rc.v. two m:ii.io duly fvh. amu-iiki. teia. thi jchav. ji nk , itu. AN AUCTIONEER Do you need an experienced Auctioneer that can e!I your stuff for all it is worth. Town lot and Farm sales a specialty. Satisfaction guar anteed. Write or wire for reference. W. A. NASH PLAINVIEW, :: TEXAS. COLUMN 1 I Advertisement . 1 Lot every prohibitionist In Ama- rtllo foe busy fi rm now till next Saturday working lu get a many peopV hen to meet Co!, lull. Sena tor Stnrgla ami lr. Jones as possi ble Th,-y mill discuss In a thought- 'fnl nnd attractive way the lm:f of stutiwtdo prohibition. It will be a great n.utlin competently Jin-! cussed by distinguished men. Fvery-, ImkIv, pro or antl, ought to hear them. Let us be snr that eery-bo-iy knows about tint greit meet-liis. i S WITKOU T on i DRAUGHOH'S BUSINESS COLLEGES II Collegia m IS States. Indorsed fcy butlnesa men from Main to Call tornla, 2J yean' am cow lf.ii.00ft ucceaatul students. rusiTIOVS ae ured. (Also teach HV MAIL.) Bookkeeping. Hanking, Shorthand, tc. Literature Fit EE. Write today. C. IIOMT.U WII.FMW, Mgr. ' Amarillo, Texas. Vulcanizing I By expert exper ienced men Southwestern Rubber Co. Phone 2 17 and wc get your work. will 515 Tvler For Customers I Why out Impure or "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS" or ilrink any hliK inn lean, when yon "TTT, perfectly iiiul u linlcsnino Kut or drink, iiothlni! that Is liable to poison you. Iiisi-i on seeing how It In handled before you receive It. Wo Invite nil to inspect our em ire il:nt. Thone 575 405 Tierce St. AYERS ICE CREAM CO. The (.'a Company, ninny blmkn an ay, ly a aclcntlflc priMTM, extract from I he ery kind of coal you luirn. the heat -Kiting essence stored In If, which I. sened through a ilte to the gn stove In your kitchen. GAS OFFICE 403 Taylor Street ell or any county commlsioncrs' court rsa stand ui.hu the state his authorlu-d the lota! body to Cxx mi.h aitlon Thus It Is that Uxal Option cr ' local prohibition f i-'n.oi ist In any county or subdivision thenof except by authority of the state. The s'ate la the powir thxt moat di-al with thia question. Whr not iloal with It by nu-ana of law co-etcnlve with tta llmlta ao that the same las- wl:i apply to every portion of the stnti What i them about a saloon that the state should anrprewi It In one county and le KP.lle It In another. suppress it in oie precinct of the same county and Chicago. 111., June ?. Phillip and license it in the adtoinlng pre-1 Kinhmtn told Judge Cooper of thle otnet? la It not ei-utillv and uni-Uitv how he wan married without Chicago Alien Asks Judge to Dissolve Union Iff norantl) Made What Itrtan K.iy. From the It: of r.ilehtr men cluiini'd by t'ol. Wolters In nia pint foim .i supporters of his peculiar type ol loral self-government, there la one raine conspicuously alcnt. that of t'ol Wni. J Hoan. thrice nominee jf the liemocraoy of the I nit i-d Staica for the president)-, and easily the ercatvst thinker of two centuries oi Mrononilc unl koy iT.U'intl que!ioua. Why In thU ointoalon? There's a reason, t'ol. Lryan hns refused to bow the knew to the lliiuor Malo. h. He hns said: "Your fallacy in thia. that you tbik about fairness in r.i.rd to hm loons. whereaa. If you will read the lexicon of the anlnon keeper, then are two wonla thm do ni appear, "fAirneiiH" and "Justice." There it tio falrnins Or Just he about the ki loon, and you mUht as well under stand thu these words tan't he used of the liquor biiHlneis. "A siiloou at tiie bent Is a nuis ance and never tc! rated except us n nengaary nuisance. Nobody defends the al-on. They apologue for It, but they ncYor defi nd it. Yimi can't find a state- In this I nn or :i part Of a state where the l-eoplo ilskllU for n sa!m n ever urtie It hs n iiioral center, an educational Institution or an cu'iiomic n-isi-t. I "It Is undi rstiHxl tlmt hto saloon Is not a l.lessliiw'. (!o and examine 1 1 1'onies ot your ureat llipior deal lis, the rich ones, and see hew near t'l.y arc to n saloon. Co with a pe tltloii and ask theia to join with vou In piittini: a saloon near tin ir ti-el-ih'toes, and they are the last ones to do It. 'liny will put n s.tl-ioii by lli- I "sc of a poor man and not only deprive his property of v.-lue, bit rur tin1 rik ot ruiiiini; thos" abou' the saloon, hut t hex do not put it n-'ar il'cir own homes "'I he saloon ts not a tmi'l t'llnc It is a 1 el. lei' of V ice and c I' I l i l Is I l.e f l t place n police of I b , : toes win ii. he Is looklny (or a Mini In., I and ll is the first place I mcd w hep there Is a riot In the town, 1' Is n bureau of Intorniation on everv v, e a'ld only l"l rated for fear, it ( moo It, ou will have sntne (i 'nit in than th. siilooii." ! A-'iiin he says: The town In which I live Is dry, I Lincoln, Neb., with more than flftv I thousand people, has not u saloon I In It. It went dry a year 111:0 last stiriim 'ind, after one year of no an loins. tlu sa'ocii Interests submit-1 ted the 'Hiestion niMiln under our In-1 lathe a'ld referendum, which, when ad'ipteil In Lincoln, the lbiior In ters's were nil lu-attist. They said tin temperance fanatic!' would be j sii'nnitt inir the saloon iiuestloll all the lime, but the Initiative mid ref er 'iiilutii was adopted nnd the lln, eor Interests were the first to use ll Tiny not used the Initiative and cot the referendum, fi r the tnsiorlty Si-aiiis) the saloon was raised from I two hundred and loineihliiB to et:;ht hundred and Mirn tlilim after one I enr." The (,iiestion of I nlmi emi in. I In ve,v o ihe admitted tii' ap tifil'lin: ivils of the saloon, there Is llott but one iiuestlon. if any at all, as tn basis of 1111V holiest 1 ole iitaipxt the statewide nun I'.ihm lit 'Ihe founders fif l int Worth eonven j tton se-'im d to ti comile this fact, 1 ami. In one form or another, de voted their entire efforts fit piopo ' Ki-tinK the Idea tlmt the difficulties of statewide enforcement are Insu perable. was not seriously do llied that the it rent unit of sovereltn power iitnler our form of govern ment Is the tatc. Indeed, from formly harmful where ever It ex Uis? la it not en,nol!y subversive of the pease and cood order of the co'nmunlty everywhere It po.-s There can he bu. one answer. The logical unit for prohibition Is tie state. The orator who held forth at Worth were nearly all lawyers. Tho recosnljed the fact that their con tention was sua i nst the logic of the case. So they put forth a averlal plea to the effect that public senti ment Is fo stronu ncainst prohibition In sour- section that It could not be enlroied" that the enforcement of state laws Is through hx a trlhun.ils and when local sentiment Is ahii s' the law It becomes a dead lett. r. K r this re -i on It was argued that the stat sho.-ld not be called Upon to enforce prohibition except where t has first been ascertain! by nieans of a local option i-lectior. ihat public sn'lnient Is trone enmiRh sw'nst the s:iloon to vote it vit ot aT.' tlcular countv or pn-i-inct. It xv is s.vld over and over that such la oar present SVstem nnd the success of It was dwelt upon In ninny varyltu: terms of eulosistn. It was the best sl.ii ever devised by the wisdom o' man It had been perfect!,! tbroui h many years of trial and pa tten' endeavor It had been nusln ,1 to a marvelous point of perfection Why turn awav, it was timed, from this tried and efficient method of deiilinu with the admitted aalon evil to experiment with somethiim more radical' How eaillv a bun, ll of inenernarv advocates tan forcct. The crv e' the tlif' lenity of enforce nicn' In the very same that those same orators have ureed nra nst lo 1 al option In every precinct nnd countv election ever held in Texas "Ihe hoot lets tor. they have nlwa said will take the place of the sa loon ad 1. ail as is the saloon, tl loot le-.M'er is still Worse V ou (ant infone local option, ttnv have al wavs said, even If vou vote I' p -ver Wii". ej. forced ntr where, tin 1 yilil lint n,v. mi s your III -, t'n i .see be 1 lilies and perfeition ut'tol ' I In local option Si nator Watson h i; ', 1 1 i SCO V 1 Ted llo 'elis of dl'V I'OUllticS it. T A. is where nobodv Is even chare. , I I with 11 violation of the liquor or b : cal 011! Ion law s. The local opth n vviv has ',. c, po the nsv wsy. t'e s ite w iv. the best Wrtv, the perfn ' I v : v t'e -,.,. v ;, y M, tt 'of duplieiiv iJ .aer, ernary Iritl. with a nie-it social and moral pri.h I b-ni tries the pith nie of on trcus tomed to copslstencv and Inteuilty of thoiisht Hut such 1 the slowan of the saloon po-ver for this c.im I p ilrn. pn.l It will be heard from now Inn till the polls close cn Julv "I'd. tne of the distliirnlshed spenkers nt knowing It. and that he wanted the inarnaco dissolved. rishmln said that he Inquired at the county th-rk's office for a ped dler's lltense, and that with him at the time was a younc woman friend He was handed a lip of psper. he said, and was taken with the ilrl to Fort 1 Justbe Stacev's tnarrUse parlor. He told the court he thoiuht he was swearinc to soniethtni; in the permit when he and the clrl fald 'he cus tomxry "I do " Later he found that he had a wife. They tried to make the best of It, he said, but It was not sut cessfiil. N0W5 TmME TO PLW! LOW RATE TICKETS av ON AND AFTER JUNE 12L n untn every nveem trair'ng SPEND TtlCIR convenence -wccng Snnerh IJ.'nm dirJCn CCJiiO JWjJ tU't ill THOUSANDS Dalas Wf?!TC MC ran BOOKLET! AA.CUSSON. CPA rORT WORTH TCXAS SEfl CRUSHERS ID MEET IN NEW YORK New York. Line 7. The annual iimventlon of the Interstate t'otton Sie( rrushers' Association met at j the Hotel Astoi today with the, lamest attendance In the history of I the asocial Ion. Texas, Coori-U. South i'arolina. Loulsittia, Mishissip-i pl. Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennis-ee' and Alabama were represented by j lame leuations The feature of the Initial session' Was the address of rresideilt 11. 1. j Taylor of Columbia, iv t Mayor! Civnor delivered an address of wel-1 come nnd Yi,e I'resident X L. Ilcf- lin, ol Texas, responded fcr tho, vistors I'roislnent speakers to be heard at I the several sessions of the conveit-j lion linlude lr. Harvey W. Wiley.' chief iln-mlst of the Ivpui Intent of' ! Acrb ulture; .ImUe Hei rv C. I!am-I niond of Viuusta, Walter I). Nash of Atlanta, Julian L. l'.rode of Mem-1 ' pliis. and llenrv Tow ne, president I of the Mnnufai turers' Assoiiation of Ni w York. 1 'Ihe i'ro'1'ice 1'xchatu'o am' other I oiuinevci.il or-.-atilations of iln t er'opnlis hive loined In making elabora'e acraneetM-nts for the 1. tortaimneiit nf tie visitiin cotton seed 1 rush, rs and their ladies. This nftertion th visitors were taken 011 I slvhtseeinc trip iiround the city 11 in I harbor. Tomorrow nk-ht the con- Ivenllon banquet will be held Vt the HAVE iraHBHBBSSaaBSSaHBBSa IB I . WE JUST RECEIVED Big Shipment of all the nobbiest and most up-to-date Pattern! from which to select that Summer Suit. And we are now equipped to make your suits in from one to three days right here in our store, give you try on and fitting as you like. COME AND SEE Dundee Woolen Mills 411 1-2 Polk I aMaajasjaaaasaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaMMii-aaaaswaiMaMMaMSMaMa-saasa.-. iwiaw-saaaMasms-aa-aaaMMaaj 1 1 1 ll 1 MMbmbw I olel Vtor. ; In eest ot w '! Vn si.'etit Tall as honor ! I litlieius in t'oiilei-cncc. ' I a Ki.rt Worth decla'cd that he was on-,ror posed to llcenslnu nny salo.ui, hut tlat h loved Textis too Well o see I er adopt r law that he coul I not enforce The thouuht ot sui h a thine wn so huniillntlnc to Mm that he would rather leave the splonn nlone, leave tho peopl" to strin.-ule with It hv ieee-nieal siibdiv li ,ns, leave the social order nnd wcll-eni of everv community exposed to the perpetoel attacks direct nnd Indirect of the raloon power. It seems to ns t'-af the public avowal of the s'.'te's Innbilitv to cope with this monster II js l'loro hn"il!laii;ir thati would be nn honest iftor to urapple with It how;ver ttri'a the difficult ie 1 of S 'l i ess. re v. ready to l' dow n and sav that even the 1 i 1 1 1 : r con spirators tire stroncr tliaa the state To do so Is to prmlaini the ru-namv of nnarehv; It Is to a.ovv the Inca-iaclty of the people for self novernrient. Hut 'he supposed Inrepernble d!f flcnlti. of statevlde enforcement are predhated upon nn untrue pos t 'liiP', to-vvlt, that the statewide law Wild neeiMiRi;rlly depend npnn the I'val support If would have In the Washington. H r., June 7. -Th Ceneral Synod of the Kvamrollcnl Lutheran tVntrch of the Cnited States, the oldest of American bod ies, assembled In the Luther l'hue Memorial ('li'inh In thl rltv todav Its form-fifth biennial eonven- tlon. The (onfirerence la attended hv several hundred detonate rori'--sentliiK !inv.nnn memhers of th. church The sessions will last a week or loneer. Proposal fov n elos-r affiliation with other denom inations In church nnd mission work will be discussed. The eiviferenee nh-o Is expect.-1 to take the final I steps f..r the adoption of the new common Li literati hvmral Special Pay Day Prices 6 DAYS EVERY WEEK , .yi.u.1 iscoiiin Croen ll'.v, vi! t'loti'.-b the annual the V", liv;. (;. ., . . IL j . I'llie 7. ... A), et'caniptnelit of It. does pot bo- i.nt 1 tomorrow the tralnt ht in a vaiu'iiri'it of ths veter ni tbnr friends todav. ind the tinmb r of cailv arrivals IimI that the attendance will ex tho evpectntions of the loci committee of nrrnnuement. In hon or of the encampment the business streets are profns-i ly decorated with flans and huntlne. 1 in btOM S'lS I I irci c.ite. ceed r.ivr ii.iti)iii:.T ri.nrit !IT SOKT WIIKAT Al.llAintiSS '.Mb. tUMItU'M JliWI I I 'v HMIn. SWIM'S l'KKMUM LAKH I.U.1 1 o-tbs. 1 1 TTt H.I'.N F. l .:( l-m MK II M. per lb Htc .11 sru 1: ttiKN Itc a cans (itMii) t't)i:N v;.v JI ST A I i:V TIIINtJS FOU t AMI. SA Ii A 1'FNXY NOW AMI TllliX. GET THE HABIT ROCKWELL GROCERY CO. 612 Tyler Phone 951 w..mam.iwaania latrbk llenrv and Thomas Jeffer- cifferetif cominunlt les upon local of- ' ficbla p.nd local pov ernmontul ma son down to the present time, this has be. 'ii the principal Soat hen, statesmanship. It Is abo the fin ,lv established doctrine of th courts of the whole country, state ami federal The state Is everywhere nsomiled as the real political unit. The federal nient Is an scre-'ation or collection tenet of I chlin rv lor its enforcement. This would not necessarily he ao. The legislature would have full power In enmtliu lnwa to carry out the amendment to provide fully for throwing the whole power of the enforcement of the law wherever violations wire at- of these political or Bovernnietital j ' nipt oil. If one set of officers 1 1111 11 a, wuiie uie rounncs, precincts, 1 i"""" i'"111" men uuiv pruvis- I xvlll make shirtwaists for ?"! cents to Introduce mv work to the! ladles of Amarillo. Mrs. O'onnor. 70! S. Lincoln street. ISl-lp Bovern-1 siaie inio ine and towns are but fractional points of N. S. GRIGGS EXCLUSIVE UNDERTAKER All kinds of Funeral Sup plies or embalmer furnished to all parts of the I'nnhandlo by first train or auto, largest tork of Caskets and Coffins In Northwest Texas. Work, goods and price; guaranteed to please. Open day and ntcht. PHONE 2S0 Amarillo. Texas. I This treat fundament! fact I reioa plei by nn unbroken line of author-! j I ties holdlni that In pisslne upon the constitutionality or validity of I an net of conuress the question al ways Is, has the authority to pass 1 sm h nn ml bi-en conferred iin I coticreHs by the federal constitution? 1 Hut In piii'siin- upon the constltlon ! nlity of nn m l of n state leKlslntiire ! the question always Is, hn the fod !erl constitution or the constitution I of that state forbidden th. IokIsIh Iture to pass sut h Pn mi The dls jthnCon Is that tho federl covern , Pirn! can only exercise powers con ferred upon It hv the f.-dera! ronstl 1 tlltlrn. while the state government I bus all po ver with In It territorial , Units not denied to It either by the ! federal comtltutlon or the state con 'stitn'lon. Proci eillnu- upon the same Jf nndnni.-nt.il Idea it U firmly settled I that a local county or ttiimhipnl covcrnment ran exercise no nnthor 'Itv unless that poser is conferred I upon If etlther bv some provision of the state constitution or hv some I net of the legislature. The stale Is jthe sovereign. With It lies the urea' (body of undcleaa!. , and undefined soveroi -n miw-cra. The result Is that the county rnn tliv r, t)v nnthOP. ll" of the stale. So of the town or it. v. It ennnot do n thlnn oxropt by authority of the state. Not n single art of anv city or town coun- subdlvlslors or "n could he made for their rou uval. the state unit. M' J'ines in one countv prove! re fractory, the venue could be changed Ing violations of the law and defeat-; Ing the enforcement of local option:' CI every two veiirs thev can bring I Oil a local option election ! I county they ninv choose for tlmt pur-i pose nnd by pointing to tli! viola-1 'Hons of the law which thev have f os-: Itered, appeal to tho people to vot Joff local option on the ground that1 11 ms tanoit of enforcement. The people of Potter county cannot for-1 got how the enforcement of local! option which thev ndont.vl In I tin? I IF YOU DESIRE To have your cleaning and pressing satisfactorily done Phone 634 409 Polk WILSON'SDRYCLEANING UTHATS ALL to other counties. If mobs should gather to protect the saloon, the nin lltln could be thrown against them. The arm of the r.tnto Is by no means so "short ns the saloon orator sup poses. The state has the power, in fuct the atate alone has the power, to wipe out tho caloon. Of course the law against saloons would not enforce Itself. No law for the suppression of wrong does that. The people would have t do It. Hut why Is It supposed that the people cf a county can enforce pro hibition when thev adopt It hv their votes nnd yet the peopl of the state with all Its grent sovereign powers ennnot enforce It hcn they adopt It hv their vote There Is no reason In such a position. The faM Is that It I precisely because tho difficul ties of local option enforcement are greater thnn those of statewide en forcement t tint the liquor Interests prefer loenl out Ion. The real thought behind all their oratory t Mis- If they can defeat stntewlde prohibi tion, they can continue to maintain themselves In the great cities where the breweries and wholesale liquor agencies are located. There they rn concentrpte their forces From their stronr centers they can work out over the state In two wnvs: (1 I t v nporntlnt In the drv uiuntles through bootlegging Joints, tister- was inus prevented ami tho )...., finally restored In 1!Hi by exactly these tnctha. Nor can our people forget that In the campaign of l'io, the prlnlepnl nrsumcn urged against loral option was that It had been tried for two years nnd fallvl to prohibit. The proa were jeered at and reviled as being responsible for the law and lawless hootlegglnu Joints which (he nntl orntvini said had tnken the place of pce, decent well egiilated. Inw-abldlng. licensed saloon. In other words the nlloinv absolute Impossibility of enforcing I iociii u-iion was the one argument urged Incpssnntly, vociferously, ve hmently nnd frantically, against lo- cn option. I he sime men w ho made , those loud-clani'lng appeals to Ani.i-! rlllo voters are now on the slump! In other portions of the state de-1 sehlhintr the beauties of local option I painting its perfections nnd sound-' Ing Its praises. Thev are trvln to' save local option now simply because they tl Ink thev can turn on It next vear from their fortified strongholds ' In the great cities and destroy It through their old reliable ngemlcs. tie ho'itloirgcr and the biennial election. j W hen the devil was sli k n s, Int would ho. When tho devil got well, of a Kitnt was he." the devil tl." devil i WATER Is an excellent drink when pr stored. Our line of coolers wonders toward keeping "on the $3.00 to $27.Bf i .