Newspaper Page Text
Good People tod mi Patronize Herald Want Colniins-YoßiYcßcadiiglhcmNow. BoYOTPatroMlzeTSiem? Classified Business 'Directory Ready reference list of responsible business firms. Consult it frequently for profit. Live business firms advertise, and their ad vertisements are simply invitations direct to you. Patronize Herald advertisers. ASSAYING * — I Iil!■ l_ ~i_ i,_ -, i—,_,-,_ i i. i | "ii |_ i~!_ n_i -i .. . _Il_ I I"I JOHN HERMAN, 26214 S. MAIN. NOT SAT _l»ftctlon. but accuracy guaranteed. 1222 : tf ATTORNEYS V SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS — PERSONAL injury claims specialty; estates setttled. J. W. MACY, 638 Douglas bldg. Phonos: A 8633. r Main 8623. ' tf AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES IMPAIRED AND REBUILT PROMPTLY at Mo per hour. Home A.13H1. MUi South Hill Street, In rear. 11-H-tt AUTO GARAGE PICO HEIGHTS GARAGE— Storage—Repairs—Supplies. Air free. Homo Phone 72282. 2733 WEST PICO STREET. 12 lino MAMMOTH GARAGE—4I6~CENTER PLAUB, tin. bet. Main and Spring. Open day and jijght. 11-13-tl BATHS MRS. JENNIE HUFF, SULPHUME VAPOR BATHS. •Shampooing and Chiropody. Main 3133— 702 M E. SEVENTH—FMI6. S 12-13-tf CHIROPODY, VAPOR MASSAGE BATHS; new attendant; experienced. Suite ti-'ii HOTEL LOUISE, 620 S. • Broadway. Phone* Bdwy. 414«. F8593. »-»•« SCALP TREATMENT AND ALCOHOL rubs, room 16, Gladstone hotel, 128 West Fifth and 505H South Main. Hour*, * a. m. to »:30 p. m. 11-M-tt MAGNETIC TREATMENT FOR. RHEUMAT -ISM, NERVOUSNESS AND STOMACH TROUBLES. «6S S. Olive St. Rooms »-7. U-IK-II ANITA FELDMAN, 814 SANTEE ST., TWO block* east o' Main. Salt baths and elec tric treatment*. 10-19-tf ELECTRIC BATH~Sr~VIBRATORY treat , ment. NEW YORK OPERATOR, 621)4 ». Main, suite 18. 11-3-lmo MISS LOLA HILL, 708 CROCKER ST., tub baths and alcohol rubs. Hour* 10 a. m. to » p. m. , M-M-tr US'., 8. SPRING BT. SUiTK S-CHIKOPODY, electricity, massage, vapor and shower baths. ___M-lt BICYCLES FOR SALE BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUPPLIES, new ami second-hand, nt very low prices. Repairing dono promptly In first class manner and at low price*. Strictly honest dealing in every respect guaranteed. >'. V. RICHBX REPAIR SHOP. 7u7 B. Olive , t . 12-16-lmo IF YOU LIKE TO SAVE MONEY IN BUY ing a bicycle for child or for yourself, come down to COHN'S place, 342 E. First. BICYCLES-BICYCLES, TIRES AND SUP p'.les at cash prices. KNIGHT'S, 134 North _ Spring. . »-M-tf " BIRO DOCTOR ' 6ICK PARROTS AND SMALL BIRDS treated. Pets boarded. 112 S. FIOUEROA. 11-17-tf CABINET SHOP REFRIGERATORS FOR BUTCHERS, RES . TAURANTS and saloons. Show cafes and fixtures. 221-25 E. SECOND ST. Home A 4521, _J,l"qln_lMB. "-."-IP™ 1] CESSPOOLS IMPERIAL CESSPOOL PUMPINO CO.- We take out largest load. West 6396; 22040. "" CLOTHING WANTBD-MENS SECOND-HAND CLOTH- Ing; highest prices paid. F3755, Main 8476. SOU E. KEVENTH_ST. Vi-3-tt * , DENTISTS DR. BACHMANN, 205-208 MAJESTIC THEA ter bMg., 845 B. Broadway. F6681. Main 8816. "~ "detectives SOUTHERN DETECTIVE AGENCY. We have export detectives for shadowing and all private detective work. We also si cure .evidence. 307 HENNE BLDO. A 6758. • ' 122 W. Third St. MAIN 1138. ,:■-,:-,, 13-18-tf ~ FURNITURE Furniture Bot, Sold, Exchanged. _KANTORi_7?»_W _g.'<- .. F2628. ?1-- 17A! FURNITURE REPAIR WORK FURNITURE REPAIR WORK Cane and rush seating, upholstering and reflnlshlng. 24387. BDWY. 4383. 11-11-tf SPECIAL NOTICES— EYE-HEADACHES Have your heada-hes forever cured without drugs and your eyes examined, here free of charge by a well known specialist. Special attention paid . to eye* of children. DR. W. C. DICKSON. 828-9 Security Bldg., Fifth and Spring. 11-U-tf NOTICE—PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF twenty-one (21) years entering tall estab lishment will be arrested and prosecuted ac cording to law. (Signed) COMMITTEE LAW AND ORDER, RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS. 12-18-3t WANTED—LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN* clothing. Positively highest prices paid. MAIN 8597; F5936. «-25-12 mo CLOSING OUT 260(F. GALLONS OF CAR rara paint, $1.50 per gallon. SIIBEHANS, 900 8. Broadway. 6-15-tt I INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the prl-*e a' 6. Auk' The Herald counter man. j\JUSICAL INSTRUCTION— 6AVE MONEY. HOUR ADVT. THREE - times foi the price of two, or seven time* . for the prlca ot five, If prepaid. 11-l-tf j-£A!R DRESSERS— I INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2. or 7 Insertions for to* price of 5, Ask The Herald counter man. UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION. IF PRE pald your ad three time* for the price of of two. or seven time* for the price of five. ! n"1-tt « SSAYERS— '"'/' •f ,-, , -__ -,_— L __| _. ||.-| | _ -|_| 'I. I' l|_»~l-l ~l ■~-~ - ~" I —■>_■ S I|. 11 — \ JOHN A. HUNTER. M. E., - Metallurgist, chemist and assayer. FB7DI. -217 W. NINTH ST. , . 12-1-tt FENCES: WIRE, IRON, WOOD Los Angeles Wire Works manufacture™ of and dealers In all kinds of wire fencing and novelty goods. - 129 E. SEVENTH ST. Phone FSQ9O. n-18-ima ~~ INBURANCE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. ACCIDENT. LIFE, burglary, liability, plate glass, surety bonds. RULE & SONS, inc., 329-31 Hlggins LADIES' TAILORING S. ZINKO, THE LADIES' TAILOR. OPERA coats. riding habits, etc. 455 S. Bdwy. R. l-» t-l-iimo MOTORCYCLES TIRES PUT ON BABY CARRIAGES. OSTERLOH'S MOTORCYCLE REP' JK SHOP. Twelfth and San Pedro St.. . Homo Phone 82974. U-gH-lmo MANICURING MANICURING PARLORS. HOURS 10 TO 10. 332 a. SPRINO. Room 19. U-l-lm« MOVING AND STORAGE J. F. Harvey Van ft Storage, 201 K. Oth at. FIISB, A 1337. ran save you money In packing, shipping, storing _ household goods. ' _»l-A± n MUSICAL INSTRUCTION PADEREWSKI PIANO METHOD. Improvement on the Leschetizky method. Taught ONLY at the Colonial Conserva _tQO\_lj33 8. Hope St. FBI6JI. 11-30-tt PAINTING, PAPER HANGING PAINTING PAPER HANGING, TINTING, decorating. ■ intimates; wall paper, paints. J. A. LINNET & CO.. 813 W. Third Bdwy. 1758. F42SO. "-'3-" ' -NEALE & BONNELL- ' PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Sunset Hl7. MOmn-i£u PIANOS ' FO« lAUS—•BABGAJSa—BABOAIHB in new pianos for cash or easy payments, with I months' music lessons free with each piano. Pianos for. rent, $3, $3.50, 14 ■ iioiilli._.At - J_M_K : _NI_NTH. 'i-Jil"™ PRINTING THE GERMAIN PRESS, COMMERCIAL printers, 846 SANTEE ST. Main 60S0. 12-16-lmo RAILROAD TICKETS TICKETS BOUGHT. SOLD, EXCHANGED. All transaction* guaranteed. 604 SAN FER NANDO BLDq_ l 2jj8;lf ROOFING Xj _ i _ jJ| _ | - L _ in _,.i_p._.- l ji-i_ ~i_ — _-w-ui—. -i..r,-_iu''-~. ~ r Roof Repairing, Main 2426; F564«. CAL. ROOFING * SUPPLY CO.. 411 E. Seventh. 11-M-U BTANiMJtD ROOFING AND REPAIR CO., repair* any kind of leaky roof*, city or country. Bdwy 3746. 62« S. FLOWER ST. SANITARIUMS VILLA HANITARIUM-ONE OF THE MOST beautiful spots In Southern California for re ' gaining health and strength. Special atten tion given to nervous and mental diseases. For Information Inquire of B. S. WKV MOUTH. Lamanda Park, CaL Phone Pasa dena. Main 8371. Tain Sierra Madre car to Villa Station. u-7-lmo THE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Exclusively for women and children. Best equipped and homelike hospital In the city for confinement cases. Terms to suit. -1245 SOUTH FLOWER; F4134. Jfjj.-U SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SUCCESS SHORTHAND INSTITUTE - World' Record System. 327-37 H. W. Hell _rn ? n_Bldg._ "zl^ SEWING MACHINES FOB BAI.K—INION. SINOKR, DOMESTIC, Davis, Standard, Houseßold, New Ray mond sewi.ip: machines, $3, $4, $3, $6, IT, is $9 $10, $12; also all mak's of machines (or rent. $1.60, $2. 212 E. NINTH. 12-IS-lmo STORAGE LARGE PRIVATE, LOCKED IRON ROOMS for furniture, etc; $1.60 and $2 per month. Trunks, boxes, etc., $2Ec to 60c; open vans, $6 per day or 750 per hour. We pack and ship household ' goods everywhere at re duced rates. COLYEAR'S VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Offices 609-11 S. Main st. Warehouse 415-17 San Pedro st. Phones F3171; Main 1117. 8-25-tf j\J[OiNEV TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN - I have the following amounts on hand for city loans: $400, $1000, 81500, $3000. Also money for building loans. MARSHALL STIMSON, Rooms 801-2, '.05 S. Hill St. Phones—Main 4441, Hume F7327. 12-18-7 MONEY TO LOAN I have money on hand tor good mortgages on Improved property and for building loans. MARSHALL STIMSON, Rooms 801-2, 405 S.< Hill St. Phones-Main 4441, Home F7327. 12-18-7 MONEx" TO LOAN 110,000 to loan on real estate, city or country, I to 7 per cent, amount to suit. MOVER A QILIiERT, 302 H. W. Bellman bldg. Home phone A 8827; Main 6474. 10-2- MONEY TO SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or pub licity. SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 8-14-tt K. W. DEXTER, 4C» WILCOX HLDG.. will loan you what you need on real es tate, clocks and bond*. Building loan* a specialty. . 6-»-tf I HAVE 8200 TO $60,000 FOR REAL EH tate loans, city or country. Money wait- Ing. R. W. MOVER, 604 Frost bldg. F6107. .. 12 : l-tf ""money to loan—full value <->« diamonds, watches, piano*, furniture, stor age receipts. O. F. THOMAS, 711 8. Broaa way. '"-""■'« TO LOAN SALARIED PEOPLE; NO RED tape; without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE. 419 Henne bldg. , 10-4-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN tll you see me. F. A. NEWTON, 701 O. T. Johnaol bldg. 11-i-tt 1600 TO 110,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. T. L. O'BRIEN * CO., Jefferson and Main. _^__ 6-»-tf AUTOMOBILES— FIVE-PASSENGER, NICE APPEARING, late model auto, dettvchable tonneau, fully equipped, guaranteed condition; worth $600, sacrifice, at 1400; going east. OWNER, 124 W. Ninth. F3753. Bdwa/. 2101. Residence. West J7SB. U-14-tf HAVE YOU AN AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE, for exchange or otherwise? Then use THB HERALD'S clssstned automobile columns. . . , 10-14-tJ LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MOItMM.. DECEMBER 19, 1910. WANTED— Male Help WANTED—WORKMEN BY LARGE CON trading company; can learn trade of electricity, automobile*, plumbing, brick laying In few month*. No expense for In structhlon; actual contract work, not toys and books; 200 students last year. Writ" for free Information, or apply I,NIM-" TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO.. 653 Pacific. Electric bldg. "•''» AUTOMOniLIXO; ELECTRI- ; CAL ENGINEERING. plumbing and bricklaying taught at the National School of Engineering. 2110 W. SEVENTH ST. :J ({ I WANTED - A TRUSTWORTHY OFFICE tr iti-r; position permanent; salary paid exceptional opportunity for a hustler; must i Invest two thousand dollar*, fully iecured. : Address SUPERVISOR, card Herald Agency, San Bernardino. __. 12'14'tc A VACANCY OCCURS FOR A LIVE MAN at Baoramento: steady; salary paid; refer ences required; must olio put up $1500; uplen did chance. Write MANAGER 8., care Her ■ ald Office, Kan Bernardino. 12-11-tf WANTED—BY WATER COMPANY, A GOOD (tock salesman; chance seldom offered; steady berth with bright future. Address DR. ; HVANS, Box 101, San Bernardino. 12-14-tt I CONFIDENTIAL, PRIVATE INSTRUO tions In hypnotism, $50. n-jsults guar anteed. BOX 209, HERALD. 12-2-lmo IF YOU WANT HELP READ THB HER aid situation wanted columns. H-t * , SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN • The H»r3ld._fr_c?_pf_charge. "''*•'* RANTED— Female Help WANTED-LADIES. BEAUTT CULTURE : 1 pays big; learn right, salary guaranteed. ; "FLORENTINE." the world's largest, 227 Mercantile place, corner Broadway. 8-2-tt WANTED-HKLIABLK WOMAN TO »X -changn services for home; family V two , ' adults; references. Call after 4. 1333 MA -1 PLE AYE. "-»»-» : IF YOU WANT HELP READ THE HER aid situation wanted columns. U-S-tt SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Hera 1 d_frgg_^f_etiarge._ 10-lSji ; ANTED HeIp, Male and Female ; WANTED-MEI* AND WOMEN TO LEARN the barber trade; guaranteed in eight weeks. Catalogue free. MOLER BARBER COL LEGE, 15! E. Second st. 8-14-tf '. SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN , . Th» Herald free of charge. 10-18-tf RANTED— 1 SITUATION WANTED ADS. INSERTED IN • THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE. ([ . WANTED— Situations, Male i YOUNG MAN FROM MASSACHUSETTS, EX perlennd In executive purchasing work, in tends to locate here permanently; training , has brought familiarity with office systems : and devices and several Ines of trade; ag gressive, temperate, In perfect health; can handle help, good correspondent; interview solicited. Address BOX Si, Herald. 12-11-7 ' SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN 1 of I D as bookkeeper, hill clerk or other office work; have had 18 months' ex perience in general office work; can oper ate typewriter, read, write and speak German and English; best references. Ad dress WM. SCHULTES, 1810 Los Angeles ; street. 14-7 • WANTED—POSITION BY A PRACTICAL die ami toolmaker: competent to design and make all kind* of dies, tool*, Jigs, etc., for stamping. blanking, drawing, . farming, sheet metal, compound and sub • press dies: first-class executive ability and ; eastern reference. Address W. W. WHITE i HEAD, Penlel House, 227 S. Main St. AMERICAN. 25 YEARS OLD, FOUR YEARS' i experience stock management, head of ship ; pins and receiving depts., progressive, initi ative and executive ability, desire* permanent position; In perfect health; good salesman; salary secondary to opportunity. Address BOX Hi Herald. 12-11-7 ' WANTED "SITUATION. BY MAN 40 | years old. as houseman or handy man; understands the care and repair of steam boilers and engines; also understands gas -1 ollne and electrical machines; want steady , ' position; best of references from govern- ■ ment work. H. C. HANSON, box 406, Long Beach. Cal. 12-13-7t WANTED—POSITION BY CITRUS EXPERT; . young man, college graduate, fully equipped ■ for any and all work pertaining to citrus culture; has had a wide anil varied experi ence and capable ot planting out and taking . charge of citrus grove 3; best of references. Address BOX. 151, Ventura, Cal. 12-18-7 ! —POSITION OR HOME BY handy man; has acted as caretaker for , years and will furnish Al references from employers here In Los Angeles; under stands gardening, housedeanlnß and car penter work, etc. Address A. .It. M., BOX 37, Herald. 12-14-7 : ', STUDENT WISHES SOMETHING TO DO ; : during next 2 weeks. Phono SOUTH 2223. ( 12-17-7t PLEASE GIVE US YOUR WORK; HOUSE cieariiug, garden work, cleaning up yards, cellars, windows, etc.; help furnished free at short notice. Address or phone OLIVE BRANCH MISSION, 70li E. Fifth St., Los , Angeles. Main 2558. 12-14-14t SITUATION WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN, carpenter, who has had five years' experi- , ence as a bench hand and six months on j finishing work; will accept any offer for a good long finishing Job. Write 11. ROBINS, 1240 W. Cotton st. ■ 12-11-7 ■ A FIRST CLASS, UP-TO-DATE FRENCH ■ and Italian cook; have worked for 6 years In the highest class cafe In Los Angeles; 3D years' experience and never worked only In the highest class places. Phone Boyle 2133. , P. ZAWPPA. 406 N. Bailey st. 11-12-tt ■ EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT BOOK -1 keeper and office man desires position. Excellent references. Willing to go out of , city. Address BOX 244. HERALD. 11-16-tt • WANTED— A YOUNG MAN, 19 YEARS of age, with knowledge of stenography and typewriting, position with real estate firm or in lawyer's office, with chance to learn busi ness and advance; good references. Phone EAST 2368. 12-9-7 WANTED—SITUATION AS CHOREMAN ■ or stableman, city or country, by mldillo aged man, handy around horses, cows, chickens, garden or any other kind of work. Address J. OBRIGHT, 326 Ifoyd ■ st. 12-10-7t MARRIED MAN. SOBER AND HANDY around machinery and pumps, wants work at anything. 529 S. SICHEL ST. 12-13-7t , —POSITION BY CHEF COOK, IN or out of city. State wages. Restau rant preferred. Address BOX 150, HER ALD. »•»•*' . ! SITUATION WANTED—SIGN PAINTING, sign writing, buggy or wagon painted cheap; envelopes addressed by 100 or 1000. Address M. L. C, 917 McGarry st., city. 12-10-7t WANJED-POSITION BY EXPERT GAR dener In private family or ranch by young man of 30; wages, secondary consideration. Address BOX 314. Herald. , 12-19-7t WANTED — POSITION, BY MAN AND _ wife; man experienced chauffeur; wife good cook: best of eastern references. : BOX 188, HERALD. li-15-7t CHAUFFEUR, 25, WANTS SITUATION; 10 years' experience auto business; &V» years ' last situation in London. Apply E. RILKY, Hotel Travar, 6th st. 1--18-7 WINDOW, HOUSE CLEANING AND ALL kinds short Job* by hour or duy; lawn taken ; care of. JOHN, 1221 8. Figueroa »i. Phone • : Broadway 4050., ,12-18-7 WAN, «l. DESIRES POSITION AS CARETAK •r rooming house or general work about a home; sobor and Industrious; reference*. Tel j ephone MAIN Sss*. ' 12-10-7 WANTED—Situations, Male RELIABLE MAN, LATE FOREMAN, want* work, handy all 'round <.iiKiii'''-r, at present without license; experience laying of Mlagrspta cal.les across rlvera by crops alignnientH, sextant or quadrant.; 1 experience In hanrtlln* explosive*, i-f. ; a large experience In handling Hindus, liur ni. so. Sweahllice and natives of E. | Africa, speaking Hindustan and Swcahi llc. HOX 22-2, HERALD. 12- 16-7t WANTKD -SITUATION, M ELDERLY man; long jvear residence in ciiy an as sistant In atoro, office or collection affency. ''an give very 1,,-st reference; also bon Is If required. Address HOX 33, HERALD. 12-13-7t WANTED SITUATION ~BT HERMAN, aged .':ii; tiingle; willing to do any kind ol is'.ih; experienced In the hotel and res taurant business-. Eastern references. WCHMITT, a;, 4 K. Fourth st. 12-16-7t W.\ ntelj^bituat'ionT by a^ yU un < j iftdy with one child 5 years old, boy; housework, chamber maid or waitress. t Address MRS. M. L., 663 San Julian st 12-8-lot WANTKD —BY MAN PAST 80. A PLACE to chore; understands care of chickens or horse, but will take anytning in that line. PATRICK HOBEN. 317 San Pedro St.. corner Fourth and San Pedro. 12-6-10t THOROUGH, ALL-ROUND PRINTER wants position of responsibility or would . accept working interest In K..od job plant. | Perfectly honest and reliable. Address PRINTER, 1407 West JOth It. 12-11-1 j WANTED- POBITION AS CHAUFFEUR; oompetent to drive and take care of either White .Steamer or high grade sas car; now employed In leading garage; best city ref erences. HOX 281, HERALD. U-10-'t EXPERT BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER wants position; elderly man. single, txpen enced in many kinds of business; expert at rlguri s. Address J. MALONEY, 917V4 W, Eighth St. 12-10-7 AGREEABLE. TEMPERATE, ELDERLY Bweda wishes somo light work; handy with carpenter's tools. Address C. OUBTAFBON. , Swedish Employment Bureau, 101' A S. liroa.l- 1 way. 11-Vi-i ; BTEADT MAN WANTS WORK ON GEN- j tinman's private place; attend furnace, lawns, horse, cow, etc.; will care for automobile; | experienced; Al reference. Aodrcss BOX 59, Herald. »-"-7t WANTED EMPLOYMENT BT YOUNO MAN while taking automobile course; understand furnaces ond sieam heat. Address P. T. rf., care United Trade School, city. 12-13-7t SITUATIONS WANTED—BT 5 YOUNG MAR rled men; prefer positions on ranch an full charge; wages no object. H. FITZSIMMONS. 423 K. Seventh st. 12-11-7 WELL EDI.'CATED YOUNG MAN OF GOOD habits and not afraid of work wants per manent position. Phone Main 2316. DISMi W. SEVENTH ST., Room 80. 12-11-7 STABLEMAN OR CHOREMAN DESIRES position; middle-aged, experienced, sober Hiid hnndy man; best references. Address F. W., Zii E. Second st. 12-H-7t INSIDE SALESMAN, YOUNG MAN, GOOD Bales ability, desires position where rellned and courteous handling of trade is essential. Address BOX 66, Herald. 12-11-7 FRENCHMAN; BAVB SERVED IN apartment store at Paris aa detective, want same Job hare, or night watchman. BOX 113, HERALD. 12-16-10t WANTED—POBITION, »t A YOUNG MAN who knows the city well; delivery or ambulance preferred. BOX 289, HER ALD. 12-16-71 PRESSMAN, PLATEN AND UNIVERSAL; familiar with all kinds of work; uteady man; easterner. Address BOX 311, HER ALD. »-16-7t WANTED—A JOB A3 METAL POLISHER or grinder, or will work at anything; small wages. BOX 131, HERALD. 12-18-7t WANTED—YOUNG MAN. STRONG, ACTIVE and steady, wants outdoor work of any kind by day or week; gardening, pruning, etc. I'hone BROADWAY 8627. 12-18-7 WORK IN PRIVATE OR INSTITUTION; city or country, by handy man; milk, care lawn, horses; understand automobiles. BOX 3U, Herald. 12-18-7 SITUATION WANTED AS GARDENEP. OR houseman; small wages expected; I want any kind of work. Phones A4SB4, Main 6726. J. MORDYEN. 12-10-7 MAN AND WIFE OFF~OF FARM IN EAST want work; ranch preferred. Address 251 N. FLOWER. Room 1. Los Angeles. Phone Broadway 1741. 12-11-7 BET 'h~L E~iTe~M FREE EMPLOYMENT agency, 610 Vlgnes street. Main 6726; Home A 4884. Men for housecleaning, yard work and general labor. >-24-tl WANTED —POSITION AS COLLECTOR OR solicitor; years of experience; can get tlie money. Address X. Y. Z., 122514 S. Loa Angeles ft. 12-13-7t WANTED—SITUATION. BY MOVING PlC ture operator; city llcenae; 3 years' ex perience. 1142 SANTEE ST. Phone Bdwy. 3711. li-15-Tt WANTED —TINTING AND PLASTER RB pairing. Price reasonable and work sat- Istaotory. NICOLL, 771 Ruth aye. Main «488. 12-10-lt SITUATION ANWTED-WORK OF ANY kind by energetic young man; pteaily and reliable"; reference. Address BOX 353, Herald. 12-9-7 WANTED —SITUATION. BT BXPERIENC ed electrician's helper; can work alone; Al fixture man. Phone BDWY. 3711. 12-IS-7t SITUATION "WANTED—BY ALL AROUND miner, doing assessment work; wages or con tract Address D. MORRIS. 610 Vlgnes. 12-11-7 BY YOUNG MAN OF 18; WILL DO MOST anything; would like to learn a trade of borne kind. Address BOX 181, Herald. 12-10-7 WANTED—POSITION". BY YOUNG MAN stenographer, at once; has a knowledge of bookkeeping also. BOX 2GL\ HERALD, 12-15-7t WANTED—A POSITION RY A HUSO MAN of 3ii for hotel clerk; room an.l board; wages secondary consideration. BOX 315, Herald. 12-18-7 ELDERLY MAN, HANDY WITH TOOLS, wants work; small wages. I). HILL, 440 B. Fourth et. Phone Broadway 972-. 12-10-7 WANTED—SITUATION AS COOK BY A German army cook. Address C. STET/.- NER. 671 Ceres aye.. cor. 7th. 12-14-7 NURSERYMAN. 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE hi California, in some of the best nurseries, V. PA.TOT, 123 N. San Pedro Ht. 12-l*-7t WANTED-TO PAINT HOUSES BY THE day; work done good and cost you little. GEO. E. ALLEN. 521 San Julian et. 12-11-7 WANTED—A JOB AS METAL POLISHER or grinder, or will do any kind of work. I S. P. G.. box lit. Herald. 12-9-711 WANTED—A JOB AS METAL POLISHER or grinder, or will do any kind of work. BOX 131, HERALD. l_ll} 3~J l WAN TBD-rBOMB KIND -HEARTED PE R - son of means to assist a worthy person In need. BOX 230. Herald. 12-14-7 WANTED—BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE man of experience desires position; local references. Address BOX 30. Herald. 12-11-7 WANTED —SITUATION BY BXPBRIENI - ed marble and tile helper. Steady and reliable. BOX 190, HERALD. 12-9-7t WANTED —LAWN MAKING OR GARDEN work. Address JOHN GARDNER. HO6 E. First st. 12-IC-7t WANTED—A JOB X¥ METAL, POLISHER or grinder, or will work at anything. Ad dress BOX 131, Herald. 12-11-7 WANTED—WORK : CARPENTERS HELP er or other work: young married man. Phone. BOYLE 1777^ 13-11-7t M~AN. 40 ' CHRISTIAN, DESIRES POSl tlon of trust, or any kind of work. BOX ||, HERALD. 12-13-7t WANTBD*-aMFLOYMBNT, AFTEUNOONB or nights. Address S. A. V.. 1243 >'.. R, Seventh St. 12-13-7t YOUNG MAN, It TEARS OLD. IS LOOKING for a ranch monition. Address BOX 3tw. Iler | aid. IUMt WANTED—Situations, Male SWF.DB, 33. SI'KAKS ENGLISH FLUENTLY, wants work of any kind. BOX 132. Herald. 12-li-. ROUND MAN WANTS POSITION OF any kind. Address BOX 129, Herald. 12-17-3 I ALL ROUND CONCRETE WORK; GOOD IN construction. Tel. 1'- WAr_2t!>3. "-"•? \\ rANTED— Situations. Female WANTED—POSITION. AFTER JANUARY 1, Ml, a lady of long experience will be open for a position as manager of ho- | tnl or largo apartments; great experience. in buying in all lines; best of. references. BOX 264, HERALD, "•"''' A WELL EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wants work at $2 per day; also a 20-year ex perienced hnlr weaver, or puffs all klml*. Phone SOUTH "SIT. 2817 Vi Central aye. 12-IT-i CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS A PLACE AS : cook and renersl houseworker; $30 to ?.*•• I per month: cai fare. Address MRS. BEARD, 1267 Temp!.'. 12-IS-7 ENERGETIC AMERICAN WOMAN OF 30, with 6-year-old boy, would like position as housekeeper In refined home. Address BOX 139, Herald. , IM7-7 YOUNG LADY WITH A 1 OIL LINK EX perlence wants position n.i stenographer, bill er or price work. Can give reference. Phone 1 EAST 614. »-l-tl I NEAT rOUNO LADY desires" position as stenographer: two years' experience; begin on moderate salary. Call up after 6 p. in. WEST r,r,93. ia-ir.-7t A CAPABLE WOMAN .WANTS A SITUATION as cook and general work; wages, $30 to $36. Address MRS. BEARD, 1267 Temple St. 12-11-7t WANTED—POSITION AS COOK IN SMALL hoarding house or ranch, by elderly lady. Address room 64, 310 N. BROADWAY. 12-16-10t I ELDERLY GERMAN LADY, ALONE, WITH sonie«neans, wants party similar situation for business partner. BOX 401, Herald. 12-18-7 ! POSITION AT HOUSEWORK BY DAY; speedy worker. guarantee satisfaction. Address BOX 35. Herald. 12-14-7 WANTED — CLEANING OR ASSIST housework by day or hour. Young woman. Phono BOYLE 1777. 12-U-7t WANTED—A POSITION AS COOK, B» competent middle aged --woman. tt 7\i .-> HILL. Wages *3S. J___l GERMAN LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK; goes out by the day. PHONE A 6198. 12-13-7t SITUATION WANTED ADS. INSERTED IN THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE.^ 6ITUATION WANT ADS. INSERTED I^ THE HERALD FREE OF CHARGE. SITUATION WANTED - SWEEPING OR day. Phone SOUTH 7328. 12-11-7 WANTED —SITUATION AS HOUSEKEBP er. Address BOX 36. Herald. 12-14-7 ANTED— Situations, Male & Fern. WANTED—POSITION BY MAN AND WIFE; man Al mechanic, wife good housekeeper; best of references. PARSON, 1340 Cherry st. SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Herald free of charge. 10-U-tf ANTED—To Purchase Stock WANTED— Stock In the Los Angeles Investment earn pany: any amount up to (40.000; will pay within ( per cent of the #«nmneny >* selling price. O. P.. care Globe Saving* Bank. s-ll*tt ANTED—To Purchase Real Estate WANTED SCHOOL LANDS; SEND FULL particular* as to location and terms. Ad dres DR. EVANS, 312 E St., San Bernardino. 12 1 14tf WANTED— Miscellaneous WANTED-CASH PAID FOR FEATHBR beds. "58 SAN PEDRO ST. Phones Main 1106; FBO4l. 13- W-tt CASH PAID FOR FEATHERS. 3427 S. MAIN. Phone 24913, S. 6364. 11-30-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES— IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GOING INTO the nursery business Inside the Dc fare. Lob Angeles, you had better see my place. Un til I sell or rent I will continue to raise and srll trees, palms and plants. 908 W. 83d St. LUDWIG FREDERKSEN. 12-17-3 IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GOING INTO the nursery business inside the 5o fare, Los Angeles, you had better see my place, 908 W. 83D ST. Until I sell or rent 1 will continue to raise and sell plants, trees and palms. LUDWIG FRKDKIUKSEN. 12-19-1 Cards $1.00 Per 1000 Other printing In proportion. HARRINGTON. Printer, 13SW S. Sprint;. Al4OO. 11-23-tf MONEY RAISING CHICKENS— nlty to purchase 10 acres; good soil, build ings, trees; 23 per cent under market. STACY.' 304 Fay bids. F2115. 10-8-eod-tr WE INCORPORATE AND FINANCE COM panles at very low rates. MARTKLL A Co., 532-533 Germain blilK. F4761. 12-18-2 MfcRSONALS, BUSINESS MORPHINE OPIUM, COCAINE and all drug habits cured at home by the caost remarkable remedy ever discovered. No hypodermic injections; no pain. A cure or no pay. Call or write SO. CAL. CHEM ICAL CO., 1054 S. Grand, Los Angeles. 9-10-tf jWB CURE RHEUMATISM, PARALYSIS, locomotor, stomach troubles. Astrologi cal reading! fret, HENRY JONES, 71S Wall street. A 5937. 12-14-7 PERSONAL—DR. H. Y. McNAUGHT HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICES TO SUITE 502 BTJMILLER BLDO., 430 S. BROADWAY. HOURS, 10-12 AND 3-5. ■ li-30-lmo t INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for tho cries ot ii. Atk Tim Herald counter man. j • 11-I-tt I MRS. MASSON, THB NOTED LONDON palmist, 323 S. SPRING, over Owl drug store. 11-28-U PATENTS AND PATENT AGENTS PIONEER LATENT AGENCY, HAZARD A BTRAUSB. ESTABLISHED 82 YEARS. American and foreign patents secured and trademarks registered. PATENT LITIGA TION. 630 Citizens National Bank Building, Third and Main. 11 in AI4K3; Main 2523. PATENT BOOK FREE. 2-8-tl 1. 8. ZERUE, SOLICITOR, UNITED STATES and foreign patents; 40 year*' experience. (22-3 STIMSON BLDO.. Third and Main. Phone Atm 10-l-tt PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS, all co'un irlus. A. H. LIDDERS, patent Ir.wyer and solicitor, 12 Am. Bank bldg.. 3d and Spring. 10-16-tf WELLS & WILLIAMS, THE LEADING Patent Solicitors. 322 Hlgglna Building. Sec ond and Main sts. Phone F6618. 12-7-tf-do (JHURCH NOTICES— I INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the price at 6. Ask The Herald counter man. PENIEL HALL, 227 8. MAIN-NOON PRAY er meeting dally; cuspid meeting every alght. »-l-« [<'OR JAl.E—Houses $1150 $50 Down, $10 Per Monti Including Interest OO<JD DISTRICTS. room California house; gas and water; large lot; oloao to 4-mlnuto car line. MATSON AND SERR 62914 80. MAIN. 12-18-3 ' FOR SALE— A dandy 4-room bungalow, new and modern, nicely located,, 15 minutes from Sixth and Spring 1 by car. Price $2400. i ERIKSON & CO. Room 1 Severance P.Ms., 106 W. Sixth St. Ground fljor. F2874; Brdwy. 3152. 12-14-6t ; BILL THAT HOUSE. LOT OR RANCH AT, small expense through a Herald want ad. , U-i-tt ; pOR SALE—City Lots and Lands ■ $700, Easy Terms ■ Oiled street, .•,>men.t curbs and Sld»wallt. Lot 60x130 In HOLLYWOOD. Is a good buy. I Close to cfir line! See It. DOW-SMITH COMPANY 413 MASON BLDO. 12-14-12 j Fur. BALE—AT A BARGAIN, II GOOD LOTS at 0100 S. 1'i 1. i roe it. Bea owner on place. Your own price for 12-17-3t J?OR HALE— Country Pro, ;rty lelliqilsiisieit On 160 Acres AT $5 PER ACRE The very best proved apple land; 3000 feet elevation; rich, level, garden soil; abundance of water; ideal climate; good community; 25 miles north of San i'.ci' nardlno, 5 miles east of Vlctoivllle, where 10 passenger trains stop dally. This land is as good apple land as that about East Highlands, which Is selling, unira pioved, at $;00 per acre. See owner, J. A. GATES 420 Security Bldg., Corner Fifth and I Spring sts.. Los Angeles. Cal. Phone Main 3224, F1221. 12-18-2 Big Money Ii (Uraige land I have 640 acres in the famous Portervllle district. Finest kind of soil, plenty of water, good neighborhood, schools, etc. Here's a, chance to double your money. Money back if not as represented. My wholesale price only 160 per acre. D. J. WILSON . Wholesale Farm Lands 426 S. Spring st. 712 Delta bldg. 12"18-2 IMsay : ©range Laid I have 180 acres of tho finet orange land in the Lindsay district and challenge any one 1 to produce its equal at the price. All ex penses paid if not as represented. Price for a short time only $JOO per acre. D. J. WILSON Wholesale Farm Lands 426 S. Spring st. 712 Delta bid*. 12-18-2 Orange Land 640 Acres Best buy in Tulare county. Adjoining land selling for *50 per acre. My wholesale price only $60. D. J. WILSON Wholesale Farm Lands 426 S. Spring st. 712 Delta bldf. 12-15-3 160 ° 32© A«» 2 >,i miles from railroad and station, be tween I towns. Lancastor and Kosemont, in Los Angeles county. In best artesian flowing well, apple and alfalfa district. This location has a splendid future; $7 per acre Rel, Will take clear real estate. ALFALFA AND FRUIT LAND CO., 522 citizens National Bank bids., corner Third and Main sis. I--1"'11 5 Acres at Richfield .lust cast of the famous Placentla dis trict, best Valencia orange district in the state, Water conditions excellent. Fine ■oil. $1000 One-fourth cash, balance 1, ! and 3 years. JACOB STERN 404 Pacific Electric Bldg. 12-19-lt SPLENDID VALUE in improved acreage; 600 feet of Santa Ana electric line; rich sandy loam soil, suitable for alfalfa, walnuts or truck farming. Water absolutely free. Good house, largo barn, some Implements, Euca lyptus grove Will furnish fuel. 32 acres for only 11000, 13000 cash, balance long term. GIBSON « SON 504 O. T. John son bldg. A 3751, Main 8330. 13-18-2 FOR SALE — ANCASTER LANCASTER 160 acres of land 3 miles southwest of Lancaster, In tho proven water district, 18160 half cash, balance 1 year, pu BOSH. 701 Orosse bldg. 11-1-tf 128.1 ACRES, NEAR MERINO. MOSTLY all orange land; level; fine soili extra bar gain $13 per acre. STACY. 304 Fay bids. mill Main MS. 12-3-eod-tf FOR SALE-A BARGAIN, I ACRE AT Lawndale, the booming suburban city. Easy terms. Call 21S Central bMg., Sixth and Main _ . _ l-Jjl±2 pOR SALE— Stocks and Bonds MINING. OIL AND INDUSTRIAL COM panles take notice —stocks and bonds in sured, matured and guaranteed. Full In ' formation furnished on request. Write or call GRANITE SECURITIES COMPANY. sth floor Bradbury bids-, Lot Angeles, Cal. _^ _!__ SAVE MONET! YOUR ADVT. THREB time., for th« pries of two. or seven time* tor tht prlrs of fiv*. 1 1 prepaid. 11-l-tf POR SALE—Hotels, Lodging Houses • FOR SALE-MODERN FIVE-ROOM FUR nlshed flat, all Improvements. In heart of city. Will soil cheap; golni; east. IMA 80. OI lvo. _li!-'''-_:; J^OR SALE—Furniture BAVB MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THREB lime* for the price of two. or seven time* for the price of five. If prepaid. U-l-tf 11 I Schools and Colleges | Summer ) School College of Fine i Arts, U. S. C. i All Branches Fine and Applied Arts. ; Catalog on Request W. L. Judson Dean 1 jr 953-6-7 W. Seventh 30^2£2-^_*2j__S St. Both Phones. j£ir^ Jos. W. H. Camp, ! COMMERCIAL Me _ COLLJC-B MgT i Fall term now In progress. Daily en | rollments. Free catalogue. Nl«;n» classes In bookkeeping and shorthand. German, English Shorthand < By experienced teacher. Verms moderate, 730 VY. Slst it. Phone South 4433. Leader Since 1884. Fifth Floor Hamburger Bids., Los Angeles. Catalog—27th Year. 11850. Mala 2308. FOR SALE— SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORS OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 1194 S. SPRING ST.. OR PHONEi MAIN 86SB. U-5-tt BOYNTON NORMAL PREPARES DECEM . ber county examinations; grammar certifi cate; enter now. 025 STIMSON BLOCK. Broadway 1919; AIB4O. 9-2-t< i INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of a, or 7 Insertions for the price of 6. Ask The Herald counter man. U-l-tt HAVE YOU SEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL CAT alogue describing bookkeeping and short hand? Y. M. C. A. B-13-tl LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE^ 413 W. Fifth st. E. E. SHF.ADER, Ph. D., president since 1890. 10-27-tt . BROWNSBEROER COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. «53-7 W. SEVENTH. Send for catalogue: < 8-19-tt pOR SALE— Musical Instruments NEW HIGH GRADE PIANOS FOR |100 LESS. There is a reason. SECOND FLOOR LOCATION. 720 S. Broadway, Metcalf-Ackley-Gustaveson Co. 12-17-5 TWO NEW PLAYER PIANOS, 1 GRAND and 3 high grade upright pianos. Have taken the same in trade. Will sell for Vi tlie original price. Can arrange terms. Phono HI>WAY. 4414. 12-17-it FINE HALE PIANO FOR $I<K>. Phone F5003 i2-i:-;t A. O. GAKU.M:R. 11* WINSTON ST. Pl ■nos sold, rented, tuned: very low rate*. «-12-t! J?OR SALE— Poultry, Birds, Dogs BIRDLAND—BE SURK TO SEE OIK grand collection of all kinds of imported song and fancy canaries, talking parrots, sky larks, goldfinches and aviary birds, gold fish, aquaria, cages, foods, seeds, remedies, etc» Everything of the best at the lowest prices in the city. Tako Ccn " trnl aye. car to Pico St., or Hooper aye. car to Central aye. Visitors welcome. Catalogue free. L. M. GRIDER, 1301 Cen tral aye. 13-13-tC POULTRY FOR SALE—FINE STOCK TOU louie geese; also eggs. 1162 E. 37TH ST. 12-17-3t J?OR SALE—Mexican Lands J6OO GARDEN FARMS. S. W., ON HILLS; soon will be city lots; electric car, large school; put children outdoors; $10 down, Jl« month. CHAS. ELLIS. 228 H. W. Hpllman. __bldg__ 12-11-lf ]^OR SALE—lncome Property WHO WANTS INCOME? FOR SALE—I2 -room apartment house, close In, renting for $72 a month; terms, $2000. nortgaere for $2500; pays 16 per cent on Investment. 11. A. MAS BEY, 514_InternatJonal_Bank bldg. 11-27-lmo POR SALE—Government Land BAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THRKP) times tor the price of two, or seven time* tor th» prlfo of tiv. If prepaid. 11-1-tf ]?OR SA:.E—Orange Groves BAVE MONEY! YOUR ADVT. THRHD . times for the price of two, or seven times for the prlre of five. If prepaid. 11-1-tf J7OR SALE— Live Stock 8 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for th« prlc« of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf J^OR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—SCHOLARSHIP TO THE INTER NATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4, 119W 3. SPRING ST., OR PHONE MAIN 8692. \ 11-5-tt FOR SALE — COUNTKKS. SHEL.VINO. SHOWCASES, WALL CASE, C'OFFEB MILLS, CASH RLuIBTBRS end -TuUhl FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS; CHEAP EST PLACE IN THH CITY. WE UVX AND SELL. 2W E. 4TH ST. 10-JV-lt UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE paid, your ad three times for the price of two, or seven timer for th* price of five. 11-2 FOR BALE — GOOD SECOND-HAND DP" right piano at 1033 I.NiiIIAUAM ST. Your price takes it. 11-11-tf FOR BALB—CHEAP. 2 NATIONAL CASH registers. At 119 E. FIRST ST. 12-13-7t FOR BALE-FIRE-PROOF SAFE CHEAP. ANDERSON. :IO« B. Los Anitelpa st. 6-15-tf TYPEWRITERS BRAND NEW BALL BEARING L. C. Smith visible typewriter; has all the latest improvements. You tan buy this machine at a. big M irlfli ■ if taken at once, an the. owner must have money now. Apply room 11, .1"; SOUTH UUOADWAV. i..'-i' ■< ' SOCIETY MEETINQS— a 3 timf: AD FOR thr TntCß or I, OR 7 Insertions for the price of S. Ask til* ttriiALD Counter Ma'