Newspaper Page Text
Goe(dl People Read aiM fatroiSze Herald Wait Columns- You're Heading TSici Now, BoYoMfatronizcTlcm? Situations, Male YOUNO MAN WANTS HARDENING OR lawn work, day or hour. Phone BOYLE 17771 12-27-"t V"i JNd MAN (SI) WISH POSITION AH stuck clerk or holuer. Ji'ix. --t. Ilenild. 12- -' - 7 ALL-ROUND MAN WANTS POSITION OK jfTty kind ami. 8? BOX 189, Herald, 12-17-3 W'ANTI-D— Female WANTED—POSITION. AFTER JANUAIIT 1, mil. a lady of long exporlenco Will be open for .-i position «» mnnnger of ho trl or largo apartments; groat experience In buying In nil lines; best of references. HOX 264, HERALD. 12-15-7t POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER FOB AN elderly gentleman by widow of culture. Rifled, good traveler! none but those of wealth and position need answer. BOX i 16, Herald. I---"'7 WANTED- DAYS WORK, BY COLORED woman of experience, Phone lldwy. 2021, MISS CLARA NORRINOTUN, 11.7 E. Eleventh st. H-28-at A WELL* EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wants work at $2 per day; also a 20-year ex perienced hair weaver, or puffs all kind*. Phone SOUTH f>'.'!7. 281714 Central aye. 12-17-7 LADY PIANIST, EXPERT RAGTIME, ALSO classical, wants position or would like to >lii v for dancing parties. Address MRS. Q., 1307 W. Twenty-third St. 12-21-71 WANTED — POSITION AS MATRON OR housekeeper In a school or Institution, by middle need woman or experience. Best of references. Address BOX 221, HERALD. 12-25-7t QUIET YOUNO LADY, PIANO STUDENT, wishes to assist In pleasant home for home, uso of piano, email ralary. TEMPLE 1971. 12-2.1-7t CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS A PLACE AS cook and general houseworker; $30 to J35 )»■.,. month; car fare. Address MRS. BEARD, 1*67 Temple. 12-18-7 ENERGETIC AMERICAN WOMAN OF 30. with t-year-old boy, would like position as housekeeper In refined home. Address BOX 139, Herald. 12-17-7 YOUNO LADY WITH Al OIL LINE Ex perience wants position as stenographer, bluer or price work; can give references, Phone BAST 514. 8-1-tf NEAT YOUNQ LADY DESIRES POSITION as stenographer; two years' experience!; begin on moderate salary. Call up after 0 p. m. WEST 6693. 1:1.10-71 WANTED—POSITION AH COOK IN SMALL boarding hounu or ranch, by elderly lady. Address . room 04, 310 N. BROADWAY. 12-16-101 WANTED— BY EXPERIENCED WOMAN, chamber work from ;i to 2 o'clock, or will take washing home. 8(7 CROCKER, flat I. r:--jx-;t A WOMAN WITH ONE LITTLE CHILD would like a position us housekeeper: par tial to the country. Call IJOii 321. Herald. 12-24-7t WANTED—WILL SOME OLD GENTLEMAN who wants .i Christian Scientist for a house, keeper address BOX 840, HERALD, 12-25-71 WANTED SITUATION BY THOROUGHLY competent stenographer; 5 years' expe rience. HOME PHONE 28388. 12--.'l-7t WANTED CLEANING OR ASSIST WITH housework, day or hour, by young woman, Phone BOYLE !777. 12-27-7 FIRST CLASH CLEANER WISHES WORK by the day. Phone Main 7169. MISS ELIZABETH. '"'l j WANTED—LACE CURTAINS TO LAUN der at home, 250 pair. MAIN 7530. i ;. ■.' n. -, > SITUATION I WANTED ADS INSERTED IN The Herald of charge. 10-18-tf %V -Situations, Male & Fern. SITUATION WANTED ADS INSERTED IN ii.. Herald free of charge. l2'iSz\f RANTED— Rooms and Board TWO LADIES FROM THE EAST DESIRE boa d private family preferred: refer ences hanged. BOX lU, HERALD. ■ 1 l-38-lt "\yANTED—To Purchase Stock WANTED— Stock In the Lob Angeles Investment < o.i any amount up to MO.000: will pay within 6 per cent of the company's selling pride, G. F.i care Qlobe Savings Hank. 8-11-tf • — ANTED—Miscellaneous HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and tuols, CHEAP JOHN, ilti E. Fifth hi. 12-28-tt WANTED— CASH PAID FOR FEATHER beds. 758 SAN PEDRO ST. Phones Main 1106; FBO4l. 18-IT-tl CASH PAID FOR FEATHERS 3427 S. MAIN. Phone 24913. S. «:l«4. 11 -30-tf SPECIAL NOTICES— EYE-HEADACHES Have your headaches forever cured with out drugs and your eyes examined here tree of charge by. a well known special ist. Special attention paid to the eyes of children. , . DR. W. C. DICK SON. 121-9 Security Bldg., Filth nad Spring. 11-13-tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT after this date l will not be responsible tor any debts Incurred by my wife, who has left my bed and hoard without Just cause or provocation. RICHARD McELLI GOTT, Ml Chtallna street. 12-20-3 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 Insertions for the prii of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. CALLOUSES. EXCREBENCES, ALL FOOT troubles, also moles, removed at the CAIN INSTITUTE, 107 W. First st. 18-20-3t WANTED—LADIES'. .ND GENTLEMEN'S clothing. Positively highest prices paid. Main 3507; F5936. C-25-12mo CLOSING OUT 2300 GALLONS OF CAR i-ara paint n.BO per gallon. SHBBHAN'B, noil S. Broadway. ii-Ki-tf ]|>bRSONALS, BUSINESS— ™~ MORPHINE OPIUM, COCAINE and mi drug habits cured at home by tho most remarkable remedy ever discovered. No hypodermic Injections; no pain. a euro or no pay. Call or write 80, CAL, CHEM ICAL CO.i 1054 8. Grand, Los Angeles. 9-10-tf WANTED— THE ADDRESS OF THE OEN tleman that runs the gasoline launch on the Colorado river who arrived in town Tuesday morning. L. D. BIIOART, Holt vll le, CM. i:-as-3t PERSONAL—DR. H. Y. McNAUGHT HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICES TO SUITE 503 mJMILLER BLDO.. 430 S. BROADWAY. HOUR 3. 10-12 AND 3-5. 11-30-lmo , INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 5. or 7 Insertions fo r the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. MItS MASSON. THE NOTED LONDON palmist. 352 S. SPIMNO. over Owl drug store. ' '•-'•'■ 'pYPEWRITERS— i.'OR SALE— BLICXENSDERKKU TYPE writer No. 5; good condition; cheap. Ad dress BOX 201, HERALD. 19-tl-lt |<"OR SALG—Houses j' Tie Last of lie i College Tract Homes i 1 This Tract includes all close-in improvements and con 'i| veniences, including parked streets, curbs, walks, trees, gas, electricity, telephones, stores, church, playgrounds, postoffice and splendid car service on the Grand Avenue West Forty | eighth Street line. Tract office at Gramercy Place. All va cant lots in lawn. $2900—Five-room bungalow at 1627 West 50th street. Cement porch 24x6. Beamed living room and din ing room; two bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, screen porch, built-in features include linen closet, buffet, | bookcases, etc. Brick fireplace in dining room. Blue j ( brick porch pillars. , $3200 —Five-room bungalow at 1763 West 51st street. Large corner lot, 50x150. Living room, dining room, | well arranged kitchen, two bedrooms with bath room between; screen porch, wide eaves and attractive porch and gable treatment. Brick mantel in dining room; built-in features; buffet, china closets, book cases and linen closet. $3300—Six-room bungalow at 1643 West 50th street. / Large porch, cement floor and steps, massive clinker ( porch columns, finished with blue brick. Beamed i living room and dining room with oak floors and false i j panels, fireplace in dining* room. Two bedrooms, ' breakfast room, kitchen, large screen porch with laun- } { dry trays. Hallway between bedrooms opening into \ dining and bath rooms. Built-in buffet, serving table, \ set, bookcases, linen closet, cooler and cupboards. !' $3850 —Seven-room bungalow on large corner lot, 50 xlso. St. Andrews and 50th -streets. Large living room, cozy den, dining room, two bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast room, screen porch, pergola with brick floor; brick porch 30x8with cement steps. Oak floors in living room and dining room. Built-in scats, book cases, buffet, cupboards and cooler. All modern im provements, including the best of leaded glass and mantel work. $4750 —Eight-room home on bungalow lines, 4823 Gramercy Place; living room, library, den, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Fireplaces in library , i and living room and built-in conveniences are fea ! tures. Stairs rise to second floor hall in tower, a ' unique plan. Three second floor bedrooms, bath, linen closet, etc. Cobblestone porch and buttresses | under tower. Automobiles ready to show property at any time. Terms: Ten per cent cash, balance 1 per cent a month, | I including taxes, interest and insurance. ! t~ljt r\ /t r^ r^^ (LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMRMNYI Jill \js^s J *■ • J I J1 i *"**" / 333-335-337 SOUTH HILL STREET Main 2248 Home 60127 _^__ _^^i?' 2S"39 Moicta aid Manchester . ■ Lots aid Bungalows $1800 5-ROOM BUNGALOWS $50 Down $450-$550 LOTS $10 Down _—. There is no better lime than today to make up your mind about busing that home you have been talking about so lons. There are no better bungalows to be had for the money than the ones we are offering at 11800, - There is no better location for either homes or increase In value than out San Pedro way, along Main St. aud Moneta aye. ' Owner on tract every afternoon. Tako green car on Broadway marked Redondo via Moneta avc.. jet off at Manchester. Swaik k Letton 815 Security Building Corner Fifth and Spring Streets 12-2S-31-2t * FOR SALE -8 HOUSES LIKE RENT In Euclid Heights, where it Is high and sightly. This Is where sick people gel well and grow fat. SB.iO—l-riiom house, close in. • (50 cash, bal. (10 1110. *Ioso— 4-room new house, close In. $50 cash, bal, SIO mo. $1250 —7-room California house. Snap. $,-.0 cash, bal. $10 mo. $1400— 4-room modern California house. (<5O cash, bal. 1(110 mo. 11700— 4-room modern house. Big lot. $50 cash, bal. $10 mo. $2100— 5-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash. bal. $15 mo. 12S0O 5-room new modern bungalow. $100 cash, bal. $13 mo. $2500— 7-room modern house. Snap. $100 cash, bal. $15 mo. $3100— new modern bungalow. $100 cash. Mil. $15 mo. $8500— "-room modern house. Snap. $100 cash, bal. $15 mo. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. TAYLOR REALTY CO. Corner East 4th and Evergreen Aye. Phones DU7I; Boyle 1866. 1*•J8-Jt FOR SALE—BEST BARGAIN IN LOS AN geles. Dandy new bungalow, hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, bulltln buffet, bookcases and writing desk, linen closets, white cabinet kitchen, den, large bath room, screen porch, stationary tubs, ele •ant fixtures, cement porch, large lot; on two car lines; all for $3500; easy terms. THE MCCARTHY CO.. 201 North Broad way. Main 1202; AMU. 12-25-28-3 SELL THAT HOUSE. LOT OR RANCH AT small expense through a Hera.d want «d. 11-J-tX FOR SALE—CARPENTER'S NEW BUN galow; mult be sold, need the money: in southwest; fine location, on two earllnen. ISMO. Call MAIN 1202. 12-25-2s-2 LOS ANGELES lIEK.VM): WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, I!M0. J^OR SALR—House* Bungalows SOUTHWEST—DISTINCTIVE Types $1800 $100 DOWN, $Z0 A MONTH We own the lota, build by day labor; 80 -foot lots with ee'iienl walk*, curbs, oiled street*, many shade trees. Each house has S rooms, including living room, din- Ing room, two bedrooms, large kitchen, front fliiii wrren porch, romnlele bath room, porcelain tub. wash boivl, sink, hot water boiler, large rlosets mid clipboards, buffet built in, tinted wiilln, cement, foun dation. Everything you nreil and expect in an' up-to-date bungalow; Be fare. Nee «i. C. DENNIS, miner. •IZ6-<?n Security bids. Phones Main 3538, 18714. 12-11-41 FOR SALE—MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT tage, $300 down. 1812 NEW HAMPSHIRE AYE., Washington car; near school; by owner. 12-23-10t T-■ - - , FOR SALE— A BARGAIN—AN EIGHT room house; ',4 block from West Adams car. Phone for particulars to West 1441. 11-20-we-su-tf ■ ■ ' r POR SALE—Mexican Lands ' Mexico Is the Land Of Opportunity THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE STATES OK BONORA AND SINALOA. WHICH ARE THE CONTINUATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. AND ARE SO SIMILAR IN CLIMATE, SOILS AND OTH ER FEATURES. IN THE MATTER OF WATER, THEY IN PLACES HAVE BY FAR THE BEST OF IT. TDK OPPOR TUNITIES IN THESE NORTHWEST STATES OF MEXICO ARE THOSE THAT EXISTED IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA A FEW YEARS AGO. THE PRODUCTS ARE UNLIMITED, THE MARKETS, BOTH HOME AND FOREIGN, ARE EXCELLENT AND ALWAYS RELIARLE. BOTH LAND AND WATER TRANSPORTATION PRE VENT HIGH FREIGHT RATES. LAND IS CHEAP. GOOD LAND, THE KIND THAT SELLS FOR HUNDREDS OF DOL LARS AN ACRE HERE. DOES THE IN TERNATIONAL BOUNDARY LINE WAR RANT THE WIDE DIFFERENCE IN VALUES???? STUDY THIS QUESTION, AND INVEST BEFORE SELLING PRICES HAVE ADJUSTED THEMSELVES TO AC TUAL VALUES. CALL OR WRITE FOR THE WEST COAST BOOKLET AND OTH ER LITERATURE AND PRICES. Ben W. McClos key <& Co. 700 Union Trust Building 12-29-lt FOR SALE -- 10-ACRE TROPICAL FRUIT FARMS, $250, $10 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH. WITHOUT INTEREST. RICH EST LAND ON EARTH. KENT. 1324 S. HOPE ST. 12-28-lt $800 GARDEN FARMS. 8. W.. ON HILLS; soon will be city lots: electric car. large school; put children outdoors; $10 down, $10 month. CHAS. 3L1.15. 228 H. W. Hellman bldg 12-11-tf POR SALE— Stocks and Bonds MINING, OIL AND INDUSTRIAL COM panies take notice —Stocks and bonds In sured, matured and guaranteed. Full In formation furnished on request. Write, or call GRANITE SECURITIES COMPANY, fifth floor Bradbury Building, Los Ange les. Cal. 12-4-tf SAVE MONK! YOUR ADVT. 3 TIMES for the price of two. or 7 times for tlio price of five, If prepaid. 11-1-tl' POR SALE—City Lots and Lands SPEND Yoir Xmas i Check Right i [ Start on a Home. Start on ! it right now. Be sure you i don't simply buy a lot, but I buy a Home-Site really fit • | for a Home. | Buy an Acre lot in : MOIRTi r* GAEBEI .LANDS Ideally located half way be tween the City and the Sea. Acres arc now selling at $600 and up on easy terms. See Agent at the Tract Office when you get off the car at Freeman Station on the Redondo-Inglewood line. Tract Office open all day, including Sundays and holi days. BERLIN REALTY CO. 228-229 , H. W. Hsliman Bldg. 12-28-lt TOR HALE—DANDY BUILDING LOT ON Fifty-second street, near Ilalldale, $?7">; easy terms. THE MCCARTHY CO., 201 N. Broadway. Main 1202: A 5941. 12-25-28-2 FOR SALE—COftNER ON SAN PEDRO street, 55x150: only *I«s'>. Blk BARGAIN. THE MCCARTHY CO., 201 North Broad way. Main 1202: A 5941. 12-23-28-2 FOR SALE —75 FT. CORNER ON SAN Pedro street, $1875 if sold thla week. THE MCCARTHY CO., 201 North Broadway. Main 1202; A 5941. 12-35-28-2 FOR SALE—CORNER ON VERMONT AVE nue, 43x140, $1400; easy terms. THE MC CARTHY CO., 201 North Broadway. Main 1202; AII4I. 12-25-28-2 TtS—LOT 50x160, ADJOINING SCHOOL 25 minute electric car service; worth double, that. ' A bargain. Going east. OWNER. 124 W. Ninth st. 12-^l-tf SALE—Orange „ SIX ACRES Fine soil; very cheap water, excellent lo cation; no freeze; close to Los Angeles: price $7000; small cash payment, grove will pay'balance: $3000 per acre refused for grovo near this, with no better soil, but older trees. TEN ACRES Navels, 16 years old; splendid soils trees well fertilized, fumigated, In excellent condition; price for quick sale, with present crop, and no danger from cold. 112,500; small cash payment, balance long time. 27 ACRES 18 acres Valencia?; 6 acres ready to set; richest soil, abundant water; good buildings; nursery stock valued at 17000; elegantly lo cated on boulevard, in district famous as of Valencia oranges, with horses, cow, hay, Implements, etc., all for 129,600. Owner has told us price will be $30,000 if not sold before our option expires. Owner compelled to leave on account of sickness. 61 ACRES Fine combination ranch; 14 acres navels and Valenclas; pood crop: trees in perfect condi tion; 20 acres walnuts, bearing; 20 acres line stand alfalfa, balance ready for alfalfa or oranges; the whole ranch is Ideal for or anges; the soil Is a dark rich loam, all un der cement pipe line, with excellent water right; variety of domestic fruits; 6-room house, large barn; fine domestic water plant. ! Location unexcelled for a home; all com plete with stock and tools; price $3«,0o0; easy terms. TEN ACRES Navels, 10 and 11 years old, with good crop; fine soil, excellent water right;, barn; no fruit hurt by frost last season. It is close to good town and electric car line. The place has been well cared for. Price $14,000, $5000 cash, balance easy terms. FIVE ACRES Full bearing navels, with heavy crop; treei. in perfect condition; excellent soil; more than regular amount of water; close to San Dlmas: free from frost; Ideal place for a home; price $11,600. TEN-ACRE Grove, San Dlmas; SOU lemons, 150 Valencia!, balance, navels; 3 acres 7 years old, balance 12 years; abundance of water; trees just fumigated and well fertilized; now In vetch; price $15,000, Vi cash. FIVE ACRES Lemons, 12 years old; picked MOO boxes last year; good crop now on trees; last picking brought $8.50 per box; excellent soil; good water right; price I'jOOO; good terms. 13» ACRES Mostly full bearing navels. 2 acres lem ons; owner estimates crop 8000 boxes: abundant water, best orange district in Southern California; residence and barn. This is a good one. Price $27,500. 12J ACRES Lemons, packing house receipts show $5500 crop last year; 7-room modern residence, good ham, lemon curing house. no danger freeze; excellent location, really a show place as well as big income pro ducer. Some one will get a bargain for $20,000. J. O. BUTLER & CO. 628-9 SECURITY RLDG.. FIFTH AND SPRING. Phones—Broadway 2162; F1603. 12-28-lt FOR SALE CHEAP— ACRES 3-YEAR oId orange orchard In the beautiful Monte bello; good soil, thrifty trees, cheap wa ter and a good location for a home. Terms. Address OWNER, K. F. I). No. S. box 177. city, or box 66. Rivera, Cal. Phone Boyle 1420. 12-4-sun-wed-7t SAVE MONEY—YOUR ADVT. 8 TIMES for the price of two. or 7 times for the price of five, if prepaid. U-l-tf ! J.^OR SALR—Country Property j' MERELY A SUGGESTION' Per Here 640 acres of level agricultural land, in center of valley near \ railroad, where crops grow the year 'round. Deep, rich soil, free from alkali, and lots of pure, soft water for irrigation. This will sell for $100 per acre in three years. Only $1445 for deed to this square mile. Very easy terms. This is an opportunity just like your lather and grandfather "wish they had taken" I in the Mississippi valley. READ THIS TWICE AND SHOW IT j TO A FRIEND ; Wo Mo Mac£(Q)inmlb©[r ©(Oo 320-2-4 LAUGHLIN BUILDING j We specialize in cheap land for investors. POR SALE—Country Property Biggest Bargaii Ever Think of It!. We are selling land which we have recently subdivided In 10 acres or more, near Le Grand, Merced Co., Cal., on the following terms: Five Years' Time on the Full Purchase Price by paying one year's Interest in advance. We only charge 5 per cent Interest per an num. Price of land only $100.00 PER ACRE OR You can pay $1 per acre cash and $1 each month per acre, with 5 per cent Interest on deferred payment. THINK OF IT. 100 MONTHS to pay for this land. We also have $00 acres In the best part of Tulare county that we are Belling on the same terms. Any one familiar with California lands will tell you that Le Grand land Is the very best In California, free from alkali or hardpan, with abundance of cheap water. Also remember that this land will pay In terest for grain and Is Ideal orange, fig, alfalfa, vines, or, in fact, anything can be raised on this land that wll grow anywhere. Beautiful high school, and walking distance from station makes this an Ideal place to live. This land ought to be wort.i 5500 per acre by the time your last payment comes due. GEO. J. PHOENHAIR. 376 Wilcox Bldg. Phone A 2334. , U-28-l-l-St CLOSE TO RAILROAD Finest Kind of Soil Abundance of Water $2.25 Per Acre A section (640 acres) or a half lection at $2.23 per acre, You cannot beat It. The soil Is the finest. There Is plenty of wa ter and best of railroad facilities. "LEVEL VALLEY LAND." You can grow oranges, cotton, alfalfa, (train, olives, dates, small fruits or vegetables. There's the finest kind of money In a hoe ranch If you want it. A ■"<"'•* money maker for you. This land Is being taken up by people who KNOW, and the total cost for a DEED is only $2.2.". per acre. Hold It or cultivate it. There is money either way. No work or residence required, Bet ter get In RIGHT NOW. CALIFORNIA LAND CO. 642 San Fernando Hldg., Fourth and Main Sts. 12-28-21 SPECIAL OFFERING 10-acre alfalfa ranch near Arlington sta tion, Riverside. Large barn, corrals, sheds, milk house, good house, trees; do mestic and Irrigating water In abundance, Good markets, churches. stores, bank, graded school, etc., close at hand. This la a first class money making proposition; 13300, only 11900 cash, balance easy pay ments. GIBSON & SON 504 O. T. Johnson Bid*. ii<«< Main 8530. A3,91. ls-28-St FOR SALE— IB PER ACRE, 180 ACRES fine land, near the railroad; raltu any crop; plenty of water; one-third cash, balance 2 and 3 years at a per cent in terest. P. H. RITCHEY, 18-2S-Bt FOR BALE ACRES OK LAND 3 MILES southwest of Lancaster, In the proven water district. $2250. half cash, balance I year. DU HOSE. 701 Oro«»e bMp. 12-27-tt yOR SALE— Suburban Property ' San Fernando Valley Near LankersMm 20 acres unimproved land, fine soil, no wash. Price $175 per acre. Corner 20. See H. O. GRIFFITH 433 Pacific Electric Building 18-;.'S-2t ]?OR SALE— Beach Property FOR SALE—OCEAN FRONT LOTS AT Hennoia Heath. $650 each, easy terms; worth $1500. ORRIN RICE. 214 Citizens National Bank Bldg. A 4465; Bdway. 1775. 1? --2 • 71 J^OR SALE— Government Land SAVE MONEY—YOUR ADVT. 3 TIMES for the price of 2, or 7 times for the price " 5, If prepaid. _-!—— pOR SALE— Musical Instruments A. ti. GARDNER, 11» WINSTON ST. Pi anos sold, rented, tuned; very low rnte». s-i;-tf yOR SALE—Furniture SAVE MONEY—YOUR ADVT. 3 TIMES for the price of two, or 7 times for the price of five, If prepaid. 11-1-u yOfi SALE—Country Property 1"OR SALE— Live Stock FOP. SALE-GOOD CAMPING OUTFIT; GOOD TEAM OF MULES, weight about 900 pounds each, 7 and 8 years old; Rood covered top wagon and harness; Just in from the mountains. Call at 110 S. GAGE. TAKE 8 E. FIRBTBT. J■A R. 12 : 27-2t yOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—SCHOLARSHIP TO THE IN TERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL CANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4. 11914 8. SPRING ST.. or PHONE MAIN 5692. 11-5-tf FOR SALE — COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES, WALL CASES, COFFEE MILLS. CASH REGISTERS and STORE FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS; CHEAP EST PLACE IN THE CITY. WE BUY AND BELL, Sit E. FOURTH ST. 10-30-tf FOR BALE—EUCALYPTUS TREES 12 IN. high. $6 per 1000; red, blue, sugar gum. 219 N. Fleueroa st. T. WIESENDANGER. 12-3- wed-sat-lmo FOR SALE—GOOD SECOND HAND UP rlt'ht piano at 1038 INGRAHAM ST. Your price takes it. 11-11-tf FOR SALE—FIREPROOF SAFE, CHEAP. ANDERSON. 394 S. Loa Angeles St. >;-i:,-if POR EXCHANGE— Miscellaneous UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE pald. your ad three times for the price of two. or seven times for the price of five. 11-2-tf 1 I CAN MATCH ANY EXCHANGE; WHAT have you? DU BOSE, 701 Grosse Bldg. I FU67. 10-18-tt 3JONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN $30,000 to loan on real estate, city or country, 3 to 7 per cent, amount to suit. MOVER & GILBERT, 302 11. W. Hellman Bide. Home ABS27; Main 5474. 10-2- MONEY TO LOAN—SALARIED MEN AND women accommodated without delay or publicity, SOUTHERN CREDIT CO., 411 O. T. Johnson Bldg. 3-14-tf R. W. POINDEXTER, 409 WILCOX BLDG., will loan you what you need on real es tate, stocks and bonds; building loans a specialty. 5-9-tf I ] HAVE $200 TO $50,000 FOR HEAL Es tate loans, city or country; money wait ing. R. W. MOVER, 604 Frost BTldg, F5107. 12-1-tf MONEY TO LOAN—FULL VALUE ON DlA monds, watches, pianos, furniture, storage receipts. (J. P. THOMAS. 711 S. Broad way. 10-30-tf TO LOAN SALARIED PEOPLE; No RED tape: without security; confidential. WEST COAST EXCHANGE, 419 Henno Bldg. ' 10-4-tf DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you see me. F. A. NEWTON. 70S O. T. Johnson Bid*. 11-6-tf $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER cent. T. L. O'BRIEN & CO., Jefferson and Main. 6-!>-tf PATENTS AND PATENT AGENTS PIONEER PATENT AGENCY, HAZARD & BTRAUBE. ESTABLISHED 32 YEARS. American and foreign patents secured and trademarks registered. PATENT LITIGA TION. 639 Citizens National Bank Bldg., Third and Main. Home A 1493; Main 232-. PATENT BOOK FREE. 2-3-tf J. S. ZERKE. SOLICITOR. UNITED ST AT and foreign patents; 43 years' experience. 522-3 BTIMSON BLDG., Third and .Main. Phone ami 14. 10-4-tf PATENTS A Nil TRADEMARKS, ALL countries. A. H. LIDDBRS. patent lawyer and solicitor. 612 Am. Bank Bldg., Second and Spring. 10-18-tt WELLS & WILLIAMS, THE LEADING Patent Solicitors. 322 Higgins Building, Sec ond and Miln sis. Phone F'i'ilS. 12-7-tf-do HAIK UKhS>StKS— 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2. or 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION, IF PRE paid, your ad :i times for tin price of 2. or 7 linns for the price of ■'' li-2-tf | DRESSMAKING— 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of -. or 7 Insertions for the price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf LEGAL NOTICES— Stockholders' Meeting The annual meeting of the stockholder* of the Los Angeles Brick Co. will be held at the office of the company, Security build ing, Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday. January 11, mi, at 3:80 p. m. for the election of a board of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. G. D. CADWALADER, Secretary. 12-2S-l-4-2t legal Notice My wife Mrs. liable Barnesberger. having left my bed and board without my consent and against my wishes, I will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by her. Signed December 28, 1910. C. E. BARNESBERGER. I 12-28-3t ON AND afte:: THIS DATE i WILL Nor be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mabel E. Gray, who has left my bed and board, or her son. Lee L. Grey. EMERSON R. GREY. Ollflcia-. Fresno County, Cal. 12-20-10t |. ! Schools and Colleges :L —> Summer School ; College of Fine : I Arts, U. S. C. 1 All Braeches Fine and |; Applied Arts. ■ I Catalog on Request 1 W. L. Judson I Dean 1 *C2r2& i* >» 953-5-7 W. Seventh J^SE^SSi St. Both Phones. K<^^ Jos. W. H. Camp, COMMERCIAL . . ! ((Mil <.i:. rt »'r- Fall term now In progress, Daily en rollments. Free catalogue. Nignt classo in bookkeeping and shorthand. 10-7-tf German, English Shorthand By experienced teacher. Terms moderate. 730 XV. Slat st. Phone South 1436. JB^tSGOC9^gff ynf, Leader since 1884. Fifth Floor IliinihiirK'r Hid*., I.oh Anßrlm. Catalog—-iili Year. F18S0) .Main SSOS. FOR BALE- SCHOLARSHIP iTO i THE IX NATIONAL CORRESPONDBNCE SCHOOL (ANY SPECIAL COURSE YOU WISH) AND THE DE CHAUVENET CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. CALL ROOM 4. 119' i S. SPRING ST., OR PHONE MAIN 86 12. 11-5-tt BOYNTON NORMAL PREPARES DECEM ber county examinations; grammar certifi rate; enter now. 625 STIMSON BLOCK, Broadway 1919; AlB4O. 9-2-tf 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT Al> for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for tha prica of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-l-tf HAVE YOU BEEN OUR DAY SCHOOL catalogue, describing bookkeeping anil shorthand? Y. M. C. A. 5-12-tf LOS ANGELES BUSINESS COLLEGE, 411 W. Firth st. E. E. SHRADER. Ph. D.. president since 1890. 10-2T BROWNBBERGER COMMERCIAL COL iege, y:..'i-; W. Seventh. Send for cat,a lo«rne. 8-19-tJ £ 0 LET—Rooms, Furnished Hotel Seville 732-734 SOUTH FLOWER ST. One of the finest family hotels In the city. Newly furnished throughout; steam heat, ! hot and cold water, electric lights; Euro pean plan. Only a short walk from Broad way. Phones Main 8513; F6SSB. 4-1-tf The St. Regis Housekeeping apartments, 237 B. Flower st. Main 2290; A 7336. Near business center; at tractive building, porches, room phones, clean, nicely furnished apartments, $12 t.i SI!"; sliiKle. rooms $2.50 to $4.50 weekly, $9.50 to $18 monthly; no children. 11-6-tf 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT All for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for thej price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tf r£O LET—Rooms and Board 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT AD for the price of 2, or 7 insertions for tho price of 5. Ask The Herald counter man. 11-1-tC rJ^O LET— Housekeeping Rooms 3 INSERTIONS OP A HERALD WANT AD for the price of '!, or 7 Insertions fur thu prim "I 5. Ask The Herald counter num. ' IM-1 It r£O LET—Ap't's., Fur and Unfur. WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOTS offices, flats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. 10-8-tf \ j;o LET—Houses, Furnished FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW, completely furnished; nice yard, abuiulanco of roses, twenty-five minutes out; If you want ,i nice place in good locality apply a' once. Wilt rent at reasonable rato to right party, 108 Santa Monica boulevard, Colegrove. Telephone 59120. U-2S-3 WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, flats or apartments? L'lie HISRALD want - oiumns. 10-8-tC rJ[O LET—Houses, Unfurnished FINE HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, PIANO, RANGE, five fireplaces, large veranda beautiful view, roomy, homelike place. Never ■«. contagious disease iv house. 1-8 AVI 31. South Pasadena car to Aye. 31, turn west half block, Fine altitude, l?-2S-l-4-5-3c FINK HOUSE, 8 ROOMS. PIANO, RANGE, five fireplaces, large veranda, beautiful view, roomy, homelike place. Sever ■* contagious disease In house. US WE, 31. South Pasadena car to .we. 31, turn west halt block. Flno altitude. 12-21-23-29-3t THE BIG GREEN PAUDEI) VANS FOR moving. "They know how." Fireproof storage for household goods. L. A. WAREHOUSE CO. SAVES WORRY. 31ii Commercial st. Main 306; A 8737. 10-18-tt FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM FURNISHED house, about 6 minutes' walk from U. s. C I block from cur line. Call at S4S W. THIRTY-SEVENTH ST. Phone Wei 260:. ia-J3-3t WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS. .tOUSEe), offices. Hats or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. 10-8-tE FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, 110 X month._ Close in. Call : "■"'■- _' 5?!7 rJ^O LET—Flats, Unfurnished 3 INSERTIONS OF A HERALD WANT All for the pi Ice of 2, or 7 Insertions for tha prlco of i. Ask The Herald counter man. 1 11-1-tf r "'O LET— Flats, Furnished WANT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES, offices, Ilal3 or apartments? Use HERALD want columns. H'-S-'C '£0 LET—Offices TO LET-OFFICES ON SECOND FLOOR OP" HOTFL WILSON, FRONTING ON FIRST ST SINCI.U OK EN SUITE; BAY WIN DOW AND RUNNING WATER: CHEAP RENT CALL HOTEL WILSON, 126 W. FIRST ST. 12-H lmu \V\NT TO RENT YOUR ROOMS, HOUSES. offices. Hats or apartments? Usa in:i: i.i • want Kolumns. 10-l-lX 11