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nit two THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1920 ill J. E. HUNK. rubaahtr tUMNklt M. RAM St V. Mafm Kditflf, I'llONr tJttaHal TVpirtmenl T InuNI Olflra ...IWii , 11 Wtt Iillh Mrel I Only Manual Nrr' i" Amanita ' taaatrf. t'er l Pantaaadla " 1'. r.t ftra NtW We.'fo, Simthftn Cplorj In ai'.l Wm Oklahoma from ! la iri'ljr Soar how in tlvnct fll iM-nwr, lUl'i. fort Worth, OkUhoma C'ny on. ctner mine lUfrphK dirhi'. m anond Oat matter it th lltr at A"Ho. Tcatt, andei lit Acl Man Hi hSl KII'TION RAITS I '. BY MAIL IN AlV AM K IlIMM, Oklahoma. C.loraito mJ N Mr 1 Month 1 "" t Month . Mth I Var . DMr4 b? carrier Arnnllo nm u aloe ELEWIIr.KU Mw.hTrr.r.:".:.'.-" ... .- ij I Month MM t Ytor . MFMRKR OK THE ASIHIA1H PR! fk Aeciitf4 hua t clumil r..tli4 lo th t lor fr!TMicton of ' na dit MtcW frditr4 to in o not oi'.nif cie.lne4 ill tM aat-er and I'M) oihtt total nra " ht!4 Wrf-a. All rtflla ol nuhiiraiHHi rt tpl dit atcfce acrtia i alo itrrH. Stwdai Itnki AMortotod Vint Lra4 Wirt ..THANKSGIVING. This i t!ie !."., chtu1U ct rpart for ti'c pivii'ff to timl nf Thanki for all of thr b!rsii;s v.t liave rcceivt-J tl'iriiifr tin past twelve month. It i the il.iv p wbich we should aiie lm enovgh to realize jnt how grent thfse Messing have Wen anil to f.Trget the trials which naturally h.ave come during the taage of timer Union fervioe will le hcM to- rfay in the Polk Styet Mrtlnalist church. We are ure that tin church will not he aMc t hole! the vat crowd who will annul There an a!detl touch of ulrnini Xy will be given the tn-casWi. Since 1864 the , rrr.ident lia et apart one day for the juirpoM-of- ginng Thanks. usually ' thi last Thursday ;n November and the' governors of states have fol lowed in emphasizing the need for reverent observance. . The oliservanre of this should tend to make us more thoughtful and nure af negative of daily hlesing as they are received." ' SOVIETS EXKOL'TK. .Declaring that the Soviet gov crnmcnt of Russia has horn . art fully watching affairs ir the I'nii ed States, in t'10 Iiojk that con ditions might become r;tu '"or ilic .fomenting of revolution in this country, reforts rece;vt-l frun Moscow by officials a; Washing ton indicate that at least t" r. rc-ment.-itive from Kusi.i nn- In my sent to this count r :. tu I.ope that they may be M !;rer to stir tip trouble. The Russians Kij estinihted tlt within a short time ' tlu re will'l-r five milli.:i j'ertts tin errj toyed in this cTV.rv and that ihc . icrons wi.' bd nn di-vC-'tnted and will f:'.:uliy an f pportunity, tri.V: lender-hip. to' organize and utile their "" nps" by force of 'n J .There was, not so xrry V nc ago. the danger th-; tlie wor'd l"ight 1 dnninated tv lU'tcMtv AtUocatic rule wn h !sttred u; t'y it r most inid;r,u. pfojK-.i'i l.i thai 'human brains r.vlJ invrr.t 'fJiere is now the dir.;.T il.t tie -Kr-rt'inay seek to iirrrs- thir i!d iloctrire tijo:s .h" p .jde -f the various nations. There i 'io chum of nltimate succrss. hut tl'e if very g -.' clu.c! that ipterrtal Mrife and . v.iittit w'l result from the jfrr,sed cam paigns. We believe that the bars should te Put up against ths j-eojdo fruin raniv..l Russia. I he onlv terc-.t whKh those who have ben in-"c-ulatfd with the germ of anarchy can have in this country is V sici: to rosscss themselvrs i.f son? nf the wcilfh for which A'ni riia i fametL They are Irxin'j'out for hiM'ianity. Trfy jirv ! krr" out; for Leninc and Trotsky and for the various commitrtr-. whu.h are sucking the lit. blool of thr pcf4r cf Russia, a country .ihich fcas been made an in'!utr;al ci pher throutrh the effort of the tvo men who have thus far be trayed it with fier.sonal success. OK REIN(i A (iEXTI.F.MAX. . AVhat is a gentleman? ak a nrMttpaptr of its women readers. The women agree that a fjt-ntle-run must le kind. tvMiiderate. honorable, truthful. rejK-ctable. lattlligrnt and Jes all ther jtandard virtues. The true nature of a grntle man has been under dicu-Mon f.-r tome 2400 years. In the fifth ren tarr II. C the Chinese philoso pher Confucius was akrd by hi ;irir.le. Tu-kunir: "What is a gentleman ?" And Confucius replied: " gen tleman fmts words intj tired, and Is.irt what he the dftd. lie is broad and fair. The vulgar are biased npd petty. Also, said Confucius, a gentle m;n is a good sport. ir. in the v ords .f the philosopher: "A gen tleman no rivalries except, perhaj-s in archery: and then, tbroiipjimit the trllggle, he is t!u- gertleman." Inrt' (inore. we are told by 'iiti'tu'ius a gentleman "has no bnt-s r.i'i! no dislikes below h.ivtii. lie follows right, lien t'c'vci trust in justice: the sr.l gar fut in favor." I'pi'ii being fiiiesti. tied further bv the iHrsiv'.ent '1u-kiing. (.'on-fiieiii- replii-d: " -nth con sid'T-. wl.M is tr t 1 1 1 the vulgar con-;iler what will pay. A gentle in an wishes to br slo' to peak ami tjiiicl. to act. He helps the needy; lie docs not swell riches." However, the Puritan father 'rid an ;:In g'-tlw r different con ception o a gtr.t'enian. Cuiifii eius hell a gentleman to be one v. ho fn-ts in iu'.tite and iut in favor, but the l'ttntans grantftl "cnth'n'en sju-fia! privileges un tVr l;ov. Thus, a coib of statutes enacted ri ?.l.iss.-n hit t's in ik, proviij ( d as follows : "Xo man shall be beaten with aVve 40 stripe., nor shall any true pci, nor any man to a gmMrmnn. be juinished nith whippini nnlcs.s his crime be very shameful." It apt tears, therefore, that being a gentleman in Massachusetts was a condition of life, rather than of character. The Chines, definition is the better. And. b; the way, how many gentlemen wovld still be considered such. i the Confucius specifications were strrlly applied. INTENSITY. Sonieln;dy mice aked Henry Ward P.reciirr what he Itest liken to di if .t'l things in the world. "Preaching," answered the fa motti preacher. Put what lt you like hst for reereat'on? Thnt's your vocation. What's your avocation? "Pre.achinc." answ ered Teccher M'es yes. but surely you nerd something eNe. What do you likt to do to give you a relief frorr. preaching'' "Preaching," again came the answer. Hr-nry Ward Reecher was not a narrow man. but he evident1 hrheved in intensitv. He bked his work so well that he could tvrn find relief frorr work in more work. Is it any woi'dcr that he succeeded in it? It must Ih noted, however, that his wi rk v a of .1 verv brond kind, l'.v it and through it hr couM follow everv avenue of hu man thought, if he would. He could thereby compass that most definition of education "to know a great deal about some one thing and a little about everything. " vevrrthfle his .answers wcr a lesson in the value of intensity to achieve .accomplishment. "Preaching" and "preaching" Mill 'preaching made him a grea preacher, perhap America's gren.tet preacher. GREATEST SUCCESS Tnntlnued from pair on) th Khiva Tvioi.l lnt nirbt that ImMailfsJ rrrnHnlaJ woulJ (irubabhr M4d lal In Inrrmlr for thn bmisflt t tbuttr txi wih to a;i-t In al the prro nt rate ot It la protiabk. h? thiiUtcbt. that tbf tVr ill tw raiw-d by th' TVxa fhrii r.,unnl to 1 1 DO. Thoa hn i net tak alvantairi the ImjO tail. rtri-nwinial. houll ikm l belli. Ill in all likrtlh4) hav to pay th lmriM-r IW i( tbt-y ih to rvtitc la tatir. Mrn ilett 1 1 litter IleT. FLU' Win In a rimil-ti list i.f tho NiitL-m ho mrn ni;il S'A.ltt at the Vifftmnlal y-tftday: N'. Nami I l'ii. It. lUurum. I Frwi-rl. k J. Hurlhut. 1 Aha M llankln. 4 J. I.. W iilunia. 5 iig II. UrvanL J 1a O. Kianklln. ? Ini W. Hmlth. nrnr o. T. I..wln Irl(x)U. 10 A. II. Z.. 11 Win Il.yr. Jr. i: K. Hiullh. IJ r. r. 14n V Hardy, li ' J ll.-l 1 M 4. h' IT I. I. K.rna is J I) Wvnwn. '.i V. W. hoit. I" J A Id in. :i J K. l:..rxk Livirt K. A) n. . :j r.U T.rr.!!. T t Hrry I lan Holn I tai n. Tr.-i k i: CuUtiy. :'.'n I. I'arktr. ;. r. 1 ait -in Js A I: H irhiard. : J r M..v ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? Unlucky Thirteen. hi NYw York Ihnr Is a "Thli ln 1 'lull" U-nl in aKiili-lma thn oU li rrsM 1 -f "thliti-i at tall" but th-r arr aSIII itiMnv kkiiitliiil folk wliit 1011I1I not ) (it-mi in )iHn aui-h a o.ety. Aimitia: i!i.- U 4 Kicul wiltvr wit" nut luii an hi 1 It ixl Ulu at a, lUiuiir at lilih lia wi Kuixt i'f liinior. (ttily In nmk bla nn4itiU-a and nltlMliaw li.moly vihiii lir iliat i'VmihI tin I ' IIik Hill Uonlh i h iir" h.ul Ixiii ri-irrvrd (r Imu. Miny if Ni Ymk'a kyarriiiMr l Mill V In III' iiHH-tti y i'( tin Ihlrtnii miM-l lltlun lV Nl.l!'.n fin. 11 I.' to II 111 tin muni 1 in ir nn- (Iihmm. ll I'll !i' nf nil tutu InOi- mhiu dimmI lml," iiul ' inilii' Uy numbiia Tli" In Hi f In tin- liuklnioa if acvi'ii. fur In ainlK1' . I' nlimmt aa h uLir lia thr im ln hlni'sf ir tliiit'i-n. ami thf iiIkih nl I ntli cliit.-s bark 10 I'.il'ln nl itiya. hU-vi-n. th Hi lrrva ui'--itrl aa thn ayinbul of ( the unity ImMwm'Ii ChkI itnd .Miin, tin lilliiilir ImImk tb mini i.f Ihn littrri In I hi' t tii Hi I.h h wniila. Tlilitn-ii. aa .alini'rit vriyniii' I imua timk un lla uiv huly hli:nl(kanii- at a imiih bili-r itit. foni tun iiiiiiiImt awitiil it t ttiu tub11 Ml ihv Uuil Hiiir It 1 only rmniMir mliily rvniitly that It hiia t.ikrn nn ntniiiHi'hi'ri' -t itMnml nilfm t ono. iTixiinn i. ; Shim -.'iiiif mill Its tu r mlili", 1 I'lnti 1 tnl by Wilis 'i itui- t'i'iiimny 3? W. M. rulUliiht. Us l:. f. t ailir. 3'i J l: Hiilmim. 4n II II 1'iill.ilmn. 41 i:. W. Ili liiiia 4J J. inn I. C..IIT 41 Jhii. IV III ' 41 H K K.irl. 4.'i Hnwnnl K I'uMrn 4 Kim st 11. WiIkIiI. 4T l- W. olu.r 4s AlUit l.Mlln Mi icl. 4k i -m ,h t IV11 v ; J.'Imi III. haul White. II n.'iri'inr A IT Is li. r.: v x. iti'vtii.Mi it Thi'inii II i:m II M Knin sr. r. r. u, li. l.i in v t'ailylr Wiiikfr. 47 Kinmil Arthur Kim. ' Jiimk H Vaualm, 51 l.miui 11. llM-Htol.l 1. I' lli.'Sn (I J I. Siiii. f.: .o. w, Kin. tt 1 Tua ('iiiuot'ti. .4 J .M..tli ). Ci llarti ii Atklnn. W. T. I'rrrytikitn. CT It. I. M. Murtry. ti H. o. wamiu. ti M. K. Km 1I1. To J. M. !aii'itiilli h. Tl I. X. I'lltiiian. TZ J.Ihi II. M. ItariiiHt. TI r. f. Writrbt T4 t. A llutka. Ti W. M. III.. T It IS. PortM. T O. J. Uvrltt. T ll.'tnvr Kltchrtit. TS I., f. l(ai 50 J. H MrMlllrn. 51 M. It. Wravtr n 11 11 raiiitia. SI 3. A. Put t M It. c. llMiry. SS It. K John a. 4 E II. Aainrtvn. Towni-a Ki'I1Iiikt. kl Kninh lb-art. S W. M. t'ravMi. 50 t K. Cnnk ling. 51 J.v-k Plttman. ft W. A. Palmer. W. I., fanning 4 ChiatM II Kltta. la C. J. Ill.n khui n. FtanU Jinrh H iln7 ST Win Pharla Martin. J. K. Atklna.,n. 99 William Hsinuil Davl. too JuMh llrh-tt Imvia! 101 J. K. Madden. ICI JiMK-fih Prnjamln Wwmt. 101 Will Ki'atMwm. 104 Frank Kllwrth Cmk. I OS Mm-ati. 104 F. H. Walkw. I0T U. . ;.ajmlth. I OS W. A. liarttnOM. 1S 1) A. Shlrlry. 110 I.. II. Ji.hruM4i. III W. F. Grant, li: It. M. Paiker. 111 J. If. Hunt. 114 II. B Ktrbow. II" IU 11; I Is un 1 jo I.M I l.'J 14 U'i i: 12: i:n i:s 1.10 ut Ml Ul I 14 1J.'i IJi. n; 1 in i) 140 141 14 141 144 I4S 14 147 141 I4 ISO Ul it: 1 it 1:4 Ml lid I5T US !:. HO llil l! HI U4 ISi Ho le; in les !T0 I! A. Ciiiii.ImII. VV. M. .Mii luiiK. 0. C. Il.ifck. I. i Kullir. P. K. l'iaiD. K. T. Mllli-r. V. A ll.iiidn. C. P. Mi t'ulloUiilu J. I'. Wllktii'un, CI). I Mmd. V. V. Ilrnril. P. I, Jnliiiwiri. l:.j ll. C. K. II. VI. Kiwji 1) ll.'Stri. l. I.. l:l. It. W. Iliun-. C. P. M. IS. M. lmi. M. M. WaiM.n. II II. HtltUr. A. C. Ilitti I.Hl. It. W. Hamlna. I.. 1) llanlwii. W . C. Hliniii. M M Miai I'll. Ilk lillil. titl'i Xi.'ly. J. J Ki In. V. II Hmlth. P. M Pi.rlrr. ltH Wiilumi. J. Niulih. Claud TVrry. J. !. I'lt-VfUfnt. tii-utYi- g Mis'mtv. H. li k:in..i. ' J It. iriimi.y. prrdiif. l. F. MiKnUht. P K. Ji tirutnn. Kriit 1. K II llumiihrlea. lii-ll. W. IhlKK. tii'uri;!' Mniris. C. II ('.ravB. W. 4'. Xvwlwrrjr. H.iy Conner. T. M Nhnvrr. J. i:. chniiman,. J. V. Anton. A. F. llM-bat. II K. F"i. 1. II. Ptirkrr. J i: M. I JIUKhllll. T. II Ktilhtin. Deaf and Dumb Man Confesses Thefts Totalling $25,000 lly A mix la lid Prra. M:w VollK. Xi.v. :'4.-1hifta link J ' "iiu luM' Is i'ii 1 1 n. sikiI by 11 dnif mill 1I11111I1 il"..ii tun nl rlnii' :i. k vl. Hip Milit' uniiiiiin.i d tmliy. Milk N. ull.'ld, tiiiw hi Id Hi 1 0.000 lalll fur till Kl.llld J II 1 -. was H'llil In limr iiimli- tin. 1 iitifi'Miiiiii, alti-r In- n KlIlKi'll II' ll-IVl' ll-ill hi un hi Willi 11 1 1 XII fill l. nil mi Hhlill III' Ufll rlli'i kl-il nut i.f tin- iti'i.- in rrvliia" 1.11 Ida "rnliU r .l'int" puis hiis,-il liiti' yintiT d.iy. Ills' ' (iVHli MI." H.llil iiOmi H'l -Illi.ll-li.'ll III ill . II till" tit nt.'l -' I' l.l.i I I. H, M,M nll. i:.. In him liuliidiil tin' bit) HK "I I u i ll. 11 1 1 tint IiiiIUv nl.n t HUH m kl'iB it fir nlti.iii'iit In hi .tin- 1. lir who hi' I I ii n liun il 11I11.1I1I1' K'kiIn. Tin- In' wmilil iilk 1. nl i.f tin' atnii- unh tli si ! 11 binidli', thi' .i.i. any. ( iirnllliiiti nf llaimiti ft tr AMnriatfi I'rrta. Aicii.nii:i:. ok u . Si.v. :t -Tin- ii u- dill. mi i.f .lake 1.. H.iiinin, H inilihi an null. .li. il ri iiimil ti'i'tn in, win. in in :. I'M ll III . . t 1 1 N'lffl-lillK fll. 1. 1 II Wllllllll ulk'K'd )V Ii:m iimniiK.'i'. Flunk I.. Ki (. h. ti. li.ivi- I i-i ii inflli'ti il l y thi' a. rlili illi h:i mi'" "f n .i.(.. w hi. h Mr. II. nn. in i. .in.iiK. m ix p Iiii;.i..mi i-mly ti.n'.Klit u Nlmit visit with linn Kim Kiniit'.l Mm. Hum mi mid Ins littli' il uifclit'-i , wliu iiiimn Inn lliii' rhiniKu. JOIN THE MOOSE. Sure Relief 6 BtLL'ANS Hot water Sure Relief ;EJLL-AMS rwif iriDltiCSTION tioom4)9OMCtcc)o c4t'44e Eruptions of the Skin Cause Torturous Itching; 4t)4)00Sfr444440S) ordrri, because, it i such a thor oufhly mti.-factory blovl punficr. It deajiei the blood of all impuri ties, and thui lounteraeU the ef fects of the perm that attack the skin. Begia taking &S.S. today. nd If you will write complete nl story of your cam, our medical adviser will five you expert advice without cbarrf. Address Chief UedictJ Ad- viser. i&8 swtn Laboratory, auid Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura 1 .. -aria rtt0t-. 0l"sw. Tolrtirl iaMiw,hfil HUm.Um talnaisMi Dont use cosmetics to hide skin trouble Resinol aid; poor complexions li iiir c. -iii vt' -ti I'implj, u.Mi't vy tw i le ts wuli ti-srutii v. i .'al, out u'im y ..:;mi c.e .T y.or wiili I and KifiiU'l Sa:. 'litis trcaltitt'iit I- 1 1 s!in and cia' lif it turf!'y rrnv v 1.1. .. r uvliiirs. A-kui.r AttUr Kr.ii. is risrji, red, it "Vi r u;i tin il. !.ii li A t v Cull- t iitlt I li..n I . the 1'.. 'in .day j :i.:n. t).ii::iicut t.'y riranrrs tin I j tiitallir, tml '.-, t.dniis and I S 4ii i! hnlnrit. .1 If yoa are afflieissl with aay form of ikla disorder, roa are well axqusioted with tfce. Sanios, bun tag itchirur that these diataics pre tttjc. Skin diseases are esssaH by an impurity or disorder in the blood, mad there is no real and trenuine relief within your reach, until stack in pari tic are removed. &S.S. has riven creat satisfac tion in the of '.hese lu I U. Us. EUCKBURN & MAL0NE Funeral DirKtor PKOMHT AMHl'I. ANCK KKRVICt Fatwral Chapel TfS P4k . I rhone SI i A Month of Sales ' Featuring SuKirsllmM For (IIKIST.MAS Muny? thrifty h..c,i" hiiv ro. rlvl 'ih. ani" iMitt U.iiinllt h fll thutij 4in. 'I' hi-1 1- uii.i.'. lutli.n simra ui nn to Knut.r tuhii'Vi'-iin'.i'a--utiu au miitlnui' In liiv'r Pri. tui. EXTRA SPECIAL Ti.i 'i', iiAur. hats mui Hats rii-iiti .l In niir tw n ink rontiia. (inly of u kind and isti h mii kim si. In t)lr and iii kiiiiiii.ihli in a ,v imlhlita i f thn rslni" .ri. itliai .hi v. Ill want m-- thin imp., .Miin.l I Ins aul" lodny. Misses Taylor 603 folk Mlrret Tbitne 3M Kill That Gold With laH CASCARA M QUININE ren 1 'ra ANb Colds, Coui'aa OMV" . Lt Crlppt Mi jUctert Celt's r.rc Dar.fteroui Tak r.oflinr.rc". K.cUu.i t:.i.- .r.;ti ,! toady f.-r Ihn f.rr.t t.acia. l..oc1:.i ? .. i-::.! ! 17, hn.i-j lirjj.s i i ; : Tr ;(!kr.t lor llrailucho Qtdnlro ii ti i' '. rt.i t'u' : 1 1 t:.i Ucd-Caceia la hurt Tonic ixalivt No Oj-ii'.!) i i li:!!':. ALL KRUCCiSTS SELL IT X PESCRIrriON DRU66IST oawj.llli laiiaiani mm tf , Wf?VMA4. VUUsr.V. 1 1 riif'stliTiwMaattiii - APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Winesaps, Jonathans, Roman Beauties, Stayman and several other varieties Bv the box $2.75 and $3.00. Per doz. 20c end up. FLORIDA CRANCES, the best you ever ate 40 cents per dozen. . Kxlra I 'amy I lurtiht .ruH I mil, S li.r 'c I ulil.N ni l I iini ) I.I'.iih's I lb :0c KMrit I':iim) Frrsli Tuin.itups, J lb tl allfiirnU IIphiI l.rltmr I.V i.r 1 lia- Sir I Ut.K HKi.lVr:it ANY I I. Al l. IN Till-: ( ITV W'r are Imililns tur a i jr ij sainly land ni'ts. ( all n Mitre ynu bu'. D.&LFRUiTSTAID PHONE 619 PHONE 455 Get Right-Keep Right I ti tr.'tcliny with us yoti j;ct riy:!it. lit stain;r with us you kc-t-p KtVht. Why? ISirauso c have that hitf (Utcrtninatiun to please and yi m can't help hut notice ihat cilcnce of tfrati t title in your every purchase, for we think a world ul" our customers. Stop in this week and have a look at the follow ing tfit'ts. Percolators, Casseroles. Carving Sets, Silver Ware. Chail'iii;: Dishes. Maker r Chop 1'intcs, China Ware, I'yrex y;oud assortment, and our line of (iilltert Tos. Anything you need in Hardware. If you can't come down just ive us a rinij it jrftes riyht out. Vestern Hardware Co. (Successors to Lyles-Tulloss G.) Phone 191 FRANK PARK . TOM WILLIAMS Determined to Please Jo K II A J.' J. SI J. 14 li. M Miffk. K Ktuith. A l'vr, J V,il Kt.-t n. : Jn.i. I lud In the festivities of the day let us not forget its pttrposen and let us make it a real i Thanksgiving Day We fit-l that mm hare m?e to' b thankful fur thun rniwt any f.thi-r t.ualnroa natltutlin In the rountty anil we an- truly giutiful fur tN aui i aa we havr had la vr otiiim dlffw-ultU-a that nertnet ahn'ot iutlMaa4lile. IV, ai r ever mindful if the fa- t that our aui-ra Is due la a li rmukurr tu thr k)al) i f nur fin tnlii durina thi- rrlsH .ml truat lhat niar h if rral .rlr In tln-m In th future. 7D jiJ C R. McAfee, Manager CII4I3 r4k Slrrrl rhuno l TIIK LAIHiMT AND KKMT I t KMTl RK STOKK IN TIIK a FAMIANDLK Juat One TTte t'aab Ut irM We Pay th Prelaht to v.iur Htatkili Juat One Pil. o 'aah it ('inlll Li e0; L Transfer Storage Co CRATING AND PAGKIIIG Phone 67 A SPECIALTY Phone 67 Wc crate and pack anything for shipment. Furni ture wrapped aj!(l crated, cut glass wrapped and put in barrels, china wrapped and put in barrels. Wc have man with ten years experience crating and packing-. Satisfaction puarantccd in crating and packing for shipment to any point in United States. Phone us. D