V.U.V KU.IIT. AMtMLtO DAILY NEWS TCTCSbAT. DECEMBER 20. 1011. 1 I Li I Blaze in Grocery KstaLlish ment Causes Considerable Fire In the building occupied by the Griffin Grocery company tt an early hour this morning caused dam age to the stock, estimated ly the owners at between I.'i.odo and flO, 000. The flames were discovered by a Western Union mcnsennor boy, and but for the prompt aUrm and ready response of (he fire department a conflagration 'whhh would have threatened ninny valuable buildings on Polk street would have resulted. The exact origin of the blare could not be determined up to a late hour. xmmissioi:i: scales i:i:ti i:.s i kom li. isn United States Commissioner Rollio II. Stales returned Sunday from Kl Paso, where lie went In company with J. M. North, Sr.. on offilal bi.M'.uss. Mr. Scales stateg that the Uorder Ci'y la active, and fully in the iqiirlt of the holiday auson. lie reports that the holiday travel in heavy on the railroads, and that a general atmos phere of prosperity and goodlello ahlp la prevailing throughout the country traversed. Deputy Marshal North proceeds to his home In Fort Worth, having come here almost a week aso, having In charge a mnn who Is alleged to hae violated a federal law. wii'K of cor.vrv fai:m St' VVM I XTLN I K M ILL Mrs J. J. Clark, wife of the county farm superintendent, Is quit 111 at the family home west of the city from effects of pneumonia. Mrs. Clurk lias been 111 four days, but dur ing that short time, the dlseaso has mado rapid progress, und tho family and friends are apprehensive as to theoutconie of tho attack. Everything rosslblo Is beln done for the alleviation of Mrs. Clark. Phy sicians and other attendants are ac tive, and despite the short duration of her Illness friends from the city have visited to make Inquiry. BOYS MAKE SPREAD OF 0LDJH00SERS One of the many presents received by the Day Nursery, and perhaps the most unique of the lot was a comfort made of the cast-off trousers of tre Sunday school class at Park's chapel, southwest of the city. This bed cover was not only made of the tiousers of the little men of the class, but was made by thoni. The boys tinder instruction from their mothers sew ed the pieces together and, bastln? the batting on a blanket, "ticked" the quilt themselves. When the cover was thus finished' It was put up and duly lubeied to Mrs. Jennie C. Younr, special agenl for the United Charities. Mrs. Youn was so pleased with the spirit prompt ing this gift that she caused it to bo (INplajed to all visitors at the home. She will make formal return of thanks to the class as a whole, after tne holiday rush shall have passed., i:kv. wokmiam i.laus A 1 1 tit t miivniAs in N r McVKY W1XXF.R OYF.lt LAXCFOItD Sydney. N. S. V.. Dec. ?5. In a fight here today be tween Sam McVcy and Sam Langford. both American heavyweight pugilists, Vc Yey was declared winner on points. .SJrS'ciitfp BBOIIKHT Til menve of stuhborn conlllct between UIILLI UIIUUQII I III the railroads and their two million j ortanUrd employes. Finally there U the menace of ral'rokd Influence. If , COUNT! FOR FEEDING Hymeneal the r-'Jutath.n which is new sou.ht to l enforced siull be found lnde o'iMe. -"f innient ownership of thJ rvlrosds is tho oi ly alternative." t mutton sneep from his ranch in the !;-g.a:l.n oneri.lin. ! 'tate named, to a point near this city. E. D. Wight of Trinidad, Colorado, la shipping four thousand head ot GOVERNMENT 10 01 OR CONTROL At the prevent time, Judste Knarp ' on the ranch of F. J. Trigg on West tt. t'i prohlen of the 'hiur" is'Amarlllo creek. At this place the that the revenues of the rallroat's ; heep will be fattened for mirket, should i hre er.oush to par all em- maize and kafflr corn being used tor iihves wajrts whlih !il make for . that purpose, turner. I progress 1 he fundamentul I Strlngfollow-Grahsm. W. F. Strlngfellow and Miss Kath erine Graham were quietly married yesterday evening in the rectory of Saint Andrew's Episcopal church. Rev. Milton H. Worshatn, the rector, offii iating. in the presence of the re quired number of witnesses. The wedding wns Infotmal, but wis fol lowed by a marriage dinner at the noire of the bride's parents. Jidge and Mrs. J. A. Graham, 10t9 Van ni..iivMr wi-ht t.inn,i . Huren street. Mr. and Mrs. String- V. ... V .1 . J ..... "SB. .,' I I . I I . ... Ill 1 .. .L..I. I. ... vnruii uroii leni cm ironim? mil rujn., smiimi iw tuv w (Continued From Page 1) Kev. and Mrs Milton U. Worsham, ,ii conn .anted by their little daughter, Mi.s Ethel Votdniu, left yoterda vi-nina for a vUit of several days with Mr. iitkI Vrs D:m l.ir.thb cm at Farveil. K-v. Wprshatu will become :i member of ii imi titii' party ; t the l.inthii inn. while l.ls wife will be tho i-ues-t of honor :it a number ot holi day functions arranged by Mrs. Lln thlcum and friends. It Is stated that Kev. anl Mrs. vYorsham will be ahsent from the city until Thursday or Friday of tne pres ent week. Lightning Kills Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 16S people In this whole country. One's nances of death by lightning are loss than two In a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney or stom ah trouble Is vastly greater, but not If Electric Bitters be used, as Robert Madden, of West Kurllngton. la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after pIl-M months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. Ho was then completely ; cured by Electric Hitters. They'ro the bet stomach, liver, nerve and kidney remejy and blood purifier on earth. Only TOc at Amarlllo Drug Store. 1 I e. veyetat-i." ttur. n.e flesh eret aMes. Griffin I'.rocerv ".''.-t!V J'ieli vejret uhles that are fresh veettbles. Gtiffln ;rocer r.t'.-tfo If Jmii .iut qutetc cab service I hone 4". Atnarillo Cab Co :l-itir llein' ery. varieties ti i ft in tin- :(t:-tfc Ceiu ing to go and Milium ui 1 ! I MeMer.verSeiv.ee. Ring 113 to regulate railro.t U and to ofoie enual use of their faritii, by all the peop'e Is Jnst p.s Imperative as thougil the ownership ot tin rilr-iads was 'ti the k-'overnment "It Is reardd as settled, there fore, that the lar?e shippers Must not be favored over the small shipper, th:t communities may not suffer fr in discrl nlnation In rate-j. that scUi.lsles nmv lie examined by th-; fovernment, that retTtlrg am. otlu" ex II practices shall bo punished an.1 th.it unfair n.tis n.ay be i hanged. "The power to chance rates has been given by congress to an itdmin isetn tlve tribunal. The rnllroiiJs and the public are Inter-dependent and it Is the fun. tlr-n of this trlh mal to determine the rlvht of all (ontrover sl"s. Tbe si Ippcr Is not always the urderdor. so to speak. Evil of Competition. ' It Is my observation," continues .ludre Knapp, "that most of the evils of which compaint has been made are the outgrowth of the competitive svstem It Is my deliberate opinion thnt rallroadu should be permitted by law to associate for the purpose Df miking reasonable uniform rates and for the abolition of destructive com petition. 1" "Our vho!e future depends on th- solution of these problems of Inter state commerce. If we are to go foi i v ard, the revenues of the ra'lroad , should be sufficient to pay snit a return upon honest Investment thn' capital mav be attracted for the con struction and extension of railways mil the dev( Inpment of regions that await us. It nmv surprise you to know thpt In the old stito of Main.' 'there I a territory larver th.tn flu' whole Hate of Massachusetts which I h is r.ot ore mile of railroad. "Our methods of d??Mng with the ! railroads are still In the exreri mental stage. I see serif us dancer In the ', present condition Congress Is con trv he 'techtes. Is tl.: more equitable d'htrihi lion of wealth. Likewise, he argues. O'erc shoi.ld be an increase in the revenue of the railroads tati there ahull te a I etternient ot exist ing lines without the need of In-(-reused ( Mltalizatior. Such nieth , ods lie continues, mortgages the fit It ire ard Imposes burdens upon g.'i' eratioiis to tome. j JmU Knap-, wlio lus rrude n I long Mudy of the railroad question in the lontitrv, Ins been chose i chairiii, n o if interstate rotumerco ccmii.ission and lter or;;an!ecl th new eoiumis'.lon court sums up by sa.vim; tint the iiietlio.ls of ('eallv. with the railn ads Is still In an n jbtyo i ( lldltiril., lo t that out of It 4'l probil.lv will arlf-j 'he necessltv o! extended regulation or ovt III i siilp. stopping on the Rock Island a little way out from the city, lie is well pleased with the progress and devel opment of his herd being fed on maize and kaffir, and will probably continue the movement to this sec tion ot the Panhandle through the re mainder of the season. Mortuary s the rite holding that Rus- a i unman coirtrv xviui n ran defections front the rinks of !i.t!ilt, but tan not a'-hnowl- hem bill n ('. i ies the tint Pbtrlct :ht of r Unions adherence only rsors of aue. Kottv i!:.vs murt .... .i... l .t.... i i.... ..r government; ' :"!' r : " , v l" bauu-e of I'dlii-reni e from one ( h to pnother before It can take t. but tins term may re dlsre fd in the case of persons strlek iih s -rious illness, rtb-le five lie measure eiieslv declafed a person parsing I rem one re i, (onfesM(n or t reed to another not suffer on that acoi nt any iitlon or limitation of hW (r her tuil political rlnhts reactionary amend - of rk'lv An Infant kept as a charge at the: j ray Nursery for several weeks, an' later placed in the care of a laJy whe, desired to mother the homeless llttl. one. was burled yesterday aftornooijinai cr civil from the home of Its foster mother, the law. A ! In Llano cemetery. iY' Mnynard Nannie Grace Maynard, tne one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. Maynard, was buried yester i day afternoon In L'ano cemetery, fol lowing funeral services at the family home, 502 Arthur street, Ret. W. I. Caughran, pastor of the Houston and Ituchanan Street Methodist c'turch officiating. i lei-tjhle rillllder j m iieuiei t liver trouble. Never do i It. Take Pr King's .Neu I.:-.- I'lli- j on the first ;:n of ens' '.icit ion. ' j io mio- or in.ietite t owels ; i . I pi iMt in. but Itnlicestlott. jaitTtdlie .ot .'.ni stoi.e. Thev reulite liver, .'ouiai'i ai d I'ov. 1.- at'd IhiIIiI up vour bealtl; Only 2".c lit Atnaiilio I'rug Store. tenditu' to ileprlve deserters I state office, acquired or In-1 rank, and of cxenhdtig the i ff 1 try, ns well us atie an 1 I electoral riu'nt, was rejected v.rw helming majority of the lM-litioim beef and pork roasts ev ery day. Griffin Grocery Co. .H-tf. most itntii tant provisions of deal with tne religious tidher persiitis under aue. Children i;;rie n remain in the church th'-v were baptleii. unless rents or the sitii-le livitiv par- i from one sect to another. In e tl i v ii ii follow their par parent in the new sect. If the desire it. Children oxer lour- 'main In their former fait . lay join their parents' or gimd parent's thiirch w ith tlu-l 'it. In cafe c.nly one of the jjs (hatit'es t.'leir fjillv U'M- ' j tyter. chickeiiv and titkeys .etr market GrlfMn Grocery. 'I'l California about January 13- i The bridegroom, a son of the late i lamented R. L. Strlngtellow, was I reared in Amarlllo, and has a host of warn personal friends in tais city, tie vent several months ago to Los Angeles, California, where be bis been engaged In business. J The bride Is one of the most pop- ular of Amarlllo's younger social set. and counts her friends by her ao """ j qunintances. She has lived here slncsj pore childhood, and there will doubtless be cose ! many congratulations not only from Hi Amarlllo friends ot the happy pair, by t j but from those residing in other seo thre Hons ot the country. Jewi j Stencer-Klmbley. Var'! Sundav. Immedlatelv after the ' morning service at the Central pres i bvterlan church William Steneer and lnal 1 Mrs. Zoe Klmbley were united in mar- ed t 1 rliipa In Ilia nnatnt TTav n Thomsen, in the study ot the church. The impressive ring ceremony was used. The Misses Davidson, Intimate personal friends of the bride, wers the only witnesses. Mrs. Stenger came to Amarlllo four years ago from Independence, Kansas. She has a large circle of friends and admirers in this city. Mr. Stenger Is tn business on East Tenth street and is well and favor ably known In the business circles ot tho cltv. Their marriage at this time was perhaps something ot a surprise but cold; their many friends unite in extend- at nl lng most hearty congratulations. Mr. Judg. and Mrs., Stenger will live at 008 Pierce, where they are at home to their friends. (hut ecus It! who stati book ol V In II pre If tie l( Her TI A cold combination: the sidewalk's Icy glare and a ladv's Icy stare. Meiit rm J I .it our market it as nii w nt them Griffin Groi-er.x Co. 31-tfc I'efeie roti-ent'im to u pi r'iral o etitinn let l'r Cle: -i t th- oste ' ' lopnth, examine you. Osteopathy In j "revetits many m-ed'ess oim rations. tfc t-tfc WE REPRESENT THE TEXAS FIDELITY and BONDING COMPANY -OF WACO, TEXAS- We also write Burglar, Health, Accident and Liability insurance in the Aetna Life Insurance Campany, Assets $101,000,000.00. FIRE INSURANCE We write Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, Plate Glass; in fact, we handle all lines. IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN OUR LINE, CALL US UP. W. A. ASKEW Phone 573. Amarillo, Texas.