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WEATHER FORECAST: Cloudy; light north wind - — ,1 .—J-, VOL. XXXIII. NUMBER 01. PRICE: 50 CENTS $_\?2gs?£ INTELLECT, POWER AND WEALTH PAY TRIBUTE TO TWAIN Joe Cannon and Champ Clark Tell of Humorist as Wash ington Lobbyist CELEBRITIES AT MEMORIAL William Dean Howells Quotes What Clemens Would Say . to Gathering (Associated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. "William Dean How tils presided at the memorial to Mark Twain tonight in Carnegie Mil. Joseph G. Cannon of the house and Champ .Clark, speaker that may be, spoke from tho same, platform. Dr. Henry Van Dyke of Princeton, Henry Watterson, George W. Cable, Booth Tarkington, J. Plerpont Morgan, John Luther Long and many others were at the meeting, Hinder tho auspices of the Academy of Arts and Letters. '1 believe I can safely promise," Mr. Howells said, "that the commemora tion will not be formal or funereal. Th* man himself could no more be formalized than llame. * His vivid genius ranged at will through all the ways of life. Now that it Is freed to the pathless amplitude of the skies, it could hardly offer a pattern of con ventional observation. We might im agine him saying tonight. •'Why, of course you must not make a solemnity of it. I want you to be serious about me—that is, sincere, and you could not be sincere if you ran to eulogy. But we don't object to affec tion; we liko to be liked as well as ever, and If any of you can remember some creditable thing about me I should not mind his telling it, pro vided he did not blink at the palliat- ing circumstances, the mitigating mo tives, the selfish considerations that always accompany every noble action. At the same time I don't suppose a commemoration is exactly the occa sion for dwelling on a • man's short comings in his life or his literature.*" Joseph Choate recalled that Darwin used to say he kept the remedies for sleeplessness at the. head of his bod— the Bible and "Innocents Abroad." "And Darwin said he did not know which he read the most." LETTER TO CANNON Uncle Joe Camion told how Clemens came to Washington in the interest of the copyright lav. "He wrote, me a. letter and brought, it to me in the speaker's room." As read by Mr. Can non, the letter ran: ."'Dear Uncle Joe: Please give me the thanks of congress, not next week, but right away. It is very necessary. Do accomplish this at once, by per suasion if you can, by violence if you must, for it is absolutely necessary that I get on the floor for two or throe hours and talk to the congressmen, man by man. I have arguments with ma. Also a barrel with liquid in it. I have stayed away from congress and let It alone for seventy-one years and I am entitled to its thanks. Congress knows this well and it never has pub licly acknowledged its appreciation. Send me a reply at once with an order on the sergeant-at-arms. With love and benediction, Mark Twain." Congressman Champ Clark of Mis souri spoke of "Mark Twain as a Lob byist." "On a memorable day," said Clark, "Mark Twain descended upon lie capltol in gorgeous attire and swept everything before htm. In tho dead of winter he wore a suit of white flannels, whlta as the snow which filled the air. "Ho created a profound sensation, which was strictly utilitarian, and cun ningly planned for effect upon hard headed,, matter-of-fact solons. . The subject of his lobbying was improve ment in the copyright laws, which were sadly en need of Improvement. As long as he remained in the capltol it was al most impossible to maintain a quorum in the house, so eager were members to form his acquaintance and listen to his conversation. - All men and women, and even little children in the street, vied with one another to do him honor. "The great-hearted Missourian en joyed it to the limit. He talked with perfect abandon on a multitude of sub jects, and all the while he lobbied— lobbied skillfully—lobbied in delightful manner—lobbied with side-splitting yarns—lobbied with philosophical re marks— lobbied*with wealth of remin iscence—lobbied with fetching • argu ment for justice—and accomplished the substance of what he .sought—a rich, benefaction to American authors." ATLANTIC WARSHIP FLEET TOSSED IN GREAT STORM U. S. Battleship Men Rescue Crew of French Cruiser -y^ i CHERBOURG, Nov. 30—A fierce gale Is raging along the coast, and the bat tleships of the second division of the Atlantic fleet have been forced to stand off shore under full pressure. It Is understood that an America^ picket has been sunk and seven men lost. A launch from the battleship Louisi ana made a gallant rescue of the crew from the launch of the French armored cruiser Dupleex, which was swamped by the heavy - seas. Many American bluejackets are ashore, being unable to get back to their ships.. CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF N. Y. TO WORK FOR FAIR NEW YORK. Nov. 30.—The board of trustees of the California Society of New York today appointed a commit tee to go to Washington and urge upon congress tho selection of San Fran cisco for the Panama international ex position In 1315. The committee will work In conjunction with a delegation torn San Francisco. Headquarters will be opened at the capital. .-. • A, j The New York committee was In structed to impress particularly upon congress the fact that San' Francisco will finance the undertaking without one cent of assistance from the gov ernment. , .. , LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY LOS ANGELES Fight on will of "Father of rasa dena" la ended. PAGE 4 Mayor thinks New Tork syndicate will buy aqueduct bonds at par. I'AiJtl 4 Washington authorities may bo eked l.i fr..o Captain McAllister. PAOB 4 Conductor seriously Injured In car ac cident will endeavor to earn his- liv ing. ~ PAGIS_9 Clrl prisoner In unwritten law caso uses hat pin to attack man In court room. PAGE 14 Theatrical trust plana war on stock companies. PAGE 14 Officers of Japanese fleet will be given tour over electrio system. PAGE 1 Women's Home Missionary soolety of Methodist Episcopal church of South ern California 'raises (42,000 un d for the work In year. PAGE 6 Brouklns and Hoxsey, noted airmen, ar rive In Los Angeles, PAOB 14 Friends say shame caused sudden death . of clubman's wife in jail. PAGE 1 November building permits exceed the best previous record. PAOB 12 Local recruiting offcler la urged by depart ment to secure more army recruits. PAGE 7 Six thousand five hundred dollars added to Y. M. C. A. fund by one day's work. PAOB 3 Russian dancers entrance Angelenos with operas in pantomime. PAGE 5 Hallway Commissioner Thome declares that In four states railroads are over- ' capitalized 1400,000,000. ' . PAOB 2 Denver Judge scores Jury panel meth ods. ; PAGB 3 Former confidential clerk of Thomas W. I.awson kills himself. PAOE '■ 3 Sierra Madre club plans office building. PAOE 14 Attorney Joseph Call will leave tomorrow for Washington to represent fruit growers In freight rate hearing. PAOB 14 Southern Pacific representatives fall to attend meeting to discuss type of channel bridge. PAOE 6 Residents of F.dcndalo in mass meet ing reject offers of compromise In fight with Pacific Electric. PAOE 5 Capitalist's wife confirms society's ru mor* that she and husband have sep arated. PAOB 3 Frank N. Shaw, prominent mining op erator and turfman, disappears while In heart of city. PAOE 1 Former Mormon scores polygamy In address to local preachers. PAGE 6 Editorial and letter box. PAGE * Society and clubs. PAOE 7 Sports. PAOB 8 Mining and oil. PAGE 9 Markets and financial. / - PAOB 10 Marriage licenses, births, deaths^ PAOE 12 Classified advertising, PAGES 1.-13 Weather report. PAOE 12 Building permits. . PAGE 12 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Chariot horses start track training for Tournament of Roses contests. PAGE 11 Long Beach, woman goes to visit neighbors and disappears. PAOB 11 Ninth annual session of the southern district convention of Women's clubs opens. PAGB 11 COAST ~~* ©vol session held by delegates at Ari- - • zona constitutional convention In Phoenix. ..$•- PAOB 1 EASTERN Dr. Cook confesses he Is not sure whether ho discovered the North Pole. PAOB 2 In trial of girl for murder of laundry man, widow Is accused of the crime. » PAGE 2 Outlook for steel, the barometer of bus iness, is favorable. - PAOB 1 Notable literary men gather at New York to honor memory of Mark Twain. PAGB 1 Lake steamer brings 10,000 trees for Christmas to Chicago. PAGB 2 Witnesses beforo congressional probers say they do not know of foreign lobby " '-. to kill ship subsidy. PAGB .3 FOREIGN Lord Rosebery declares house of lords has ceased to exist. PAGE 1 Dial, to be Inaugurated today, elimi- < nates pomp from ceremony because of revolution. , PAGE 1 MINING AND OIL Midway Five well No. 1 breaks loose - at 20.000 barrels a. day. PAOE » Kramer outfit ship five cars of ma chinery to field. , PAGE 9 New capital develops oil In Little Sespe field. , PAGE 9 WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY IN LOS ANGELES AMUSEMENTS ' AuditoriumPavlowa and Mordkln, as sisted by the Imperial Russian ballet and orchestra. In the ocular opera "The Legend of Ayzlado" and other dances. 2:30 p. m., and in "Giselle" at 8:20 d. m. Belascor— Blackwood-Belasco players In "The Test." 8:15 and 8:15 p. m. —Morosco players In "Texas" at S:ls p. in. Grand opera house — Hartman * and company in "The Office Boy," 2:15 and 8:15 p. m. levy's Cafe —Continuous vaude ville from 3:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Los Angeles—Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15 p. m. Luna park—Outdoor amusements, band concert, moving pictures and vaudeville, 10 a. m. to 12 midnight. Majestic—William Faversharo and com pany in "The World and His Wife," 8:15 p. m. Olympic Musical farce, "The Folles of 1811," 3, 7:30 and 9:15 p. m. * Orpheum—Vaudeville, 2:15 and 8:15 p. m. —Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 9:15 p. in. ' ' —Musical farce, "The Under taker," 3. 7:45 and 9:15 p. m. , . , OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Rusk in Art club social: hour. 5 SO p. m. Matinee musical, Gamut club, 2:30. Harraonla club, 2214 Romeo street. • Votes for Women, 8 p; m., 915 South Olive street, •-: - / ' ': _'-"•-" „ Los Angeles W. O. T. U. meeting, 2 p, m. in First Methodist church. Address, "Christ, mas Suggestions," by Mrs. Jessie Chair. ■ ■ . BAZAARS - A " Annual Christmas bazaar of First Unitarian church, 925 South Flower. street, afternoon. Dinner in evening. St. Catherine's guild of St. • Stephen's church, Hollywood, holiday bazaar today. ■ Lady Maccabees' hive No. 1 bazaar tonight In Burbank hall. Supper from 5:30 to 8. First Congregational church annual bazaar in Social hall, afternoon and evening. Lunch eon and dinner will be served. • MISCELLANEOUS North, Northeast and Northwest Improve ment association meeting 3:30 p. m. in com mittee room of chamber of commerce. . Lecture, "Advertising That Gets Business," Y. M. O. A. tonight, hy Will B. Chapln. Firs commission meeting, room 10. city hall, at 10 a. m. » , i ' "What Makes a Salesman?" lecture by John W. Whlttington at Y. M. C. A. tonight. Seat sale for Btnello de Qorgoza, baritone, who will be heard In recital In Simpson audi torium Tuesday night, I December «. opens this morning al Bartlett*. music storo._ Vj .. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1910. CLUBMAN'S WIFE DIES IN PRISON; SHAME IS BLAMED Mrs. Alice Clemshire, Who Made Stir at Long Beach, Expires Suddenly at Oakland FACED LOS ANGELES CHARGES Deputy from Sheriff Hammel's Office Going for Woman When Death Interferes Suffering keenly from the disgrace of her arrest and knowing that a dep uty from Sheriff Hammel's office was on his way north to bring her back to Los Angeles to stand trial on a crim inal charge, Mrs. Alice C. Clemshire, wife of a prominent. Oakland clubman, dropped dead yesterday morning In the Alameda county Jail. The woman was well known both !n Los Angeles and in Long Beach and is said to have vic timized several firms In both cities. At the time of her death she was dis cussing her troubles with tho jail ma tron. A physician, called to examine her, _.__,., death due to heart dis ease, but Mrs. Clemshire's friends in the northern city say she died of shame. Mrs. Clemshire first attracted atten tion in Long Beach several months ago, when she took a suite of expen sive apartments at Hotel Virginia. She is said to have represented herself as the possessor of millions and she lived on a most extravagant scale. .To the friends she made at the hotel she ex plained that Charles M. Schwab had been her business mentor and adviser and said that he had made investments for her which had proved tremendously lucrative. At one time Mrs. Clemshire told the hotel management that Mr. Schwab was coming to Long Beach with a party of his friends and said he had requested her to reserve apartments for his use. She looked at several suites and even fixed the date of the steel magnate's arrival, but her story proved to be a myth. Mrs. Clemshire claimed also to be a physician and is said to have given treatments to several of the , hotel guests. She paid her bills at the hotel promptly and on several occasions ex hibited considerable sums of money. OIltL'S SUIT IS DROPPED At the same time it was reported that she had been sued for $50 by a young woman residing in Los Angeles, who explained that the money had been paid by her on "Dr." Clemshire's representation that I she could secure for her client a good paying position in the public service. The place was not forthcoming, and when threats had no avail a suit was begun, the action being dismissed later. It is said, because the money was repaid. Mrs. Clemshire visited several real estate firms in Long Beach and repre* sented that she desired to purchase property in that city on which to erect a home, but her deals never reached a final stage, the woman giving one ex cuse after another for withdrawing from her verbal contracts. In Los Angeles, it is said, Bullock's department store was victimized for several hundred dollars' worth of mer chandise, Mrs. Clemshire securing credit through tales of her imaginary wealth. It was this step that resulted in her arrest and subsequent death, as the store management secured a com plaint against the woman, charging her with obtaining goods under false pre tenses. Meantime she had left the Vir ginia suddenly, but she was traced to Oakland and there arrested on a re quest from Sheriff Hammel. When the sheriff was notified of her arrest he"at once 'sent Deputy Woods north to bring her back to Los Angeles. Oakland friends of the dead woman say that she had become mentally de ranged and declare she was not re sponsible for her actions while in this part of the state. REBELLION CAUSES DIAZ TO CUT INAUGURAL POMP MEXICO CITY, Nov. With sim ple ceremony General Diaz will take the oath of office as president of the republic of Mexico for the eighth time tomorrow. In view of the revolution- ary disturbances the inauguration will not be marked by the season of fes tivities that has accompanied it in former years, but will be conducted with the same formal dignity and im pressiveness. The ceremonial will occur at 10 o'clock i tomorrow morning in the hall of the - palace of mines, where the chamber of deputies has been holding its session pending the completion of its new homo. Only the diplomatic corps and a few other delegated per sonages in addition to tho high Mex ican officials will attend. Following the induction of Presi dent Diaz, the oath will bo adminis tered to Ramon Corral, re-elected to the vice presidency. The president and vice' president will then proceed to the national palace, where they will receive the congratulations of diplo mats, government officials and private delegations. ■Official celebration of the inaugu ration of President Diaz and Vice President Corral will be held at the, municipal palace In Torrcon tomor row. No further disturbances are ex pected in Torreon, but the authorities are exercising the greatest Vigilance to guard against surprise. The roads leading Into Torreon are guarded by rurales and the chiefs of police of both Torreon and Gomez Paiaclo Diaz say ample preparations have been mode to stop any demon stration. .;•■'■ a . With tomorrow safely passed, a feel ing of relief wjll be expressed, how ever," In the vicinity of Torreon, lnad* much as that day marks the final date of the period, designated by Madero In, his proclamation for popular up rising. ,i „v. ---. . .v«W>..-.£ An Undignified Situation for John STEEL, BAROMETER OF TRADE, BOOMS Representatives of 95 Per Cent of Business Meet and All See Favorable Outlook NEW YORK, Nov. 30.—The price of ! steel will not- be cut. Forty of the leading producers and their represen tatives, who stand for approximately 95 per cent of the production of the country, met here today and decided it was for the good of the Industry to keep quotations where they are. Among these were: .Judge E. H. Gary and W. E. Cory,-chairman and president respectively of the U. S. Steel corporation; John A. Topping, chairman of the Republic Iron and Steel company: Willis L. King, vice president of the Jones & Laughlln Steel company; Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Cor portion; E. S. Clark, president of the Lackawanna Steel company; Alexis W. Thompson, president of the Inland Steel company, and Wallace H. Rowe, president of the Pittsburg Steel com pany, all of the members of the Amer ican Iron and Steel Institute, of which Judge Gary is president Since the last meeting of the insti tute two months ago, when a similar agreement was reached, there - has been an understanding in the trade that. some manufacturers were,' not living up to this gentlemen's agree ment. When' last the small makers cut prices the United States Steel cor poration followed their lead and went after the market aggressively with a consequent general unsettlement of the "barometer of business.", At the close of the meeting Judge Gary gave out the following state ment: "Representatives of about 95 per cent in tonnage capacity of the manufac turers of steel -in America met at luncheon, and the two hours follow ing wero occupied In ascertaining the condition of business In this . particu lar line and in the expressions of opinion concerning present, prices. It was stated that on the average of all branches the bookings were about 50 per cent of capacity and the ship ments somewhat In excess. There has been a slight, though marked Increase, In daily bookings, month by month, since the first of August to the. present time. Without exception, the view ex pressed by those present regarding the future were favorable. INDIAN TRAILER TO START ON PIUTE SLAYER'S TRACK Officer Will Be Accompanied by Redskin Posse SAN BERNARDINO. Nov. 30.— T0 Join In the man hunt, now in progress on the • Nevada desert, for i Creeo, the Piute who murdered Dr. Charles Gil bert, a former San Bernardino mining man.' and J. M. Woodworth, a former sheriff of Nevada. Ben'DeCrevecoeur. special Indian agent, left today for the McCiillough mountains. He will start out from Needles and follow the Colorado river north. DeCrevecoeur is considered to be one of the most daring Indian officers in the service of < the government, and during the hunt for Willie Boy on the Mojave desert he led one of the posses of man-hunters which trailed that In dian murderer and drove him to death by his own hand. Creeo murdered the two white men near Searchlight, killing , Gilbert on Sunday of last week while on a blood thirsty rampage. A month • before ho beat Woodworth to death In his cabin in a lonely section of the McCullough mountains. . ' . With DeCrevecoeur will be a number 'of Indian trailers . and sharpshooters recruited from the miners and pros pectors of the - desert, who are deter mined to run tho murderer to earth. PRISONERS PICK THEIR OWN JAIL AND WILL LIVE THERE IN STYLE OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 30.— W. O. Com stock, Hartley K. Richards, Charles Jam ison and Aquila Triplet!, millionaire cat tlemen of Nebraska, convicted In the federal court of fencing government lands and sentenced to one year In the county jail, after spending; a month vis iting- various ] county jails tn the state, departed lost night for Hastings. ( There they will become Inmates of the Adams county • jail. > ■ • ■;- ----- {t i■'. t The four men . are not to be treated like ordinary prisoners. With them they took a Japanese chef, who will do their cooking. This week they ordered ex pensive furniture and carpets sent to the Hastings Jail as furnishings for their rooms. In addition, they purchased a large and well selected library. The windows of their cells have been hung with expensive lare curtains and . the floors are carpeted. TELEPHONES WIFE; THEN DISAPPEARS After telephoning to his wife that he would meet' her at a downtown restaurant and take her to the thea ter, Frank N. Shaw, 6. years old, a prominent mining operator and turf man of 1721 . South Flower, street, walked out of a confectionery store on South Broadway Tuesday night and has not been seen since. The missing man is a close friend of Su perior Judge' Rives, who is assisting in the search for him. Shaw, left his homo Tuesday af ternoon and went down town. About 6 o'clock he entered a candy store on South Broadway and telephoned Mrs. Shaw to meet him at a restaurant, telling her that they would go to • the theater later In the evening. Mrs. Shaw arrived '. at' the place named, but failed to-find her husband. After waiting more than an hour sho returned home. When Shaw failed to appear the following day she became uneasy and reported the matter to the police. The missing man is described as be ing 5 feet 10 Inches in height and weighs 175 pounds. He wore his mus tache close clipped. He lias heavy iron gray hair and blue eyes. When last seen he was wearing a blue, * serge suit and a fancy vest of green striped material. Inquiries at hospitals failed to throw any light on the matter and the the ory that ho was injured and taken to sono institution for treatment has been abandoned. MEDIUM FOUND GUILTY OF SWINDLING WOMAN CLIENT SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30.— cused of grand larceny by trick and de vice, Dessle Arnold, also known as Mrs. Mary Orloff, a medium, was convicted by a jury today. The woman was charged with having swindled Frances Shaw out of $150 by persuading her that she would find profitable means of investment for tho money through the medium of departed spirits. The testi mony showed that most of the mes sages from the-spirit land came to the seeress In the form of trumpet tones. PAWNS COFFIN TO MEET HIGHER COST OF LIVING ATLANTA, <.a.. Nov. :!<!.—The high coat of living today forced M. 1.. Bremen to pawn hi* coffin. Sonic time ago be bought it for Ida own use because he could "pick It up at a bargain." Today, however, he j needed Nome money, and not having anything else, he had. the coffin carted to a pawnshop. ■_• - OTA"*"/-IX l 1 ( <f, 1»T17,C • DAILY 2c. ON TRAINS Hr. (Mi\ IxJL-lii LUI J-ljO. SUNDAYS sc. ON TRAINS It). ARIZONANS FIGHT RAISE IN SALARIES Message on Recall Promises to Be Bitterly Contested at f Session Today ■ PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 30.—1n a ses sion replete with heated speeches, acri monious remarks and grievous appli cation of the ax to salaries of prospec tive state officials the constitutional convention established a record this afternoon by the final passage of al most half of the proposed constitution, including complete provisions for the executive, legislative and judicial de partments of the state. in addition to the primary election ordinance passed at the morning session. Only -he re call measure remains on the secre tary's desk, and this will come before the convention tomorrow for probably the bitterest struggle of the conven tion. The salaries of all supremo and su perior Judges, governor and secretary of state were relentlessly attacked by economically inclined members, led by Winsor of Yuma, though Weinberger of Gila led an-attack on salaries of. supreme judges. When Winsor moved to cut the superior judges' salaries In Maricopa, Cochise,- Pima, Yavapai and Gila counties to $4100 and all others to $3000 the convention was thrown into an uproar. Most of the attorneys op posed the reduction on the ground that efficient judges could not be obtained at those salaries. Kingan made strenuous opposition. He wanted to know if any members wanted a competent judge or a black smith to pass on their rights. Ho was answered by cries of "blacksmith." Coalter of Apache county asked what become of all "blacksmiths" who had been on the Arizona bench heretofore. Kingan's speech ended abruptly. The reduction was finally effected by a vote of 31 to 16. The judiciary measure was then adopted as amended. The executive measure came up next and was adopted, 42 to 8, after an amendment was carried to reduce the governor's salary $5000 to $4000 and tbe secretary's from $4000 to $3000. The third reading of the legislative department measure caused even more debate than that of the judiciary, del egates from Maricopa, Pinal and the new county of Greenlee striving vainly to obtain more representation in the lower house of the legislature. It was claimed that unjust discrimination had been shown by the leglsltaive commit tee, but after many proposed amend ments the defeated measure was adopt ed and tho convention adjourned till tomorrow. NAVY'S ESTIMATE FOR 1911 AMOUNTS TO $126,046,659 WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.—Tho total estimates for the United States navy for the fiscal year 1911-1912, to be sub mitted to congress as a basis for the appropriation for that year, amount to 8186,046,659, which is $5,000,000 less than appropriated for the current fiscal fear. The figures include the estimates for first year's construction of new ves sels contemplated by the navy depart ment. ' The new ships proposed are two bat tleships, one collier, one gunboat, one river gunboat, two seagoing tugs, two submarines and one submarine tender. Originally the department submitted estimates amounting to $127,016,169.24, 1 including $13,209,923 for tho new build- | ing program. . , m-_-_- PATROLMAN RESCUES PARROT SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30.—Re sponding to the shrieks of Mrs. Martha Fanning I today, Patrolman Patrick Butler risked his life by entering her burning dwelling, believing that the woman's child was in tho house. Ho succeeded in rescuing a parrot, which had been the subject of Mrs. Fan nlng'a -lamentations. .* '■:, THE HOME PAPER OF GREATER LOS ANGELES ,1 ■ ■ ■ '- ■ HOUSE OF LORDS CEASES TO EXIST, ROSEBERY SAYS Balfour's Abandonment of Tariff as Election Issue Causes New English Storm IRISH ARE RAISING WAR FUND Opponents of Home Rule Have Subscribed $120,000 to Equip Regiment (Associated Press) LONDON, .Nov. 30.— present elec tion campaign is one of amazing changes. Lord Lansdowne's unexpect ed presentation of a scheme for the re form of the house of lords lias been sur i passed in suddenness by Mr. Balfour's throwing over of tariff reform as an issue of the election. Lord Rosebi ry. In the course of a speech today at Manchester, said: "The house of lords lias ceased to ex- It.; it has surrendered Its powers to the nation. This is a tact of enormou- importance." Lord Roaebery admitted that it was a deathbed repentance, but he contend ed that deathbed repentance, if sincere, was valid and valuable. Mr Balfour's adoption of the referen dum is generally attributed to pressure from on influential section of the Un ionist free traders, led by Lord Cromer, although it is claimed by the bulk of the Unionist party, once their surprise was over, as a master stroke of skill fill electioneering. The opposition lead er's change of tactics took the old con servative! completely aback and caused consternation among tho ardent pro tectionists. The Liberals, on the other hand, char acterize Balfour's attitude as adroit slipperiness and opportunism. The Lib eral leaders have not yet had time to adjust themselves to the changed con ditions. MAY COST $10,000,000 David Lloyd-George, chancellor of the exchequer, speaking at Llandrindrod Wells tonight, reiterated that the cost of a referendum would be $10,000,000. It was a mere device, he said, to put a. more effective weapon In tho hands of the wealthy classes. Tho Liberals would none of it. Augustin Blrrell, chief secretary for Ireland, speaking at Bristol, said Bal four's proposal of the referendum was delusive, dangerous and unworkable, and calculated to destroy free represen tative government. The home secretary, Winston Church ill, addressed two meetings at Shef field tonight. He said no day passed without some tory leader overthrowing some ancient principle of the tory party. Nothing was more astonishing in this wonderful, election than the panic that had overtaken that onco proud and powerful party. Mr. Church -11l was again subjected to suffragist disturbances, several unruly persons having been ejected from the hall. The Ulster movement is growing apace throughout the province. The Ulster men have taken a strong stand against home rule and the offers of subscriptions to a fund to bo devoted to the purpose of organizing a regi ment and the purchase of arms havo risen from $50,000 to $120,000 in the last two days. i STOCK EXCHANGE EXPECTS VICTORY BY UNIONISTS LONDON, Dec. I.—Tho London Un ionist morning papers today for tho first time are full of confidence of a' union victory at tho polls as a result of Premier Balfour's acceptance of tho referendum. The stock' exchange yesterday re flected the belief in a Unionist victory in the rise of price* of consols and home securities and in the veering of betting dealings in favor of a Unionist majority. WOMAN ARRESTED CHARGED WITH THEFT OF DIAMONDS SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30.-On re quest of the chief of police of Pittsburg, Miss Mildred Schraeder of Pittsburg was arrested here today on a charge of having stolen a valuable collection of diamonds from a society woman of that city. The name of the woman from whom the diamonds were stolen was not giv en to the local police, but they wero informed that Miss Schraeder would not be prosecuted if she returned tho jewels. l ■'; j A telegram from Chief of Police Me- Quaide of Pittsburg informed Chief of Police Seymour that Miss Schraeder would not be prosecuted, but that lie, wanted tho local authorities (to take, possession of the diamonds. Miss Schraeder claims the jewels as her own. Chief Seymour, declaring that he had no authority either to hold' her or to take the diamonds from her, ordered her release. MINNESOTA SHOWS LARGE INCREASE IN POPULATION WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.—Tho popu lation of the state of Minnesota la 2,076,078, according to statistics of the thirteenth census made public today. This is an increase of 324,314, or 18.5 per cent over 1,761,394 in 1900. The In crease from 1890. to 1910 was 440,160. or 33.8 per cent. The population of. the stato of Ten nessee is 2,184,789. This Is an Increuso of 164.173, or 8.1 per cent over 2.020,616 in 1900. The Increase from 1880 to 1900 was .58,088, or 14.3 per cent. WOMAN SUDDENLY EXPIRES DURING CHURCH SERVICE SAN DIEGO, Nov. -Miss Emma Poe. :i teacher In the Sherman (.eights school, dropped dead while attending a service at the* Christian • churchs this evening. Rheumatism of the heart Is given as tho. cause. Miss.Poe, came here several 'years ago from Missouri. She has been a teacher during the past three years and was active in church work. Her father. Benjamin Poo, lives in Gower, _. ' - dßfei