8 INSURGENTS ARE GUESTS OF TAFT Cummins, Borah and Others at White House, but Peace Conference Fails tAMoclateOT NEAR A leading member of the progressive wing In tho senate was asked for an expression as to the outlook for bring ing the regulars and insurgents to gether. He shook his head. "Such a thing Is possible, he de clared, "but it certainly is not prob ftThis opinion was echoed by others. At the White House it was not ad mitted that President Taft was mak ing a special effort to bring the in*\ir gents into line. It was declared with a great deal of emphasis that Messrs. Cummins, Borah and Bristow had been Invited to call only as a part of the president's plan to consult as many as possible of the senator* and congress men regardinng recommendations in his message and the legislative pro gram for the coming session. "The fact that this is the short ses sion of congress, with the time for legislative action limited, will not pre vent the bringing of important legis lative proposals to the attention of the countrty and concrrcss.' said Sen ator Cummins shortly after leaving the White House. The senator gave the first outline of the program that is to be followed by the so-called progressives In the ses sion that opens Monday. It is the plan of these members to urge the further consideration of a tariff commission law sim Oar to that embodied in the Beveridge bill and to draw attention again to measures for further control of common carriers. "It is not probable that any meas ures of first importance can be passed by congress at this session," said Sen- t@ Wb trcflS^^ S!ock UA£AI Airl/la3 Jil/AL '^«?s#l I . at fifth st. BROADWAY AT FIFTH ST. R P J V^MK4JP^ From the basement up, everything is ready for Christmas. The greatest, most Interesting :^kM*Q2S jiff Ready i^aijep rADiq WAL KER CO Mil BCKT CAOIQ U/AI KPR TO V BRllfrh'lV find most fascinating stocks we have ever shown await you here this year. Start your ffij^i-fljmftpj [nW3& , Yt*T\ lQi VTMLRSn %»V/j, > nUaCi < rAn,liJ, WALI\Kn UW.J W^BWp'''^a3L^ A shopping early, so that you may have ample choice before assortments become broken. In i^fgSMiS'j'j^^^ i ~sl JEWEL CASES AND VASES>^^^ IACE goifflnTshe'd YewelTases. In Heavy mßl£\ eI^ST chara^teViuc 'of*' thT Fifth *#$*jj> Sfl^P Sy'n^w 'i££t£ t\Zl¥ iTZnTspw C^» raised designs; satin lined. Also BT~ M B *^EBVBW&*%KM «£*&&*+' \S™s> Street Store, are more note- &&&' WL effects; edges and insertions to match; V* "^ M* ment of splendid pieces for gifts; $1 %Jf *& j SAVE BY SHOPPING BTO 9 TOMORROW saleprice>yardonly '•" — * fur sets $5.00 i?ip|i^ %^%r^z. SK'ST'S 55253?2 RE^J5!EEi^il $l!° V IV'WW „ ", ,m i/« ; •*•/# itv;saleBto9 J- ished with plain band; | A st ripe and self-figured effects; "n Q '■ ,' P a ' IMC Gloves arc always acceptable gifts and Beautiful Black Caracul UlttS o^j . yard _ Jj£ li m i t 2, Bto9, at lif C choice of brown, navy, wine, myr- Otoy,at . 1 «*•/ V hero are the beßt jrnjnen kid gloves Mon- -^ I*^o ' *?^ v. Q.IIVO to Be Aovrcciated ,r 'i ' ,'j.'",' "' m j „■, o a t^i.n I inirt«r Yard tie, tan reseda, rose, lavender, 10c Drapery Cretonne — Fan- d fty f or 11.50. Finished with overseam M-ITi \r& 1S& A wonderful o^portunit^Monday tT secure ,15c Longcloth-3 to 10-yd. 35c Sateen Lining-Yard gky . plnk . ivory, etc.. >« «d^Q cy figure F d designs; in a wide or pique .ytchlng: 2-claep wrist; all the Hw^S ( Jt?<§m ; f"urTts rtrha.f pHce.' Muff and lengths; perfectly . woven; wide, highly «««"«<*• 27 inches. Great value. «to»4»C vari A v of color, and pat- new shade?and all . (M . : very special at /JjEjjJ j*4§mMm 60-lnch throw or neckpiece to match; made fine, smooth quality; Q black, brown, emerald tan, 65c A ND 850 DRESS GOODS- -„. 12 d »j ii.bo. &TWI /SBBBHH of fine black caracul, richly lined with yard, Bto 9, for UC gray, pink, rose, sky 1 A Serges, Panamas and tannisette; "™s • > •' Bky> ' Inahogany finißh _ line bristle in black, tan gray and champagne; also I^W^ f/ffLs'^TP3^ 54-inch throw or neckpiece of fine Russian ih , pleated flounces white or pray, with fancy lnk lvory 'etc. 3fi to 50 inches brushes; limit one to a customer; French lambskin gloves In black, brown. W*lsW*' BQiilrrel: satin lined; voi^Btyllsh and Borne- B!««.nrj«?i 2 q c border ; limit 2, 25c wide; 4 to" 8-yard .'r°:....39c Bto 9 tomor- $1.10 J«n and pearl. All perfect; $1 and $1.2» s^^ JsP&g¥ thing that T.-111 prove a lasting reminder of Jull cut; limit t, 8 Jto ' ... .ZSC yard. Bto 9 JVC row $I.IU lines, 69c. - *-*-~ fcf^ *N» the giver. Save one-third Monday; sale $5. to y, at LtyJK, °to y, Mlv • * •'- uvv - • : ____^^^._^^.^.^___^.^_^ Ten Dollar Da}? on TAe Second F/oor Monday i. . i^?*^ Handsome New Suits and Coats—Lovely New Dresses at | Price. Regular $18.50, $20 .^s^§§§s|:«^ff(ffißffi&V $9/5 Q /fTSI women's slightly fleece -,_ __—«« a ™r™»«i,i t m /IPA/H I 1/>I I»J CIIM \il 1 m yir^lLi ! Iffk. ¥&" KJ'U&MI} i|P»«* r>'^ lined, jersey ribbed, high flraCa ,^-pyyy^y^SE.. Ai.st;LcPVr«-g/l* B 1 M, l# \i Mm I^^^»^ neck and long sleeve vests J^% li /ss%W\ "Son of the win(i-" ,by <^v\)frK^ _ i , » y-.» • j UL. lira 111 H I fill H B i Iwl Plain and Wale SergC, /fLwi\*Xsl fjfflf garments; hlrh necn yM?a||||9'\|| C«r>«;r I nVF and scores.of other new fm\ ««' satin lined, finished with notched <««SSG:iA* ""^ worßted9, n tweeds, cheviots and »'-:< :s%^)gW lons s'feve r .*" a IB^fßSw^ /Mm Ml" "\f $180 copyrights hero at if": - f 'X-cf / or soft rolled collar of cloth or >|L__^^^^^^^«BBMBa(Bil|BSi«siiii»MlrrW broadcloth; lined with splendid I] ■ WwKjmT "lai 51/ C iWi^ Popular rt*»»rt. U * outlaw.' l,y I'/ f# r" 1"'0"""'""'"0' 1' ■—, A - o . n nT , n — -i n . ' njilf.".ppllau^, dr.w. wltk Emerson Hough. The Purple r ar.\.,oi. ioy j j ij^ _ _ „ — — __ _-.- . —. W, J i 1! kl# ribbon; paut» ankle length; full slca c/i- McCutcheon; "Tn« Shepherd of the Hills, g ■•. •:. J V»|" f— thf\t\ J (t*OE C-IL W/^«l Ilti/lAO/I0 _mi » l^fl S«rment«; priced now OUC gr^jySt 7 T %^ L'^' a"d 07 r8- ,; g j ii^i x S2O and $25 bilk Wool messes itly#%v Mi 19c Hose We Rlleys $1.25 Gift Books $1.08 I f,. f f~\ ,]\ JJ one -piece styles of fine taffeta and meuallne silk; all-wool flf ;J f \|f\ H "'Mf I^CnOSeiUC ■ Including "Songs o' Cheer." "Songs of Sum- 'r :: 11 1 ' ;; / I IH\ v"^te =-rges and poplins; a wealth of exquisite new styles; some mI • : 111 l|l I "jf^a 60 dozen pairs women's mer." "Songs of Home" 'Child Rhymes ! ; jj Will I; 1 fh.ifr,, d with yokes an 1 sleeves of lace, while others have wide pleatK Hff II \h.] \ j., U.| line cotton stockings in and other*. Very appropriate gifts v|] If ill I i'iJ "',' ' re braided" a number of attractive deelgnß; still others strictly || 14 1/ V ' j|| a wonderful sale to- /^?«^?^n - ' ■ '••'■••■ :'"• UU | \VV7 "" . i • black navy brown, wine, gray wistaria, old rose. || ', morrow: Mack. tan J^LLL\Vtt«( ff—B^^^ &- Ml": I I Ai X^^ bS! r:tc. "SST^SVtit value, we have ever offered. ,20 and JifiL I;|fl j blue, pink, white, green. A&|£g^l 111 C-.IRL I LOVKD '"J." "Hock of Anns," I 1 ?23 drosses $10. ..^ __^___^ M '.'■■.\;\ heel and toe; cut full >J?>|STgHJl^ \f A) i~f\r*J~\*ll& "Lead, Kindly Lieht," ■■; >■ !I —— ■ ■ - ««^» _ t"r en #oe C...'«. *f^f f *- '* T^SI^B »i"; regular 19c val- Xit^iifMi f**~Jfd n GOWW&& "Christm astide." and ft 4 *- cq Coats $5 $5 Coats $1.98 $15 Dresses $7.50 $25 Suits $14 ues ioc. • i r**iPkH jfl • /i;/j,. n ', tO/. «»/? W-^mrN&ni J k IraSM Boys' Books SOc I f i Full-length coats of fine black A great hour sale; Bto9. 34 Stylish all-wool. dresses at Nobby new shadow «triped| gk oj ,f|f |;iffi^ 25c Hose 10c flWWifa / 9 \§msls -DeMo yr/ an ? 1 Bherlda" 11 ■ *V;? 1* |M kerBe cloth; smartly trlm" 8"d -lnCh Btr $1.98 7 $15 Dresses $7.50 $25 broadcloth and mix- \*; ;.*m\f3r Heavy ribbed cotton: MW* > IIKSmA Boys' Books SOC 1 ,1 Full-length coats of flne black A great hour sale; Bto9. 34 Stylish all-wool dresses at Nobby new shadow striped i IL Children , 19c and Mgptf \ MSB/ Boou. by famous writer. !: MPvLv , I(rth . ,n,,riiv Hn, and 18-lnch strictly tailored half price; fine French serg* and plain serge cheviot, I ,; f ? *gff 25c Hose 10c f/jfWk > \WK»JS -DeMuVgan. Sheridan, kersey cloth, smjiu tlj trim- and .16 lncn Bincuy * and baUste . , Q Bmart one . worBte d, broadcloth anfl mix- f I Heavy ribbed cotton: M JNT t n V"3Ka? Lounsborry, Alger, coop- ll;'; *• fll mcd with braid; exceptional- coats of fine covert .and blade i ee e models; finished with tures; full satin lined; colors V^i KWmMMgP durable stockings, in m/Aj&SSSSJi W «g» • er, etc. Top books at 60c. \)\ \ .MBS lv well finished and a won- broadcloth; regular $5 val- lace yokes; trimmed with black, navy, brown, olive, \ &JF black ,or M talJ,: , mad - M^^^^^^J I ~»- "l^tner 1 .^iT,;.;,' 6%gR?S!rW^ derful value Monday; 200 ues. No phone orders; Bto braid; black and colors; $1G tan gray and mixtures; $23 S^*^ to.^exc'.'fflonal 26c and *^ it'JJgSSJTj, I aifi srrl'-s: ■Wvurue *&0^ $7.50 black coats only $5. 9 only *1.98. '"'-"■■« $.-00- '"ll^l4 " IC^ J !■»»'lines 100. Fairy Tale 3" and others. V. ■ mmt^t^m^mmm^mmmmmammmmmmimmmmmmmmmm^mmmimmmmma^a^^m^mmmmm^t^ma^^mn^m^mmm^^i^mamt^mi^m^ I^^»»^—.^^^.^^^i^—■■—^—^^ ator Cummins. "Those of us who are known as progressives will stand firm ly, however, for the consideration of a tariff commission bill and the en actment of legislation that will place the tariff commission upon what we term a satisfactory basis. "We will urge the adoption of a res olution for the election of senators by direct vote of the people; the passage of a measure providing for tho valua tion of the physical property of rail roads and common carriers and an in quiry into the investment represented in the properties of common curriers. We will also urge the enactment of a law to limit the issuance of stocks and bonds of common carriers. "It Is unlikely that many of these measures will make actual progress at this session, but all consider itlon given them will be so much gained. "There will be less work to do at another time." SOUTHLAND TO SHOW CATS OF HIGH DEGREE Preparations have been completed for the fifth annual show of tho Cos An- Keles Cat club In Pan tapes theater building; December S, 9 and 50. Per haps one of the most conspicuous fea tures Will be tho number of exhibitors from Pasadena, Lamanda Park, Ocean Park, Glendale, San Bernardino, I'layft del Key, Monrovia. Alhambro, Santa Barbara, Eagle Rock, Santa Ana, Whlttler, f^in DlegO and Long Beach. Among the exhibitors will be Mrs John D. Mercer, Mrs. J. Troelick, Mrs. Zoe B. Fuller. Miss V. L. Franklin, Mrs. B. M. Gaylord, Mrs. (irace M. Gaylord, Mrs. R. Gromes, Mrs. J. E. Gorham, Mrs. J. C. Glrton, Miss Clnrl bel Henderson. Mrs. A. W. Hazen. Mrs. Barnard A. Henke, Mrs. G. Hackley, Miss E. K. Harrison. Mrs. J. B. Hen drlckson, Mrs. J. B. Jnrrett. Mrs. Col cock Jones, Miss Catherine Jasper, Mrs. C. A. King, Mrs. J. V. Kissinger. Mrs. H. L. Kimhall, Mrs. M. E. Lom bard, Mrs. A. F. Miller. Mrs. A. M. Moore and Mrs. A. B. Merihew. Among the delegates to the show will be the officers of the Western Cat as sociation, H. A. Steams, Pasadena, secretary-treasurer: Mrs. E. T. Kid- well of Los Angeles, recorder; Dr. G. H. Hlndley, Carpinterla. Mrs. Selmyn find Miss Webster will be the dele gates from the Santa Barbara Cat club. Thp Los Angeles Cat club has been especially fortunate In the beautiful challenge cups and special prizes of fered In this show, which will be one nf the most artistic ever held in the west. Among the cups are that of the Los Angeles Cat club for the best long haired cat: the "S. B." cup for the lie^t orange cat; the Kldwell cup for the best brown tabby; the C. C. Park cup for a blue-eyed white male: the Steams cup for n blue, the Moore cup for an orange tabby, the Hendrlckson cup for a golden-eyed white, the Flem ming cup for a tortoise shell, by Mrs. Leland Norton for Col. Dunham In memory of Miss Prances Willard's famed "Toots," the temperance cat, and the Kola memorial for a black fe male. The officers of tho Los Angeles Cat club are: President, Mrs. K. T. Kid well- vice presidents, Mesdames J. S. Flendriekson, C. C. Park and E. P. Car ter: secretary, Mrs. J. T). Mercer; treasurer, .AT. A. Dyer: directors. 11. A. Steams and Mrs. E. T. Kldwell. The show manager is Mrs. C. D. Weston; ,lud V et elegant and IV^PwaNiitt \ heavy. . The socks Of lisle §OSr$'•SSURr' silk, foot shaped. Hand- ' y^^'l^'SswoZ*ii'*x[ kerchief of soft Japan silk "Wl!f'^" :^''^ji^^^. I ~man size. iiiimi (7 In snappy new tones of red, blue, brown, old rose & "0 and gray. A gift of refine \JJp J_ ment that a fellow will enjoy many a day after and Up Christmas. Pick early. The Office Boy This only world would be a hollow old world indeed If it wasn't for the mirror of memory. ■',;., —make it a point to shop tomorrow ROYAL ARCH NOTIFIES SALOONMEN TO KEEP LAW NoUee, In the form of circular letter*. Is being sent to all th» saloonkeeper* of Lou Angeles, calling attention Id section « o( the new city liquor ordinance, which pro hibits the spiling of Intoxicants to pernonii lens than 21 yearn old or allowing: IntoilOHted persons In the plaoo of business. The let ters are signed by William Halter, val. com.; W. B. Hutchlnson, recorder, and H. H. Golfl schmldl, chairman of the committee of the Royal Arch. Requests are made that the proprietors of Places where liquor Is retailed see that tlie ordinance Is obeyod to the letter. CARPENTER "HURT BY FALL R. R. Miller, 88 years old, a carpenter liv ing at J3« Maple avenue, was treated at the receiving hospital yesterday f"r a broken arm received when he fell from a scaffolding at Tenth and Hill streets. |M^fil I [^—^^ Christmas Problem of all! || J/wPtmß Yet it is possible to obtain gifts |:| l^flly\iffl^ for babies> aside from uick'y W fj^JXT-A broken toys, and easily torn M l\lf/ym^m books, that will be appreciated I; I 111 Mm m by the y°unBsters and their H 4l ' wk ffl A Stcrlln 8 Silver Mug, 11 i P^^*^ ' I beauty, may be had here for as little iH! ' I T^^\ Wi of mother-of-pearl, with a sterling sliver |§| I i'W^M R3 handle, or of sterling silver throughout, {Xl I I i'l^fc) I with prettily tuned sliver bells. Wouldn't mi 1 I 'L^^S fsl ' such a gift be appreciated? There are |J v I //^/6r\ Sal styles here as Inexpensive as $1. r^J i \lm« Wi of nterllnff silver, daintily patterned, dell- |5,j £ llff cately wrought. Surely an Ideal remcm- fca r''ySbS\ II ' EmL brance. Priced at $1 or more. p.O Wj 2? are only a few of the other Ideas offered. KB I I MM All priced very moderately. All depend- Es] i jM- c? TJ Jls \ 1 JLj TT"V f'3 Kg 353 So. Broadway |/J i