4 AMARILLO DAILY NEWS x7 VOL. IIL, NO. 41. AMUtlLLO. TFXAS, TIESIHY, DUCEMI'.ER 20, 1011. PRICK FIVE CK5TJ. ELKS DISPENSE LIBEBAL ElflS Hearts of Youngsters Glad dened By Generosity of Local Lodge MATINEE JFTER ME CHRISTMAS OTHERWISE CELE RRATED IX QUIET WAY WITH CHURCH SERVICES AXI) DINNER PARTIES. With more than one hundred chil dren present, Amarlllo Elk gate their first Christmas tree In the ele gant new home for the benefit ot ths unfortunate yeaterd.y afternoon at S o'clock, which grarlou. dispensation was followed by tiee matinees for the llttt) guests at the Deaudl and Majestic theatres Never before lias this city wltnesv cd such Uriah abundance as was evi denced yesterday ktternoon at the Elk homo. Itero were presents ct every dessrlptlon klmost, and many of these carried Uh them not only the pleasure of the Instant, but com bined tht excel ent and much to be t desired quillty of set vice and com- fcrt. The dliKUfttion was without re rard to condition, c standing of the recipients, ilie fact that tho Invl tatlon to be presu.t as guests ot the Mks wan taken us sufficient ah r-is ot eligibility, ami i:llng handa gav i.ut ot the storo m k'adly contributed by the hands i t tie noble brcthor hood of Elkui- ii On oery han I there was warmth that cheered and smiles that bilsti.!iiod wbuin the pteducu ot this fraternal home which tow more- than ever graces tho cly, and makes Itself felt tor tho general good, an enduring monument to the affili ation of true manly hearts. Its real foundation. When eery little hand was filled to overflowing. It was found that al most as much more remained to be given out under the direction ot the committees. It mattered not that the hands that reached tor the toys, the goodies and wearables happened to be soiled; they tightened with un mixed gladness upon the things that mado life merrier. The expressions of Joy upon tho faces of the little greats spread to those of the elders and all were made happier by reason ot the contact. Not stopping with lading the chil dren with presents, ladles and gen tlemen in autos whirled the happy youngsters away to their pltice. ot abode. The dollies, the tops, the bugles, the nuts, the candles, wrap., hoslerv, mufflers, coats and caps found a place In tho vehicles with their new owners, and doubtless many Informal prayers went heaven ward last evening from the hearts of the recipients In behalf ot the gra cious dispensers of gifts. Closing was general yesterday, the crisp air, passing over an abundance of snow, seeming to add test to the holiday spirit of gladness among the people. Dinner parties, too numer ous to mention, claimed attention of the citizenship of Amarlllo. Patronage at the theatre was somewhat larger by reason ot th leisure granted einploes, after the strenuous duties of the past two weeks, In which the buying Is de clared to have surpassed anything ever known before In Amarlllo. In the evening there wero numerous In. formal parties and various forms ot amusement claimed attention of both younj and old. Christmas services were held yes terday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock I. Saint Andrew Fpiscopal church, a sermon by tho rector, Ker. Milton R Worsham, being supplemented with a musical program of unusual worth. The church was beautifully decorated with southern smllax, tralllnv with easy grace strove and about the win dows, the altar and the chandeliers, The service was beautiful In It. sim plicity and was heartily appreciated by the ample audience. Midnight macs in Sacred Heart Catholic church Sunday night was liberally attended and thoroughly ap preciated. The musical program was one of beauty, combining and blend ing with the service as a whole. Rev. Father D. II. Dunne, the pastor, con ducted the service, so Irapreaalve an1 suggestive of the advent of tho Christ into the world. SHALLENRERGER IX HACE FOR SENATE Lincoln. Neb., Dec 25. Former Governor A. C. Snal lenberger today filed with the secretary of state, hi. appli cation aa Democratic candi date for United States sena tor. ir Failure of Railr oad Legisla tion Will Force Posses sion, Says Knapp HUT TO jura anaoa 1 Washington, D. C. Dec. :5.-Jusr b,ch ,thr!atene! t0 ... tear the country from border to bor- tive Knapp. chief Justice ot the com-jder( WM tonh?ht pUced ,n JaU he mere court, In roccnt utterances j ue iurrendered today officially to concerning railroad legislation and , General Trevlne his enemy for years, control has stated that, If the ieu- General Reves was later releasd p latlon which 1. now sought to ba promise not to lea v. the city, enforced shall be found Inadequate 4hRldin a on? ,n ' L1"rf government ownership ot the rail- j rar-halred rebel gave .himself up road. Is the only alternative. tnt command n twenty- Apropos of hi. remark, i. tne! Re"" adm,"e1 trend of though of some of the p..h hl ;d "othr ,UC?M resentutlve and senator, who have t"l revolution had come to a close, ome out for government ownership L .. other his business. Although Judge Knspp ' does not think that this condition u'111 nrnva II ot lnnt for th nrpaent. "HI (1 I I , MV . ho ilno. ihlrk that rnllroada sbouhl , W regulattd undei the provisions ot the government I place my- the national congress. f" at Tour dlsposttlon.- In speaking of this subject, he1 General Reyes asked no guaran- ,tee for himself, but pleaded for tuer- ' -The regulation of Interstate com- inene is one of me most commanuing .-rd certainly one cf the most con-1 .,-in.n... ...hwt. t,nweforAthnub- . .. lie The niovlslon In tho federal - rlirht to reeulate comnm vilth eli;n nations, between thu states ana vlth f..e Indian tribes has not only , nood the test of time, but appears to be adequate for our marvelously changed modern conditions." Early Cases. i The history of litigation based on th's roiiitttiition l provls'on lb l'l.i-i niinaunK mfuifuw luiwr surrenaer or ueneral Reyes was a lore the United Stifs supreme coi.rt g.irprise both to the Sate Department on this subject wis not reached i.nttl 'an(j the Mexican embassy, although it IS34. one-third of a ntury after !wa, generally believed that his cap ihe adoption of thd coiiRtttiirion. Un-'ture wai inevitable, til IK10 only lour cases cuuic be-; Neither the government nor Em fore the tribunal. Ret w sea I M' and bassy tonight haj received official 1X60 fifteen more cases e-0 r-emd. 1 wonj of his surrender, but both are Iletween 18f unl tvv i,ero were relieved by the turn ot events. fifty raes. In the decade between . HSO and S'M sevtx'.v e'.Kht. Siace; Advices Reach Lmo. lft?n hundreds ot thene c;ihii have ome before the sup-cms o ut i nd the number Is lnTc.iiing Kte.vli'y. In the first as brought bfore the supreme court an attempt as ' made to restrt'-t within nai row j bounds the eonsil'ct.n'til rU'ita of! concress. Chief .lim.lee John T!ai shall rejected I'll application ft r , surrendered after his forces had sicb restriction r.n.l uVland tiiebeen defeated by the federal troops power to regulute commerce ;-,lvrn to rongress knows no limit other than the constitution. A concurrent ppl.voi by Assoilate I unt lee Johnson d.'-; nvd that not only the articles and .ub.'.ns nf In- terwtate comnie.vo may lo n pnlatd by congress, but oil the np'tu'les 'n I fat'llltlea entering Into such com merce are mlthln the H-gu1atla pi'wer of congress. A I'und.rniMi.jl Rlulit. "Wh." says lu Ue Knapp, "shciiM carriers be regulitel? The rlxht toes back to prlnt- al days Man, In tloco tlmea. ha.l ways nf pussaKe from one hunting field to another from his rud tb ! to ite placis where he found Ills sport. When advarred in civilization, tho rlglit-of wav o; of the tint fixed by ancient cuM ia and finally by law. Then eanio the enti.b' i.h- nient of the hluhwiy and Ihe t"Ct. It nny wll be al l that ihe street u the foundation of the state "Government has three Important functions: to give security to the per son, prefect Inn to property and ns snrance of eipial use of the high ways. ' Henry George, the brilliant think er declared "what difference la there between n man owi.lng all the land and ownlnr all the people?" I amend that by saying that the person who owns the highways owns both the land and the people. Ihity of (internment. "There is an Inherent rlRht to M'inl use of the highways and tho right of tho grat railway systems has not altered this In ihe Bllghtst. T'lev have absolutely repaired the old highways for long hauU. With the ancient nsar rler It n-.tv well tm s.ild tint the dutv of thj govcrnm nt (Continued on I'age 8) mm. hues i Leader of Revolt in Mexico Confined in Lin ares Jail GRAY-HAIRER REREL FRANKLY ADMITTED THVT HIS DREAM OF CONQUEST WAS DISPELLED. !!)r Avuriatcd Pr- Linares, Mex., Dec. 25. Defeated and stripped of his former arrogance and pride. General Dernardo Keyes, Mexico's one time great military lead- t revue, u.-- P" - ' I taei "Pon the army and Vwplt. " " "sponded," I considered as a protest, and I am rcB0,vea not to continue this war r' fo.r the llltl P ot followers - Rudolfo Reyes, son of the general, announced to nlfht from St. 1auIs 'tn Iimva nnr siirronilorA! whe" Informed that his father had BiirrAnnArAii that h m mmiM irn in I f0r-!ntO ' tk vlth the vv",l,"u Mexico. He says that the people of the l'nltei ?,a9 o not understand conditions existing In the southern republic. surprise at WaHlitnstoii. lv A(H.,H Vtt Washington, D C, Dee. 25. The Hy Attnrmrd Tm. Laredo, Tex., Dec. 25. According to a private telegram received here, bearing the signature ot General Ge- ronlmo Trevlno, the Mexican military commander. General Dernardo Reye. ha. been taken prisoner, Reyes, according to the telegram. near Linares todav. Prospective President of Chinese Escorted Down River Hy Warships II y .'HitC'l PifM Shanghai. lec. 2.'i. Dr. Sun Yat I Scn one of ,he leading promoters of ,h revolution. ho may Le named president for the proposed republlo, boarded a launch soon after his ar rival here this morning and was es sorted down the rievr by two war ships. He Is now discussing the situation with Wh Ting Fang, foreign err- tary of the provisional revolutionary cabinet. uxm.n STATUS KEEPS WATCH OX SITUATION lly tH'iAtr. pTr Washington. D. C, Dec. 2.".. Tho arrival of four more naval vessels of the United States" Asiatic squadron In Shanghai yesterday has made It apparent that the United States Is keeping close watch on the situation thero, where a peace conference Is being held between the Imperialists and the revolutionist!. With the ar rival of the Cruisers New Orleans, Cincinnati and Albany and the de stroyer Dale, the total of American vcusel In Chinese waters around Shanghai Is raised to eleven. PAIS El Si fil SEN AI SHANGHAI WILL QUIT POLITICS AND RETURN TO BOOK WRITING 4 - i - r, ( ' " j f ', ' " ' , x ' ."' '.; '.-.' " i i rr.-f .w.IO, 1W. isnrnd WhltlorV. noreUrt and hnmanltarlan, and chMen mayor of Toledo in four bllstorlng campaigns, has run his ast political race. He announced Saturday that Insofar as man can plan the future, he will never again run for office GIFT Ei iVf Htti nfH Hi Presents Made to Rockefel-' ler, Sa?e and Helen Gould Ity Axiiciktrtl Tm New York. Dec. 25. Hoy i of the navy surprised John D. Rockefeller, Mr. .Russell Sage and Miss Helsa Gould with ChrlKtmas presents to day ,ln appreciation of the help the ino nas renaerea in giving to the navy the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Rockefel-, i a handsome table cover which the sallora them-! sclve. had embroidered, working out navai emblems with greatest skill and precision. DR. AXD MRS. LITTLE VISITING IX AM Altll.IO t " "... . , , . Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Little are In Amarlllo from Ecglcwood, Kansas, aa the guest, of the latter', brother, A. E. Meyer, until New Years. Mn. ' Irformatfon received here, fight Uttle, formerly Miss Taullne Meyer, ,n rent In ue. In the street, of Tabriz I. well known and nonular in Ama- between the Russian guards and tho rlllo, and she will doubtless celve many calls during the brief reiniorcements consisting or a regi week .he remains In this city. ment of riflemen and cossacks, with Dr. Little has frequently Ulted In Amarllo, and has made a larre num ber ot friends lure. MISSIONARY MK IFTY MEETING WEDXLMiAV Announcement is made for a meet. ing of the Missionary society of the! Frnest E. Robinson. Jr., is practi Polk Street Methodist churcn Wed- 'ally well again after an attack of nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock Thi rlt fever at the home of his par meeting will be held In the church "r and Mrs. E. E. Robinson, building, and tho hope la expressed ' ' 'be parsonage of the Polk Street that the attendance he liberal, g.i Mthodst church. The attending matters of interest and importance will claim attention. MIUSTE RFORM I.LY N'tTlUFD OF DISMISSAL lt)f ,vx-iir. Ptr Teheran. Dec 2. The latdnet to day notified W. Morgan Sinister, the American treasurer-general of l'ersla of his dismissal. This action follows the decision of the national and the ministry, to submit to Russia's de mands. An Indignation meeting was held after the announcemtnt was made of Shust-r's dismissal to pro test but the officers restored quiet without bloodshed 1BILW iB LYNCHES t GRO Black Who Killed White M an ut I airchild Shot to Death l!v .H'iati. Pm- Haltimore. Md.. Dec. 23. Kias Davis, the negro who Saturday night shot and killed Frederick A. Schwab, a white man. at Fairfield, was taken from the lo.kup at Rrooklyn. a eub- uri of Raltlmore. earlv todar and shot to death l.v a amall nartv nf nn. know n nnn. Th neem was dnnoH . .nt two hundred yards from the station and shot four times through the limes. Ilia l.odr m Hlr.vrrf .At. rl finnrt litor KIMITIMi COXTIXUES SEVERE AT TAHRI7. lulfsj. Persia IVc. 25. According re-,p,"Un constitutionalists. Russian a mounted batterv which left here DiM-emher 2S for that city, arrive! i here today, having encountered lit- tle opposition. DK. RORIXSOX S SON RECOVERS FROM FEVER , Pnvsician states tnaf tlte little fellow has passed all dancer, and he la now being detained bevond the point at which he might endanger those who come in contact with him. Roth family and physician are tak ing every possible precaution WEA THER Mlllll!tttl l oiat. Washington. D. C. Dec. 2 3.--West Texas: Fair In the western portion. Snow or rain In the eastern portion Tuesdav. Colder In the southeastern portion. Fair. Wednesday. 5 1 Massacres at Resht Contin ue and People Are Terrorized MXV VICTIMS OK RRUTALITT OF CZAR'S TROOPS ARE WOMEN' AXI CHILDREN. SLAUGHTER MERCILESS Despite UnrolKting Attitude of Per niann, Asitnilantit Rombard Got ernment House and De molish, Homes. London, Dec. 25. Massacre, have been going on In Resht since Satur day, according to official telegram received here today. It is stated that on Sunday five hundred Persians were killed by the Russians, many ot them being women and children. The Persians are being exhorted not to fight and not to give the .lightest provocation, but the massacres .till continue. The government house has been bombarded and many government of ficials and police have been slaugh tered. Private houses have been de molished, and It Is reported that the Russians killed four unarmed Arme nians in Tabriz. "The people ot Persia," said the dispatch, "are stupefied at the atti tude ot Russia, especially as these outrage, have folios ed Immediately Jou th acceyftjpire by Trivia tf jmi :Kuesian uitim.ttum, and wnen Persia has shown every desire and dispo sition to conciliate Russia and estab lish friendly relations." CHICAGO PltlMF.ltS GET CHRISTMAS FEAST Chicago. 111. Dec. 2. '.. Seventy seven murderer, with six hundred other prisoners, partook of Christmas dinner and exchanged yuletlde greet ings In the Cook county Jail today. Wevlvsl meetings and song service were held, led by the murderers who hs.e repented. RKHEI.I.IOI S Molios TROOPS Si RREXDER Manila, Der. 2.V -Moros, who sev eral davs ace took poult Ion on top of a mountain in the Inland of .'olo. which had been strongly fortified to day surrendered to American troops, fhe Mores numbered Hon and laid down their arms only after being starved out, the Americans having had them surrounded several day.. HICHESON CELL FLOWER-DECKED Alleged Slayer of Avis Lin nell Remembered Hy Many Friends .-. 'l lr Roston, Mass.. Dec. .-Rev. Clar- cmeKlcheson charged with the mur- der ot Miss vls Llnnell, was not for gotten bv his friends tods HI. cell was decked with flowers and he received many Christmas presents. The preacher is reported as rapidly recovering tram self-Inflicted wound, and there Is a rumor that the trial set for January 1" will be postponed for a time. t'Ol'NTY COURT GOES ' OVER FOR HOLIDAYS On account of the holidays, Judge W. M. Jeter has announced that there will be no business In the county court next week. This Is the first week ct the t-rm. and it was d sign ed that crinlnal matters should be brought up for consideration. This was found to be Impossible, and the docket has Just been moved forward one week. It Is probable that on account or the New Year observances, there will be little If anything taken up next Monday, but business will be opened up with a rush Tuesday, provided nothing unforeseen happens. a.