AM HUM O DAILY NEWS IHlltSDAV, IUX KMUKU 2. 1911. i liEV GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND Srcil lo Daily N'm l'lainvlew, Tex.. Dec. 27. rialn vlew has merrily punted another Christmas and she awoke wltnout a headache. The season l.a been marked with sobriety w hether caus ed by the numerous prohibition upeeches of tho past year, the watch, fulness of her officials, or the dis tance to an Irrigation center (alco holically speaking) It Is hard to de termine. Periu:sj the excellent quality and taste of her water has caused so many of her citizens to pass the Yule- tide without Indulging In "joy Juice"; at any rate only two arrests for In ability to tread her sidewalks have been made to date. Whero erstwhile the celebrating cowboy would make the town ring with his pistol-shots, the peaceful pop, pop of tho fire cracker now maintain!. The shopping season was lively and the trnde brisk. Many citizens of nearby towns camo to l'lainvlew to take advantage of the complete stocks handled by her merchants. On Sun day tho Knight Templars. In regalia marched to the Christian church to bear a special address by Dr. L. L, (Hartley, former president of Seth Ward collone. Christmas trees were In most of the churches of the town. However there was qulle a lot of nature faking for many of the sup posed trees were but shrewdly ar ranged scantlings, In some churches trees from the orchard, and In no structure was seen the customary and Icpondary cedar. The Chamber of Commerce of l'lainvlew Is thinking of taking up the matter of fretting out an orchard planted to cedara nnd thus supply a long felt wnnt on Cio plains. However, there as a bona fldo "Snnty" at eah church, and Tlalnvlew proudly boasts that tha tragedy of the "empty stocking" was not witnessed In a single home. The vacancy made by Beveral hun dred loenl college students leaving to visit the "old folks at home" has been partially filled by the few boys and girls that are attending various colleges throughout the state and are bnik with their parents for the hol idays. Tho social calendar for the week Is filled with a number of hop3, receptions and parties and a Joyous season Is antli Ipnted. - : fa3" I - 4 r - rm r III 1 i i i i i m ill t r 1 V t .j ' & . - V - - me " ' - v I . '..e - t -'VWI citizens at sutdnJ New Tear Ln VXJA l r J I lr ial to la:l 1 Slitcn, Tex., Ic. 2". John M l!:e of Twin Fall?. Idaho, ban jast li'-n in Slaton and has penhawd' cluhtT fiM-t ilirectly opposite tlie I ail 'i:iik on Texag av mte, and Is Hi start the erect Inn of a two-story brick budding within the next ten days.1 Plans areout and the contract h-i leMi let and the work w ill be rish d : to completion as rapidly as lossihlei o naccount of the great demuirl tor J iMilldmcs In this location. C. C. Compton Is starting th ere-1 tlon of a two-story brick building to j be located on Texas avenue Mr I Compton built a two-storv concrete1 h'ttol some time aso but on account I of the preat rcsh in his business It has been necessary for Mr. Compton t to start the erection of the new build Ine to be used as an annex to tl hotel. There Is a yreat manv new dwell ings v'oing up and the deiiihiiu for sin h property far exceeds the gup ply. The town In general nt this time is very active. Many new railroad men are con stantly coni'.rg to Slaton to make ti'U their fi:ture home, ns a rofult of the opening of the sliop at this point .rid the making cf this town an im portant division point of th I'ne. MMfl Co lacoi Those who may c have been neglec Christmas can yet be antly remembered fd Year. Let us show you a suitable and pleasin of this kind. T 11 pal a For the second time since the Civil war, Maryland has elected a Re publican governor, ln the person of Phillips Lee Goldsborougb. Ills victory came with the defeat of a powerful Democratic machine. FUN ON A BATTLESHIP Saved Ills WHeN l ife. grave today." writes (). II. drown, of Mcseadlne. Ala.. "If It had UJt been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down In her bed. not. aid 3 to g'-t up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble nnd a dread ful cough. I pot her a I ottle of Dr King's New Discovery, and she booh tievan to mend, nnd was well In a -bort time." Infallible for coughi and colds, It's the most reliable rem edy on earth for desperate lung trou ble, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asthma, hay fever, croup nnd whooping cough. r."c, 51.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by An.arlllo Drug Store. HOTEL CLYDE A. C. nihke Mgr. Lubbock. Tex Remodeled Throughout. Clean deds and Good Meals. Give us a trial and you'll come back It A T KK 12.0 0. When in need of some one to carry note, a present, u parcel or make a lellverv of any kind Itlng 1U; we re the candy kids. 19-tf- Knds Winter's Trouble. To many, winter Is n season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands nnd lips, chilblains, cold-sores, red and rough skin", prove this. Put such troubles fly before ducklen's Arnica Falve A trial convinces. (Ireatcst haler of Hums, dolls, Piles, Cuts, Sores. Urulses, Eczema and Sprains. Duly i: c at Amarlllo Drug Store. Captain Albert Cleaves In the Scien tific Ameriian. A battleship comprises i com munity of approximately one thou sand men. In which a centralis d and a' tocratlo government prevails. The division of labor, exercise and drills. the rules that govern the hours of i govern the shore stations. A complete eating, sleepinu and recreation, are ,,.),. . u)no ,ysl,.m connects nil rartd Chick's Curious Upbringing. A little Andftluslnn chicken owned by a Kelso farmer has had a curious upbringing so far. A pigeon recently built Itc rest about fourteen feet from the ground nt Floors Home farm, and on the nest being examined the bird was found to have hatched the An daluslan chicken, the chick's mother having apparently deposited the egg In the pigeon's nest Then the chick en was given to the bantam hen, which has taken to the young bird as If It had been lis own New Heroines. The novelists of the day are taking the "new" women for their heroines; women whom life has struck blow after blow until they have learned the art of laughter; women who know how to Jest In the face of disappointment; women who have a comforting sense of humor. r Iliar Farmers Doll; must havo coi tomes to dance; Jesse's orchestra. 46-30 If you wnnt quirk cab service phone 40. Amarlllo Cab Co. Sl-26c Stops a Deep-Seated Cough in a Hurry A Family Supply of Unequaled Cough Remedy for 50c Money Re funded If It Fails. Couch nieiti, iof, as s ruli. ciminin a lrn" piuN iiimi i.f ilniti syrup n khmI insnwlii'iit, hut ni tint niiyime run nnk. A pint of craaulatnl unr. nitli i pint of wsrm WHtnr. slirro.l fur '2 ininiit.-, given ymi ns cmmI vrnp us mniiev run buy. A TiOi-ont In ti if nf Piiiit, iniii'd in pint Im t t ! with Imnie niinli' suaiir sTriip, givi Tin s full pint of r.-iillv Ix-Mor eniiuli nrti thiin ym roiihl nv reinlv niix'Hl fur "iO Tin r- s rliur snviiic of l ull dire. I "! Ill p. I:ue. Alul Itl'O'ry iiMlldll't Iniv II illliker. Itter rel'ii'ilj. T.ile lnld Hi illnv, fll Sllll'wt il't . ' 1 . - . 1 1 1 . kll-lilV llli' tlie lllnsl ile. lllllle, . I. . i t I niiicll ill 24 llnlir It ll lii! 'i s l'ie M I I'e. I i B 1 1 1 1 - buntue nin I ! n i '.i i. ihi t children lake it ilbtii:lv. S.lnidid lor llliiir'i Hi , liilli.l. . li. l :1;' h ..I.. I til It , r tlirnnt Innihp4, nnd ii'w.n. ii d f -r proni jit mulls in li"i"iMi; i iin.'l . Pinri ix ii b. mill lii .'lily rotn en trnteil ''ii nf iiiihii til Nnru;i While Pile rMr.ut. mill in rn Ii in u n :i i it -Co mid other linlnrnl heiibnc I i 1 1 el" ttienn. Siniily Kill il n dirmh-il wuh sii!r srrup or siruitied hnuey, mid il is rndT for lle. Cd in mnr homes In th V. S. and Csnndn thsn any oilier iniirli renmlr. Pinet liRsntitn Ixi n iin.iKti-d. Imi never eurt-fsnfiilly, lor nolhiiu el - Will .r .l'n. ths sum- r"oili. Th remiine is titiirnn tsd to sl nlMoliite mi inflict i in or niom r refunded. Irrllhisle of tuiinilili lo wnpissl in eaeh ii kuye Vour di -iiusKt has Pine or will I i fr vmi. ( nut, eud to The Pint Co., I t Wayne, Imi the last words in routine nnd rgnn- l.ation. Kxerv man las his place and number, and Is not an ar ticle on board, from a torpedo to a water breaker, that has not its al lotted space. Order and system are encouraced to become proficient paramount and the very atmt sphere jtg ue0. breathes of d'sripllne . . , k . . .hlna. The hea. of this community of sea! thore ,g B()me anJ tkl,,h.rt modern practice, including tin ad- KNSAI, Cl'UKS W.FMA Justable operating table and s!or- Two ,.erft.rt ReInPdle0!je for Wet ',1:,nt- ' n.I One For Dry Eczema. Stops Fverv battleship hr.s n branch itrhlne at once. Also cures Pimples posted ie in charge of sailors ap- md Plotches Prescription of old pointed by tlie captain, which !s un- family doctor ln 50 cent Jars, Guar- oer the same p istal reg il.itions that snleed to relieve. Sold bv Amarlllo Drug Store L. O. Thompson. Short Order Restaurant When in Claude, Texas, stop at Doo Morgan's res tniirnnt. I-'reh oysters and fl-li verveil all times. Open all hours. HfiY FOR SALE (liolre baled Alfalfa and Prai rie Hay, car load shipments deliverel on Amarlllo tracks on short notbv at lowest mar ket value. Address II. II. Schnyder. Agt., Amarlllo, Tev Phone Kll. o of tao -hip, nnd Is supplemented by voice pipe communication, which Is used primlpally In action. There lii also a wireless Installation, and ofj fleers as well as the operators ar?' in I l Funeral Director & Embalmer Day or Night Phone 21. people is. of course, the captain. In battle his station is in the conning tower, and under his hand are all the latent Titanic forces of powder, gi ncotton nnd steam, which may be released only at his bidding. In mat ters of ndmlnlstr it Ion h Is Judge i ...... i .inii.. n. ami ju.y. i..u ....; ,u . ..,-, . y w talent Id a crew of one l! dellmiuents are brought before him; , . f he listens to the evidence, and there is no law's delay In his Judgments. Smokers are k feature of i:(e on board and there is nothing like tho quatfr dack of a battleship for tho mlse en st one of a wrestling bout, a boxing match, a song and dance, fc ggling, slack wire perfonuante or ;any other stents for which there i iou-tur- rets are crowded with the blea h- ri nnd ffliora nn.l prmi ni.f lit.rAiil He messes alone and his life for th t0BpUler ,he lmpr0N rlnB. most part is n solitary one The wardroom mess Is presided over by the commander or executive officer, and Is composed of th staff officers and the lieutenants. And nrry times they have when tho rluld discipline of the day's work gives place to pott-prandial relaxa tion of the evening. Then there are the Junior officers' mess, composed of midshipmen, nnd also the mess com posed of warrant officers, those men of tho rank and file who by faithful service have become dinners, boat swains and machinists. The service today is unonslously working out new traditions tnat win no na'.iucu In the evening after supper, when the band plays, tho men dance and sing or gather around the turret.! and "gum" until P o'tlotk, whin It Is pipe down and all hands must turn! In. Soineitmes there are movlnp pic ture shows on the quarter dack; thei films are all carefully selected a'ld as einh ship passes Its to the next., there is a preat variety In the fleet. Thoso of dramatic and romantic rhanoter are the most popular and alwavs draw appalusc. Recently on , one ship, when thirty nilk's at sea, butterflies blown off by the land breeze had fluttered around the ridge bat th ........ ....I 1 1 . .. U .. .11 .... ,l.,n tn th.. .u..!ni! reneration of" " -'""" "" " f()llt finishing homo touch was gl-en at Forward of the mast there is a blg!"1' 'V"1" 0,10 o( ,,,c mov,n household, which require. I75.UUU th lrl" ot month to care for. clothe and feed r'" h,,wn m'r in tho In their ten-mllllon-dollar home."'rk ''1(l,r- Nearly all trades are represented in this little kingdom of the sea: j Tailors shoemakers, photographers ' Jewelers, barbers and musicians; for; the most part a man Is to I ply his trade so long ns there Is no I Interference with his military lutles j llegular prices are establbhed by the, capt.-lns, and ns there Is no eompe-J tit Ion, each has a largo clientele. The galleys have the best possible svstem of cooking, supplemented with electric potato peeb-rs, cleMrl.' meat choppers and electric dish wastiers. The bakery provides bread at all times Mislead of hard-tuk. whuh was formerly supplied and fcinishes seven hundreil loaves daily; there Is a laundry, which has n fine equip ment of machine run by lectrlclt ; and Is handled by sailor who nre excused from all other work except battle and fire stations; a cold stor age with a capacity for provisions for one month for the entire ship's com pany, and a hospital or sick bay, well llvhtcd and well ventilated, which Is In a comfortable part of the ship. The hospital contains a sl k ward proper with bunks for a store of pa tients, the Isolation ward nnd the operating room. The last Is fitted with everv convenience known Circus vs. Funeral. Aunt Mary llarker. a prominent res Ident of a Virginia town, like many of her race, "Jes' dotes on funerals On one occasion a circus hud come to the next town, and A int Mary, who had never seen an elephant, tial been telling for some weeks how shs longed to go to the show Her son agreed to drive her over or. the event ful dsv "Well, now." exrlalm'd Aunt Mary, wl'h unexpected hesMat lot ' don't know much "Sovil dut I w-u.ts to see dat show al'. I had. but. yo ,ee. Dea con I'.otts frnern! cnti , c!T today, and I don't know Jest which I d enjo de most There'll be u lot o (oiks dere. and besides I nioughi live tl!t d circus comes agitln but d!s Is de onl? funeral Deacon Uott win ever have I gues I'M have a better ttrve m do funeral "Illustrated Supliy Mags line Notice Patrons of N. & T. Tal!oi- Ing Co. Do not pay it. il. Trone an' j accounts. I.ndy solicitor will collet; ' the first as usual. Pay only hot 42-Cc' Oytrrs, rhlrkeiK and ti ikeys. In ti our market C rift In '.rocery V.-tf" REDUCE YOUR LIGHT BILLS .BY USING.... SUNBEAM MAZDA LAMPS Let us wire your house and install ELECTRIC FIXTURES Best Workmanship Best Quality Call and see the largest stock of Electrical goods in West Texas. We carry a full line of Electric Irons, Toaster Stoves, Water Heat ers, Electric Washing Machines, Etc. i I ii NUNN ELECTRIC COMP'Y "IF ITS ELECTRICAL WE HAVE IT." I