I t 0 AMAIU1.LO DAILT XEW8. I T.1PAV. PI'CEMBER a. Itll. VAC.V M. CURTIS DRUG COMPANY. v 1 h mix r "Son, hcrcs a sensih) fift yoar mother and I Jot for yoa.n See that your boy ah-outs. "Gee, Dad, but it U the ilasiitt ever the one best gift, because it is rft Sell -Filling & Fountain Ten (1U I'p la WuoJwiiiie Xuiu Bom i Ynu cm niai bun li.ippy 3IJi days luri:tji 1U2 and t!io Self Killing Cnklin wi'.t I hi sfi-n'y pi!. We have m stock the very latest designs, priced from $2.50 up. Phone us your drujj wants tor quick tree delivery. "The first uuinber you think r No. l. Curtis Drug Co. ft aaa Ik. PHONI NO. 1. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITS LIGHT Two dolWm nmtith i t j of dfjxvlt hemr siown ill the hi.-Ull .avlnes bank in Amarillo ! i!v.-, 'partmort was opctud in t!ii ty , Orl.iher IS. aiul nt pr-senl the !"- I 1 . . k .. II 1 L 1 I . I . I 1 IpOsltS slOW IMIV Millie imi l true, th department In acthoi .'.u-I and U1 t maln'alned. It is stated, !n utrl' ilv If an Immense .;iuort of nmrev was belli!; banked rarli day. One of th explanations oil. r-d for the l.:riMn'HK :f depositor, ac tinium to thoao h have made a j study of causes and effects. Is thai I the depart nieiit In lie, and the peo jple, espetlally people with nuvuiifii deposit, are uninformed m to the (tein. They know that the venture la a new otC nrt this element of humanity is not n first ijlanre ready to ' fall for nn untried jnine." That the svstem will work in a satirfw torv manner ha boon stnted ocr and oer atcalii. and tho tiv- einme'it '-tarda hark of It, yet tho fait remains that the dear people ar not running over themselves to phoc h"lr ' tnites" In tho hands of ll'ncle Snm'a hark for safekeeping. It U believed that when the peo j pie shall have irown to understand l the iVHtm tter, they will like and I I. K .......... At llllll I ..' h.ng will he required, for this eh.inre j remain to I'e seen h.it that I' in roinlne some firn Iv assert. i l'i litre I r.iinini! -.lest ro'i ind a ; new line of iro'il:n's for chrtniaH. 1 Klni'-Molland I'nrnil nre Co., phnn ' s;n. t r.- r Suits Uleil. I Kollowini: are title of sui's tlei' ainee Ikn-waWr 1. with llstrlt Clerk i. II Hardin- Cora I' Vrr 'erMit- J. s. .'tB Jennif Ir.;i veraus J. M. fuvla.' Noble l'rother versus K. F. Mv Kan et ml. Kx-parte verxua I'aul liearborn. IMeriw-Kordvi-f OH A lr.t '.n vr us Mern i. Currv it f. j Iavll I lev orse 1' I.. Itlak.. a1 j A. K l-.ri versus H. . Campbell. Ctnreie I'eln-.an veraes (J. I' 1 1 -i. nit e 1 i h aaai I ZEMO MAKES ASTONISHING ECZEMA CURES LUSCIOUS! Thnl 'i, uliut tltey say whi n thvy rnt ore of Fit Trli'2'1 lrak. TlierVe jiiienl rluht. I'hrne 02.! , Fimltiire Frniuins ftnd repairing. (?aaraniee(J satifartory Klrs-llo). Iad Furniture Co., phone JJifi. :i tfc See I lie new lolin I!. Stetson lt.tt.-4 we are showing. I'.l-ti klmrn Urns . ' V.. 4th-st. 2'.t-?e On Itlnl SliiM'tiiii 1ri . , Headed l.y Frank Wolflln S (i. , Carter. Tom Currie rn It. F.. Coble, a huntinir part) left yeslerdav on a ' bird HhootiiiK expedition. It in stat ed Mint the hunters will rot em te Amarillo this afternoon, if the plan : nnnonnied at th time of depattnr" aru rtvrried out This Is hut one of a uumner of part lea lenvl'iK the city this w eek ' Ihn mot of tiiem report la nn ex- eellent time with good h:i)?s of name, i It la reported that durlns the rei ent hard freee that the ducks left for point" south and have not returned In appreciable numbers so far "Wt t'ICOVF. IT." Kvery day ZHMO Rlvta tvUy. and ruren mea. women and children U very city and town In America whos skins art on fire with lortat. tup FC.KMA ravhea and othtr Itch ln. bnri.nm, eal nod rritsted kkin stiil srnlp humors. 7.FMO nnd ZEMO I ANTISEPTIC i SOAP, .wo'reflned preptiratlont will s.e yon surh nuirk relief thiit you will fel like a new person. We nlve you thre reason why we recommend and endorse ZFMO ami ZKMo SOAP for all skit, nnd ii alp et u pt lf.H 1st They are rlenn, lentlfk" preparatiors that jtlve universal sat isfaction and nre pleusnnt nnd :ij:ri- a'de to ue at nil times. 1! ml. They are not experiment, but are proven cures for everv form of skin or scalp affection whether on infants or yrown j rsotu. 3rd Thev work on a new princi ple. They do not Rlnze over the sur fan' but thev penetrate to the seat of the tremble and draw thi ern life fuci underneath the skit d destroy it. In this way a complete erne Is effected in nny case of SKIN Oil SCALP F.ftriTION. Kndorseit and sold In AmarlHo by L. O Tl.otiipson A Co WATER AND LIGHT BILLS ARE DUE. l-et no ilo your Christ mus pulun framln?. Fine line, of new moulding to select from. Ktnc-llolland Kurrl Ui ra Co., phona 826. 20tfo (irny A Son. rlennets, press rs, hat ters Phone ?? Sol Fiut Fourth street 27-tfc We fcell ChrittmiiN prrM'nti on mf payments; come anil ew our new (mmN. Make this A ITItMTl'UF. CIIP.1STM AS and your gifts will he a litHtlnic pleasure, (ireen I Iron.' Co.. Installment llone Furnishers. New line of photo mounts lust in, Just the thine; for the Chrlstmis por trait Stirratt's Studio. IV cure to lilt h. N. Plttman, tbr 4tht. Jeweler, before punhiulqa four Christmaa gifta. All water and light bills are due on the first of the month; we accommo date you by allowing you until the tenth of the month in which to pay them. But they must be paid at that time or the service will be discontinued. We will keep our office open Satur urday and Monday nights, December 9th and 11th, to accommodate those who are unable to call during the day Amarillo Water, Light & Power Co. ELECMC HE A MM LAMPS Make the most useful and pleasing Christmas Gift known. We have opened a large shipment of these lamps all styles and prices Below we show a few styles we carry. y Our Stock of Electrical Christmas Goods being opened up daily. See our fixtures, REMEMBER MAKE IT AN ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS- NmnrtE Electric CompsiEy 1 1 1-1 13 VV. Fifth St. Nunn Bldg. Telephone 168. Amarillo, Texas. Send for Our Christmas Catalog.