Newspaper Page Text
6 News of the Courts GUILTY OF CONSPIRACY IS PLEA OF OFFENDER Judge Davis Hears a New State ment Regarding ChangeJ At titude of B. A. Byrne Among several legal matters which came up before Judge Davis ol the criminal department of the superior court yesterdaj was th<- changing of the plea of B A. Byrne, charged with criminal conspiracy against puDlli morals from not guilty to guilty. Byrne, with R, C Talbot, who de clines himself not guilty and who has carried the matter to the court ol ap peala was accused of showing the moving pictures of the Jeffries-John son prizeflight at Arcadia, thus break- Ing a county ordinance, Byrne was placed on probntion for one year. In the sain urt James Gruci i was found guilty of assaulting Pietro F> r ro will a knlfi as the result ol dif ferences of opinion regarding the strikes of last summer, Grucci ob j, e ted to another man working at the Advance Machine companj and nuar j h him. Pel io tried tn •- tablish peace between them and n used Ins knife He was sent to the i ountj Jail for time mouths. The dato of iho new trial of PU tro Carbone, charged with murdering John Stassi and about whose guilt a jury iiv disagreed, was fixed at March 1. Otto Wunderllch, accused ■' assault ing A. Jahnke with a deadly weapon, pleaded not guUty and his trial ivaa get for February •.. WOMAN. ADMINISTRATRIX OF $77,000 WILL- REMOVED Mrs. Anna M. Scanlon yesterda> was removed from tlio office of ndmh tri\ of the estate of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Ross, Judgi Bordw< 11, «ho heard the litigation Saturday, handing down an opinion to that effect. Mrs. Scanlon was accused by heirs (.(' Mrs. Ross, who left an • state valued at $77,000, with negligence, mismanagi - mi mi ami atti mpts i" i onvi 11 most of the property to lier own us. s. The same judge overruled a demurrer to the citation by which Mi s .!■ psi< W. Taylor of Glendale was ordered to show cause why slie should not bi removed from the office of administratrix of the estate of 1" r mother, Mrs. /.. relda S. Wheeler. Tim charge against Mrs. Taylor is that she did not divide her mother' i es tati with her nieces, the daughters of her Bister, Mrs. Helen Mr.iris, who be came Insane. The estate now Is val ued at $32,000, half of which Mrs. Tay lor recently was told to turn over to her sister's children. In overruling th<> demurrer Judge Bord\vell granted Mrs. Taylor ten days in v hlch to make answer. DECLARES WOMAN'S THREAT IMPERILED HIS BUSINESS Alleging that his partner In thp live stock business, Mildred Dumlllpr. threatened t« ji..>. mi him II blia could not "s**l rid of him" in any other way, Joseph ranis' yester day filed In the superior court an an ion In which ftf- rpH." a dissolution of their part nership and an account Ins of its affairs. According to Pauly ho nn-i the defendant entered into the partnernhlp November s■' of thin year, she furnishing n half Interest In ii bull, i lire? cows, tli ree heifers, a horse and harness UK well as the ground, situated In this city, where they planned to raise live Stock. He asai rts that they purchased live slock to the value oC HOO. he paying hal ■ and lien giving 111" labor, which lie ■\ aiuT. it $1 ■"■fl The purchase of animals was fdiiow-ed. rauly declareo, by abuse nf him by the wo. man ami ... she intended to ■■■111.! animals to her own profit and to poison him if hi coul.l not be gotten rid of other wise. When I auly heard of the poison, he says, he left and soon Instituted his suit in which V ask« for an accounting of the property nf the firm, which he declares Is worm $1000, V'OMAN SUES TROLLEY LINE FOR CARRYING HER TOO FAR E, .i Baker yesterday i!' 'i 111 the su perior cuurt an action for damages of )30,000 again? the Los Angeles-Paclflc ltnii «■«) company. She aFsi-n^ lhai Aiu'u-i 2S, IBID, sbu boarded a car of ihe defendant company at Santa .Monica with the Inten tion <jf alishtliiß at Bawtelle, She pays »!»» told the conductor where Blip wished to stop and he agreed to let her off there. Never theless, she asserts, she was carried .i mile beyond Bawtelle and there forced to alight. i'ars bound for Saw relic refused to st ■■]< for her, she avers, and so.although it was nluht and dark. she started to wall Phe fell through a cattli guard, she says, per manently injuring various parts of her body, i including her eye« and cars. COURT ASKED TO COLLECT BALANCE ON TOMATO CROP a tomato cnip, h larga i<iiri of which is Stilt tCI be paid fur, it Is alleged, figured in tlir .suit which i hai I'-p M. Klameoka fili-tl In the superior court yevtertlay against the H. Wnotl'a comiiany. a cnrjiuratl'-'n, M. M. Cnx and l''red yioaii. . . | Kameoka Bfflnns Unit In November "1 tins year ha delivered i" thn dcfendanl cor pnrallnn HI Arcadia 103,53 lon» at tomHtoe*, ful- vvlii.'h ho A\;)S lo be Jiniu .i J:i ;t ton. He nlli-KCd thill be h;i? rcccUud ""Is JI9OO niirl now is sulns 't 5111 I'M, which he as n'-rt« i* tluo hitn. -♦ » ♦ HOSPITAL SUED BY PATIENT .... . H I ' 1.. ■ , - lilt V-foil! im'ili ■ INJUNCTION TO QUIET TITLE (jertrui . i; • P, Irae trad - ed Cur i njui Hip «ull DIVORCE SUITS FILED n- a.'ticn fni illvi .1 ■ i I li.n NEW INCORPORATIONS People'i rhuri ■ ■ v ' ■ . ' VVi ■ lair, ,]lr( rim Tlift Rector, Wardens and Vestrymen nf ft. TiUke'i narhili. Monrovia—Henry Qulm. !•>•. Knnneth Carter, June! N. l'eirl<\ C. .r. Dlxon, ■■. i. Marifett'i I! M. Fleming ami i.. P. Remington, .]!■.. I. Arroyo Soeo chamber of rr>mmerc» '.. A. rlj^llipfi. H, Miller, lluy Kd'liv, A. I, Kalou, 11. M. riitpmin, V. 'i- Teat'liout, A, .1 TUnner .1. f. \\ , ■/• I. U Kmllli. \\. V, raJgmil« tuid ii. M.. AJuOji*!, olriot9f», | FEDERAL COURT WILL HEAR CHARGE AGAINST THOMPSON Judge Chambers Dismisses Case to Allow New Prosecution | In order that the federal courts may deal with the case. Police Judge Cham bers yesterday morning; dismissed the charges of receiving stolen property against Attorney Fred Thompson and his wife, Etta, who were arrested some time ago In connection with tim em bezzlement of $15,000 by Orlando F Altorre. After Altorre confessed to the post office Inspectors that he stole $15,000 ' from the mails, he is -aid to have fur | nished evidence purporting to show that Thompson, who lie retained as his attorney, and his wife accepted the money they knew to be stolen. Since the federal grand jury has re turned an Indictment charging the Thompsons with embezzlement, Judge Chambers decided that it would be su perfluous to handle the case In the state courts. ♦ ♦♦- CENSUS TOTALS ASSURE STRENGTH OF LAWMAKERS Los Angeles County Will Have Many Additional Members at Legislature Session I ]..,. Anppl*s county will be entitled to I irany additional members <■!" the state as sembly Rnd tat" senate, under the new census figures. Nine members '•;' the as sembly are now elected from this county, but the new apportionment upon strict popu lation figures would give the county only • a fraction less than seventeen members, ' Accoidftig to Assemblyman Charles II i Randall of ■.. seventy-fourth district, to * horn has been delegated formation or new a*sembly boundaries for Los Anglos conn ly. sixteen assemblymen and eifilu sena tors will lie demanded, both claims being slightly und«r what might bo Justly asked. : Mi Randall's "map" has progressed far enough to <ihow Hollywood as the Important ' center of a district to Include besides that I piece Sherman, Sawtelle, Soldiers' Hoi j Lankershlm end Pan Fernando. Highland I Park will li» linked with Kagle Rock, Tropi joo ami Glendalo to form another district. I Pasadena and Altadena will go it alone : and South Pasadena and Alliambra, with a , little adjoining territory, will have an as semblyman all their own. , Long Beach, Whlttier and San Pi di an> recognized as important centers around which Individual districts are formed, while the west beach Is also taken care of, Including Santa Monica, Ocean Park and Kedondo, ■« » » LONG BEACH WOMAN LEAVES BEQUESTS TO MISSIONARIES ! Daughter Is Chief Heir to $20 --000 Estate Filed for Probate Two mission -...*■■ were remembered In the will of .Mis. Sarah I■. Marchant, who died at Long Beach December 12, leaving, a n >■.-!,{ i■• valued at .■■■:..■ "f w hleii rea l ty represen t - ;he (greater pan. H>■ the terms if ihe instrument, which was filed yesterday in he probate depart ment of the superior court, $250 In g\ en to ■he Women's Baptist Home Mission so •■■:'■■!■ and a similar sum is <!- viseil to t lie Women's Baptist Foreign Mis sionary suclety «f the w»-st. the headquar ters ot the latter being ■■■--. One-thir<l of the remainder of thp ■ i)i; tatc i« ffiven to Ira !.. Marchant of Santa Ana. whose relationship i* no* menttoned, and th»: remaining two»thlrds is devised to M vf. Oraoe Deane Eavterbrooks of Long Beach, a daughter. ■»• » — Nteam Trains to Aviation Kleld The Southern Pacific Is the only steara railroad to the grounds, direct to t lie main *Mitrani'<\ with separate entrance anil exit for Southern Pacific passengers. ►ectal train! leave Lob A ngeles (Arcade station. Fifth mvi Central avenue) daily to .lannary ", 1 'ill, Inclusive (except January _', ii" program i, at i* :"Vi a. in., 11 a. m 11:30 a. m.. 1 *_':01 p, m.. 12:30 p. in., 1 p. m. and 1 :30 p. m. Returning, leave avia tion field I :4b [>• m., -. p. m.. 5:16 p. m., tj p, m.i No 1< ical stops in either direction. Plenty of roomy steam 'heated cara with seats for every one. Round trip iat ticket office*) from Los Angeles ?.:«?. Contests 1:30 p. m. Cut this out and use It for time table and start early. Lus Angelea offices; 600 Bout Spring 1 street, Arcade station, Fifth and Central avwine. ••• SANTA I r. HOLIDAY BATES The Santa Fe will sell holiday ex cursion tickets at one and one-third fares for ;he ruuml ti i|. Bel v een all stations on iv lim-s where the one way fare is LO.OO or less. Tickets .>n sale December 23d, "4th, 25th, 26th, 30th, 81st, 1910, and January Ist, 2d, inn. Final return limit Januarj ". 1911. •♦• ppf : ®s@ '*E| 1 Special Reduction I On Holiday Goods UjJj BoxM pnpprfi In .. ■' and 4-qulro lioxf-H, containing finest \±}s writinsr papers—ono-thlrd off regular prices. Fine calpndai ( *X ss" i)f mission views, etc.; .'.Or, T.'c, $1, less nno-tlilrd. Antique ZA, f^\ brass dcßk sots, >•'. $13.."(I and $15, loss ono-tliird. I pjn Your '■imii'i. "f ii large variety of framed pictures and passe [iartouted mottoes, BOc values, only lOp. We have h fine variety of New Year's letters, cards and | postals, I I ._, 735 South Broadway. \S, MTSKsWBPCI^^rtWWffIBSCOsBsTiIsJssI ■ T^| 1£ */ Ti l ll ulo j tIM CI * "'"^^^^^^^^^^ ■i in isi in si ■■sssisiisiii—iliiiiT 7rtYTrnHrii^iM»^^f* M-'^"^"'*-~**~*~~~*~^'~~- ~'~**i omß"^ s . This Genuine This >w Leather Couch / Couch \ / x*z&??S\ tdf* "I O C W nxMUM&sQwf k t» / Y§|pS^SS2|g/ 8 Formerly $30 \c\\_2. jy Genuine Leather Couch, solid oak frame, diamond tufted, solid oak imn-^^ carved feet. Now $18.75. Furnish fezo-6?6 >ljr- ""Ljr "— WLjßtttr *^lhaojoiww Furnish the Girl south OUTFITTING CO. MWtoktoh the '•■<«■<- Hiii-aimm—imi"* 1" 5T H o —ITT3 —Es^irgr~ir w ßU|lt)|Wi LOS ANTJKLES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DIX EMHER 28, 1010. HANDLEY TO BE NAMED AS CITY CLERK TODAY Lelande Will Resign Municipal j Place This Afternoon to j Take County Office City I'li-rk Lelande will resign his !' position at the meeting of the council j this afternoon ami Prof. Lorln A. ; Handley will be elected b) the council! ; to succeed him. ' j This was made pluln yesterday when I tin council again balloted on a sue- , p, sisoi to Mr, lanile nnd the vote j ; stood: Httndlej live, George Baker An-I' derson lour. The Hnndley men are j Andrew?, Botkouski, O'Brien, \Vliiffen|j iiiid husk and the Anderson men are Gregory, Stewart, YVashburn and Wil- | Hams. A strong effort has been made, during the last few days to turn either President husk or Councilman Whif fen to Anderson, but it was not suc cessful. City Clerk Lelande yesterday notl- 1 fied the council that he would resign December SI and asked it to name his j successor bo that he could introduce j him to the routine of the clerk's office, Deputy City Attorney Howard Hob ertson ruled that the council could not officially name a successor to Mr. !•<■ lande until there was an actual va cancy, but something had to he done because C. M. Taggart, tax anil license collector, must issue about 9000 licenses January 3 and these inus l all be signed in advance by the city clerk. As Mr. I>lande will not be city clerk on that j date his successor will have to sign I the licenses and Mr. Handley was given to understand that the council would approve his securing a rubber stamp with his name on it and begin attaching it to the licenses. BOOKS TO BE KXI'KKTEII As this gave rise to some complica lions it was suggested at the meeting of the council yesterday afternoon that Mr. Lelande temlei his resignation at I once, so that his successor could be j appointed. Mr. Lelande signified his willingness to resign at the council's I pleasure, but suggested that II would \ be better for him to do bo today than i yesterday, as he was engaged at that time In signing ordinances the. city council had adopted during its morn ing session. / I The investigation of Mr. Lelnnde's i books that he has asked for will be made by an expert to 1" engaged by the city auditor and the council yes terday set aside %■■'< for this purpose. Mr. Lelande assumes the duties of county clerk the first Monday in Jan j uarj. ELKS WILL RAFFLE HORSE TO INCREASE ORPHAN FUND: —■ Elaborate Program Prepared for Annual High Jinks Tonight Eiks of Los Angeles will enjoy their \ annual high jinks tonight in the rooms of Lodge No. 99. There will be ;i big entertainment program. A feature of the evening will he the raffling of ;i One blooded horse, worth about $1000, given l>y \V. <'. Durfee. The i eeds from the anunl high jinks are used Cor entertainment of members and to cover expenditures for i the orphans ea< li year. Twelve hun dred orphans were provided with Christmas presents this year, selected with a view to utility. Shoes, Block ings and other articles equally useful v.i Ip given; also a ball (■■ each boy and a doll to each girl. The Elks expended only two of the orphans are children of Elks and they were sent to this city from Honolulu, PATENTS GRANTED TO SOUTHLAND INVENTORS The Pioneer Patent agency Hazard & Etrause, of Los Angeles, California, reports the following patents granted to inventors of Southern California for the week ending De cember 20, 1110: . Bennett, Fred t: . Los Auk.-Ii permuta tion padlock; Dick, Frederick .1., assigns to K. Tlngley, Polnl I.oma. sun dial gnomon; Fain, George C, BakersNeld, gasolene en -i: . Gibbs, James M., assigns one-half to G. >■:. Powell, Ranta Ana, valve Beating at tachmrnt; Luxembourger, Nicholas, Santa Ara, shock absorbing vehicle spring; rifrcc, William .t.. I.«s Angi le«, shock absorbers for vehicles; Roos, Alphonfle, Ijjs Angeles, mold; Ross, Harold 13., Etiwanda, rake tooth cleaner; Shawver, Harvey E., Santa Monica, detachable visa for carpenters' benches; .-:.. 1 Imann, Ignatlui 3 . Lob Angeles, pneu matic spring; Whittemore, William C, Red land*, milk bottle holder; assigns one-third to W. .1. l.«ith. I "RED LETTER DAY" | 8 lljfll^ 10' S. &H. Stamps liji^^H M The "Year-End" Sale will have a two-fold attraction today. In addition to the wonderful say- ragr jSi ings which are more pronounced than ever, it will be "Red Letter Day" and there will be 10 g|l Ig| | S. &H. Stamps free to everyone. Bring alt your stamp books to our premium parlor, 4th Moor. |pj PHI Double ( THE REAL BARGAHI^^^CEWTEH_DFLnSAH6tUS I 10c and 15c H i Stamps <B^^^&tffi€>\ Embsc dery I I^l Bto 10 BROADWAY^JIir AT FIFTH ST. I ,,„, ( : (ffl Km a n/r MUSE, FARiS, WALKER CO.I HH^'HS m A -fc m rlUMbf rMHI^f VTA^IUI%*-i» iM sows Kiffiß [BS3filJ /\ lV« tLwwmm—■-—imrnnm—Tmrinirn —: I ■ -^^—^——^ o f dainty patterns: We and |H &m. XTX» ALWAYS ASK li?/R\fBi) -J«2^"- STAMP'S i:- '•"'l'rui.l.'i-y ""'"" s'% g B; $1.25, $1.50 Rich Silks 89c $1, $1.25 Dress Goods 63c hi rr^^ Dependable silk? for lower than you have ever bought them; a almost si. thousand yards of high grade suitings Included In this PJjCT (BfSWfl his; feature in the "Ycar-Knd" Sale today, oil-boiled taffeta: j^ tf)( , at i; ,. ( , . fabrics that are splendid values at $1 •■"l $1.25. jg(2fl KifllM handsome fabric for Princess and l-pio.-p dresses: wide range of p run ella Venetian Melrose, Panama and serg« weaves; In brown, mm shades; brown, wine, myrtle, tan gray, Danish reseda, rose ink Fruneua. m \ .,.,v w sti rtu . nllll ,«,.; rndnble materhll . SM| S» now sSr'vard ''^ G«ai «v«n»: •'Year-End" Sale, yard 63c. ||| Kll 85c 27-Inch CQ^ 50c and 65c 27-In. C p $1.50 and $1.75 OQ p 69c and $1 36-In. cß| # Btack Taffeta .59C Tussah Silks ODC Suitings .• OJC Moire Linings .. . *>^ J—{ i^i JZ w rl««i t,«cU The always ,,«,,. n,u R ., -UK- H "k i :.o :^:'t^a;;;: 1I;aV-:;L,:::;U::;, 1y; :i± -- =a"^ ! ;:sJJr^n i;;S H fripS^n perfect black: standard S3c tan , reseda, ros°, ivory, cham- brown, wine, .animal, tan, raisin, myrtle, rose ||^1 jlpl grade; priced today it Ml yd. pagne. gray, taupe, etc. hagen. «ifiiiiiiii||| i j i Everything left of Galloway Co. high grade stock of Eli Meyer and M. C. Simon clothing must be cleaned out of the store at once. Prices Smashed to Pieces on Suits, Overcoats and Furnishings Shirts Suits Overcoats Collars including the famous E. All the newest styles and Jjg^ JSf^^S M *«P «£ Arrow &W. Brand. All values fashionable shades- . plain or convertible collars brand- Odd Slzcs but m all up to $3 now 04 AA Values up to (A AA worth up to <M ? Cfl the latest styles. g g o for only $1.00 $20 for..."..>V.UU| | $25 $IZ.OU | While they last for... .01 Everything left in the store. No complete lines. Not every size, but while 1 / \ 7 1 ' they last you get them for •••••. ••••• 1/-• Xf\ lA Wsllll£* The Failure of Eli Meyer and M. C. Simon was the biggest smash the I £ \\j / £ T CllllV/ Clothing business has ever known. . / Take advantage of this stupendous clean-up—Now—Before it is too late! Sale at 329 S. Spring St HOTELS-RESTAURANTS-RESORTS Ye Alpine Tavern Rltuated on Mount Lowa. A mile above the sm. American plan. $:i per day. Bureau for further information^ _^_____—.— ——— ——^— - 1T but after he flew you probably CafeßnStol ¥¥ __ r _-._ T I li/~9 li. secured your co/.y corner in --" HOXSPV JL/IU 11 "'r "'""' I'"!'"1"1- «ri" an<l *"" Sprinu nn<l Fourth >l». IIUAJVJ *' *v* *v Joyed Hie evening aim | NEW TURNER HALL CAFE "■jin.mwTii.Mllv MT Bent-.aermun kitchen In the city, ("unrert every Sun ii- f,„ '",; 7 m iIV 1,A1..1>' AMKKICAN OHCHKHTRA. ' — s"n __' i:. ItllHll.l'H, rruii. 1 SULPtIURSPRIMOS[ ' f"ltspurhl«sandFoamslilwChanapa^ne " \ BATnEiriLIOUIDSUMSniHf: k II 1 Most RadioActivweuratrw Mineral Hitter a} X Curc>sfiyi(>utria(ism/\MV(jrmiJ://ii>ft,CUi'i.fH i ffl Storrm/>. 7l(rvo<i\/kwySiwt2A?ffvaMaL l ft jHn3ifiiininchai^«.Wrt«rMivw«li<ndfcß<x*lrt. I - [_Jl^All^k6toL/*i»n«<v>raior^m/to&rag<f [ J 10c a Button, $1.00 a Rip Dutchess Trousers at 1. B. SILVERWOQD'S Sixth and Broadway j T E3T.1900 7 GATUti GATLIN INSTITUTE LOS ANGELES «.. SAN FRANCISCO h^fl^ «»""■" fflgza. INTERESTING ROUTES OF TRAVEL R)rWHe^jd|jWSjTo Go ;s°Whe|i Yo^Want Tb:^b| SANTA CATALINA ONLY THREE HOURS FROM BROADWAY VET THERE YOU lEEI, SHUT OUT FROM THE WORLD AND ITS WORRIES. BOAT LEAVES SAN PEDRO DAILY—10:00 A. M. EXTRA BOAT A THRU AY, 6P. M. t» A XIXTIXTf" 1 Cf\ Xeronta 104 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDU. rJAJNINIINIjr LUi, AgenTS 10370—Mum mm. IHESiiiSa .nT u2f... b.5» Shoes Half Price and Less u^ti ——j- L ■ "»<Pf-a «■■••• If" '• Over two hundred big display bargain IJL HI H li*! -•■ .... table* are d!«playln« «hoe« for men. women lIT !lf ( 111 I hi WhitnPU ' nd children, on ■«'• In many instances (or U fit) IT Wjf ".U. rillllllvj half price and leas. Convlnoe yourselt and ■-! fu 11, come ta the iP*Tir "'" olden •>• i l»hll»li«d and n.<if.l reliable trunk m»nuf»«- MAMMOTH SHOE IKILSK, I turcr. siuio and (actury, S3* buutU Main. ; 61U ouuili Uraaawar» ■.