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FRIDAY MORNING. Los Angeles Herald i A THOMAS I, GIBBON, President nod Editor Entered «~ second das* matter at the postoffice in Loa Angeles. OLDEST MORNING TArEB IN LOS ANOELES. Pounded October 2. 1»73. Thirty-eighth Tear. *•__ Chamber of Commerce Bonding. ____________ .A Phon»»— Sunset Main 8000; Home 10211. ' Th« only Democratic paper In Southern California reoelrlnj full " ' Associated Press reports. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION WITH SUNDAY MAGAZINE Dally, by mall or carrier, a month » •*** Dally, by mall or carrier, three montha 1,6° Dally, by mail or carrier, six months • J- 0* Dally, by mall or carrier, one year ''00 Sunday Herald, one year ■•»» Mexico; elsewhere poatage added, postage free United States and A file of The Loa Angeles Herald can be seen at the office °t our English representatives. Messrs. E. and J. Hardy & Co.. SO. tl and 33 Fleet atreet. London, England, free of charge, and tnat firm will be glad to receive nows, subscriptions and advertisements on our behalf. Population of Los Angeles ' 319,198 A MUNICIPAL NEWSPAPER A MUNICIPAL newspaper such as has been proposed for Los Angeles might or might not be a good thing. Its influence would . be limited unless it were entertaining enough to cause a good demand for it, and some of those who propose it seem to have an inadequate idea of the amount of money, the extent of equipment and the large force of workers needed to collect, prepare and verify the matter and make it interesting. ; Then suppose there should be a slump in the reform movement and the old machine forces should regain control. They could adopt ordi- I nances as they pleased to govern the conduct of the paper. Not only would it have within it large graft possibilities for a few men but it conceivably might be made an agency for misrepresentation and a force to entrench bad officials in power. . If Philadelphia and Denver have municipal papers it does not appear that they have accom plished much. Philadelphia is still in the complete grasp of the worst machine in the country. It gave about 100,000 majority for Penrose's man Tener this fall. Denver has had a housecleamng, but the independent citizens and press brought it about. .'," •', '■• . The hope of politics is a clean and fearless in dependent press, If i">- time ever comes when its members do not for the most part measure up to this requirement, no municipally-owned substitute is likely to effect much. The most potent thing for the 'forces of decency to do is to support clean, honest newspapers and see that they do not play a losing, game if they expose selfish and crooked politics. A lock of Napoleon's hair sold in New York for $45 The price is exorbitant. Any girl will tell you that you can buy a whole mop of extra fine coiffure from a dead Chinaman s head for that figure. SOME GOOD HOLIDAY "RULES" THERE are a few things that all Christmas shoppers who believe in the golden rule should consider and bear in mind, besides the duty of and profit in buying early. Here are some of the important ones: . Buy early The stocks are more varied, prices better for you and clerks have time to give you proper attention. Make up the list of those you must send gifts to now. If you forget any you'll have time to make amends. _ . , i__:„ '„ Buy useful things. Even your rich relatives prefer "these to odd and useless gifts. Send packages that must go by mail or express early They will be more likely to reach their des tinations in good condition. After December 15 will be late. • ... In addressing parcels for mail or express deliv ery write the address plainly and also put your own address on the package, that you may be notified if it goes astray. Be sure your parcels are properly wrapped and securely tied and that your card is with each gift. That is a courtesy that the recipient is entitled to under all circumstances. If in doubt, .send money, if the gift is for a mem ber of your own family. The observance of these admonitions would add about 50 per cent to the sum total of good hu mor in the holiday season and reduce by about the same, degree the bother to yourself that is incident to the annual custom of gift-giving. A Kansas preacher is trying to prove Moses didn't write the Pentateuch. If that matter isn't settled yet we despair of any settlement of the tariff question in this century. DANCING MADE ELOQUENT THE present season at the Los Angeles houses of amusement is already a notable one for the high class and variety of attractions offered to the public. The past few weeks have forced this fact to public attention with a series of brilliant events, both musical and dramatic. Particularly is this true of offerings that appeal to the intellect and the artistic senses. Simul taneous^ with the close of a remarkable run of grand opera we had Nazimova -i Ibsen plays, then an all too brief visit from Ellen Terry in Shakes pearean lecture-acting, and now the Imperial Rus sian ballet and the classic Russo-Greek dances, all of them, it is gratifying to say, received with the ' discrimination and enthusiastic patronage that at tend their appearance in the oldest cities that as sume a superiority in the matter of cultme. A worthy link in this chain of attractions is the .Russian troupe now at the Auditorium. _ We are given a hint of what it means to provide such things in the information that it cost Manager Behymer $24,000 to make ready for the first per formance, but fortunately Mr. Behymer's venture bids fair to prove not unprofitable. No such danc ing, ii it may properly be so called, ever has been seen in America. It is an art which had been lost and which, happily, has been found again. .Mine. Pavlowa, M. Mordkin and their attendants at the court of Terpsichore have made dancing eloquent; have discovered and disclosed new-old meaning in the wave of an arm, the pointing of a toe, the toss of a head. And because it is harmonious their pantomime is universal, as understandable as music itself. The moon is said to be 17,000 miles nearer the earth than usual. May he trying to get a glimpse of that curious phenomenon, the upward fall in prices. Editorial Page _f 15he Henald LOS ANGELES AS IT ISN'T JOSH BILLINGS' observation that "it is bct-j ter not to kno so menny things than to kno so menny things that ain't so" never had a more direct application than to the Scranton (Pa.) Tribune-Republican, whose issue of November 22 contains the most remarkable editorial description this city has ever had, and it has had a good many. The Scranton paper tells its readers that "it might be well to explain," and then it "explains" after this fashion (we omit the unesscntials) : "The city seeks only those who have plenty of money to spend. "A promoter with a project leading to the establishment of an industry that would be liable to attract the middle classes to the city in any great numbers would receive a chilly welcome in Los Angeles. "It is a city of wealthy idlers. "The people who have settled in Los An geles during the past decade will not be af fected by any changes of government. Tariff tinkering will not paralyze industries of the city. "Everything in the line of living is high in Los Angeles and everybody has the price. "The people who supply the cash to run the town made it somewhere else and they have gone there to play. "A few laboring people are necessary to wait upon the wealthy tourists and perma . nent settlers. "The .humble toiler in coarse working garment does not cut much of a figure. "Those who conduct the resort are press agents without peers in the wide world." To all of which this "resort" must first say "Ouch!" If the Scranton commentator had ab sorbed his long-range information correctly Los Angeles would be the most remarkable city of modern times and would be in a fair way to back ancient Babylon off the historical boards. It ought to be his ambition to see a community of 319,198, in which 319,000 are wealthy idlers and 198 the laboring people, and when lie comes to gratify the curiosity and see the world's largest collection of fat-necks there is a shock ready for him as great as his own slap on our wrist. He will find in a town that he says discourages industry some 1850 manufacturing establishments (to which a $10,000,000 steel plant is about to be added) employing $30,000,000 of capital. He will find a harbor on which the people have voted to spend ten millions of their own money to promote trade and commerce. Its annual business is now $650,000,000. He will find the world's greatest municipal aqueduct building, at a cost of $23,000,000, for the purpose largely of generating a vast amount of hydro-electric power to attract and foster capital invested in manufacturing and make more work for the "humble toiler in coarse working gar ments," who is already here by the thousands, and in fact in the majority. * , He will find here the headquarters of the great est oil producing field in the world, producing 60, --000.000 barrels annually. He will find here the western headquarters of two of the great transcontinental railway systems. He will find a wholesale trade with the south west and Mexico of $300,000,000 annually. He will find $20,000,000 being spent yearly for buildings, the largest part of it for buildings to provide for the growing business of the city. If it is an offense to have in our matchless cli mate, in our twenty-two ever-blooming parks, our $3,500,000 good roads system, in our seaside re sorts and our beautiful hotels magnets that draw thousands of tourists and other thousands of well to-do settlers we cannot hope to disarm the preju dice of our Pennsylvania critic. But we must ask him to pause and let this question have free course through his mind and a candid answer, at least to himself: What does he think keeps going the great en terprises that we have briefly sketched in these lines? A year ago England was panicky with fear of a German invasion. Since the demonstrations of the suffragettes it is believed that the Germans are the ones who are most afraid. Gen. 1". D. Grant thinks we ought to have an army of 250,000. And it is probable that "General" Madero holds the same sentiments down in Mex ico with regard to his forces. The managers of the next Mexican revolution are going to find it hard to persuade us to follow their movements unless they improve the spelling of their battlefield names. "Walter Wellman announced a lecture in New York and only two persons bought tickets. It must have made Walter wonder why the Trent rescued him. Now, if the shippers succeed in forcing the rail roads to be fair, are they in turn going to be. fair with the ultimate consumer? In brief, the Mexican revolutionists intimate if they can have more ballots they won't care so much about the bullets. Perhaps we do the meat barons an injustice. They may be holding back the price reductions for a Christmas present. Eastern Maoists, after seeing Los Angeles county weather arid roads, wish they had brought their autos along. General Diaz had better take the ban off the bull fights or there will be genuine cause for a popular uprising. More and more of the tourists arc becoming sojournists, and the latter are becoming remain ists. The committee of arrangements for the local aviation meet appear to be somewhat up in the air. Fruit growers of all kinds in Southern Califor nia report that this year's crop is a peach. The San Francisco Sun was bright and well named. Its total eclipse is a misfortune. If you can't do better than that, make out your list today and start in on Monday. Pity the Jailed Rich in Nebraska! V^' t^l \ JmM^M J \ &>™ £ rr Four wealthy cattlemen, sentenced in Nebraska for illegally fencing government land, have been allowed to choose the jail in which they will serve their sentences, and to furnish it to suit their own ideas of comfort.—News Item. THE HERALD'S PUBLIC LETTER BOX CAN THIS BE TRUE? Editor Herald: A young woman car rying in her arms a two-months-old baby boarded a Garvanza car the other day. Do you imagine any man, or woman offered the woman a seat? No. She stood, holding the baby in her arms, and never a man or woman of fered her a seat. Now what do Herald readers think of. that? AVENUE FIFTY-THREE. Los Angeles, Cal. LETTER FOR GEORGE GORDON Editor Herald: George Gordon, whose communication appeared in The Herald Letter Box a few days ago, has a letter addressed to him at the South Pasadena postoffice, which can not be delivered as the address is not sufficient. The writer, who is Interest ed in. his affliction, merely as sym pathizer, might help to point a way out of his difficulty. M. A. F. Log Angeles, Cal. KANSAS AND PROHIBITION Editor Herald: Speaking of Kansas people riding around ' in automobiles and of their presenting such a show of wealth, reminds me that if they continue Inforclng strict prohibition laws as they have during the past few years it won't be long till they will be sailing about in airships and dropping silver dollars down on some of the states, where they are needed, to feed drunkard's wives and children- on, while the hu- >ands and fathers serve out priron sentences or lie around saloons. W. S. BURROUGHS Ontario, Cal. THE TROUBLE IN MEXICO Editor Herald: A cartoonist in a newspaper pictures the United States as an eagle, with an extremely vicious look, threatening Mexico, represented as a little rooster standing on a smok ing bomb. This is silly. Why should our republic threaten the Mexican revolutionists, who are only trying to throw oil an Intolerable tyranny and make their country a republic in fact as well as in name? It will be the height of wickedness if Uncle Bam steps in to coerce the Mexicans into continuing to live under a tyranny which would not be borne by Ameri cans for a single day. LIBERTY. Pasadena, Cal. DECRYING VICTOR BERGER Editor Herald: Your editorial speak ing of Victor Berger eating pie out of his hand, stating that someone had ob jected to his style of eating, and your humorous reply: "Whose hand should he eat it 'out of."' reminds me that there are a few in this glorious country of ours who are taking the very bread out of the mouths of thousands of poor men, women and children and who are looked upon as shrewd business men. And these shrewd fellows will do everything In their power to handicap such men as Victor Berger because he believes in every man having an equal chance In this life; because he is op posed to a few men owning this coun try and everybody In it. It is to be hoped the people will come to under stand thai Socialism docs not mean the dividing up of what people now have, but that It menus the dividing of chances of getting what is to be had; that Instead of earning $5 and getting $1 as Is now often the case, mankind will get the actual worth of their toll. MORE-A-COMIN. Los Angeles, i 'ai. FIGHT OVER THE HERALD Edit Herald: The boys in the county jail, attaches as well as the prisoners, have petitioned me to sub scribe for another copy of The Herald lor the reading room. We already take your paper but they light over it every mornin w in preference to the others and in order to keep the peace I see nothing ahead but add another copy of The Herald to our reading room. We have found It a bright, newsy and en tertaining sheet. f. GEORGE GALLAGHER. County Jailer. County Jail, Los Angeles. VIOLATION OF LAW CHARGED Editor Herald: The members of the butter and egg trust met yesterday and decided that eggs were too high and reduced the price 5 cents per dozen. I respectifully call the attention of District Attorney Fredericks to this fact and to the fact that such a trust exists and that the case is fully cov ered by the Sherman act and the Cart wright law. If he wants proof let him visit" the cold storage warehouses and see the million, of pounds of butter and dozens of eggs that are held for higher prices. Or is he under such obligations to "the Interests" that the i people cut no Ice? Let us wait and sje if he acts. SOLOMON TEMPLE. San . ernando, Cal. SOCIALISM AND THE HOME Editor Herald: That Socialism will destroy the home is such an old gag It Is hardly worth one's notice, but when one proves such Ignorance of the meaning of Socialism as did the writer who signs herself "Mother" in the Let ter Box of November .2, I cannot re frain from saying a few words. I would like to ask the dear sister what is destroying the home today? If she will go Into the slum or tene ment districts of any largo city she will find places of abode that can scarcely be called home. A shanty with a bed of straw,' a broken stove and a few tumble-down chairs, is not a home, but simply a place to drop into after a day of toil. Even our good homes cannot be fully enjoyed by a man worn with long hours of toll, or a woman whose household duties make her a slave., The rich may have pal aces, but while the father's time is spent in planning to squeeze more profit out of his employes, and the mother is worn with society cares, the home cannot be ideal or the children unselfish. We are told that In New York city there are 90,000 bedrooms without a window. Today there are about 8,000,000 women out in the world struggling for bread. Can these women care prop erly for homes and families? There are 3,000,000 children working in mills, miles and factories. Would they be there If they had good homes? Last summer in Chicago and New York babies died by the hundreds because of impure milk. If our homes are perfect, why so many divorces? Many men today do not dare marry because under the present high cost of living and low wages they are afraid they cannot maintain a home. — Socialism will not destroy the home, but lather give to all an opportunity to have a home by giving to every worker the full product of his toll. It will take children out of factories and place them In schools. it will give everybody a chance to develop tho best there Is within. MARY THRASHER. j Los Angeles, Cal. A A QUESTION Editor Herald: The prize fight mov ing picture trouble Is all over and the only sound argument that has been advanced against the pictures is that prize fights are not legal in this state. Why are murder pictures permitted in our theaters? Is It because murder Is legal in this state? H. D. BYRNE. Pasadena, Cal. THE CASE OF FRED WARREN Editor Herald: There are so many Interesting paragraphs and communi cations to the Letter Box that ono is tempted when taking up the morning Herald to trespass on time Intended for other matters. But after all the Letter Box discussions and the interesting editorials are so gratifying to those interested in the Important subjects of these stirring • times that it pays for the time spent. The editorial remarks about Social ists and what they want to do can but command respect, coming as they do from the organ of another party. Such wero the pleasant thoughts suggested by reading lately the good things in The Herald. But I should not be true to myself If I put down my pen and said no more. I must ex press disappointment when I came to a paragraph which in a few words an nounced such an important matter as the fact that a hero and martyr, Fred D. Warren, haM to go to Jail. It was not a surprise, the writer being famil iar with the various unsuccessful at- tempts to find him guilty of a viola tion of law. The first accusation against Warren was dismissed for want of evidence to sustain it. Then came an order from Washington to reopen the case; and later a trial by jury, not of his. peers, as is lawful, but composed wholly of Republicans, some of whom were opposed to him before called to serve on the jury. He was sentenced by a judge who said; "When tills case was presented I was in doubt whether there hud been a violation of law. ... I am still In doubt," but submitted to the de mands from Washington and passed sentence. Instead of a speedy trial tho Warren case had, by the prosecu tion, been postponed again and again from May, 1907, until November, 1910, when the appellate court, after a de lay of many months (doubtless wait ing until after election), decided that Warren must go to jail. ( That a man'who unselfishly devotes the best years of his llfo for the emancipation, or, if you please, what he considers to be for the emancipa tion of the producers of all wealth, the men, women and children of the coun try, should be by a partisan Jury and Judge condemned to pay a tine of $1500 and to go to prison for six months must, It would seem, be a matter of great interest to every voter, and, In deed, to every resident lest he should have to suffer the same injustice. And could not The Herald, that evinces so much sympathy for the widow and orphans, and a disposition to be Just to political opponents, find something to say in condemnation of the un precedented and unconstitutional ' con duct of the Warren case, for which not tho Democrats, but Republicans and the Republican president, are respon sible? M. V. LONGLEY. South Pasadena, ('al. m » » 1 ROCKING THE BOAT Borne atatcsmon are so flip or lata , They want to rock the ship '■ Of state. - A '-.:'<:» ■; - Kansas City Journal. , DECEMBER 2, 1910. What the Tariff Costs You fCharles Johnson Post. In N. Y. World.) TAXING YOUR FLOORS The bride and groom were figuring up on carpets, rugs, matting for the little apartment. For the kitchen, oil cloth—oilcloth, let us see: Oilcloth Is tariff-taxed 6 cents a square yard and IB per cent additional. Linoleum—linoleum wears hotter—B cents a square 'yard and ln addition 15 per cent. The hall Ik a bit dark and a cheap carpet will not be noticed. A two-ply Ingrain carpet is tariff-taxed 18 cents a square yard and ln addition 40 per cent; a treble ingrain, 22 cents a square yard and in addition also 40 per cent, ' For the parlor a Brussels, and a Brussels carpet is tariff-taxed 44 cents a square yard and 40 per cent In addition. Try a moquette, a Saxony or a Wil ton and the tariff tux Is taxing your floors 60 cents a square yard and in addition to that 40 per cent. . There is not a carpet known, made of cotton or wool, that pays less than 40. per cent, and always In addition to that is the tariff tax per square I yard, never less than 18 cents a square I yard and in one case HO cents a square yard. The cork mat for the bathroom Is tariff-taxed 30 per cent. Even the cheapest matting for the bedroom Is tariff-taxed S" = cents a square yard. • ■ , Therefore the bride and groom will economize. They will look up rugs. Let us see: Jute rugs for their floor are tariff taxed 8 cents a square yard nnd 30 per cent tn addition. A cotton rug, 50 per cent. An Oriental iii& is tariff-taxed SO cents a square yard and in addition 40 per cent. A Tournay velvet rug, 60 cents a square yard and 40 per cent. A linen horse-rug but 45 per cent in all. Better fit up the stable first and live there—it's cheaper. The bridegroom lays the above with tariff-taxed tacks and a hammer that is tariff-taxed 45 per cent, on yellow pine floors taxed $2.37t_ a thousand board feet, over a carpet lining In which the cotton and paper are both heavily taxed. Next spring he will beat tho carpets with a carpet-beater tariff-taxed 35 per cent. Far and Wide POLITICAL AMENITIES Congratulations nro the order of, tho day. Woodrow Wilson having been congratulated by his defeated rival congratulates the latter In turn on "his handsome conduct all through the campaign." Such Chesterfleldtan amen> itles soften politics and prevent poli tics from becoming brutal.—Boston Transcript. IN SELF-DEFENSE Since learning the late King Chula longkorn of Slam left over 1000 widows and children we are not surprised that ho finally decided to leave the earth.— Youngstown Telegram. , SAGAMORE HOLE The report that Oyster Bay has been rechristened Blue Point is probably somewhat egaggerated. Sagamore Hill, however, is now spoken of, we believe, as Sagamore Hole. MONTANA! Both sides in Montana declare there have been frauds. In the light of po litical history of the copper region It Is fair to assume that both are right.— Philadelphia Ledger. A BAD BEATING We admit, voluntarily, that in some parts of the country the Republicans' sustained a worse defeat than even the Cubs suffered. .' ONLY CARRYING IT TO THE LIMIT The women abuse the men scandal ously, It seems to us, but we notice they keep right on marrying them.— Topeka Capital. PEACE The election is over now and a man Is not necessarily a liar just because he happens to differ from you in his political opinions.—St. Paul Dispatch. MARYLAND IS SUSPICIOUS We entertain a good deal of doubt whether New England Invented pump kin pie. It is too good.—Baltimore Sun. A HEARTY LAUGH Being the day's best joke from the news * '' exchanges. • * Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, at a luncheon at the New York Yacht club, told a story about a very rich and very proud Bostonlan. "He used, to visit me with his fam ily," said Mr. Vanderbilt, "and In his pride he always brought a host of serv ants with him. Naturally It was rather [ a tax on one's room. "But one Tannksgivlng he must have felt prouder than ever. He swooped down on my farm with valets and chauffeurs—a regular army. I was rather put to It to house that multi tude, but I said nothing till the dessert' came on at dinner. Then l shouted across the table in a loud, hearty voice: » " 'I say, Endicott, I hope your under gardener is better?' • • "My under-gardener? What do you mean?' he asked, In astonishment. 'So far as I know, the man Is not oven ill.' . " 'Oh, I thought he must bo,' said I, 'or you'd havo brought him along.' "—a New York World.