OCR Interpretation

Amarillo daily news. [volume] (Amarillo, Tex.) 19??-current, February 25, 1921, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042551/1921-02-25/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SEVEN

fe per wtmj" for each iaacrtian
Mlrtlmnm ehargt 3S
j Caih with order;
Oilier rates ori weekly tnl month)
oasta. All classified afli appear la both
papers', v.
Uu Tbeao Little Dnamesa BtiflA. II
Paly Mews IPsg .
era atd Watch Your Dnilneea IS
Crow. .
Tlw mUig plaea tot buy era and
sellers of Itto PanhandV rr tjuirU
4-eeulti us a rlasalfled Ml.
"" C?J M H
- r 4
I tie
piAfcoxic nt i.j-n,
Kor week beginning I
reuruary gist, lajl.
Monday 7:00 p. m.
called Convocation Ama-
rlllo Chapter No. 198 (or
00 p. m. regular mooting
O. K. 8.
Wednesday J CO p.
Amarlllo Lodge No,
U. M.
m. called mating
73, (or work in
rnouy 7.-oo p. m. elated
Amarlllo Lodge No. 7J1.
iajbt One Jllplax Uumper between
Amarlllo and Hushlund, Feb. 2J,-w ith II
vena number attached. No. inns
Finder please notify Walter Word, 1711
LOST On Polk Street, black kid glove
ior nrnt hand. (allur stitching
tank. phone 14.
TOJl RENT Furnished bedroom, ad
joining bath, Phono 1001. ltd ttllmoru.
Ton RENT Rooms, 101 Taylor. Phona
rtllmnre 8t.
riHim. coi
TOJl RENT-rornlshed
heat. board. 410 Orsnt.
Banta, Fa freight offioea.
rooms, gns
acrom from
FOR RENT five room house newly
Papered, light, water and gaa. Call
W. A. Evans.
FOlt KENT Front room, adjoining
bath, gaa heat, meal furnished If do
aired, private home. (OS W. Ith. I'horie
tKENT Front bed room,
lot N. liurhanan Ht.
Foil It ISN'T -I
1003 Huchtinun.
I'hnne 1971.
ItOOM and hoard at 07 Taylor Street.
roil KENT-Cottage,
t'loac in. (09
J'Oll KENT Two iilm-ly furnlihvd
Wght housekeeping .omna. (in (ur
nlahed. . Ofal . II h dtrut.
roll KKNT-IM riv.m.
la. Htreet;
2M N. Tay
and baid for
1'hone :::.
two in privotc
roil KENT Two unfurnished room,
mojern. 107 E. th Kt.
a(K)I) IMA NO lt)It iri.'NT-ln Ama
rlllii. with privlligc of buying at im
clnl pike and having ull rent pnid ap-
(ly n purchaae prire. Mum be willing
o rent at leat mi month, (live full
nfr.-vniee In firm letter. The Kniaht
Camphell Muelr To., Ix-nver Colorado
roil .i;KNT-4-nmm.
ment. 900 A Monro?,
plete. I'hone 2193.
mortiTii apnrt
(urnlalti-d com-
FOlt UEN'T-Two nl.-ely furnlnhod
light hoiiw-kecplng roonia. In modern
Home. 1'rlee 126 per month. 704 E
JTn KENT Very deairnlilo nimi tment
on blovk from pi-moffliv. Everything
funilihed. Will give louee. fim rill
more 8t. Thone louo.
Full JIE.NT Kour nxita modern hou
(urnHhed. COO N. Tyli-r. I'hone 771.
Ton KENT Light hnuaefceeptng room
furnlahed. 10 Arthur St., or phone
T(n Ki:NT-!i-riHiiii. modern Ivaiae.
1300 Ki chniinn. Hit .Viae lilui-Miurn at
Trlliure effiet-.
Ft 'K KENT Two modern twrnw, eloa
ita and Mt-rrnett. private entranco.
Furnltiire for mil- by pnrtle Paving.
Vt.oitv 1313. U07 Karriaon.
f 'II KENT-Mi M Moma In modern
ltiuo. olnae in. Orntleiuen only, gna
he.it. 8-nly tua'ttii aii. C.WJ before 7 30
m., or nfier S.30 p. m. 40 llerrr
Ht. 1'ltone M0.
IX K KENT Nicely furnlahed bed
room, aia hent. Call n ricrr or
phone (S.
IXill ItKNT lied rivm. Junt refinlahoA.
Un, floor and furniture. Sosv, '.
fth. rhone 5i4.
Foil KENT Two room houae at 100
N. Tyler. Bee L. 1.. Heed, at Janice
Cafe, Sth and Taylor.
TWO LAnoE unfurnlahed roorna
rent 1101 Arthur Pt. . .
'r"Jlt RENT Three room honeo 00
rar line. $35. 401 North Fillmore ,
roil RENT Modern furnMhed room'
(or light houaekeeplng, private bath.
Call 1103 Fillmore, phone 4(9. .
PROLON'd the lire Of your! tlree. Let iia
rellne your tlrea with a RED INNER
BHU. Blow-out rroot. Amarlllo Tira
Battery Co. us Tyler Street.
HOME WOIIK 130.00 weekly up; ei
pcrienre unneceaaary; everything (urn
lahed; (end aelf adilreaaed. atamped en
velnpe for free particulars: Candy mak
r Co.. ISth Street. Philadelphia, I'a.
WE START YOU In the randy bualneae
at home.nmall mom. w anywhere; t
erylhlng (urnUhed; earn 130.00 week'v
up; men-women; experience unnecea
aary; advertlaa candy. Bewd alf ad
dreaaed, atamped enrelopa for free pae
tlctilare. Candymaaera Co., 18th 81..
PhtUdo'phla. Pa.
BRAIDS made from combing Elite
lUlr Dreaatnf Parlor. II Vuqua Bldg
Phone 77.
WANTED feed Planoa. Will buy or
trade phonographs for aama. Call 2195.
WANTED Oooa cieaej eottoa rage a
Pally Newa office, Aak for air. Camp
WANTED To buy awcend hand furnl
tars and gaa atovea of all kinds. Baal
oath prlceo paid. Phoaa 2001.
h.iuee, i l'iec
nut an I or 10 room
Oil 1S3. Mrs. Witllama
W'B 1KJ odorless cleaning and proas, i
wg. Two-pieca a.ilta, t.7i; three-piers .
wilts, ii, wo can aava vit from 111
n .'0 pn your aulL Bmltn Parka
I'hone tt4.
WANTED A first rlass auto me
t lishic to go to Pampa, Texas. If you
can't produce do Ant answer. Address
C. II. H., sie News.
A.NTI-D ruiutlon aa lioun. keeMir In
mi tlierii aa home, or will care for ilill
i!rm on flinch or In rlty. Addre- Hot
too, Amnrlllo, Teiaj.
COOK WANTED40 Fillmore.
WANTKh at onre, un on-rntor to buy
reiam nnd run atatlon In ad tonne on
Panta Fe rallrond In Texas and New
J.eilco for onn of the leading creamery
1 O'pruitt In Kansns. Everything fur
n r'.nd for aiatlon and good pay. Ad
duae field superintendent, II. F.
C.nrc'nrr, 214 West 12lh 8t., liut.hln
r n, Kana.a.
WANT to buy
Ihche 1221.
"Ked" baby buggy.
WANTED Refined young lady wants
pline aa ennhier. Have n-ferencef :
I h' nn (34J.
VANTKD-Jthode Island rist7r"s.
thoroughbnd. Phone 3i2.
WANTED TO RENT Club wild mem-
lirshlp of fifty wiifita to rent a birgc
room t hall fr meeting purposes.
Must !' etulpted with chairs and ta
lie. Place where dame can be held
ffter rnetlnga prferred. Addrem, A.
'.V. r.. rare Dally News.
I UU 6AJ.I-One 1(20 ejH.rt model Col
inilla: will tnke Ford Coue In Trade;
rrlct right to aell. F. It., care Newa,
r 403 W. Sixth prtreft.
tXtR BALE New buby bed on wheols
with mattroM. phone 174.
KOIt BALE I'aed cars. Dodge tourlna
ind roadster. Uulck. uliuoell. Ford
beme leal bargains. Anderson (Iirau.
MO Kurhsnan. Phone 733.
IMIl SALE Furniture f,ir I rooma
with privilige of renting house. 401
Van Ruren at.
FOR BALE Ruick Six Rnada'er. first
itnss. ISSO.OO Ukea 1L Phone ISJa.
merai million
extra fine, moat too
arse for parcel post, which we will
hip this week by expreaa at ll.iO ner
thouHond. C000 for $4.26. Early Jorsey,
fhaib-stiina. I)rumoad. Parker I-'arma.
Moultrie, (la.
I OR KALE Pure bred E. R. Thomp
son Cuckerals, 13.00, IS 00 and 7.oo
aeh. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Turney,
'log B2. LlttlefieM, Tens.
Km BALE Two Ford touring cars
Apply 1101 Lincoln. Phone 1192.
COIl SALE Purebred Scotch Collie
mi. luyulre at 90 Walnut Bt., Glen
nnoi IXUt BALE Iarge brass lied. Including
ox maltrens and springs, real bargain.
" ) cards good linoleum, 2 yarda wide,
'.7. Jewel hot blast stove, $10. coal oil
move. etc. Phone 1373.
For Sale
70 head white- face calves of last June
I white face bull, pedigreed. 3 year old
1 alx year old brown mule, about
1300 pounds.
A number of horses, various ages and
"me farm machinery.
Five miles east of Amarlllo an Oxard
Telephone 9041 Ring 3
WOCLD TOT BATE 13.00 to 120.00 per
month on your grooeriea? Do yod know
.bout us? Don't take our word, find out
Air yourself, phone 241 S. PEOI'LEI
COBT BTOHE, lit W. Ith Bt
UUA VUNTAIN Will soon move
Into a new building and Impossible to
use my present fountain on account of
"inference In site of building. Will
sell my sixteen foot latest Improved
fountain, guaranteed In first class con
dition, st a bargain. Easy monthly
payments. City Drug Btore. Amarlllo,
Tex ss.
Foil BALE Chickens. Coles, hot Mam
move, and con! range. Phone 225ii.
BALE First Vendnr'a lien notes
for sale
Price attractive, Amount
Jsoo to f2000.
A. L. Harrison, Happy,
VNS" Alt tTOlMtf UffMC"
a v 1 1 iii4
t tv 1
Everett True
bRESSEIl. Coal llurner. Cook Btove.
gold colored Itedstcnd and Springs, small
Un JUx. rwA lMy Iluggy, round Din-!
Ing Table, llooalcr Cabinet, Hot HUist
H.ter, small Table. COS OKANT Htreet.
We now have in Amnrlllo a fine sample
player piano w hi' h we w III lo;v out nl '
special price. Cash or t. rms to respon- '
sil.le pasty. Tmr "silent" 1.4no taken I
Ir trade. Write nt lice f .r pnrtl'-ulars.
The KnlRht,x'nm,lMil t'o , Dniv. r. Colo.
Ft. K BALE Two cow , price 75 each. ;
o Pierce
Ml'hT mil. bi'VIng: 4 rinim furnished
uml new 4 11MH.1 house, l.'.-.il and If. 00
ciirh nnd I'.o monthly. Simp. Pln ne
12." i attic aupper or morning.
1-tiP. SALE Heed reilcaned.
hriKbt and heavy, 60 bu. C.V. Stewart.
Anatrillo, Koute , Ilox 2ti.
Haw u Saxon Six tout ing t nr for arilc, :
This car is In a garage and th engine'
and fiitl the lenglne out of order, und '
I am fun-ed to itie the city at once.,
as I cannot wait f . r wins to nrrive. !
This car In a garage nnd the engine !
aken out to Bee w hat was w rung. This 1
nr has n new top., six tins, eot light '
and plenty of extras, nnd fur lap nrffes. I
Am leaving the i ty nt i.m-e. Nearest
.rrer or tJOO consld. nil Si-e Mr. Wal
d.n, lion Air Rooms. Phone 1934.
Roal Estate
All persona having claims against the
Wiidorado Elevator Company, ' or any
personal proerty of tho Wlldoradn Ele
vator Company, are n. Wkd to file su h
claima nt once with,'
C T 1Ia '1' V '
Ve ga, Texas. , 1
nR.e TAKtr ims sack? pZ '
a copy tor oup i want (Vmp-tj
m 1 -v - - i t mm a . k
... . ... . 4 room brick house strictly modern In
ve have a number of buyers who ni-.!,11,,h,., ... .-. ......m -
anxious to litveet In lun.rov.vl as well
"1,,r;,v,'d '"',,Mr,' M,rl
At.uril.o. but It must be priced vorlh j
the money, for m.ick sale oil your
proiH-rty ae us ut once. 1
National II ink t f Comm. rcelttdg.
Phone 1
Gil,? uirr
"ro Sit You
rvt rtr a
! V ' Nrr
- Pest Killer
Real Estate
Por Sale fir
Trade Un
usual Values This
Week Only.
Hud.ton Hiunr Six touring .car; good
condition, buiriMr; niotometer and
hnlns. Nothing to ttvv. If you want
a good rar for family or other use you
won't ! 'his up.
Uulck E-41 tuorlng car, goivl rnndi-
Hon. Itnmiers. siotlight nnd chains
Six United States Royal Cord tires.
Will sell Hthi-r or h.iih the alwive cars
or will take mrt In good vendor lien
notes. Ali would consider a real gvd
Ford on either of the alxive cars.
To see lhie rare call
Phone 1870.
i Bei-tlon of land adjoining Bt. Francla.
i This Is all good tillable land, la right at
, the elevator nnd wilt be on paved road,
I37.C0 per acre with good terms,
j 40 aeres adjoining tho city limits that
, will rnie in as city lota. You will have
to see this land to appreciate its W
' et Ion and value. Might take some city
' property In on Hie cash payment,
j A I room house, well and windmill
and other Improvements on about I
ai res just outside of rlty limits to trade
for a house and lot close In.
i lv """" ape-ial bargains In
jims on North Polk. Tojlor and Fillmore
Some east front lots on South Fill
more at IIO.'.OOO
100x140 enm front being on the cor
ner In the south part of town two blocks
off the lavement for I210O.00.
City Property
' ..... '
aiifr litis fiiitiit ft w,
A houae and lot to trade for cattle.
i,,v, , Iuliy 0rmnd o-Met to put
flrtt ,m,.mpt pr,wr,r.
j.r,im tW(( Wory iimHn house close
In un liurhanan (or IS'.OO.OO with small
- hpayimnt.
502 Taylor S:w t Phone 2201
L. . -rf OF I- - I'
That Way He Would Get Two Crackers
y 1
i m 1 !j
Ky N. T. JONES, c. me first. From present Indications
St iff Correspondent. " lx s will have the right of way. desplta
WASIIIN'OTO.V. 1. C. Feb. 24. The!1'10 l",ni'i of Chalriium Fordney. of
:roet mi meutotis nuestlnns thnt will
it'iiln nt the Hording administration are
nrirf nnd taxes. This Is generally con
e -d.-d now by all members of Congress.
International affairs art not pressing
like ihe tariff nnd taxation proltlt-ms, I
particularly the latter.
Drafting of the new tariff bill was
aepedul.ul to begin by the
.ind .Minns Cotnmltti'c on February 21,
Congressmen di-larrd that this date Is
!romt.roiia. Ihhwiiso mly a few days
remain of the session before this Con.
gi-e-e mut adjourn. It is ImpoaNlblo
for the Ways and Means Committee
to muke any progr"as oh the permanent
tariff bill before Congress adjourns.
Even a majority of the committee was
PHed to beginning the draft at auh
a late date In this aesslon.
Whether tax revision or tnrlff revls
'on will recMve the first attention of
the new Congress, w?irh ull now ex
iwvt to be called In sisvial sean'on by
Mr. Harding nls.ut April 4. U yet tin-di-etibd.
It mav I safety predicted,
from pres.nt Indications, that las re.
adjustment will come ahead of tariff
reviaion, unless the plans of the ma
Jorlty tsirty lenders In Benale and
House should be suddenly chsnged.
lirge majority or House and Senate.
and tbU Includes also . a maia-ity
the House Waya nnd Mean Committee
and the Bi nate Flnanc Committw.
want tr.x revision 1 ri.-.i
are two vory good reasons for this be -
rirst-lnternnl revenue pays now
M'r c-nt of the costs of running the
government, while tariff iys only IS
nr c-nt, so It would he like the tall
wagging the d to tackle the tariff
first. Iteildea the domestic tax rate di
rectly affects practically every rlthten.
Second The committee has not thel
prerequisite Information for drafting a
tariff hill. Tariff, to be worth anything,
must take Into consideration the roat
of production abroad, and thla haa not
been determined. It will take the ooiii
mHtee clerks three or four week a to
get heatings prlnt.il and statistics tub
ulated. Further than this m-mN-ra of
the committee are dissatisfied with the
teetlmnnc of witnesses st the recent
hearings on the temporary tariff bill.
They any that most of the witnesses
were not frank, and were evidently try
ing to conceal more than they told.
They want time to get tho eas'-ntial
Mr. Harding has let bis views m
known, In no uncertain terms, regard
ing lax nnd tariff revision. He wants
tho th.use Ways and Means Committee
to begin revision of taxes and tariff
as nonn as nsil.le. nnd be wants the
oommltf.-e to alt right through Jhe In
terval between tho adjournment of this
Congn-s March 4. snd the beginning
of the aiieclal ecMon in April. The
president-elect wants no dallying or de
lay by Congress with the taxes and
tariff. He wants both problems Settled
aa soon as possible. In this desire. Mr.
Ilirding Is tint alone he haa practically
th whole of Congress with him. and
certalnlv the people are clamoring for
both tax and tariff readjustment.
Tho only question Is which will
Roal Estate
For Rent
One room 20 foot by 80 foot In new
brick building on Santa Fe tracks en
closed in our mniage building. Can be
used fcr new merchandise, can goodx.
machinery and nutrniiohll.-a. fome and
look It over, or phone C7.
To Lease
MOO acres Butler county, Kansas blue
stem pusture. In 1 fields, good grass,
fen and wter; 5 13 miles ewat of
Do draff, Kansas; 4s) to J00 bead.
DR. K.S.PIATT, Owner
Chillicothc, Mo. j
S You may frt MMM SXnme J1
the House Ways and Minn Committee,
tlmf tariff revision come first.
thirty Ifi this session It was iM-lleved
by siune members of Congress that the
tariff should be considered firm, because
from the new tariff could lie pretty
acriirntcty estimated the revenue which
I would Is- secured from Import duties.
...it. .Li- 1... .1 ... l m
House WlS iiiiurmnuon in ine nanos
February 21.!''' ,h ww 'cr'rT of the treasury
11 wouiu uo easur 10 iern jum wnnt
revision of taxes would be necessary,
to produi the revenue, with the Inv
port dutu. needed fof the annual ox-
Kiis'B of the federal government.
I It, was learned tixUy fnsn mnnilrs
of the House Waya and Means Commit
tee, and, Ihe a.nato Finance Commit
lee. that the new tariff undoubtedly
will not exceed any of the schedules In
Ihe Payne. Iilrlch law, and In fact many
of the schedules will Im lower ttwn
those thnt prevailed in that law.
The present tariff now paya only
about li Hr rant f Ihe expense a iT
the fideral gmrnmenl. A now tariff
cannot y much more because of the
tremendous hxim-iimi s of the govern (
ment. Thenfore, the Imortance of the
',n,,rnl revenue, under a new tax bill. 1
Ai" ,n Pr,'w,r "" wr
auminisiraiions me tanri
"""riy always pro,iuio about l p. r ,
H?1 .r ,h'" "l for the annual
l'"d;,rul Ml"'"aea. That day has gone
fi fever, for In thnt time a bill dollar,
1'0"" have Ism-ii considered
nnroiuiionary ana rausea a great out 1
5i"y fro,n thm N"",p- '""irre
',,,H' " ur ' , r ,np
lenses and no citizen is astonished.
Tomorrow "pan -America Doea Not
Like Our Haiti Policy."
TOD.W'H KKdl'M. 4
Alt s)lci-s should lie kept In airtight
containers. The action of air on the
ground spice causes la of flavor. If
the spices are bought In tmxes there
Is alwaya a pcrfornli-d top with a shut
ter for the very purmse of keeping
nut the air. If the spices are bought
by bulk provide crockery Jars with
tight covers or put the spice. Iwg and
all. Into a rightly covered empty bak
ing powder can. Make a neat label and
paste on the can to save unnecessary
hunting for Ihe right spice.
.Menu For Tomorrow.
RREAKFAKT Orange juice, broiled
iMteon, creamed Mtatoes, graham -gems,
Ll'NCH EON Raked macaroni and
checa-, tin st ed muffins, canned pears,
hamlets, tea.
IINNEI( Ptufful pork chops, twita-
toes O'llriin, frletl apples, canned lima
beans, ti III. cofftw.
.My Own Kecliea.
A pimento or two chopM-d and add
ed to the macaroni changes plain maca
roni und cheese a bit. A tiny pinch of
mustard sifted with Ihe flour when
making th' white sauce adds "cp." A
few slewed tomatoes left from dinner
may In mixed with the macaroni.
2 3 Cup butter
1 1-2 Cuim brown sugar
S Eggs
1 Cup rhoped raisins
2 Teasoons anda
2 Tablespoona sour milk
1-1 Teaspoon cloves
1 Teasneon cinnamon
1 Tesic.nn nutmeg
Flour to roll.
Cream, butter and sugar. Add eggs
aell beaten. Sift In flour to make stiff.
Add raisin nnd spices. Add sour milk
House No
Town or CHy .
Subject lo rules and rondltloas. governing tho cattpalfa.
(mi pons to be counted muU le earefully trimmed around border
and brought or tent in unfolded. .Tbey should be fastened tofatner,
C!d 0. Tellam Sec
"Tl.e n'd sligan among saleamea
a' t m -r' 'i tuts nsed to h. Vd 'rsa
whether they want H sr Hot.' New
Ms 'edursle lbs people le want
what you are selling.' . I fwnd thla
lo be true when kurlnr a suit .of
rlnt)es frnm Pit ton, The Tailor, tie
sold nie on tailored rlothea and IK
say he made me S'AS1 " Tallore4
( lothee Hlyle, Fli ami XJoaltty tar,
ed the trick."
T tell rra fain; I'm not AM."
Ills Cleaning and Presaiaf Sat.
Isf lea. -1 ' -. i ,
. thetwlcr
rhone f 03 . , . 103 K, llh BL
with bihI dissolved In It. Mix welf and
ndd mora flour to make stiff enough It
Ml. Turn on floured uaildJng board and
roll thin. Cut and haka In a hot oven.
3 Cups boiled diced potatoea
1$ Cup grated cheese
1-2 TeasMmn minced onion
i Pinientoes
I t Cup cream
Crackvr crumbs
. Ruttw,
12 TaMn suit. ,
Pui a layer of potatoes In a buttered
linking dish, sprinkle with cheese, on
ion and shrods of pimento. Add another,
layer of potatoes and so oa until all
la used, put craf-ker crumb over top:
pour over milk, dot with bit of butter
and put In a hot oven to brown and
heat through. ,
(Copyright, 1121. N. C. AJ
Br AsMwiatrd Pnei.
1X18 ANGELES. Feb. 24 A "nun,
whose description, according to the ts.
I'cr. tallied with that of John Teal;
sought by the sheriff of bailey County;
Texas. In connection with the aloylfig
then- f Miss Eveivn Monts on April 7.
Its. was arrested at Loa Angeles ItaV
bor t'-day. The man refused tn glee khf
iiiune, but said be was not Teal and had
1 ever been In flalley County.
1 1
$T Assw-isled Fim.
LONDON, rib. 21.- The CtsUal
News ,aays that Oreek delegates con
ferred t'-day after one of them declared
irerrlef KegeroirulM was utterly op
pcred to an interallied investigation re
garding Smyrna and Thrace, and would
refuse) to consent to a revision of. the
treaty. "It -looks like sn Insurmount
able I art ier." be edited, "much aa w
diteet war, It appear Inevitable, (of
wo would not evacuate Smyrna.
R. F. D...

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