OCR Interpretation

The Wilmingtonian, and Delaware advertiser. [volume] (Wilmington, Del.) 1825-1827, April 06, 1826, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042523/1826-04-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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, , „„„„.„I , s . iO
THE Subscriber has a large and £ |
sortvnent of the best selection of S"""' * t : ; n
TREES, of the proper age anti = f Se 1
known by the name ot' UtXO Vb^C KSElU^.n
Kennet township, 1 mile fiom Hokcssin » t I
House, and U from Chandler s Taver
Lancaster Road.
Htviocs Jackson.
Umo.,mh, 1826.
For Rent.
T HE Subscriber vvif'ies to rent a Farm situate j
on thc Delaware, about three mles below
Port-Pen, containing seven or eight hun
principally marsh, know.. b 3. thc "™ c '
Long-Island.—Another Farm near »ho Village ot
st. Georges, containing about 1 0 or 80 acres.
Another Farm of about 70 or 80 acres, near Mount
need apply but such as can give satis
factory recommendations.
Tohn Nivin.
Christiana, Dec 29,1825.
fiffENRY J. PEPPER presents his sincere
thanks to his friends and customers for the
liberal share of business with which they have
heretofore favoured him, and respectfully in
forms them that he will hereafter he found at
No. 46, CUrsnuf-street, Philadelphia
where he will thankfully receive, and faithfully
execute, all orders in ids line of business.
A House and Lot, pleasantly situated
in West-st., near Friends' Meeting. Apply to
Margaret M*Canton.
Wilmington, 3d Mo. 23, 1826.
_ ,, . o.
Fashionable Clothing Store.
Has lemoved his Fashionable Clothing Store, to he
No 38, Market street, second door above the
Lower Market, where he will continue to make 1
Gentlemen's Coats, Pantaloons,Vests, &c„ m the |
most approved and fashionable manner I
Orders for any article in his line, will be thank
fully received and promptly executed.
Æc'is?. _ •«**•
Successor to Henry J. Pepper,
and 3evre\\cr,
Next door to S. Sappington's Dry Goods Stare,
Between Market And Shipley-St.
RESPECTFULLY informs the publie that
ÜÜ he manufactures and keeps constantly for
Silver Spectacles, Silver Table and Tea
Spuona, and all kinds of Gold
and Silver Ware,
At the lowes, prices (Zjfor CASH. Old Gold
and Silver bought and taking in exchange.
From a thorough knowledge (for more than 12
years) of the above named J. Uiiaper, lean
fulently recommend him to the patronage of the
public. II. J. PEPPER.
Wilmington, March 23, 1826. 26—46
THE Subscriber takes the liberty of informing
bis old customers and the public generally, that
lie has removed from No. 81, to
JVo. 86, Market street, Wilmington,
_The corner formerly occupied by Mr. Allan
Thompson; opposite to Mr. William Larkin's
Grocery Store and Mr. John M. Smith's Hotel,
«here they are respectfully invited to call.
Ht lias, ill addition to his stock of Fail ami
WixTia Good«, opened an extensive assort
ment of
4-4 8c 6-4 Cam. Muslint^Bkck silk, silk flag and
do Jackonet Ï fancy silk hks
VÜ and 4 quarter Irish
Figurcd do
Elegant plain and Swiss
mull do
Tambor'd 8c plain bookVCotton and thread-laces
^Robinet and bobinct la
Book mus., Swiss mull,A
Jackonet St linen cam. Y White, green and black
V Italian crapes
Blk 8c coloured CantonÂBraids, ribonds, tapes,
crapes a sewing silks and cords
4,6, 7 and 8 quarterYBeaver, kid, York-tan,
shawls, whiteQ horse skin and silk
Blk, brown and fancy ^Umbrellas and parasols
levantines C Worsted and cotton ho
do do lutestrings
do do senshewa
Long law'ns
and assorted colours
a Marsailles, Valencia, toi
Sarcenets V lanet and silk vestings
Blk and fanfy Gros-de*^Madrass and cotton flsg
Naples a hkfs, 8<,c., See.
With the usual assortment of
Domestic Goods.
Such as sheetings, shirtings, plaids, stripes, t,ow
linens, drillings Pittsburgh cords, &c.
Wm. B. Tomlinson.
Wilmington, March 30, 1326
V. »'NEA£ at SON
Respectfully inform their customers and the
public generally, that they have removed from
No. 86 to No. 98, -Market street, and now offer
Wholesale and Retail , at their Cheafi
Boot, Shoe and Trunk Stores,
m & MKDo
Market-street, Wilmington,
A N extensive assortment of Men's, Women's,
Misses', Boys' and Children's Leather and I
Morocco Boots and Shoes.
Ladies' Silk, Valincia, Kid, Everlasting, and
Prunella Slippers, made in the most fashionable
style, of the best materials, and by choice work
Coarse Water Proof Boots ,
Shoes and Lace Boots, suitable for the coun
try market, will be furnished
remarkably low.
A large assortment of Ladies', Men's and Chil
dren's Eastern uud Philadelphia made Morocco
and Kid Shoes.
Ohlers supplied on tile most liberal terms, for
cash or acceptances.
N. B. An assortment of Travelling and Hair
Trunks. „
n-yy. U'NEAL & SON take this opportunity
to request all pcrsonswlio have been indebted to
them, on note or book account for more than one
year, tomak«' immediate payment, as no further
indulgence will be given.
oc, 7fi
-3 m.
rniSHOr DAVENPORT*respectfully informs
iO the public, that he expects to continue his
| 3cll0ul for P boys , in the Wilmington College , dur
: ; n , thc ensuing year, in which are taught all the
1 different branches of an English Education, the
higher branches of Mathematics, and the Latin
of tbe different Churches are
I )ikewlse ta „ K ht on Saturday mornings.
Board ma^be had in the family of the teacher,
on reasonable terms.
Refcrence may he had to Rev. E. W. Gilbert,
Mr. Robert Porter, Mr. Gedrgc Jones and Mr., &
Allan Thomson. , ,1,,.
Schüllars boarding with the teacher ma) be
taught sacred music gratis. tirc(
December 29, 1825. bu
COHENS' OFFICE, No 114,Market-st >
11a i.Ti mou s, Feb. Hi, 1125. (
gyy We have the pleasure to present the fol- ,
lowing schnie of the next I
Grand State Lottery of Mar) land, ,
No. 6, *o be drawn on the mill and teen system,
bv which the holder of two tickets is certain ot |,is
obtaining at least ONE PRIZE, and may draw of
THREE!—This mode of drawing is secured by t
letters patent under the seal ot the Unite«! States
Tickets only l-'our Dollars ! and
5.000 is
10.000 is
5.000 is
1.000 is
500 is
100 is
50 is
5.00 0 dollars.
10.000 dollars, the
10,000 dollars,
10,000 dollars, mav
7,500 dollars, .them
5,1100 dollars.
1 prize of
1 prize of
prize of
10 prizes of
15 prizes of
50 prizes of
100 prizes of
100 prizes of
550 prizes of
0,000 prizes of
5,000 dollars.
81M100 dolh": i TO
20 is
10 is
4 is
160,000 dollars.
20,829 Prizes amounting to
19,171 Blanks.
160 000 dollars.
40,000 Tickets, at «4,
Not one blank to a prize!
Mode of Drawing- the Nos. will he put into
one wheel as i.sual-tmd m t f lu; " ^ ^ 1
he put the prizes ubmc the ' l t ; .' ;,.
and the drawing to prog. es m. tinus uI nunntL |
1 he -0,000 prizes ot M « ill j(.
| odd or even numbers of tin lott e.G . (us tlu. ca
I ™yb«,) 'V pem lent n t , cd, . »1 inn ! of
talpnzt c.f $«5,000, that is to a\, it the -j, J ,..
prize should come out to an odd 1 V j
odd numbers arc those ending with 1, 3, 5, 7 j
W L „«mb«,»* .hose ending with 2,4, r„ s ;
or ^;. , „„I . -, „t I .u,. !
e.^^rs^o compete Hie whole lottery in
one drawing, but has the great advantage of dis- "
tribun,.g the small prizes regularly to every a -
for //"f ^"oTckem"..-'^ sW of tickets (on.!
odd and one even number) will be certain of oh
tainiiiff at least 011c nn/.e, und m the same ratio
c n . ■
for any greater quantity. . . ..
A ticket drawing a superior prize in this)
Scheme is not restricted from drawing* an inferior ;
one also; many tickets, therefore, will necessari
ly obtain two prizes each!
All prizes pyable in CASH, and thc whole to
in one day, ON THE 10th OF MAY
NEXT, under the superintendence of the Com
missioners of Lotteries appointed by thc Govern
or and Council of Maryland.
Tickets will so >n rise; at present they may be
had at the originial rates, viz.
Tickets, - - - • $4 Ü0 1 Quarters, - - - $1 00
Halves,. 2 00 Eighths,
Lottery St Exchange Office, No. 114, Market-st ;
Where more Capital Frizes hare been obtained 0
than at any other Office in Amerierj, and where, ns ,
usual, the CASH eon be had fur the whole of thc
Prizes the moment they are drown.
Orders from any part of thc United States or
territories, either by mail, (postpaid,) or by | a
be draw
To he had in the greatest variety of numbers at
private conveyance, enclosing the cash or prizes j
in any of the lotteries, will meet the same prompt !
and punctual attention as if on personal appli* j

cation, addressed to
Bai.timo UK.
Baltimore , Feb. 16, 1826.


Just received and for sale it J. SCOTT'S ■
; of
New Publications.
Book and Hat Store, No. 95 Market street,
Moore's Life of Sheridan.
"The Last of the Mohicans,"—a novel in 2
volumes, by the author of " The Pioneers" hr.
Sic. ; "Jack llalvard, the Sailor Bov; or thc Vir
tuous Familv."—This little volume is particularly b
adapted to the use of children, and is, perhaps, I -.
one of the best of the kind that lias ever been of
fered to the public.
Wilmington, Feb. 23, 1826.
S AMUEL SAPPINGTON has removed his
DSDuRY GOODS STORE from No. 103 Ship
ley, to 71 , Market-st., corner of Third-st., W il- m
mington. Where may bo had, wholesale and 1
retail, an assortment of i
Woollen , Cotton , Silk, and Fancy i
Goods, ;H thn most reduced prices. \
He flatters himself that his goods will please his \
friends and the public, who arc respectfully invi
ted to call, and see for themselves.
Nov. 10,182
A good opportunity should not he ne
7— tf.
\t. U AnS>. Surgeon Dentist,
Third door below the Town llall, j
Informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wi!ming-|
ton and its vicinity, that lie has returned from a j
short excursion from tbc Borough, and will wait
upon them at their own houses, for the space of
a tew' months, in the line ot his profession. He !
performs every necessary operation on thc teeth I
and gums; removing with care fixed tartar. He |
cleans, separates and polishes teeth without in-1
Juring the enamel. His confidence in his unri-1
vailed mode of extracting teeth, is undiininishcd,
and no one can want confidence, after once sub
mitting to atrial. He extracts broken and de
cayed teeth, roots and stunfips, that have been
despaired of, without in jury to the gums; mends
teeth with foil or gold, to be as lasting and use
ful as sound teeth, without pain in the operation;
inserts artificial teeth in a neat and durable man
; regulates children's teeth, and gives advice
thc teeth gratis, if applied to at his room.
N. B. He keeps powder for the teeth, which
whitens them an«l is very beneficial to thc Rums.
He requests those wishing any of his services, to
in the course of the above mentioned tunc,
he will leave town at thc expiration of it.
0cl o 7t h. 5 —3 mo.
call i
I" V
Opposite the Town Hall, Wilmington.
late op the
Respectfully informs his friends and »the pub
lic in general,'that he lias taken the above exten
sive establishment, (recently occupied by Jt.lt
Lamborn, dec.,) which he has fitted up in a style
that will ensure comfort and convenience to ins
The Hotel is situated in a pleasant part of the
Borough, and presents indiiceinets and aclvanta
tbose Jjj 0 are ; n pursuit ot business or
& Ieasure> not surpa8se ,i by any Public House in
,1,,. town. The number and arrangement ot the
are suchi that those who wish to be re
tirc( i jhe noise and hustle of a Tavern, may
bu perfectly gratified.
taelied to the establishment are extensive, com
, inodiousand secure, an^under the direct,
I '"ThèadmVîscv Hatters himself that from his ex
, iullcCi Hl „i the superior accommodations of the
House lie lias taken, he will , e IP- 1 * 1 J
|,is guests, and render his Establishment wormy
of „ share of the public patronage.
t The DOVER MAIL STALE leaves the Hotel
cverv Monday, Wednesday an<| » run y moi nmg»
and arrives every Tuesday, rnwsdayjnd Sat
unfay evening. Seats in any ot the stages
ing from Wilmington, can be taken at tin- liar.
Travellers wishing to take passage m any of
Steam Rout from the Borough, and
and Carriage a,
the Stages or
desirous of leaving their Horses . ,
mav depend upon having every attention paul to j
.them until their return.
Horses taken at Livery.
Dee. 1, 1824.
The MUSClim.
i TO I.1TTF.LL, 88 Clicsmit-st., Philadelphia,
AiUO lias just commenced a new series ot the
Museum of Foreign Literature und Science.
Mar™, 1826.
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson.
tn , Ilaram bv Meer.-a Ahmed Tubceh.
visit ' fourth, from 'Much, . . . Moanzihe.
;,. ,,. llcb Romances. Roman Comique de Searron, F
| ^ /iV , Hrnlu ., Travels in West
j(. n , Africa .from the British Dritte, tin Dilettante
J London Mag,,tin, Memoirs
! of Lnu?! ,, Ks q., from the Bnt ■ . < etc.
,.. 4ss0 !in(l |, |S sister—by Mrs. Hcmans, from thc
j JW///y Magazine. Thc Subaltern, from the ,
7 j ^ "j?"* ' FI ',J^ r „ ll p a Magazine. The He
s ;
! Rlnrhenmin Magasine.' Emblems—by the ltcv.
Henry SU-bbing, /mm ^AnmleL TJ^Isfaml
" '•*!{.■' Mission to'Siam and Co
- ^ from the Monthly Review. Mat
thews' defence of bis * 'il'.; , J « xv it-cr'Ti ^
' uZhly'Magazine. Modern l'Lie i
/ jg if,«.,;«.
Drama, from rAurhrnnoa s Muenzine,
T Miscellaneous Selections, viz. —St John liar
1 Cl
; on an<l ' le
o.id—Royal Academy
steel Gravers—Literary ap.
Elizabeth's Mss.
us previous to bn
The Waldens«
•ry of (luce!
plication— Dis
—Raphael—s iainese pre parat u
vying the dead—History of Coffee in Europe—
singular ceremony at Ncwnton—French histori
cal Writers.
Literae ./ Intelligence.
Poem by Mrs. Kadel.ffe—Hramhktye house,:, nov
el by tile authors of rejected addresses—Sandoval,
novel by the author of Don Esteban—Naval
Sketch-Book, by an Officer of Hank—The adven
turcs of a young Rifleman, written by himself—
Sir Jonah Barrington's historic memoirs of Ire
land—Isabel, a novel, by tl.e author of " The
Favourite of Nature "—History of Painting
; q it-.ilv, translated from thc original of Lu
ipj I .Aini, bv T. llnscoe, F.sq—Delineations
0 f t |. c oritgiii of various Changes and Struc.
ns , llrc w ],; cb n( . cur -, n manj b y Dr. John Baron—
thc Geologir.il tour in ftalv, inMr. Mawe—Travels
,,f t bp Russian Mission, through Mongolia to
or China, and resilience in Pekin, in the years 1820
by | a nd 1821, by G. Timskowki—-New historical no
Sketches from thc note tiook ot Charles
ev, author of Au
• adventures on tile
St. Alban's Abbcv, a
a new
j V( .j
! Hamilton, Esq., by T. K Hen
j stralia—the
I Contint
Mil —Spanish Anthology, by »I- H. Widen
—Translation ofli. Ci. Niebuhr's history ot Rome,
j by Mr. Walter—Domestic architecture—Studies
! in history, by the Rev. T. Morell—The domestic
• Preacher; from the M&S. of some eminent nunis
; ters—The Peerless Peer, or the Fortunes of Or
■ lando, by the author of " Lasting Impressions"—
■ Woodstock, by the author of Waverly—Memoirs
; of the Margravine of Anspach —< atalogucs of old
! books for 1826. Pain!. — A Digest of the Evi
dences taken before the Select Committees of
the two Houses of Parliament—A historical nov
el, hv the author of " Tales of the O'Hara fanii
b —A new Quarterly Journal, entitled " Ocs
I -. vfr Cymreig"—Christian memorials of tl.e 19th
of- century ; by tl.e Rev. Allred H.sl.op—A new ed.
tion ot Deism refuted, by tlu* Rev. T. H. Dome
;—A translation of the first Géorgie of Virgil,
' with notes and explanations, by the Rev. R. llob
New Rritisl\jFublications.
his Terms of Subscription .—'The price is Six Dol
Ship- Lrsa year, pa\able in advance—but if not paid
il- m advance, Seven Dollars and a half
and 1 Kor Selle OF Rent
i n
i ff.
\ ill». 1
his \
k A Farm in Mill Creek hundred, on
Ag Pike creek, late the property of Jesse
ESI Trump, deceased, containing GO acres
SSèof good land, on which are a large
double stone dwelling bouse, with a well of good
water close to the door, four tenant's houses,
good ham, stabling, and an excellent orchard.
This farm, \v?ll be sold on reasonable and easy
terms, to suit the purchaser, or rent. For further
particulars apply on the premises, to
Mary Close.
Jon. 12, 1826
j r fo Storekeepers, Mechanics, &c.
\ person well, and practically acquainted with
j Book-Keeping, both by single and double entry,
and who expects to have a good deal of leisure
thro'the winter, would undertake the posting,
! and adjustment ofBooks drawing offaccounts,&c.,
I on moderate terms.—For information apply at this
| Office,
to *» ihnmgtim, leb. 9, 1826._
Cards. Handbills, and Blanks,
■ ' I
( Neatly Executed at this Office.
dj Deeds drawn.
Dec 22,1825.
13 4t.
THAT large and convenient three
story stone HOUSE, situated on
Quaker-llill, and occupied at pres
ent by Mrs. Massey. There is at
tached to this house a large garden and a pump
of excellent water at thc door. Possession may
be had on thc 25th March next.
Enquire of
Mrs. Jane Dauphin.
the uniter states
literary GAZETTE.
Vol.III. —March 1, 1825.— No. VIII.
Reviews .—A Journal of a tour around Hawaii
1. L' Amante AstutO; 2, II
—Italian Opera.
^Miscellany .—The principles of political E
omv. 22. Duties on Imports.
Original Poetry.—Inspiration—Sonnet—Song
buhle and balloon—Vanity of earthly
Critical Kotier».— Napoleon and the grand
my ill Russia—Hints for the improvement of
ly education.
Intelligence .—Royal society of literature Na
tives of the Philippine Islands—V urietics—List
of New Publications.
Literary Advertiser.
The United States Literary (inertie is publish
ed on thc first and fifteenth day of every month.
Each number contains 40 pages 8vo making two
volumes a year of 480 pages each.
vumii.es a ,ca, . The annual
subscription price is five dollars, and becomes due
on the first day o July.
(^SUBSCRIPTIONS received at this Office.
.Xttw IVat NLvumïacAor^ .
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public, generally, that lie has opened
A fashionable and plain Hat Store,
Where he intends keeping a gen
eral assortment of Hats. As the
material used, and workmen em
ployed, will be first rate, he indul
ges the hope that he will receive a
Huts made to or
, portion of public patronage,
der furnished at the shortest notice.
Orders from country merchants will he thank
fully received, und promptly attended to.
Willitim Kt nnaitl.
F Internal Improvement, Lit, rature V C'A
, Authorized by dicta of CongrtM, and of the
Wilmington, Dec. R.
Grand Consolidated Lottery;
•it, es
Fur the benefit of Washington City, and the
States of Rhode Island, Conneticut,
Delaware, Ninth "arolina
and Louisiana :
day of April, 1826.
25.0 0
9.1.000 \
Prize of $60,000
" 40,000
" 25,000
" 20,000
" 15,000
!< 10,160
" 1,000
$685,440 j
139 A)
15870 Prizes.
26970 Blanks.
42840 Tickets
This is a lottery formed by Hie ternary permu
tation of .16 numbers. To determine the prizes
therein, the 36 nnmbers, from 1 to 36 inclusive,
will be severally placed in a wheel on the day of
drawing, and 5 of them be drawn out; and that
ticket having on it, for its permutation numbers,
the 3d, 4th and ôth drawn from the wheel, in the
order in which drawn, will be entitled to thc
prize of $60,000.
And those 5 other tickets which shall have on
them thc same numbers in the following orders,
shall be entitled to thc prizes aftixed to them,
respectively, viz:
All others, being 54, with 3 of the drawn num
bers on them, will each be entitled to a prize of
1000 dollars.
The 186 tickets which shall hr.vc 2 of the
drawn numbers on them, and those 2 the 1st and
2d, will each be entitled to a prize of 5Ö0 dollars.
The .372tickets, which shall have two of the
drawn numbers on them, ami those t wo the 2d
and 3d, or the 3d and 4th, will caçh be entitled
to a prize of 100 dollars.
All others, being 1302, having two of thc
drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to
a prize of 40 dollars.
And those 13950 tickets which shall but one of
3d, 5th and 4th, to
4th, 3d and 5th, to
4th, 5th and 3d, to
5th, 3d am! 4th, to
5th, 4th and 3d,
the tltawn numbers on them, will each be entitled !
to a prize of 20 dollars. !
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a j
superior denomination can be entitled to an infe*
r.or prize.
Frizes payable forty days after the drawing,
and subject to tl.e usual deduction of fifteen per
Whole tickets $20; Shares in proportion.
Orders for tickets or shares will receive prompt
attention if addressed to
YATES & M 'INTYRE, Managers,
Aor. 16, 1835.
WHEREAS divers mischievous and il-dispos*
ed persons arc in thc habit of entering the Rope
Walk of Mrs Jane Dauphin, and destroying the
' boards and other valuable materials therein—
this is therefore to give notice, that all persons
are cautioned against entering said premises, as
the law against trespassers will be rigidly cnforc
Wilmington, Erb, 0, 1826.
.Ab. 62, Market-st
ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and
j the public generally, that they have just re
ceived their assortment of
consisting of Superfine lili.e, Blink, llrown, Ol
ive and Drub Cloths and Cussimcres; Middling
and low priced ditto—Ladies l'eliss
cloths; super coatings for Women's
per and low priced Hutilietts; Red and Green
and Habit
loaks; su
Red, White, lire.cn, Yellow and Swan
skin Flannels; Carolina ami Circassian plaids—
Tartan plaids and Camolctsfor Cloaks; Rose and
point Blankets; Lambs' wool, W
sted, Ger
mantown and knit Hosiery; Linseys, Tow Lin
ens, Russia Sheetings and 'raidings. Together
with a general assortment of Calicoes, Bomba
sts, Bombazines; Norwich, Canton and Italian
Crapes; Figured Gross de Nap
tine, Mantua and Levantine Sill;
gola, Crape and other shawls,
assortment of
Blk. Floren
Waterloo, An
Witli their usual
Domestic Gihk\s',
All of which they offer at the lowest prices.
Wilmington, 10 mo. 27, 5 _-jnio
Dry Good Merchants.
Samuel Sappington No. 71, Market-st.
Uuzby & Bassett, 62, market st.
John Patterson, 30 market Street.
W. B. Tomlinson, No. 86, MarketStreet,
John R. Brinckle, corner ofMarket & Queen
streets. *
William M'Caullcy, Brandywine, north side
of the Bridge.
John M'Clung 55 market st.
John M'Lnar, 58 market st.
Allan Thomson, 43 market st.
John \V. Tatum, 82 market st.
Chalkley Somers, 48 market st.
Grocery Stores.
Joseph Mendenhall (k Co. corner of King
and Second streets.
Joseph C. Gilpin, 46, market st.
James 8: Samuel Brown, 8 High st.
Clement 8c Gordon, corner of Market and
Peter Horn, corner king and front sts.
Arthur Murphy, 16 West front st.
John Rice, Brandywine, south of bridge,
Samuel Stroud, corner of front and orange.
George Williamson, 10, high st.
George Winslow, 179 market st.
John Wright, corner of Front and Market
Perry Sheward, Market st. opp. Academy,
Hardware, Oil Paint Stores.
Joseph Grubb, No. 72, Market Street.
Ncwlin 8c Woolston, No. 50, Marketstrcet
China, glass & queensware stores.
David Smyth, 68 market st.
Apothecaries and Druggists.
Joseph Bringhnrst, S5 market st.
Dr. John Johnson, Sign of the Mortar
and Pestle, 44 Market st.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers.
John Matthews, Market-st., opposite the
Market house, N. Castle.
Theophilus Jones, 27 market sj.
Val. M'Neal 8c son, 98 and 100 market st.
William M'Ncal,
James Simpson, 19 west front at.
William White, 80 market st.
Thomas Virden, French st.
Merchant Tailors.
Wm. C Deputy, Northeast, Cecil co. Md
George R. Ü Daniel, No. 38, market,-st.
Millinery and Fancy Stores.
Mary and Rebecca White, 110 market st.
Ann Bailey, market st. near Kennet road,
Hotels and Taverns.
1 James Plumiey, Washington Inn, 39 mark
I et st.
: Joshua Ilutton, Queen of Otaheite, cornet
of market and uuecn sts.
king st.
William C. Dorsey, west Front,nearsnipltj
\ John M. Smith, Indian King, corncrof Mar
ket and High sts.
Soap &, Candle Manufacturers.
! Bainton 8c Bancroft, market, near kennet
j Cochran and Adams, cor. orange and third
James Ray, corner tatnall and queen.
Elisha Huxley, Broad, one door below Kinj.
ijamuel Askew, Kennet Roud.
Thomas Ncwlin, corner king and high St.
Watch Makers.
Ziba Ferris, 89 market st.
Charles Caiiby, 77 market st.
George Jones, 25 market-st.
Silver Smiths and Jewellers.
James Guthre, 41 market st.
Emmor Jcfferis, No. 30, cast Second-st
James Webb, High, between Orange ui
Stephen Bon sail, 25 market st.
Cabinet Warehouse.
John Ferris, Jr. shiplcy, between 2d awl à!
Tobacco & Sogar Manufacturer?
Thomas A. Starret, 107 market st.
Wilmington 8t Fhilad. Packets.
Sloop Mary Ann, Shockley, Bush's wharf.
Fame, Poinsett, market st. wharf
Industry, Scout, Robinson's wharf.
Bread and Biscuit Bakers.
John Countisï, nearly opposite Thos. Powtl >
Factory, No. , Shipley-st.
! Miller Dunott, 105 Shipley st.
! Michael Wolfe, 3, East 3d street.
a j j umes Gibson. East Front, near Market st
j umes Gibson. East Front, near Market st
Tanner .— Benjamin Webb, Queen, between
Tatnell and Orange-sts.
Stone Cutters, Albert & James Robinson.
No. 198, market st.
Lottery and Exchange Office. —Roberts®"
& Little, 28, market street.
James C. Allen TcacherNo. 105 , Oranges,
above the Hay-Scales.
Thomas C. Alrichs, Fancy Hardware, Tt
and Sheet Iron Manufacturer, corner 1 '
market and second streets.
Jacob Alrichs, Machine Maker, cornrrf
shiplcy and broad streets.
Iron Foundry —Mahlon Betts, second s
near the Black Horae tavern
Morocco Manufactory —Robinson'-- b
98 market st.
Conveyancer —Benjamin Ferris, at tl.e
ner of West and Third streets.
J* P. Fairlamb, Notary Public, Survey
Land, Conveyancer, Regulator of Stra
fte. No. , King street.
Patent llay and Ural
« !'>'
Joshua Johnson 8c Son,
Creek Mills.
Ko tar 1 / Public ami Conveyancer .—
Hendrick van corner of French o' 11 -
ond streets, No. 43,
Livery Stable —Kept l«y Iluson S'.vaj«
Shipley st. above Queen.
James Sorden, one of Gic Burgess« ''e ,
Borough, a Notary Public arid C on'
er, 9, High street.
Master Bricklayer, Grocer and Ja'-ie K
chant .— B. W. Brackin, No. 3, west id
street, opposite thc upper market a
Johnathen Saville,
ner of Market pnd Hanovcr-sts^_^
"Improved checks ,
On the Wiliniii 4 ;lon (c Brandywine,
ware, and Farmers' Banks for sal« r. ■
Store Ware-ro'ym
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