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THE NEWS CARRIES THE FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amarillo Daily News PRICE FIVE CENTS MOT WOM COTOTPLAM FAV VOL XI. NO. 334. TEN PACES amadii i n ttvac ctninniv ..r,,.., ... a?- ni..niKt.vl n.nmt jiwmfti rviunmPHj, nUVfcrVIuLK Zl, liZv U. S. MANDATE FOR ARMENIA IS URGED BY LORD CECIL TO COST TWENTY MILLION GENEVA, Nov. 26. (Hy the Asiociated Prcd) Lord Robert Cecil, who i nctinp; as one of South Africa's delegates to the Leapic of Nations assembly, tonight expressed the opinion to American newspaper correspondents that the United States would he the best nation to accept the mandate for Armenia. Tlie United States, he added, probably would have more influence with Mustapha Kcmal I'asha, (the Turkish nationalists leader who is conducting a cam paign against the Armenians) than any other nation. I-ord Robert said $,ouo would supply the necessary military assistance to put Armenia on her feet. "I have been advised by very r(mx! military opinion." he de clared, "that a good deal could be done to save Armenia with the 1 xjMiiditurc of that am.iunt. We have apealcd to many states and organizations but so far we have had nothing but suggestions." GEI1 flFlfi i IS ILL 10 CON'TINTED AllHKNt'K OK .MEXI CAN PKKSIIIKNT KLK(T I.F.MIS t'RKDKNCK TO (iOS8ir. 1 CANCELLED ENGAGEMENTS Threatened With Tneumonla Few . Weeka Ago and present Indis position la Traced to Its Wei. Hy AmUlrf Prwf. MEXICO CITV. Not. . Notwith standing official statements that Genera! Alvaro Obregnn. the prestdnnt-elcrt of Meilon. la not seriously III, rumora are prevalent hert that he la mure than alighUy Indisposed. In aoine quartern the continued absence of the. general from hla downtown office, where he waa accustomed to work seven houra dully, la taken at giving credence to the re- porta. Cleneral Obregnn tixlay cancelled sv eral engagements, and almuttaneouiUy announcement was made that a banquet planned for tomorrow In hla honor hy t Ka IVHlfaVtMrVllnM .TTaf ahsimhMfl nf Wwrl merce of Mexico and the United States had been noatnoned until MnnA.v. I Several weeks ago the general waa threatened with pneumonia and hla con tin ue dinaisiwMtion la thought to be s consequence of that attack. Perando Torre Blsnca. private secre tary to General Obregnn, steaklng to day concerning the condition of the piesldent-elect said: "OeneraJ Obregnn Is quite well." There la no Indication that the plana for the Inauguration have been altered because of the State of health of president-elect or that of provisional Presi dent Le La Huerta. who now dally la at the national palace following a threat ened atark of appendicitis. The Inaugural period, which begins December 1, promises to be the most festive in years. The government has taken over two of the principal hotels here for the entertainment of visiting American officials. According to the latest announcement of the foreign of fice, the American visitors will include thirteen gomnora or their representa tives. The I ji tin-American countries also are to be represented at the function by spe cial delegates. Refusing to Vise Passport of Fall, Consul is Suspended tt Auoriated PreM. IXU OI.AK. Arltons. Nov. J. F. Al fonso Pcsquelra. brother of Hotter to V. IVstiuelra. confidential agent f th Meilcan government at Washington, has been susiiended ss Mexican consul at Douglas because he refused to ac cept an order front Mexico City to vls the passport of I'nlted Htatea ftttistor A. B. rail nf New Mexico. DOrCiLAH, ArUona. Nov. !. For mer CNmsul I'esquelra tonight dictated the following statement: "Upon receiving telegraphic orders from Recrrlsry of Foreign He Is 11. ma Hidalgo to vise Hetiator Allvrt It. Fall's credentials to Mexico City. I piled tnst l msa no wining 10 accept : the order, considering him an enemy : lo Mexico, wnose oniy tmyrvi nad neen for many yeara to bring about Inter vention by the I'nlted Stales and on C i 1 1 many occasions has made bitter re- board's Klcee. marks about our people. The answer The new prices adopted hy tha larg received was an Immediate suspension est indeendent Interests and made ef from my office aa consul. I believe ferttve t.xlay are: Steel bars :.JS; 'that I have done my duty and I am structural shspes IMS; pistes :J. Harfectly satisfied with the result." j Use Flttsburgh. Adjustment In prices It waa Itobrrto V. a who , of aire, and (old rolled steel are to fol first directed Mexk-sn consuls on the j km. Utorder not to vise Hens Fsll'a pass-1 No reduction In wages Is rontemplst port The Mexican foreffleea later H Immediately, accnrdlngg to the bet announced that the re aetlat agent. Information ot.talnable. It waa freely in grrln th order, ' ceeded his . predicted by steel offtciala. however, Ikuthortty. I that wage rtductloa la Iniubls with- "I think the fnltrd Statea would b the lat country to solve thf Armenian iuestlnn Inasmuch they would have the mint Influence with Mustnphi Kemat. Twenty million dollars would enable us to ritiinl the military ex pedition necessary to establish Armen Ian Itidcitcndcnrc. The money rould be regarded a loan to the Armenian tut which would I repaid If the Ar menian economic tradition were established." While refusing to name the numlier of troops necessary, Iord Hubert stat- ru u wouia ie quite easy to obtain a I Volunteer force composed of Armenian! Hllu iiiiuiini ui m-ianuuring giaies. S5Sft people in the world earing enough about I Armenia to furnish the necvsaarji mon ey lor the work." The Kouth African delegate avoided the question of a poaalble revision of the Turkish treaty as a meana for aerv Ing Armenia. He bellevea that subject was being taken up hy the assembly. Assembly Successful. After declaring that the work of the. assembly hail been extraordinarily itic ceMful. Lord Robert continued: 'No one foresaw that the assembly would tai-onie a corporate body with real life In It. The assembly, above al has a genuine belief In Ita own utility and regards Itself, and rightly so. as ( the supreme International authority su tar as aucn authority can exist. "I think the assembly will do some- ming 01 great value. It will accept the International court of Justice; will Iniss on the admission of members and 1 11 "J" ,ak " ner I oun view of that subject and v,cw hft SUbject-and It Wl'.l review me present international sltUt tlon and the work of the council. Nut the least encouraging symptom la that th assembly la taking thlnga very se riously." Lord nert expressed the hope thnt there would be one woman member of each delegation, but said this wss nut possible for the first. sessions. He In dicated that the assembly would uiaki no change In the duration of mandate, anylng: "Mandates must be. In effect, trust . and the mandatories should not bo changed unleas the trust falls" Wichita Falls Starts Campaign to Kill Excess Profits Tax WICHITA FA 1-1.8. Texas. Nov. The lia-ul chamber of commerce uday launched a ramtlgn to hsve the ex cess profits tax law repealed and a gen eral sales tax to supplant It. following an aldreaa by Frank Kelt, till macnatM snd financier, director of the eleventh federal reserve hank and partner of the lute Jake lluinon. Chambers of com- fiien-e throughout the entire south- west will be In the fight to have this law repealed. Price Steel Goods Cut; Predict Wage Slashing f AMwiaud Peas. I'lTTHrtl'ltOH, Nov. SI Most of the lnd'H-ndint steel companlea already hsve followed the lesd of the Jones snd Ijiughiln cooipany nf Pittsburgh, ahlch redui-ed prices on bars, plates snd structural shapes today to tha level of the fnlted Ktstes industrial Ixsird'a prli-es of March, lU. or art slwiut to do so, aiordlng to high ste I suinormes nere. iwvrrsi or ine Mrger lnd iendenl Interests hsve advised their sales offices In New York. Chica I go and other cities, it was said, to sc cept new buslnesa at the Industrial The Price of Bread J If I "t VVATCHt'tH A1 TKty CU)1B rr. 7 h fa $AtK lU-AHbCsAKTOrUSClto nil T ssMa ss b . TSmsWi-siaT SaMlsssaMJBUasja-l- U w,.BWnawwsMSWBi TERRIFIC RTORM R.UiKS ON rAflFIC COAST ny Assoriated Tress) 4 PORTLAND. Oregon, Nov. It A storm that was said hy ship- ping men to he the worst In yeara 4 waa raging off the northern Ia- rifle roast tonight. One coastwise A steamer, with a tow, waa calling for aid early tonight and out bound vessels were held In port. In severs! Oregon districts the wind blew down sufficient trees to block the roads. At Oray'a Har bor, Washington, the wind pres surewas ao great several large plats glass wlndowa were crushed in. Municipal Court Chief Justice Must 4 cTace Murder Trial Br a in sties Pre. CLEVELAND, Nov. M William II. McOannon. chief Justice of the munici pal fmrt faces trial for second degree matter. He waa Indicted late today ' bjr the grand Jury making Ita second ln-j veatlgatbsi. with the killing of Hsrold N. Kagy and will be arraigned before I Judge Frank C. Day In criminal court) tomorrow morning. Judge Day set hail: at f 10.000. Late tonight McOsnmm had not been arrested. I , 11V Slri Jill J IIIVTMUHBUirn W msying iHnn wie i nil is- day. the day after John W. Joyce waa acquitted of the crime by a Jury. I Witnesses at the Joyce trial testified thst Mctiannon was present at the shooting after McOannon had testlfl'-d that he left Joc and Kagy previous to the shooting. In the next few weeks. The new selling prices are not m-iwi-ahle with re'ous prd-es on any fixed basis, as some of the lnteiendenta have been asking aa high as It foe bars, plates and shspes. It was reMirt ed. and others have been receiving more conservative prices, ranging between 13 and 13 :i. Oners I feeling throughout the tradrt Is one of satisfaction at the decision to reduce prices to the same levrl aa the steel corporation which has not sske IMlcea atxive those fixed by the Indus trial iMtsrd. It is believed here now that the immediate result will lie to stshlllse the steH market and that tha move made today Is the beginning of the. readjustment In the steel trad. The sentiment here seems to be that thi liottom level of prices has been reach ed, and that as soon ss wsges and oth er coats are lowered, the Industry will mors forward Into a new period nf pro e perlty based on the requirements of tha building trade, the rehabilitation of th. railroads and export buainess to Euro pean countries sad the Orient. FEAR VESSEL CARRYING 33 HAY CRASH ON ROCKS HT TIIR ASSOCIATED TRUSS. ASTORIA, Oregon, Nov. y "S. O. S." calls were rrcrivnl this ftflcrmH.ii frtim steamer Santa Rita, a sltort distance south nf Umatilla reef. The calls said the Mcamcr was in distress and liven f 3.1 xU"ons were in dangr. The Santa Rita had leen towing the harge V. J. Pierre, which had XI Deople 9" lard, including one woman and child. The liarge is reported adrift and within a mile of the beach. The shore there is lined with rocks and rescue of those oil In-ard is considered almost impossible. Indian Is High (lun. Hot'KTON. Toxas, Nov. It.K C. Wheeler, a Pawhuaka Indian, of Paw husks, Oklahoma, waa high gun after two daya of shoot at the two-day reg istered shoot which ended here tods?. Wheeler, who led the field twice ha. I a total of IS breaks out of ISO tries, John Clay of llouaton waa second. Senator Has Bill to Resume Trade With Red Russia Pjr AisotlsteJ Press. WAHIIINOTliN. Nov. IC -Ite-esU". ,hmcnt of ,r,de utlims with ltus-li is provided for In a resolution prepare! ,v M.ntor Frafice. Itetiuhllcaii M Mm land, under which the President would be "advised" to take ateiw to that end. The Henstor plans to intro duce his proposal at the coming ses sion of the rienste. ABE MARTIN Farmer Joe Kites wire has spidied I' th' iH-psttment o' Juxtti-e frr a Job f hunt eggs. We usa-d f be able t tell a grafter by lh' else of his wstch charm, but t'dsy a feller hain't safe Unless he sticks t' a poUcy o' iaoUUon. W Ife and ( lilld Aboard. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. U. The steamer Hnnta lilts towing the bsrg W. J. I'lrrie lata tulay waa In distress off the Wsshlngtoti rtiast near Qutllav ute, according to a wireless message from Tatoosh to the Seattle merchant exchange. A 70 mile southwesterly gale wss blowing. Advice received late today at th' office of W. t Orace and t'omftany, alth regard to the two vessels, said tha Ife and ImiIi)' of Captain A. It. Jensen, mauler of the I'lrrie are on the liargv. The Kant Itila Is In little danger, o' fliers of the company said, but wss forced to rut the I'lrrie adrift. Th. S.inla f tit left Taroma Wedneslay low ing the I'lrrie loaded with a cargo of lumlier fur the west coast of Kouth America. According to the Tatmwh the gale ss Increasing in violence. tnf leers nf the shipping concern as Id they believed ('uptaln Jensen Would bo able to k-ei the barge off the shore. The riMut guard cutter Hnohomls left Port Angeles. Washlnston. late tmliy to slil the two boat, the coinieny wss advlm-d. I The I'lrrie Is a barge of i.4H tons. The Hants Itlta Is a Wooden stesmer of IX tons. In command of Captain J. K. l.lllM-tts Congressman Wants All Immigration Temporarily Stopped Mr Aunriale-I PrM. WASHIXTo.Y Nov. ?K If r.ingrcs St the rinnlng si-sslon is unalile to enact kitlxlstion to rem r lit Immiarntlon. tl will lie lirgi-d by the Immigration cotii mlttee to Inir all aliens from the I'nlted Siatea temporarily. Kepresentatlv - Johnson of i hiirtnan of the ctmirtilttee an 1. 1 tixlay. Kxplrttion en March 4 of the "ixrt law. h' ail, Id. makes It imiieratlte that actio., I taVen to prevent the entry of undi. slrstile immigrants after that time. "The house and senate undoubted! will keep litinv imiil March 4 with ap propriation bills," Mr Joht -in said "It la generally agree,! that an rffiat should lie made to itixe of the Im migration nueatlnn. but our Mil pn bly would occanion at bast a week's debate In both the house and sens' J snd f"T this resoisi may not reach a vote In both houses." LEAGUE DRAFTS PLAIIK OF ' IliTElinATIOIlAL TRIBUNAL AFTER AMERICA.! PATTERN Br Aasnrlsttd preas. (1KNKVA. Nov. !. The romuillleo presided over by lon llourgola, whlc.i hss leen ri.naldereil the Intcrnstlonsl court of JtiatliT session hsa virtually completed Ita work, arriving at the de cision that the plan prepared at the Hague by Klihu Hoot and other Jurist shall stsnd ss smended by the Isgu of Nations coumil at Ilriissela. A sul. ciHiimlttee of ten menilM-rs wss ap IHilnted tixlay to dnrft a reort alonf these lines. It Will not lie poSMilile un der the plan for a complaining nation to rite another nation liefore the court, both sides to a controversy having lo accept the Jurisdiction of tha tribunal. Otherwise a complaint can havs re course only to the council of the lesgu-'. The difficulty of any slngls power or Influence dominating the Leagus of Nations wss demonstrated tixlay wheit the council of that body, In spite of de termined proti-sts by the Hrltlsh mem ber, decided finally to give control In the iersmennt mandates commission to non mandatory powers and four of TORN AIM) IIITM IIK.U MONT; (INK lKl). (INK MISMINtJ e (My AsMs-lnted Press IlKAfMONT. Nov. SC. Ona e dead one missing and proierty loss of approximately $100,000 la the net result of a tornado of 4 alxnit two minutes duration which 4 demolished a xirtlon of the I'nrt 4 Arthur canal and dock cmnimny's 4 sheds at l'is-t Arthur late today. 4 A large numlier of iwraons were iasalng along the shafts fnsn an s oil refinery when Ih ewlnd srtuek. 4 Flying tlmlx-rs struck Kdwsrd 4 Krk-kson, 11. from his bicycle Into 4 a ditch of water. He waa deed 4 4 when removed from the ditch. 4 The rdwey la completely cover- 4 4 ed with dels-Is and tha work of 4 s eeanhlng tha ruins fisr other 4 4 bodies is proceeding. It la said 4 4 one young wisnan Is missing. Sh 4 4 la known to have I wen iwanlng the 4 4 place when the blow began. Olh- 4 4 era were slightly injured hut no 4 4 hisipltal casea are rxirtce. M. R. 4 4 toss. wireless oM-rst's, who hap- 4 4 pened to be nearby, Issu-ded the 4 4 steamer New York dis-ked there 4 4 and sent a wireless call for amhu- 4 4 lances and diw-tora. the telephiate 4 I 4 tslng isiralyaed In that section 4 4 by the wind. The scene of the 4 4 Mow is alxiut three miles fnsn 4 4 lh eclty. 4 4 ATTEND FUNERAL Or Fit KRM I N API.K TO MMTATK WOMAN (tlNr:(TKI WITH t'SSK. AltDMollK. Okli. Nov. I Jake I. Ilamon. repiitillenn natlisial csnmlttee min from Oklahoma and n-puted In hnve lieciHne a millionaire In the oil bus :n. died In a hiwpital here tixlay. IPs ditith, siiia-dlng to statements bv Fnnk U Keti h. his business manager, I'-aultnl from "the accidental diai barge i if a revolver, which Mr. I Union was ck-inlng'' I let Sumtty night. i ItiisM-ll Uion. county altis-ney of Carter county. fllel an Information avslnst Miss (Inra Smith of lllngllng. okl.ihoiiia. Msidjiy night charging her with sssnult with Intent to kill In im-nn-tlon with the wounding of llaniisi. Another Infis-matlon flliil bv the county ittisnev Miss Smith snd Htm no with a stafuifsry offense.. I The body of Mr. Ilimon will II- In' stste In convention hall here Momlsy from a. m lo S p. rn. hcfae the fun-j eml Moodiv nf .-rnn. (Contlnued"onPaga Six I " HARDING GUEST OF L A.V1N. I'snal Zone. Nov IVJw lems naitiM-led With the defense the Pansma t'snal were studied by r ll.irdliig tdnv during a detalbd lix-c-lb si of the f'SllfiriitliMIS nt the lncl. tiniilinix i-f the waterway and In conf -r-eni-es with army snd navy f flo-rs In' charge of the ime forces He ment several hours making a round -f tl.e ilifitis.sln iixoikcv with Itrlgider. lienitsl fhaxe W. Ketmeiiy snd l!cr Adinlral Marbury Johnstun. of .vVxn he sxke.1 punv on the rapa'dl Itles snd nets ,a? the es'.nlill'hment. j Thu ix-eation of the big gone was d-nionstrateil (. the n i V-nt eWt. anl many iri4ilefna of stat'-cic ilxy wrte Lil.l lf.we him I Aii-nniian Ing S.-nala' llmllng were Si-nslic FiMtiik Hale snd henator J'Sh'ph S. Frelinghuyaen. ihatrtnan is? the eixixt dof. ns committee, his guests n the trip. Ijtte this afterntxsi Henstor lUrdiug returned by trata to CrlatubaL ' IE HI6II DEAD. lOGOVERMSIO the mandatory states 1 Today's action waa a confirmation if the di-clslon taken at the HruseeW seaNion of the council. The decision has iH-en fought by tha Prltlsh nines It was announced sfter tha Itrusarle meet log. They obtained a reconsideration of the iui-st!nn, but again were' out Voted. lloiiorln I'ueyrredon, Argentina dele gate to the assembly, announced today that the Argentine delegation woubt pi til est to the aaemhly tha rejection by committee No. I of all amendments tt the covenant of the !eague. He sail also thnt he would bring up on the floor of the sssembly s resolution providing for election of all members of the coun ell by the seaemhly. Tslk on this quiet dsy centered about the eaiMx-ted arrival from Items of Major Marlborough Churchill, head oC the American army Intelligence service who. It has lie-n reported. In coming t watch the league developments for snf action that might Interest this depart ment. i FEDERAL TO QUELL HII'K IHNhRKII DOI (JllltOVS KF.AIIY TO U:.VK FOB WFJ4T YIIU.IMA TO END RIOTINU. GQVERNOB REQUESTED f.!D JsaassasLasiBs-sS) Noldiers Only Iterenlly WUhdraws Frctxt Ihstrhl Mate Chief Kserailvs -Fjvscs Declaration sf Martial law. Br Aatrlsed Preas. fHILLUTHK. Ohio. Nov. II. A liroviflimul Imttallon of 409 picked rii from the third and nineteenth Infsntry regiitM-nts were prepared tonight to l-evc amn Hhermsn tearly tomorfsjr for WIMtamaim. West Virginia, where i he trix-i will be used fa strlks duty It the Mingo county end mine diatricL The ih-tachment Is" equipped for an ln d flnlle s-e, f service. Ilirrente la WBIIamaon. Major I:. H Itlnfis-d. of tha lth In. faotry. and t'ni'UIn K. L. Brine of tha fottMh Infantry, are already enroots lo Wlllliimwin. where they are to ls vestlunte Him seriousness of the situs, lb 41. The provisional ha Ita linn win be nniler command of Major HI n ford upon Ita arrival In the strike region. A butillen of Csmp Sherman troops bl h hud lieen on duty In Mingo coun ty returned alxiut six weeks ago- CHAIll.i:STN. V. Va , Nov. tt. ftuvcnior Johr J. rs-nwell announced here tonight that he had asked the gov. eminent to send federal troops Into tha V logo county, Wtst Virginia, mal atrlke rone, and added that aa soon as tha eel. dlera tiK.k charge he would ask Preal-d-nt Wllwsi to dix lare martial law. Withdrew Six Weeka Ago. Federal trnoa controlled the Mingo n glial fi aisne lime, but were wtlh drawn about six weeka ago. when tha sltuntliai quieted down. Since that time many disorders have occurred, a num. her of MraMia have been shot and killed and gangs of unidentified men havs at tacked rise! protx-rtlcs. The state government la totally un able to c with the situs tlon In Mingo county, the governic said. "I hope with all my heart," he added, "that mar tial law will be declared Immediately after an Investigation haa hern made, but I am totally unable to venture aa pinion uim what eventual military ao tlon will lie." The Covernnr issued tha fol lowing statement tonight: "ime week ago last Sunday night. Judge llsltey. Khcrtff lUankrnshlp. Presiitent liixhoa ttt tha county rourt, and t'iirutlng Attorney Hriaaaon. of Mingo Omntr. conferred with tne at length as to the sltustlon there, Thn were of the oHnkm thst If they could "cure one hundred new deputy sher iffp. that with those and the state no. Iii-e the situation might bo rnntmllsd. The trouble had become mure acuta dally. "In the meantime it seems to have been ImixieslMe to secure the deputies. Wediies-tay night I bsd a wire from Juila-e lUiley, Mr. Itlaliop and Atti ttey :riion. givlrg the reason for tha failure of the plan mentioned, an I making an urgent reiueet fi the re turn of federal troops. "weather" Temix-rsture by hours at Amarillo yesterday. a a. ? a. s. a. IS a m. . m.. m.. m.. in.. 11 a. m. Nissn.'. . . I p. m. I i. m. t p. m. ....4. ....4 ....(I ....II -.It Kiel...! )esterday In lll. Jo. low est u. Hwliest yesterday, il; linrrst SI. P rn. s. nu Nson fry TemiN-rsturw. ,.45 It 4J Wet TeniM-rsture. ..41 17 4 Humidity M J7 Forecast West Trxaa: Saturday and Sunday generally fair. S fl 0 " f(T) ft