Mattress— Your Credit riS£OSSEMBffIi Is Good SKSP^WF'j m tst Jlflif^MfJ, JftJ ALA M,^?" rare, since she has attained prom inence as a writer and speaker on all subjects concerning woman's place In the economic development of the world, and she is promised an audience to morrow morning which threatens to test the capacity of the Friday Morn ing club house. John H. Braly of the Political Equal ity league was the speaker before the Los Angeles Federation of Woman's Christian Temperance Unions yester day afternoon. Other speakers of the afternoon were Mrs. Mary Kenney and Miss Payne. Mrs. Katherine Pierce Wheat was in charge of the morning session when a lively discussion of Improper postcards as exhibited in show windows caused the appointment of' a committee with Mrs. Wheat as chairman to investigate this matter and bring it to the attention of proper authorities. J. B. Lickley, superintendent of the truant schools of Los Angeles, will speak at a meeting; of the Twenty third Avenue Parent-Teacher associa tion, which will meet in the school house this afternoon £ft 2:30 o'clock. ' DELIBERATELY PLANS SUICIDE BL.OOMINGTON, 111., Nov. IB.—Chris Frederick, a retired farmer, bought a cemetery lot and monument yesterday arid mailed a check to an undertaker with instructions to find his body on the lot. Frederick was found lying on the lot today with a bullet in his brain. The Unmatched ■I 11 This great train is known to experienced travelers as the highest type of railway trans portation. This superb train leaves Los Angeles at 10 A. M. every day, going to Chicago via Kansas City. A through Pullman sleeping car goes daily on this delightful train direct to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. E. W. McQee, Gen. Agent, 334 S. Spring Stl Phones: A-^224, Main 738. Santa Fe. T~ E ST. 1900 ~~T GATbim GATLIN INSTITUTE LOS ANGELES CALi _ SAHFMHCISCO V 25,000 SHARES o( if* Capital stock ot Mutual Home Bldg. Corporation Now ottered at 11.21) per mar*. ' tot-ton muiiiaa buiuuhu,