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LATEST FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTS DECLINE IN MEAT ATTRACTS MARKET Fall in Prices of Butchers' Pro ducts Reaches 3.8 Per Cent. Not Ended BANK PRESSURE INCREASES Attempt to Inaugurate New Stock Concentrations Has Been Abandoned (Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 16.—The most ef fective interest today in the movement of stock prices was the early absence of the aggressive operations for the ad vance by a few brokers which were the features of yesterday's market. The leaders were watched for the appear ance of these orders In United States Steel, Union Pacific and Heading. These stocks were sold because the or ders failed to appear. This was taken to Indicate the abandonment of the attempt to inaugurate a new market movement by concentrating dealings' in those stocks. The reappearance of tho same kind of buying in United States Steel and Union Pacific in the final hour pulled prices up again and left them higher than last night. The gen eral decline in prices of meat all over the country came In for a great deal of attention. The latest rapid decline has come as a subsequent to the November condition shown by Bradstreet's Index • number of commodity prices. The fall from the record level of January 1 of this year amounts to 3.8 per cent, with the decline evidently in progress In in creased degree since November 1. * Great satisfaction is felt with this tendency. One immediate effect is tho i 'increased pressure on banks In some sections of the west. The explanation is that the fall In grain prices has prompted farmers to withhold their of- 1 ferings and to buy livestock to feed ] corn to. With the end of the feeding" period there' is foreseen a large influx of offerings in the cattle markets, a further decline in meat prices and a heavy liquidation of bank loans. Bonds were easy. Total , sales, par value, 590,000. United States bonds were unchanged on cull. ! ' : ;• ' NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to The Herald by J. C. WH »on. 212 West Fifth street, Lot Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bend exchange of San Francisco. . NEW YORK, Nov. 1«.-Fo!lowlng were th« quotations today: Bales. Stock. High. Low. Bid. Ask. -Allls-Chnlmera 84 10 100 do preferred .... 32 32. 33 34',i 7,000 Amalg Copper .... 704 6314 70-14 7014 300 Amer Beet Sugar. 38% 37>,4 3854 3814 do preferred .. 82 94 100 Atner Can Co 9% 10 700 d» preferred' .... 76 7514 76 i 76% 1,100 Amer Car & Fdry 64% 6-H4 54% 65 do preferred in 1144 800 Amer Cotton OH .. 6444 64 64 64% American Express .. .. 235 £60 100 Am Ice Securities 19 ■ 19 18% 19% 700 Amer Linseed 12% 12% 1214 12% i 600 do preferred .... 35% 3314 33% 34 600 Amer Locomotive. 3914' 33 39 3914 do preferred 106 107 11,700 Amer Bmlt & Rfg 81% £0% 81% SITS ' 200 do preferred ....10614 10614 106 I'ifiVi 100 Amer Sugar 11814 1184 1174 119 > do preferred ' .. 117 118 1,100 Am Steel I-Mrs ... 4*4 47*; 4SV 48% 1,600 Amer Tel & Tel ..1424 14214 141% 142 100 Amer Tob pfd ... 9414 944 9414 95 100 Amer Woolen ....SB 35 34% 38 300 do preferred .... 06 98V4 M 94 Anaconda 42 4214 1.100 Atlantic C Ltn» ..120 119 1194 12014 8.800 A T & Santa Fe.. 10414 10S4 108% 1044 400 do preferred ....10114 100% 100% 101 600 Bait * Ohio 108 107% 107% 108<4 do preferred 90 92 I 4.000 B R T 7714 77 77*4 77% 700 Canadian FacMc... 1117*4 IM%' 197 19714 3.600 C & O 8414 83% 8374 84 C & A SO 43 100 C& O W 23% 23% 2314 23% do* preferred .. 4714 49 600 C ft N W 147 147 14614 147% 6,4(10 C M * St P 12414 122% 12414 124% 300 do preferred ....148 14S .147 140 100 Central Leather ... 84% 34% '<% 35 do preferred 10614 108 Cent of N J 276 285 CC C & St li 66% 69 -, do preferred .. 98% 110 2,100 Colorado F * 1.... 36% 34 35% 38 ; „ do preferred 109 118 100 Columbus HC & I 414 44 814 414 600 Colorado Southern 60% 60 60% 60% do Ist preferred 75 77 • do 2d preferred 73 77 1,000 Con Oil x-div 14-135% 135 13614 135% 500 Corn Products .... 1614 1614 1«H 16% . do preferred .. 78 .so 300 Del & Hudson ....17014 17» 168 170 D 1.. ft W 5"" '"< 100 D & n a 32% 32% 33 3314 400 do preferred .... 7414 74 7314 714 100 Diamond Mntoh .. 924 !>24 I>M4 »2H 500 Distil Securities .. 3314 3214 "Vi 334 Dulllth R 8 & A 1314 1314 .. do preferred 2.1 25 1,700 Erie 30% 29% 30 3014 900 do Ist preferred.. 48% 4514 4814 49 100 do H preferred.. SB 38 36% 37% 300 General Electric...ls3% 153 164 15414 200 Gt Northern Ore., fioit 60 6014 <"• 2,600 do preferred ....125 123% 12474 U« Illinois Central .13314 13114 1,700 Intorboro-Metro ... 2114 21 514 21% 2.300 do preferred .... 5714 661* 574 &74 Internat Paper 13 1311 400 do preferred .... 56% M 6«U 5614 300 Internat Pump ...43 43 12% 4314 ....... do preferred 83% 8414 200 lowa Central ..... 21% 214 20% 2114 *... do preferred .. 35 86 2,000 X C Southern 334 8314 38*4 8314 . do preferred *61i 67 I, J! « West 15 20 , do preferred 37 43 600 LAN 146 145 146 14614 i Mackay 90 04% | do preferred 73% 7514 Manhattan ' 140 143 1,300 Mexican Central... 8714 36% 3711 374 300 Minn ft St L 2914 2914 27 8014 | do preferred .. 48 54 700 MStPft S 8 M.136% 136 135% 136% .....:. do preferred ....... .. 144 148 700 M X & Texas .... 34 33% 53% 35 do preferred 644 70 1,000 Mo Pacific 51% 6014 614 52 700 Nat Lead 6014 69 6014 694 1 do preferred 10614 10714 1,000 National Biscuit..ll3 110 1104 111% do pfd x-dlv 1% 120 124 600 Nevada Cona 21 20% 20% 21 . N V Air Brake .. 784 75 9,500 N V Central 11414 US 114*1 11414 N V C * St 1* - .. 66 6714 do Ist preferred 10614 118 i. do 2d preferred 8814 93 M 0 NYN Hft HartlM 153 163 15314 N V Ont ft W .. 42% 4314 200 Norfolk ft West .. 094 0014 98% 99 do preferred 83 03 900 North American .. 65% 65 (IS 66 '7,600 North Pacific 1164 114% 11514 116% Omaha 140 160 do preferred 160 170 '. Pacific Coast 103 108 Faclflo Mall .. 30% 31 6,700 Penna R R C 0.... 13014 129% 13014 1304 400 People's Gas 1064 108 108 10« Vi Pittsburgh Coal JO 21 ■ do preferred .... .. .. 71 73 P C C & St li • '98 98 .... do preferred .' 11214 1154 Pressed Steel Car.. .. ... 32% 3314 do preferred "".. 9614 9« 100 Ry Steel Springs.. 3414 344 8414 38 do preferred 964 100 56,300 Reading ... ......153% 152*4 158% 163% do Ist preferred . .. 88 «- 89 : do 24 prepared.. .. .. . 6514 « 4100 Republio S & 1.... 84% 34 3414 84% do preferred 96% 97% »,»10 Rock Island Co .. 82% 32% 82% 32% 700 do preferred .... 65% 65% «4% 66 Sloss Shef 8 * 1.. M 63 61 «'4 200 St L& SF Ist pfd 6114 61 61% 62% 800 do 2.1 preferred.. 41% 4114 41% 42 200 St L & a W 26% 26% 2« 27 do preferred *6 694 12.800 Southern Paciflo ..119H 117% 119% 11914 1,400 Southern Railway 27% 27 27% 27% do preferred »3% 6474 1,700 Tennessee Copper. 37% 37 37% 37% 100 Texas Pacific 26% 2«% 26% 27 400 Third Aye 12% 12% 11% 12% 800 Toledo St L * W.. M% 2614 25 2514 do preferred 5714 68 Twin City R T 108 "2% Union Bag & Pap .... S 9 do preferred ■■ 66 60 73,800 Union Paciflo 178% 176% 178% 178% 300 do. preferred .... 93 91% 9114 92 United Rds of 8F .. .. 26% 29% do preferred 66% 67% U S Cast Irn Pipe .. .. 1«% 19 100 do preferred .... 66% 66% 67- 58% 600 U S Rubber 36% 35% 36 36 do Ist preferred 110% HI do 2d preferred.. .. * .. 72 ' 76 169,600 U S Steel Cor 80% 78% 80% 80% ... do preferred H714 117% 3.400 Utah Copper 50% 49% 60% 60% 4,500 Va-Car Chem Co.. 6314 62 63 6314 do preferred 120 123 ■ SOOWabash 17% m* 17% 17* 900 do preferred .... 87 3614 36% 37 100 Wells Fargo Ex... 163 163 160 164 300 Western Union .... 72 71% 72 72% 600 Westlnghouse .... 71% 71 7114 71% W & L B .. » «H do Ist preferred .14 18 do 2d preferred 7 8% 300 Wisconsin Central 60% 60% 60»i 61 100 Am Hide & Leath 4% 4% 4% 4% 400 do preferred .... 22% 22% 22% 23 Am Agr & Chem 4514 45% do preferred ,c- M" 600 Beth Steel 83 32 32% 33 200 do preferred .... 61% 60% 61 61% 6,200 Ooldfleld Cons .... 8% 8 8 814 1,000 Int Harvester 11314 112% 113% 113% 100 do preferred ....121% 131% 120% 12114 Nat Enam & Stmp .. .. 17 18 do preferred .. 82 87 2,600 Pan Tel & Tel .... 45 48 44% 45 do preferred ' .. 90 99 200 Pullman 165 166 163 167 IJ 8 Realty 68 70 200 West Maryland ... 47 46% 47 4"li 600 Sears Roebuck ...183% 183 181 182% do preferred .. •• 121 Total sales, 486,400 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 21J West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NEW YORK, Nov. U.— Following were the closing quotation*: Bid. Asked. Atchlson general 4s 98% 98% Atchlson cony 4s 10» 107 Baltimore & Ohio Ist 4s 98% 88% <U R T 4b 83 8314 I Colorado Industrial 6s 77 78 JT T S Realty 6s ...! «7 89 Rock 'Island col 4s 74% 74% I Southern Pacific ref 4s 94% t 9474 j Southern Pacific col 4s 92 93 Union Paclfle Ist 4a 101% 101% Union Pacific cony 4s 105% 106 0 S Steel 5s 103% 103% United Railway 4s '.. 66 70 Wabash debenture 4s 65% 65% •Western Pacific 6s 93% 94 Armour & Co 414s 91% 02% Japanese 4s 88% 19% Japanese Ist 4'4s 94 <*% Japanese 2d 4%s , 94 94% Southern Pacific cony 4s 97 97% Denver & R G ref 6s 90 92 IT 8 2s'registered 100% 101% U S 2s coupon 100% 101% U8 8s registered 101% 102% US 3s coupon 101% 102% U S 4s registered 115 116% U S 4s coupon 11514 Panama 2s 100% Panama 1988s 100% FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK, Not. Money on call easy, 214©3% per cent; ruling rate, 3%; closing bids, 2%: offered, 2%. Time loans soft and fairly active; sixty days, 4%®1% per cent, and ninety days, 4%; six months, 4%. •» • I Close: Prime mercantile paper, 6% to 6 per Sterling exchange firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at 4.8150 for sixty-day bills and at 4.8590 for demand. Commercial bills. 4 81% ' ■ Bar silver, 66%. Mexican dollars, 46c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. • - TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.—At the beginning of business today the condition of the United States treasury was: Working'balance In treasury office of 28, --717,954; in banks and Philippine treasury. $34, --301,222; the total balance In the general fund was 183,798.384. Ordinary receipts yesterday were $2,195,793, with ordinary disbursements of $1,067,937. The deficit to date for this fiscal year is $12,641,001, as against 110,948 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I«.—Fruits— Fancy apples, 650; common. 40c. Berries —Strawberries, $4®S; huckleber ries, 7@loc; raspberries, $4@B; cranberries, $2(ff 2.50. ' * Grapes—lsabella, 85c®51.70; Muscat, $1 ©1.25. . ' Pears—Common, BOo: fanoy, $1. Pomegranates, 60c@51.26. Persimmons, 60c ®$1. Quinces, $1<3>1.25. Oranges—Navels, $1.7502.76. Mexican limes. $6®6. —Common California, $2; fancy, $5.60. Tropical fruits—Bananas, 750® $3; pine apples, $2® 2.60. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT NEW YORK, Nov. 16.—Evaporated apples steady for old crop; prime new crop nominal; prime, 7%®8%e; common to fair, 6%®7%c. Prunes steady; fair Jobbing demand. Quo tations: r, ',110 c for Callfornlas up to 30-40S and 8%@9%e for Oregon* from 60-30 S. Apricots firm on small stocks. Choice, 12% @13c; extra choice. 13%®13%0; fa***, 13%®14c. Peaches dull, barely steady; choice, 7@7%c; extra choice, B@B%c; fancy, B%@9c. Raisins unsettled, quiet; loose muscatels, 6% @t l-4c; choice to fancy seeded. 6 1-4®7%c; seedless, 6@6c; London layers, $1.2001.35. NEW YORK COTTON Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles. NEW YORK, Nov. 16.—The Galveston cotton exchange Is the last one to make estimates on the crop. The consensus of opinion there points to a crop of 11,860,000 bales. These exchange estimates are about all made now and average 11,300,000 bales all the way to 12,300,000 bales. They are the result of averaging guesses of Individual members. The private crop experts' guesses run from 11,886,000 bales by F. C. Olds to 13,000,000 bales by Habersham King. Many speculative accounts were evened up to day and many traders probably will keep out of the market until after the publication of the census figures next Monday. The National (Sinners' association report is also holding many of the local trading element from ex tensive operations until published. Today* ■ market was strong but dull. Quotations ranged as follows: —Close- Open. High. Low. Bid. Ask. January 14.28 14.37 14. 14.36 14.37 February '. ••••• 14.44 14.48 March •••• 14. 14. S3 14.40 14.11 l 14.68 April 14.68 14.60 May 14.61 14.66 14.53 14.64 14.68 June »<•» 14.61 July , 14.48 14.69 14.48 14.57 14.58 August •• 14.30 14.50 14.25 14.25 14.27 November 14.83 14.83 14.33 14.34 14.87 December 14.3« 14.48 14.85 14.41 14.48 Spot cotton, 14.60 c; Bo higher. ■ ( BT. LOU 13 WOOL ST. LOUIS, Nov. 16.—W00l steady; medium grades combing and clothing. 23H@24c; light line, 20@220; heavy fine, 16©17e; tub washed, 20®33c. NEW YORK. Nov. 16.—Cotton spot closed quiet, 5 points higher; middling ■ uplands, 14«0c; do gulf, 14.850. No sales. Futures closed firm. Closing bids: Novem ber, 14.140! December, 14.41 c; January, 14.36 c; February, ■ 14.44 c; March, 14.61 c; April, 14.06 c; May, U.Uai June, ll£0o; July. 14.D8o; August, 14.480. LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MOHMXO, XOYKMHKH 17, 1010. FINANCIAL LO3 ANOELER, Nov. 18.—Bank c!«artngs were $4,008,492.34, an Increase of $1,111,774.69 as compared with the amount for the correspond ing date of last year. Following Is* a com parative statement: 1910. 19fl». 1908. Nov. 14 $3,849,508.56 $2,683,665.66 $1.881,256.4S Nov. 18 8,011,268.34 2,848.787.06 ' 1.929,291.11 Nov. M 4,003,4[i2.34 2,894,717.65 2,138,827.22 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE The market on the stock exchange yesterday was characterized by the remarkable gain In Mexican common. This stork closed Tuesday at 37%, and the first sale Wednesday was at 40, with fluctuations between 39 and 40, finally closing at 39. It la given out, more or less officially, that the company has declared a dividend payable on the Ist of January of 4 per cent, 1 per cent quarterly on the common stock, and It Is also reported that there will ba an extra dividend of 1 per cent, payable at the same time as the quarterly dividend. There have been several very strong; rumors that the company could easily afford to pay 6 per cent on par. The 4 per cent on par Is the equal of nearly 11 per cent on the stock at' the present price, thus making an excellent investment. California Midway was somewhat weaker, and Consolidated Midway was also weak. Union showed no particular strength, but was fairly active. The bond* and bank stocks were quiet and In the Industrial there was Inquiry for Home preferred. There seems to have been considerable Inquiry for this stock of late. HORNING SALES 1000 Cal Midway 63%; 1000 Cleveland, ».00M; 2000 Cons Midway 24; 1000 do 2Mt: 10,000 do 23%; 20 Mcx Pet Ltd common 40; 10 do 39.62%; 40 do 39.60; 140 do 89.75; 10 do 89.87%; 10 do 39.25; 10 do 38.87%; 50 do 38.75; 20, do 38.62%; 40 do 30; 20 Union Prov Co 100.Gil; 1000 Oleum Dcv Co 2%. - 4 AFTERNOON SALES 1000 Cal Midway 63;. 1000 do 63%: 1000 do, buyer 30, 63%; 6000 Cleveland Oil 9.60 M; 1000 Cons Midway 23%; 20 Mcx Pet Ltd com 39.1,4; 90 do SD.OO; 10 do 38.87%; 70 do, buyer 80, 39.50; 10 do do 38.3714; 80 Union 102.37%; 6 do 102.25; 1000 United 74. BANK STOCKS Bid. Asked. All Night * Day Bank 69.00 90.00 Bank of Southern California 100.00 Broadway Bank & Trust 150.00 176.00 Cal Savings Bank • 115.00 Central National Bank 170.00 180.00 Citizens National 224.00 230.00 Commercial National 150.00 Equitable Savings Bank 200.00 Farmers and Merchants Nat 1..280.00 350.00 Federal Bank of L A 125.00 First National 625.00 German American Havings 325.00 340.00 Globe Savings Bank 120.00 Home Pavings Bank of L' A...116.00 Merchants National ; 560.00 National Bank of Cal 142.50 National Bank of Com 105.00 Security Savings Bank 860.00 400.00 The Southern Trust Co 70.00 (50 per cent pold up) U S National Bank 145.00 INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Asked. Arizona & Swansea R R 90.00 Cal Portland Cement Co 80.00 Cal Hospital 65.00 85.00 Edison Electric pfd 67.87% do common 48.00 60.00 Hawaiian Com and Sugar 84.00 36.00 Home Telephone pfd 30.00 do common 4.00 Hutchlnson S P Co 16.00 „ L A Athletic Club 6.00 8.00 L A Brewing Co 100.00 L- A Investment Co 3.25 3.45 Mexican Natl Gas com 10.00 38.00 Paauhau S P Co 22.60 24.00 Pao Mut Life Ins Co 290.00 Pac Con Stone Co 5.02 ..... Pasadena Homo T and T Co 32.50 Riverside Home T and T Co 22.00 San Diego Home T and T Co 17.60 8 Monica B H T pfd 20.00 Sun Drug Co 1-00 Seaside Water Co 75.00 Title G and Tr Co pfd 276.00 Title I and Tr Co pfd 176.00 Title I and Tr Co com 176.00 Title I and Tr ser C 176.00 ..... U S L D T and T Co pfd 85.00 Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Union Trust Co ? 30.00 33.00 Whittler Home T and T Co 80.00 OIL STOCKS ' PRODUCERS— Bid. Asked. Amalgated Oil 19.60 30.00 American Crude Oil Co •«> American Pet Co pfd ' 98.00 do common •••• ™-00 Associated Oil U.B7H 42.25 California Midway Oil Co 63 Central 1.84 Cleveland Oil Co 9.00 M ..... Columbia »■«> *•» Consol Midway Oil Co 23% .24 Continental Oil • ■» Enos Oil Co " •••■■ Euclid Oil Co •'" Fullerton Oil 6-"° Globe •" Jade Oil Co ••* Mexican Petroleum •••. '•«> Mexican Pet Ltd pfd 72.00 ..... do common 38.87% 39.00 Mascot Oil Co I.™ 3.25 New Pennsyl Pet Co 64 .t>s Olinda Land Co (Oil) ■ ■■• «2 Palmer Oil Co 135 ..... Perseus Oil Co -20% Pinal Oil Co » 10-00 Piru Oil and L Co 20 Rice Ranch Oil Co 63 ..... Union ... 102-25 103-5* Union Provident Co 100.25 100.60 United Petroleum 102.20 103.00 United Oil Co -76 Western Union 100.00 NON-PRODUCERS— Oleum Development Co 03% .03 BONDS Bid. Asked. American Petroleum Co ■• JO Associated Oil Co 94% 86% Corona City Water Co 98 - Corona Power and Water Co.. 96 102 Cucamonga Water Co 96% .. Edison Eleo Co Ist R.. 10014 101 Edison Electric Co old Issue.... 101 108 Home Telephone Co 84 85 Home Tel Co Ist refg 74 76 Htiasteca Pipe Line •• »w» L A Electric Co M .. L A Pipe Ist con mtgs 104% L A Pao Ry genl con 101 L A Pacific Ry Ist rfndg 98 L A Railway Co 10 •■ L A Traction Co 6a 103 110 L A Traction 6s 101 106 Mexican Natl Gas Co .. 100 Mission Trans ami R Co 98 100 Pacific Electric Railway C 0.... 99 .. Paclilc Light and Power C 0.... 96% 96% Pasadena Home T and T Co.. .. 80 Pomona Con Water Co 102% Santa Monica Bay II T C 0... 73 Santa Monica H T and T Co.. .. 80 San Diego H T and T Ist mtgs .. 80 Tomescal Water Co ■• 103 Union Transportation Co ..... 87 90 U 8 Long Distance T and TCo 65 80 Vlsalta Water Co »■> « Whittler Home T and T C 0.... 70 90 DAILY MINING CALL No sales. ' LISTED STOCKS CALIFORNIA- Bid. Asked. Ca! Hills M Co •<* ' .06 Consolidated Mine* Co T.SOM .01 NEVADA— ,_ Johnnie Mng and Milling Co.. .13 .15 Searchlight Parallel „ DOOM .01% CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO, Nov. 16.—Cattle—Receipts esti mated at 26,000; market slow and weak; beeves $4.40@7.60: Texas steers. J4@5.30; west ern Bteers, »4.10@6.60; ■tockers and feeders. |3.30@5.60; cows and heifers. *3.20®6.a0; calves, 17 BOCtt'lO.6o. Receipts estimated at 20,000; market more active and steady: light, 17.06@7.58: mixed 20@7.60; heavy, 17.1067.30: rough, 17.10 ©7.30; good to choice heavy, 87.80@7.60; pigs, 16 7507.60; bulk of sales, $7.35@7.50. Sheep-Receipts estimated at 45.000; market 10c to 250 lower; native, 12.253>4.10; western, $2 60®410; yearlings, $4@6.25; lambs, native, »4.25©6.30; western, 84,50@6.50. COFFEE AND SUGAR NKW YOHK, Nov. 16.—Raw sugar firm; Muscovado, 89 test. 5.400; centrifugal, »6 test, 8.80o; molasses sugar, 89 test, 8. We. Refined Quiet. * Coffee—Spot Arm; Rio. No. 7, 12o; Santos. No. 4, ISTic. NEW YORK EXCHANGE CK.'CA<3O, Nov. 16.—Exchange on Nejp York Jo discount " **: SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE Sr"o|al service to The Herald by J. C. Wil son, 212 West Fifth street. I«s Angeles, mem l.T New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. I/).—Following were the closing quotations: MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS — Bid. Ask. Alarrmda Artesian W Co B.i 100 American River Eleo Co 6a 94% 95% Associated Oil Co 6s 94% 95% Bay Counties Power Co Bs 101% Cal Central Gas & Eleo 6a 100% Ca! Gas'& Elec gen M&C'T 69 98% California St Cable Co 6s 101% California Wine Association 85.... 83 91 City Electric Co 5s 89% 91 Contra Costa Water Co Bs 97 do gen nits f,s 94% Edison Eleo Co of L A Bs 100 E I dv Pont de Nem Pdr 4%s 8B 88 First Federal Trust Co 5s 101% Frrrfes & Cliff House Ry 63 101 Honolulu R T & L Co 6s 100 Lake Tahoe Ry & T Co Es 105 Los Angeled Eleo Co 6s I<X> Los Angeles Gas & El Co Gs 90% Los Angeles Gas & Eleo Corp Bs.. 06% Los Angeles Railway Bs 105% Los Angeles Lighting gd Bs 100 L A Pac R R Ist con mtff 6s 101% L A Pac R R of Cal 6s 99% Marln Water & Power Co to 100% Market Street Cable 6s 102% do Ry Ist cons mtg 69 99% 300 M V & lit Tamalpals S Ry Bs 102% Northern Ry Co of Cal 5s 110% Northern Cal Railway Bs 101% 103 Northern Cal Power Co 6s 101% Northern Cal Power Con 5s 94% Northern Electric Co 6s 92 Oakland Gas Light & H Bs 102% Oakland Transit Co 6s 108% Oakland Transit Bs 103% 114% Oakland Transit Con 5s 104% Oakland Traction Con Bs 96 98 Oakland Traction Co 5a 90% Oakland Water Co gtd to 98 99 Omnibus Cable Railway 6s 108 Pacific Gas Imp 4s S2 Pacific Electric Ry Co Es 105 Pacific Light & Power Co Bs. 99 do guaranteed Bs 10014 •• Paciflo Tel ft Tel Co Bs 99% 99% Park & Cliff House Ry «s 100 Park & Ocean R R 6a 100 " People's Water Co Bs 68% ™ Powell Street Railway «8 99 ■• Sacramento Eleo Gas &Ry Bs 100% 101 San Joaquin L*t & Power Bs 97% S F Oak & San Jose Ry Bs 106% .. do 2d mtg 5.1 JU™ S F Oak & S J Con Ry Bs ™ S J & Santa Clara Co R R 4%s .. 85 Sierra Ky of Cal 6s 100 105 S P R R of Cal 6s 1912 .. "2% 8 P R R of Cal let c gtd k 8»....1W „ 8 P Branch Ry of Cal 6s 126% 128 8 P R R Co Ist rfdg 4s 96% Stockton Gas & El Corp 6s 106 •■ S V Water Co en mtg 4s-. 91% 92% United Gas & Eleo Co Bs - » United RRofS F4s 87% 69 Valley Counties Power Co Bs 98% WATER STOCKS- People's Water Co pfd .. 39% Spring Valle/Water Co ••••-•••• *"» GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS- City Electric Co &BVi .. N Cal Power Co Con •■ JJJ4 Oro Water L & P Co «2 c'%e '% Pacific Lighting Corp pfd....- 78 .. do common 'D INSURANCE STOCKS- California Insurance Co 75 so Pacific Coast Casualty Co ....155 176 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS- Presidio m 32* POWDER STOCKS EI dv Pont de Nem pfd 53% 83% do common .' •■• •**' Giant Consolidated Co «... 85% SUGAR STOCKS- Hawaiian Com] and Sugar Co 83% !4 Honokoa Sugar Co \f* " Hutchinson Sugar Plantation 16 Kllauea Sugar Plantation Co 12 Makawell Sugar Co 33Vi - .. Onomea Sugar Co ■■ «™ Paauhau S P Co 19% 21 Union Sugar Co ™ OIL STOCKS- Associated Oil « «<», Palmer Oil Co 1" JJ* Sterling Oil & Dcv Co ;% West Coast Oil pfd I"1 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS- Alaska Packers' Association 87% 89 Cal Fruit Canners' Association ...103% 103 Col Wine Association 42 ■• North Alaska Salmon Co 115 Pac Auxiliary Fire Alarm .. » Pacific Coast Borax Co 166 .. Pac Tel & Tel pfd 93% 94% do common **"■ •• Philippine Tel & Tel Corp • 23% .. Morning sales-6000 United Ry 4s 67%; 8000 Cal Win! Bs 88%; 5000 Valley Co Power 5s 99%; 4000 Los Angeles Eleo 6s 90%; 20 Associ ated Oil 42%: 50 Cal Wine 40%: 65 City Eleo 53. 25 City Eleo 68%; 20 Makaweli 33%: 40 S V Water' 49%. _ Afternoon sales—looo Sacramento Eleo fs 100%- 200 Pac Tel 6s 99%: 25 Alaska 88; 25 do 88%'45 Associated Oil 42; 10 Bank of California 204%• 10 Cal Wine 41: 120 do 42: 16 City Eleo 63%- 6 Giant 85%: 10 Paauhau 20; 110 Pao Tel com 45; 20 S V Water 49%. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 16.—Flour—Fam ily extras, $5.40©6.80; bakers' extras $5.40 ©6.80; Oregon and Washington, $404.25. Wheat —Shipping, $1.40@1.46. brewing, Barley— Feed, $1.01 1-4 ©1.02 H ; brewing, fUIjIJIMPI "*«» «I.«S© 1' Millstuffs— Middlings. $52@36; mixed feed $26026; rolled barley, $22@24; oatmeal, $4.25; oat groats, $4.25; rolled oats. $29® S1 Hay—Wheat, $9@14: wheat and oat, $9® 1150; oat. wild. $7@9; oat, tame. $9® 11.5(5; alfalfa, $7@18; straw, $35@60. Receipts—Flour, 2192; wheat. 1160; bar ley. 14.685; oats. 2650; beans.B3ll; corn, 670; potatoes. 4815; onions. 610; hay, 536, straw. 20: hides. 890; wine, «,700. „_. „. Beans—Pink. $404.20; lima. *4. BO @,- 8 5: small white, $3.5003.80; large white, $3..5 ® Potatoes-Oregon Burbanks $1.40® 1.50; Salinas Burbanks. $1.6501.65; .Merced Sweets, $2®2.26. Onions Fancy, $1; common, 85e. Various —Green peas, 6@8o; string beans, 6<»Bc; egg plant, 40@65c; green peppers, 30050 c; tomatoes, 25@«Oc; summer squash, 75c®i51.60; garlic, B%@sc; cucumbers, 65 poultry— TJve turkeys, 22<8>28c; dressed turkeys, 26028 c; roosters, old, $5@6.60, roosters, young, 8.60; broilers, small, 1104! broilers, large, $4(3>4.50; fryer?l, $.. (3)5.50; hens. $4.50@10; ducks, old $6@7. ducks, young. $8®10; geese. l»l| gos lings. $8@8; pigeons, young. $1.60®1.78. METAL MARKET NEW YORK. Nov. 16. — Standard copper Quiet; spot, *12.45@12.60; November, »12.50 to 12 65; December. (12.55012.65; January. 112 604112.70; February, |M.HQIS.7Oi March, $I. 70@12.5U. London dull; spot, £57 16s 3d. Futures, £68 15s. Arrivals re ported at New York today. 325 tons. Cus tom house returns show exports of 13,784 tons so far this month. Local dealers re port a firm market. . Lake, »13@ 18.25; elec trolytic, |12.87'/4('i l 13; casting, J12.5U" Tin firm; spot, »36.70<-o< 37; November. «36.70®36.90; December, 70088.80; Jan uary »36.65@56.90: February, »36.604j)37. London strong; spot, £107 7s 6d; future. Lead"quiet, »4.40<8>4.50, Now York; 14.180 4.30, East St. Louis. London spot, 113 "spelter nominal. 14.90®5.95, New York; jr..BOS $.85. East St. Louis. London sl>ot, £24 2s 6d. ' Iron, Cleveland warrants. 49s «d In Lon don. Locally Iron was steady; No. 1 foun dry northern. No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry southern soft. »15.76@16.25; 'No. 2 foundry northern. $15. 50016. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16.—Fancy cnunery, Me; second*, 33c; fancy dairy, 29c. - ■ Eggs—Store, 63cs fancy ranch, 65c. Cheese—New, 16V40; Young America*, 16V4 eisc. CHICAGO, Nov. 18.—Butter—Steady; cream eries, 24@3OVic; dairies, 23-827 c. Eggs— Steady; receipts, 8774 eases; at mark, cases Included, W*io22Me; firsts. Mo; prime firsts, SOc. Cheese—Firm; Daisies, lßH®ls?4c; Twins, UK @14V4c; Young Americas, 15:Ji©l»o; Long Horn», 16%@Hc. '^ - It* as »«T u> "cum » Mrgaln la • oseQ automobile, through want adv«rtl«tnr. aa II wad to be—and still »*-to —»*— » . >>/•••• and GJurrlMl , CRANBERRY PRICES MAY REACH $11 A BARREL Demand Grows with Approach of Thanksgiving-Potato Mar ket Is Firmer Wholesale Quotations on cranberries have been marked up to $9@lo a barrel, an ad vance of 11. The market Is Bald to be strong In the oast and It is uredicted th;it prices locally will go to $11 or $12 a bar rel before Thanksgiving. More northern celery arrived In the mar ket yesterday. The supply was heavy, but whol«tal« prices remain at $2.25©2.50 a crate. Potato receipts were light, making three successive days of light shipping. On the exchange the price of Highlands was raised from $1.26 & 1.50 to 11.1601.60, and Nevadas advanced IB cents to $1.76© 1.56. The mar ket has taken a decided turn for the bot ter. No change In eggs, butter and cheese prices. All steady to firm. Kales at the rail session of the exchange: Two cases of local ranch case count eggs; fifty Northern Twins cheese; fifty Oregon triplet cheese; 345 boxes of 4-tler Bel lefleur apples and 100 boxes of 4-tler Belle fleurs. Receipts of produce were: Kess. 73 cases; butter, 13,064 pounds; cheese, 1268 pounds; potatoes, 660 sacks; sweet potatoes, 198 sacks; apples, 6015 boxes. MIODCCE PRICES Following are. the official prices of pro duce to retailers an compiled by the Market Reporter: BUTTER— Selling price to trade, J%o higher; California creamery, extras, 35c; do firsts. 12Via; cooking, 25c; ladle, 250. EGOS — Local ranch candled, 62c; do casa count, buying price, 48c; eastern fresh, 38c; eastern storage, packed extra, SOW 34c. CHEESE —Northern fresh. 18C: local, lSVic; Oregon Daisy, 18@18V4c; eastern sin gles, 19c; do Twins, 18@18«ic; eastern Daisies, 18%@19c; Long Horns. 19©20 c; eastern Cheddars, 19<3>20c; Imported swlss, 82c; Jack, lac; domestic swlss, 22@24c; cream brick. 18c; llmburger, 19c; Roquefort, 38c; Edam. *8@8.50; Canadian cream, box, 11.00. ONIONS —Local Yellow Danvers, per cwt., $1.75; Northern Yellow Danvers, $1.75; Ore gon, $1.78; garlic, per lb., Be. BEANS —No. 1 pink, $5.26© 5.50; No. 1 llmas, $6@5.25; No. 1 Lady Washington. $4.50; No. 1 small whites, $4.50; No. 1 blackeyes, $5,500-6; No: 1 Garvanzas. $4.50; No. 1 California lentils. $7. POTATOESHighIand, cwt., $1.35@1.50; N«vadas, $1.76@1.85; Lompocs, $1.7502.00; Ballnas, $1.75@2: yellow sweats. $1.10@1.25. FRESH FRUITS — Apples — Alexanders, 4%-tler, $2.0082.50; Baldwin, 4-tler, $2 02.50; do 4%-tler, $1.15; bellofleurs, 4-tler, $1@1.25; Qano, 4-tler, $2©2.25; bellefleurs, 4%-tler, BBc@9sc; Greenings, 4-tier, $1.25; do 4H-tier, $1.10; Hoovers, 4-tler, $2.25@2.50; do 4^-tler, $1; Jonathans, Utah, 4-tler, $2.25 2.50; Pearmalns, white winter, 4-tler, $1.26; do 4',a-tier, $1; do red. 4-tler, $1.25: do red, 4H-tler, $1.10; Smith's elder, 4-tier, $1.25; do 4%-tler, $1; Ben Davis, 4-tier, $1.86; do 4'4-tler, $1.75; Fall Pippins, 4 tler, 76c(ff$l; Missouri Pippins, $1.25; do 4\4-tler, $1.10; Lantfords, 4-tier, $1.60; do 4^-tler, $1.20; Rome Heautles, box, $2.25© 2.60; Spltzenburgs, 4-tler, $1.60; do 4H-tler, $1.16; wlnesaps. Utah, $2.25@2.50; yellow Newtown pippins, 4-tler, $1.25; yellow New town pippins. 4H-tler, $1.10. BERRlES—Strawberries, per basket, 10 @ 12Vto; cranberries, per mil., $9©10; black berries, per basket. 10012 c. ClTßUS—Grapefruit, seedless, $3.2508.75; do seedlings, $2.2502.50; lemons, $4@5; orange, navels, $3; do valenclas, $4. TROPICALBananas, lb., 4',4c; Far.l dates lb., ll®12c; golden dates, lb.. 8c; alligator pears, dose., $4; pineapples, lb., 6@714c. MISCELLANEOUS—Casabas, crates, $2.50; figs, box. $1.00; Muscat grapes. lug box, 75c@51.50; peaches, per box. 75e<ij>$l; Bartlett pears, $2.753 box; plums, crate, $1.60; prunes, $1.50: guavas, basket, 60; Christmas melons, $2"t>2.25. VEGETABLES—Northern artichokes, do*., $1; green asparagus, ISO lb.: bell peppers, ID.. B@sc; beets, doz. bunches, 30c; cabbage, sack, 60@75c; red cabbage, 3c lb.; carrots, dozen bunches, 25c; cauliflower, crate, $1.!>0@1.75; celery, cwt., $1.60@2; cucumbers, lug box, Tso@sl; green corn, box. 60c; corn husks, lOo; egg plant, lb., 2 3 4c; horseradish, lb., 250: okra. 6c lb. ; lettuce, crt., SOW 75c; peas, 6@7e; parsley, <loz., 25c: northern straw berry rhubarb, box, $1.75: Spinach, doz., 20c; sprouts, 6c; summer squash, lug box, 40 60c; young onions, doz., 250; turnips, doz. bunches, 20c; tomatoes, 60@76c; yellow, $1; beans, 2(S 14c lb. PRUNES— 8010 c: 40-BOs. 9®loe: 60-60s, t(f>9c: 60-705. 7o; SO-90S, «Ho; 90-100s. 6e. RAISINS —i crown, loose. 50-lb. boxes, B%e Ib; 3 crown, do, 4c; 4 crown, do, 4%e; London layers. 2 crown. tO-lb. box, $1.15: do, S crown. $1.25: do 4 crown. $1.60; Sul tanas, bleached, 6070 lb: unbleached. 4(9 10 lb; seeded raisins. 16 oz. pkgs, 7c; do, 1! oz. 60. —Fancy IXL almonds, 17Ho lb; bra- Ells, 14@150 lb; cocoanuts. BOc; filberts, 14c lb; pecans, XX, 15c; do XXX, 16c lb; east ern peanuts, 7@7VJe In; do Japan, 6Hc; plnenuts. 18a: No. 1 assorted walnuts. He; do budded, 18o; eastern popcorn, cwt. $3.a0; do local. $3.60. —Fancy Honduras (Carolina) $6.73 ewt; choice Honduras (Carolina) $606.60: Japan grades, 53.7604; Island, $5.50; broken, $3.50. HONEY — water extracted. 9o !b. do white. 8Ho: do light amber. 8c; comb, water white. 1-lb fiames. 18c; do white, 17o; do light amber. 14c: beeswax, SOo lb. LIVE STOCK Packers ray f. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers. 5@SHc; beef heif ers. 4^@6c: beef calves. 5V4@80; mutton wethers, $506.60; mutton ewes, $5@.5.50; mutton lnmhs. $3.5003.75; hogs, lie, • POULTRY —Turkeys, live, 28c lb. ; large hens, 4 lbs. ud, 22c lb.: do small. 2V4<B> Hi lbs., 170 lb. ; broilers, 1 to IV, lbs.. 26c lb • friers, 1% to 3 lbs.. 220 lb.; roast chick ens', 22c lb.: ducks. 22c lb.: geese, 250 Ib. ; squabs $1.60 doz.; old roosters, 16c lb. CHILI— Evaporated, strings, 8"c Ib; green, 4c lb; chllT teplns. 750 lb; Japan. l«o; ground, Be. HAY (baleS) —The following quotations furnished by the Los Angeles Hay Btorag. Co—Barley, $12.50@14.60; tame oat, ton, $14@16.50; alfalfa, ton. $13.60 ©14.60; wheat hay, $14@15. MILL FEED —Bran. $1.55: whole corn. $1.75; cracked corn. $1.80; feed meal. $1.85; roiled barley, $115; oil cake meal. $2.50; shorts $1.80: Kaffir corn. $1.75; white oats, $1.85; ' eastern red oats. $2.26: wheat, ori ginal sacks, cwt. 11.90; wheat. 100-1* sacks. $1.95. FLOUR AND FEED Following are the wholesale prices for flour and feed as quoted by the Glob. Grain and Milling company L» o^'"" : AkVXurTeta at-VlV6s"p;r"4"'.nd W-'° A-l flour retails at $1.65 per >A and 85c per % sack. Globe flour, per barrel • ■•«0 Globe flour retails at $1.80 per % and 95c per '1 sack. « „ Silver Star flour, per barrel 8.00 XXX flour, per barrel 4.4U Eighth barrels 20c per barrel higher. BAKERS- FLOUR Globe flour, per barrel $S,SIU Eastern graham flour, par barrel B.IW Eastern whole wheat flour, per barrel K.SSii Eastern rye flour, per barrel 6.811 Bakers' A-l flour, per barrel 6.40 Bakers' pastry (lour, per barrel 4.SU MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS, PER 100 POUNDS 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 35 lbs. BO lbs. A .l flour *>••» 3«° Pastry flour «-40 8.10 Graham flour 3.10 $3.06 $SS.Uv Corn meal, W. 4 V 2.60 2.40 2.35 Whole wheat flour 3.20 3.16 3.1(1 Rye flour 3CO *-4° *•*!> Cracked wheat 3.70 a.M J.w Far lna 3.70 3.65 a.oo Wheat flakes, per sack of 60 lbs *l.t>t> wheat tlakeu, per barrel of 125 lbs. net... i.ii GRAIN AND FIiGD 100 IDs. Wheat, No. 1 $1.76 Wheat (100-lb. sack). No. 1 l.Ku Corn l«u Cracked corn • l.w Feed meal X.m Rolled barley l.l» Seed barley 1.30 Bhorts • '•« Eastern Willow charcoal li.ou Small yellow corn •> L'u Alfa\f» meat J-W Bran, heavy J-WJ 011 cake meal • *•"> lir'prtv;{."" I Los Angeles Office | R^?i«n. wire Ho o ,e. | Hotel Alexandria fl M*"l «»•. *^^»mm^ 212 West Fifth Street tmmm^mmi^ Francisco ! fj WII AI IN Coronadd Mills Bldg. Jl Ul fIILUUII During Palace Hotel B> G- LATHROP, Manager Wintc* ■■■nsißuaslja Correspondent* MBtEMsHsßaslissssasl >>w ?«Tb^ k I Harris- Winthrop & Co. 1 cbic";om^'.r d Excbaoce. y New York. Chicago. Parti. London. | of Trad*. , CLEARING HOUSE BANKS m NAME OFTimiM _____« Farmers & Merchants National Bank 1 W TTTi I MAN President. armers & Merchants National Bank chad's beitjbb. c«»hur. Capital, $1,500,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Burplur an I Ir'-flt". 11,900.009. First National Bank w. Mf. s.^AMMdND! cashis*. -' Caplt . stock, 250,000. S. E. corner Second and .fprlnc. Burp', "a and ProfUw. $1,625.00 ft. n n T . - r . , _ , W. H. HOLLIDAY, President. ercnants National Bank cats greens, cashier. raj Or 'tal, $200,000. 11l 8. B. corner Third and Bprlni-. Surplus and^T'ndlrldad Proflta. tHW.tW M itional Bank of California h s. mok'b. ci«bi«. |M Capital, $500,000. II N. E. comer Fourth and Sprint. Surplus and Undivided Proflts. t20O,0O«. entral National Bank jamks b. gist, cashier. Central National Bank Conltal. b. oibt, cashier. Cnnllal. WOO.iWO. P. E. comer Fourth and Broadway. Surplus and Undivided Profit*. H41.0W Z 7; — 7T~7Z WARREN riIIAELEN. President. roadway Bank & Trust Company a. w kedmak, cashier. Capllul. $260,000. 808-810 Eto.tdwKy. Bradbury Building Surplus «n.| t;n»llvlde.l ProflH. $M7.OW .^ 7~Z ... , -r, i IBAIAS »V. HEIiLMAN. President nited States National Bank it. w. smith. c«.hi«r. Capital. $200,000. B. E. cornar Main and Commercial. Eurpli and Fronts. 178.000. A. . ._ • , T , , R. J. WATERS, President. flttizens National Bank wm. w. woods, cuw«. I. Capttal, $1,000,000. U B. W. corner Third and Main. Surplus. >500,000. **. . , XT : 7"^; T~~ W. A. BONYNQB. Pr^- ;-nU flommercial National Bank newman epsick. cashier. I . Capital. $200,000.00. '■ ■i; \J 401 a. Spring, comer Fourth. Burp'm ft Undivided Prof>- 84..00 D.111 ~lo^"a¥geles savings banks _ [ _ | __ | _ | _ | ■„_ , -„_„ - t J- l _iT- L J-|_|->_njr _ ■!_ -_ -l_ri_|—l- -— ~- -^l"l—I — M_J|-I_l|-|.II !■ I ■ I l_l I. ITI S~ECURITY Largest and Oldest in the Southwest "'source. $29,000,000.00 Konr per cent Interest on Term deposits; 8 per cent on Special (ordinary) deposits. Largest and Best Equipped Safe Deposit and Storage Depart ment in the West Security Building Spring and Fifth Streets [EMMiilfiißAl •BVjjM^** ' THE DANK WITM~YH£>ms^!MF"t ZP»" THE BANK WITM THK EFFICIENT S£J9yf&£, .TPRING ANA FOURTH STSi y HARNESS ~7^" "£J52^. SADDLERY White oats lsw Rye seed *••" Egyptian corn, white *•»> Scratch food !* • *•*" Granite grit •'» Chick feed ". J™ Cracked wheat 1-") Clam shell -f Oyster shell *•'* \ CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald by T. C, Wil son, member of the Chicago board of trade, New York stock exchange and San Francisco bond and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angelea. CHICAGO, Nov. 16.—Quite a setback fol lowing a strong and higher opening market has been seen in wheat today. Shorts covered rather freely and longs took profits on the swell, a/tor which there was further Belling pressure, both lons and short, and prices re acted materially. Argentine news proved the influential factor today. Early cables told of dry and hot weather; later cables brought news of refreshing rains where, needed; but there was a wide variation in the estimates of ex portable surplus. These ranged at 93,000,000 bushels to 102,000,000 bushels as minimum to 120,000,000 bushels maximum. Outside markets were strong early, but have lost ground later. No export business was transacted either yes terday or today in Manitoba or other wheat. Some offers, however, to resell at a loss. No demand for cash wheat here. Further call for cash wheat at Winnipeg today by shippers who were getting it east of the lakes by last boats clearing before November 30, when lake navigation closes. Official exports of wheat and flour as wheat from United States alone In October were 7,392,000, as against 13,874,000 a year ago. Corn has been dull most of the flay. The early market was higher on an advance in Liverpool and on strength in wheat, but the maket eased off after shorts had largely cov ered Rains as forecasted failed to materialize, except south of the corn belt. Further rain* forecasted for soutcrn corn area, but not the birr states, tomorrow. Oats were firmer early with other grains, but ajso followed wheat and corn on the later slumps. Trade was of small volume and large ly running in local channels. Cash oats in the sample market was steady. The lower priced hogs and liquidation of November lard were both factors in making the whole provision list lower. Tho trad" in January pork was quiet, and while there was only a little more action in ribs, the lard was very active and weak and carried the balance of the mark' I with It. Hogs closed a shado firmer than they opened. MARKET RANGES WHEAT— Open. Htlh. Low. Closfj. ST*- ■•::::::' .92 ' 5 '58 •53 May B7H .»• -OS 1* .9«'i July "".'.... MH .94% .93* .»« D«eSbeT MM .46% .47*4 .«% »r ay 4SU .45«4 .47% .47T» July ::::::::::.:... 43 .m M* .48% De°eemb7r m .m sin .km May Sl* .»M4 M>i .34?, Ju i y 34>,4 .844 .31,* .31! i January "•*» 17-<2^> 17-33^ IT-32H May ... 16-2° "•» 16-15 w-15 Nwmbw I».SS 10.90 MM 10.10 January 10.20 10.20 10.07VJ 10.10 Ma". ... 9.72* 9-75 9.65 965 NovMnbw 10.0M4 10.02H 10.JO* Ifl.lj) January t.«M »•» »•"* J-Jl* May B.D2H 8.D5 8.90 SCO Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady; No. 2 rye, 78c; feed or barley, 60&70 c; fair to choice malting. 7SaS2li; No. 1 southwestern flax seed, »2.60; No. 1 northwest ern 12 74; timothy laed, J9.60; clover, 14 30: mess pork, per bbl., |1T.M17.7»1 lar.l, per 100 lbs $10.80; short ribs. 3M''. loose, |9.50®19.W; ■hart clear sides, boxed, «10®10.25. Total clearances of wheat and flour wr» eoual to 68,000 bushels Primary recfllpts yen BBS 000 bushels, compai'ed with 857,000 buslieis the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated reoelpti for tomorrow: Wheut, 22 oars; corn, 153 cars! oats, 113 cars; hogs, 21,000 head. ' ' Receipts. Shipment*. Flour, barrels ".MO «■•*» Wheat, buabate :::::: «».400 4..j.0 i -H l/ ::::::: 259.000 * OVrtlK 306.0.X) ltv . Ms -000 «.<« Bafley, 4 uu»hels ;—.— • -m *>•**> COTTON REMAINS SAME NKW YORK. NOV. 1«. — No chanjes were m&do In the difference* between grade* at applied to deliveries on contract at the meeting* of the revision committee of the New York cotton exchange today. Citrus Fruit Report SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHIPMENTS OF FRUIT SOrgs. I*m. TU. « Tnnmlar, Not. IS. . 1 15 16 . . Total to date this M season S3 189 842 <«> Total to Mime date I last season .... 132 117 ■ 24» SKW YORK NEW YORK, Nov. 15.—Three cars Valen clna atid four cars lemons .old. Market easier and lower on both oranges and lemons. Val encias—Victoria, A H Ss, $4.15; Lincoln, do, $'■95; Navojo. do, 12.30; Pet, S A Ex. $4.90; Pointer, A C G Ex. J3.55; Hunter, do, $165. Lemons— Hetchketchy, $4.45; Pride of the West. $3 85; San Fernando Roy. $5.20; Tunnel, $4.60; Coronet, $8.20; Selected, $5.20; Loma, $1.45. Nov. 16.—Four cars Valencia*., throe car« lemons sold. Market steady on oranges, lower on lemons. Valencias—Pointer, A C O Ex. H 20- Tiger, 8 B Ex, $3.45; Floral, do. $2.60; Orchard, or. Nat Og Co, $4; Standard, ad, do, t'9s- Old Mission, fy. C C Chapman, $8.10; Old Mission, eh, do, $6.95; Golden Eagle, sd, do, $5.75. Lemons-Marguerite. $4.40; Sunrise. $3.70: Golden Sceptre, $4.60; Naralimo, $4.10; Circus, $3.70. rrrTBBUR<J PITT9BURC, Nov. 16.—Three cars sold. Market steady on oranges, easier on lemons. Cold. ValMiclns-Coyoto, O X Rx, $5 35; Red X do tt.U; Owl, do. $2.30; Coyote, do. $3.35. Lemons—Mission, S T Ex, Santa Barbara. $1.65; Festival, do, $4.r.5. BOSTON BOSTON, Nov. 16.-Four cars sold. Clear and cool. Market active on lemons, unchanged on oranges. Valencias—Pointer, A C Q Ex, Azusa. $4.40; Setter. A H Xx, Prenda, pi...; Artrsla. do, $5.10; Prairie Chicken, do, $2.7,.. Lcmons-lVt. S A Ex, $1.70; Lotus, O X Ex, $6.86; Monogram, do, $8.25. COMMISSION BLOCKS THE RESTORATION OF RATES Suspension Order Issued Against Mid-West Railroads WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.—Tho at tempt of about fourteen railroad* operating between the Mississippi and Missouri rivers to make advances In rates already condemned from Wash ington was thwarted by a suspension order announced by the interstate com merro commission today in what 1s known as the Buinham-Hanna Hun ger rase of Kansas City. Tho suspension involves a long struggle of jobbing Interests In Mls gouri river cities and affects an im mense traffic from tho east. The ultimate decision will be of vital importance not only to the im ;.■ business, hut as a precedent to ran.' making. The commission had ordered lower class rates from th«> Mississippi to the Missouri applicable on shipment* moving from points iti i-.1. Th«'so lower rates aro to 11 effective for two years. Tho railroads appealed to the courts and 1 tho supreme court of the United states sustained the commission the 1 illroads put into effect the decreased rates, The litigation extended ov<r almost two years and then with the near expiration of the period iixed by the commission the roads crave notice of the contemplated restoration of tho rates which had boon cond. m:. URGE WAR ON DRINKING CUP ALBANY, N. V., Nov. 16.—The state department of health Is set-king the co operation of various railroad* o> Ing In New York state in abolishing the common drinking cup from train* urn! railroad stations. 7