Newspaper Page Text
DANCERS DEPICT PRIMAL PASSION Mordkin and Pavlowa Demon strate Versatility of Their Wonderful Art BALLET CHARMS AUDIENCE Gifted Russians Set Forth Trag edy of Far East in Poetry of Motion "The Legend of Ayziade," an Oriental ballet composed by Mikail Mordkln, Its music taken from several sources, was presented at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon by M. Mordkin, Anna Pavlo wa and the imperial Russian ballet, as the second of their offerings in Los Angeles. If anything had been needed to demonstrate the versatility of these artists, this passion tragedy of the far east would provide It, for in spirit it is as far removed from "Giselle," tho ballet selected for the opening perform ance, as can be Imagined. Elaborately costumed, plctorially staged and enacted with an artistry most complete and satisfying, "Tho Legend of Ayziade" depicts primal hu man passion wherein a woman's craft is set against her captor's might. Here in.small scope are compressed all the elements of tragedy. Queen Ayziade has been taken cap tive by a marauding band of the tribe of Shah Rahman and is carried bound to the shah's palace, I where she Is thrown unceremoniously at his . feet. The man, captivated in his turn by her grace and beauty, compels her to dance for him and then himself dances, a wild dance of exultation. Women of tho harem likewise dance before their mas ter. Again Ayziade appears. Her dance ended, the shah seizes her rough ly and throws her prone upon a couch, whence she escapes to offer him a glass of wine. The man drinks., dances and drinks again, until at last, overcome by his potations, he falls asleep, as the woman makes her escape. • f DANCE MUTE I'OEM In pantomime and expressed through dancing, a medium which Mordkin, Pavlowa and their company make most eloquent, this story Is told fully and without offense. It lacks the dainti ness, the delicacy, of "Giselle," but It has Instead a wonderful brutality, won derfully realized. •■ A splendid figure of a man is Mord kin "in the skin of the shah." a man shining forth brute power, glorying in his might and exulting over the wom an whom chance has made his trophy. Wonderful too Is the artistry of Anna Pavlowa in the guise of the captive queen. Mute, she dances an epic poem as intelligible as if it were set forth upon the printed page. Her every movement falls naturally Into hexame ter verse. Dactyl and spondee form beneath her trlnnlnsr toes. Homer him self found no phrase more illuminative of human emotion than a simple ges ture of her arms: none so amply de scriptive as the toss of Mordkin's head in his moments of most complete ex ultation. ... , It is a new art. this so-called dancing of these Russian artists, or an art so old that It has become new again with the revolving years. In America we have Been dancers a many, but never a-XQf^BamLmvGcmSxtt Thousands of empty Christmas boxes, artistically deco rated to be sold separately. .'.'■'. ■s (Main Floor, rear.) Next Monday a sale of $7.50 to $17.50 Silk Petticoats at $5, and a sale of women's $15 to $25 Jackets at $5. And on Tuesday a sale of Corsets at $3.50; many of them worth three and four times the price. See Sunday papers for details. •' ■ ■'',■' Suits and Coats C*> .75 Worth Up to $8.50 *_P — '' - t* I Boys' double-breasted Knickerbocker suits of sturdy all wool worsteds, cheviots and tweeds — duplicates of which sold earlier in the season at $5 to $—now $3,75; 8 to 16 -year sizes. « Broken lines of Buster Brown sailor suits and reefer coats— to $8.50 values, at $3.75. J A few odd sizes in double-breasted suits at $1.95. (Main Floor, rear.) Misses' $20 to d* 1 C $35 Smts . , 'Jp I J? (On Sale Saturday) Something over a hundred $20 to $35 suits—NEW suits, mind you—go on y sale tomorrow at fifteen dollars. . Smart homespuns, basket weaves, plain serges, Shepherd . ' . checks, cheviots, storm serges, gray mixtures, all the cor rect shades. All splendidly tailored; 14, 16 and 18-year sizes—many of them just right for adult women of slight ■ stature. a' •y A. Then there is a splendid selection of $17.50 to $25 suits in Junior sizes to be sold at $15. Three-piece and "co-ed" suits of serges, basket weaves, wide wales and cheviots in grays, greens, navy blue, dark red, Shepherd checks arid a few in cream serge. AA. (Fourth Floor, rear Elevators.) ■ , J. XV. ROBINSON CO. < 235-239 South Broadway ? 234-242 South Hill Street Eminent Russian Pantomimists and Dancers Appearing at Auditorium y!_S®l^^s^af __i__/ * r ~m^ './ T^(iji-^L-o'---iSL----Li'Tf!T7y^V_Ty^!yi^^-tnT^ *j&jgygsSj^ * ** ~* j *^ 'X j->^-ABiHMgi^B-K-' t iHk-^sfc^i_-^>a^^CTM^jj£i ii ,l3C;' lll_^alv*bS^^W^^W_P__^_SS__j|p?{^M i&*ffist3___________________rHft__K^^ SE&S&SS-S SWV*«©?*^" - i • ' - £ * v if^fef*SoK?y>r* - v *,*);%> ■ -_<&___-_i3_?S3 9_BF 4^ .•ii^T'.-'l*' s i"i- V. V* P\ l ,Wcjn^^^^^^^'^l^^*^^_^l^ '/• • /'•• If v>. -b \'- ■ %!v_^i_S HW x ■'^^Sn I ...».-..- ■■:■. ,j< ji-■.;..■: ",.?.« ■<.!?...- -. s* ,v ;-.-x :•„ :■; .;'^--«kJflß_B____'-.?-s*J,fl_3_^ ■■ ''■■ -;■-■--..- -.- ■.- ■ vl Rl -k v i $* i iT*3^ Jf*** Vjt« ''-w.'tja _*"___ J > 'i*__E«ie__. Ifl i j W- fmi ,l ,_ ' n **#$ MME. ANNA PAVLOWA AND MIKAIL MORDKIN such dancers as these nor such dancing. Language, it "has been said, Is a medi um for concealing thought. Pavlowa and Mordkin have taught us that danc-. Ing Is a medium for thought revelation. Apart from this single ballet, yester day afternoon's program was a repeti tion of the second part offering of the preeedlnf evening. Mme. - Pavlowa again gave us glimpse of the white daintiness of her swan dance; and in the "Raymonda" valse number, sup ported by the entire corps de ballet, showed us anew the grace of her toe dancing. Mordkin, beautifully mascu line and muscularly beautiful, gave again the arrow dance. Both were ap plauded with enthusiasm. Other feat ures of the program were the excellent "Rhapsodle Hongrolse, No. 11," made Into a Hungarian dance and presented by the corpse de ballet, and the Rus sian folk dance of Mme. Pajltzkala. Then, at the close, came "The Bac-' ehanale," danced by Palvowa and Mordkin with a flne frenzy of abandon, and received with an appreciative dem onstration which kept the spectators in their seats minutes after the curtain's final fall. "Last night "Giselle" was repeated, and the same ballet will be given at the matinee tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow night "The Legend of Ay ziade" will be the bill. LOS ANGELES HERALD; FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1910. LAWYER BABES LIFE OF MURDERED MAN'S WIDOW Seeks to Have Suspicion Point at Mrs. Glover Instead of Miss Le Blanc CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. I.—A col loquy between' Mrs. Lillian M. Glover, widow of Clarence F. Glover, and Mel vln M. Johnson, leading counsel for Hattle Le Blanc, who is on trial for the murder of Glover, held the Interest of the court room during the whole of to day's ' session' and was not concluded when court adjourned. « The cross-examination by Mr. John son, who announced yesterday that he intended to show that Mrs. Glover had the motive, the capacity and the oppor tunity for the murder of her husband, covered much of Mrs. Glover's life since she came to Boston from Cape' Breton. It dealt minutely with her actions and feelings on the day and night of the murder and the few days that followed. Mr. ojhnson brought out that Mrs. Glover was twice married to Glover, once in Boston in' 1890 and a second time in Providence,' ten years later. She said the second ceremony was per formed because she understood that the first was not legal. ' She admitted certain falsification re garding her birthplace and her name, and certain discrepancies between her testimony and that given at other hear ings were pointed out. She said that she sent for Hattle La Blanc, who lived near her own birthplace, clothed and fed her. Final ly she found her husband with Hattle, and sent the girl away for a week. She took Hattie back, and on the fateful day, November 20, 1909, Glover took both women to a football game. CITIZENS OF TULARE PLAN • GREAT CITRUS EXHIBITION Fifth Annual Fair Will Be Opened at Visalia VISALIA, Dec. The preparations under way In" this city for the big cit rus fair to be held here next week cause much Interest. This will be the fifth annual fair of Tulare county. This time it will be not only a citrus fair, but a big district and agricultural fair as well. A dairy exhibit expected to be bigger and better than anything ever before shown is planned. The Tulare county grange and the county'and city boards of trade have arranged a series of exhibits calculated to show any stranger the diversified cultures of the county. Agents have traveled both north and south distrib uting posters, literature, post cards, etc., and have placarded billboards and secured much publicity through write ups both from county and city papers. Excursions from San Francisco and Los Angeles have been arranged, and it is expected that there will be an at tendance of at least 30,000. The citrus Industry has grown mar velously in this county, the shipments this season being in excess of 3000 car loads. There are 20,000 acres devoted to it, of which 7000 are ln bearing. «* » • MINES BUREAU ANNOUNCES RESCUE STATION NUMBERS WASHINGTON, Dec. The bureau of mines rescue station and headquar ters for the mine rescue cars,, with their official numbers, were announced today. i There are now in service six rescue stations and seven first aid cars, as follows: • . '■ > . Stations— ■1, Pittsburg, Pa.: No. 2, Urbana, 111.; No. 8, Knoxville, Term.; No. 4, McAlester, Okla.; No. 5, Seattle, Wash.; No. 6, Birmingham, Ala. Cars—No. 1, Wilkesbarre, Pa.; No. 2, Trinidad, Colo.; No. 3, Evansvllle, Ind.; No. 4. Rock Springs, Wyo.; No. 5, Billings; Mont.; No. 6, Huntington, W. Va.; No. 7, Pittsburg, Pa. BIDS FOR COLLIERS TOO HIGH WASHINGTON, Dec. The bids opened today by tha navy department for the construction of two colliers were all too high, and no contract,will be awarded. The Union Iron works of San Francisco offered to build one for $1,596,000, but , the statutory limit la $1,000,000. The Moran Iron company of Seattle, Wash-, proposed to construct one collier for $987,000 on Its own speci fications. As no bond was submitted as .■ a - guarantee to carry out the con tract, the bid v/as not considered. J RECALL MAY RULE ARIZONA JUDGES Convention Passes Measure Mak ing Jurists Amenable to Removal by Vote AFFIRMATION IS DECISIVE Opponents Say Acceptance of Provision Will Cause Taft to Reject Constitution PHOENIX. Ariz.. Dec. I.—One great question which overshadowed all others in Importance, that of including the Ju diciary of the new state in the opera tion of the recall, was definitely settled in the affirmative by an overwhelming vote today, and all judges of the state of Arizona will be amonable to remov al by the people, though opponents of the measure declare that this provision will certainly preclude the acceptance of the constitution by President Taft. With the disposition of the recall, the convention began the final considera tion of numerous measures reported by the revision and compilation commit tees for final passage, and when ad journment was taken for the day all propositions before the convention had been acted upon. Those prohibiting child labor and removing the limit from damages to be recovered by reason of Injury or death were passed unani mously. Other measures adopted were the schedule provided by the enabling act; creating the offices of state exam iner, mine inspector; abolishing the fee system, the militia bill, county gov ernment and mines propositions. An effort was made by Cochise mem bers to have the county measure amended so that a majority of the peo ple of a county could change the lo cation of the county seat, but the ef fort failed. There had been a long fight to wrest the county seat of that coun ty from Tombstone, but the present law prevents. ... Kinney's alien labor measure, prohib iting the employment underground of persons who cannot talk English in telligently, failed on final passage. Lynch. Tuthill and Cobb of Graham county spoke against it, declaring the mines in the Clifton-Morenci district, which employ Mexican miners, would be driven out of business. A motion to postpone indefinitely this measure pre vailed by a vote of 28 to 19^ The anti lobby measure was reduced to a man date to the legislature to enact a law prohibiting lobbying. The provision to bar all except members and employes from the floor was considered too rigid for the constitution. The convention adjourned after adopting the substitute irrigation measure and squelching fur ther attempts of irrigationists to add amendments. _ .*- U. S. DISPUTE PLACED IN KING GEORGE'S HANDS Monarch Will Settle Case Involv ing Chilean Claims LONDON, Dec. King George, as arbiter, tod v received the counter cases in the Alsop claims dispute be tween the United Stats and Chile as presented to the foreign office last summer by American Ambassador Reid and Chilean Minister Gana. It is expected he will render his decision within a month. The United States claims more than $1,500,000 from Chile in satisfaction «f money advanced to the Bolivian gov ernment in 1874 in exchange for con cessions in Arica. Before the agree ment was fulfilled Arica passed to Chile in war. Chile subsequently agreed to assume trie obligations of Bolivia to the Ameri can concessionaires. The matter, how ever has never been settled. REDUCED FAKES TO VISAIJA Account Tulare County Citrus Pair, round-trip will be sold Decem ber 4 to 10 'ncluslve from Los An geles and points north thereof to Vi salla «' one and one-third lowest one way fare for the round trip, .return limit December 12. Inquire at city ticket office, 600 South Spring street. Pasadena office, 148 East Colorado street. m ,m To Arrowhead Springs Fine auto road. Go today. *** Never $3,00 i '_-_B-_HI __pi p^Wpl y _$__kL)I ! -;.?Jrsy Yes! It's the Same Fine Hat $3.00 Everywhere Else Always $2.50 Here r~ """^i La Touche L, 256 S. i Broadway, Near 3rd J \, i 7(kWpCM&m' Seven City Stores 10c a Button, $1.00 a Rip Dutchess Trousers .AAA,' at -rvry' ."„'-.-' F. B. SILVERWOOD'S >A' Sixth and Broadway ChOAK||i>SUIT jf^^'Sr, TZ,i i- *a* i i* yu&mm »_.%■. ___^_t*^irt UNCLE SAM GETS SUDDENLY RICHER November Shows $1,000,000 Surplus Where October Pro duced $5,000,000 Deficit EXPENSES DEEPLY SLASHED Total Shortage for Fiscal Year $20,000,000, as Against $44,000,000 Last Year WASHINGTON, Dec. I.—November i was a highly favorable month for the | treasury. It showed a su«)lus on all i accounts of nearly $1,000,000, where Oc- I I tober had produced a deficit of more than $5,000,000. The working conditions of the na tion's cash drawer show a correspond- | ing Improvement for the month. De cember opened today with a working balance of $34,000,000 on hand and $86,- | 000,000 in the general fund—an im provement of about $2,000,000 in the I cash available for immediate opera- i tions. This condition would seem to Justify Secretary MfacVeagh's confi dence In the treasury's ability to main tain itself for the present without new financing. If the drain of Panama canal expen ditures, which amount to $3,000,000 for the month and which were not Intend ed as a charge on the treasury, could be eliminated from the calculations, November would show a surplus of more than $4,000,000 over, all expendi tures. Pronounced cuts in the government's expenses and a gain of $3,000,000 in the receipts over last month are partly re sponsible for the showing. Customs, internal revenue and other revenue sources made decided gains and brought the month's total up to $58, --470,000. A decrease of $2,000,000 in the civil expenditures, $2,000,000 in the army, $3,000,000 in the navy and other j Items brought the expenditures of No- | vember down to $54,200,000, some $4,000,- i 000 less than the month before. The result of all this is that the total deficit for this fiscal year to date is $20,000,000, as against $44,000,000 this time last year. Pure Drinking Water a Necessity Wise People Drink Puritas Dis tilled Water. They Know It Is Pure and Wholesome. Inexpensive to Use. Five Gallons Cost but 40 Cents. If you want to keep well and strong you must do something more than nourish the body with pure food. You must take care to drink plentifully of pure water. For water haa a double function. Not only does It quench the thirstbut It gives the body an Internal bathkeeps the passages open, the system sweet and clean. In some -lties It Is difficult to get pure water to drink. But this is not true In Los Angeles. Of course, our city water is heavily mineralized, like practically all nat ural waters ln Southern California. These waters flow through an alkaline soil and i mineral salts thus become dissolved ln the water. When these minerals are taken into the body they are not assimilated be assimilated ln this form. They become de posited ln the arteries, a fertile cause of rheumatic and kidney troubles. But it Is easy to get Puritas Distilled Water — Puritas Is absolutely pure, and so Inexpensive that everybody can afford It. We distill Puritas twice. We aerate It with pure ozone. We bottle It in clean glass demijohns so carefully that It reaches you pure. We even wrap the corks of the demijohns In foil ln order that the air, filtering through a porous cork, may not contaminate the pure water within. We deliver Puritas to all parts of the city. ! The price, delivered within the old city boundary lines. Is 400 for five gal lons. At outside points the cost Is a trifle more, owing to the long haul. Regular Puritas customers purchase Coupon Books, thus securing the pure water at a dis count. When you telephone, ask us about these Home 10053. Sunset Main 8191. If you live out of town, you can still se cure Puritas Distilled Water. It Is sold by dealers at most points in Southern Cal ifornia. Should you be unable to secure It readly, communicate with us. LOS ANOELES ICE AND COLD STOR AGE CO. BANKRUPT SALE Creditors Want Their Money at Once Thirty-eight retail and four wholesale stocks of The Continental Sales Co.-for twenty years recognized as the world's greatest Clothiers, with stores from ocean to ocean-are now In the hand, of creditors Four Western stores have been shipped to Los Angeles and will be cold, together with their Los Angeles store at 110 West Third street, for the benefit of creditors. 4000 Men's Suits, 2000 Men's Overcoats, 2500 Men* Cravenette Raincoats, 1500 Boys' Suits, 500 Boys' Overcoats— Thousands of dollars' worth of Men's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes will be sacri ficed for two days. 25c ON THE DOLLAR Actual Selling Value Will Be the Average Price. Fifty-five Cases of Goods Just Unpacked Will Go On Sale Today, (Friday,) 8 o'clock, 110 West Third St. BOYS' SLITS MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S PANTS Over 3000 to select from; most all have Men .„ 800 underwear Wo Men's $2.10 cheviot pants at.... 11.45 Knickerbocker Pants. Men . 7A; ba ibrlggan underwear at ..tic „-_...,„„ worsted mints at -■'« $2.00 wool suits «»c M en's fancy ribbed and combed silk lace Mens »JIJ,J worsted pants at $3.60 wool suits $1.45 weave, underwear $1.15 Men's $3.50 worsted pants, fancy, at...51.8.. $4.50 wool suits $1.05 Men's $1.00 lisle thread underwear at...48c Men's 54.50 hand-tailored worsted pants .$6.00 wool suits $2.83 .itth's $1.00 natural wool underwear at.4oc at. $2.33 $7.00 wool suits $8.43 Men . s jj.d,. lambs' wool underwear at..9Bc Men's $5.00 and $«.00 pants at $?".". !?o 0n n WOOo, 8.,', i, ' :'::::::::_»:?_ ,s,P oo, B'lk llsl°underwear- ln th9 so Men's $6.00 and »7.00 P anu. hand-tail slo.oo wool suits »*.<* needle stitch •••• , >»00 --, _ nd f anC natterns ™i to fit «■• ok $12.00 wool suits $5.50 Men ,„ p or osknit, In long and short sleeves. ored and fancy patterns, cut to fit..s,.!>., MKN'S SLITS ankle and knee length, at I"?" 0 MEN'S OVKRJSHIRTS Men's $12.50 suits at ...'... $3.85 Men's $1.00 broad ribbed underwear at..390 $ ,- pongM BhlrU >g<j Men's $15.»0 suits at $4,85 MEN'S SWEATER COATS $3.00 pongee shirts at .*l.._ M.S'. l'M„ r_l_? *n_'OT-r.-kt.'_r;: $3.00 wool sweater coats... 750 2liB dMen olf , hirtB ;„,. Men's !!?'» tdt. and overcoats at $10 95 »-<> wool sweater °0*" $1.53 «.80 overshlrts. nobby patterns, at.... «3o «_„•! Ulna Suits and overcoats at ■_..._ »5.00 wool sweater coats $2.00 ;; .. 00 »hlrts ln fancy patterns and coat Mens $25.00 and $27.50 cravenette over S^OO wool sweater -oats *-..*- Mo coats.^hand-tailored and made for high s MEN'S HATS $1.25 shirts, silk bosoms, at _.< class trade In the latest patterns.. $11.93 , , 00 soft felt hats 95- MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, T ? iS , !^_„rt'«.r_'o <_?. New Yor". Men's $2.30 felt hats, soft or stiff, at. .$1.25 lOfl white handkerchief. made suits and overcoats from New York s Men , hat , ,„ black una fancy c oi J™ ]|nen handkerchiefs, also fancy leading tailors. org ....... ....$1.75 colored border. 11-4„ MEN'S CRAVENETTE OVERCOATS Men's $4.00 hats In the latest styles at.51.95 250 „ nell handkerchief • l-3o Every one of the following are genuine Men's $5.00 soft and stiff hats In nobby |()fl )lall dkerchiofs l»o Priestley wool coats: . styles and shape $-.43 umatm siiom 121 Priestley cravenettes $5.45 MEN'S SUSrENDERS „._ k «_.-»!» •"»««» 117 50 Priestley cravenettes $1.50 " , . si„ Men's $3.00 shoes ...JI I. $.0 00 Priestley cravenettes $9.00 Men's President style suspenders at 19c Men>i f< 00 , hoe|> „ -9 _ $25 00 Priestley cravenettes $11.45 Men's suspenders ••• •;;;» ..._„„ TT .„„„ ».o.uu jrnoi. j Men's $1.00 fine silk suspenders 43c MISCELLANEOUS A.'- . MEN'S HOSE NECKWEAR FOR MEN 250 Garters ...,$0 ,l^:::::::::::::::,S SSS I^^ &-.ancy-four.nyt.nd 50 b ?.So^^:::::::::-£ 250 wool noee 72 w"' .... 25c 75c caps, men's and boys' ••••--Ums McV. atoT7iikTo.;::::::::::::::::::::l.c If JS_^,__»,_^__^_---,,:::::.:;.....u$ $1.00 summer hat. 15. 110 WEST THIRD STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND SPRING OPEN TONIGHT UNTIE 8; SATURDAY _ NTH. 11 O'CLOCK. \\tt 10571. BDWr.4944^^BROADWAYCOR.4TM. LOSANGELES Bargain Friday Number 569 Waists, Wrappers, Petticoats and Sweaters In the following we briefly list special features in women's waists, wrappers, kimonos, sweaters and petticoats. , $3.75, $3.95, $4.50 AND $5.00 LINGERIE WAISTS $2.50— Comprising; styles so varied that we cannot describe them. Many trimmed with laces and embroideries ; ass't'd sizes. Today, $2.50. Kimonos 15c — Short styles; Petticoats $1.45 — Regularly fleece lined. Regularly 29c $1.95 to $2.95. Real heather and 39c. bloom makes. Wrappers 69 *C egU, la 95 i Shirtwaists 49c-Colored; 85c and $1.00. Made of fleeced yalueg _ materials. Sweaters $2.45 — $3.95 and $5 Net Guimpes 59c — $1.25 and garments; all wool. $1.50 values. Mismatched Comforts 89c for today on these comforts, which are just as good for serv ice but which have been covered by remnants of silkoline, and therefore are the least bit mismatched in some places. Reversi ble—full sice. If perfect they'd sell at about twice the price. Marked for a feature at $1.00. Today, the lowest price of the week, each 89c. BATH ROBE BLANKETS $1.95— $1.50 BLANKETS $1.25 PAIR— Time to buy the blanket and make White cotton; full size; warm and it into a bath robe for His Christ- fleecy. Now marked $1.50, and real mas gift. These in splendid de- ly special at that price. Another signs, today, in the Third Floor feature from the Bedding Depart- Annex, each $1.93. ment— $1.25. Curtains Rugs, Etc. $1.25 Arabian Lace Curtains, 12% c China Matting, 36-in., yd... .0 pair 95c $1.95 Wilton Carpet Samples, 75c Bonne Femme Curtains, each $1.25 each 50c $3.60 36x63-inch Axminster Rugs 12% c Silkoline, 36-in, width... 8»/ 2 c at $2.75 Couch Covers, Oriental, each.. 69c 65c Linoleum, 6 ft. wide, square 25c Fancy Nets, 45-inch, yd— 15c yard 39c 15c Silk Drapery Cords, yard.. 5c $12.50 Brussels Rugs $9.00 60c Drapery Silks, yard 39c Size 9x12 ft. Limit 1 to a customer. 6-ft. Window Shades, each.... 22c $24.50 Axminster Rugs $21.50 All colors. Seconds. Third Floor. Size 9x12 feet. v., I t_^___wmsmmsss—t_ms___-m—s_—-ms_____^mt^^.mtt_~ I Don't Delay Making Your Reservations for the Great International J CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSION TO OLD MEXICO Leaving Los Angeles December 15th. Round trip from Los Angeles $70. Proportionate fares from principal Cal ifornia stations. Return via Santa Fe and Grand Canyon, $6.50 additional. Southern Pacific i Ims Angeles Offices, 600 South Spring Street, and Arcade Station, Fifth and Central Aye. Pasadena Office, 148 East Colorado St. San Francisco, the Exposition City Articles by Itiifns Steele, Governor Gillette, Homer S. King, ]_ E. Connolly. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED IN FULL COLOR Showing- the Cosmopolitan Features and Wonderful Material Progress of San Francisco. The Best You Ever Saw. IN DECEMBER SUNSET MAGAZINE Now on Sale at All News Stands, IB Cents. SEND A COPY TO YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS 3