Newspaper Page Text
2 FORAKER ASSAILS CORPORATION TAX Ohioan Files Brief for Chartered Companies in U. S. Su preme Court SAYS LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL Counsel Objects to Public Inspec tion of Concerns Whose Stock Is Listed WASHINGTON, Dee. 27.—The legal contest over the constitutionality of the corporation tax was renewed today in the supreme court of the United States, when former Senator ! 'oraker of Ohio (lied a brief attacking tho law. Hi is expected to make an oral argu ment in Jam vy. The brief submitted follow one pre pared by him when the ease was first presented. It is argued I lie, tax la laid neither on the corporation Itself and its franchise, nor on its business, but mi the entire net Income. The senator designates it as a "cor poration Income tax." and holds it Is unconstitutional for the same reasons thai the Income tax was declared un constitutional in IS!*.",. The feature of the tax which pro vides for publicity of the returns on ■which the tax i- ascertained, is at tacked, despite the amendment last minimcr after tin corporation tax eases* . Jiarl been argued the first time. This amendment provided that the returns should be made public only under rules prescribed by the secretary of the treasury, and approved by the presi dent. These rules finally promulgat ed, providing for restrictions on pub licity In certain respects, but left open lor Inspection the returns of corpora lions whose stock was listed on a stock exchange or advertised in the press, or offered fur sale to the public by the corporation. Senator Foraker urges that this leaves the private affairs of these cor porations open to Inspection of a com petitor or an enemy in business, much to the detriment of such corporations. DUVAL SEARCHES JAPANESE STORES FOR HIDDEN ARMS Philippine Commander Arouses Ire of Nipponese Colony MANILA, Dee. 27.—Pursuant to the receipt of si ci "i information, Major General Duval, I. S. A., tin tiring commander of the department of the Philippines, caused military agents to obtain tlie assistance •■•■■ police in [ searching one store and .several Jap- , Bnese homes Cor explosives, The search was futile and has caused resentment in the Japanese colony. The residences visited included thai of the agent of the mercantile lion of Mitsui Bussan company limited. SECRET SERVICE AGENTS REPORT CACHE OF ARMS WASHINGTON, Dee. ST.—No In structions have gone forward from "Washington i" General l>uv;il or any one in authority in Manila to i onduet ii search of the homes of the Japanese there. Ii la assumed that General Duval is noting in conjunction with the civil authorities. Ii as reported by secret service agents that stores of arms and ammunition had been .secreted by civil ians in the Philippines. . The Philippines government lias en acted very severe laws against the ille gal possession of weapons. No civilian is allowed to have these without a per mit, and it is assumed this last search vu s general in character and not di rected against the Japanese. No report of tin- Incident has reached .■Washington from any official source. NOTED EDUCATORS ATTACK SYSTEM OF CO-EDUCATION (Special to The Herald) SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. '>'.— Ad- vanri (I educational Ideas of a revolu tionary clinractcr were promulugated today by lending educators both in Herkeley, where the California Teiich ir- association Is in session, and at the A '.'-■' in this city, where the animal Institute of the teachers Hi' tin San Francisco schools is being i! .1.1. Tlint co-eduoiitlon in tin- i■ 11 >i m«<i jate ami advanced schoclw Is nidleully wrong; thai it retards tin- develop ineni of the men to tin/ advantage of the wnniin: that it is not practical ■was th'! program luld down by C'rof. UcorK" F. James, dean of lii" collefre. m' education of the University of Mm. . i ...,•,;. Institute hero. \o less startling was tlio decluratlun Iliads in Derkeley that tin- averape teacher in the Inch schools was nut properly p(|Uipped i"i thi- work that mis re tjuirerl ill' In l. Prof. A. F. r.aiiß'- nf the University of California was Hi,' author of the deelfirutlon that 3<i per cent of the sin rierits at tin 1 universities wero unlit Cor mntiiculatlon. BASEBALL STARS HELD FOR SHOOTING GREEK I-"]! I ■: i ■ ■ I . ■ ,vllO ll.'lVi 1)1 ■ i o'clock this morninK are nllcß'"! T.i linvp thrown firecrackers Into tho res tuurant. COURT SAYS R. R.'S Ml SUPPLY CARS ON DEMAND SALK.M, Ore.', Dec. !i".—Tho »uprrme| court banded down today a decision I ••f considerable Importance to shippers. \ It Involves the obllgratlon of rui I roads in furnish cars to shippers. The supreme court holds that iho Oregon railr ad laws compel the rail roads to furnish cars on demand. ■*»<► * \\r \ ri" hoi ii>\\ ie \ll g Tlio Santa Fe will soil holiday cs rursiun lifts at one and one-third fares for the round trip between all BtatlonH on Hk lines where Hip one yvny faro ip $10.00 or less. Tickets on naif- December 23d, 25th, 26th, ,'idtli. Blsl, jmo, and January Ist, :M. 1101. Final return limit January 3, 1911. "* THIEF IN REVOLVING DOOR MAKES PURSUER DIZZY 'Squirrel Act' Finally Fails- and a Policeman Lands Quarry XI-:\V YORK, Dec, :'7. An nllegcd thief led a Hroadway policeman a hard fifteen mtnuti i has.- round and round olving iicinr in an uptown offlce building late last night. The police nan »as almost at the fellow's heels when he dashed Into the office door way, lie mail no attempt t" enter ulliling, but st.iii..-ii suddenly In the little compartment "i the whirling dooi md waited a moment for the po ii to catch up. .\s the bluecoftt pushed Into a com partmi nt just behind, the quarry start : iing madly, remaining In tin ■ impn :'i ment he had ihe pi ilii ' ma n «as com ; to do likewise. They -\ hirled round, the fi 11. >•. v 's Idea evi ■i . ins tluii Ins pursuer would be | come ui.v/y and be unable t<> keep up I irsuit. Rut after a tew minutes "squirrel act 1' the door flew oft l threw policeman and ap on the . CENSUS INDICATES HOUSE PROSPECTS Chairman Crumpacker Laboring Over Systems of Apportion ment for Next Congress WASHINGTON, Dec, 27.—The com . ■ ongi' s-i"ii,il : mmenl will provide h t"t,'l membership of I the house of representatives, according t" present indications, This would .lie an one member to every 211,700 Of n 'I liman crumpacker of the house commit tei on ci nsus, and his assoi :■■ ates, have been digesting the statis tical calculations of tin census bureau t.i show thi effect of various systems hi' apportionment on the representa tion of the iliiTei ent states iif the sixteen members of the committee, i are from stales which would lose "i c oi more repn si ntattves, ii the i nunil ft he house la main tnlni It i.- liki Iy. tin i : '• - will not only be proti ■ ■ieil. but as Mr. i 'rumpnek' r I aii'i "ihers !'■ li. ye that an incn I ■ »3."i '■ ill solve the problem before the ; house, that bi ing I • ■ irl number that v 111 -,r, ••_ • \ •■; y state norn any . loss In its delegation. U. S. CLEARING WAY TO PROSECUTE THE PACKERS I CHICAGO. Dec. ■_,'. Assistant United Stales District Attorney James H. Wll kerson late today Issued a statement regarding his action In sweeping aside I suits to make way for criminal prose ' cution of the mon composing the Na tional Packing company. Mr Wllker says there :.- hut on*-* reason for dismissal of the clvll'case, and that is I tin 1 desire of the government for im mediate and vigorous prosecution of tin 1 puckers. The stntement Issued by Mr. Wilker i son is in part as follows: "The purpose of the dismissal of the equity canes is to make clear the posi tion iil the government that the trial of 1 lie criminal cases is to be vigor ously pushed and is to l" Interfered with in no way whatever by tho pen dency of the equity cases in the cir cuit COUI 1. "It may lie. that a resort to a peti tion in, equity to enjoin future viola tions will be entirely unnecessary if the government's contention Is estab lished in the criminal cases. "Th' 1 attorney general, therefore, di- ; rected the dismissal of the equity ■ ■ -■■ without prejudice. Further proceed ings to enjoin violations can of course Ik instituted, if those proceedings ' should hi' found necessary to maintain fully the position of the 'government ! iii this litigation.'. 1 FAIR STUDENT OF CARD'S WINS $700 FROM TEACHER Wealthy Lumberman Lured Into Game by Woman (.Special to The HcraUl) SAX II: AN <!:-■< >. [>(>. 27—-N rinjj of professional gamblers, usiu^- in.m (it'll women as lures, has already I"I- tiun to in y nil Hie wealthy pasHentfiTh | .'ili";U'l the newly established steam ship lino between this port and Sun j Pedro. One "f the first reported victims of \ tin card sharps is "Harold I>. Hodg'ea, ; * millionaire lumberman of. Cleveland, |(). lie was robbed ot $700, ii is .said.; [clurlntr the last voyage of the steum i ship Vale from San l'> ili'u to San Fran- | ' clsco. A pretty young \% <• i■ i^<ll in apparent distress iit ili'' loss <>f her cluiperon j was t!i.' bait used ta Induce the j wealthy Clevolnnd man to the card j table. ll'' wbh Introduced to ;i man I land a woman tin' ehHporonlesß woman ' lia ppfiii'l to know, A card i was! proposed mid flodKe.s volunteered t'> I j teach his eharse the gamn of pnker. After lively bettlnff "n ;m ai-n Cull lie held Hodgow adviinced ;i $701) roll. The i j young woman promptly produced a roll •a' her own and culled the lumhenniin. 111 laid down his ace full. Shu held I four deucea and gracefully pocketed the stake*. MOB SEEKS NEGRO'S LIFE: TROOPS PREVENT LYNCHING AVKSTcI.Y, W, Vu., 1 Per. 27.- Wllliuin I Furby, a negro, for limits tonight «as I I between two flroa -death ;<t tho liaudn I of a mob or Kuffocatlon In the Iron vault ..t tho cxpivHH office lit thu local railway station, nutsiilr the little 1 building a crowd •>( povcral hundred i I i" rsniis w:iiicii from afternoon until '. lute mi" the night, demanding the lifei ; .if tho prisoner for supposed uhsuults I ! on .Miss Flora Anglln, daughter of a | I prominent farmer, and fur an attempt i ■ to murder her, I A mob of morn than '.".hi. ivho ■ were expecting furby 'o bo taken t'.il Clarknburg on an evening train Inter j ■■.;■■ train it fisher Summit. ■ near the Anglln home urd held it for twenty minuses, looking for tin negro.' I Wlifn they found In was not on the train they cumo i" VS'onton and Joined the mob at the station, St.iii troops arrived .1 1 o'clock this rnornlns mid roHcucd Kurby. Tho Moldlerx took the prlHoner from the ' vault In the cxpi'chm office, placed him nb(innl the special train rin i\liii-li they , had arrived, and touk him i" Clarks- . liill'K. | LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, HMO. 1,199,037 ALIENS ENTER IN 1 YEAR Secretary Nagel Wants Changes Made in Laws Regard ing Immigrants WASHINGTON, Deo, 27. Secretary NafftM'M annual report, sent to the pres ident today, i"ut.imeii many important recommendations for changes and Im provements In 11 io various branches of the Ji partment of commerce and labor. ■ i the hardships of the present immigration la\%.-, Beereturj Nagel be I , is the separation of families, hi many Instances a father Is admitted ami his nife and children are barred nut after the pioneer has made a home Tin secretary believes that a more equitable system could be found, ami says !.'■ assumes it is the purpose of w to ke< p families together ami i t to i eparate them. v lille the fiscal year 1 m<> brought a total of 1,198.037 Immigrants to the Vu i '1 5i..1.-, the predlctioin In made i ■ the coming year will approach the banner year li'OT, when more than I.L-v,.i"i.i aliens came In. Of all those who came this year more than 274,000 admitted they had been assisted my friend*i. All the Immigrants brought a total of $28,197,745 with them, a per capita of about $L' 7. The bulk of the Immigration continued to be drawn from southern and eastern Europe. Secretary Nagel refers briefly m vio lation.- m' the white slave law and de clares that immigration officials are able t" cope with only r fraction of its violations. 1 f the traffic Is to be stamped out, he says, the states ami municipalities must take a mure active Interest, Seen t.uv Nagel belli i-es the value of corporation publicity lias been proved. "There should be," he says, "an ac tive and permanent system of publicity under the federal government, by whii ii all important industrial corporations engaged in Interstate commerce shall report to one federal agency the essen tial facts of their business." BATH TUB TRUST WILL SUBMIT WASHINGTON, Dec, 27.—From, In formation received at the department '■ of justice from one section of the com bination commonly known aa the "bath tub trust." the Indications are that there win be no further opposl ! tion t'i the injunction proceedings i;i- I stituted by the government. YOUTHS ROB THEATER; ESCAPE TULSA, Okla., Dec 27.- Entering the i"i\ offlce of the Grand opera house to night during a i» rformanc<. two youths gtole approximately $1000. They escaped, it is thought, on a northbound train. Telegraph Briefs | TSINi; TAI". rhina — The (lerman cruiser Emden Balled Tuesday for Panape, Caroline Islands, where, ii is reported, an Insurrec tion has occurred. SAN KIIA.WiSi O — Colonel Th lore Roosevelt lias accepted an Invitation to ail - dress tin.- Commonwealth club of this city during bis tour of California in March. NEW YORK — Suspecting that he swal lowed p. stolen diamond ring, the .1 i ie: City police will have X-rays applied to .John Mill- ho is under arrest for tin theft. r.AI/TIMOHB—After being Idle eighteen months the striking machinists of the Jialti more & Ohio railroad have reached an agreement with the company and will re turn lo work.' WASHINGTON— A rate of <_' n ton on bituminous coal from Bast .-i Louis, 111., to Omaha anil South Omaha, Neb., has l>eou declared* by the Interstate commerce com* mission to be reasonable. BATH. Me,—The Hath Trust company lias been appointed receiver for the People's safe Deposit and Savings bank. The Peo ple's am closed it.-* doors 011 November -s owing about 590 M.OOO. F. 1.1 Z.VFiKTH TOWN. X;. —Former Repre sentative Alexander Brooks of the fourth Kentucky district died here Tuesday, ;i^" i '■'.. He was elected as a Democrat for four terms between ISSti and 1894. PARKERSBL'RG, W. Va.—Four trainmen ...... two Injured, one probably fatally, in a collision 'if two freight trains on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad at Mer cer's Bottom. W. Ya., Tuesday. MANlLA—Manager Poole f the Mlndora Development company v ill proceed 11. Washington in connection with the eon piessional Investigation of. the sale ivf friar lands by the Philippine government. CHICAGO—First Assistant Fire Marshal ' Charles Heyferllch has been appointed fire marshal of Chicago in the place ..■ James Horan, uho. with twenty-two others, was killi"! in the stock yards fin- last week. | ST. IjOL'IH — A train known ai the "Ked , Hummer, mi the Chicago ft Alton, which left rhicaso Monday nldlit .'or Kansas City, ran Into a freight train near Farber, Mo.. yesterday. Three trainmen were killed. SAN FRANCISCO—The handsome mil r'i lily furnished country home of Richard Qlrvin iit Fair 1 inks, in San Mat™ county. was destroyed by fire. The loss is va riously fsttmated from $50,000 i., « 100,000. I.YNN". M.iss-. — I'li'o iii hundred person* are Idle In this city as the result of strikes in three shoe factories. The plants Involved are those ol the Handall * Adams com pany. Hrophy Brothers and Hcnnessy, Mux wi 11 ,t Hennessy. I'AUTHA'iK. Mo. ■ l.oial option in I'arth aiso wa? declared yestpfday by Judo -11. 1.. Jlriw'bt of the circuit court, «ho ruled that t!ier<! are Irregularities in the ballot in. tin' election at. which local op tions was adopt. KANSAS CITY"— Klevrn prisoners at the i-ity farm near [.ceo.-, Mo,', a suburb 1". ibis- rlty, escaped parly yestprday after they !,i,.l burned :\ window frame in their quar ters to make an opening large enough for I a mat. to Bquei so through. PAWTrnKKT, 1:. 1.- A passenger iraln rroin iioston for Providence on toe New • v.ok. New Haven ,v Hartf'jrd, when just out of crashed yesterday Into the rear end of st freight train anil badly mi i lured a rinirinaii. The passengers <■! the train wen- shaken. ST. 1.1 HIS Tli.' dlviirct" rtecren granted I , .lames 1.. Powell Novwnher 1 an I set tiiiee .lays later, fnllowlna the nmr- I riiae of Mrs. May l,inil*i.> Powell to C. ; Frederick Kkfclt, was finally annulled Tues day when I'ireuit .luilee Muennh dismissed thn reopened divorce suit. Pi! ii..M>i:i.l'i|l A -Word has been re iciverl from l.omb.n Ulßt the i.ark Alkaline, Ihe in^t of the famous rii-'t of prynllta car -1 iets Mint for jean piled botwenn Phlla delphlu and ('.re. nhoid. Is nol lost, a- had been feared, but Is safe Ht Ars-.ik. on lilt' bleak 1 nisi of Greenland. lIOMK— More than 1)0.000 railroad em ],l ives iii Italy have taken 11 referendum t" determine v lal pttttude they should n« --s ime iii order to bring about an nmeilora tinn of thnlr condition, By a great ma lorlly the men declared in favor of tho In s .. m,,,..,,. f the strike find sabotago 01 violence. ■ i pain ' rains h> hil lull I lei I The s.iutbern Pacific is tho only steam railroad to the grounds, direct to the main entrance, with separate entrance and exit for Southern Pacific passengers, Special trains leave Los Anseles fAroadp station. Fifth and Centrnl avenue) daily to January .1. 1911, Incluslva (except January 0, no program), at 0:05 a. in.. 11 a. m,. 11:30 a. in.. 1*2:01 p. m.. 1S:3O 0. m.. 1 p. ii-.. and 1:30 p. m. Returning, leave avia tion field, p. in.. 3 p. in.. 3:15 p. m. 1; p. m. No lot al stops in ... direction. Plenty of roomy pteam heated ears with , S'ats for every one. Round trip (at ticket 1 "it'lcisi from L.ns Angeles ."■»■. Contest-' !:".n p. '"• i'ut this out ami use ■■■■' .i.. am! star* early. I.os Angeles offices: 000 Houlh Spring street. Art-ad* station, Fifth and Ontral u.etiue. "•* ci c" a rra Enc de Men s Silß Necßwear jL^y^^t^ It uiil „ r '.'."•i' >lrn'» It rKiil a r Me Men's llrsnlnr ■'•<■ (}nfiliilr« Very rholrr n««ort V*r C' j& r "^ silk l'iMir-ln-ll»n<lN silk lonr-ln-llando. in Mml Srnrfßj l:ii incnl Hen*! finest $1 r^VL Of oo<» mni- Jf CT ..>!. itrnrtAlDfltl n , i 1O Intr.t -_ r,i »»v - n andSl.33 J- I—^ 3SI-333^304r SOWn tsroauw^v T*cki »"C ,|vlrs «>JC fork .1j1n... JVC »rkncar «OC I "HOMKTHINO NKW KTBWT DAT." . / OK^ / \ Prices Range from One-Half to One-Third Regular Distinguished A "sttJ^^i.l THE MILLLINERY OPPORTUNITY par-excellence of the year just end- Models— fj* '^^M^^\ * in&- The greatest assemblage of beautiful, high-class Trimmed Hats, un- Irresistible, ilhu Jflg |P trimmed Hat Shapes and Millinery Trimmings sacrificed at simply ridiculous Forcible VCw«fci..^f^^gi Sft prices. No shopworn or undesirable styles—everything bright, fresh and up-to- Prices. b^>^^i^k /t^^* date' Every design a masterful representation of artistic perfection. 2d Fl°Or 4^^^^^^^^ Our Entire StocK Trimmed» Ready-to-Wear Hats at Four Prices /■^MHp**'" J"sa^Bjß Trlmmrd up to Trlmmril llnU uto Trimmed Hhl« un In I 'i""l"'''. f'" 1" '"' '" "^W^^V $2.50 $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 <gfcW All Exclusive Imported Model Hats, from World Famous Designers, at § Price. 4®hP*S?^ Values to $8.50 Black Beaver Shapes $3.75 Values to $12.50 White Beaver Shapes *5 *TP^f*V——ff I*^*1 *^* >'nlrlmlll<'ll '"" Sl" 11""' rnJrlnini«l Hn^Slmpcii Inlrimnm^ Hnt^Mi:i|)O« I »"l'»>» | I,J| (H) SI""" >" ilß^9»W^^ Me $1.00 | $1.95 $2.95 SUICIDE LAYS HIS DEATH TO A LIE HE ONCE TOLD Laborer Inhales Gas and Leaves Note on Evil of Lying W. A. Perry, about 3S years old, thought to have been a. laborer, com mitted suicide in n rooming hulls, at i'L'6'; East First street some time be tween Sunday night and yesterday morning by Inhaling illuminating gas, The body was found yesterday morn ing by a chambermaid and removed to Button's undertaking rooms. According to other roomers Perry went Into his room Sunday night and was ii ■ ■ t seen alive again, A revolver. with nil chambers loaded, was found in a dresser drawer. Perry left a note for his mother, who lives In Watts, and another for his younger brother, William, in his letter tn his brother Perry declares that he took his life on account of a lie. "Never Up. Willie." the letter reads. "Lying will Ret anybody Into trouble, no matter how ro'.il they have been. Just .:*!'•■ little lie lost me my life." AMUSEMENTS MASON OPERA HOUSE w- T- £££?;. TONIGHT AMI AM. WEEK—MATINEES TODAY AMI SATURDAY. j... uronk« rr«ent LILLIAN RUSSELL in » L'olqua Comedy, In Search of a Sinner By Charlotte Xhompaon. I'Kirics-;,i.,' to J2. Wednesday Matinee, 50e to 11.50. SEATS NOW ON SALE. NEXT WEEK—WITH MATINEE SATURDAY H*Mthesurecureforagrouch;| Henryß.Harrjs-Presents. C bob.blkke,') EffiUimlAN A COMEDY BY ~ "THF fHORIK I ADY** James Forbes author of I lit, UllmUJ UiUJ "THIS COHEmrWDI MAKE THE WHOLE LAND LAUGH SATUFUW. EVENING POST, PHILADELPHIA - PA.. PRICES 50c TO $1.50. SEAT SALE TOMORROW, 9 A. M. Coming—"Polly of the Circus." ™tt SCI ACf ATtlt FOREMOST STOCK DELLAOUW COMPANY OF AMERICA i pofITIVEI.Y THIS WEEK ONLY —Lewis B. Stune and the Belaaco theater com pany present for the first tlmi (*n an - »taa A. 8, -■•■■ lei new pla . -THE WAY OUT i HnODIVEt) HY SPECIAL AnnANQEMEXT WITH JOSEPH BROOKS, KI-AW & I KKLAMJKR. ' NEXT WEKK —Commencing spi-cial New Tear's matinee i Monday) George Broad i hurst's .„: play of the Hudson ha country, "THE ( M.I. OF Till; NORTH." SKATS SKI.I.IXO. . : -- '^^^ | —v Spring St., Rot ween ■!*! and 3d. THE STANDARD OF VAUDEVILLE S WILLIAM FARNUM & CO. ['resenting "The Mallet's Masterpiece," with a Tre mendously Fine Holiday Bill, Including 1 Moving Pictures of the X. V. Police Force. Every Night, 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c. Matinee 2:15 Daily, 10c, 25c, 50c HAMBURGER'S MAJESTIC THEATER > %ninth' Los Angeles' Leading Playhouse—Oliver Morosco, Manager :;;;,:;niK,M Mary Mannering IN "A M XV- UOIil.l)." NIGHTS ami SATURDAY MATIXEK ■'■" '■• »- popular Wednesday Matinee 50c to |1 ■'■r>. BEGINNING SUNDAY NIGHT, JAN. 1, 1911 Special Matinee Monday, Jan. 2 My&jwW^tfpTnß^^^ Ir Jm i In.- Krriii linn nl mollirr lovi>. rrin*«., I*W MB Vtj'Sjy M''|*K^^H^ ! nlylil- lincl Miliinlnj nmllnee, .Mli I" >'.'. Kill lii >.■ I Via M I WsssSr -^L.^Ss mi iimtiiirr cilneMlH?. drills 1111 bale |y f V 1 1I I 9RB^ <^^w I l.iir».i!sl> . Mnil orilern iimv. L&IMUHBHafIkaaHBHDBIMMHBMBBHBIBHIH OROSCO'S BURBANK THEATER «■'» »*- -Near !iIitU MOROSCOS BURBANK THEATER Maln st• Near slxlli; LOS ANGELES LEADING STOCK COMPANY. i THE BATTLE lIKM \rrK\HW( V. OF ( II Alii.l> HI (.(iI.KS AT BIKBANK. PRICKS 25c, 60c. 75c. MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS, inc. 25c, 6!'.. NEXT WEEK, KTKST TIME HERE, "()lIN('V AIIA.MB SAWYKR." PRTMPP"^ 5? THRATFR rhone« Adlltm—Mulu 1014. KUNClibh IHt-fllM riione* A(l»«B—Main 4014. \VKKK i-Ti'MMKNCINfi MONDAY MATINEE. DEC, ',», A MIDWINTER WHIRL, UK Ml'flic, MIRTH ash MELODY, "ON THIS Qt'IKT." rr-il Ardath and tlie I'ainrlte i hiirii*. KVKI'.Y MUHT, 71". anil D:IS. MATINEE DAILY KXi'RI'T TUBS HAY and FRIDAY. inp, !00, . THREE COMPLETE SITOWH SUNDAY (XMAS NIOIITj ami HUNUAY (NEW YEAH'B NIGHT, 1.30. 7:15, 9:15. HEWITT GETS LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT CITY PAY Special Harbor Counsel Loses $500 by Serving the State City officials who aspire to become members of the state legislature have sharpened their hatchets and are go ing- after Leslie H. Hewitt, Bpecial counsel of the harbor department and senator-elect. Mr. He itt yesterday secured leave of absence from the city council and asked the council to dock him his .sal ary for the full time he is gone. His leave of absence will begin January 1 and extend Cor ninety days and during that time he will he drawing salary from tin stat.- as senator, but not a cent from the city as si lal harbor counsel, and that means a direct fin ancial loss to him. As senator he receives SIO^O for his full term and as special counsel he re ceives ?r,no a month. For the three months he serves In the legislature he will get $1000, but he sacrifices $151 t his salary as special Counsel, losing $500 liy the deal. AMUSEMENTS OMINGUEZ AERO PARK_ hka(.ih) via r. i,. ,ujlr.>ai, sIXOM) ANMAI. INTERNATIONAL AVIATION MEET Double the show of last year. ONLY six DAYS MORE. X«i meet Monday, January 2. An aggregation of stellar flyers. The most famous of the manblrds of Hhiropa and America. IHI'I.ANES—AKItoiT —MAX-KITES. TODAY— baby races, I of them; loop I ;■ ' top over the clouds; long distance contest to the mountains—don't miss this it's a hummer. Purses largest yet offered In America. Comfortable grandstand ■eats and boxes. General admission 30c; grandstand, One and 75c. Box scuts Autos parked $1.50 each If occupied In reserved space. I'lKl.u PARKING KOlt AUTOS FREE. Season boxes $40 for six admissions dally. Pent snle nt Karlletl's Music Co., opposite city hall. ADMISSION SEATS ON SALE AT P. E. MAIN OFFICE AND S, P. ARCADE DEPOT. T^IESTA PARK Big Scenic Auto Show of Licensed Cars Fiesta Park, Pico, 12th, Grand Avc. and Hope Sts. Scholars' Matinee Today 25c Noon to Six o'Clock, Admission 25c Home Phone 60005 ■■■■■^^■gnMinBII^HHHDHfI New. Cozy, Absolutely Fireproof. Br^*WHlttt^Kti^iS tl Mr WM^ pTSI Broadway, Between Fifth and -Sixth. ¥ wB iSF •■ kI ■ \l| *T*J Matinee Todajr ■.'::»>. Tulrc Nighl? i and D. I Vr OffjMU'ij»l SCHEPP'S CIRCUS sm. iJi £$31 M■ I 3*#* wra(3 IV Uogs. Ponies, Monkeys. Bk^ r-^BrsOMllTtiTlWßwlill»M>.3yrJi "''" ''"'"lteilj ■>>' lOPlc"; .1. Alilrlrli l.ibl.y HN&^BV9pSGNflv|MPKf*P%9mr^w||]>MH ami Kiilhrinp Traye.r; iln llawiiHan I'nnr— j*jf7'iitvA\f>l m\mltxfßfrk'^&iivjrai Wood* A: tireen, Morgan HroH. .Movini; pic iHaHaSnaßßkjMlSaflhdMßßflHMMsiHi m.i-s. THE" AITI^TTnT?TTIM BEAUTIFUL." 18. BKHTMKR, Hh AUUIIUKIUM IIKAMIMI..' MAJIAOKR "^~ TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK, WITH MATINEE SATURDAY. THE MAN OF THE HOUR By George Broadhu rat. FIRST ROAD PRODUCTION AX POPULAR PRICES. prices: :;.n. 50c, ;r.c. »l. MATINEES ":■.-. boc. 751 GT?AWn nppRA unu^v .MAI'IMOKS SATIHDAV, .SIN., TUBS, KAINJJ Uft-Kfl nUUoI. Phone» .Main IDB7—Horn* A 1987. POSITIVELY LAST WEEK—STILL CROWDED EVERY I'ERFOR.MANCK. TyppTjTO 1 and his big coMpany present a great THE i<fc.KKlt> production or Audran'i comic ' HARTMAN """ o P «a. "' " TOYMAKER \.. • weak —Walter Da Leon's new musical play "THE CAMPUS." Beats selling. IfOC AhffiiPfWQ suTuviiMVcoriSiDinE" <^fd> MnULbLu vaudeville itJ&lil Polly Pickles' Pets ---;:;- , in<l SiM , r The LailKh-O-Srnpp * Wlljf 1 lv"lk"' * >-fc^ DeM lit Voiihb and SlMer THE GREATEST SHOW «>i ■!!!•: m: \-«>\—m m 1 m:i: m kuv I»A\, ii><-. '.'Or, Bllr IT UNA PARK COrUeand VMa U We Royal Hungarian Band Twice Daily Now running, the great spectacular production, "INEVITABLE WARS QF THE FU- Tfl'.E." Sell thg airship as an Implement of war. Every night at '.I o'clock. OT VMPTr THPATPP Wain, Uetwcen Fifth and Sixth L^Y mt'iy* UltA {j^f- Cool—Commodious— Comfortable The hilarious TV/ID CAMTA #"^T ATTC TO with Jules Mendel and holiday fantasy, iVJK. OAII 1 A LLAUo, JK. Olympic company. 2 .SHOWS lOMI.III, 7:45 and ll:l,'i. Ma tlneen Hon., Wed.. Eat.. Sun.. 10f. anr. gsf. Casa Verdugo I SPANISH PARK AND 1 ===== RESTAURANT == C stands for CONVENIENT— miles from city grills, A stands for APPETIZING*—a breath from Verdugo'a hills. " S stands for SERVlCE—"pspan'ol" is our style, A stands for ATTRACTIVE—a feature quite worth while. V stands for VlNTAGE—applying to wine, E stands for ELEGANCE for those who dine; R stands for REFINED — aIoof from the coarse, D stands for DAlNTY — enough to drive out remorse. U stands for ULTRA — better than the best, G stands for GRATIFYING—wiII easily stand the test, O stands for ORIGINAL— our "one best bet." Reservations Now Being Made for New Year's Eve Phones — Sunset, Glendale 691 Home, Glendale 1481 Take Glendale Car at 6th and Main—"Ask the Conductor." Pacific Electric Railway