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I) THE NEWS CARRIES THE FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TMirvoir ( ABLY VOL XI. NO. 331. TEN PACES AMAR1LLO, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS AMD NOVHC 0M Amamllo D MOBILES LEAGUE ASSEMBLY BANK CONFAB ON VOTES AGAINST FARMER CREDIT: COVENANT CHANGE HOOVER PRESENT JJALFOIR IKtiK.S NO AMKNII MK.NTM I NTH. t:PK.KIKMK HAM TK.STKI) IJCAGIU. SEND GREETINGS TO ROOT South American IMegatea Say Alier. atlon Should II Hefrrretl Lnlll President -Fiecl Harding. Take Office. By AMnrtalrd fnm. ' fiF.NKVA. Nov. :3. There Will be no amendment to the covcnunt of th" league of Nation at I hi avaidiin of thr acmhly If the devlxlnn of commit tee number I thut of gcnt-rul urgnnl xullon which hu lieen considering amendment, in approved In full aea eion. Arthur J. Italfuur, chnlrman of thr committee, auggcated In committed meeting thut It wan t curly to druW conclunlona a to the wirklng of lb league it to form an lilru u to how the. covenant limy be Iinimivcd. lit prcMMwU that the committee recnm iim nd the npmlittmcnt of a upcclul com mllte to contdcr the matter next mot-ting of thv awembiy. The Scandinavian delegates on the committee lnltcd on thi -onldcra-tlon Immediately of amendment thiy iroHMved, hut they were outvoted. Tho South Ainorli an delegate accepted M:'. Italfuur'a auggektiun all the more readi ly twenuac they are of the opinion thut any amendment to the covvnnnl ahnull await propoaltlona that the expected from the fulled Hlnte after I 'reunion t Elect Harding' continuation on the atlblect. . They declared It would bo en tlrely nut of order to revise the wv nant In the ahcm of one of the moat liitHrtant nation. The romndttee on the International l-nurt decided In ftelid a letter of thank and congratulation to Klihu Hoot ar 1 other delegate! of The Ilugue Confer ence. Thla Is aa fur at they have got In their work. Antonio liuneua, head of the Chilean delegation and chairman of the com mittee on admlMlon of new member. toM the AmccuUmI i'rcaa today thrt hi committee- alrendy waa hard it work and hoped to make an early re port. New of the application of Montene gro for inemU'mhlp in the League, of Nation leaked mil today. No Informs tlon whutever waa given on the mih. )ect ly the aecrrtarylnt of the league. Thla eleventh hour application nece. Mill)' will roiiw up on the floor of tho axemtily before being referred to com mittee. Pistol Discharged, Young Man Killed lit Aneriatea' tnm. WICHITA. Kan. Nov. 23 The areend accidental dlacharge of the anmc revolver today ratlaed the death of J amen II. Hutrhard. It) yeara old. atiident at Fali'inount College here. Two yeara ago the youth droprd the re volver and It waa dim hnrged. the bul let atriklng hint In the foot. while fitting In the t (Mce of the mar ahal of the city court, he dropcd th-t revolver and It wa aguln dlwhuig'ed. The bullet atruck him In the cheat and be died an hour later. lion To Save Money Qnd Gut 0!(J ; G. L , i Next Monday morning bring down your Sunday' WANT AD to the office f The Uadv Now and wc will make vou a I little jreent. Jut clip it out what articles of the following vours. Four pound Iruh Potatoes On package Aunt Jemima Pancake Flower. One box Animal Crackers One bottle Thoro Cleaner Two bar Crystal White Laundry Soap Two cakes Creme Oil Soap One pound Jonathan Apples Your want ad will bring results in The Daily News as it is the real medium of advertising of the Panhandle, and is of course the only Morning paper carrying the Associated Press reports the reliable news. Of course everybody will read these want ads next Sunday to know how large an amount of Groceries will be given away by The News. Youll get double value from your advertising and little token of friendship in addition to RESULTS. Tell all your friends to place their WANT ADS in The Daily N?ws. i m i AljKANMAM ItlSINKMM MK.N TO CALL tONFF.HFMK. TO I'LAN ASM ST A N(: TO KAICMKHS Merchant A I mi lo be luilled lo .Meet ing to be Held I'nder Aunpler of Hanker I luring January By A mat laird Pra. LITTI.K lUH'K, Ark.. Nov. 23 A meeting of Arkunmia hunker, to tm followed In a few duya by one of mer chant of the mute, ut which Herbert Hoover will In prewnt, will In- held early lit Junuury to outline pluw for udvunclng credit to farmer In 1971, It wiin announced thin ufteriiiMin by K. -I. Ilodmun, chuirmun of the agricultural committee of I ho Arkamu Uoiki-rx u ax Utlon. Mr. Hoover, he anid, hn definitely promlNcd to uttend the meeting, und rcprcm-ntativca f hunk and mercan tile extulillKhment In Virginia., (leor glu. Aluliumil, MlNNlwaippl. I.nulxlunu Texu und Mlnanurl will I ok-d to at tend. Infinite dutea for the me-tlng will lie announced u awm a Mr. Hoover advlc of the exact date when he ran conic, to Arknnnuii. Mr. Ilodmun anid. It la planned to hold the two meeting within u diiy or two of euch other to allow the men hunt to attend the liutikcra meeting und yli veraa. There are hunk In the mule and 12.000 men hunt. Mr. Ilodmun aald, and an effort will he made to get a lurgn pro portion of both to uttend the meeting Seek to Round Up All Suspects In Erin Riots Itt Awoelat4 Prau. IJCIIUN. Nov. 23-The vlgorou ( Oct hit lea of the authorltiea leave little doubt thut determined arnf concerted J ifforta are lelng made to round up every ivpublii un auie-tiHl of In-Iiik ac tive In outrugi-a. Thu military force are tightening the cordon about Dub lin und grudiiully working In toward th.- center, a wa done during the Hunter rcMlinn of tttlH, It la believed a ntimlicr of republican leader In the 1 province, finding the puiHuit too hot', huve tuken refuge In Iliibllti. The total arret to dale are under tool to be huge, hut the, government lofiiMt to divulge the figure. Dublin cuttle uuthiN'lttc. however, admit the proton rue o full thut It hua U-come nec-Hury to utilize the raatle Itaelf. and thut It wa In a lumber room In the old dctectlvn ii Hurler of the ramie that 1'eler CUncy and two other were hot yesterday. (inml In lie a Railroad By Awnrlaud tnf. I WASHINHTUN'. Nov. 2.1 ItallrondN urv JtiNttfletl In applying to the Inter mute commerce commlwlon loan for i the tiannMiitution uct revolving fund 'when money nmike tniten are cxee alve. the cotnmlnslon held t'Mluy, even I though the wording of the uct provide thut the currier mum (how 'inability to provide themnelve with the fund nec-Mry for the nfocruld pnrme from tit her aourcra." of Sunday's juner and tt-tl us you desire and they will le One bottle Forbes Lemon Extract One Two-pound can Justice Corn One half-pound Assorted Nuts Two packages Ivory Soap Flakes One pound Granulated Sugar DELEGATES FROM SOUTH lis 4 lmm m-Wr M . .yiufc"4 aav- JA.M-i'avr..Ma at-hi aW. t . gg" nnrr - aiaii aT iif gir' -. fn T f ar J- -Vrrfju&' -ar.-t . -rrt;ftA rr .uuon t. d. DanTon o? nunniLio. ' ADJUTANT 6EIH10L DY G0K0& ELECT BO TEN FROM COURT BOOM AND LYNCHED BY IB SKIIRK omitltKI) lUKIM! Tl l V.M IIKOTHKK Or NK t.UO l. M llr.ll TWO WKKKH A(iO. It AaanrMitfd Trx. TYI.KKTOWN. Ml.. Nov. 23. liar. ry JneoiiM, negro, while U-Ing tried fur un ii nun u It on n white womnn here to day, wa drugged from the court room nnd lynched by a mob. which broke down the diHir of the courtrtouae after Iwfng ejt" from the trial. After forcing an entrance to the cottrt room, the negro wn elcd and druged two blink through the main trect. nfti-r which the roie wa tle.1 to an automobile, by which the negri wna druged to a bridge near town, where the lifeline body wn wung to the limb of a tree and riddled with bul let. Cleveland Mriwgc of JiiVih, Mlaala- nlpl'l. wan mi lilent.illy ahot during th trouble jmd I In a critical condition. Htrnnge I anid to huve been hitting the negro over the he:ul With the but! of n iIho. when It wn dlxthnrgcd. the bullet atriklng him In thg alwlj men. Il.irry Jacob, lynched today, wa the blether of I tell Jacob, lynched nlout two week ngu.for nn n.itilt on the hiiMband of the woman attacked bv Harry Jaiob on October 30. The nelection of the Jury to try Jn coba had Jut l-gun when the nioh b rivil their cntrum c to the court room nnd eclKed the luloeiier. After the body had In-en bunged, great crowd of ru- rlou Hoile lnlti-d the eene. Th- mob dlNbeiaed after the lynching and the town la quiet tonight. Nine Indicted Hy AMorlalnl Tm. ATLANTA, tin. Nov. limine men were 1'iill.tiil by the 1'ultoii countv Kl'lllld Jury here late tinlav following thri-e iiiiiIm iiinde Saturday by Soil' MoT Den. nil It'ivkm on ulhgid giiinbllng lloue.ii. WEATHER t. S I Vuii Intent of Agiieulttiri' Weuther ltunaii. TemiH-riitui e bv hour Veiiteid.iv. nt Amullllo K u. m . ? u II'.. a. m. a. m.. in n. m. Ilik-hext 4:.. 1 1 11. bent II . 01 ' . . . l 4l! yentenlay Nimn '. .Ml I p. m & ; t). m ,.JH 3 t to . In ISI'i, tt'i liiWeRt ycMleldaV r.H : lowent 3 llumililly Hula P m 0 a. in N'oon Vy TemiMTHture ..Mi S' .'S Wet teiiieintlire . . to J 4'i llimiiilily . . 41 i. 4J Koroi ut - Weilneiol.iy gi te tallv fan and colder. Wake Up!! aetit Tkt New. llAI.UAH. Teg.. Nov, S3.-.MuJor T. I). Hurtou. of Amurlllo,, vetorun of two wura. will be adjutant gen eral of Texu during the udinlni ti utlon of tlovernm- I'at M. Neff, lofordlng to the governor -cleft untimineemetit of the filling of any liiiliortant atute office by the In coming executive. Alujur I turt on wn an active uiiorter of Mr. Neff during the runoff ramtmlgn. He aupHirtel It. K. Thomuwm In the ftrt I iimry. He I In lxllu tonight at tho Invltutlon of the governorehi t for a conference. (lover nor list Neff ee t to b-uve within two w-ek for Mexico where he will attend the cere iitoniv Incident to the luuugurutlon of (ium-ral (ihregon. t.iMtd Itecnrd ( Major Ibirton hu one of the nwmt dlMlngulnhed aervlit- record of w lib h uny Texan can Imuat. Hervlng flrat during the Kanlxh Amerlcani wur in the rbllliiuea. he rettirnial to Texu und liccume Identified with the Nut lonul Otiuid of thl Ntute.i When the World Wur cume. Major Hurton mguniieed n' comftany of Infan try In Amurlllo which wu Inter f,er nlHed und li nine a Mll't of the I '2nd Infantry. A captain of thl comimny coinNM-l of Amurlllo ami l.tililxick man. he went to France und auw hard -rice In the Chnmimgne aector. He illtingulHhel hlmixlf during the Ht. Ktu nne a'lge where he, with u handful of men, rccuiturcd the town from the Herman and held It for day until le inforcemetit could arrive. Many .Mrdul lie Wu iromoted from cuptuin to mujor for hi heioiHiu und wu awiud el lllghent medal by the I'nitcd Slate, Krutiee and Ituly. Amurlllo frleinl of Major llartoti urc confkletit that hi- will uovc an ffi-c Itve tute officer Mini tbry ure glad that recognition lias Im lib ntully U-cti given to the I'anliilllille by the uliliounci loelit of the goeltor elei't fll t illlMll lullt aiMintmi nt Ix'ing a limn fiom tln mrt of the t.ite. Won the Election, Now She's Nervous KANSAS ITV. Mo. Nov. :i Ihlven from home, u he xiie.d r. m eiiM i.f 'nvrci-M' iiiM-i ntdiit nl lx lull elntli x i bill n of N-rUil Ii- w -i-.ii- l con exH.n. nt. iiotKiiihi ri ton 11. 1 r.lne wrltei and moving pii line I'ln-io BMHl'hem nice lie ami rntiilH ..r I foiigiom, in the rti-ent il- tion Mi Alii e leiU rtm-n I here fiom Miii-k. gee t klahi-in.t. ietmg ut tin home 'f fi lend. In addition to hi lion t" tl" frilled Stati n h"lle Of lepli ellt.ll Mi (obet I Mill ullulnetl .l. xpi .el tiott.i bv lo-c r.llll-.llHl. I ollllin I.-.I liltkleV III the cL11wlfl.1l olunio of the Mil" '- mK-i. Ill w In Ii be eooiMnnl pubtb Ii v f-r her 1 . in. lulu. nnl f. i I" t "fe lei Ul. MI-. UoU rt-Min r. loalmd Ineornlto until lnl. when rbe ii-e'rnl.ri d uiuid LOOMS I T V.KKANTK Ali INST WKAI.TIIV Oil. MN ANII UN KTKNUU KAI'IIKK NOT hKllVWl. Hf AMnrll4 lm. AKHMtiltK. uklu.. Nov. 2 IU-lwe-tti midnight I -n ik lit and 3 o'clock toino." row morning, the crli In the condl tlon of Jake I.. Hamuli. ItepublicAn nntlonal commltteemnn from Okliihom.t and reputeil wealthy oil man, will be N.rcd und hi recovery or a relaptj will Iximae mnnifent, aifording to th etuti inent of lir. Wulter Hardy, tlu nteiidiiig phylciun, tonight. Hainon la In a annltmluin here "11 f teiing from a gunshot wound anid by Frank I.. Ki'tch, llmmm' humne malinger, to have lieen Inflicted a eel dentally while llainon wa cleunltig revolver Hundiiy night. Ir. Hardy uid 1 1 union waa "reatlng comparatively eay" nnd that aa yet there have Ixen no outward niMiir unci' of cotiiolli iitloim. Ill ule I normal, ti iii iniiire low and reaplri Hon gixxl, iiceoidlng to the phyieinn who mi. I bla iwtlent felt much imln tixlay iMiauw of the oM-raton Suinliif night. When the bullet wa reinovill If Hiiiiii ii'a condition continue th name h nt 7 o'tlix k tonight. 1 r. Hard etild. there Ii no doubt of llainon' re 1 every. Mi, llainon nnd her daughter, wh have Ix-eri In Dili ago, will at live In Aiilnioie euily In the mottling, it wni Ie11111.1l lunliiht, nnd will go Inline. 1l1.1t. I to the n.iiiltarlum npialeK were mliiiiiiixtereil on one or two ixuixioti t.xl.iv. In. I lardy will' to teliexe 11.111101111 mifferlng and I plolilote nl.ep. At tlie xlnilff offl-e It wa mild to nik'lit that no Wo I had been leitl.-. 11 x to the w hi ie.ilioiiin of I'luia Smith n;iii tn b.ive f.iiniily been II. noon private xt- in in 11 plo r. who H rharg, I in a 11 1 Hit filiil El el tilt;lit bv lluxxeit I it i eoiititv nttotiiiv, with nau! mi'li irietit to kill 111 (onneitinn wit the Hinioti i-. Th" .vairant ngalnxt II ion 11 which 1 I. ntfi. Minion anil .Miiix S'oiih with .1 1 1 1.1 . TV ol'i ni'. 11 iiiiiim .1 unw rvi l toiiiKlit. ai eel .ling to nntioiiiii t 1111 nt nt i.e 1 1 inn nt tot in v 1 f f 1. Mini It wat n.lilliteil thit the'Oit Will to,! I.- I veil III, til IlllllitiX lill.llllotl il. i.l.l M inion h.ii t iki o no tioiirUbment I'm- he wa ln I Afti 1 nbwlute tt t t. ii.uht. I t- n.iid. be Ixllevi II 1 "n II III le ul I. to iiitive hi f llllllv aiul a f-w liniiilx nt ln l.edxlile to. Illol I- Mt Injured ii'UK. Nov ::t i i! n eiiiii.l in I'atiiik -1 1 . t tl .x 1 1. ; t . lit it 1 1 v 1 1 . ti 1 1 y w.i- 11 li-.n I . t ut 11 m t km n frm i v I" rx. i.x vi t.- in t le Ohm wi i. in i n i -I i. Hi t e xIii.i-Ih d. ii it i in,..- M.ii v xl i i t i n l xi of N.iioi'iotix win- KHIVA SHRINE'S SECOND CEREMONIAL IS ATTENDED BY SCORES Amarillo is iiiid r;j.iiiv; a fiirndly oiuiniicil yceni;:v oixl .tt tfu .-. a nv.uli rs are ll:e r.'ii:e n':il .nwc - crcnioiiial of Khiva Hirli'c. in jimgress today. It is estimated that llicte are aliotit :. iiomh l.jte I'n ceeiliiigs li.i'.e hcen idiglitcui d greatly by the entrance of i..iing li:sco!l. of Ani;.ri!lo into tlic race for the ring, lie's a e''V .i Kiiiij ie, lor sure. Uten to the denth Hong bo lng the iHitn.l u he tin i Ih nmitiil deriuneel them: Disappointed Nut! (live me hell! I II lx dlwipiHilnted If you don 1 un I wutit my money worth. I iiiii u big mint und very Hlrotig 1S011111I like fniux) and you'll Ili-eil lllxiul ten Mien to hnnille me. I 1111 dance, nlng nnd walk 011 my blind when I want lo but the mtro will pluy the dirken muking mo do I' for them. I lx lieve tho txitrol to lx a hunch of fulheuil. Vou II have to xhoW nn-. Who wild It 11 bnd Ixilliy lo throw 11 red rug In a bull' faceT" Three rival cundiikile for the ring are here in ine M-raon or i . i . i iht- Ixiunler. of Croxlivlon, Friil J. Iltob) lliiilbtit. of I'lulnvlew, and J. II. Wy mun, of rerrylon. The big imiuile will fturt exactly at iiiNin and oil the Noble of Amurlllo are cxiicctcd to I' In It; I cornier Swift wiy Amurlllii now hu a regular imlrol. Tho executive und ceremonial -on will continue until uImiuI Ix ll'l'llN'k. To Have Luncheon A luni neon will lx- nerved lo the vlx lor ul ' p. m. at WixMimun Mull. It. II. Mcl'oikle I In churge of the ar ungenieiit und b any thut a real turkey fitil hu U-en preimied for thein, und there going to lie plenty for everybody. The vlxltlng liulle will he dined ut the Amurlllo hotel at the one time. Itecordcr Hwlft reiueta r'ident"l of Amurlllo having a iurw room or t lo phone In lo th Amurlllo hoi.l nU reglater their rtMiiiia ihei-e, for the heiivy Influx of vlxttm will tux the 411 oinnnxlatliiim of the city to the lim it. Army Sentences 31 to Death, but None Die, Reports Shows l Aneltrd I'm W'AHHINliTON. Nov. !3 -Thirty two ixixon In the army were eii fenced In den I h bv court muitiul dur ing the lut flM-ul yeur. but In no cue A'u the aentenee cairlnl Into effect. Major (ieneiul '.. II (Vowdi-r. Judge advixale general, any In hi aiinunl reMirt mude public tixlay. Twelve .f the death Kctilencc Were dlnapprnvtxl. iilnetix'ii nilui'eil to Impiiiunimetit rnnglng from life term to five yeur and one m. wa x mllng on review when the rcHirt -wu compllnl. only nine of the cuw were for mill lury offenw-. Klght were found guilty of liilxlx liav or III the fuce of the I'lieiny and one wu aentenceil a u pv. Trial" for ilfM-rtlun were ellghtlv le mniict'iiim than the preceding yeur, but the romHirutlve nuinlx r wax linger, t'onfliieiiient for life wu Ine In 4'J am-. II of the aeutemc Ix-iiig uiitoviil. two dlMiiiiovel. eight inlto-ntiil lo shorter b-rm und one m nding euM uwult final in tlon In ll ::tii offieei Were nielli ul to illx lifter com I mui tiul. Of tln-ae 134 aolitciieeu were aiuoMil The totul nuinlxr of general couit f.x the mole m l loll offenxe WU C.Tli'l.S? S xr iinl coiiv lettoii Ix-lug obtained. Trlliiine K.illlnr Tbirtle. g Awnr al4 I'rvM. NKW V 'Ki. Nov. :3. -fliiirg- M. Smith, managing editor of the New Voi k Ti itoi in . died HUililetily at hi home lixl.iv from ploiuiilne Mixiinltig, omplli'Htcd with hunt illxeHiM. II; had bun III Mime la( Tuexday. Mi'. Smith Ixrauie niHIiHglng editor of th Tribune In Hi loiter, I'M. He iev( a wi.l-'W, u win mid H daugblei. rgn 4 roi Lathered. fnl.FMAN. Ni. IS Totul cotton rf t i .t a for IV. mm) t'oiitity up to No m ii.l.i r t wire IT. il'.' I in lea, nceord'tnl to l vy W Smith, crop Halixtli Inn (or tin- eoiinty Ttux loiiipmea with 1 0.37 J bale at u l orn xm.iiiIiiib ihite l.ixl yitu. Tin- Uit Texa I'hainlxi o( foiiiiuerii' extliii.'iti'X to 70 x-r lent of tin i i pie ill the loimty h.ix Ixen g.ilheriil Todays News Today Not Tomorrow I or I he benefit of oewpH-r reader and uh-rriher iNilide af oiiiiIIIii, we wlh In ay thai we piiblib our pirr in I he morning at I lie day It U dated. Wtien oti Ce oor Hull) New today II la TO- HU s puiwr. We do in 4 ublUli our pnper In Hie afternoon and aend K to imi wllb tonnarow' dnle line. . W are nieinlHK of the SMK I ITIH I'UFV with leael wlra ' ilirrtl lulu our efiUr. Thi wire cloe al 3 a. ni., Ilulla time, and give ; o tlte ame M-rke thai olltei nirlroiHiliiaii paper receive. Thla new , U I lF and roiiie to .nxu freh Tll nix) carried over from y f Mer lin' I idled Ve wliuh lx iHiiiimlly an allerniHtn new arrtk". Tha .' .xixixied I're-M lx alwat reliable ami ritrtueiilly when) an artkl t lean, the mn lated rex loading ou ran Iniow that It I I rue. t he siM I 1 1 I I'lil n I tarried rxrluthely In Amarllla by aor Ncwpaier. HUM NFHS I'lltl lSllINO COMPANY. OF VISITORS invasion which began Monday, l reacii liuou-iiue louay. ine a . s who nave come tor me second lo take the work. 1 1 ItH'l III.K AN rAMI'AKiN MAN'A. AI.KIl MIIMUMI M. O. N. HUNTS TO IIH.II 1)HT OF CAMI'AKiNlNU. By Axanrlalrd frx. NKW ToltK. Nov. 13. An appwil for conirlbutlona to' make up a deficit of approximately 11.500.000 In the ram. IMilgn found of the llepubllcnn national coiiimlttee wua ant out tonight by Will If I lay, Ita chairman. The appeal, addreaaed to the "Repul lli-nn of th Country and all thoae wh ahbil then;." called attantlon to tho reHirl of th committee' treasurer llleil yeMerOay In Washington, polnr Ing out tnnt although th buying power of the (Mine ita maleilully lean th In HUH, tha 1920 cmialgn had actually Ih-cii conitoetetl at leaa expenae than tha llugtiaa ramalgn four year ago. Mr. Hay aeriliiMinle4 Ma plea fot further funda by an ipreaalun of hlgt eat pint o for the eplrlt of rtepubjlrana during the i-mnpnlgii. Mer thnn 10,00 Imllvldunl contributed about 13,000,000 to the fund, he said. The presidential t-amialgn thla year out appmxlmati-ly 11,100 000 axclu-. lve of pre-convrntlon exitendlturea, h wrote, leaving a net deficit of nearly a million and half dollar. Thla, h deelnred. be hoH-d might tw promptly mude up by ioiular uhcrltion In ' amount ea thnn the 11,01)0 limit aet during the cnnialgn, .' , I.OVIKNdlt AMK.H FARM FltS TO ATTKNII tONKKKKNCE. Ry AmwUvUxJ rpi. I.irri.i; lUH'K. Ark.. Nov. .--(lover nor llrough today luiued a proc. Iiiiitutlon urging cotton furmera anA biixlnex men of Arkanaa to attend a eon fe retire at Memphla llecember 1 aM4 ii to tie known aa tha cotton acreag riilui tlnn iiiiifertiice. (iovernor lirougli tatnl In the ptix-lnmntlon that It waa) -Imperative that farmer of tha Houtlt reduce their cotton acreage and In. Cleane their rixji( tion of food and (! ertiiia. ' BLAZEi IIIJUBEB Mt All OK WO II KM FN TRAfPRIk ANII llF.YOI IIY M.MKH KOl.M)l(l IILAST. v Pr Ajnrlled Pre. JASI'KIt, Ala.. Nov. 23. Nine men weie binned to death thla morning In a fire at the Pnrrlxh mine of tha Hall way Fuel I'ompany, nine mllea aoutit f JnH-r, following a gna explosion m the mine Seven other were Injured, three erlouly. - Aei onling to ndner who eacaped In jury, twenty alx men went Into th mine thl Inoinlng when Alteration) were lexumed following a ahut-down of imae than a week, and when tllw flixt wpiiul n( workmen had progreaacl hImiiii half a mile within the drift it tenlfir lil'o-t Mcurrel, with flnmexi tnging along the corrulnrx, muking ea en in- imxmih. and burlng to death I bone neurer the aitue of the exploalon. Hew ulnar purllea were Immediately eiuanlrnt and fought their way Into the w in kill mine, removing tha dead un. I Injun, I The rauae of the rxpl xio ii ha not been determined. 1 a l.xim r uoilU-illitanee Ml'd U'I iiUIimI ji, iLiy fulr. blctitlt). .ir 0 ?n ifa Went Tca Wcdncwlay and Thiir- bv