TAGE TEV. AM IRILIi) miLV NKU hi M.V. IK LMBtK 1. ltll. er Elites of Lockney Collet. 11 a. m. Exerv nien.ber cf the Churn of Christ Is ursed to be prea nt. Th ; public Is cordially Invited. M.anf-: ert In the rt'y are assured a cordial webomt. 1 nmlutnuii Street Mrlfaxlitt. Sunday schcoj. 9:4. a. ni. Preachinc. 1 f a. m and 7:3 p. m. Sermon atbotfl servlcs by pastor. The Inclement weather hat delayed ork on our new bulldinit. We hope to have the opening services net Sunday. St. Andrew 'o Fpicopal. Sunday school,, 9:45 a. m. Morning raycr and sermon. 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon. 7:30 P. m. You "ire cordially Invited f wor ship with ua. HILTON K. WOKSHAM. Rector. Flrt ChrMlan. Biblegchool, 9 :45 a. m Public worship, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Y. P. S. C. F , 6 30 p. m. Theme of morning tenr.on 'Think on Theoe ThlnKs." Theme of evening rfermnn "Strlvlni? For Better Thlnps."' Spwl.il niuir by the (heir. A ver7 cordial Invitation to all and ser Ai'.e U extended to the general pub lic. Good ni'.islf, a Twentieth Century r.'ess.ice and a warm welcome aw.ilts you. P. JENNIN'i;, Pa-mr R. h. NKWTOMF.. Supt. TnUmmlo I'-aptist. Corner Sixteenth and P.ih hunun. Sunday shool. 4fi a. m, J. A. Stanford, superintendent. Preaohlnu. 11 a. m ; subject "The Power and Ills Reward " Sunbeams. 3 p. m. Junior H. Y. P. '.. 4 p m. Senior It. Y. P. !'., ft p. m. Preachlny. 7:15 p. m.; subject "Preparations for a Revival." Pravcr ineetlne Wednesday even It.is. Wo plan ti beIn a series of meet Infra Sunday. January 7th, Rer. J. M. Harder aslstln is. Prot'icr Harder needx no Irtro lui Hon to many of our Amnrlllo people. He was for a lone time a successful pastor at Canyon City. We Invite all to ill of our services A. I. IH'XCAN. Pastor. 1'lrM MetlnxlM. ("nr. 14th and Van Hurcn Strict. Prblic worship and pennon 'v ih pastor nt 1 1 : o o a in.; Kundav ai h id I SO p. .m: aeriimr. by the pastor 7:30 p. in. All are welcome. II. i:. IWit.lY. Minister 4Vmral lrrl-hin. Corner Tenth and Taylor ttieeM. The pastor will preach at 1 1 a ni. ai.d 7:30 p. m. Morning subject. ' Meroi." F.ver.- Ipg subject. ' Job and God's Arwer," the last on tie IUmIc of Job. Sunday school, : 4 j a ni. Enadvor, 6-30 p. m. Morning music Anthem. 'The Pilgrims of tie Nisht." Henry Tark er; Quartette, "Goodbye Old Year," Fuller Mr Talt. Mrs Thouipsor Mr. Peason. Mr. O'Rrlers: Solo. Hold Thou Mr Hand." Ilrlf-lr. OTtrlen Kvenlna music Antherm. "Praise the Lord." Hahn: Male Quartette, selected Todav Is the K.lrd Sunday in the year an extra Sunday an extra chance to go to church for those who have reflected the House of God this year. Come and worship with 'is. I K. THOVPKW Pastor. I K. .. HIGINllOTHAM. Supt. PIIOF. W. S. AXTEl.l., rcaiii.t P.. Ik Stmt Mctliixlist. Corner Polk and Eighth htreets. Sabbath sdiool. -4 5 a .m. Pre.ichlns. 11 a. m. and 7"lo p. in. Special music. Good warm 1i irch l.earues, T, and 4 p. m. Ho nut stav away from rlmrih on account of winter. This !s a eood time to worthlp. How many Sun days have yoii missed church? Con e to lay for all are welcome. ERNEST E. ROUINSON, ra-tor. letrlnl Mrrrt Miinn. Corner Elahth and Cleveland. Sundav i ?.i til f m. Preahlnc Thik-s-lav nu'ht. The public Is Cordially Inv nd ti all of o"r servlci , A. I.. tOCAN. Pastor. First lrc.bytcrln. Sixth and Fillmore. Sunday School !:4".; Christian End.ivor 6. '.; public wortdup 11 and 7:15 At the niornlnic cervice the special music will be: Solo, "Th" Klni; of Iive Mv Shepherd Is," Mr. Helnricn; Anthem. "Come and Wor ship the Lord," Choir. In the even ing: Anthem, "Sun of My Soul," Choir: duet, "Thou Art, ( Cod, th" Life and I.lsht." Mrs. .1 X. hy an.! Mr. llelnrlch. The pastor will pren h nt both services J. X IVY. I'astor. tv Aiunrillo hunli of (lirM. Meets each Lord's Pay in the oi'n- curt room. Son setvl'O, in a. m. Piblo st ud v. 10.30 a. ni Praor, praise and communion ser vice together with prc.n hlii!! by Kid- Flrt (liun h nf lirit. Scierti-t. 315 1'olk. Street. 1 pstlirs lesson-sermon 11 a m. S-indav: 8 p m. Wednesday ' Free reading room ! maintained room 2t. Old CNratadt bulUlins. Publje Is fordially Invited Itible C1.is latitathn. The Perean Hlbla elasa of the First Paptlst church of Amar'ilo. has during the past week sent out the following Invitation: The Perean IUble Class of the First Baptist church of Amartllo Is closln a year of splendid work. During this time we have traced the history of the Ch'scn People thrniiyh a period of aboi . six hundred yenrs, from th" death of King Solomon to the pro phesNe of Malachl. after the restora tion from the Hal'vlonlnn captivity. The lessons have been rich in ii'simc tiitn, replete with dramatic Incidents, crowded with tragedy, ahvinding In pathos and studded wi!i brilliant providences. Next Sunday we review this year's work and arrange for 191?. The les sens for the whole of nett War are to be devoted to the study of t'iO r arvelous works ail wonderful words of t'lr ever-llvins Christ, as recorded 111 the Ko.ir Gospels of ihe New Testament. We anticipate a vear c-f Jovous Interest and gracloi.a bel)fiiln-sr. Will you not come out next Sundav. the la-t day of the year, bringing at least one other prson iWith you, an! Join the da- s for the beautiful studies of the cc.ming y:ir? Please be present promptly at ! i5. I Very cordially, j J. I . SMITH. Class Supt. i The lavs Is expecting a I irge tit tendiitice at its nieuting this luomiir; at the First Baptist church m I:45. !Speial ntteiiMoti 'll be siven to the ! mitter of ha lug the bouse thorough ly wirmed and Tovding for the comfort of those who attend. All 'adult persons r.ot b'ing menilien of any ether Bible diss, pre oiili illy ltivlt( to Jrinl this class fir til" 1 work of l'.'lj OLD PIKE STROUD And all his P. D. Q. Messenger Boys (and his burro, Jack) wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR rm. And wish to assure you that the P. D. Q. messen ger service is just as substantial and reliable as the old stone barn itself :::::::::::: ' It Is a lunch. Han-sell, at W. O. jW. hall. Thursday night, P. U. O 1 beit-fit. Admission 25c. Iray Son. cleanem, pressers, hat tera. Phone bZ2; 30 4 Eat Fourth street. 297-tfc Jams, J, Hies, preserves, condiments of the right kind Grlffsn Grocery. 3-tfc Hear l ugt ne Williams wilii the Verrv Makers. Grand C'lera House, Monday nUht. The lerrj Mak.r, Moniln;- ni'ilit. P L y M i D N QUIRK & SCOTT Licensed Sanitary Plumbers Repair Work a Specialty Office 106 E.7th St. Phone 341 TO HY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS THIS has been a very prosperous year with me and I trust it has been with you. Your kindness shall ever be remembered by me and has inspired me to do greater things and give you better service than ever before. a When you think of Fire Insurance, think of ASKEW When you think of Automobile Insurance, think of ASKEW When you think of Tornado Insurance, think of ASKEW When you think of Liability Insurance, think of ASKEW When you need a surety bond, come to ASKEW DON'T GO TO YOUR FRIENDS Wishing you a happy and prosperous 1912, 1 am, yours for business, W. A. ASKEW Phone 573. Amarillo, Texas.