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Part ll—Pages 9 to 16 U.S. EXPERT GOES TO PROBE S.P. OIL Director of Geological Survey Leaves for Trip Through San Joaquin Fields SAYS OFFICIALS ARE AT SEA Smith Declares Authorities at Washington Have No Rem edy for the Problem ALL APPLICATIONS FROM CALIFORNIA HELD UP WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.—A1l applica tions for the patenting of lands In the oil country of California are being held up by the government until it U def initely ascertained that, the land* do not contain oil or until congress make* •onie provision for their disposal. - The difficulties of ascertaining whether lands contain oil are greater than those experienced In examining, lands for min erals, It was said at the Interior depart ment today. Cases have been known where geologist* have examined lands and reported them as not containing oil, although within a few months oil gush ers would appear. The necessity for some action by con gress In regard to the California oil lands wilt be called to the attention of that body nt the coming session. CJeorge Otis Smith, director of the United Stitps geological survey, -who left Los Angeles last night for a trip through the oil fields of the San Joa quin valley, will have for his chief ob ject while there the inspection of work accomplished by oil companies oper ating on government land, to ascer tain more fully the status of the Southern Pacific grants now under In vestigation by the president and to talk with oil men and thus become better Informed as to conditions in the several fields. As head of the geological depart ment of government, Mr. Smith will, he said yesterday, devote much of his time while in the valley to the geological side of the much mooted question of oil lands, but as the ques tion lias become so complex it will bo necessary for him to branch out into other departments and get whatever fiuts and figures aro available. This trip grow out of, among other things, the hearing given California oil in-ii last May, .wbou a carefully "" selected committee went to Washing ton to plead the cause against the Ptekett bill, which provided for the withdrawal of lands, without equitable consideration, on which oil discoveries had been made. The oil men's com mittee succeeded in effecting a com promise, pending remedial legislation. At that time Mr. Smith was called before a congressional committee hav ing the matter in oharge and so close ly questioned concerning every phase of the question, phases reaching far beyond the. province of the geological survey, that it was impossible for Jiim to give Intelligent answers in every particular. OFFICIALS ABE AT SKA Therefore, as Mr. Smith explained yesterday, it was developed that a man holding his position must be con versant with the facts directly or In directly bearing on his department. The oil problem has become even more complicated the past*- several months, the officials at Washington are as much at sea as to the remedy as are the oil men themselves, and for that reason Mr. Smith has come for facts. He said that the next time he is called before a congressional committee he will be prepared to answer questions touching upon all sides of the problem. "What the government wishes," said Mr. Smith, "are better laws to govern in oil land matters. It wishes to treat everybody acting In good faith with the utmost consideration, and when this complex problem is finally solved it 1b hoped all will benefit thereby. Like others in the government service I Indorse the movement looking to a leasing system. In his speech at St. Paul the president clearly outlined the course In which he recommended the leasing system. The message Mr. Taft is now preparing will in all probability dwell more fully upon the leasing sys tem. Since his St Paul speech the president has had presented to him many sides of the situation and he has had time to think the matter'over most carefully from every viewpoint" (SUGGESTED IJEASING SYSTEM It was in the geological survey, under Mr. Smith, that the ,Nelson bill, pro •viding for a leasing system of lands containing pil, coal, phosphates and the like, was first thought of, and from it the recommendation came, Facts were at hand there, as Mr. Smith ex plained showing where extravagance and fn ad were boldly practiced upon tho p> )llc domain. The Nolson bill sough' to prevent this, and, looking aroun for a remody, the leasing sys tom was deemed the most economical. The Pickott bill in time was written, more to sustain the president in his withdrawals than anything else, and is yet considered as tha first step toward the leasing system. But whether the Nelson bill will finally decide the mat ter or another bill be Introduced in its stead is not known to Mr. Smith or anybody else at present. > The oil men will soon send another committee to Wasnington and it may be that this committee will succeed in getting another bill presented. Asked If he thought congress would consider the leasing system at the next session, Mr. tmith answered that it was hard to tell, that if congress moved as slowly with this bill as it does with other bills Introduced it Is likely to take several sessions before it passes. Three years ago Mr. Smith made a trip through the oil fields on a mission much similar to the present one, but, as he admitted yesterday, the oil sit uation then was far from being so acute as it is at present. He will be taken over the fields from Bakerafield, including Sunset, Midway and McKlt trlck, and thence through Devil's Den, the Lost Hills to Coalinga. He will remain in the San Joaquln valley until Monday and then ruturn to Washing ton. George O. Smith, U. S. Geologist Who Will Inspect the Oil Fields IB Blta *""* El*jß BP^l. * BSs3 CHIEF GALLOWAY'S AUTO COLLIDES WITH A CAR Police Head Drives Away Rapidly After Figuring in Crash in First Street While starting home from his office late yesterday afternoon, Chief of Po lice Galloway, driving the city police automobile, collided with the front end of a Crown Hill street car, dam aging the fender. The automobile was not damaged. The collision occurred directly in front of central station. Chief Gal loway drove the machine out of the station garage and reached First street just as the car was passing. Though the chief and the motorman both applied the brakes, the machine and the car came together with con siderable impact. A moment after the collision Chief Galloway backed his automobile away from the wrecked fender and went up First street at full speed, turning South on Hill. ThougTi attaches of the police station rushed out to the street as soon as the crash occurred, they reached the scene just in time to see the automobile turn the cor ner into Hill street. The motorman of the car, which was No. 894, tied the wrecked fender to the front of the car and continued his trip. There were several passen gers in the car at the time of the col lision, but no one was injured. Th 3 accident was not reported to the captain's office at central station. CHINESE YOUTH'S APPEAL DENIED BY HIGH COURT The district court of appeal yester day denied the appeal of Mills Sing, the Chinese youth awaiting trial in the superior court on a charge of wronging a white girl. Sing's appeal was based on section 26 of the juvenile law, at tacking the wording In regard to those responsible for contributing to the de linquency of a minor child. His at torneys, George McKeeby and Paul Schenck, claimed in the petition that the wording of the law as it reads ap plies only to the parents or guardians of a delinquent child, and that there fore the Chinese youth was not respon sible for the delinquency of the girl. SOUTH BROADWAY WOMAN ROBBED BY SNEAK THIEF Mrs. Anna Hill, 520 South Broaawajt reported to the poHce yesterday morn ing that her afternoon nap last Tues day proved to be an expensive luxury. After luncheon, Mrs. Hill said she took her usual nap lasting from 1 to 3 o'clock. When sho awoke she found that her handbag containing $27 and several diamond rings, was missing. She believes a sneak thief entered jthe apartment by the parlor door which Mrs. Hill says is always left oven dur in««the day. LOS ANGELES HERALD THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 17, 1910. 4,000,000 BOYS FAIL TO ATTEND SCHOOL IN U.S. Y. M. C. A. Educator Declares That America Should Make Study More Attractive "Four million bo^s are out of the public schools, •which constitutes a criminal gap," said George B. Hodge, educational secretary of the interna. tional committee of the Y. M. C. A., at the Federation club luncheon yes terday on the subiect, "Some Present Tendencies in Education." "We must do something," continued Mr. Hodge, "to encourage the boards of education to formulate methods to attract the boys to attend school— those who are dropping out for various reasons. "To overcome the condition of so many boys being deprived of education many private and night schools are running The Y. M. C. A. is working assiduously to moct the demands of the delinquency. The 375 different oc cupations taught cover most of the educational feature? that interest the boys and young men. This is made necessary by ever increasing activities, such as running automobiles and oper ating airships, the latter of which la being taught by five schools by the associations. "Along the lines of industry and science there are great demands for workers. There are 800,000 men who are studying applied electricity today and there is no limit in the achieve ments of applied industries and sci ences. "We are forced to acknowledge that England is far superior to America in the attendance of boys at the pu^ic schools. This is attributed to the use of the Bible in the schools in the- old country while it is not allowed in the schools in the United States. • ( "One great problem with which we i have to contend is the large una'ssimi lated population coming to this coun try. This places a strain on the edu cational as well as the religious con ditions." FAILS TO PAY ALIMONY; GOES TO JAIL 2 DAYS For falling to be regular In hla pay ment* of *8 »' week alimony to Ills wife, lifiiace Junowaky yesterday win ad judged guilty of contempt of court by Judge Ilutton and tent to the county Jail for two liny*. Six dollar*, found in hi* pocket*, was confiscated ami given to the wife, Mr*. Amela Janowßky. BOY JAILED WHEN ELOPEMENT FAILS Parents Are Rushing Daughter of Capitalist to a Convent in Europe 'I'LL WAIT,' THE GIRL WRITES Lawyer Goes to Young Swain's Aid and Will Plead with Court for Leniency While pretty Myrtle Gates, 17-year old daughter of an lowa capitalist, and a former Los Angeles high school student, Is being taken to a convent in Europe by her angry parents as fast as train and steamer will carry her, Harry Hudspeth. her boy sweet heart, with whom she planned an elopement which was nipped in the bud by the probation department yes terday, is penning her loving epistles from his cell In the county jail. He may be taken to the Whittlur reform school today at the order of Judge Wilbur of the Juvenile court for an alleged violation of his parole Hudspeth Is 16 years old and faces five years of confinement in the re formatory. He was at one time caddy on the Washington golf links to Post master General Hitchcock and was a page to President Taft on his trip in 1909 down the Mississippi river during the Deep Waterway convention. Attorney Frank Dominguez and Sheriff Hammel, touched by the boy's plight, have interested themselves in his case and will do all in their power to save him from the reformatory. Dominguez said yesterday that he would appeal to Governor* Gillett, if necessary, to save the young prisoner from Whittier. Hudspeth's life fnm the time he met Myrtle Gates in the east two years ago reads like a romance. His pres ent predicament is due to too persis tent wooing in the face of the objec tion of the girl's parents. He first met the girl two years ago at Fort Mad ison, lowa, .where her father. Lander Gates, is a prominent man of affairs. The two soon became fast friends, and while he was but 14 year 3 old and she 15 they planned marriage. FOUiOWXD GIRL. HERE Mr. and Mrs. Gates then • brought their daughter to Los Angeles, and it was not until months later that a let ter reached Hudspeth from the girl, apprising him of her whereabouts. Hudspeth, according to his story, ex erted every effort to make his way to California, which he finally succeeded in doing. They met secretly here and renewed their old vows, he establish ing himself in a little business and she attending to her studies at the high school. In his one-room store at 303 Buena Vista street, directly across from the county jail. Hudspeth worked early and late selling automobile sup plies, and his account in a local bank shows $400 to his credit as the result of eight weeks' earnings. Sheriff Ham mel and attaches of the county jail knew the boy before he was in trou ble and testify to his adeptness and untiring energy in his work. In ex planation he says ho was saving for a home for the girl and himself. The two met many times in Los An geles until the parents became aware of his attentions, and an effort, it is said, was made to place the girl in a convent. Hudspeth learned of the plan and passed several nights watching their house at 422 North Hill street. Young Hudspeth : next saw the girl when she called at 337 Buena Vista street, where he was boarding, and the two were arrested on complaint of her parents a few minutes later. The probation officers believe they were about to elope. LETTERS ARE SEIZED Hudspeth had previously been before Judge Wilbur on complaint of Mr., and Mrs. Gates and had been warned that another attempt on his part to com municate with Myrtle would mean four years in the Whittier school. Accord ing to the probation officers Myrtle and Hudspeth kept the telephone wire 3 busy shortly after he had left the court and in written messages sent to each other they characterized the Judge' in strong terms. The mother of the girl seized the letters and turned them over to the Judge. Hudspeth was ar rested shortly afterword in his room. The youth is said to have received Sixteen letters in four days from Miss Gates, all penired in endearing terms and bidding him be patient. They were mailed at stations along the route east. In them she tells the boy that she will wait for him if necessary until she is an old woman. "I don't know where they are taking me," reads one. "It may be Paris or Berlin. I think it is a convent, but is. Harry, I will never for get you and I know you will come to me." '-', In speaking of the boy's case yester day Attorney Dominguez said: "The lad has shown by the energy and ability he displayed in the little business built up from his own ef forts that It would be nothing short of a crime to lock him in a reformatory four years. -;>,V TO ASK FOB LENIENCY "His offense is the result of a boy and girl love affair. The girl will be 18 before another month and he has demonstrated that he is a little man already. I don't believe in this being too hard on boys or jailing them. He is at a period in his life where he can make good if given the chance. The letters written by the girl show that their affection was mutual. lam sure that after Judge Wilbur has made a close Investigation into this case the boy will be turned loose. The proba tion department is too hard on these youngsters. It should make allow ances for the follies of youth." It is believed that Judge Wilbur of the juvenile court will look into young Hudspeth's case and hear cer tain evidence that the lad did not bring out before in his defense, as he had no attorney. The Judge has taken a special interest In the cases of those who have come before him from the probation department, and in many S cases has granted a parole, giving the I boys and girls a chance to begin their life anew. Dominguez, believing the case mer ited defense, has proffered his services without compensation In the interest of the boy and will appear in his be -1 half before the court this morning. NEAR SENSATION AT POLICE TRIAL Building Contractor Testifies Re garding Case in Which One Accused Sleuth Figured LAWYER TALKS OF PERJURY Attorney for Talamantes Angered at Evidence of Theodore Wiesendanger The third session of the police com mission's investigation into the official conduct of Detectives Talamantes and Thomas and Louis Rico, held last night in the council chamber, developed a near sensation which may yet pVove important. The incident occurred early In the cross-examination of Theo dore Weisendanger, a local building contractor, who testified regarding a matter in which Talamantes was con cerned and which occurred nine years ago. Mr. Wei.sendanger complained that a quantity of paint had been stolen from him by a man named Mandeville. Ho said Talamantes was detailed on the case and that Mandeville confessed his guilt. The man was arrested and sub sequently, the witness said, Tala mantes met him on the street, ex plained that his testimony was neces sary in order to secure a conviction; added that he was in partnership with an attorney named Martin, and advised Mr. Woispndanger, if he wanted to con vict the thief, to employ this attorney. The witness said he refused and that Talamantes then told him he would lose his case. Further, Mr. Weisendanger testified that this was just what happened. He said that George Eeebe, who is ap pearing for Talmantes and who was then in the city attorney's office, had charge of the prosecution. When the case was called for trial Talamantes was not present and the witness' said Mr. Beebe declined to ask for a con tinuance, though requested to do so, and to compel the detective's presence. SUED TOR DAMAGES As a result of the trial Mandevillo was discharged and subsequently brought a $10,000 damage suit against Weisendanger which, however, was won by the defendant. In his testimony Mr. Weisendanger insinuated that Mr. Beebe's course had not been what it should have been and so roused the attorney's ire that he said: "This witness has made imputations against me and before I get through with him I am going to prove he is a perjurer." The promised proof, Mr. Beebe says, will be introduced later. Other witnesses called last night in cluded Mf-goon and Rivera of the Mexi can revolutionists, who testified to the part played in their arrest by the three defendant detectives; K. J. Fleming, who told of the prosecution of Julio Salaza for murder and of the col lapse of the case, the supposition being that Detective Talmantes had procured some of the perjured testimony under which Salaza was held to the superior court; Horace Appel, an attorney who represented the Mexican gvovernment in the cases of the revolutionists; Gui terrez de Lara, revolutionist, who was asked only one question; James Wood, a bartender, who testified that Tala mantos had been summoned to the saloon at which he was employed to arrest a drunken man who had pre cipitated a riot, but had failed to do so, merely taking the man outside; F. H. Arizmendez, an Alhambra printer, associated with the revolutionists, and Patrolman Manuel B. Leon. At the close the hearing was ad journed until Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. DRIVER FINED $100 FOR CRUEUTY TO HORSE Police Judge Indignant When Told of Animal's Treatment Adolph Wainright, a junk dealer, charged with cruelty to a sick horse, got the maximum punishment in Po lice Judge Hose's court yesterday morning, as well as a severe reprimand from the court. According to several witnesses and Humane Officer Fullerton, who made the arrest, Wainright drove the animal Tuesday until it almost collapsed. When the horse reached this condition, it was said that the driver applied his whip until the animal's flanks were torn and bleeding. "How about this?" asked Judge Rose of the prisoner. "I admit using a whip, replied Wainright," but It was only a ten cent whip. It couldn't have hurt the animal much." Judge Rose paled with indignation. He addressed Wainright with sup pressed anger. "This is the worst oaso of cruelty that has come to the attention of this court in years," he said. "You are fined $100, with the alternative of spending 100 days in the city jail." MAN FREEDOM PROMISE TO LEAVE LOS ANGELES If William Powers will stay out of Lo« Angelea forever he won't be bothered. If he stays in town or re turns after an absence, ho must go behind prison doors. Powers appeared before Police Judge Rose yesterday morning, charged with vagrancy. More specifically he was accused of flourishing a gun In an Fust Seventh street restaurant Tues day night. In addition it was brought to the notice of the court that Powers had recently been sentenced to six months in jail, but that the sentence was suspended on provision that he leave the city for good. "Powers," said Judge Rose, "I don t regard you in the light of a desirable, citizen What do you say to another chance to net out of town?" "I'll grab the chance, your honor, replied the prisoner. "Then leave the city in six hours, said Judice Rose. "The next time you are brought before me vnnr ♦roatment will differ greatly." r^i^^n S^ ve °n the Toilet Goods py^i^^2?:3^ —You buy. Make purchases in . JSrEsp '*r) Bullock's Drug Section, Main —See these prices on wanted toi _s^^^M S= let accessories. ->?■' \r —Rubber Gloves 50c pair—extra gj-1 '^i^'X quality rubber durable. 1 \sf \ —Oriental Sachets 10c each—rose jf _ < -/*'\i« "*. \ and violet odors put up In en w /'/ N* ?fei_ velopes—Buy them to slip in Y/lKf , 7l W among Christmas gifts. Vi /M '? f' —Calla Lily Borax Soap, 7 cakes 'hit ml It* i for 25c—Fine for toilet and bath. 'V/I'-"' > —Toilet Sponges 10c each; large Today a CT If] slze; fine bath sponees- . Hood Sale . . H^ AU —in the Millinery Salons, 2nd -'Mr jjg"' Hoods, Hoods, in a dozen —— Jos&Vs3r-£e*][4 "~~~~ different attractive effects— JrVT tastefully trimmed with silver »SlllKSs\ and gold lace, with added fea- MT> Jgl?;■»■.-; vA tures in fide ornaments of Br^aK ?x™ '■>" ' >'3 bronze. Look at the picture— :''^jK' */';- "y an exact drawing of one of f^^^Kl^J li^tm —The most'popular head dress sHk-'i£f^f^/^m If of the season —individual, or- '^*&J\/F:'-s&isr W-1' lglnal, different. |- s^iwZ' 1' jggjpir Moisture Proof <j»O Here Are Auto Veils vP-^ "7: —1 /-•<* -Made of best quality chif- Comfort Gifts fon. A new idea in veiling. In warm, comfortable slip- Positively protects the hat p ers f or m'en and chil from all moisture, fog and dren. rain and are absolutely —We show only two models ~t-o~A + _ An en of a dozen or so different ones guaranteed to do so. )n the ghoe Dept _ Maln floor —2 yards lone; and 1 yard wiae, _ In the above picture a felt with 2-inch hemstitched border Juliet with soft flexible so i on four sides—all desirable colors and flne fur mm i nK3 all —Priced under worth at $3 each. colors— pair. ' . _ st\4 r~ r\ —The picture below shows a All Silk Crepe Vl] Si I ribbon trimmed Juliet of best. de Chine Scarfs KAJI.^KJ quality felt in black, drab, . de _ ta dainty flora,'and Pe»l*n ,*»■ g- S*,^ Ted" or -in dainty floral and Persian de- game , c , n red or figns-2 yards long and 22 inches brown Scotch mixtures-$2 pr. wide. useful for head scarfs or —Plan to do your J^jfy —Very useful for head scarfs or Christmas shop- j&^& shoulder throws-Excellent val- ing early this jd^ M ues— each. / season. <&' »y2'\l A New Lot ■■ SRI >&&jssA Black Lace Veils <+> l / ■^i^)X%f^''-':\ —Have Just come In. Mjfcy ' /QfyO/ *."•'.*! —Unusually attractive floral de- S~^A^/Tj//ty/ "•.'•''l signs and scroll patterns—in imi- .r^/l j£j&/*y **&'ss/, ■ tatlon Spanish hand run work ST^' ■••■■■ \ jTU7i"_' ;'" fl^/ and Mantilla effects. ■....■■• t<JL£4^\/WW —On fine Brussels net with seal- . -jr \M M loped borders. a^s^s^s^^ Merchants Bank and Trust G§ , Sup SSii %mm f«7f?outh boot., rtr^t. 209.11 S. Broadway ■«.« and otum B u.m>«. NEGRO WHO SHOT MAN CREATES SCENE IN JAIL Prisoner Gives Battle When He Is Taken to Insane Ward at County Hospital Benjamin Shepherd, the negro who terrorized South Spring street Monday afternoon by shooting Giovanni Sl moni, an Italian working on the aque duct, and endangering the lives of many bystanders, created a lively scene In the city Jail yesterday morning when officers tried to remove him to the county hospital. When told he was going to be placed In the insane ward at the county hos pital Shepherd retreated to a corner of his cell and defied anyone to take him. When Jailer Shand approached the negro, who is of powerful build, he tried to catch Shanu by the throat and strangle him. Shand, however, was too quick for the prisoner and grabbed him by the waist. In an instant he dragged the negro to the corridor, where several officers helped in over powering him. Seeing he was helpless in the bands of so many men, Shepherd sat down sulkily in a chair. A few minutes later, however, when Shand took him by the arm and told him he must start for the hospital, the negro dropped on his back to the floor and kicked his feet in the air with such vipor that no one dared come within iiva feet of the man. Shepherd continued his kicking tac tics for several minutes. Taking ad vantage of a lull In nis movements the officers finally pounced upon the negro and pinned him to tho floor while he was handcuffed and leg ironed. Scream- Ing at the top or his voice, Shepherd was carried to the patrol wagon, in which he was taken to the county hos pital. "They'll hnng me like they do all nlggors In the south—l'm sure they will!" he shouted as ho was driven away. MEXICAN FINED $10 FOR CARRYING SHARP KNIFE M. Canto, Mexican, charged with car rying concealed weapons, was asked in Police Judge Rose's court yesterday morning to explain the presence of a twelve inch knife "found in his pocket at the time of his arrest, Tuesday night. As the knife was sharp as a razor, the court hinted that Canto's motive for carrying the knife could not bo the best. "I intended to use the knife for trim ming trees," said Canto." Of course It's not a regular tree trimmer's knife but it will serve the purpose all right." Judge Rose thought that the adfc of the knife was entirely too fine for wood chopping and fined Canto $10. LOTTERY VISITORS FINED Charged with visiting a place where a lottery Is conducted, Wintleld Coa, Martin Vrelich, Jack Vrelich and Koi ne/ Mitchell were each fined $5 In Po lice Judge Rose's court yesterday morning. It was alleged that the four men vibtted ft house at 326 Marchea sault street, Tuesday night. Editorial Section CITY LAW MAY THWART PROJECT FOR FOUNTAIN Engineer Makes Objection to the Plans for Drinking Station on Main Street Either the sculptor employer", by the* Native Sons of the Golden West to de sign a drinking fountain for tho inter section of Spring and Main streets will have to change his design, already sub mitted to the society, or the city will have to secure from Robert Rowan. either by purchase or otherwise, a slico of land from the fiatiron block. At present there is not enough room t« show off the ornamental fountain to advantage. It may encroach on ths streets In question and interfere with, traffic. The city engineer submitted a plat of the district to the board of public works yesterday, together with a report ex plaining existing difficulties. In this report Mr. Hamlin says: "The location for the fountain sug gested by tho donors is objectionable in that a circular space would be re quired, twenty-five feet or more in di ameter, for a fountain of tho size shown, and this would involve a re duction of available street width of six feet on each side of the fountain. I have shown the area available for foun tain purposes, which does not Involve an Interference with traffic, and would suggest that your honorable body sub mit a copy of this map to the Native Sons of the Golden West, with the re quest that their scupltor modify his de signs so as to make the best possible use of the area shown. "The construction of a refuge In tho location shown for persons waiting for southbound Main street cars should ba considered In this connection. "T. J. Phillips, representing the Na tive Sons, states that the details of tho fountain have not yet benn worked out, and that a satisfactory structure can In all probability bo devised for the altered location." COLEGROVE TRADE BOARD GIVES THANKS TO HERALD Business Organization Appreci ates Publicity Given The Herald has received a copy of a resolution adopted by the Colegrova board of trade thanking this paper for the publicity It has given the fight in that section of the city to restrict tha sizo of he Hollywood cemetery. The resolution calls attention to the fail ure of other papers to report the facts In the case. It follows: "Resolved, That the thanks of this board of trade are due and are hereby tendered the Los Angeles Daily Herald for Its timely a_.d appropriate notice of the movement of the good people of this valley to restrict or close the Hol lywood cemetery and that wo regret the failure of the other dally papers of this city to notice a matter of such vast public Importance, Involving, as it does, millions of property and th« health, happiness and welfare of thou sands of citizens." "RAT K. MONO. Six-rrtair."