Newspaper Page Text
LATEST FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL REPORTS; STOCKS AND BONDS REACTION FORGES SLUMP IN STOCKS Aggressive Short Selling on New York Exchange Causes Heaviness of Market BANK FAILURE HAS EFFECT Report Calls Attention to the In creased Strength of State Institutions in a Year NKVV YORK, Deo, 27.-The trend toward re action which dominated last week's opera tions In the slock market became more pro nounced at the resumption of business to day, and resulted In losses of ■ point and over In the better known Issue*, with tnora severe declines In certain specialties. Trading throughout the session was small in volume. If surface conditions may be accepted, heaviness of the market was largely due* to the aggressive short helling by tho professional group which only recently was more or Iti conspicuous for the extent of Hi commitment!! on the other side. The closing of a local stats bank whose troubles are commonly believed to be an after math of the panic of 1907, while In no particu lar sense a market factor, was hardly help ful to the bull accounts. The bank's diffi culties, however, served to call attention to the latest report of the state banking de iiartmcnt, which demonstrates the strong po sition of ■ majority of these Institutions compared with a year ago. The London atocfc exchange was closed to day and European markets generally were dull and featureless. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,233,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. NEW YORK STOCKS Special service to ' "he Herald by .T. C Wil ion "1" West Fifth street, Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago hoard of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco. NKW YORK, Deo. IT.— Following ware "ie quotation!! today: . Sales. Stork ■ High. l-iw. Bid. Art. Allls-ChnlmTs s *'» 200 do preferred .... X 80 no »». ' ?.000 Amain Copper .... «H4 ';>'i «M •"* 5,2i10 Am. i Beet Sugar. 43* 42"i 43 «.« do preferred M :"« r.rn \.mr Can Co 8% 8% Mi » mo do preferred .... n\i 7«% "•■•'' ■■ 600 Amor Car & Fdry 49", 4S'.i 4ft 49 do preferred lir' 11:> Amer Cotton Oil -'' ('ft MtUtr |sxpr»s. *» 54" , Amor Ice B«cur '"I JJ^ Amer Unseed 11 ; '■''- li g do preferred .... 81 32 81 33 800 Anier locomotive. 3814 S6Vi :;ii 'i Wl ....... da preferred l":'"-< '<" , 7,Wn Amer Smlt * Kftr. ""'i 71* "'-"-• 72»» !O0 do preferred ....10214 IMV4 "2'i MUs 100 inn Fil«ar 1M 114 in 1"* inn do preferred ....HI US 112 115 100 Amer Steel '"Irs.. II 11 42 43 1.540 Artier T.I & Tel.T.l42tt Hi'i 141% 143 iratAmer Trib pfd ... MVi »'M K*S »3*4 200 Amer Woolen .... S3 81 30% 33 rt.i preferred 90 PI 500 Anaconda 38% "'i "' SS'.i . Atlantic C Una 114 11414 • 1,700 A Tft Santa F0..11W,4 BMJ 9974 l<» .".on do preferred ....102*5 i"-': 102V4 102*4 100 Bait & Ohio 104'j 10114 I"ii IM* I |n preferred 88 914 limn i: t■' . .:. :■', 74-» "4',; -Til no ('.inn-linn Pacific. 19JH 193% 1!>I ■ (00 C& o so Tn^i "■"• *° r * a ..27 30 !""!! C&(1 W --' _ -;'« ,!n preferred .- 4t'J «'i ;.■'.. C n w 1«H -" -2,600 C M & 81 r 122* 121*1 12J% '--"-' 100 do preferred ....MM* 115' i 14SUI 145% SOO Central Leather .. 31?» ">'» '1 "''= ... do preferred I'l'-" I°* Cent of N.l «« -™ C; C i' * St 1/ <••"> r'"i .... do preferred ■"•■■•; 1"" .. Colorado f * I any JIM do preferred HUM 117 . .. Columbus II C ft I .. .. 4 "' ion Colorado Pout hern. 57 67 MM M lo Ist preferred 72 71! .. do 2d preferred..".. .. 70 75 1t.700 Consolidated Oaa..lM* ■ IMM 13« ISS'4 900 Corn Products .... 14' i 14% 11' i I«*4 300 do preferred .... 7? 7J '<' TO 100 Dil & Hudson ....163 163 I>">2 164. T) T. .<;• W 400 8781 mo ti & R ft MM am 2« -'"^ no do preferred .... 17 Bl* MM «S 400 Distil Securities.. 91 33 32% 34 Duluth 111 A 10 12 do preferred ■• 20 -'-' DTK) Erie 27»i 2r 28* 17* do Ist preferred 4BM I'M do Id preferred 31 3D.3 1,109 General Klectrlc ..153 181 IBIM IM*4 100 Gt Northern Oro .. M'J MM B8 W'i 300 do preferred 1 22' ila 122H»122V4 ....... Illinois Central .. 1304 133 1.400 Interboro-Metro .. IDM if"i 19H M* 2.300 flo preferred .... 63V4 58 53>i MM Internat Paper .. 13* 18 do preferred 58* MVI 200 Internet Pump.... 40 40 -S!>»i 10 do preferred ■■ 83M 85 lowa Central '17V4 1" 400 do preferred .... 321$ 81 80M 81 1,400 X 0 Southern .... NM 81* 81 "-'» do preferred •>■> " T. R & West II M do preferred .. 37 42 100 T, &■ N 143U 148* 14»M HI Mackay M 05 ; do preferred .. 74* 75* 400 Manhattan I8«M 139 MS 140 100 Mexican Central .. 31 34 "■' • : "'i Minn & St r 27 284 do preferred •• ■• 54 ; 11 St P & 8 s m 12SM 180* 100 do preferred ....148 14.-, 145 150 BOOM X & Texas 33M :'ii :I|li 3194 ■j 100 do preferred .... 63 81 «i"i M Missouri Pacific 45*4 4f''i 200 National Lead .. M 88 53 84 do preferred 105 107* National Biscuit 11634 118% do preferred 123 121 200 Nevada Com 18% 18J4 l*Vi 'M 4 ...NT Air Tirake BS 71 1 1.300 N V Central 11 OK 109* 10»* lM'i ...'.... N T C & Bt T. .. 83 (I do Ist preferred 104 110 do 2d preferred * 93 200 NYN II & ITart.lsl',4 181 180 181* N V Ont * W 401,4 41 800 Norfolk & West .. 99% 09*4 ■ 9»V4 99% ...... do preferred —.. .. SO '90 100 North American .. 84Ti (14TI 84* 88 1,100 Northern Pacific. 118 11514 115' a Omaha 138 140 do preferred 160 17." , Pacific Coast .. M 105 300 Pacific Mall 2814 27 ,27 174 I.SOO Penna rt It Co IMM 127T4 IM 131* 100 People's Gas 105% l<isi 105 106 M PlHsburfr Coal 17 •■ 18% do preferred .. »>7 J/i 70 P C C ft St t, 96 !>9'4 do preferred 108 112 100 Pressed Steel Car. 30 80 30 ' 'i do preferred .. 93 MM "';onn>- Steel Springs.. 3114 ll* 80 81 100 do preferred .... 92 92 92!4 93 45.500 Readlns IWT4 143 141* Ul* do Ist preferred 87% 91 .do Id preferred 92 93 600 Republic, S* 1.... 3014 30 30 :'"'» . do prefer-.'d .. 11* M "3 MO Rock I«la-id Co M* M '."i7i 29",4 .... do preferred 594 6t „ RIBS Pllff S & I .. 4914' 4.ii do preferred .. .. HIM [00 St L Se BF lßt pfd 62 81 M 84 100' do Id preferred., as 3S 37 54 M st l & S W 23 28 .. do preferred .. 60<4 63 "3,500 Southern Paclflc.lls Ul* 11371 114* 1 000 Southern Railway. M IB* IS* 25TJ 300 do preferred .... 61 fldTi 60 81 H 100 Tennessee Copper. M* 14* 34 ::i'i Texaa Pacific .. 2514 M* ""100 Third A\e 10 10 I" I"', .... Toledo St I. &W. . 22* 23' i ' " 108 do preferred — 5214 BBV4 51 ■•'■ ....... Twin City B T .. 107T4 11» Union linn Si V±i>. .... II do preferred ■■ M ■''1 .16,700 Union Pacific ..U9Ti I*BU 169V1 IMH do preferred ■'- M ' 1"0 United IMb of S V 20% 2914 29 30 do preferred 81 M UlB Cast Irn Pipe .. .. 1514 17 100 do preferred .... MM Bo' 4DO 52 1,060 TJ s Rubber .', 314 33*4 M 34.* 200 do Ist erred.loß , l<W!i lAi'i 110 lo 3d preferred .. .. 71 7* 67.300 i; s Steel Cor .... ~V.i 7114 ~v > 71»4 1,000 do preferred . .116*4 11014 11014 116% 1,500 Utah Copper US 44% ll' \i% 800 Va-Car Chem Co.. 8114 6114 lift ™V* do preferred Vs.; 125 Wabaah 15% IB.i 500 do preferred .... 33»i 38 'M% 3) Wells Fargo Xx HO 153 800 Western Union 7?T. 73 7214 73 7314 1,100 Weatlnghouss .. .. 0614 ''- Kll4 ''' ; \v & I. E *'.i ■■ 200 do Ist preferred. 12 IS 10 12 do 2d preferred .. .'. 5 7 Wisconsin Central. .. .. 68 57 100 Am Hide & Loath I'd 4<i I 414 do preferred ■- 21 2214 400 Am Agr A Chem.. 48V4 i.'.'i i".'i 10 la preferred .... .. ■■ 10 .. Ileth sir. I .. 27% "'"i do preferred .. 66H 68 3,000 Ooldfleld Cons .... S'4 >" 8 *% '■'.: inn Harvester ion 10*14 100 do preferred ....122 122 12114 i-'-'i I 600 Pao Tel and Tel.. l:','i 43 I2tt 41% do preferred 80 BO .' Pullman 161 160 1,400 Lchlgh Valley l?ri>4 17»% 178% 17914 Sours Roebui it ....... .. ISO 185 IT .4 Realty ■■-' To 0.800 West Maryland.... Sl'.s 50 50 50% Total nalcs, 810,700 shares. NEW YORK BONDS Special service to The Herald by .1. C. Wll «on, 212 West Fifth street. Los Angeles, mem ber New York stock exchange, Chicago board of trade, stock and bond exchange of San Francisco." NEW STORK, Dec. 17. Following were the i closing quotations: Bid. Asked. I Atchlson ii. rat la '■'»% !".i',i Atchl • '" cony la 10! 106 Baltimore & Ohio Ist 4s »t% »»)4 II It T Is 82V4 H2% Colorado Industrial 5a 75V4 7fi'i Us Realty 5a 81 DO i Rock Island col 4s 72% 72ij ! (Southern Pacific ref 4s !i4:>ii !'i T> | Southern Pacific col 4a 91% 112 Union Pacltte Ist 4s 10114 101 I& L'nlon Paolflc eonv 4s 10314 10:1% r s Steel 6s 101 i"i'» United Railway 4s 65 81 Wabash debenture 4s 63% 61 Western Pacific us 02' i PJ% Armour & Co 4',<,s 93' i 9:1 Japanese Ih 8914 B^'i Japanese Ist 4'^s 9j*Hi yri% Japanese 3d 4<*js 0514 !'"<'-i Southern Pacitlo cony 45............ 07!* 97% Denver A It. Q ref 5s SO B0 II s 2s registered 100f4 101*4 i' B 2s coupon i""-\ 10114 II B .is registered 103 1024 U B 3s coupon ....102 1024 V B 4a registered 11514 11654 'J S Ijß COUpon UM4 ll«ij Panama 3a looli FINANCIAL RECORD NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Money on call steady, 8 1-4 0(-■ 8 1 a* per cent; ruling rate and closing bid, 3 3*l per cent; offered at 3!; per cent. Time limns dull; sixty and ninety days and six month*, 3\(cii per cent. Close: Prime mercantile paper, 4 14 '<> 0 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual bus iness In bankers' bills at $4.82. 20® 4.82.30 for sixty clay bills and at 84.85.25 for de mand. ■"• Commercial bills, 84.81 : Sfl 1.82 1-4, Bar silver, 5 Ic. ' ; " Mexican dollars, 45c. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular. ■» ■ » NEW YORK COTTON fpe,.i ; ,i servi,.> t., Tha Hi raid by .'. C. Wil son, 818 West Fifth street, 1.,^ Angeles. NBW YORK, I -■;. The holiday feeling prevailed during the'forenoon In the cot lon marked with prlceu bqoul unchanged. Hnot tnterpsts bought the n. ,irtt>- positions. Toward mi-Hay, however, there wan considerable gen et;il selling under ih-.r leadership of a promi nent novae with couthern connections. Trad* Id on the decline, Thererwere rumors of .i bearish ginning report, but it is almost too early to look tor ginning'figures. Receipts, at Galveston and New Orleans were large, and while attracting attention did not pause sell ing at the time of publication. The large longa, wliilo !n»t giving any support tv the market, did not appeal" t-j t>e unloading nn>'. The Klniilnc period doe.- not end until next Saturday, and the rumors concerning them were vague, but unsettled (tin market. Quotations ranged as Follows: —Close iii. n High. Low. Bid. Ask. January 14.83 14.84 H. 59 14.64 U. 61 February L 4.80 14.8] March 15.15 16.16 14.90 14.96 14.98 April ...'. 15.05 15.07 May 15.04 16.38 16.08 15.18 16.14 .lime 18.18 16.17 July 15.87 it,."'* H.JB 15.18 18.11 August 15.06 15.08 14,83 14.85 14.87 October 13.68 18.68 !"..'d IJ.M 13.56 December 14.83 14.83 14.80 li.';:i 14.64 Spot cotton, M.ese; steady, lv points lower, FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27.—Fancy apples, 60a; common apples, 40c; strawberries, $5 4rßj cranberries, $10@U; common pears, $1; fancy pears, $1.25; persimmons, 50 Ssc; na\el oranges, $1.60@2.50; Mexican limes, $4 -i/ 4.50; common California lemons, $2; fancy California lemons, $3.60; , ,u,j,. 760058*78; pineapples, $2^2.50, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS NEW YORK, Dec. —Evaporated apples quiet but firm; on the spot fancy, 12 Is4j' 13c; choice, llOHVio; prime, I-,, lie. Prunes steady; firm on small stocks; quo tations range from 7 l-4<ij/10»ic for Califor nia! iii» to 30-lOs and 8 1-4@lo'/4o for Ore gons from 60-30s. Apricots scarce, firm; choice, 18€ >13 1-4o; extra choice. 13 i.. ■ l .:■,..; fancy, 13%® 14c, Peaches firm but Quiet; choice, i V; extra choice, si-i«S'-r; fancy, 9("a9 1-4 c. Raisins quiet, firm, with little pressure to sell; loose muscatel. 5 1-4^6 l-4c; choice to fancy Beaded, 6 l-4®7V40; seedless, BQ fie; London layers. $1.2001.86. PACIFIC COAST TRADE SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 27.—Flour—Fam ily extras, 86.4066.50j bakers' extras, $0.10 {j 5.50; Oregon anil Washington, 84Q 1.25, Wheat—Shipping. $1.47,4 1.50. Haiiey—Feed, 11.10; brewing, $1.13% (i 1.16 1-1. Oats—Red, $1.0.". -./' 1. ; white, 11.47 'A6 1.65; black, $1.86(j 1.40. Millstuffs— $32«i36; mixed feed. $25&26; rolled barley, 888tfi>24; oatmeal. 14,861 oat grouts, $4.25; rolled oats, $29C<<; 31.00. Hay—Wheat, $8914; wheat and oat.-s9<ij 11.50; wild oat, JSiit'j; tame oat, $B{jl2; al falfa. $3 11; straw. $35f<i50c. Rc-celptH—Flour, 2358; wheat. 4600; barley. 13,666: oats. 2150; potatoes. 3096; onions, 190; hay, 719; straw, I'!); hides. 2335; wine, 81.000. Beans—Pink. ?:.'-i ."..::.; lima. $4.600 I. ■": small white, $S.'.'s tti 3.60: largo white, $3.25 0 3.80. Potatoes Oregon Burhanks. $1.6001*68; Salinas Bui-banks, lI.TBQ 1.90; Merced Sweets, $2.558j!3. Onions—Bancyei $1,60; common, $1.33. Various — Green peas, (Vise; string beans. 10®16c; egg plant. s©Bc; green peppers, '. fl)6c; tomatoes, BOAosl,]si summer sq'iash. $Hil.f«o; garlic, 4{fsc; cucumbers, 1281.50 Poultry—Live turkeys. llOlto: dressed turkeys. 26W29c; old roosters, $4.50@6.60; young roosters. $3.6008; small broilers. %'i c" 4; large broilers, $4.8098; fryers, $8.30(8 6; hens. 84.509101 oi.i ducks. $607; young ducks, 38O10; geese, $J',iJ; pigeons, $1,60Q 1.75. COFFEE AND SUGAR NEW vouk. r !7. Coffe* futurei eloaeii Btead\, net advance of .". to 17 points. Sales. 89.800 l»ac.^ Closing bids: necem -I'i-r. Sl^p'": January, $11."7; February, 311. 1 1!; March, $11.17-. \i>rll. K11.12; May, 11.05: June, $1 o.ns: July, $10.M; August, SlO.Sf.; luptemhar, f 10.78; October, $10.71; November, $io.r.s. Spot coffee steady; No, 7 Rio, HHo; No, 4 Santo*, la 7-Be. Mild coffee, quiet: Cordova. 13KQ164(c. ■-nf quiet: Muscovado, 8!) tnpt, $3.3(1; centrifugal. '<•; test, J3.56; molasses ■u«ar, 14 l»it, ?3.11. iUliuod sutar uu LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1010. ASSOCIATED CONTINUES ITS UPWARD MOVEMENT Stock Sells Over One Point Above San Francisco in the Local Market The market on the Los Angeles stock ex change was fair yesterday, considering the holiday period, which Is now at Its hciiilit. j Associated oil loomed up llrm ■">■! trading during the call was more than one point : above the sellng price at Sim Francisco. Union was oft a fraction, hut clobi i llrm, and Mexican Petroleum common was In demand at a fractional advance. The volume of trailing wan small, being confined to a limited number 1 of securities lii the. oil list. Hunk, Industrial ! i and mining stocks were Inactive. , Associated, which was the picked stock of the day, opened at 149; 23 and 20 shares (Old at thai price In the forenoon. It advanced to $10.50, at which the bulk of trading ■an made, ■ total of ninety shares changing hand) read liv. Toward the close Associated dropped off to (49,23, closing here on sale of ten shares. 1 Inasmuch an the selling price at San Fran cisco v,.i one full point below the selling price. lit the opening and closing here, th« stock la said to be eagerly sought after by buyers, who expect the first Associated divi dend will be paid In January. . Cleveland continued on the downward trend, opening at 18 a thousand. Eight thousand shares were sold at this price, and then It dropped to $7.7ri on Bale of 8000 shares, and then to |7.r.n on Bale of a similar amount. , There was quite a demand for Consolidated Midway at Mo and a firmer lone was In evi dence. A total of 18,0 ■ shares changed hands Hi Me. California Midway wan frequently offered and ii sold at Me, total sales amounting to [ 30 " ■hares. i Mexican Petroleum common opened firm and frequent bids were placed in the forenoon, but I only 60 shares sold, the price being at 136.50. American Petroleum common was strong at tE6 and Id bar i changed bands. An effort to depress the market for Union met with mil" success. While thirty shares were sold at JM.75,' the, stock showed a tend ency to advance above par. A small Bale of four shares was made at $10*). MOUMMS SAXES 150 American Petroleum Co. common.. G6.00 Soon California Midway '•<"* 7000 Cleveland Oil, per M B.o* 18000 Consolidated Midway 20 50 Mexican Petroleum Ltd. common.. 36. 10 Union 9S ■"■'' AFTERNOON SALES 70 Associated Oil Co 40.50 30 Associated Oil Co 49.85 8000 Cleveland 7.75 M 2000 Cleveland S.COM 6009 Cleveland 7.&0 M 10 Mexican petroleum Ltd. common.. 3<5.50 i Union ■ I""-"" 20 Union M.35 HANK STOCKS Bid. Asked. All Night and Day Bank 80.00 American Savings Bnnk 100.00 Hank of Southern California 107.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 150.00 Central National Bank 175.00 200.00 Citizens National 224.01] 230.00 Commercial National 150.00 . Farmers & Merchants' Nafnal.27s.iW First National 483.80 610.00 German American Savings ....328.00 838.00 lilobe Savings Bank 125.00 160.00 Home Savings Bank of 1.. A..118..00 Merchants Natldnal 660.00 National Bank of Cal 190.00 National Bank of Com 107.00 Security Savings Bank 400.00 The Southern Trust Co 74.60 (50 par cent paid up) V. B. National Bank 145.00 INDUSTRIAL AND PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid. Asked. Cal Portland Cement Co 60.00 .— lOdison Electric pfd 70.M Edii in ' 1 — trio com 61.00 65.00 Hawaiian Com and Sugar...... 32.00 Home Telephone i>M 80.50 Home Telephone common 3.50 Ilutchinson S 1' Co 18.00 17.00 1.. A. Athletic Club 10.00 U A. Brewing Co 100.00 1 1.. A, Investment Co 1.80 3.50 Mexican Nafl lias pfd 30. 60.00 i luhau S P Co 17.00 18.00 Pao Mut Life Ins Co 300.00 Pac Con Stone Co 5.30 Pasadena Home T & T Co 24.00 Santa Monica 1! II T pfd B.M Hun Drug Co 300 Title <} & Tr Co pfd 230.00 Title I A TT Co pfd 176.00 Title I & Tr Co com..: 176.00 Title I & Tr Per C 176.00 r 8 Ii D T & T Co pfd 88.60 88.00 Union Security Corp pfd 100.00 Whlttler Homo T & T Co 90.00 OIL STOCKS PRODUCERS- Bid. Asked. Amalgamated OJI 27. American Crude Oil Co .60 American Pet Co pfd 66.00 90.00 American Pet Co com 88.00 88.50 Associated Oil 49.80 49.50 California Midway Oil Co 84* Central 1.82 Cleveland Oil Co 7. MM 7.E5M Columbia '. 1"° Consolidated Midway Oil Co .10* Continental Oil -25 Euclid Oil Co -55 Pullertoo Oil -..'" 8.00 Globe 08 .15 Jade Oil Co 30 .81* Mexican Petroleum Ltd pfd.... 65.00 69.00 Mexican Pet Ltd com 30.:;7'.i 36.50 Mascot Oil Co 8.28 New rennsyl Pet Co 50 .90 Ollnda Land Co Oil) -'7 Palmer Oil Co 1.88 Perseus oil Co .20 Pinal Oil Co 9.60 Plru Oil & L Co 80 Rice Hunch Oil Co .80 Trader's Oil Co 90. Union 99.75 100.00 Union Provident Co 97.50 100.00 United Petroleum 99.61) I 101.00 United Oil Co 76 Western Union NON-PRODUCERS— Oleum Development Co 03* .03 BOM'S Bid. Asked. American Petroleum Co 75 , ••' Associated Oil Co »BBM 101 California Pacific Xv Wo>4 Corona City Water Co 98 Corona Power & W Co 96 102 Cucamonga Water Co 100 103* Kdison Eleo Co Ist rfd 101 Edison lilec Co old Issue 100 M 108 Homo Telephone Co !>2>,4 85 Homo Telephone Co,lst rfdg.. 69 75 I, A Electric Co 99 .. i L A Gas & Eleo Co 101V4 L A Pao Ist con mtirs 105 L A Pac Ry gen con 101 L A Pac By Ist rtilg 102 L. A & PaEttdena El Ry 101 L A Railway Co 104',» 110 L. A Traction Co 6s 101 110 ■ L A Traction Co 5s 101 106 Mexican Nat'l Gas Co 6,1 Mission Tram & R Co 98 9814 Pacific] Electric By Co 103 .. ■ Pacifia Light & Power Co 95% 98V4 Pasadena Home T & T Co 75 Pomona Con water Co . io2',i Riverside n T 4 T Co V "5 Santa Monica Bay II T C 0.... .. ' 73 Ban Diego Home T.I Co 71 S Diego II X & T Ist -MtKS.... 6214 Temescal Water Co 103 Union Transportation Co 89% 92V4 i: 8 Long Dlst T & T Co 65 W Vlsalla Water Co 95 Whittier Home T & T Co 70 DAILY MINING CALL No salo:i. LISTED STOCKS CALIFORNIA— Bid. Asked. California Hills M Co ray, NEVADA- Johnnie Mining & Milling Co 14 .15 STOCK FXCHANGE NOTES .1. R. McKlnney has been elected a member of tin- Los Angeles stock exchange and will be represented on Hi" floor by O. H. Stonewall. Mr. McKlnney is vice president of a bank In Colorado Spring! and has extensive Interests both hero aud in ether lections of the coun- try. tmong them being oil an'l local resJ , :--t;ile. The stock exchange has sent to membera nn ■ r the .•iiinmci meeting to be held .!;i"'i ary 10. After the Chrlatmaa vacation the brokers seemed to take more Interest In trading than the few days preceding, and while the mark't i- by ii" means normal aa yet, it l< nxpected that the new year will Initiate a more vigor* "Us 'i' mand for securi! les. SAN FRANCISCO STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE I Special service to The Herald by J. C. Wil i son, 212 West Fifth street, Los Angeles, men ber New York stock enchang Chicago board of trade, stock and bond hange of Ban Francisco. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec, 27.— Following were the clrt inu' quotations! MISCELLANEOUS* BONDS- . Bid. Asked. Alameda Artesian \v Co :,. ....'... , i"1 American River Glee Co 5s 93 Associated on Co 6« '■';1 _ ■'" Hay Counties Power Co r.s 1"1' i Cai Central das & Elpc Sa 10014 Cal Gas a Elee tr. n VI .v C T 55.. .. 99* i i California St Cable Co Ps . .. 101H ! California Win- Association 5s !>3 14 til'j | city Electric Co 5s 914 ?- Contra Costa Water Co 5a S9'i <!<> gen mlf ".- --*4v'i j Ediaon Elec Co of I, A 5« 93 .. i i: i ilu Pent rle NVm Pdr 4..*.... S3 , Ferries & i llff House Iv 8< 101 Hawaiian Com) and Su^ar '-....'"t ' ! Honolulu II T & L Co ''-... 1"" '■'"■ T.ake Tahoe P.y & T c,> Ss 105 (OH Angelaa Ktcc Co ',-, M .;.'■'■■ 1.. i.-i Angeles Ons Elec Co 5a 98 I-os Angelea lln i & El' Corp 55.. 3T'6 Log Angelea Railway ".-• 100 1...* \ner-li■■■< Lighting «■! 6s ''''7 L A r.i. I: I! Ist con mtg 5s . .. 102 I. A Par i: li of Cal r.i I™) Mi :In Water & Power Co 5s . ioo»; Market Street Cable G.-t 10254 do Jty Ist cons mtK .'* '•'■' i M V & Bit Tamalpala S Ry 6s 10214 Northern It y Co of Cal 5a lll'i Northern Cal Railway G« 110 Northern Cal Power Co 5a 99 Northern c : ,i Power Con 5s 9114 Northern Electric Co ■",- 89 .. Oakland (i.i-- Light & II Ba lorj Oakl 1 Transit Co c,a 108 Oakland Transit fa 103% 104 Oakland Transit Con Ga K'l'i Oakland Traction Con 5s v: no Oakland Traction Co 6a 92 93 Oakland Water Co gtd 5s f>s'/4 Omnibus Cable Railway Gs ins ... Pacific 'Ins Imp is '"'!; Pacific Electric Ky Co 5a I(MVa 108 Pacific Light & Power Co 5« 99 do guaranteed 's 101 " .. p. ■;,. Tel & Tel Co 3? '"'% Park & CHIt House Ry f.s I'm People's Water Co Ba '*'i 69«J Powell Street Railway 6» 99 Sacramento Elec Gas Ry 5s lOl'.S San Joaquin Lgt .<:- Power Ba %Vi "•"'.- S X Oak & San Jose Ry 5s 10414 do 2'J mortgage 5s 9214 94' i S J & Santa Clara Co R Ft 4Via.. .. S3 Sierra Ry of Cnl «s 100 106 S P R R of Cal 6s 1019 10S*i do Ist o prtrl g Sa ll'i R r Branch Ry of Cal Ja 187 S P R R Co Ist rfdK 4s 9«'i Stockton Cas & El Corp *>* 105' i 5 V Water Co Ren mtg 4s no',i 9""i United Can ft Else Co of 100 I'nlted R R of s F 4s fi7>; 67' 4 Valley Counties Power Co 5s 99 ;.- .. WATER STOCKS— Marin County SS'-i fil Spring Valley Water Co ii»i 49% GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS— City Electric Co '*i N' Ca! Power Co Con B4'i Orn Water L, & P Co 63 Pacific Lighting Corp pfd 7514 do common 70 .. . INSURANCE STOCKS— California Insurance Co 75 so Fireman's Fund ;r,n 2«0 Pailfic Coast Casualty Co 1", 178 STREET railroad ptocks- California 125 Presidio 1' .. ; POWDER STOCKS— E I dU Pont de Nem pfd... 13 do common 152 SUGAR STOCKS— Hawaiian Coml and Sugar Co ""\ Honokaa Sugar Co 10 11 Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation 14»; Klleauea Sugar Plantation 11 Makawell Sugar Co "2W o,l,mi.ii Sugar Co 34' i 3&? i Paanhau s P Co 18?; Union Sugar Co 64 67 OIL STOCKS— Amalgamated Oil Co P!\i Associated Oil 4<s«; 40 Palmer Oil Co 1.02 1.67 Sterling Oil A Dcv Co Vii West Coast Oil pfd 101 Union Oil Co of California 101 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS— Alaska Packers' Association S7 c.ii Fruit Canners 1 Association ....104^3 106)4 California Wine Association El North Alaska Salmon Co 95 105 Pacific Const Borax Co ];.; Pac Tel & Tel pfd 94 86 do common 42- '•.. Philippine Tel & Tel Corp 24 1' .26 Morning pales—sooo S P ret 4s 96%; lono Peo ple's 5s 69%; 5000 S V Water 4a BOH; 2000 Pao Tel Ba 100; 1000 S p Branch 6s 127: 9 Associated Oil 4S; 53 do 4«'i: 200 do, buyer 30. 48?,; 260 City Elec 62; 150 California Wine 52; 100 do 52>i; 350 Paauhau 18%; 100 Palmer 1.65; 60 Pac Tel com 43*4; 10 People's Water pfd 42; fSV Water 19H. Afternoon sales—7ooo People's 5.s 69' i; 1000 L a rty us 1081-i; 1000 City Eleo 5s 9214: 1000 S P Branch 63 127; 20 Associated Oil 48ii; 25 do 48%; 70 do 43; 15 California Wine 52; 30 City Kiec. 62; 25 Hawaiian 33%; 100 Oro Water 63; 195 Paauhau 18%; 50 Pao Tel com 4o>«, buyer 6; 100 do ,43, buyer 30; 100 do 42, seller 30. FLOUR AND FEED Following are the wholesale prices for flour anTl feed as quoted by the Globe Grain and Milling company, Los Angeles: FAMILY FLOUR A-l flour, per barrel $5. A-1 flour retails at J1.05 per Vi and 850 per M tack. Globe flour, per barrel 6.00 Globe flour retails at $1.80 per >i and 95c per <A sack. Silver Star flour, per barrel 5.00 XXX flour, per barrel 4.40 Eighth barrels goo Der barrel higher. , BAKERS' FLOUR Globe flour, per barrel $6.20 Eastern graham flour, per barrel 6.20 Eastern whole wheat flour, per barrel 6.20 Eastern rye flour, per barrel t.OU Bakers' A-l flour, per barrel 5.40 Magnolia Bakers 6.10 Bakers' pastry flour, per barrel 4.9'> MEALS AND CBREAT, GOODS, PER 100 POUNDS 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 25 lbs. 60 lbs. A-l flour 53.60 $8.40 Pastry flour .. 3.10 3.20 Graham flour 8.10 $3.05 $3.00 Corn meal, W&Y 3.60 2.40 2.35 2.30 Whole wheat 1.10 3.15 3.10 Rye flour 3.50 a.45 3.40 Cracked wheat 3.70 3.65 8.60 Farina 3.70 3.65 3.60 Wheat flakes. per sack of 60 lbs $1.63 Wheat flakes, per barrel of 125 lbs. net 4.33 GRAIN AND FEED 100 lbs. Wheat, No. 1 $1.80 Wheat (100-Ib. sack), No. 1 1.85 Corn 1 .»6 Tracked corn 1.63 I Feed meal 1.70 Rolled barley 1.30 Seed barley 1.20 Shorts 1-80 Eastern Willow charcoal 2.00 Small yellow corn 1.70 Alfalfa meal 1.10 Broom corn • l.*o Bran, heavy LSI Oil cake meal 2.50 White oats 1.80 Rye seed ■ 1.08 Egyptian corn, white 1.75 Scratch food 1.90 Granite «rrit 70 Chick feed 2.70 Cracked wheat 1.94 Clam shell «[ Oyster shell ••« Armour scrap *00 SANTA If. HOLIDAY HATKS The Santa Fe will sell holiday ex cursion ticket* at one and onfi-third I.ins for the round trip between all stations on its linos uhciv tho one way fare Is $10.00 or less. Tickets on sal<: December 23d, !4th, Lsth, 2«th, 30th. llati nun. and January Ist, 26, ion. Final return limit January 3, 1911. xxx FRESH EGGS DECLINE IN QUOTATIONS 2 CENTS Too Many Left Over After Holi day—Stronger Tone in Potato Market Kgg handlers were much In evidence at the . : call session of the produce exchange Monday I ; when they bobbed up with liberal offerings, driving prises clown two cents for local : stocks. Fresh esgs are now sold at wholesale :at 38 cents and 14 cents f"r candled and > ... counts respectively. Hce.Mpts for three! days were only 1"9 cases. : Mutter was steady to firm. I Highland potatoes advanced to II '■'• flat, I (and 81.83 was demanded for car lots. , There v. is an easing off In demand for celery, and the price dropped -■ cents per crate to J2.2.'i102.60; ege ..nit was scares and advanced 2 cents; bttuce. was plentiful ! and sold at a lower figure, and peas de- J dined 1 cent a pound Other green truck, ' 'while not In large supply, was sufficient to meet the limited demand, Prices on other 1 kinds Of green truck remained the iam aa la ! the close of last week. j The poultry supply, which was pretty well I cleaned up by Christmas demand, will * re- | ; planished for New Year's trade. The back i country will be called upon for more fat tur keys. Kish was In light supply. lieeelpts of produce were: Kegs, 139 cases; butter, 10,190 pcunds; cheese, 2336 pounds; po ti'toes. 8680 acks; onions, 300 sacks; beans, 4CO sacks: sweet potatoes, 252 sacks; apples, 1800 boxes. pisoDicr. pricks Following are the official prices or pro duce to retailers as compiled by the Market Reporter! BUTTER Helling piles to trade. 2\ia higher, California creamery, extras, SSc: I flo firsts. :^li.c; cooking, 25c; ladle, 23c. EGGS ho al ranch, can I count, buying price, 34c; eastern freah, 82c I acked extra, 28@30c. ; CHKKbK Bouthern. per Ib., ISO; northern, I per lt>., 18c; northern atorage, par Ib., 17c; eastern, singles, per Ib., 18c; eastern, twin . per ib., lac; eastern Cheddars, per : c aatern, boi ■ , per Ib., 18c; east ern, daisies, per II).. 19o; Oregon, twins, per Ib., 18c; Oregon, daisy, per Ib.. IS Swiss Imported, par :b., 320; Swlsa domestic, block, per Ib., 21<U24c; Swl»a domestic, wheel, per Ib., 21 /-I ■; cream brick, pel Ib., 19020 c: llmburger, per Ib., 19920 c; Roquefort, per it)., I ; Ed im, pel ONlONS—Northern Australian Browns, per cut., H. 1.76; Oregon, .$1.83; Nevadas, $-•._'."; garlic, per lb., Se. BEANS—No. I pink. {6.00; No. 1 Mmas, $5.2541.5. M; Lady Washington $4.26®4.50; No. 1 small whites, 1484.25; blaekeyes, $5.60; No. 1 Ciarvanza, $4.00; No. i California lentils. |7.00 POTATOES— cwt., $1.85; Ne vadas, 11.85; Lompoc*. $3.0082.10; Ba> linns, »2.00@5.W: Early Rose, northern, $2.00; local Early Un». $1.85; White Hose, local, $1.85®2.W; Oregon Rof>-, 13.00; new potatoes, lb.. 4£fsc; yellow iwaets, |2.60. DRIED FRUITS— -Evaporated, lb., in ' -i II '••.!•; apricots. 11... 12H01SC; currauti lb., 10c; do pkg.. 8S10c; dates, Fard, 60s, lb., lie; do 12s. lie; do Golden, 60s, Ib., 8c; do pkg., 9c; figs, black and white, per lb., 644@7Vtas do white, B-01. pkgs., 50s. $1,809 2; do 12-02., 12s, pk8.,00?ISoc; do 16-oz., 10s, pkg., $1; do 16-oz. cartons, 12s, Me; nec tarines, lb., 10c; peaches, lb., •H©7'^o; pears, Ib., lOi^lStsC; plums, lb., 10c; prunes, SO-40s, lie; do 40-BOs, ' 10V4c; do 50-60s; 0! : c; do 60-TOs, 9c; do 70-ioa, 8c; do 80-90s; 7Vic; do 90-lOOs. 7c; do sacks, 15ffll6c; raisins,, bleached, lb., 10c; da unbleached, lb., S^s>jc; seeded raisins, 16-oz. pkgs., 7c; do 12-os. pkgs., Cc; London layers, 2 crown, 20-lh. box, $1.18; do 3-crown, 20-lb. box, $1.25; do 4-cro\vn, 20-lb. box, $1.50; loose muscatels, 2-crown, oc; do 3 crown, B^c; do 4-crown, 6c; citron, 16c; orange and lem on peel. 14c. FRESH FRUITS-Cltrus— tanger ines, $1.75Q2.n0; do navels, $1.75'g2.25; lemons, $1.6083.60; grapefruit, seedless, $3.76; do eeed lings, $2.25. APPLES—Baldwin, 4-tler, $1.50; bellefleurs, 4-tier. $1.15® 1.25; do 4tier, |l©1.10; Bin Cnps. 4-tlor. C 1.50: do 4'4-tler. $1; Hen Davis, 4-tier. $1.50; do 4%-tler. $1.25; Gano. 4-tier, Colorado, $2; Greenings, 4-tler, $1.25; do 414-tler. $1.10; Hoovers. 4-tler, $1.50; do 414 --tier, $1.16; Jonathans. 4-tler. $2.25@2.G0; Langfords. 4-tier, $1.2591.35: Missouri Pip pins, 11.25; do 4'j-tier, $1.10; Pearmains, White winter, 4-tler. $1.2"; do 4'l-tler, $1.10; Pearmains, red, 4-tler, $1.10; do 4V3-tier. $1.10; Rome Beauties, • 4-tier. $2.25@2.60; Smith's Cider, 4-tier, $1.33; do 4'i-ti3r. 75c; Spltzen burg, 4-tler, $233.25; Yellow Newton Pippins, 4-tier, $1.35; do 4!i-tler, $1.15. MISCELLANEOUS—AIIigator pears, tot.. $4So; bananas, per lb., 41ic; cranberries, per M 1.. $12.50<3:n.50; strawberries, per basket, il:.'';i*.. casabas, per crate, $2.23; Christmas melons, $3.00®2.25; grapes, per box, $1.5001.75; peacheSi per box. 6Uf^6o; pears. Winter Nells, per .jojc. $2.25; Hartletts, $2.50; per simmons, per crate, $1.5001.75; pomegranates. per crate, $1.50. VEGKTABLKS—Northern artichokes, doz., $1.25; preen asparagus. 150 lb.; bell peppers, lb, 6© 7c; beets, doz bunches. 35c; beans. 7© 8c; cabbage, sack, 60c: red cabbage, 3<S>3M>o lb.; carrots, doz. bunches, 2."'t35c: cauli flower, crt., $1.8591.55; celery, crt., $2.25@52.75; cucumbers, do*. $1.00©1.3B; green corn, box, BCo: corn husks, 10o; egg plant, lb., 8@10c; horseradish, lb., 12>ic; "kin, So lb. lettuce, crt., 50075 c; peas, s> ■< 10c, parsley, doz., 2.'.c northern strawberry rhubarb, box, $1.7 spinach, doz., 20c; sprouts, (1c; summer siiuash, lug box, 40@50c; young onions, doz, 25c; turnips, doz. bunches. 20c; tomatoes, 40<iI60c. NUTS—Fancy IXL ilmonds. 17($c !b.; bra zils UOISo lb.: cocoanuts, SOc; filberts, 140 lb.;' pecans. XX, lie; do XXX. 160 lb., eastern peanuts, 7@?'/ic lb. ; do Japan, G^c; plnenuts, 18c: No. 1 assorted walnuts, 16@17c; do budded. 18@19c; eastern popcorn, cwt., $4; do local, $3.60. RlCK—Fancy Honduras (Carolina). $6.7 i ewt.; choice Honduras (Carolina), $6jJ'i.sO; Japan grades, $3.7584; Island, $5.50; broken, $3.50. HONEY— White water extracted, 9c lb. ; do white, SVSc: do light amber, 8c: comb, water white, 1-lb. frames. ISc; do white, 17c; do light amber, 14c; beeswax, 30c lb. LIVE STOCK—Packers pay f. o. b. Los Angeles for beef steers, t.ljj,i'nc; beef heir jrs. 4 1.i1?5c; beef calves, 6H®6oi mutton wethers, !3gr..50; mutton ewes. |605.80j mut ton lambs,{f3.7n; hogs, lie. FCULTRY—Live—Broilers, per lb., 27c: fry ers, per lb., iilci roasters, per lb., 21c; young cocks, per :b., ISc; old COcks, per lb., 16c; hens, par lb., 20<i/22c; young turkeys, per Il>., Stic; old turkeys, per lb., 26c; ducks, per lb., 2.".c; geese, per lb., 23c; squabs, per dozen, $3.00; guinea hens, per doz., $6.00. Frozen- Fowls. 1862131 roasters, per IK, 21®23c; fry ers, per lb.. 21028 c; broilers, par Hi, 27@32c; ducks, per lb., L'fe; geese, per lb., 23c; turkeys, per lb., 28c; fresh dressed turkeys, SOc. CHlLl— Evaporated, strings, JOo lh., green, 4c lb.; chili teplns. 75c lb. ; Japan. 16c; ground, Be. HYY (baled)— The following quotations fur nished by the I»os Angeles Hay Storage Co. —Barley. t12.10014.E0i tame oat, ton. $143 16.C0; alfalfa, ton, $13.50' Li 14.50; wheat hay, turns. MII.L FEED-Bran, $1.55; whole corn, $1.75: cracked corn, $1.80: feed meal, $1.35; rolled barley, $1.15; oil cake meal, $2.50; shorts, $1.80; Kaffir corn, $1.75; white oats. $1.85; eastern red oats, $2.25; wheat, original sacks, cwt., $1.90; wheat. 100-lb. sacks. $1.95. METAL MARKETS NEW YORK, Dec. ST.—Standard copper quiet; spot, December and January, $12.15 i? 12.25; February and March, $12.15©12.80. Owing to the continued holiday there wure no cablei from London. Arrivals reported in New York today, 110 tons. Custom house returns show exports of 26,159 tons so far this month. Local dealers report a nominally unchanged market. Lake copper, Si.: .i 13.25; electrolytic, $13.750131 casting, 112.001S 12.75. Tin quiet: spot, December, January, Feb ruary and March, 131 1iJ35.50. Lead quiet, Jl.-t.". <i 1.85, New York; $4.30!? 4.40, East St. Louis. Ppelter quiet, $*.'..".'./",.«.', New York: 15.H8H. East St. Louis. Iron quiet. m » » CHICAGO LIVE STOCK CHICAGO. Dec. "T.— Cattle— Receipt! es timated at 3500; market strong, shade higher; beeves, $4,65 6(7.30; Texas stoer«, 14.5003.33! western ■•■:■.-;, tt&i.TO: stock ers and Feeders, l8.4OQt.IO; cows and heif ers, 12.1Q01.36; calves, $7.ZSdJ'9.BO. Hogs—Receipts estimated at 10,000; mar ket Bo higher: light, IT.6OQS; mixed. $7.65«!J> 8; heavy, IT.tOOl! rough, J7.6oiir7.7r>; good to choice heavy, $7.7s'n>S; pigs. *7.2". 0 8.05; bulk of Bales, IT-ROC 7.95. Shci-|i —Receipts estimated at 10.000; mar ket s'« lea higher; native, 12.15Q 4.3»; west ern, $2.7G@4.30; yearlings, $4.75« >5.80; na tive lambs, $4.25@6.59; western, $4.7506.40. CHICAGO GRAIN Special service to The Herald hy .T. C. Wil son, member of th« Chicago board of trade, JcTnw York stock exehanße and San Francisco bm I and stock exchange, 212 West Fifth street, Las Angeles. cmCAOO, Di c. 27.-The wheat mark was heavy. There has been liquidation by lonss and more or less short selling. Support was moderate and rather deliberate, but short sellers acted with caution. Liverpool closed, continental markets mixed. Antwerp un- changed, Parts hipher and other markets low-j | er. Statistics were bearish, except Argentine | crop estimate, in which trade had had less! contl'lence than In private reports, and which fvi.H had no Influence. Predictions of rains In winter wheat country probably had a* much ; Influence as any ■ her one factor. Kansas City Els reporting liberal consignments ftorn south* I west and good *ales from Nebraska. The re- ; ceipts were liberal here and at Milwaukee. 1 Cash wheat here was weak and of slow sale. ' Some support seemed to tie forthcoming again j around 95'sc for May. Corn was heavy and rather quiet. There was [a further drawing together of the Deceniber i May difference. The December held ti': heia and at St. Lou is. Cash corn meanwhile has been lower, low grades being the bulk of the arrivals. Shipments from Interior still limited ■ by the ears available, but new tales at coun try stations not «o large. ! Very slow trade In oats, but the? market j sagged a little along with other grains. Provisions scored a sood early bulge on lisht run of hogs here, but reacted . ii liberal sales of pork, presumably for "tie of tho local pack ers. Buyers at recent high levels seem to be tilled up for the present, MARKET RAMIES WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close, Dei-ember $ .'.i-'c $ .924 I .<MH t .!)1% .May 9614 .M.. .93% .''"> I July ■■'■_: .931s .'.. , .9: CORN— !■• December i~% .47' .46% M% May IS > i .-is'; .17' 4 . IT-, July Ili'i .49% .48 i-;i September ■"'■', ..''', .i-i .li) 5» OATS— December 3Hi ,31' ■ .3114 ■•!B» May 3i% .31% .34 .34>i July 844 .341, .;m • '• September ... ... .33 '■ PORK— January 19.50 10.80 19.60 l!).7O May 19.10 19.10 15.8714 18.921,4 LARD— January 10.8314 10.82 M 10.6715 10.70 May 10.40 10.4214 10.30 10.36 RIBS- January I'i.lTU 10.47' i 10.30 10 IS May lO.OJ'a 10.02V-J 9.90 8.92V4 Cash quotations were as follows; Flour steady; No. 2 rye, SOl-jc; feed or mixing barley, 80S ''"li : fair to choice malt- Ing, 7iisS3c; flax seed, No. 1 southwestern, Jj.2 1); No. i northwestern, $2.11; timothy seed, $10; clover, $15; mess pork, per bbl., , ; ::i.T", ■; ':'.■■",■' : lard, per 100 lbs., $i0.72> 2 ; short ribs, sides (loose), $10.12 1 / i'S l-'. •:-!■!;: short clear sides (boxed), $10.8714©11. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 179,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1,172,000 bushels, compared with 1, --078.000 bushels ii:* corresponding clay a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United Plates Increased 93.",000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff.-i on ocean passage decreased 1,066,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 56 cars; corn, SOU cars; oats, 428 cars; bogs, 23,000 head. Dally movement of produce; Articles. Receipts. Shipments. yir. barrels 20,000 7.000 vV . at, bushels 1,400 18.300 Corn, bushels 631,200 210,400 Oats, bushels 388, 100 152.600 Rye. bushels 6,000 Barley, bushels 8.800 23,600 « « » ST. LOUIS WOOL ST. T.'J! IS, Dec. ~1~-~ \Vn('l unrhanKPrl; medium grades coin'nlnjr ami olothlng, 23e; light tine, 20©12 c; heavy fine, 153 17c; tu!> washed, 20 Q 9 1. Flrstr™" I Los An Seles Office I m ?ri!.«, wire now*. | Hotel Alexandria | Main 6006 -»™sssssssssss»»ss»»*i 212 West Fifth Street isa«issssssssisß»sisssi San x J. C. WILSON Hotel deJ Francisco fifOl j \|ll\| Coronada Mills Bldg. Jl Ul IVILUUiI During Palace Hotel B G< LATHROP, Manager. Winter ■scaaasßaassssßaaaf Correspondents saassssssassssssssaaaal Member I Harris, Winthrop & Co. I Member , New York Stock I I chir»*° Do»rd Exchange. 3 New York. Chlc-ago. I'arU. London. I of Trad«. CLEARING HOUSE BANKS NAME OlTir^nS Commercial National Bank n'ev^man o essick. c'a«hi«r. C. .«, .t, , Capital. BONYNGK, It nu ommercial National Bank newman essicx. ca»hi«r. Capital. »20C 000.00. 401 8. Sprlnir. corner Fourth. Surplus & Undivided Profit*. 14*.00*.0t 7, >. T 7 77~7- 1 t-> _i '• W. HELL.MAN. I'realdenL armers & Merchants National Bank ciia"' <-s cashiw. Capital. 11,600,000. Corner Fourth and Main. Surplus' and Profits. tl.900.0»). F. M ... . tj__i J. M. ELLIOTT, President, irst National .bank w. t. b. hammond. cashier. Capital stock. 51.600,000. , 8. E. corner Second and Sprint". Surplus and Profits, (2,200.000. Merchants National Bank W. H. HOI.LJUAI. Frealdent. erchants National Bank ( -ha« «reenk. caihier. Cr "tal. 1200,000. 8. E. corner Third »nd Bprlnr- Surplus an I Undivided Profits,, Nitional tfank of California J. E. FISHBURN. Prealdaat. il 'tional ±>ank or Calitornia -^ B mct^k. ciahtsr. M Capital, Ji".f\OOo". |1 N. E. corner Fourth and Bprlnr Surplus and Undivided Profits, WOB.OMI, entral National Bank .ta^h-s b. gist, cashiu. C. - . . , T -» i 3! Il'. z.i'.vlbKu. i Jrftoia«nt. cntral National Bank jays b. gist. caahi«. riipltal. ♦,;o(i,ow>. 8. E. corner Fourth and B/nadwaT. Surplus and Undivided Profits. t24!.K« Broadway Bank & Trust Company F^wSS&Wm?™"' Capital, BBC.OOO. 808-810 Broadway. Bradbury Huildln* Purrlnn and TTndlvlded Profits. »;4T.Cftl lited btates National Bank ISAIAS fmith. ca*ni«r. Pr«sld*Sk nited States National Bank r . w . fmitii. cubw. , < apltal, J200.000. S. E. corner Main and Commercial. Purnti anil Profits.. $73,000. C-. . , „ , R. 3! WATERS, Presldeot. itizens National Bank wm. w. woods, canht«r. Cspßal. ri.000.000. B. W. comer Third «nd Mali. '■"■"'"•■ if '' ■<» LOS ANGELES SAVINGS BANKS S' -ECtRITY ,^ UlVB?¥<R&» gSA^ ML the Southwest Resources, $29,000,000 4 I'KB CENT INTEREST ON TERM DEPOSITS. 3 PER CENT ON SPECIAL (ORDINARY) DEPOSITS. Largest anil Best Equipped Bat* ami Bterase Departmtal in the Meat. Tree Information Bureau. SECURITY Blll.niX(i. sriilNO AND riITH STS GERNiIH AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK ■■MupwrJM rHE BANK WITH THE tse^SS^^* JET EFFICIENT S£J9\flG£^ $T **[*&„* ND FOURTH STS. m Merchants Bank and Trust Co. Slip ell™ SZI „■„..., ~«« *.';_ . Trunnaetn » l.t'lll'ral Bank* "l"li Smith Hoover street. 209-11 S. Broadway i,, uud Tru.t HARNESS MN. J. Sffi? .tr.,t. SADDLERY] Citrus Fruit Report NEW VOIIK NEW YORK CITT. Deo. 27.—Twenty-two cars of. navels, one. Arizona navel and four cars lemons sold. Market strong on good stock navels, easier on poor stock. Arizona* unchanged. Market lower on I- mons, Navels — Bnowflower, fy, Globe. Clf Co, XT, $2.88; Snowflower, ch,-marked XT, $2.66; Snowflower, (;■, marked 7. ju.'io; finowflowcr, eh, marked 7, i.\s'J; Monogram, $2.1.">; Venus, v, K. I * <ke Co, *2. IS; Cove, ad, B. Peycka Co, $1.80; Pio neer, r>. Pioneer F Co, $2.26; Rock, $1.75; Ite- Katta, $1.10; Citrus Belle, »d, Ind V Co, $1.56; Gclden Pheasant, xc, in ] !•• Co, 9L70; Grafton. xc, Hud Oo Assn. $2.13; Sunflower, xf. Earl F Co, 12.33; Gold Buckle, rh, E. High, $2.70; Lochlnvar, II n c: High, $1,30; Qlendora ii, A '' a Ex, 5_'.70; Watchumna, T C C I.*, «i.<".; Lcmoncove, T c C Kx. 92.35; noyal Knight, It II Ex, Hed, KZt; Illue Globe, Hlv Xx, Hiv, (2.10; Cal Orange, Rlv Ex, Hlv, (1.65; Blue Label, T C C Bx, 92.30; Planet, 3 3 Ex, 91.90 Bugarloaf, I M I', li II .:x. (J.M; Hlghgruve, I M P, X Tr Xx, 52.20; Sugarloaf, i: i! Ex. SJ.S3; Highlander, tf, M O Dli, 92,30; Maripo»a, fy, Earl V Co, 92.20; Marlpo sa, fy Karl F Co,S 2.20; Ml itlei ■. eh, Earl P Co, 91.80; Mlstlatoe, oh, Karl F Co, 11.80! Hedlands Hrt,t, xf, At ti Is, 92 00; Kedlarnln, ice, MOD $1 10. Arizona navcU, Deiert luiinil, $2.70; Cactus, $1,95, half box* Desert, $2.05; Cactus, $1.30. Lfiin'jns— Pet, 93 00; Arab, J2.80; Greyhound, $2.4."i; Duck, 92 IS; Whit tier, 92.' ■. I/ojus, $2.80; Monogram, 2.40; Ex. ccllent, 12.30. PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA, Dee, 27.—Two carp navels and one car lemons sold. Also seventeen cars •>■: Florldas. Oranges sold from $1.30 to $2.00; average, 92.10. Grapefruit, $1.00 to $2.73; average, 92.30, Tangerines .51. to $1.80; average, $1.30. Market steady. Navels —Pocahontas, 1 C C, J^anle, 2.03; Marguerite, xc, Earl F 'Jo, $2.10. Lemona—Pico Bt, Whlt •:■,. (1.70. BOSTON' BOSTON, Dec. 17.—Twelve cars Bold. Clear and cold. Market la stronger on orangei, un changed, on lemons. Navels— Palermo, Mates & }!oalt, Palertni, $-.'.10; Blue Jay, O X Ex, $1.70; Sunny Heights, R 11. Redlands, $2.40; Laurel, Q C, Corona, $2.80; [deal High Prot P Assn, i<2.::o; Birch Bark, $2.00; Marguerite, xc, Karl P Co, 91.83; Coyote, .1 X Ex, $1.73; cioM Buckle, I: II E, Ilish, 92.50; Golden Circle, II 11. dlandg, 91.85; Prlscilla, 3 B, High, $2.70; Golden Flower, xf. Bed O O, $2.25; Delicious-, High Proi I' Assn. $2.00; Stock Label, $l.S0; Jaffas— Palerm 1, Batea & itoult, Palermo, $1.75. ; Lemons — Independent, fy. Growers V Co, $2.65; < I.lnda Vista, fy, Randolph F Co, 91.90; Inde pendent, oh, Growers, $2.25; Vista Del Mar, oh, It P Co, 11.50. BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE SAX FHANCISCO, Dec. 27.—Butter- Fancy creamery, 35c; fancy dairy, 30c. Cheese —New, ltlilTc; Young America, li 0 1 7c. Eggs -Ranoh, SS'.-c; stor?, 35c. CHICAGO, Dee. :7.—lhitter — Steady— eamerlea, 2>O!So; dairies, 2\.<fp?i>c. Steam 'Irnlnn to Aviation Meld The Southern Pacific is tho only steam railroad to the grounds, direct to the main entrance with separate entrance and exit for Southern Pacific passengers. Special trains leave Loa Angeles (Arcadfl station, Fifth and Central avenue) dally (■> .January 3. Hill. Inclusive (except January 2. no program)) at 9:05 a. m., 11 a. m., 11:80 a. m., 11:01 p. m.. 12:30 p. m., 1 p. m. and 1:30 p. m. Returning, leava avia tion field 4:48 p. m.. 5 p. m., :15 p. in., 'i p. m. No local stops in either direction. Plenty of roomy steam heated cars with spats for every one. Hound trip (at ticket offices) from Los Angeles 35c. Contest! 1:30 p., m. Cut tills out and use It for time tahle an'l Start early. Los Angeles .offices: 600 Soutli Spring street. Arcade station. Fifth unit Central avenue. ••• 9