Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER FORECAST: Cloudy, warmer; brisk north wind vol. xxxm. pnipi?, r.A PI^NTV by cahkieu M 88. 1 nH-Ji. •>" • L/llill 1 IKK MO.MH CHARTER CHANGES PASS IN COUNCIL; FATE UP TO VOTERS Amendments Carry 6 to 3, and Election Will Be Called Feb. 26 or 27 MINORITY VOICES A PROTEST Washburn. Stewart and Gregory Declare Some Propositions Very Objectionable By a division of sis to three the. council yesterday passed the charter amendment*, after making a few more changes In them and they will be sub mitted to the people. Councllmen WasHnurn, Stewart and Gregory op nosed the submission of the amend ments and Blgned r report to the coun cil in which they gave their objections. Stewart and Gregory refused to vote for a resolution of thanks to the seven members of the charter revision com mission on the grounds that tnej would stultify themselves if they did, hut Washburn voted tor the resolu tion with a reservation. There aro fifteen amendments to ne voter! on by the people and the elec tion probably will be called for Feb ruary 26 or 27. There are more than fifteen sections of the charter that are amended, but as some of the amend ments must stand or fa" together It was found desirable to couple several sections In one. Some minor changes were made :". the last minute and the council split as evenly ns nine men can do on the proposition to give the council review over demands of various departments that ate rejected by tho auditor The council took this privilege to Itseli by a voie of 5 to 4. in this particulur the council will have- review over the ex penditures of the water, harbor and public works departments, which it doei not. now have. By the -nine vote the amendments were changed bo the next mayor will be elected for only two years instead Of four, but his suc cessor will hold a four-year term. V ' MINORITY OIWKCTIOJM Objections filed by Washburn, Stew art and Gregory follow: •■1 We aro asked to intelligently consider and approve within one week ■it least 48,000 words of amendments, many of which involve fundamental changes In our plan of municipal gov ernment. We consider the time en tirely Inadequate. "2. From the incomplete examina tion which we have been able to make, some of the amendments seem to do meritorious while others appear seri ously objectionable. "3. The charter revision committee itself does not seem to be entirely agreed upon the matter; _ "4 a charter election cannot be held under the law until more than two years hove elapsed since the Previous election. As the one proposed will be held at the latest date possible to se cure legislative ratification it follows that four years will probably elapse before faulty provisions, if any exist, can be rectified. "5 We are of the opinion that a charter for the city of Los Angeles should be consistent, co-ordinate and symmetrical, but fear thnt many of the amendments will not be in harmony with such an instrument. TAVOH DEEPER PBOB* "6 We believe that the text of the charter as in its fill! amended form .should first have tin- formal approval of the revision committee .Mid then ho tentatively submitted to the council, the various departments of the city, tho civic bodies and the public tor ex amination and suggestions, and should then receive needed collection by the commission. Thereafter to be ap proved by the council in its final form before being submitted to vote of the "This or similar deliberation not hav ing been exereispei we believe the greater beneflta will accrue to continue the consideration, either under the present commission, which has done arduous work and furnished much of pood, o« under a new commission, who will report not later than January L, I!UL'. and the final conclusions sub mitted to the legislature of 1913." U. S. WILL SUE TO ANNUL CHARTERS OF EXPRESS COS. Attorney General Says Ten Con cerns Evade Bank Law NX' ? YORK, Dec. 27.—Attorney Oeneril O'Malley received permission from Justice Amend, in the supreme court today to bririK suit for forfeiture of charter against ten express com panies in this city, mostly with offices on the lower east side, for ulleged vio lations of the law. According to the attorney generals position the companies have all been organised within the last six months to evade the new banking laws, which require corporations and individuals doing a .strictly banking business, to obtain a license from the state bank ing department, and to deposit with the state controller cash or securities , the value of from $l».00(i to fSO.OOO. The attorney general declares that the ten express companies are exercis ing 'he. power and function of bank ers. TAFT ORDERS CHANGES, IN CALIFORNIA FOREST Additions and Eliminations Affect i Modoc Reserve WASHINGTON, Dec. 27.—Proclama tions ordering additions and elimina tions in national forests In California, Idaho and Utah were today signed by president Taft. The changes made today follow: Modoc forest, California, 70,967 acros eliminated; 182,050 acres added. Boise forest, Idaho, 9040 acres elimi nated and Sovler forest. Utah, 93,730 acres eliminated; 2560 acres added. LOS ANGELES HERALD INDEX OF HERALD'S NEWS TODAY LOS ANGELES Chat-tor amendments pass in 'council and matter will bo placed before people at election. PAGE 1 Arthur Ancenas, 6 years old, arrested while stealing goods In printing establishment at night. PAGE 1 >hllce commission formally appoints Lieu tenant Sebastian chief oj police. PAGE 1 Ely, on winged steed, wins preliminary aerial derby; aviators chase Bock of bal loons In clouds. PACE I Judge Hordwcll decides Arizona must pro vide tor Insane patient who was sent i" this city. PAGE 3 Scaling wages by] merit system makes park pay roll lower, ■ PAOB 3 Councllmeli Indicate at session that new rules will be made to regulate erection of large bill boards, PAGE 3 Oregon's governor-elect becomos Southland I Bier, PAOB 3 Secrecy covers Investigation of Llewellynl lion works explosion. PAGE 3 Judge Uavls hears explanation of charges following show "i tißiit pictures. PAQH 6 Los Angeles county will have many addi tional senators and assemblymen In next legislature. PAGE I City Clerk I,elande to resign municipal Job tills afternoon! I.orln A. llandley to BUO- C«bd him. PAGE 6 Auto show at Fiesta park draws night crowds. . PAGE 8 Police search for Loula K. j Leahy, who disappeared after walk In Westlako park. PAOB 12 County board of education hears arguments on proposed school district and building in Wllshlre section. PAGE 12 War department orders S. P. to put draw bridge over channel to west basin of harbor. PAOK 12 United States surveyor general renders de clslnn upholding land titles of Palo Verde settlers. PAGE 12 Pasadena day draws 10,000 crowd to avia tion meet. PAGE 7 Detectives Jail two confidence men sus pects. PAQB 12 editorial and letter box. PAGE 4 Society and music. PAGE & Theaters. PAGE 3 Markets and flnanclrjl PAGR 9 Oil and mining. PAQH 7 Citrus fruit report. PAGE 9 Building permits. PAOE 10 Sports. PAGK 8 Marriage licenses, births, deaths." PAGE 10 Wiathc/report.' PAGE 10 Classified advertising. . PAGES 10-11 News of the courts. PAGE 6 Municipal affairs. PAGE 3 SOUTH CALIFORNIA Dinner at Hotel Green, Pasadena, attended by large number of guests opens season In Crown City. . PAGE 10 Voters of San Bernardino county will de- • termine on $860,000 bond Issue for hospital site and building*. ; PAQH 10 Member of Modern Brotherhood Mouses secretary of embezzlement. PAOE 10 Secretary of Modern Brotherhood at Long Beach Is accused of embezzlement. PAGE 10 COAST Millionaire's daughter seek* separation from huabaad at Santa Barbara, and love ']■• monco Is shattered. PAGE 1 I Mother sues to recover money she. alleges : she loaned son's fiancee. PAGE i i EASTERN | Official statement made that government dismisses civil mi^s against packers In order to press criminal charges. PAGE 2 Secretary Nagel reports that 1,198,037 Immi grants entered United States during last I fiscal year. PAGE 2 State superintendent closes Northern Bank 1 of New York pending examination Into reported Irregularities. PAOE 1 United States will sue at New York tor the revocation of charters of ton express companies. PAGE l Proposed congressional reapportlonment will i provide tor 435 members in house of rep resentatives. PAGE 2 Former Senator Foraker files brief In U. S. supVeme court against corporation tax. PAGE 2 ! MINING AND OIL Yellow Tiger strike Interests Goldfleld. PAGE 7 Eastern oil man declares that crude oil 1 soon will advance in price. PAGE 7 WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY IN LOS ANGELES AMUSEMENTS Auditorium- "The Man of the Hour," 8:15 p. in. Burbank—"The Bat tit," 8:15 p. m. i; — "The Toymakcr," 8:15 p. m. . levy's Cafe Chantant—Continuous vaudeville, 8:30 p. m. to 15:30 a-, m. Los Angeles— Vaudeville, 5:30, 7:43 ana 9 p. in. I.una park— Outdoor amusements, band con cert and vaudeville, 10 a. m. to midnight, _ Majestic—Mary Mannerlng In "A Man's World." 2:15 and 8:15 p. m. Mason—Lillian Russell in "In Search of a Sinner." Olympic— "Mr. Santa Clans Jr.," 3, 7:45 and 9:15 p. m. Orpheum—Vaudeville, 2:15 and 8:15 p. m. I Pantages—Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:45 and .< p. m. Princess— "On the Quiet," .1, 7:46 and 9:15 p. m.. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN Cosmos club, Knell clubhouse, Christmas party, 2:30 p. m. MISCELLANEOUS Aviation meeting, Long Beach day, aerial derby and many other contests. First event i at 1 o'clock. | City council meeting to consider protest in \ Sunset boulevard assessment district, 2 p. m. I Anifual high Jlnka Los Angeles lodge No. 99, j Elks' clubhouse, Third and Olive streets. KiKhth lecture of course being delivered by Dr. Carey in Burbank hail. 8 p. m. Subject, ' "A Vision of the New Time," Biennial convention of Sixth province of the rill Delta Phi legal fraternity. Sunday School Teachers' Graded union meet ing In Berean hall, Temple auditorium, 9:45 a. in. Song service by children. The Rev, Charles Scccombe of Santa Ana will lead. ■ 1 All (lay meeting of Free Methodists In church at 60S East Sixth street. Preaching at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. i GLOWING LAVA ERUPTED ON ETNA'S SNOWY SIDES CATANIA, .Sicily, Dec. 17.—Mount Etna is .showing considerable activity. There have been no earth tremors, however, hut red hot material has been erupted, making a striking contrast with tin* mow-capped volcano. Villagers living near the crater, re membering former experiences, are keeping a close watch on the volcano in tear of. being overwhelmed. WEDNESDAY MORNINU, DECEMBER 28, 1910. OFFICIAL SWOOPS ON EASTERN BANK; VAULT IS SEALED Institution in New York with De posits of Nearly Seven Millions Closed CHARGES OF IRREGULARITIES Onairman of Executive Commit- tee in Sanitarium After Re ported Suicide Attempt [Associated Press] NEW YORK, IXt. 27.—The North ern bank of Now STork, with deposits I in its nine branches of 16,912,682 at the time of its last published statement, ; was closed today by <>. 11. Cheney, j state superintendent of banks, "fur the benefit of the depositors," of "certain conditions," and "also certain Irregular transaction!." An inventory of the bank's assets and liabilities is now under way, but until it is completed no further statement from Superintendent Cheney will be available. W. 11. Hotchkiss, stale su perintendent of Insurance, and District Attorney Whitman are co-operating with him. They hope to present tho facts to the grand jury tomorrow. Joseph <i- Robin, chairman of the executive committee, and a sharehold er and director in many other corpor ations, is In a private sanitarium at Central Valley, N. i., to which he was committed last Saturday by Justice Amend of the state supreme court at the request of his sister. SI X IDK ATTEMPT KKI'OKTKI) James H. Gifford of counsel lor the bank and one of its directors, an nounced tonight that physicians had dlagofised the case as acutu paranoia. Robin tried to kill himself in his apart ments last Saturday night, but was restrained by a nurse, according to Mr. Glfford. The relations of the Aetna with the Northern bank, »and of both with thq Title and Guarantee company of Rochester form the subject matter of a long statement by Superintendent Hotchkiss. It follows, in part: "Joseph G. Robin was in March last the controlling stockholder of the Aetna Indemnity company and appar ently of the Northern bank of New- York. One of the chief assets of the Aetna Indemnity company (a Connec ticut corporation in no way related to the Aetna Fire Insurance company) was, according to the statement of December 31, 1909, 1500, or the entire issue, of the corporate stock of the Title and Guarantee company of Rochester. "The latter is a New York insur ance corporation authorized to do a fidelity and a title guarantee business. This corporation had, however, been dormant for some time. A lease of its little- plant to a Rochester abstract company produced an Income which, in addition to its other assets, gave the Stockholders a value of $169,000 out of the total assets of the Aetna com pany of approximately $1,000,000. "Coincident with an increase in the capital stock of the Aetna Indemnity company last spring Robin seems to have opened negotiations for the pur chase from it of the Rochester com pany. About that time both companies elected new officers, former Superin tendent Kelsey (Otto H. Kelsey) of the state Insurance department be coming president, of both. "]t appears that shortly prior to this time Robin, as one of the witnesses said, had statetd that he would pur chase from the Aetna the stock of the title and guarantee company. On the Strength of this statement —for there was no contract until October, 1910— the assets of the Rochester company were turned ovsr to him on March 31. and without the knowledge of Presi dent Kelsey or other officers of the two interested insurance companies disposed of and manipulated as Robin directed." GILDED LOVE ROMANCE OF MONTECITO IS SHATTERED Millionaire's Daughter Seeks a Separation from Husband (Special to Tha Herald) SANTA BARBARA, Dec. 27.—Mon teclto friends of Mrs. Rachel l'rabody Frailer have not received confirmation of her reported divorce from Frank Duff Frasier. • They have been expect ing the news, however, as It'haa been known here for months that the woman hail applied for separation. Mrs. F"azier left here several weeks ago fo Albany, N. V., to visit her lather, P. F. Peabody, the linen manu facturer. Prank Duff Prazier is now in Medford, Ore. The first breach that arose between Mrs. Frasier and her husband occurred In this city and was due, it is claimed, to his reckless be havior, lie was an intimate friend of the late Nat Moore, who committed suicide, in Chicago a year or more ago, and they were boon companion! in Santa Barbara. At that time, it is said, Mrs. Frazier save her husband his choice of herself or the fast life and ho is said to have chosen the latter. P. P. Peubody has purchased a fine homesite In Montecito and is now preparing' to build a palace on it. His daughter lives here more than six months each year. COLORADO WOMEN MAY TRY TO TAKE BALLOT FROM MEN (Special to The HcraMl DB2NVEK, Dec. 27.—A bill to deprive nun of the ballot in Colorado will be Introduced In the legislature if one now being framed by men intended to disfranchise women is presented at the coining session. That is the answer the suffragettes have ready for the men who an; seeking to form a mas culine voting monopoly, The men base their arguments In favor of the bill on the allegation that women have "failed" as voters. The women decline they havi been re*pon» slble for noil of the reform legislation and most of the reform has been to correct the mistakes men liavo made. MANBIRDS RACE AMID WINDS Another Monarch Has Been Overthrown "N *r^r^ f\SjWj}'/!f''i ?"""""-^ —^=!-3-i!=r7y ■^SS^f/ lKAf£7^/j, BOARD FORMALLY NAMES SEBASTIAN Galloway Extends Hand of Con gratulation to Successor as Chief of Police Charles K. Sebastian was appointe chief of police by tho police commis sion last night and will aasutne h duties as head of the department Jan vary 3, when chief Galloway will re tire. In tho meantime Ueut. C. K. Sebas Han will enjoy a year's leave of ab Kenee without pay. The leave of at .,-.,. i ;; piviMi to tli.' official and in the man, for the two are the same, bi .■> rovluing the technical leave of absence Chic!' Sebastian can return to ]-,■ ■ :■.■' gervlce position as lieutenant when his term as chief expires. w uon the commission made the ap pointment last night Chief GTalloway was the first to extend his hand to Chief Sebastian in congratulation, and his smile appeared genuine and there was a beam of real pleasure in his eye as he said: -Lieut. Sebastian and l have understood each other all the time." When the commission had taken Its action Sergeant-at-Arms Matus- Lovii ii .as sent to escort the new chief iVorn -I' nuter roi m, and there was a blush of embarrassment on Sebastian's mcc when ne appeared before the comm ission. Hut he told the commission ers th^t lie appreciated the responsi bilities of the position and that he would try to briiii? the department to the highest point of efficiency so that when his term of office expired the public could say his appointment had not been a mistake. The mayor instructed Chief Sebas tian to gather as many members of the force as can be spared at central station at S o'clock January 5, when the commission will meet them and h&ve a friendly chat. chief Galloway's resignation was ac cepted with expressions of regret from every member of the commission. Commissioner Wellborn said that he was convinced that Chief Sebastian would find things in better shape in the department because Galloway had been in it than Galloway found when iie took possession. POLICE BOARD CREATES 27 EMERGENCY PATROLMEN Newly Appointed Star Wearers Must Pass Test Twenty-seven emergency policemen were appointed t>y tiie police commis sion last night from the civil service eligible lirti but still there are about liity vacancies In the police depart ment to flu and the civil nrvlce list la practically exhausted. The men who were appointed last night still have to pail tin examination and former ex aminations have shown that probably not more than 30 per cent will be- able to get through. , Those who received emergency ;i f> pointmenU are W. B. Spencer, C. A. i Anderson. S. F. Carter. It. B. Harks, B. B\ Haddox, I H. Cullen, Coke Oli ver, A. if. Kallmeyer, F. A. Bparks, K. M. Wai born, Russell smith, l. .d Bum ner, B. '■-'■ steckei, vv. R. ECrepa, Roy Thomas. R. It. CatO, 1". li. Yale. fi. (!. Melcher, C. F. Fordyce, B. H. Godwin, »'■ w. Drager, Paul Steven*, F. m. Van Norman. 1.. E3. Wells. R, L. Alienrcmi hic, a. c, Spinner and Joseph ito mero. jr. FRANK WORTHING DIES SUDDENLY IN THEATER Actor Is Stricken While Audience Waits Rise of Curtain DETROIT, Dec. 27.—Just before the curtain of a theater was to rise to right, Frank Worthing, leading nian for Grace George, was stricken with a hemorrhage, and died a few minutes later. The house was crowded. The patrons were dismissed and announce ment of postponement of the perform- ance was made from the stage. Ac cording to physlciana death was due to the breaking Of a pulmonary artery. He was 41 years old and a native of Scotland. For years he had been af fected with tuberculosis. He had walked from his hotel apparently in his usual health. MOTHER SEEKS MONEY LOANED SON'S FIANCEE i=pp.-lat to The Herald) SANTA BARBARA, Dec. 27.—Judge Crow of the. superior court today de nied the petition of Sylvia L. P. Brownell, a wealthy society woman of Montecito, asking that Mrs. Louise W. Tim.son, a beautiful woman who is , known socially in Paris and New York, j produce a letter alleged to have been i written to her by one E. P. Stone, a ! millionaire clubman of Boston. The 1 letter was alleged to have Implicated Stone in the marital troubles of the Tlmsons, even to the extent of being the object of Mrs. Tims.m's affections. The court held it was not relevant. The court, however, did order Mrs. | Tlmson to answer many questions in I relation to $nSoo which Mrs. Brownell alleges she loaned to the woman. According to the evidence in the case. Wlllldm A. W. Brownell, son of the complainant, and Mrs. Tlmson, whosi husband is a resident of Paris, were to have been married upon her secur ing a divorce, on her promise, Mrs. Brownell alleges that she leaned Mrs. Tlmson the money and that Mrs. Tim son save her notes for it. A year ago Mrs. Tlmson and young Brownell had a flurry, the woman hav ing given her heart to another, As a 1 result, the Brownells are endeavoring ' to «et the money back. As a counter-suit Mrs. Tlmson has entered .suit against William A. W. Brownell for an automobile, piano and other luxuries which she alleges .she gave him during the courtship. When Mrs. Tlmson was placed on the witness stand she refused to answer many questions, and tin 1 court ordered her to answer practically all of them ex cepting those relating to the Boston millionaire. BURBANK PEOPLE PLEDGE COIN FOR ELECTRIC LINE BURBANK, Dec. 27.—At the largest mass meeting in the history of Bur bank, held tonight in Foresters' ball, enthusiastic i Ittaenci pledged the re mainder of the money needed to guar antee the construction of an electric line from Qlendale to Burbank, put ting this city in connection with Los Angeles via the Pacific Electric system. Recently H. E, Huntlngton agreed to extend the; Glendal* brunch of the sys tem to Burbank if a right of way was provided without cost to the company and $40,000 put up as a bonus. The right of way was obtained QUlekly and a large part Of the money. The re mainder was subscribed tonight. The distance from Qlendale to Burbank !■ rive miles. While Huntlngton is out Of the Pa cific- [Electric now it is believed the Southern Pacific "ill build the line on the terms which he proposed and which Uurbank'a citizens accepted. L.|Y/ii IT I VII » I ''"V • m 11. V ?r. ON trains sc. rM .> I»I aI i KjVJX. . SUNDAYS »c. ON trains i«» GUNS DRAWN, 3 MEN ARREST BURGLAR, 9 Arthur Ancenas Crawls Into Printing Establishment and Packs Goods in Bag Only 9 years and small for his age, Arthur Ancenas of 617 Manning street showed a remarkable knowledge of the modern methods of professional burg lars when he crawled into the second story window of the job printing es tablishment of F. A. Herrington, 138^ Soutli Spring street last night, located his loot with the aid of an electric flashlight, then packed the stolen goods in a large bag. The free use of the flashlight re sulted in the lad's downfall. He was taken into custody by Patrolmen O'Howell, Fickett and T. TV. Miller— three of the largest men in the police department—and booked at the central Police station on a charge of burglary. A woman employe of the printing plant returned for something she had forgotten. When she saw the (lashes inside the office she ran to the street and told Patrolman O'Howell that a burglar was ransacking the place. O'Howell enlisted the services of Fick ett and Miller ami the three men, hav ing in mind a desperate conflict with a clever hurglar, drew their revolvers and began an investigation. They found that entrance had been obtained by a window opening on an adjoining' roof. After searching the place and finding evidences of the burglar's depreda tions, the officers were unable to lo cate the intruder. Tiny then began a systematic search of the building and found the culprit, who weighs less than sixty pounds, hiding in a closet at the end of the hall. The bag. such as is used by niessen get.- and newsboys, was filled to a paint of overflowing with pencil.-, cards, type) colored ribbons, sheets of postage stamps and an assortment of other articles of smaller value. Tile collec tion was almost too heavy for the lad to nrt and one of the officers i arrled it to the police station. The youthful burglar admitted hav ing entered the place and told the offi cers how he climbed out on the roof, then raised the window, which was un locked, and got inside. He denied being the owner of the flashlight He said ii belonged to his father and l 1 was taking it home to him. The boy said he robbed another office on Spring street and obtained some money. He said it was "a long time ago" and he could not remember how much he got or what office he en tered. He told th. police that a man met him on tile street and took the money away from him. When the lad was sea relied a purse containing $2.64 was found in his pocket with other articles of small value. After b"ins questioned by the <>ni cers, young Ancenaa wai «ent to the detention home, where he will be held pending his hearing iii the juvenile court. FAMILY IS IGNORED IN WILL OF ARTIST LA FARGE NEWPORT, R. 1.. Doc. 87.— will of the late John La Purge, artist and author, was opened In the probate court here today. It was dated in New York city, April 23. 1910. None of the members or' Mr. La Fnrgo's family la mentioned In the will, nor Is there any intimation whatever of the ■ ■'/.<* of his estate, nor does he leave any specific bequest in terms or cash. THE HOME PAPER OF GREATER LOS ANGELES ELY, GALE LASHED, INS PRELIMINARY TO AERIAL DERBY Curtiss Machine Outspeeds Baby Wright in Trial—Radley's Bleriot Even Faster AVIATORS CHASE BALLOONS Winged Fleet Riddles Battleship with Oranges-Hoxsey Ascends 6800 Feet AVIATION EVENTS AND RESULTS SUMMARIZED Special aeroplane race— Eugene Ely la Curtlss biplane won. Time for five laps around one and three-quarters miles course, 10 minutes 5 3-5 seconds. Best lap 1 minute 59 3-5 seconds. Phil O. !':irnii-i.-i. In Wright "Baby" racer sec ond, Time 10 minuter ■'< 4-5 seconds. Daily speed contest—.lames Hartley in Klerlot monoplane won. Time, 9 min utes 17 1-5 seconds. Rent lap 1 minute 50 Hri'wnil*. Daily altitude, content—Arch lloxsey In Wright biplane won. Altitude reached, 6800 feet. Elapsed time 1 hour 31 min utes 50 seconds. Walter Brooklna in Wright biplane second. Altitude reached 8300 feet. Elapsed time, 23 minutes. Eugene Kl.v in Curtiss biplane third. Al titude reached, 2000 feet (estimated). Bomb throwing contest — F. Willard in Curtlss biplane won. Score, 12 out of noHHlhle 25. Height, 300 feet. Arch Huxley In Wright biplane second. Score, (i out of possible 35. Height, 500 feet. Phil O. I'armelee in Wright biplane third. .Score, 4 out of possible 35. Height, 300 feet. Exhibition one-lap race—Eugene Ely in Curtlss biplane won. Time, 1 minute 88 3-5 seconds. l'hll O. Parmelee In Wright biplane second. Time, 2 minutes 4 3-5 seconds. , Dally endurance contest Arch Hox sey In Wright biplane won. Time, 1 hour 57 minutes 45 seconds. Charles F. Willard In <urtlKS biplane second. Time. 1 hour 13 minutes 15 seconds. Phil O. Parmelee In Wright "Baby" racer third. Time. 1 hour 10 minutes 55 seconds. Eugene B. Ely, In a Curtis? aerial steel, whipped his machine in the face of a thirty-mile-an-hour gale yesterday and won the preliminary to the first; aviation derby, postponed until today, from Philip Parmelee in the "Baby" Wright. This tall, angular challenger of th* elements threw fear to the winds that buffeted him and traveled a fifty-mile - an-hour pace. His record was 10:5 for eight and three-quarter miles. Parmelee, the most complacent and matter of fact man in the air racing; game, finished thirty-two seconds be hind his rival and said not a word. He's to be heard from yet. Two minutes later Radley, the flrp spitting Englishman, in his Bleriot monoplane, came along In what may be termed an aeroplane canter, and clipped the wings of his two competi tors with all the evident pleasure that an epicure takes in picking his Thanks giving goose. An hour prior to these hair-raising episodes Hoxsey, Parmelee, Ely. Wil lard and Itadley, all air charioteers of name and fame, threw their united forces against a flock of inoffensive little red baby balloons. And would you believe it, the baby balloons came off for the most part victorious? HOXBBX DINKS IX AIR Tiring- of this pleasure, the birdmen turned their attention to the serious problem of bombarding a battleship. Their bombs were small California oranges that seemed to resent the playful treatment of being squashed out on a dusty Held, marked off to make a holiday man o' war, but the aviators seemed to enjoy it, and surely the thousands in the stand did. Just to show that bombs have ri> terror for him, Arch Hoxsey made bo bold as to eat one. The judges saw him, and he forfeited three points for willful and malicious waste of am munition. Just :i half hour before this this panic bomb-eating Hoxsey soared Into the » i tti of black clouda that circled the Held and was lost to view. He re turn.■.l to earth with his barograph showing that he had reached the alti tude of 8800 feet—an achievement that would have been a world's record a short time ago. It was only a sus picion of what he did tho day before. when lie actually broke the world's r id by souring 31.471 feet. This, in a long nutshell, is the record of yesterday's doings on Domlngruo* aviation field, the fourth day of thfl second annual Los Angeles air meet for the benefit of the children's fresh air fund. It was a day of amusing incidents In aviation, brought to a close by the spectacular, serious and momentous race between Ely and Parmelee as the representatives of the rival and Wright factions. While this is a friendly rivalry, It la none the less keen, and both camps are ii.nt on showing the superior points of their machines. The Wrights claim stability and with their baby racing craft art' also after speed honors. Our tlss contends for both speed and sta bility. A few minutes after the opening gun of tin- day's t irtlvlttea was tired Heven blrdmen were In the air. Parmeleo was the first to ns<\ In one of the stock Wrights he glided over the start ing ground and grai > fully rose Into the air. Beachej In a Curtlss cmft was the second up and ho was shortly followed by Willard. lladley. Illy, Hrookim Bi"i,i Hoxsey followed In quick surces ston, find spectators wen- treated to a magnificent picture, A blai k cloud blanket limned the (Continued on I'M* florom^