n r 0 OC0 ,0. 8 m
- : . ' i
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Nallirilay'itf urrir , 1 875.
Th iKiviii bo witt fickkJ
r l'OSTWJI'J to Subscribers!
la.V in Advance.
ANY IM'.IWON wilding "
(Uuh of :i) HulmrrilxTH, and $'50,
wl roc(ivaH n I'rcinluni a $00
Sewing Mnchinc,
Subscription Kates.
One year, $2 09
Six month 1 00
Payable in advance.
Hates of Advertising'.
(10 linen Nonpareil constitutes one square.)
Oac square I insertion $1 00
Kncli additional insertion fiO
One column 1 year 75 00
Special Rates for Yearly Advertiser.
t)& To insure prompt attention, adver
tisements must le handed in Wednesdays.
Advertisements will be due after
first insertion unless otherwise nree! upon.
Ca Obituaries will be charged half price;
marriages and deaths inserted free.
Our Club Hales.
Clubs of 10, $1.50 each, and a copy free
to the getter up of elub. Subscribers in the
county of Mount can pay m Troducc if de
livered at our office or at some convenient
point in the county.
Address, W. B. SCOTT & CO ,
r Maryville, 'J'tnn.
tif&'It has been decided llmt there
will be no extra session of Conruns.
tST The residence of Mr. Alerftti'T
cr Hollowly, Kuox county,Tuin ,
was destroyed by firo on the 25th
ult. Notuiiirr was saved.
C2T Tho Civil Rights Bill pnp.sed
in the U. S- Senate on tho 27th ult.,
by a vote of 38 to 2G, nine Senators
not votinpf. The President has sign
ed the bill, and it is row a law.
tST On the Cincinnati Southern
It. It., last Saturday, a general row
took place among the colored hands,
resulting in two getting killed and
three badly wounded. Whisky and
cards the cause.
B3 They were having rough times
in the coal district of Pennsylvania
list week. Three hundred striking
miners, at Buck Mountain, drew the
fire from under the boiler, shot the
engineer and 6et firo to the mino.
tST Last Saturday the news from
Louisiana was to the effect that the
"Wheeler Compromise" had been
accepted by tho Conservative caucus,
by a vole of 34 to 33. Kellogg had
made a quieting speech to his ad
herents ; but the trouble now seems
to bo among the Republicans, owing
to tho jealousies and the factions.
. KaT At New York, on the 20th nit.,
while the congregation of St. An
drews Church were hearing vespers,
tho wall of an adjacent building re
cently burnt, fell through the roof of
the church, killing five persons,
mortally wounding two and seriously
wounding ten, besides slightly in
juring over fifty.
fcr"A Typo writing machine has
been invented which writes 80 words
per minute, paragraphs, punctuates,
underscores, &c. The keys arosimi
lar to those of a piano ; they aro in
four rows of eleven each, comprising
the alphabet and the dollar and plus
marks. A pressure upon a key pro
duces a letter. It will take 2i mani
fold copies at once, and 4 on ordina
ry paper.
" The Force Bill passed in the
U. S. House of Representatives on
the 27th ult, amended to limit the
President's right to suspend the
habeas corpus to tho States of Ala
bama, Mississippi, Louisiana and
Arkansas, and to expire at the end of
2 years. At last accounts it was in
Senate, and having been read but
once it will hardly become a law, as
Congress was to have adjourned last
Thursday. Later: The Fore fliU
find the Bounty Bill were defeated in
Congress before adjournment.
Wore Ahont the Now Help io
Wnryvillo College.
From the Knoxvilie Chronicle.
In your issue of the Oth inst. thcra
was an announcement of a successful
trip to Ne w York in tho interest of
this cullege. Let me add a word.
Two years ag) last summer that
princely Christian merchant, Hon.
Win. E. Dodge, of New York, made
a liberal conditional tubsenption to
wards securing a philosopnical and
chemical npptralna for tho benefit of
Maryvilla College. Oilier amounts
bad been contributed from various
sourcos, so that it seemed possible,
even in these pinching times, to raise,
among iriv acquaintances, the amount
to $2,000. On such a mission I
darted, but not without somo mis
givings as to my success. In a few
days tho wholo sum desired was
wnrcd. ' Somo superior instruments
were purchased, and contracts made
for oonipleto sets for the different
departments of science.
To tho honor of that old meftora
'lle firm in Cliff street, New York.
Phclpi, Pod go & Co., it should be
fltjated that more $.ian one third of all
I sccurpd was, contribute by that
inn eon suiting with oiv of the
most disliii!tfvibed mUh'Hlei'H in Jfew
- - - at -
Yoik ancto my best course, he said :
"Go to the Dodges ;" '-that is jnet
what I fchould do, were I to raise tlie
money." T!y will ),c'p you." It
will cheer any mato meet with such
greetings ns.'ere extended to rnyseit
in fRo'iiiaiiSiOu on Murray Hill, ocru
piad bv those noblo Christian people,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. E. Dodge, Jr.
Then, in that same firm, r.re others
who are not rained Podge v. !io have
tho sario noblo gtneroain -Jarues
and Stokes.
All tho men in this honovablo firm
demonstrate tho genuineness of their
religious professions, by tho nolable
fact that they go into their pockets
and disbars) to tho noedy. It seems
easy for them to respond to the calls
of bencvolenco. In a few minutes
checks for hundreds and fifties were
put into my hands.
Honorablo mention should bo made
also of Messrs. Coming, Hyde, Carter,
Hawkins and llalsey, who responded
liberally to our requests.
Tho wholo amount has been invest
ed for the benefit of this institution,
and will bo held, not by the corpora
tion, but by a few friends of the
College for future use.
From what has been told me, this
is the most extensive and complete
apparatus that was ever brought into
East Tennessee. Many of tho articles
will be nicer than is found in many
of our old, rich colleges.
A fino telescope, upon an equatorial
mounting, .fcc, having an object gla::s
of 4 inches in diameter, has been
purchased of II. O. Fitz, tho builder
of that huge instrument owned by
the celebrated Mr. Rutherford, of
New York.
Somo of the instruments will be
formed nfter new models, and will be
much hotter than thosa in the old
A. spectroscope has been ordered,
of gior.ter power than one of Brown
ings', which cost several hundred
dollars. Wh-vu the apparatus arrives
it will bo exhibited to the public in
connection with lectures upon various
scientific subjects.
It is our purposo to give all our
students an opportunity occasionally
to witness illur.trat.ions of many
beautiful scientific facts.
No words can express our gratitude
to tho liberal donors who have re
sponded so generously to our wants.
We hope to merit the confidence of
all our friends in all sections of the
country, and make this College a still
greater power for good to all who
cornc to these halls to receive instruc
tion. r. M. Bartj.ett, President,
Maryvillo College, Feb 8, 1875.
Special to the Knoxvilie Chronicle.
Feb. 2G.
The following llouso bills passed
on third reading :
To chnncre the time for holding the
Criminal Courts for Knox comity.
To give Knox county an additional
Notary Public.
Senate bill to establish r, Tiureau of
Agriculture, Statistics and Mining,
pass d on its third reading.
Also Senate bill to tax dogs.
House bill to repeal the Conven
tional Interest Law was rejected, and
a motion entered to reconsider the
vote rejecting it.
The Senate resolution endorsing
Captain Eads' plan for improving the
mouth of tho Mississippi was re
The House resolution to fix the
rate of taxation at tmenty five cents
on the hundred dollars waa discussed
all tho afternoon.
February 27.
Mr. Morgan offered a resolution to
refer all billa relative to ' State
Finances to the Finance Committee,
ami to report a bill.
By Mr. Quarlcs A resolution di
recting tho Conimitteo on Public
Grounds to visit tho Hermitage and
examine into tho possibility of estabs
lisliing tho Jackson hospital thereon.
A new bill was introduced by Mr.
Hodges to abolish all Chancery
Courts aft.cr January, l'87(i, except
the Chancery Courts of Davidson and
Shelby counties.
Sceito bill to repeal tho convens
tional interest law whs rejectod by a
vote of 12 to 12, but will be reconsid
ered on Monday, Blizzard voting in
the negative for that purpose.
Tho House bill to allow certain
counties to issuo bonds with which
to purchase supplies for their citizens,
passed third reading.
House resolution to appoint a joint
committee to whom to refer all bills
and resolutions regarding the finances
of the Slate, with instructions to re
port a bill, passed third reading.
Nashville, March 1.
Mr. Polk, from tho Special Corns
mitteo to visit tho School for Deaf
and Dumb at Kunwillo, report tho
condition of that Institution aa very
Tho llonao resolution to appoint it
joint commit&o Jp investigate the
condition of tho Bank of Tennossoo
was rcjectoilj e
Mr. Blizzard moved to reconsider
the vffe rejecting tho 'bill to repeal
1 H...W. u mi j.wt
thfrOin volitional Interest Law.
Bill to tst.-ibli- a State Normal
School was rejected.
Mr. Marye introduced btyto
fi e.itc the ofliro of Solicitor General,
at h salary tef 3,000. to be appointed
by the Supreme Court.
Mr. West introduced a bill t ) ex
empt from taxation, for ten years,
capital stock in rcw manufactories to
the amount of ).) .').
Hoiifco resolution to fix taxation at
25 cents, referred to a committee,
with instructions to report
Bill sustaining State credit without
increasing the burdens of the people,
and bill reducing County Court;, to
I'll1 the present membership, passed
its third reading. n.
S, Z. SHARP, Editor.
A Card,
EniTons BtrcsLiCAX :
I desiro spaco in your columns to
to state, for tho information of your
readers, especially of this county,
what to mo is tho most gratifying
intelligence that th noble and res
olutj manner in which the people, in
co operation with the Directors of the
difi'.-'icnt school districts of tho conn
ty, are prosecuting the work of build
ing school houses, leavo but little
doubt that during tho present year
every school division in tho county
will lie supplied with a comfortable
and commodious school house. The
determination with which the people
liavo entered upon this work is such,
that even in districts where the late
freshets have swept away saw mills
and in some cases the lumber intend
ed for building schooMiouses they
have not changed their purposes,
but nro still resolved "to go
ahead as soon as possible," and
secure, what our school law guaran
tees to every district that will provide
for itself, good houses and other
appliances, a good school for at least
''live months in the year." Indeed
the spirit in which the people have
entered upon this, tho first work un
der our school system, has assured
mo that onr public schools will very
soon bo ample and competent to
accommodate every child in the
As section 45 of tho school law
makes it "the duty of the County
Superintendent to report to the
Chancery Court a list of tho school
districts" in his county, I will, before
the first day of June, visit every
school district in the county, J'roci
dSiive pcrnittinq, for tho purpose of
ascertaining the boundary lines of
the districts, and suggesting any
cL'n:ges thp.t may bo desired- by t!.e
people, so that personam any district,
who may be more conveniently situ
::U u to school horrrs in other dis
tricts, and who deoire it. rosy, by the.
usent of tlie Directors of their own
districts, be transferred to tho other
district, and may have tho privilege
of aiding and 1 ..ving a vcico in the
erection of said house.
W. H. Henry,
Sup't. of Public Infct. for Blouut Co.
Mary vine, March 3d, lb to.
The Wisconsin Legislature has
passed a bill making women eligible
to school othces.
E'YesIa fiiardczi f4ee5 I
At Geo. A. Toole's Drue Store,
Maryvillo, Tenn. Now is the time to
lay in a supply of fresh garden seeds
Give Mr. Toole a call earl v.
Scwis;g aoiitic Needles
CK) Cents per Dozen. Freo samples
on receipt of stamp. 3!) per cent,
discount (for cash) on Sewing Ma
chines. S. P. Angell,
Knoxvilie, Tenn.
3routcNidccit Rot ice.
Jno. N. McConnell, Guardian, et als ,
. Samuel H..Malcom, et als.
It, appearing from the amended petition
filed in this cause that Emma and Alice
M'lleom are nmi-reMdentB of the State of
Tennessee, it is, therefore, ordered that
p'lhlieitinn he iimilii for four successive
weeks in the Maryville Itepuhlican, notify
ing paid defendants to appear at a County
Court to be held for the County of Blount
at tlie Court House in Maryvilie, on the 1st
Monday of April, lSi7.r, and plead, answer,
or demur, to said petition, m the same will
he taken for confessed and set for hearing
ex paiir as to them.
J. A. Queer, Clerk.
March Sd, 1875.
&C, &C &C.
Ill great variety well grown and thrifty.
Examine our stock nt the Nursery, Mary-
, inty i villi.
GuixxKi.i, & .Toxica
1WEKT1.MMO : - CIIEAI1: ;0f-
11 Systematic, AH
template making contracts with newspapers
foi the insertion of advertisements. tlmuM
wnd 25 cents to Geo. tV Co., 41
raili J tow. ew iork. for their I'AI.
IMU-ET-llOOk' (ninety nerenth edition).
conTaTnwf lists of over L'noi) neVHiapcrs
anil ct;tinmt.eR, shoeing ihe eoi-t, Adver-
liscuiellts taken for InulilK' l)nm In ii.n.u-
States nt a tremendous reduction from pub- to
Ushers' rales, tlm jIK r.m
1 WW ,JtUJW.J) -'1 rlUW'..TTr1A.I-EJT;j&Jlxill,iJ..BWi
.1 : N
i. ,
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t t
Mow Piancs From
Also, Guitars, Yili-is, Banjos, Clarionets, Flutep, Fifes, Tamloriiic!,
French and German Accordeons, Triangles, Music Boxcp, Harps, Violin Cnpcp,
iolin Hows, Guitar Casna, Violin, Guitar, And Banjo Strings, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc
I have n good Flock of Sheet Music and Music Hooks, for Sabbath School, Pay School, Singing School, Concert, and all tho
various entertainments, on hand. For anything you want in the Music Line, come to the only Music House in Eaet Tennessee, and
I will Gi'ahantek Satisfaction. Any piece of Sheet Music or Music Dook published iu the United States eent postpaid at put
lisheis prices. 1'iado Stools and Covers in Stock.
Great Inducements to Churches, S. Schools, Ministers, etc.
Tuning anrl all MiiSs of Mm,
?tirHV? "III! e lit a
rrl-IgH l U -g 5K3 O few!
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, 5- J .
noil &m 2st 1$? w
-rplf! 5S8H Him g SsS-Sfl
4 sg n tzipf K II lift 5 Psw L-J
Ross MJ IS rD I La b1' '' aH? lu-J
W.W mmw$ m ill 9
Rio. 47 Gay St, Knciiviiiu,
i u c l o d i ra g
stij:ff, PRINCE & CO.,
$250 to $1500.
?.inrr UTi
frtnTni.Virt rn T ottt nn
I'U J I' I I I 1.1 J
aa UU if
r m -rn n !f ai w r? Pi
From SCO to $500-
S." AT $290, CASJL
iTmrT nnn Inn TlnnAMnnon in Ihft Trnf:!
V f r U I' J I IILJ r II I I' H J 1 vll I I I llkJ M J t
LilUJf iaU UU I U1U11U0UU 111 tuO LUuL.
Salisficlioii Giaralni.