Newspaper Page Text
8 Fans Assured of Action at New Year Swat Show M'CAREY ADDS TO NEW YEAR'S MILL Fight Promoter Arranges Extra Bout. Anticipating Main Go to Be Short-Lived Boxins fans in this section of the! woods arc sure to got action on their New Tear's spending money, accord ing to the plan Promoter McCarey un veiled yesterday. The local swat tmiK nate, fearing Young Rivers and Billy Capelle will find the way through each others' guard long before their ■< hed uled flfteen-round aftaif i- over, has arranged for a couple oi lesser lights to go on and amuse thr spectator* In a four-session affair. This makes three battles and plenty of milling is as sured. Th" Rlvers-Capelle b"iit has token its place "ii the program and the fans would n"t count it much <'!' a surprise should it develop into the real feature of Monday afternoon's doings Not only are the boys unusually well mat ed, hul each can lind plenty <>i n v, anl in a victory, and with lots of Incentive each is bound to come through with hia best. Because of his remarkable showing a few weeks ago at Vernon, Rivers has been made a slight favorite by the ians. The clever little Mexican is hailed as the coming featherweight champion, and should he get by Ca pelle a main event is in store !'"?■ him. Hut Hilly is to be reckoned with, and until ho is disposed of Rivera must remain a hit in the background. CAPEU E HARD AT WORK Capelle is putting In some nice work at his S.m Pedro camp, and t lie har bor funs are Stringing with him to stop Rivers before the fifteen rounds are over. Billy's line of battle has already been laid out, According to his figuring the first ten sessions will liml him plugging away to wear his opponent down. Then, to his way "f thinking, Capelle will have the little Mexican where he wants him and be able to slip over the ten-second potion. What his opponent plans la causing Rivers small worry. At Jack Doyle's Vernon place yesterday he went through his boxing at a lively clip and is apparently In mood chape. Eddie Russell was handed the gaff In live fast rounds and Rivers c ompleted his program with some rapid gymnasium work. 810 BOYS f.KTTINt; READY Jim Flynn nnri Tony Caponi, the heavy end of the card, are bear rats for hard labor. Flynn did unusual work yesterday, loosening ia t• In his boxing and making it interesting for three of the heavyweights who went nut to put on the gloves with him. Two of tile boys survived the three rounds each, while the third failed to come to the scratch after a right swing from the fireman. Caponi at Arcadia put in a lively day, doing eicht miles on the road early and us inp the ring at the Oakwood for over an hour, boxing six oi the hardest rounds of his training period with Morrle Hloom. Caponi declared after his workout that the climate suited him to a dot i and that he was getting in grand shape, II" predicts he will make short I work of Flynn when the two finally I enter the rins next Monday for their twenty-round battle. NELSON OFTERED BOUTS DETROIT. Dec. 27.—Battling Nelson re tter from Ilu-h Mc'ntosh, the Australian flghi pro'rotei <if-rnc llm three . , ■ |n London. The matches will ba with ill. l>e*t English llghlw i t »nd wII taka I . ■ oach in ] inu v ■ ■ vary atvl March. Bal lan nol di finitely di i . but iliinks he will . Nelpon thl'iki II VVolgasi will not be ready to lit-ht bi ng thai going to England would i>(- .; handy way to pick ut* while watting for the chom jnon BASKETBALLERS TO MEET Memh«ri of the Boutheri ' I irnla Amateur league will meet tonight at 4:r. South Bi ■ Ing strei I and i mpli ti : . ji, .;., ■ ■', ■ Bean which Ie lug to f-tart iri January. Sixteen ■ m ■■ en rolled in th- nrnaniza'i'.n. Automobile Directory Amplex (Formerly American Simplex) and A'.lai Guaranteed ranking. BIIKINS MOTOII CAR CO.. 10H2 S. Ollvs St. r 3£3B. Main IB!)! Apperson and Reo LEON T. SHETTLER. 633 South Grand Avenue. Main 7034: Home 167. Autocar M. B. BUMCTJST ft CO.; ' Northeast corner Main and Washington. Horn.- 1927: Sunset *■>*$■ Buick and Oldsmobile HOWARD ALTO MPANT. J144 South 11 Ive ftroot. F3GBO. Malr, 5777. Corbin , CORBIN MOTOR <"AR CO.. 1017-16 South OMva Street. j Home Al^fT. : Kissel Kar "ASK ABOUT KISSEL RERVICE." TIIL KISSEL AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1245 S. Flower St. F8637. Knox DOERR-BROWV CO., 1205 South Olive hi. Main 7553; Home F5647. Locomobile LOS ANGELAS MOTOR CAVt CO., PICO and Hill Streets, Main 25M; Home ?iC<ii. Pacific Motor Car and Aviation Co. Open Pay and Night 1217-31 South Flower ac. Home 60151. Los An,'- ■ ■ Cal.^a Mai:- '"'0 Simplex and Palmer-Singer i.OI ins BTATJS GAUAIiI 212- West Pico street. Phones 58567! Weft 4s'j, Studebaker-Garford "40" E. M. F. SO: FLANDERS 20. I LORD motor car CO.. 1032 South Olive at. Mais (470: Horn* 1084 S. AD WANTS $15,000 FOR HIS PART OF RECEIPTS CADILLAC, M1.1i.. !><•<■. 25. — "I haven't had any offer from Mnrim to fight In London." said Ail \\ <>ti;:i-i lien shown a telegram lust nighl to the ri fect that Owen Mama In PltMrarg hud received [in offer of a .51.>,000 purse for ■i battle with WoUtasi in the British capital. "fifteen thnuxund dollar*, would be no Indiicpntrnt whatever for me to rION the ocean to fight If divided in (lie ordinary lvn.v. if. however. Morim can guuriintee me si.'i.imki. n In, lose or draw, in tiny number of rounds, I will accept lll** offer." RALEIGH LOWERS OAKLAND RECORD Wins Third Race and Steps Mile and Twenty Yards in Ex ceptional Time OAKLAND. Dec. ST.—ln winning the third ; race at Emeryville today, Raleigh lowered lite | track record for .i mile and twenty yards, ! covering the distance In 1:1" The previous i mark was 1:40 1-5. Bonnie Bard made most of | the early running. Raleigh carried 111 pounds. | Summary: Firei race. Futurity course—Green Isle (Oar- \ ncr) won, Dutch Rock (Martin) second; Dub- j' lin Minstrel (Glass) third. Time 1:10 3-5. B. E. Qreenleaf, Bnllli O'Oay, Santalene, Angillx. ' Sue f..ayton, Waco Bill, Nancy Ray, Lady M M also ran. ! Second race. <i ' ■ Gramercy (Olass) won, Frank G. Hogan (Garner) second, Brax ton (Kederls) third. Time 1:13. r.otta Creed, Donovan, Domlthllda, Olathe, Sepulveda, Lo renzo and Cullacan also ran. Third race, 1 mile and 20 yards—Raleigh I (Glass) won, Bonnie Bard (Martin) second, ' Eddie Graney (Garner) third. Time 1:4". '. Michael Angelo, Utamor, Hoggs, Oil Mexico j also ran. ' Fourth race, ■ :■. furlongs— Mohr (Gar- ' ncr) won, Likely Dleudonne (Williams) sec- ' ond. Marchmonel (Petden) third. Time 1:19 3-5. . Vnneta Btrome, Miles, Duke of Ormonde, Shooting Spray, Qreenbrldge, Princess of Wales, Summertime also ran Fifth race, r> furlongs \•■ losus (Taplin) won, sir Wesley Kederls) second. Captain . Burnett (Garner) third. Time 1:1531-6. Miss Officious, sir John, Merllngo, J. C, Clem, Sir Angus, Silver Grain also ran. Sixth race, 6 furlongs—Sir Fretful (Selden) won, Llsaro (Garner) second, Hannah Louise (Tapltn) third. Time 1:13 1-6. Father Stafford, Darain, Tlllinghast, I'aneull Hall, Cocksure, Aunt Polly, Native Sun, Ironbound, Balneat also ran. CLOSE FINISHES REWARD PATRONS AT PENSACOLA PENBACOLA, Dec. 27.—Close finlshoi came with the running of all races to, las an,] furnished'splendid sport for a good sized crowd. Most of the winners had £•■■■< . runs support Results: First rate, four and a half furlongs— Bert Mont won, Vlrsoin second. Uncle Jim :. Time. 1:00. Second race, six furlongs—Shepherds Song won, Vlrs ' ;. Llndse] sei md, Rublola third. Time, 1 ;23 8-5, Third race, six and a half furlonus—Don 1 Hamilton won. if. .!. Swanner secon I. i is ' Bian third. Time, l:;;. Fourth race, five furlongs—Lord Wells won, Blair Bagley second, Chenault third. ! Time, 1 :0J 2-.". Fifth tact blx furlongs -Pinte won, Clys mlc Becond, St. Dunstan third. Time, 1:21. s.xth race mile—Golden ."as';.- won, San i-.. ■ ■ .•. , Neoskali eta third. Time, 1:60. JACK PARKER ANNEXES JACKSONVILLE HANDICAP JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. —Jack Parker, well played second choice, today captured the fourth race, a handicap of I six furlongs, by a length from Hoffman, which heal Racquet a neck. The favorite,) iMi i ma, quiet In the stretch. Summary: I First race, five ami a half fiiii..nk:s—The j | Whip won, White "Wool second, Red Bob third. Time. l:0S 2-5. Second race, seven furlongs— May Amelia won, Oakhurst second, Billy Bodemer third. Time, 1:20, Third race, mile — Gold Oak won, Eastern Star second, Llmplt third. Time, 1:43 2-5, Fourth race, six furlongs—Jack Parker won, Hoffman second, Racquet third. Time, • 13-0. Fifth race, six furlongs—Smoker won, Parkview second, [da D, third. ,1:14. Sixth race, one and a sixteenth miles— Poutn Avon. Kalcada second. Canoplan third, Time, 1:49 4-3. EMERYVILLE ENTRIES Flist race, six furlongs—-Pal, Davie An ! drew, Donald. ho, Pete. Netting, Lookout, j Yellowfoot. Ills Gypsy Girl, Brighton, Lady : McNally, 1"7. Harry Rogers, 106. Second race, six furlouss Kosai . Pru dent, Home Run, 114: Buinell, Calla, l;am bro, Combury. Biskra, 111: H.-da, Ocean I view, Minnedocla, 1"". Third race, futurity course—Amerlcus, ' us; Holly V. 1!., ilia. II:; Ban L"ncan, 11": Tha Bailiffs Daughter. Ooldon , An uus, Btarry Night, Heretic. "Frank Ferris, I llltta, Pleasant, 10"! Hell Cliff, i<j-. ' Fourth race, six furlongs—Arlonette, 111; Juan. Seymour Ueuller, 110: Thlstlo Belle, IDS: No Quarter, Fernando, 107; Joi> Moser, IJeatlierscot, Madeline. Musgravo, 105; l)e --tcendant, 101. Fifth race. mlle-^Llborto, Dovalto Wap. Cabin, 111; Sonia Mi>^ Picnic, Quality streak. 1*• ti; ClSkO, tO. Sixth rai.e, six furlongs— Hoy '1.. Royal Stone, lien Stone, Bucolic, Harry Stanhope, I Tramotor, Meada, 111! i laleni i lale, i leno' a, I J'ass.-n>,-er, Jim C'afferala, Lord Clinton, lu7. OTTO ZEIGLER BETTER SAN JOSI . Dec, 27. —[( ■■•■'<■ stated today that Otto '■;■■;:)■ r, former champion bloyclo rider of the world and known all over the country as tho "Little I lemon, ' will recover from the nation 01 complaints which has been threatening hla life. SSIi gl< 1 eondiUun is Htill Hcrlous, but ho ha been gaining ground. Bpeclallsts say his eyeuluht \viU ( be ivud. ANOTHER FOR ABIE SYRACUSE, X. V.. Dec, 27.- Abe At (.ll, tfatherwoighl champion, and Bills Mien, champion of 1 'aniida, .■ 11l in a 10-round no-declalon boul In this S .1 iuary 23. F.STOPPEY STILL GOING; PASSES 900-MILE MARK VENICE, Dec. 27.—Eugene Eatoppey, the long ili'taiin- runner, reached his !>o<) mile mark lit 8 o'clocll this rvrniii;.-. 1 iii- morning Efttoppry was ivclglifU and la one ami tlirri'-(|uartrr> pound* ligliirr than when lie (.tailed running hcvitul ivcrkt bk<>. ll> wan •zamlned by a phy -i lan and «v» pronounied to be in <■» .11,111 I'nllditlou, Hi- lung« hair In rri-a-,eil ami «ff|'l (or un nrhini; in ills liui >ituH>d from running an ilone puvetllPilts, hi* feels better titan In- no* 1.,1 iii«i"Mi^ LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1010. DIVISION ONE IS AGAIN DEFEATED Luys in Blue from No. 2 Car Barn Hang It on Opponents to Tune of 5 to 3 RAILROAD LEAGUE STANDING Won. Ijost. Pel. Di,i-i.>ii I ■: i <<>* Division a i • ■"•<><> Division 'i I ■- ■■••• Division 1 • ■ ■»"'• Mechanics <> •' -<l o■' Mir,- Department •> <• •(H)I) I Division v 2. In a fart game yesterday ! morning on th" Vernon diamond, defeated I th" boys in blue from Barn No. 1 by a I score of 5 to :. The losers played errorless boll, while the winners were chalked up . with '"'!ie error, rilcher Ing charged with thin crime in beliiß asleep nt the switch. The [fielder* worked overtime and wore on their ! toes at every stage of the game. The fans ! were well satisfied with the outcome and ;:p --: plauded their favorite players, to a, standstill. i !:■■] Stevens. In rlsht field, was a shining i ljßht for the winner* and In several stages of the game prevented his opponents from ; scoring by his excellent fielding. I The ear line league has been enlarged by taking in the Mechanical and Wire, depart i ment l»aiM. Week day games will be ill iont.nnd the diamond stars are due to con ! gregate Suudiy mornlnes Instead. The score 1 of yesterday's game follows: DIVISION TWO ATI R II AS TO F. Stevens, rf ' 0 10 0 0 Herlock, lh '....6 0 110 0 Cooper. Ob ■• "14 10 Moore, c * 12 10 0 I Combs. 3b 4 - - 2 0 0 stobel.lf 4 0 0 6 1 0 Jackson, of 4 0 0,100 French, p 4 1 ! * 0 0 Plleher, ss 4 110*1 Totals "S 5 10 30 2 1 DIVISION ONE AB R II AS PO E ! rird. 11. 5 0 2 9 10 Elrod. 2b •'> 0 1110 Nicholson. 3b 4 0 1 ft 2 0 I Berry, sa 3 0 0 110 'mown, cf 4 110 0 0 Michael, if 4 0 0 0 1 0 Johnson, p 4 0 1 5 1 0 w. nk, c 4 12 3 ft 0 Martin, rf 4 110 0 0 Totals 37 3 9 19 '7 0 SUMMARY Struck out— Johnson, 4; by French, 7. itmpire—Musselwhlte. Time of fame, 1:40. BERT COLLYER IS RULED OFF TRACK Noted Racing Expert Accused of Using Paper as Means of Grafting from Owners : JACKSONVILLE, I'la.. Dec. 27.—Bert B. Collyer, a Chicago newspaper correspon dent, was ruled oft the tun' for allegi l 1 extortion of mom;- in the' 1909-10 racing season hore from H. I). Williams, a prom i in, nt horse owner, Thl« action «is taken by stewards of the Southern Jockey club at thoir meeting. It Is alleged In affidavit! presented by sev eral horsemen that Collyer u\ return foi moneys accepted an<l for ■...(^•■rn placed for him promised the support of the newspa per with which he was connected. Instead i "f continuing the publication of iirti. I.s h^ had, II • alleged, previously contributed In he ; '-.i Iced Williams an.l his method of racing hnrs b. er did not appear at the hearing. The stewards announced the ruling, copies : «. Ich will he sent to all the turf gov I erninfc' holies in America, SCHOOL DISCIPLINE IS BOOSTED BY ATHLETICS NEW YORK, Dec. 27.—That the ln« troduction o£ systematic athletics In the public schools in the rnitod States lias resulted In .i 60 per cent Improve ment not only In physique but In ethics, discipline and mental alertness, is the assertion of General George W. Wlngate, president of the New York l'ulili.- SchoolH Athletic league, In his annual report Just given to the public. He Bays in part: "The day of experiments In this mat ter of athletics has now long passed. It has now become established on such a firm foundation In both the schools and the publi' estimation thai its fu ture is i ■ "With every year the standard of athletic ability In our publli schools i hi..-- higher and records which were eonskli red wonderful when made are surpassed, alertness of mind and body and the general air of strength and health resulting from the athletic ex ercises which the children have pur- Bued. Gratifying as this Is, from the physical Rido, the Improvement on the side of ethics, school discipline and • ■sprit ilu corps is even greater, a fact which has converted the super vising and ti ai hing forces of the Hohool Into firm supporters of the work." MANHATTAN SHOOTERS WINNERS OF BIG MATCH .-Vi:i.v.;:ii:i.l'. .Mass., Dec. ;7. —Official relurna from tho first round In tlm In- ! dncir league matches of Hie United Btntei Revolver association were announced to day by Secretary-Treasurer Axtull of this city. The Manhattan Revolver club of Now York ■-!' 'i the highest «oora of the round urnt tlif St. Louis ■<" ! Smith .v We» v . or Springfield were tied fur second place, The BCorcai Manhattan, New York, ll«»; St. Lou:b, |OSI Bmith & Wesson, BprlliK field 1081! National Capital, 105*; Newark, ,-,•, Seattle, 1051; Spokane. 1051; Cen tury 104!); Bo»ton, 1044; Willow, J •'-'.>; Shi'llmrarad, 101 rhlladelphla. 1015; U;ili land 009; ,nt ■ Itle, !<->■■ 868; Culebia, Pan ama' 983| Miles Standlsh, Portland, 881; Columbus. 0.. 9T.<<; Puluth, Minn., 943; Voungi town, 0., 931. FIVE HUNDRED ATTEND ATHLETIC CLUB JINKS ; [vi hundred members of the Los Ans»le3 Athletic club and their friends were enter tained at the club rooms last nl^ht, the affair lu-lnp the third annual high Jinks of that, or iianlaation, A hl« vaudeville program w;ih given In the gymnasium, which had been 1114.-1 up for the occasion, Roth profi-«lonal acti and numbers by members c.[ tho flub made up the bill, which proved 10 be thoroughly enjoyable. Sporting Gossip l.*p in Frisco the JJodla family ball team is cutting plenty of ice ill the. Sunday ranks.. They are led by the will known Count leaguer, "Ping" Kodie. and, the team Includes no less than four other BodtM, relatives of th« star. The brothers of the captain, while ii*u as clover, are good exponent! of me name. Harlem Tommj Murphy and Knock out Brown, two of New York's boat i ghtwelglits, are booked for a ten round canter before; the Bmpin Ath letic cluti on the evening of January Tins will be tin second meeting be tween the pair, The last tfene they hooked up [Iroan had a slight shade mi Murphy and the chances, are that the next meeting will be a whirlwind affair. . Though Sam Laugford was to sail for London on January 7. he has post poned his trip and will not leave for the world's metropolis before, tho miii dle of February. Langford was to have doings with Tommy Burn? In London late, in February, but Burns' leg Is In such bad shape that the Fjangford-Burni bout for London has temporarily fallen by the wayside, and may never come off. A rare Christmas .ulft In the shape or ti solid k"!.! football fob, sel with diamonds, was presented by President fleth Heney, on behalf of the Banta Clara college student body, to Harry Renwlck, the Auntrayian llucrbj oach, to whose capable direction is attributable the \ ctorloua wlndup of the seasim by the mlsslonlto football ir.-im. v-> i further mark of genuine appre ciation for work well done the student body made an exception to their ruin of conferring tho "block P. C." sweat r mi\ the members of the tea n taking part In the battle of the year and awanl 1 one of these prised gar 'v to ('.inch Renwlckj who is the firs- of tile coaches from the Antipodes to he si. honored. The gold and diamond football fob contains nn appropriate Inscription In a si mil around the legend of the 1910 Rugby score of "Santa Clara ', St. Mary's S." "Lefty" Russell, the MI.OOO hurling beauty shipped from Baltimore to Con nie Mack's athletic ramp Just before the world's series, Is destined to top tin- list of American league slab marvels next year, according to Jimmy Blagle. the Oriole rflelder. Blagle, or "The. Rabbit," as ha was better known before retiring from major league prominence two years ago, is In Chicago visiting Ills wife's relatives, and while mingling with ex-shlpraates the little fellow touted Russell to the skies. "This chap Russell has everything on the pitching bill of fare," said Slagle, "and moverover. lie can hit with the best of them. Mind you. I played with Russell on the Orioles last*season, and had opportunities dally to watch him perform. Ho has a bewildering assort ment of curves In addition to' perfect control of the Bpltball. and this, coupled with his natural ability to hit. should make him a terror ]n the American leaKtie. Keep your eye on Russell next year." KNELL FOR PRIZE FIGHTS SOUNDED especial to The Herald) OAKLAND, Dec. 27.—Prize fighting will be a thing of the past In California if the legisla tion proposed by assemblyman-elect A. A. Rosen i.« enacteii and stanza tho scrutiny of the courts. Ropers, who represents the forty- sixth district, bus drafted an amendment to section 124 of the penal code, whereby no ring contest of more than six round may bo con ducted. The proposed law contains other re striction.* on sparring exhibitions, the purpose of which Is to bar entirely all prize fights and permit only bona flde boxing exhibitions. Ropers i- a deputy In the office of District Attorney Donahue, and lias made a careful study of the prize fight laws of this and other states, He began this work at the time. Dis trict Attorney Donahue prevented the Jeffries- Johns light from taking place In Alameda county, and has drafted his proposed law. care- | fully, so that It may stand the test that will undoubtedly be given it In the courts If it becomes a law. The legislation he proposes Is in line with a recent recommendation of the grand jury and has the moral support of the i district attorney. Ropers' law prohibits b!ov«* lighter than j five ounces and contains a clause prohibiting I the working bark of the padding from the j knuckles, as is often done. A violation of the; law by a principal, second or one who carried a challenge Is made a felony. NO BASEBALL FIGHT IS IMMINENT, SAY CRITICS \'K\Y TORK< Pec. C 7 is no base* ball war in the nir, according to well posted baseball men in this city today, whoso m lontion ■ .is l"-i !i attracted by reports from tho middle *'est that the American Asso ciation ami Eastern league are planning to ■ i.' the present organization and blossom forth as major leagues. 1- s known them leagues want a higher Mention than at present accorded them, i.,,t |i is believer! here that their demand" can be :.iti;f..-.i by the creation or a ij dal class fop them and that tin- most tin: will tlo is to make a ...-.i.■.■!".:i fight to get what they consider tb-ir rights, "Conditions are not ripe now for any baseball revolt," -aid ono veteran bai ball man. "There will !•>* no war either in 1912 ot- v.'\?,: FLANDERS '20' MAY BREAK WORLD'S RECORD TODAY 4 P. M. Is Time Set for Capturing Another Record for L A. ]:v I '.'.!...!; thlH afternoon, if the unfore> ! pftcn doesn't happen, anil there Isn't much i danger that ii will, the little Flanders "20" I motor car, th.'it had been traveling the streets of I^i-f Angela and In nearby towns contlnu ntMly nines December 2 oil a nnn-ntop run, during win. II has broken t"' cna»t record! will have won the world* non-stop record, tor at II !'. m. Tuesday th.: total miles of the car was :<ivi. an-i the world's present rec ord Is 10.0H4. Not only will the mileage be (•cllpiied, but ■'■;■' the running time by several day.". The greate»t credit la flue the four drivers who havo alternated In driving the Flanders for the careful manner In which they have handled tho car. so thru nt no time has there been a chance or reason for the motor mop ping- to avoid accident though through all thego days the little car has traveled on an average of more than seventeen miles an hour day and night. Strum XruiiiH to A\iuliuu Meld The Southern Pacific li the only steam railroad to the grounds, direct to the main j entrance, with (operate entrance and axil for Southern Pacific paewngere, Special trains leave Lns Angelea fArcadi oration, Fifth and Central avenue) dally to January 3. 1!>11, Inclusive (except January 2, no program), at 9:05 a. m., 11 a. m.. 11:30 a. m., 12:01 p. m., 12:10 p. m., 1 p. m. and 1:30 p. m. Returning, leave avla lion field 1:46 p. m.. 5 ]>. m., 6:16 p. m., I) p. m. No local stops in either direction. Plenty of roomy «team heated cars with scats for every one. Round trip (at ticket offices) from Los Angi !«• ■■■ ■■■ Contests | l; 80 p. in. Cut Ilila out and use II for time table and start early. I.os A nuclei office!: 800 South ftprlna street, Arcade station, Fifth an I Central avenue. •*' MANY CHANGES IN HARNESS RECORDS Trotting and Pacing Marks Shat tered 29 Times in Sea son Just Completed NEW TORK, Dec. 27.—As a result of tho harneti racing season during tho yoar just drawing to a Close, the worlds championship tables have un dergone twenty-nine changes o( which twenty-four m-e for trotting and five for pacing honors. The greatest of the year's champions j is The Harvester, who has lowered eight records, five Of which were hold Up to this year by Cresceua for nine years. The performances of The Har vester have now completely wiped out j the name of Cresceus from the cham pionship lists, the last of his marks to be lowered being that for two miles. The old mark of the oldest record t.i go by the board is that of Arlon, 2:10 3-4, as a two-year-old trotting colt, a mark which Justice Brooke reduced to l::<*<» 1-2. The fastest record Of the j year is, of course, Hint of uhlan, who i trotted a mile In 1:58 3-4 nt the North j Randall, Ohio, track, and set the ) world's record below the two minute mark for the first time without assist ance of a wind shield or a runner In front. j AUTO SHOW DRAWS GAY THRONG TO BIG TENT Colored Mandolin Orchestra Is an Attractive Feature-Special Rates for Students The third night of the automobile; show at Fiesta park brought out the ! largest crowd so far. Tha musical feat res are exceptionally well present ed, a colored mandolin orchestra has bi :i added. The credit for the first sale of plea sure cars goes to Leon T. Shettler, who disposed of one of the new model Reos. i The display of the Lord Motor <\ir company la one of the hii and pret tiest of the chow. E-M-Fs, Garflelds | and Flanders cars are shown In every, models besides a Flanders polished motor run by electricity. The How ard Motor Car company's display of Huick cars, shows latest models and : colorings. The Golden Slate garage has an at tractive exhibit of Simplex and Pal mer-Sinser machines. . Among the accessory men, particu laxly those handling tires, there has been rlvairy as to the greatest num ber of show ears equipped with thoir | particular lino:--. The Weinstock- Niehois company, distributors of Mor gan .t Wright tires, have 130 of tin 1 show ears equipped with the M. i & W. non-skid treads, which Is a gain of 300 per cent. The i.'illiam H. Hoe gee company has a special exhibit of j Yale motorcycles. The combination tail lamps ami Illuminated automobile number shown by <'«ke Bros, is well received on account of the ordinance calling for just such a combination. Students of automobile schools will be admitted free today and a naif rate admission is fixed for students from .■my school. ll' YOr INTKNI> GOING EAST Call on some Salt Lake Route agent for Information about the service via j that popular line. In addition to the palatial Los An geles Limited, which is described In ■another place In this p; er, the Salt; Lake Route operatei two other through . trains from Lo.-s Angeles to Salt Lake j City every day.. The American Express, leaving! Los i Angelei at 2 p. m., Is a limiterl train ' making the run to Snlt Lake City in ] 24' i hours, with electric lighted stand- | ai'f sleepers through to Denver via ; D. & 11. O. R. R., and to Butte, Mont. I Also a through tourist sleeper t" Kan- | saw City via Union Pacific and Denver, j Connection is made at Salt Lake City i with through sleepers to Chicago. A | dining ear with excellent :i la carte j ■ervice complete* the equipment. Last but not least Is the Overland j Express, a popular night train, leaving Los Angeles at s o'clock. Every day this train carries n. through tourist sleeper to Chicago via D. & R. O. I:. R, and Burlington Koute (personally con ducted <">n Mondays and Thursdays) Every Wednesday there is also a tour- ! Ist sleeper through to St. Paul and j Minneapolis via D. & r:. G. to Denver, ; Union Pacific to Omaha and North western line to the Twin cities, in i addition are a standard sleeper, free i reclining chair ear. coaches ami dining j car to Salt Lake City. If you have any Intention of taking an eastern trip it will pay you to see ' some Salt Lfiko Route agent and eel full particulars about tho excellent si r-' vice of this line, rates of fare, etc. Los Angeles Offices are at HOI South Spring street and First Street station. ! ! I'.oth offices, phones Main 800S and I Home 10031. ••• | SANTA IK HOLIDAY RATRi Tlie Snnta Fe will sell holiday ex- I cursion tickets nt one and one-third fares lor the round trip between alt stations on its Mr"*> where the one way fare is $10.00 or less. Tickets on sale December 23d. 24th. 25th, 26th, 30th, 31 at, 1910, and January Ist, 2d, 1911 Final return limit January ?„ I'm. ••* | THE WORLD RENOWNED Made of Krupp Chrome Nickel Steel Throughout Sole Agents Golden State Garage 2122 WEST PICO STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Talking About A Flanders 20, absolutely Stock car. started on Decem ber 2<\, at 12 o'clock noon, on a non-stop run. At noon on December 15th. just 13 days after starting, the 5000 -mile mark was passed, breaking the Pacific Coast non stop record of 4992 miles, which has stood for nearly two years. The present mileage of this same Flandera 20 on its non-stop run is — 9786.7 MILES Made without a single stop of the motor— 2s days of 24 hours each of continuous running. And this run is offi cial, as there is at all times an observer from the Auto Club of Southern California on the car. Tlow can a car better prove its absolute reliability and efficiency? Where is an ignition system more thoroughly tried out? What carburetor will work per i fectly for this distance without an adjustment of any kind? What is there in the shape of motor car test that tells the prospective purchaser more about the real j worth of an automobile? And to think that the Flanders 20 sells for only $800. How can you afford to lie without one? Type of car which is making the non-stop run. Comes equipped with five lamps, gas generator, magneto, bat teries, full tool equipment and rear scat, for 5825. Lord Motor Car Co. 1032 South Olive Street Los Angeles Studebaker Bros.' Co., Wholesale Distributors for Southern California. Don't Misfit! The principal stop in the charmed circle of Auto Exhibits at Fiesta park is at the Buick-Oldsmobile section. You will be more than interested in the beautiful, up to-the-minute types of 1911 Buick and Oldsmobile mod els. They will make you eager to take a car on the spot. Besides there is the unique, unrivaled collection of over 100 Buick trophies, won on many a hard-fought rac ing field, and the polished Oldsmobile "Autocrat" chassis. Courteous attendants to explain everything. Howard Automobile Co. 1142-44 S. Olive St.