Jittoi'billc .ttthin 'WLlbig anb Cferimclc: Iciwcstoim, u$xi 11, 1875. PENCILETTES. Clevcliiiiil wants a company of light Tlie lmli-lteilntiM of Newton county. Testis, 1h neatly ?o, 000,000. lie i- n eowanl who would sny " I despair." It In no iliHKracB to fall, but it in a diH)inot to refu to pick (iiie's self up. A little wart:lianked hop-toad will hreuk up a croquet party quicker than the darkest thunder cloud that ever gathered. A Dubuque father kepi a ptomacli pump in tlio house, and when he tells his children not to eat cucumbers ttiey let 'em alone. A lively urchin accosted a drug store man tlie other day: "Mister, please i;imme a suck or licorice, your clerk goes with my sister." How a woman can keep on talking wlilie she twists up her back liair and nas ner mouth lull or iiairpains, is a mystery tint yet explained. Asa mark of respect to the memory of ex-JTesideut Johnson, Mr. John jurd ler raised a flag at half-mast on his tailor shop yesterday. Chattanooga Commercial. Cap. Kelley, of Sevier county, lost a boat loaded with niicou, meal and Hour on Wednesday. Tlie boat sprung a leas and sunk in ten feet water near Bryant's ferry. The body of Bowman, the convict guard, who was drowned In the Kmo ry river near Cooper's landing,- has been found, and after an iuquet-t, was decently buried. People who saw hiui jump up and down and heard him swear, thought him crazy but he wasn't. He had merely delivered several cords of wood at the wrong house. The first thing we thought of when we saw him was that ho is one of those New Orleans banditti, but on closer inspection it turned out to be the " horny-handed " local of the Anc and Grange Outlook under a stack of straw. l)r. Johnson once dined with a Scot tish ludy who had hotch-potch for dinner. After the doctor had tasted it she asked him if it was good. " It N good for hogs, ma'am," said the doctor. "Then pray," said the lady, "let me help you to some more." Last week a man named Charles Burton emptied his revolver of live loads at Tom Collins, near Cleveland, two of the balls taking ell'ect, but the wounds are not thought to be fatal. Burton is in jail. Heport says Collins was too intimate with Burton's wife. We learn that there is a negro wo man living at Hugar Valley, once the property of Mrs. Malone, with whom she resides and is cared for, who is one hundred aud fifty years old. Hhe re lates many incidents connected with tht Itevolutiouary war. Jjalton En terprise. We have never t-een such good pros pects for corn in our lives as now. We see llelda of line corn this year that have not been under cultivation in ten years to our knowledge. In fant, we have seen no bad corn. This i- one year of peace and plenty. lAncolnton (Ar. C.) Progress. We learn from a brakeman on the train that on Wednesday a negro at tempted to commit a rape on a very worthy lady of McMinn county, Mrs. Howard, who lives about a mile from Athens. The negro has been arrested and it Ik feared that Judge Liuch will decide his cise,as great excitement pre vails. Judge Puckett says that from one of the Districts of Hamilton couuty, the effects real, personal, aud mixed of a certain individual were returned its fol lows: Property all told, sixty dollars nine children aud eleven dogs. This is no joke, but an actual fact. Of course the dog law is prodigiously unpop ular in that locality. Atlanta Times. A Lady Older than the Declartion of Independence. From the Chilliootho (Mo..) Constitution. A lady of remarkable old age has re cently come to the knowledge of a re porter of the Constitution, in Jackson township. The lady referred to is Mrs. Margaret Webb, a native of Giles county, Va., but a resident of this county since 1844. Hhe was in the city on last Haturday in company with some of her granddaughters, and told our reporter that she was born in the year 17G9, and that Bhe distinctly re membered many of the important event of the revolution. Her age ap pears to be pretty well authenticated, and she certainly is be oldest looking person we ever saw except one, an old man named McCalla, who diel in 18-53, in Harrison county, Ky., at the well authenticated age of one hundred and five years, and whose mind had become as blank as on the day of birth. Mrs. M. Webb has six children liv ing, three of whom still reside in Vir ginia. Her family is of the first re spectability. Hhe has been a member of the Methodist Episcoal Church from her earliest recollection, and be longs to a congregation of that Church (South) in her neighborhood. Not withstanding her great age, she Is not entirely helpless, though her feeble ness, both of mind and body, is pain fully apparent, and;it can not be long before she passes to the seenes beyond the life on this planet. We are assu red by persons who know something of Mrs. Webb's history, that docile ments are in existence, both in this Btate and Virginia, that verify her nge as stated by herself. It may there fore be stated as a fact that Liivingi ton county has a lady resideut 103 years old. Her husband, who has been dead several years, was a soldier of the war of 1812, aud it was part of her business in town last Haturday to look after a pension that her attorney is about getting for her from tlie gov ernment. A Bad Mistake. (Detroit Free Press.) One of Detroit's philanthropists saw an old man seated on a salt barrel in front of a grocery store the other day, and the white locks aud sad face touched a tender chord. Laying his hand on the old man's shoulder he asked : "And bo you are waiting to be gath ered home, are you?" 'No sir, I hain't," promptly replied the old man. "I'm waiting for the bank to open so that I can gather in 13,200 on this check." He happens to own four or five big farms in this county. XKW ADVKRTISKMKXTS. BOOK AGENTS yr,VV:VT.h: t-ene Medic! Arivier" It it v, chfitiet hunk ever puMifhcd; HS.S ,,vr :.M illustration, f'. A 'Ihnunnil I'uv U n fi ht who c uM not indue ! tn jurcha 'Ii" hiuh preM berks trcntitifr. of Ininn-i,( MMirif. I'nlik nthrr b-ok poM through ad-'MMhtf wnrk 'i rnu hly AriverriwHhrmiKhnur Nor h Amrrira. Thiofrtct, lorfthrwilh th-i lurir t 7 vWirnnt npenrnrc nmlmtny nw frnturufi id the r.nk. ruw It to sell tmra mindly than nv w.rk rvor t-ublWitd in inn country. Th"o of mr hmii who hnve hud experience in ?c!lin b - k. fay tbnt ;n ml their previ'tu cinvHsMr they never met with such r'upirf? or nind p lurire w.ik . m-?iiir cun menfine the fn!o of my wnrk Fur tenon end territniy, Mldrcr (inH'irtr two p t tfimp nnd nttiriff rxiiorionre V V Pi'-rec M 1. W . rtt I.Ficniiry, bnflnl'i. ' V. Not .-Murk envel i, c Kor P'i'-lir'hine I ft- THE BROWN COTTON GIN CO NEW LONDON, CONN., Manufacturer of Clt- n Gin. Cutu.n (t in (mHrr nnd 'tt,n (tin Mnit rviin uf fvryir -riptn. Our tiin hae been in ute thirty yt n end have en etnblihed reputRiion for iiii't, ,ty, hphtTVuning. ihirnhility, nnd (T iwififi uinl fitrtrf tit't of lmt product d. hir tntUr ea.iiy at t tt-hed t( the (tin, and e;iily operated by ntiy hand of ordinary intpllieence. Ihey are then'm llfit nnd vh ijt t'?t,i r in the market nnd ted with mitrr rtytititrity than i possible by hinid, t ert ttitnj thr tmtturn and trWintr a lrnn r and tt r Mtmjilr. At all 'air where exhibited an t by 11 inter htivmn them in uf. t i ey have been ac corded 'he hlKheFt enoollliutllft. Our mli r (iro ire ft wtni , tlurnhit Hlld nniitr tn vinftnirtmH, and do what i re juirei d them rapidly nd well. j midi innnf jtmrt r i required t drive tf e l-'eeder or Con'tenor. -md no U;n Hi ue i com plet without them. We are prepared tn w .irnnit, to any rea.onal'lo extent, perb-et cut it fa -ibui to every pnrrhiifcr. Circulur-, i riccc, and luil in formation turiii-hed. Addri' hb above or n rply to M. PATT Chaifinuoffii, Tem. Waters' New Scale Pianos AretheiusT made: tbf toith kt.a f.t tr. . 7vl o .nut' nii',mti Jnu jutvfrlut, j.uit ani VATERS' Concerto ORGANS Can n be exel'od In tons or he trrv ; th-y 1 tv eoinoi'tt'"n The ''vt;itT) Mcp it . fi.i'j Imi tufi'in ut tit? IiiDintt 't,i, l'RRKS KXrUKMllLV LOW fr tab r du-'nn this Muii h. Mniumy uiPtalinHnft re'-iv(.t: ' nort and iry.Tis to L -t, -Hd Hi-nt Money a lowed it rurrha-ed. Sond hntid In-iruments - I (iKEAT l!Ali'Ul.v After. t wanted. A l.h era! Ui'f unt to f encdierf-, MinUter. t'hurehi -, Schor.l. Lo itff. .-tn Spe'-ia' Ii ducemetit. t the tra io. I "utr.i d :ifnlnirit-i tuai: Eiot vi i: v l it il I rjadway. Ntw Vt ik- $50 TO $10,000 Uaa been invented in SU e't-l'riyileges and paid 900 CENT PROFIT It Ti.. T. 1 1 tf.il . . - ii- w i i mi it, H wms on v an fi., rem iree. Th v UK i I'tiK Ar CO., llaukera un I Brokers, 2 ' ' 1 w i orK VtAS. The rhoiceatin th world. Import t prices Largest eouipnuy in Atiiericti Ptiilo iirfiflH i.loffcnt everybody I nob) citit'pual y increainfrAfcentfi wanted eve h-re beet indueemfnts don't waste tini'-- "rid for Circular to Koukkt Wells 3 Vesey ... .s. V.. 1'. O. )x l7 THE WEEKLY SUN. r0 ni umns, from niw to New Years, p-i.-t paid A'itlre-8 'I ut: tn, Npt York. ce uta $771 A WtlKK Kuarantevd t- .M h. m.d K.-:nnle Attent. in their le. ilt'y t N I II -. to try it Vartieiilari" Fre I rt. l('.' KUY A 00 . Autrur:i. Me IJSYtMlo.M ANC . I. "li ;i St ;;,'" liowt-itber fvx may ta -iT:re i-r, , h o the Jove aud ttleeiion n hiiv er- i:i Mey "bu , in-tan tly. i hi art a I an pnse :iv , y ni il, bir li."ceiit; toeetlur with a Miirr-in (Juide. KKyi'tinn Oracle. Irc;iini'. Hint? to Lalie- ere. UMi.m ot.. Id. A fiueer b...oi. Addr? T. WIL LIAM A Co.. Publisher. Pbiladelphirt. I tonic Hamiracturc. tt V T 4. ' nil, t wh r"- ir , . s - - .v v . t. J -- A I A r- 7- t,.)lji,;(i,a ti,iiir II CD 5 3 b w M TO T3 CD o tt -4 W V2 5 2 M d to o o O o 0Q F. HEART &l i:i3 ;v kh!i:i:i. CO. iilwly COLLKtTIOXS PROMPTLY 3HDE. Rogersville Female College, J Thii Initi'ullon will tiereonenej Allium with a tbor 3 J uunlily ty ootui'etcnt oiirin ot t .aoh i every duiHrtmeut. ITur uircuiur or iiarticulur uJlres Hkv. A. W. WILSON, Principal. RoOEMVULt, TsN.i July W, 75. vii'. Ji' wl NEW AGRICULTURAL STE A M ENGINES FOR 1875. M-'Te elTeetive. nnd more enmplrt. nnd Tnrre readily adnpted tu the v.triou inrfu'ultur.il it-t" than any oilier in the market. iTtetienl r.t provement acumulat' d Imin t wonty yeir- tiiRnut'ieturitift xperien-e. i? h reputation inaia tained and u.:. e establi-hed. Send f-.r (.'irculars d s 'riptive and coiitainina tetimonialn con''rriinir tir ltrf altlf, Ma liiiimry and 'ivrlculittritl Skmiiii IIii- WOOD, TABER & MORSE, KAS10.Y MADISON CO., X. Y. viiiH w.'m FAIRBASMKS' SC ALEE. STANDARD Also, Kiles' Alarm Cash Drawer, Coi.'o;tnl Drue Letter 1'restc--, A.:, A' PR!Nv'lFAl. b''Al,F. WHAIiElIUVSFS. rtilrhinU V flit Itromlnnr, , Y. Fa i km n ks .V Cm , 1 1 It 1 mre St., H:iiiuMTe. Kaiimianhh A t (i., i amp itrert New Or i-a:i FAtHtuNKs A i'i .'t Main St., IJuff.ilo, X. Y. Fat hanks A Co., o- s lrodwny. Aihmiy, N . Y Fikiu!Kh .V l o , i" i St. I'jiul'i? St.. M .ru e ii Fim; Nkrt A Cc.."l KipirWihiam St .Louden, L'ji Faihtanks. Lhown a Co., 2 Jiitk (.. Lo-t -n. Fi'tunNhA A KwiMi. M.teonie Hall, riniade'j.bin Fatkiianka, MniMK A Co.. Ill L-te Sr.. Ctu. n . Fa 1 It It AN k MoIISH A Co.. F.l Waltlllt St.. I iri.O Faikhankm. Morse .V C(. 1 - Superior M. Cle'n FAlHinNkS. Morsk A ., 4H Win d M PitIbnrcr! r AimiANks, Mokk Jt Co., -th .llain, l.cuviib F.tKRks a- fti.,:a.' k :i"4 Witsh'ton A v. ML-.mi FaIubanks A HfTriMNSoN, San Francisco, Cul, Kor bv leiduiK Hardware Lttu:eri. vii4deodAw:!inos A uilll aperient nnd Kt'ullfl iitiru.'i live, recooiuiendetl fur the cure of nil duruii:e tuonts of the stouiach, livor aaJ buweir. Ily their timely use much ak-knes is prevente 1. 'i ho test ot many years have proven them to ! o thv eafot, surest anJ btt of nil iho rill? ever offered to the l-'jlilik.. Tlioy j.urify tho blood, removo nil cor ruiiti np ;md rstore ttio diteared t-ystem to per fect l.c.ilth. AS AN AXTIDOTE TO CHILLS A XI) KKVEH, thoj- have n . fiual. I'OH 1YS PKI'SIA, they arc a fpciflc. ForICK iILAl ACHE nnd IllblOuS LIC, they ure n mro ure. F-r CONSTIPATION". IIII KU 1 ATIS.M, p:lks, palpitation of thk iikakt. pain in tiik ttde, back and loins. N'I:KV0VPNESS. a r'itive remedy. F0II FE MALE IRKEliULARITIES. without a rival. When one doc, not "feel Tcry well," a finglo d tv stimulates the stomach arid bowels, restores the aMictiteand Impart vigor to the system, Sold everywhere. Office, 18 Murray Street, New York DR. TUTT'S HAIR DYE Is e&eilj applioi, imparts a beautiful black or brown, and acts like magic. Tbe bent in the world. Bold by all drujreist?. Price, fl re " THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." Itow many diseases have their seat in the Blood dit)eH?e which bare ben treated vainly hryears In eirht cacen out of ten. if tbe blood alone wan rroperly purified, how ("on would Health nnd iMdnew return ( 1 R Tl'TT'SSARSAFA K1L LA AND lFKLN'S DKLUiUT is a never tail inn cure tor all illoud, Scrolulous or fcyphihtio di- I'nder the influence of thte eoraround the eye grrowa clear and gparkiinK, the complexion like pearl ; uDPifthtly blotched, pook ma'ks, worms in the tleh. plunder, aud rougtine'S ol the skio din appmr. and the entire human organization grows redolent with hnaltb, PKK E 0K DOM.AK A HOTTLE. SOLO BY Ahh oaiaui&TM. LABORATORY, 18 Murray St., N. Y. xilTdeod Trustee's Sale of Land. T Y VrUTFE Or A DEET OF TRUST EXE IJ l I Tt.lUome by John M Lutt'cll. restored in fccviei' county, in Look N. ptte 111, I will c!l ut public outcry t the it re of it ore hen Si Stroiiff, at strawberry l'Uinri, on the l4th dar ot AufTU.-a next, ut 11 o'elock a- hi., a tract of land of ubout ninety-two Uvirtf, situated abuut throo tuilrp from Mrawbrrry J'lain, in revipr county, aJjoining tliu lundH of John M. Lull roll, uud fully dc.H'nled in Biiid deed of trust. The rale will b in bur of tne equity of ro deuiption. fr onc-thir'l cn-h in htnd.andthe b:i!iiu-e i n MX and twelve months with interest from date, soured t-y a lien on the lund till fully 1 ii!). The binn Irus of the land will be shown to Pnrti'-s i'ini to examiueit, if they will call on Mr, Ju&u .M. J.uttndl. JAMES COMFORT. Trustee, Ac, viiUwt iioolm:, Ttx.v AOliNT F 'H KNAIit'S CLLELRATED BALTIMORE PIANOS. TorTHtrunient fullr warranted for (V EAST TENNESSEE UNIVERSITY, State Agricultural College, Will r, open on Thursday, Pevt. 9. Yoonr men decirtoir the .uperior edu'tton it o&ent utuy ob tain Catalogues t m ilicution to ' TiiiJdw:t iHCS. W. HUMES. 6 FAIRBANKS Silii Biaiiitalain I Ilta WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING FOl'.MKRLY K. J. SAM'Oill) A. O. Largest and Best Selected t A.!'!,""r itu:rt'"'e r '-il(tie f. r lmhio-. our largo (to;k, and experience In th. Drug trade, we are Hedging that I'KICKS SIT ALL L'I'V r U than ever beli.'c pivri In lV niHrkrt. WK ASK. AN KXAMINATION OF OITU 8TOC1C 1!Y ALL 1UIYEKS OK I?nii;s, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Onient, &c. And especially folii it ri ntinuHnce of pntronnEe from all thorn? hi havo ho liberally heretofore patrnnited either of Iho old drnii. - SANFORD. CH AMBFRLAIM ft ALBRPS. GKOKGK 1JK0WN, WHi I.(SAt.K AND KKTAII. IHAl.SI! IS Agricultural Implements and Machinery, GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER AM) Commission Merchant, KNOXVILLtf, TENN. llus '"Ntint1v mi liml 'J'lio Muililn Kit Whk'Hi, tho liuckovo llcitpor uinl Mnwvr mid Kohiht, Hip Si'n- cluu M' (. uttcr, tin. Hu.nill 'I'r.-h-ii(t Miu'hiiM', tiu AVIicpUt Ss Hillock Tlirnshiiii; Jliidiii.--, tlio llnpor.-town Sulkv I l:iv ItiiUp. tho K.-ilor AVIiont Orill tin; ltui'U-fyc MJt ' ill, the Iriz Canu .lull, tho l.lnnrlmrcl I hum, tho Avpry Ono-hor-o Sti'fl l'low, llrown & Mhii- ky k Jron-lionm DhuI.Ip-SIiovpI l'low l''nt it Jhintcr s " Kuniior'n Frinnd ' One nnd Two-liorn l'low, lliftcy'g Wnsh inp M icliino mid Wrinifor', iinclnir Corn SliolliT, the C'urv Tlirilil.le-i;piird JViwn or Mountid llor?o l'uwr, lor iroin i to iu nori-i!!, t nx i.V LVi otoiuu J-.nin.'. mid oihor nini'hiiicry. llm ulst" u full ftouk of Field tV- Garden Seeds Of i very var'ety. Superphosphates and Guano An 1 everything1 npimUy krpt in nn eitahHhmnt of this kind, wieli we irop"n n hcU to ull who neea anyttiniK tn our lute cboup lor eah, or ex COLLEGE NEXT TERM Opens September 1. TIMS FACULTY hen been f nlnrcrej Ar e tentve tbetnical an-1 rhilioi'lii cul AM!irutus U;is been I'arctiuctd. A NORMAL DE- P ARTIVTPMT1 t0 iu,' Teachers, will IUIjII X bft orpitnizeJ, uutJer the iirertionot Kcv. ft. A- hhar). Tbepcveml eoursfs of ?tu Jy are very extensive. nnu u ic oeiievo'i ine in5titmi n poieen tuto nor n'lvantagea for uivine a thorough educntinn Tuition, room rt'lit. Wii.eliintr. liirlits. fuel nmi board need not exceed 14) tor tbe neholnntie year t or mtaioKuos or mturmaticn, a poly to Rev. 1. M. BAIULIUT. 1.D-. Tre-'t vii2iwSt NICHOLS, SHEPARD &. CO.'S VIBRATOR THRESHER Ihe ItltILI.I AThl C KSHof this Hrnln. Knviuir. Hine-Mnvluic 1IIKI:SIIKK, la unpreceilootod in thounnall of i'arin Miuhlnsry. in a brief t orio.l it has become llely kuowu and FX I.I.Y TA lil.ISH t:lf u the "I,EAI)IM1 TIIKKMIII.VU MACIIINK." ;RAIV KA1SKHH KKFI'KE to submit to the wdritetul and ituperf eet work of other i hreeb era, when posted on the rc( wperiurity of this one, for eavirg grain, eaviiiK tiuie, and doicg iat, thorough aud economical work. THRESHERS FIND IT hfrMj advnntnireoufl to run a tuiuhino thut hai no "Heater," 'Ticker," or " Aprou," that handles Dauio Oruin, Lone Sirnw, Hemlinni, Flax, liinothy, Millott and all such ditl'u'ult grain and need", with t.N'TlHK KAftK AAOfclTDrni'tSthN. Cleans to perpection; saves the farmer bis thresh bill ly extra savin? of strain; mates no " Littering: ;" requires I.KS TH A N ON K- H ALF the unual Lelts, lioxep. Journals, and (Jean; erusior managed: less rei'airfl ; one that grain raisers prefer to em tiluv nm wnltlor.fvcu itt ml vitncetl irl- cvu, while other machines ate " out of jobs." Fonrsisee iimite with 6, H, 10 anl I'-l IllrN44 " HOIIMll'll" I'lMVrM, nlttOA N- lor Ml AX I'OHHt, ami lu uitucb other llurN ruacrs, If interested in gmib raising, or th'eahinir, write for Illustrated Circulars fru) with full ( articular of sites, styles, prices, terms, etc. M 1IOI.S. NHI VtItl A CO., Kattle Crtikt Michimw ivirJi-WPOW-lwAiltwSw HARDWARE A. GREDIG-, KN'OXVILLE, TENNESSEE, WI1ULI81L1 AND RKT1IL DKALKS 1M General Hardware AND AgriculturaMmpIements. AUINT FOR BUFFALO SCALE CO.'S fc'CALES EXCELSIOR 6EMI-6TEEI. PLOWS. EXCELSIOR STEAM TLOWS, &e, As, ii, r Wliolowale him! Mnimraoturln&r DRUGGISTS.. Stock of Drugs ever offered for Sale in the South Dry (ioodH, 1875. SPRING lilil iri,' i.v -1it We are uiiw receiving ami have open OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF f00 CASES PltTNTS. I-OO CASES l'l KCE (iOODS. ItOO CASES HLEACHED 1)0 M EST ICS. 00 HALES 1IROW.V DOMES TICS. Oinuhams. Liorn?. Airniat, Drlnius, AVhito Good. 'j'ifkinK (ifnnliurK.-, iirilb, khiriinKS airiios ana uoiiod i'luiuD. Also a complete line of JIOOTS AIM) SHOES. Men'a nd Hojn' K p llootf, Ilrosann and Tie. Wouien'i anJ I'tiildrun'x i'ubblo tiraiu, Ki), Cult aod LjKttriff lialuinralf. 2000 CASKS KII' HOOTS. 1000 CASKS Al.Y HOOTS. looo casks Kir bko;as. 500 CASKS CUF HIIOG'tNS. 2000 (iASKS WOMKN'S HIIOKS. .r0(l CASKS CIIII.HKK.VS S1IOKS. 500 KOLLS LKATII Kit. HATS. A ileD(lid assortment, land every Liiie c m pleto in this UupnrtucDt. 1000 Casks JiIen's Hats. 1000 Cases Boys' Hats. 1000 Casks Ladiks & Missks Hats. 600 Casks Ciiii.ijkkn's Hats. NOTIONS. All the Novaltion in Notions and every line puiplete in this dopurttnent. EAST te..i:ssi:e LAND AGENCY. EtitaMlHhed 1!65. CHARLESSEY1YE0UR, Attorney at Law Commissioner of Herds, CO.YVE1TAXCER. OrPlHS FOE BILE Many Desirable Properties 1XO TICKS CBJB01 OF All Unnlni'Hii PvrlnluiiiK lo Kenl i:ml. "Maps and Abstracts of Title FURNISHED. IBPICUL iTTKNTlOK filVKM Til billing aud Timber Lauds ORGANIZATION OF COMPANIES AND PLACINil OF COLONIES. TUB EAST TENNESSEE LAND UEUlSTKh IeRcriitive Priea Lint uf hundre ls "f proporties with Map uf EuJt it'iiue.-cu ncnt un rocoit ut Slum p. UKKin tirst door eouta o: 1, atiuLal Bank, Uii Uay Streot, Knoxville, Tenn. vil;tktw!m LA'tE & E0DLEY, John and Water Sts-, Cincinnati. Manufacturers of tho Bitt Portable SAW MILLS. BollJ Iron Frms, Wrouirht Iron Head Blocks, ITricttun Fueii. bend fur illustrated cutulouue. TlluJiwaJiwU mmmmmmmitt is u mm; &mtmm mvmmm . r-1 nW I lni(rlMtM. F0RMKRLY lll?ll!i:itl.4l. Aniens llnrtlivurp, &.'. TRADE. 1875. TBVNK, VAT.ISK3. NATCH Kl.S. KASKETS. I MUHELLAs A l'ARASOLS. HARDWARE. A complete assortment ofstup!e Hardware. POCKKT CUTLEIIY. rAIlLi: CUTLEUY 2000 Krgs .ails. 1000 Kegs Horse Shoes. 1000 Boxes liorsc Aails, 500 Boxes Axes. 5000 lleams Wrapping Paper CLOCKS. In a great variety of styles manufacture an fini.-h. The wliolu embrncin the moat com plete stock of general MERCHANDISE Ever ofl'ered In the Southern country. The advantage obtained by us, In puroluiHing direct from In Large quantities, enables us to compete HUcceHsfully with the largest houses in the United States. mmmm r1 - CLOTHSWG COWAN. rWCLUMC & CO. Lamar House, KNOXVILLE, TENN. JOHN SCHERF, pitopiurron. My aim will bo tn keep in the future what Knox Ville hiu )ulk cteued, A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL It bus the advantage over all other hotels In tho city iu ri ti'ird tu loc itiun, being situated IX Til K lll'SIXKSS CENTliE OF THE CITY. Hood Beds, an excellent Table and attentiv iiirviLiiu uwa t the iraveli-r. Terms wil l be reiiMitmble and the Publie are invittd to iri e tbe huuso, U"Uor the new m:inagea uient.n trial. JullN tCU ERF U.1I I.ll.l.iHO. CI. rk. iv'hwly Chri'ition lor t::. T'ie i r mdst chnnce liver " ll 'to 1 Kenl.. I'"e will uotil l(v .ny niJ.Iri '. I -I 1' iid. 1 : beautiful Oil hroM riz- '.'x;i, uioiinted. on re o.i t ni i- ell 'or i l in an hour, fry n t'hionio :iiri.cy, it is the bent iniyti iie'o.-y imt. Kvervbo'lv lov,' and Iiuai I'icturw. have work uud iiiNtjt'' 1 inJ, men uinl w.iUien, boys nl t'.r's. wbo'e nrspare time, daytime r evt-fi nir, M home i r travel, in ir. In. el. e M i, a letter. I houius by return mail. 'I hi y tvil at fiu-nl. wanted; At-e"t for th.-iert lell iiu Prise :ackaKO intha u.irM. It oonljiir.il 1. sheets I' l'e, li iiiveloycu. Pin, Peuh'Uler. Pen cil, p.iteut ar l .Me.i.-ur.' packaue ol Pirluinery, and a p'e.'u o! Jewelry. S i cle packa;j with elu Kaut priiu, pout paid. 5 cunts. tlflflRI 'e'l'n Inii'atrn Hola faieh, in the Kr V I uiaikel. 'J bis ii I'D e Coin bilver JXJsJ 1 ltuniift (.'a-, d Wa'ili : Kniriirh lulled liolJ plaieiBunk S.o nd Ii.u'; Full Jeweled: Ek patiFion Llalaleiei M kel .Mov. iiientf; beautifully engraved Cares t und ii rqilal ill apjiearanoe to a Uold Watch that cunts Iroui 5"' tu (liu It sells and .rades reridily. fr Iroiu J told1. If you wi.'b a watch for your own use. or to make uioney on, try tins. Price 17 only. We will send this wateb V. O. Is. suli.iect Ij exauiiuation, if yuu send t2 with the order, the luiUuee ot il you ran pay the Express Co. if the watch proves lafufao tory. AT"!' CAN make splendid pay aellinit our t K a 1 j r i. We havo other uuveltiee which are asttuplo as Flour. Sen 1 Btauip for our llluHtrated catalogue, Address F. P. (iLUCK, vUwl.ui New Bedlord. Mass.