Newspaper Page Text
THE NEWS CARRIES THE FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amamllo Daily New VOL XI. NO. 333. TEN PACES AMARILLO, TEXAS, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0. . DEMANDS EQUAL RIGHTS IN MANDATARY STATE FAH0U.S DRIVERS CAP CLIMAX OF 250 RILES AOTO RUN WITH DEATH Jack Johnson Puis on Mitts Again at Leavenworth Prison By AiaorlaWd Prtss. LKAVEXWOKTH. Km. Nov. 25 Juvk Johnaon, fsmr heavyweight boxing title holder, made hla first ring ppearanca In the Cnltcd Ktatca alnr J fled hla native country sown year jo. when hit met two opimnent thin afternoon as a feature event of a box Irtjt ahow atagi-d In the oa-n air at the federal prison here. It waa the gen eral opinion of newspaper men and tuning crltlca at the ringside that Johnaon la In Very gisul condition ami allll retalna murh of hla cleverness and punrhlng power. Johnaon knocked out Frank Owena, of Chicago, a negro. In tha laat round of a six round hosing , bout, and after a few minutea Inter mission, took on a freah opMincnt In the peraon of "Toeka Jack" Johnaon, for four rounda. "Topeka Jack" waa badly outbnied. In the flrat bout, Owena. who weigh ed around 230 pounds, waa knocked down twelve tlniea, hla ox like bulk hit ting the canvass seven tltm-a In the alxth round the final punch, a terrific left hook to the Jaw aending him down and out. The four rounda with "Topeka Jark" Johnaon, also a negro waa a apurrlng match. "Tois-ka Jack" la clever and about the firmer champion's alio. At tlniea he aet a faat wee but Juhk. too, apeeded up and gave a rlec'cr exhibition of hlovklng and hitting. Johnaon found time In the clinches to exchange nulia with rlngaldera. and hla farmm "golden . ainile," flaahed over hla op pnnenta aholder -yrna murh In- evi dence. In both houti. regulation fighting Weight glovea Were uaed anil the roulula were of three minutea eu-h with a one minute Interval between rounda. Four ronteata of four rounda each between Inmatea of the prison preceded tha main event. Two thousand prison era yelled luatlly for their respective favorltea. and acveral hundred a(eclal gueata present on Invitation of the Warden. wltncaard the Thankaglvlng day ahow. The prlaon band rendered elections between bouts High up In a tower on the prison wall, a motion pic ture camera ground out films of the afternoon events. Thanksgiving Day , Was Good to Sarles, Auto Race Winner By AanrlaUd Fnaa. 8PKEDWAY. Los Angelea. Calif.. Nov. 25. ItSaeoa Karles. driving tlu distance without a atop, won the ISO mite race on the Los Angelea speedway today. Eddie Miller finished aecond and Eddie llearae third. Kark-a led nn every lap and In adltion to first prita ' of 110.000, took the same amount In lap prises. Miller and llearna wot 10.000 and IJ.OOO recctlvely. Jlmmr Murphy finished fourth, taking 2.0tH) pritea. . Karles lead every tap nut one, rolllmc over the 200 la pa on tha nille and a quarter track without a atop In two hours. 2i minutea and 20 aeconda, an average speed of 101 2 miles an hour. Edward Miller finished aecond In S houra. IT minutea, 14 aeconda. and aver, age of 1021 milea an hour. Eddie llearna waa third, hia time being S houra, 2t minutea and 2T 1 10 aeconda, for an average of 101.1. Captain 11 B. llartney. flying an American army ThomaaMn-ac ma chine, came In aecond today flying the courae In 47 minutea and 3 lo aeconda. Albert Acosta. a civilian won third place with his Italian made Ansaldo 8V machine. His lime was 51 minutes, (7 and C2 100 seconds. Thia waa the only one of the eleven fiwelgn made machlnra entered, to finish among the flrat ten. Kevcn mnchlnca met with accident during the day and were unable to fin iah although In no cum- waa the pilot at-rlously Injured. Just before the race atarted. an army plane piloted by Lieu tenant O. tJ. Kelly, which had Just alighted after a practice spin, rollld.-d with a navy plane piloted by Lieuten ant J. K. Wolfer. who was about to lake off. Three of Kelly'a teeth were knocked out and Wolfcra nand waa rut. Venizelos May be Offered Presidency by Armenians By Artotl Presi. COXTAXTINOri.K, Xov. 24 -Ar V -. - Imm r illacusslna the nnssl l.lllty of offering lh residency of the Armenian republic to Former PrenibT Ventcebai of Oreare. They bt lieve. how ever, that hla acceptance la doubtful. By AsssrlsUd Prts Lnri AN'llKLKH, Calif.. Xhv. 25. Oust on Chevrolet and Kddio ('Dontiell, famous racing drivers, were both killed Kxlay when thulr murhlnes crashed to gether on the Los Angelea aedwuy at the east end of the grandstand and neur the end of the 250 nille race. Their mechanician were Isully In jured. O'DotincH'a car struck the fence on the east turn and bounded down tha incline, colliding with the cur driven by (lust on Chevrolet. Itolh cars turn ed over and piled up at the foot of tha Incline. The four men were pinned beneath tho cars. All were rushed to the Held hospital. Kddle O'lJomicll, was 31 years old and a native of Whitewater, Wla. He began his racing career as a mechanic, tun in 1SI2. In 1DI4 he drove his first race at Kalumuxisi, Xllchlgun. winning second place In a loo mile contest. Whole Family lUcers Canton Chevrolut. who also was kill ed tn the race, waa the youngest of three racing brothera. He waa a me chanic for two years before he demon strated that he waa a driver of merit at ihe too mile Mcmorlul day race at Cincinnati, where he finished third. After that Chevrolet drove as an "outlaw" with several other promi nent drivers but wna later reinstated In Ihe ranks of the American Automobile Association pilots. In IMS he raced on many dirt tracks, winning acvrt-al events and placing In othera. On May 31 lust, he won the ReO mile IndUinnHlts seedway race In the beat time in the history of that annual event. He averaged a ae-d of M l miles an hour. His lust race lie fore todav waa at t'nlontnwn. 1' , Heptemla-r t, where he bsik fifth place. O'Donnell In 1I4. took aecond pUce in the Corona. California, road rare. In 1J14 he atarted In ten races and placed in nine of them. nmashup In Kansas City ' At the Kansua City race July 22. 1917. tvDonnell had a amaahup which huttcred one of hia arms. He hnd it re-broken several times In efforts to have it aet right. He did not race again until laat year when he drove In two races. With at Kheepshead Hay, New York. He came In fourth In Ihe July Fourth race and aecond In the September event. O'Donnell placed fifth In the 250 mile Inauguration race on the Ioa Angelea r-pedeway February 1M. laat and, third at Cnlontown. June IS laat. In the Klgin road race on August 2 O'Dnnnlcl took a fifth, and a fourth In the I'nlon town race on Labor day. Wins My Points. It developed at the end of tha race that Chevrolet had won the Natloifl automobile raring championship foy l!20 on a point basis. Ibswoe Karles v.lnner of today' race, being far behind John tircsnahan. Chevroht'a mechani cian. rscit'Mvl with alight Injuries. The accident occurred while Chevro let. O'lVmnell and Jm Thomaa were fighting to make up the half a dozen lapa they were behind the leader on lh 150 lap t'irn. The three- cars were lunched on the east turn. , According to persons grouped about the turn. Chcvrcft turned to pass 1 homas. whn was rm the Inside of thi howl, nnd his rar struck that of O Don nell. who wns on the outside O'Don- r.ell's car tiirned and plunged down the liKilne nnd Chrvrolet'a apparently out of control, shot tn the top of the track out feet of fence, thi-n rolled down the Incline on tt of the wreckage oeneath which O'lvmnell and Jolla were pinned. AH four men were removed tn a hos pital. O'lVmnell ws unconscioua, his skull fiactured and both arms broken ?n datteml'ints brought Infiwnuitlon to the Judges' stand that he waa dead. The officials announced that Imth Chvro let nnd O'lsinnrll had been kllli-d and it was more than an hour before the r.ew spre-td that O'Donnell was still living. Mi other Notified. Ry Artnrlstrd Tms. HAVANX.MI. . Nw :.. Ixuls ( .rrn-t Wlltiotlfled bv tl- Associated I'll as earl tonight of the di-ath f his brother. 'ar!in. at a Amie. :lt listoprd null tly and merely I Ir. a low wl-v 'cl'i'l.t" lb- waa I t int. u'ertnlncd at a Th irks Clvlng day bnmtuct by John I. Taitgurl. president cf the Savannah Automobile i bih. when the Information was re- eclxed. Bank Cashier Found Shot Dead in Room py AMnrlate4 Trras. llot'KToX. Xov. 25 J. It Conm-r. cashier of the First Plate Unk of llatilff in Houston county, shot him self tn death In a hotel room. Friends said they could not account for his ar tlnn. His father. W. P. tVner. Is vice president of Ihe hank. WEATHER West Texas Friday partly cloudv, rain In eat pia-thm. colder In west pi lln. tatunliiy fair colder In vast pr-lloiu DMKERS ADVISE REDUCTION BY HALF COMMHE CAROLINA RANKKRN WILL NOT I.KMI TO FAKMF.K.S WHO KAIL TO By A mot laird I' raw. miXMHIA. H. T.. .Nov. 2 J. Cnunl moua endorsement of the Federal Nat lonal llank corMnallon. the subscrip tion of approximately of Its stork, the n-coinmeniljitlons of a fifty s-r cent reduction In the cotton acreuge to be mude effeftive by discouraging loans tn fanners who do not follow sug gestion featured a meeting here tialay of !(M) representative Kouth Carolina bankers. The resolution Intended to secure reduction In cotton acreage, suid: "It la the sense of the Kouth Curo Una tankers' awHs-iution that the far mers of the slate should reduce the cotton acreage planted next year by 10 er cent." Galveston Given O.K. by Grand Jury Report- By AsMrlattd Vr. OALVESTOX, Texas, Xov. 25 Onl veston'a city government "now appears to le conducting municipal affairs In a creditable maner," according to a grand Jury report to Judge II. C Hughea. of Ihe tenth district court here. The rctort made public today added that In tha grand Jury'a opinion, the city police force and Texas rangers are working In close harmony. Hangers were sent here by Oovernn Hobby on October I to relieve tha br. gnde of national guardsmen dlnpatchH here June 7 aa a result of alleged wa terfront disturbances In connection with the strike of coastwise longshore men. In his proclamation of martini law, Oovernor Hobby charged that the city administration "had foiled to give printer protection" to non-union dotK workers. I'nlon coastwise longshore men who struck early last April for higher wuge still remain away fror- the docks. ' . ' ; 1 Dennis Chester Talks at Last; Says Hs Hungry KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Xov. 25. Den nis Chester, held here on a charge of murder In connection with the ahootirg of Miss Florence Itartnn. a Kansaa Cite society girl, late tonight broke the si lence he has maintained alnca ha at tempted tn commit suicide laat week In tha Jail at llroken Itow, Nebraska, where he waa taken following hi re capture after a aenaatumal eecap from officers whn were bringing him back from tlreat Falls, Montana. Chester replied affirmatively who asked by a nurse whether ho waa bun rry. The man'a silence has caused the po lice considerable uneasiness, aa It wit feared he had Injured himself seriously when he leaped from hla bunk to thi floor of the llroken How Jail, allghtlr.g upon his head. Cleburne Pioneer Found Dead By Asearisttd I'm. TKXAItKAXA, Ark . Nov. 25. A. Tl. Johnaon, (C, a native of Cleburne, Texaa, where ha has lived more than SO years, dli-d of a sudden stroke of heart trouble this morning. GOTHAM THRONG IN RIOT FOLLOWING DEMAND FOR LOWERING BRITISH FLAG By Aasntiaud Tr. XEW YoltK. Xov. '.. The usunl quiet rv.inee of Thanksgiving day lure was vlclently Intirruptnl shortlv ifter ni tisliy when crowds whn had attended a h!ch requiem mass in mem ory cf Terenc- MncSwiney, former lord msycr of Cork, rioted at the sight of a l'rltlh flig d--oonitlng the facade of the fnlon club across Fifth avenu. from Kt. Pwtrii k's Cathedral. After a fluht partlciatd in bv hun dreds of lrih symithtiTs. In the course of ViMch all windows on th li-wer flisr of the club were shattered bv missels huilnl bv mcnilH-rs cf the mob order wr.s restored ahi-n a cord n of 2'" (ol Ice rat.ihlixh.-d Itself around th be lencuertd Imlliling. The fnlon Jack which was the cause of the ns.iutt. thoiirh t:iken down st Ihe first binnd of Ihe crowds snd subsequently rep'.S'id still wss rirais'd over the sidewalk with the emblems i f Kram-e and the I'mted States t.n the fracas emb-d When the li imor of the first rush on the url-in Jack was at Its height the lit Piv. Michael J. I.wclle. nvtor of St. I'atiieks. clad In his ministerial robes, r'li-hiil out of the church and pl.-sd-il in viln with the leaders tn quell tha disturbance. harrey of Casaalllea. After mounted and mntrweycle polli-e hid dispersed the mob. a survey of the field of battle revealed raaualtlea In II S. IS POLE STfiH.P TELLS S II A MM FT OF PANAMA OFFHMLN TO PftKXIDF.NT-F.I.KtT IS fcrV ITAIILK 1-0 VK mxsr. Senator. In Capacity of Private till, yen. Has (.athered Masa of De tailed Inlormalion on Canal .Management. L'y Auoriatid Press. PANAMA CITY. Xov. 2S.A pledge of enduring brotherhood and ro-ocra, lion between Panama and the Cnitel Htutes was pronounced here tonight by I'leslib-nt I'orras of the I'unuma lie public, and Wurren . Harding, I'resl dent Kle t of the frilled Htates. Hm-uU Ing at a liunnuet given by him In honer of Mr. I larding. Kennr I'orraa declared It was the wish of the Pan-American nations that he fritted Hlstes shouM continue "as the polur star of our American continent, lighting the way for other eopes that they may follow in the paths of liberty and Independ ence." In reply, Mr. Harding voiced warn reciprocation of these expressions of fricmlHliip and declared that It waa one of hla fondest hoes to ace tha Ameri casNorth. Central snd Mouth unltej in the purtMise of living peacefully and In cooMration. As In all the other exchanges of pour testes during hla vacation trip here, Mr. Harding made It clear that he aiioke only as a private eitlxen. Hit carefully chosen words and hla earnew demeanor, however, wera taken by hit auditors aa plainly Indicating hla dee,) realization of the restonslhllity that will tie Inevltsble In guiding lan-Amr lean relations In the coming four years. The American nfflcala of the canrl aone and mit of those In high author ity In the Panama Ui public wera pre. nt at the banquet which waa In tha nature of a lova feast to cement tha comity between the nation operating tha great lithmuaian waterway and the nation whose territory It plecea. (Continued from paga two) Pardons German Officer By AstonaUd I'm. ATLANTA, tla . Nov. 25. Frsna vnn Hintelen. former officer In the Herman navy, who was serving a sentence at the Atlanta federal penitentiary, wss rci-ad lute today, hla term having lcen commuted by President Wilson. Blind Organ Grinder Who Killed Wife is Acquitted by Court By Awwiatfd Prssa. MACON, Ou.. Xov. 25. Claud Crea son. blind organ grinder who shot and killed his wife here last June, was ac quitted of the charge of murder lata today. The Jury waa out an hour and a half. When the verdict waa read, (Yeason laN-d to hla feet and shouted "praise Ood from whom all blessings flow." Then he thanked each Juryman. Creaaon'a four year old daughter whn waa a witness tn the shooting, but whn was not permitted to testify, nit Is-slde her father In court, aa did two brothers of the Idind man. cluding a doten or more slightly Injured Mho hnd leen struck by flying brick huts. Hcfore the beginning of the Sv iney mi'. the stti-nilance at ahieh t ixed the titmi st capacity of the'grent cath.ilral. a delegation of Irish request i-d that the Pntdh flg lie removnt. The club sup -rlntendi-nt complied but later, on Instructions from club officials the flag ass replaced. When Ihe service was over the flag SBifn i n in-ht thi attention of In-IUk.t rnt membirs of the cungrrgation wh- were an re red nt the n-apMrance of th." enddem. Stoei-s and bricks err ob tained from a nwr building under mn . t ru 1 1, n. snd Ihe attack begun IC14 Call Hounded. A riot call nt first brought ortv flft" polii. all on f''t These foiigM d'-s perately. lifting thir nlchf sticks frrrtv. but Wire powrilefts against the heavy iftlds tifity after the arrival 4 ritn fi-rcemcnts of thn-e times th islainil n'.imle-r did the officers aiaverd In dne ing b,ii k Ihe stl ii k-r, ahn bad lrm prevented from entering the building It- s--!f by determined club iiieiidicrs sr. I inployrs hn nuinrnd the d'm-. Per 'eral women iff-cti-d an entrsnce st one j Itpne hut wi ie driven out ln-f'" snyi Inmsge wss done In the Interlis of Ihe ( building. j J Foor arrests on rhsrgea of ruallrlmts I mlw hh f were made. mmw.i mwi t ! IICII OF PE AKTICI.F. 17 OF MEXICAN 4'ONMTI Tl TION EXPECTED TO HE TOK IIED I ItlN. By AMflrlsled PreM. '.VAHIHXUToN. Xov. 27. ft-crctary Colby Is exM-ccd to make known 1m fori hi departure foe Kouth America Kim iliy or Monilay the nature of hia reply to the Mil-lit letter of It. V. I'esiein i-onfidential ngent h'-re for the provia iomil government of Mexico, rtoltliig forth the claims of that government, to retii:iiltlon by the I'nltid Slates. I'ccent Informal confen-nces In-twii-n the state deprutmetit offli lals ami Mr li s'liieirn are understiMNl to have clear ed the way for such nn announcement It was lH-lli-vcd the Meticnn agent hsd full knowlcdiie of Ihe Hltlon the A mer iivin govern i lien i would take when he left toilay on a hurried trip to Mexico City. Publinhee teller. Mr. Pi-iuiurira' b tter was made p'lli lie by the stale deartment with com mints by Mr. Colby which said that a few ftolnts reioslni-d tn lie lieareil before rifcnltion roulil lie granted. Whlb officiuls le line to dim-tins the substance of the n ply now l-lng draftiil. It la be lieved to contain sMfiflc referencea to the matters In dirpute between the two countries and a statemt nt of what the fulled States will consider as a satis fiictory solution by Mexico of some of h-r problems. It was sold that nn attempt would fx nuide to dlctute tn Mexico what she must do to attain the stilus necessary for recognition, but it will lie made i leer that the fnlted Slates will be un ablo tn nccord rectignltlon until certain tangible guarantees are given by Mex Ico of her willingness and bulllty ti protect American Uvea and legitimate intensta in Mexico. Artkle ST. Among thinga Mexico will lie expert ed to do. It. la known, will lw to make an Interpretation of Article 27 of the constitution of Queretarn by noma of flclnJ pronouncementa. Thla la within the pervh-w of congress or I ha Mexican aupreme court, before which many suits brought on behalf of Americans and American "omprinlcs hive been pending lor from six months to three years. Mr. PesUeira has desired tn obtain recognition before the d Ia Huert.i admlnlatrntlon goea out of office with the Inauguration of (ieoeml Otiregnn on leo. . It became known today that h had a further discussion of the whole Mexlcnn question with Mecretnry Colb and rnder-Becretary Davis at a dinm-i thla week at Mr Colby'a home. Care has brrn l iken by state deimrtmctit of fliials nnd bv Mr. Peaquelni tn avoid giving an official caste to them- discus irions and for that reason they have mi iHcn held at the department. Twenty Injured When Passenger Collides Ufa 1 P 1 . T nil n rremnt irain By Aamistra TrfS. IIKLLEFoXTAIXK, Ohio. Nov. 25 Twenty ersons were Injured at West 'Ulierty near here late today when Htg Four iNBsscngcr train Number 10, Cin cinnati tn Ihtrolt. ran into an oien switch and Into a freight train istundlng on a siding. Th M.irSs incy memorial s-rvlce wss ettendeil by nuiny prominent lrlh here in iuding lUt.iortn IWab ra. Iprt-sideni of tho Irish republic) who meupl-d . J luce In the front pew. .lonei.nir lYili. I -aid a tribute to the former miyor of Cork. ho dl after a hunuir In ItMxton piloo London. ciUmg him a "nun whiaw bluh ri-cnrd pt'slalma him Jut shw di-d" t-uke him a h to among his felloaa and h"- ni-ve will live In thi inemory of Hie world." At Ihe outftrt of the ttmm.e, rbiti metiilieis sild liter, a crowd of thirty mi n sod two women pushed aside th" d.ft.imsn and entered Ihe club Tiifai" Mi t t, n. a leiturt-r on flags, and never -1 other memliers met the lslt.r. "We'll lio- ton fie minutes to t ike the Kn.. buh flag III" one of them said, aivord ti g to Mr. Mrntin. Attell pts to reason wi'h tlie wi re uiiftini esf ul snd Mr Mrntin do. ilsn-d Ihe crwd st.o ke.1 blin and 'h- other i lull nirmtfa, liiflirtirg e.-t.,l rumor ruts snd InJaries uii'ii Mr. Mel, tin. While the fight wss in prioress thre i Il'-eoient ii.w-Hrid and a llvrit tmttl -rnaufil wltliln the building bfre the nun an-l womrn rn i jecte.1. During th fighting the fl.ig was taken dow,i f.-r Ihe time. After a ronfeienm with other i lull rffuia orders wero Kit en . replace the lag and In I lit lorn -it nor ml lee resrrvra Were summoned. U 1 SUEIRA COLBY WARNS AGAINST IN PETROLEUM FIELDS Spu-lal In tint Ns. WAKHLMiTO.N, D. C, Xov. 2V The Ami rli an (Jovel iiiiient has luformi-d )i eMt ) ti it it in H,ltely, but firmly, tint it diss not proHw tu be i-xcliideil from MiitelHitloii in the rlghta and prlvl leges secured Ullcl.-r mandate provldul In Ihe I lea ties of M'ine. Furthermore, It cMits to be heard regarding th-i terms of those mandates before they are put Into foin-. The tmsitioll of I lie fulled Htutea Is set forth In a note by Secretary Colby In Karl Cum. hi, the Hi ll lull ocrelur of state for foreign affutr, and lhi SMcfi- queslloll illsl'UlSMil Is that of the MesoMitamlan M-trolc urn fields. Mr. Coiliy's note is ilaleil Xovemla-r 20, and was made public today following Ita de livery tu the Hiilisli foreign office earlr tills week. It Is in reply In a llrltli'i note of last August ninth, which hsi never lien made public, and which deals with the application of the prin ciples of equality of treatment to tho territories of the Near Host tu I pluii-s under llritlsh mandate. Challenges llrllbh Vote. The Amerleun note tskes Issue with what I", described as Ihe Itriliah his. tlnn that nuindalr agn-ementa snl treaties are to Iw ronslileri-d only by stales that are memlH-rs of the leugur of Nations. It stutes tha the fnitcj Stales ss Hirll luint In the World war "and inntiiliutor to Its suoeesi fill issue, is ii not coimiili-r any of thi assocciatnl xiwers, the smiilli-at n it less tnnn itself, debarred from dlscuv. sion of any of Its consequences, or from Mirllciuitlnii In the rlghta and privi leges sn-uriil umler the mandate pro. vldi d In the treaties of peace." Mr. Colby said In hia note that tha Ameiiian (lovernment accepta th) ststement of the llritlsh Oovernmrn. that it has refrained from exploiting the tH-troleum resources of tha man luted terrltorlea In question "and wrl eome your plulgea" thst It la far friail the intention of (Ireat Ilritiiln to "es luhlish any kind of monnx4y of pr--fenul pronislliona In its own Interest.' Mualily Insjftted I'pon. "I nei-d hardly refer aguin." Mr. Colby continues, "to the fact that the government of the Culled States has tonststcntly urged thst it Is of the ut most Importance tn the future pi-ace of the world that alien territory trans ferred as a result of Ihe war with ths central towrrs should he held and ad ministered In such a way aa to assure equal treatment In the commerce and In the citizens of all nstlons. Indeel. It wss In reliance upon an understand Ing tn this effect, and expressly In ce teinplatlon thereof, that the fnlted Stales wss H-rsuaib-d that the acqui sition under mandate of certain enemy territory by ihe vlctoiiotja powers would le consistent wIMi the best In terests of the Wisid. "It la aasumed accordingly that your ststement with reference to Manila t) now ib-scrUml) together with the state ment that the draft mandates for Meso and Palestine have leen pr iwretl with a view tn n-cure equality of trrstmenl for the commerce and cltl yens of nil states whlrh are members of Ihe league of Nation", do not Indli-ste a supB iiilon nn your part that th fnlteil States can lie rxcluih-d from the lH-nefits of the principle of cqusll ty of treatment " Ib-ferrlng to the statement by tlin Itrltlsh tlovernment that the draft man dates for Mesopotamia and Palestine, whli h hove bei-n preirnl. will, when approved by the Inten-steit sllli-d pow r. Im communicated In the council of Ihe I-cHirai- of Nations, the A merles n sn-rt'tiiry of state sayst Musi Suhmll In f. N. "The fnlbil Stoics Is, utidoubtiilly. one of the powers directly Interested In the tern.s of the mandates, and. 1 thee fore request that the drsft mandates he rommutili ati-d to this government for Ita consideration U-bs-e their sub mlmiioii to the cnuinil of the league." "The fait cannot he Ignored." Mr Colby rontiiiui-a. "that the reported re sources of Mia. tot a una have Interested uil. lie i pint. .11 of the 1'nitnl Slates, licit Britain, snd other rouritrli-s as sa a ftiteiitia factor In Ihe eroiioml. situation " ie.-aiise of that fact thev liecome sr. outitardlng illustration of the kind o' economic qm-etion with refereni-e to whii h the mandate prlmlples wss ca lm Lilly deslgmd. and tmb-eil. a p. ruli. uly test if the good faitil if the ns'ions w lib h have given theli sdherenn- to Ihe principle. The prl'l. ciple wss Bin In the hoie of ob tiating in the future those Internatloi ul dlffi-ii tin -s that slow out of a de ire f. r the rxilusixe mntrij of the r -ftoiirn-s and mat ki ts of annexed tel I it.. 1 1, - " I'iiIiiI- In IHscrepandes. Mr Cltiy then fisnklv ststen that the Am, ill . hi aovrrnment finds difficut tv in i. . iltim the m i srranr-.-in. Mi set fnith III the .- nihil Sm Iti-mo t-li. l uin oirieement la-twei n (real Itiltiln and France, with thi ltiltih government s statement tint the tn-tpiieuill HSolinis if MeSoftl I mla and freedom of setli-n In regar I then!. i will la- svu.i.-d to Ihe f ut ill e Arab state, ss yrt unm ganln-d. "furthi-riiiire." he s.ivs. "It I dif fli ult to h.irmonl. thut sieclal ar raoermetit with vmir statement thit i I'lin ".rai v claims relating to thes teft-.ure.n still remains In their prs tCoiitiDu-d oa l'a Four ) BRITAIN DISCRIMINATION General Trevino Crosses Border to Greet Texas Officials By AMorlatd Trm. LAKKIMi. Texas. Nov. 25 Oeneral M. I'ereg Trevino, representing I "resi lient . In t oUegon of Mexico arrived at the Iss-iler this morning with a stuff of offii-ers, and will cross to l-aredo -morrow to irewre i rei-epllim fig fiovernor Hubby of Texaa . A rcpriiu-ntutlon frn the governor if the slulo of Ntievn leon. hetuled by AlliHiiey (b-m-rul Antonio P.lisimdn of thut state and Including the state hand of thirty two pki-ea, several staff of fl eers and prominent Americana, arrived In l-arrdo lute tonight to greet Oov ernis- Hobby und f Jovernor-elwt Neff. who are due here Katurduf annJutv to Mexico City to attend tha Inauguration of the new Mexican president. Tho (ominlsnloiia will receive tha Trxana aa they enter Mexican territory. f numuil Interest la attached to tha coming of fjcncrsl Trevino, who la aald tn h slated fia- snlstaiit aecretary of war In the new government, (leneral Kllnniido said that the governor of Nilevo jtt had planned tn ba present Saturday but waa called tn Mexico City to assist In ircNirullons Tor the Inaug ural rerennmlea. , Dakota Heifer Breaks Record for . Butter Fat Output , By Awnriated f ms. PAIIOO. N. D.. Nov. . A North Ihikota heifer. Carnation pioneer aegis. No. 4M.270, haa broken tha aevea day'a world record for butter fat pre duct Ion in the Junior two-year-old clan, producing In seven consecutive day a 24 K77 Miunda of buter fat, tha equiva lent of 3.109 pnunda of It par cant commercial butter. Alkali Works Drops 50 Per Cent of Its . Employes on Dec. 1 0y Assnrlaltrf Praa. tHLTVILI.L. Va.. Nov. I. Tha Malhleson -lesll works here today an nounced that effective TacembeT t. fllty ht t-erl of ps two thcuwwnd em-plovi-s won',. I ne dismissed. The wages of the remaining emplmes will ua re-1 duml 20 m-i i-nt, the company atated. The fact thst "business conditions have rt.riiii thi romisiny' ash s waa wiveii as a re-isiai for the rodiM-'uins. Wins Pulitzer i Air Trophy Flying 3 Miles a Minute Py Annrlalrd Prrs. MIXKolV. X. T.. Xov. 25. Flylnf at a of virtually three mllea a minute Lieutenant C. C. Moaley, Hint ing an American made Yervllle-Pack-ard army plane, won the flrat Pulltaer trophy aeroiiauttiiwl race here today acaitisl a field of thirty four atartera. He covered Ihe course of slightly more :han 132 miles In 44 minutes 29.57 sec onds. an average aiieed of approximate ly 17 miles an hour. I ff li tula of the aero c!ul of Amencm. whlih ri ndui ted the race first having stlpulutnl the course aa 140 mllea In I. n;h. announced Immediatnly after the race lhat Mostey'a average speed wns 1 4 miles an hour a new world'a ruisd. However, a careful re-er-allng of the of ihe official mup tonight ahow. ei that the laps were slightly mora than 32 In b-ngth. Instead of IS. fie uverace smii of the Corrected length Is Ing cut down ten mllea an hour. The present world'a aviation speed record Is held by Kudl Ircolnte. Winner of the rm-nt Onrdon Dennett trophy race In France, whn averaged 1T miles an hour In a special contest at HU C'lulilay m-ur I "aits ten day after he won the International trophy. (lW TltF.ASI KI R WILL t s.F.1-: DltKH.ON INAl CI B.TED I l.jr AftMiruiled I'm, li:s MolXKS. la.. Nov. IS. M. 1L lloyt. tn-osuri-r i lowra ai-cirnipanU-d ;bv hia wife and daughter left today inis'ii Kin Antonio. Texaa. where h will Jolt) a twtrty cf officials from 'ether states aa guests of the Mexican 'government and to wltnesa the tnaug I uration of Alvarn Otiregnn. president of Mexico, lloyt is tha official repre scntutive of Iowa on the Invitation ex- by the Mcxkan government ra ctntly. . r r