Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER FORECAST: Cloudy, showers, light' north wind rot. xxmu. l>l?Tr i 1 • *U* l^inVTV by carrier NUMBER M, 1 IVlV.'J'i . O\J \JlliXy ID I'll: MUM II 3 BANDITS BEAT YOUTH TO DEATH AND SECURE $200 Martin Cahen Is Slain by Three Thugs in a Vacant Lot on Olive Street Near Third VICTIM STRUCK WITH CLUBS Insurance Man Witnesses Trag edy but Is Unable to Ren der Assistance Lured to a vacant lot In the rear of the Kins hotel, 321 South Olive street, Martin fallen, 26 years old, a eon of S. Cahen, a wealthy retired merchant, living at the Perclval apartments, 846 South Hill street, was attacked by three men shortly before 11 o'clock last night, beaten to death with a club, then robbed of $200, watch and chain and other valuables, while a witness was shouting frantically for the ban dits to desist. Th*--highwaymen ran south in Grand- avenue and made their escape. » The victim, who livVd with his par ents, had just returned from sin ex tensive, tour of Europe, when lie had traveled with his father and mother. He is a brother of Dr. <\iesar ('alien of the county hospital staff. He. was not engaged in business, but Is thought to have carried a. considerable amount of money with. him. The attack on young Caheu ami tlio rifling of his pockets after lie had been felled to the ground was wit nessed by A. K. Joins, insurance solicitor, who lives at tli« Kms hotel. Jones occupies a room on the first floor In the extreme rear of tho'bullding v the windows of his apartments looking out on the vacant'lot in tho rear which fronts on Grand avontie. Jones had just retired when he heard several voices in the lot. He looker! out and saw four men standing to gether seventy-five feet from his win dow. He listened a few moments, but was unable to hear distinctly all that was said. He noticed that one of th-s men—the. appeared to bo ill and was groaning. • "Suddenly 1 saw one of the men raise his arm and bring down a club, or similar instrument, with terrific force, on the head of the victim," said Jones. "I raised my window and yelled at the men, but they paid no attention to my cries. Then one of the men said: Come on: let's get away from here. Another answered: "Walt a minute; let's see what he's got.' AKHAJD TO SHOOT • [ reached tor my revolver, but was afraid to shoot for fear of hitting the wrong man. I hurriedly, drew on my troupers and ran out to investigate. Just as 1 was leaving my room 1 saw Hi. three bandits run to the sidewalk on Grand avenue, about a hundred feet away and make their escape south." Jones said he could see the men clearly In the bright moonlight, but was unable to describe them minutely, Other than that one of tho trio was tall and heavy and the other two small and thickset. Dr. F." P- Young of the Kms hotel fallowed Jones to the spot where the victim had fallen and mado an exam ination of the inert figure. Dr. Young found that Catfen was still alive and detected a taint pulse. Before the physi cian could administer a stimulant the unfortunate young man was dead. (•alien was lying lace downward when found. The discoloration and swelling about both eyes indicated that Ills skull had been fractured. His face was muddy and his clothing was soiled. His hat was a few feet awv. Tho father Of the victim collapsed when he learned of the tragedy. Be tween sobs he stated that his son left the house early in the evening, stating 'that he was going to a lodge meeting. The father was unable to state just how much money the young fellow carried with him when he left, but thought he had about $200. It is believed that young Oahen met tho trio somewhere downtown and was lured to the place under some plaus ible pretext, and when he refused to bund over his money was beaten to death, this extreme measure being taken, it is thought, because the vic tim was acquainted with his assail- The body was removed to tho under taking establishment of Pleree Broth ers, where the coroner Will hold an in quest. The parents of the murdered young man are old-time residents of IjOS An. polo*, having lived hero for forty years. I. C. C. TO PROBE PROFITS OF EXPRESS COMPANIES Chambers of Commerce Com plain of Rates Charged PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. &.—Accord hip to a letter received here today by the chamber of commerce of this city from Secretary Mosley of the inter state commerce commission all express companies of the United States will be investigated by the commission at a hearing, the date of which will be set within the next few daya The action by the. commission in though to have been brought about through the appli cation of 204 chambers of comment? throughout the country. The charges made by the chamber of commerce ar» that tho returns of tho express com panies from capital actually Invest^ amounts to from 43 to lir. per cent, and tho rates in addition to being ex cessive are unequal. GREEK ARMY OFFICER FLAUNTS CUSTOMS MEN NEW YORK, Dec. 19.— D. N. Botassl. the Greek consul general, called, on Commissioner of Immigration William son today and conceded the jurisdic tion of the commissioner over Nicho las Simopulos, tho Greek army, officer, who arrived yesterday on • board * the Greek mourner Themlstocles. Simopulos la .still on Hie Themlstocles and Mr.'Williamson said tonight that It had not been determined what course ho would pursue in tho, matter. ■■ LOS ANGELES HERALD JURY ESCAPES; JUDGE DECLARES BARGAIN IN HORSE TRADE IS LEGAL BHAROK, r«., Dec. 19.—-"Bargain stands as it is. Bach' party pay lmlf tho costs. Jury escaped." This is tho pntry In tho docket of Justice of tlio Peace Thomas Alton after a stilt over a horse, trade. It had taken six hours to try the ease. The jury retired and soon a slip of paper was handed Justice Allen bearing the Jury's verdict that the deal should stand and the costs be divided between the liti gants. Declaring that no such ver dict should be rendered" In his court the justice went to tlio jury room. He found tho windows up and saw the jurors scampering' down tho snow-covered hill. INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY LOS ANGELES \ Walter Brooking shows some of bis thrlll en in preliminary flight for aviation meet. PAGE 1 Daughter Eds letters of administration on estate of former Italian count. I'AGHJ 3 Mother claim* baby Mi© left on San Pedro street doorstep. PAGE 13 1 Attorneys claim Baldwin contest may last for three, months. PAGE 13 Third ordinance for abandonment of 'Ware house court In drawn up. PAGM 7 E. P. Ttlpley. president of the Kant* TV. declares) progressive)! are destructive «nd raps, nooaevelt. PAGE 2 Relatival of. accused Chinese boy endeavor ■ to havn oriental system of substitute rec ognized by local court. PAGE 13 Christmas husfnegs at postofflco nearly double that of ono your ago. PAGE IS T>l*l|ll>iitlncr commltteo of Times disaster fund gives accounting on all money col- toil. PAGE 3 City and county Institutes hold *>ponlng sessions with 2600 teachers In attendance.. • ■ PAGE S Judge holds court in Black Maria, county * Jail's van, rather than tako paralyzed prisoner Into court room. PA<IF3 12 Attempts to shear some city commissions of powers Klvcn by proposed charter amend ments fall at conference. PAGE 12 Supervisors return to highway commission demands of road Inspectors presented by highway comnilssion. . PAGE 8 Motorcycle officer. Injured In pursuit of speeder, near death. PAGE 8 Kditorial and letter bo*. PAGE 4 Society, clubs and music. PAGE D Theaters. PAGE 6 News of th« courts. FACIE 3 Municipal affairs. PAGE 7 Mines and oil fields. ' PAGE 7 Sports. ' v '/ • '. PAGE 8 Markets.. ■ PAGE 9 "Weather report. PAGE 10 Marriage licenses,. births, deaths. PAGE 10> Classified advertising. PAGES 10-11 SOUTH CALIFORNIA San Bernardino man ko«j to jail cell In stead of leading brldo to altar. PAGE 10 Miss Susan B. Btickney burned In explo sion and fire at her homo In Pasadena. PAGE 10 Mrs. T. R. Mitten of Whittler seriously In jured by robber armed with club. PAG IS 10 Members of l.nnfr Beach municipal band have thrilling experience when launch's, engine breaks dijwn. PAGE 10 Orang« county teachers' Institute opens' In Santa Ana. PAGE 10 COAST Fresno pastors condemn dances and lin gerie display at society klrmesse. PAGE 1 California man meets death In secretly arranged shotgun trap. PAGE 7 Adjutant General liouck blames armory board for weak coast artillery. f PAGE 1 EASTERN - Congressional committee to investigate method by which railroads, supplied lloosevelt- with transportation •while he was president. ' PAGE 1 Senators of both parties join in revolt against ruling made by Vice President Sherman. PAGE} 1 Striking employes of Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain system settle differences over wages. PARK 2 New York city shaken by gas explosion that kills nine persons and Injures 125. eight possibly fatally. PAGE 2 Michael Cudahy leaves estate valued at $11,000,00". 1 PAGE 2 United State* Senator Frazler denies he signed report freeing Lorimer of Illinois from scandal charges. ' PACK 2 MINING AND OIL Auditor flnds fraud in Cleveland Oil af fairs. «j PAOB Nevada srn«Hei will burn oil as perma nent fi|pl. rAUB WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY IN LOS ANGELES Au<iitorlnm-r-"Th« Queen of th,e Moulin Itougo," 8:15 p. m. Fi'lasco— "A Stranger In New York," 8:15 p. m. Embank -"The lyince Chap," 8:15 p. m, ' lirund-."Tho Toymaker," 2:15 an* 8:15 p. m. Levy's Cafe Chantant—Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. Los Angeles—Vaudeville, V.30, 7:45 and Ip. in. Luna park—Outdoor amusements, band con cert anj vaudeville, 10 a. m. to midnight. - Majestic—"The Kissing Girl," 8:15 p. m. v Mason—Dark. .... Olympic— "The Halfback," 7:15 anil 9:15 p. m. Orpheum—Vaudeville, 4:15 and 8:15 p. m. * Pantages—Vnudevllo, 2:30, 7:45 and 9 p. m. Princess—"At the Beach," 7:45 and 9:15 p. in. . OF INTKREBT TO WOMEN "■) Dramatic wit lon— "Morning club, 3 p. m. Luncheon D. A. <lt. chapters, Christopher's, 1 p. m. ■ ■ MISCELLANEOUS Entertainment under auspices of Anti-Clear rtto flub, Vcrnon Christian church, 7:30 p, in. Th« Rev. .1. I. M«yor»r .ludgo Curtis I). Wil bur, Dr. and Mis." U. 'M. Lawrence, G. U Unbliivon and t'liinily and others will take putt. l^).s Angeles Cr'odM Men's nKaoclatlon, Ohilst mag program, Btfi p. m. Joßcph Call -will speak on "Panama Canal and Water Kales and Their M aiiries on tho Commercial In dustrie* of Southern California.". Four-act comedy, "Mice and Men," uiuler 1... Angolos <Teach>-rH' nuildlng association, Polytechnic high school tonight. 3 Conference 'of social workers of AMsi^-iatt-d ChHiKlr'S, assembly room. Chamber of Com merce, 10:30 a. m. ' ■ ■ . • . | City teachers' ' Institute, Polytechnic lilgh ■chop), 4:30 a. m. / County i>;ich'i-s' Institute, Hlinpsun auili torluin, 9:30 a. m. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1010. COAST ARTILLERY WEAK, SAYS LAUCK, POINTING DANGER Adjutant General Blames Armory Board for Failure to Ex pend Appropriation BIGGER MILITIA FORCE URGED Mobile Army to Repel Foe from Unfortified Harbors Ad vocated by Official X ■ [Associated Press] SACRAMENTO, Dec. 19.—The Cali fornia, coast Is totally unprepared for war; Adjutant General J. &. Lauek be lieves, (in account of too small a militia force, which has been kept small through the failure of the armory board, consisting of Governor Glllett, Attorney* General Webb and Mayor McCarthy, of San Francisco, to expend $420,000 appropriated at the last legis lature for an armory and equipment in San Francisco. "We should have sixteen companies of coast artillery, fourteen of them at Ban Francisco," said Lauck today, "whereas sit present we have but nine, seven In San Francisco and two in San Diego. That'll what the war de partment desires, for us to organize more companies. . "Our great difficulty Is, not in or ganising, but rather in securing hous ing facilities.' If we had buildings suitable for housing and taking caro of an organization similar to those they have in other large cities, there is no question in my mind but that we would have full ranks and more men than we really need. Sufficient ap propriation for such a building for Ban Francisco, It amounted to $4:20,000, was made by the legislature two years ago, but so far not a shovel of earth has been turned to make the construc tion of that building possible. BOl* Mll.l> UNPROTECTED "Ban Francisco has the best fortified harbor In the world, yet how far do we have to go to see another fortified place oil the coast? The next fortified place is down at San Diego, 800 miles distant. Great gods! That's proper protection. Again on the north, we have to go clear up to Washington, to the mouth ot the Columbia river, bo fore we find more fortifications. "1 sco no reason for anything to pre vent, transports from landing troops from anywhere around .those Interior points and coming inland and taking possession of all the transportation lines and passes. Who or whirls. go ing to stop them? "You diaye got to have a mobile army to do these things and you have not sufficient men in your present army. There could not be in excess of 6000 men of our own army, if that many, landed about the. coast here in two months' time. I am not at all an alarm ist. I don't say that there will bo war or anything of the kind, but I know as every military man knows, that we are hot properly equipped.- I think wo Have something like-309,642 men sub ject to military duty in this state, yet out of that our defensive establish ment numbers only about 4000 men of all arms—coast artillery, infantry, cavalry, signal corps and naval mili tary. That is a very smll percentage for the number of men available." General Lauck believes also that the antipathy of employers toward having their, employes serve in the state mili tia is doing much to retard the growth of the organization. "When we take Into consideration," he said, "that these youn^r men join the. militia for the sole purpose of gain ing knowledge in the military line and for patriotism, without one cent of rev enue from either i'.ie state or nation, atid then are often threatened by their employers that if they go to camp they discharged, we can readily un derstand why we have not a bigger force in the organized military." TORONTO BANK WITH 30 BRANCHES CLOSES DOORS Shareholders Affected by Failure Number Over 1000 TORONTO, Ont., Dec. 19.—The Farm ers' bank, with head offices in Toron to and thirty-one branches in various towns and villages throughout Ontario, has suspended payment and the doors will not open tomorrow morning. The capital stock is $1,000,000 ,with about $600,000 paid up, the share holders num bering over one thousand, principally in small amounts. W. It. Travels is tin' - general manager. _ , The bank was organized only about five years ago. The deposits in the various branch offices are, roughly speaking, $1,400, --000. The suspension was brought about by the failure of the bank to meet its liabilities of $20,000 at the clearing house today. GROSS FRAUDS CHARGED IN MARTINIQUE ELECTIONS Deputy La Grosilliere and Friends Issue .Call to Arms FORT DX . FRANCE, Martinique, Dec. I!).—Charger) of gross frauds In yesterdays-elections in 'the several cantons are made. After the noils closed the'ballot boxes were brought here by the government officials and placed under protection.; In the night the office In which they were locked Up was entered and the boxes, were rilled. ■ , Deputy La Gro.silliere and his friends have Issued a call to anus, as it is al leged Hie destruction of or tampering with the ballots will result In an elec tion victory for the minority. OFFICIAL PINNER FOR TAFT WASHING!' X. Dec. 19.'—The first of the official/, armors or tho reason to the president/ md Mr* Tuft whs given tonight by vice President and Mrs. Sherman. | Besides the members of the cabinet and Speaker Cannon • there wore present several put ,of town guests. '' Warning—Don't Let This Prove True in YOUR Case / \t J 4y c /0/\/&$ You \ . yots/*. SHOP— .J / *yyrf I■ >* x. 1 oucrftr to do ycc/k ///C\\ d_U (^ Si ~ \ A^i^ \ / /PZ r*^^~=**v-'&\. —. .- PASTORS CONDEMN SMART SET DANCES 'Merry Widow' Waltz and Lin- j gerie Display of Fresno Belles Cause Breach (Special to The Herald) FRESNO, Dee. 19.—1s it just the proper thing for young men and wo men to dance—strictly in. the interest of art—folklore dances that call for a tight embrace with lips held in close juxtaposition and a display of—er— lingerie, while their adoring mammas look on and applaud? Of coutee it is, say the adoring mam mas of 300 of i'resno's society belles and bee.::. Of course it is not, say the pastors of various churches who have held a meeting on the subject and passed reso lutions condemning the dances and the lingerie display. The pastors got their tip from large sized photographs of the young people that adorn store windows to advertise a klrmess to be held in the opera house this week, at which folklore dances will be participated in by the sons and daughters of some of the leading families of the city. Chief among the dances is the folklore dance of the mythical Marsevia, taken from the comic opera, "The Merry Widow." The members «..* the Parlor Lecture club, the exclusive woman's organisa tion of Fresno, declare there is nothing improper about the dance, and besides that it ia beautiful and artistic. The preachers ray the photographs show that it is itnmora!, both in pose and display of lingerie. Other dances, which do not bring the lips of the dancers into such tempting closeness also are criticised by th« ministers as being improper in poso and exhibiti ... of nether garments, but the Merry Widow waltz is too much, even if the others could be overlooked. The resolution adopted by the min isters asked the Parlor Lecture elob to disclaim responsibility for the pic tures, which are actual photograph* of the performer*. The doting mammal received the resolutions with Indigna tion, and a serious breach between the society folk and the ministerial associa tion is the result. WHITE TAKES OATH AS CHIEF JUSTICE OF U. S. Jurist Kisses Bible When Elevat ed to High Office WASHINGTON. Dec. 19.—1n th 9 presencfi of a distinguiKhed gathering in tho little court room, Edward Doug las White was today elevated 'from associate justice in the supreme court of the United States to tho chief jus tiresK?. The climax of the ceremonies occur red when Associate Justice llarlan, as senior member of the court, adminis tered the Judicial oath. It was sub scribed to on the bench Itself Instead of at the, cleric's dosk, as is ordinarily the case. Chief Justice white, taking the oath, held in bis hand a bible which lias been used by nearly every chief Justice and associate Justice <>n similar occasions in the last 100 years, but unlike most of them, he kissed tho book at the conclusion, of the oath, WARNING SAVES WORSHIPERS MXOON.i Mo., Dec, "Brother 'rothers, the building la on tiro." This statement was made by Dr. F, <'. Thornlmrs at the-Methodist i" church here yesterday morning, while the ltov # a. Crothers was praying;. The audience quietly arose and left the building to find the entire roof was blazing flon-o ly. In ton minutes the $8000 church was a mass of ruins.'. INDIANS IN ALASKA RAIDED BY REVENUE MEN FOR MCONSHINiNG JUNEAU, Alaska, Dec. Ift.—A raid by a detachment of marines from the revenue cutter Hush has re sulted in the breaking up of an In dian moonshiners' camp at the In dian village, of Hoonah. Mandy Martin, a squaw, who wsis arrested, is said tO havo mside a concession Implicating her husband and other members of the tribe. Continued reports of mobnshtning at Hoonah have been received by federal officers here, but frequent raids by United States deputy mar shals have been without result. The matter was placed in tho hands of Capt. Do Otte of tho revenue cutter Rush, and yesterday morning liiH vessel suddenly appeared oil* the settlement. Before the Indians knew what was going on the village wsis surround ed. Kvery house was Marched and contrivances for making "hootch," or Indian whisky, were found. ROOSEVELT'S 'PASS' CAUSE OF INQUIRY Congress Asked to Investigate Transportation Arrangement of Former President WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.— A con gressional Investigation 01: Theodore Roosevelt's railroad transportation ex pensea vhilo be was president of the United status is called for In ii resolu tion Introduced by Representative Rainey of Illinois, a Democrat, It was referred to the committee on inks. The resolution provides that a com* mlttee of five be selected to Investl gate how much, If any, of these ex penses were paid by Mr. Roosevelt, or by any one acting'for him. It further provides for in<|tiit'.v ;is to the con tracta made for 1 :in while president, with iho Pennsylvania rallroail or its officials, "or Hi i demand* for trans portation made by Theodore Room Volt, while president, on said road." The committee la to make tho name investig-ation with regard to other rail roads furnishing htan transportatJon. ARREST CAUSES DEATH OF OIL COMPANY OFFICIAL NEW YORK. Dec. I!).—William N". Mann, an officer of the Vacuum <>il company, died today in St. Marys hos pital, Hoboken, X. .T-. when' ft was taken Saturday night In an uncon scious condition. Mr. Mann was ar rested after an argument with a t< Mow passenger on a train in the turn' I be neath tho Hudson river. While in ihe police station in Hoboken !;<■ was stricken with apoplexy. DE JANON GIRL GETS ESTATE PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 19.—8y the terms of the will of tho late Kobert Bulst, the seedsman of this city. Rob erta B. de Janon, l>is sFrandohlld, who disappeared from this city with a hotel waiter .1 year go, and was found In Chicago, la given In trust the bulk of his estate, which is valued at about $500,000. PUPILS SAVED FROM FIRE REXBUIU3, Idaho, Dec. 19.— Six hun dred fhlldrenwere marched palely Into the open, while tinmen Were leaping from the, Bchoolhpupe here today. Tho building was destroyed. tirVPT 17" Pni>TrS! • DAILY 2c. ON TRAINS B«. OllMjrJjl^ vl/1 -LJUO. SUNDAYS sc. ON TItAINS 10« SENATORS REVOLT AGAINST SHERMAN Republicans and Democrats Join ' in Upsetting Vice President's Ruling on Closure [Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec 19.— a vote of 37 to 17, the senate today again emphatically announced its determina tion to resist all effort to alter its? rules in any Way looking to the establish ment of closure in that body. The question arose over the ruling made last Saturday by Vice President Sherman, holding that an announce ment of a pair by a senator in an aye and nay vote is sufficient to Justify the chair In including him to make a quorum. The point was raised early in v the day over the approval of the journal over Saturday's proceeding. In connection with the vote on amendments to the omnibus claims bill, a vote was taken on an appeal by Senator Hale from a decision by the chair similar to that of Saturday. All the 17 votes in favor of sustaining the fhair were cast by Republicans. Of the 37 votes against the chair 20 were cast by Republicans' and 17 by Demo crats. In the roll call the point was made by Mr. Heyburn that only by unan lmouus consent could a senator he ex cused from voting even in observant a of a pair, and after the roll call was concluded Senators Dilllngham and Martin were compelled to rise and ask to be excused because of pairs. No objection was made. While asking for tho correction of the record today of the senate, Sena tor Heybum called attention to an error of the report in the manner he expressed dissent several days ago, from the suggestion that the tariff should be revised schedule by schedule. Jle had used tho language that a re vision should be made us a political proposition as favored "by the real Republicans of the country." "Who are the real Republicans?" asked Mr. Bailey of Texas. "Oh. i know them," retorted Mr. Heyburn, as his gasa swept a corner of the chamber where a number of in surgentfi were seated. LEGISLATURE TO TRIM DIRECT PRIMARY BILL Senator Lee C. Gate.s Proposes Improvements in Measure (gpeolal to Tin- Herald) SACRAMENTO, Deo. 19.—The oum bersome direct primary bill will be giv en some stern trimmings m the com ins session of the leglslatun , which desires to make it accomplish much more than it dues In the present state. Senator Lee •'• Gates of Loi Angeles in working on ;i measure that will bring about some Improvements. Ho proposes to abolish the vote within the party for United States senator and also .step Into the general elections and wipe out the part y circle. x A novel change In the present method of arranging names alphabetically on the primary ballot Is contemplated In a bill that probably will enter from the assembly side, It plans to rotate the names so ,i candidate will not slip through merely because Ills name be gins With an "A" or "B." The proposed system is operated In New Hampshire, If there are 100,000 ballots for the state and four candi dates for the same nomination, each rand I will appear 26,000 times at do top of tho list of names, as many next and s" on down the line. This will give everybody a square deal be cause outside of the gubernatorial can didate it Is hard for an aspirant to be come, acquainted with* the masses of voters who very often stamp the first name because It cornea handy. THE HOME PAPER OF GREATER LOS ANGELES BROOKINS THRILLS WITH ACROBATICS HIGH IN THE AIR Young Man Bird Gives Foretaste of Aviation Meet Sensations to Invited Guests FAMOUS SPIRAL DIP SHOWN II Didn't Intend Any Stunts, but Got Enthusiastic Up There.' Aviator Says Diviner, swinging In Bmall circles anil executing the difficult and dangerous "spiral dip," Walter Brooking uphold iiis reputation for sensational and fear less aerial maneuvers yesterday at l>• iminguez Reid. Brooking performed for a number of newspaper meaf and photographers. Many of those presoni attended the aviation Hurt hist year cimi were of tin 1 opinion thai Cor them there could be ii" new thrill In aviation. Brooklns 1 performance dispelled tins Illusion. "I'll Hhow >■ ni what an Heroplane can (In in (.lie air." :aid Brookina. The Wrlghl ftfur cylinder engine spluttered and opttled Into ;i steady drone ;is tlie aviator gave the word Hnci slmt into tin- nir. Mounting rapidly, in- Hped ai Toms the new course. Work stopped all 'Air illl' Held as the men watched him. Higher and higher ho climbed until ;i height "f some 500 feet boon reached. Then, with a suddenness that blanched the cheeka or the watchers, tin machine seemed to hesitute and drop eari hward. Then the machine onca more started forward and began to Up. Higher and higher went mi' 1 side as tin-' other sank. It began to circle, going faster and faster as the. angle reached became greater, until ii wan seemingly whirl- Ing around in a circle Homo ten foot in diameter. it .is the /Sensational "snirirf dip." , Coming out of the ftrst spiral, with equal suddenness, Brooklns plunged into another, going in the opposite di rection tins time, however. As he came nut nf tno second he went into a third, reversing his direction again and movi I Ing in tin; same direction as in the. i flrst. MARKS AT.MOSr IMPOSSIBLE TIHNS Straightening his machine for the third time. Brookina sailed to flic up per end of the field while the specta tors cheered and applauded. Return." ing. he started Ins circles and one* more brought (ho hearts of those who ■aw him into their months by his dar ing and skill ! in handling his ma chine. Around and around he went, making turns which seemed impossible. IJrookint arrived at the field about 4 o'clock. The machine which he uses was ready for tiisht and with little trouble was wheeled to the field. With out changing his street clothes, the young aviator climbed in and sailed across the Meld, doinß nothing to su« gest the sensations ho was to Intro duce. After giving his engine a thorough trying out and sailing fom pletely around the new course, getting his locations, tie returned to tho ground and donned his flying togs. "It wasn't very interostinrr." he re marked to ;l . bystander as he put on his gloves-. "It wasn't any better than yon have seen before, Mas it? I fly just like the rest of them. Well, I am just going to .show you what an aeroplane can do in the air. Now watch," and ho was off. Flying evenly along somes 200 feet in the ; ir. following his performance of. the spiral dip and sensational circles. Brooking suddenly turned his machine directly toward the- ground. Once more a gasp of astonishment went up. Swooping" down until within a few dozen feet of the earth, with a simple movement ho headed the machine up ward again while the watchers were trying to figure out what could save it from burying itself In the earth. Again and again Brooking performed the stunt, sometimes 'high in the air, sometimes near the ground, taking what seemed to he the limit of risk. says HE (JOT ENTHUSIASTIC "California atmosphere is great to fly In." said Brookins on returning to the ground. "I enjoyed myself very much. Didn't Intend to do, much today, but g~t enthusiastic up there. The view is beautiful—the ocean, rolling hills, fields and farms making 1 a very pretty picture. "[ am going to go through the pro gram which I have just given you peo ple every day of the meet," ho con cluded, "It Is of interest to the spec tators, and that is what i am here for." "It was the most wonderful flying l ever saw. Beside it that of last yea! was mere child's play," Raid Fred 1... B^iker. who was the only oue of thq aviation committee on the grounds. "I was astonished when I saw that spiral dip. I had heard that such things were done, but had not believed it was possible to do what Brookins did." Another aviator may bo added to th« list already signed by the committee. This new man is James Ward, a mem ber of the Curtiss group of flyers, who has been ordered to this city by Glenn H. Curtiss because of his recent re markable showing at Atlanta. Ward will be the youngest aviator to take part in the meet if ho arrives. He is hut 20 years old and has worked himself up from mechanic to aviator in six months. Although only a boy, he is already noted tor his daring ami skill and probably will prove an at tractive addition to the aviators. It is believed he will attempt to carry off the endurance prize, as ho has won most of his fame in tin's feature, of aviating. I'lMi IS BOOSTED $5000 The funds for tUo new meet were raised JaOOfl yesterday by the receipt of seven more new subscription*. The new subscribers are J. If. Adams, $1000: Bom« Telephone company, $500; Hotel Maryland, $1000; (iorman-Amerlcan bank, $500; F. ti. Baker. $1000; Henry O'Melveny, $500; Willis Booth, $500. The committee yesterday petitioned the board of supervisors to place Compton boulevard in as good condi tion as possible, before the meet. Members of, the board inspacted this road yesterday afternoon and will rush the work of oiling and rolling it. The grandstands will b*i completed (L'onllnutd on !'■«• Xbrw;