W -k* 3 Tonight If your liver is out of order, candng Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart* burn, or Constipation, take a dose of HoatS'sPSlBs On retiring, and tomorrow your di 4 gestive organs will be regulated and you will be bright, active and ready for any kind of work. This has been the experience of others: it will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are Bold by all medicine dealera. 25 cte. The term of the district court is in session at Jamestown. Thero is only one criminal ease on the docket. Notice-Sale of Bonds. 1 NEW ROCKFOKD, X. D., June 23, 189D. Bids will ba received nut 11 5 o'clock i. m„ July 26, 1S99, at the odico of tliu trcn'mrer of school district mimbor four, Eddy county. North Dakota, for tlic purchase of nine thousand ($9,000) dollars in the bonds of said school dis­ trict, said bonds being for the purpose of erect­ ing, building and equipping a school building at New Boekford, North Dakota. Saiil bonds will be issued in tlio denomination of five hundred ($500) dollars each, and bear in­ terest at the rate of seven per centum per annum, interest payable semi-annually on the first day of January and first day of July in 'each year, interest and principal payable at the ollico of the treasurer of said school district. Said bonds will be dated "August 1, A. D. 1S99," and will become due in twenty years from the date thereof. All bids and proposals for said bonds will bo addressed to the "Treasurer of School District No. 4, New Rockford, Eddy county. North Da­ kota," and be indorsed "Bids for School Bonds." Each bill to be accompanied by a check certified by a responsible banking linage in the sum of three hundred C$300) dollars, payable to the treasurer of said school district, which said check will be forfeited'to said school district in the event that said bidder is granted the pur­ chase of said bonds, and fails to complete his agreement by the purchase thereof. The right to reject any and all bids i3 re­ served. School district No. 4, Eddy county, North Dakota, has never had any litigation over its bonds. All the bonds issued by said school dis­ trict have been paid, and there is now no bonded indebtedness outstanding. By ordor of the school board of said school district No. 4, Eddy county, North Dakota. Dated at Now Rockford, North Dakota, Juno 23,1899. J. H. HOHL, Treasurer school district. No. 4, Eddy County, North Dakota. [First Publication Juno 18,1899.] Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Land Office at Bismarck, Jfc D., June 12, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Bismarck, N. D., ou July 29, 1899, viz: GEORGE A. JOY, Jb-, for the nw54 section 10, township 140, range 80 w, 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Myers, Elmer Ames, George Hitchcock and Mark Sebrey, all of Bismarck, N. D. 'A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Register. First publication June 16,1899. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., June 12,1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named sottler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Bismarck, N. D. on July 22,1899, viz: EDWARD RAWLINGS, for the c'A of swK and lots and ?, sec. 6, twp. 141 range 79, 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: August Olston, Carl A. Carlson, Thomas Jacobson and Edward B. Anderson, all of Rawl ings, N. D. A. C. M'GILLIVRAY, Register. First publication June 16,1899. Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Land ollice at Jiismarck, N. D„ June 14, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Bismarck, N. D., on July 28, 1899, viz: STEWARD WOODWORTH, for the lots 2, 3 and 4 of Sec. 21, Twp. 137, range 79 west, 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon atul cultivation of said land, viz: William McDonald, David Sullivan, Clifford Sullivan and Aleck McLean, all of Bismarck, N. D. A. C. M'GILLIVRAY, Register. IFirst publication Juno 23, 1899.] Notice of Timber Culture Final Proof. Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., Juno 17, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol' his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo mado before the Register and Receiver at Bismarck, N. D., on August 5, 1899, viz.: JOHN LIND, for the sw. of Sec. 32, Twp. 143, north of range 79 west. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.: Ole Markuson, Ole Olson, C. O. Hanson and Peror Johnson, all of Slaughter, N. D. A. C. M'GILLIVRAY, Register. [First publication July 7,1899.] Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Land office at Bismarck^" N. D., June 30,1899. (Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor has filed notice of his intention to make final jiroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Bismarck, X.. D., on Aug. 12, 1899, viz: CHRISTINA HINDERSDOTER, for the seH of Sec. 10, Twp. 142 north, range 80.W., 5th P. M. He names the following witnesses to proyo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John A. Johnson, John Boat. Louis Peterson and Aleck Danielson, all of Painted Woods, N' D" Cf'rf.- sfc A. C. McGILLIVRAY, Register. & [First Publication July 21,1899.-] Notice of Homestead Final Proof. Land Office at Bismarck, N. D., July 19,1899. 15* Notice hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention 'Z6, J899, viz: MORRIS C. ANDERSON, for the sw!4 section 12, township 142 n, of Vrange 79 w. 5 P. II. He n&meg the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation iJ^of said land, viz: L.E.Johnson,A.F.Anderson, AxelH.Olson and Gust Anderson, all of Slaughter, N. D. A. C. MCGILLIVBAY, Register. 1 -, SUGAR BEETS. Fotnta In Groirtnpr Them tinder Ir­ rigation. In his interesting report on the prog­ ress of the beet sngar industry in the United Str.tes in 1S98 Special Agent Charles F. Snylorsaya: I bslieve it is maintained in Europe that beets cannot be successfully grown under irrigation —at least, it is serionsly questioned, but the experience at Lehi, Utah and Eddy, N. ML, has forever exploded that theory. There is a large amount of land available for the raising of sugar beets by irrigation in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, western Nebraska nnd other states having like conditions. There are a few things that must yet be learned about the application of ir­ rigation to growing sugar beets, but the obstacles are fast being overcome. Irrigation is especially adapted to rais­ ing sugar beets where the particular region is favored with rainfall at plant­ ing time. Experience has demonstrated that irrigation should be held off as long as possible and applied as little as possible. Water should not be applied by irrigation until the natural supply has failed, and even then the grower must be careful not to apply too much, which is as disastrous as not enough. I have learned by talking with those experienced in the application of water by irrigation that the land tends to dry out quickly after being irrigated and to become packed hence cultivation must follow as soon as practicable after irrigation. It has been noticed that the beet has a tendency to send down its lap root deep into the soil, and especial­ ly is this true in the earlier stages, if the necessities of the case demand it, in order to procure moisture. But if the water is applied too lavishly in the be­ ginning this tehdency of the beet is ar­ rested and it shows a disposition to rely on the artificial supply of moisture near the surface rather than to seek its own at greater depths. Thus irrigation may interfere with a natural tendency that is desirable in the growth and maturity of the beet. The effect will be under these circumstances, that the taproot will divide and the beets become bunchy and sprangled, assuming a form entire­ ly undesirable. The beet may show a tendency to droop its leaves slightly and to become lighter in color, but this does not indicate that irrigation is needed. Irrigation must not be resorted to until necessity demands it. Wilting of the leaves or curling up of the same does not necessarily Indicate need of ir­ rigation. If the beet recovers its vigor in the evening, it is a sufficient indica­ tion that it is getting along all right. When it begins to suffer from drought, the tendency will be to droop and get darker in color, and it will not appa­ rently recover in vigor with the ap­ proach of the cool evening. This is the time to consider the question of apply­ ing irrigation. In regions where the beets are started in the spring witb moisture from rain­ fall it is the aim of the grower to pro­ duce his crop with four or five irriga­ tions of the beets. After they begin to ripen all irrigation mast cease, for the same reason that makes it nndesirable to have rainfall after the beets are ripe. To Preserve Wagon Wheels. Farm, Field and Fireside tells of a method of preventing wagon wheels from shrinking in dry weather, which a North Carolina man says avoids the TARRING A WAGON WHEEL. necessity of having tires reset and in this way soon saves itself in blacksmith bills besides preserving the wagon. The trough, shown in the illustra­ tion, is made of sheet iron. In it he puts a supply of pine tar, which is heated over afire to a boiling heat. The wheel is then jacked up, the trough placed under it and the wheel lowered so that the tar will cover the felloes. The wheel is then slowly turned in the tar, which fills every nick and crevice in the wood and between the wood and tire, thus making it impervious to moisture or air. With a brush the hub is also treated with a coat of tar, and if the wagon is old the spokes also in lieu of paint. One Thing and Another. Montana men are said to have been investigating the beet pnlp output of New York and considering the matter of bringing 60,000 head of sheep and lambs east and fattening them on this palp with a view to having them nearer the ready market when the feeding is Completed. Professor Parrot of Kansas suggests tfhat late plowing in the fall, by which the pupal cases of the adalts are broken tip, will doubtless materially aid in re­ ducing the number of wire worms in corn, of which there have been com­ plaints in the past few years. In corn cultivation at the Michigan station frequent shallow cultivation gave the best results. According to Orange Judd Farmer, returns from all districts show that on Jane 1 there was promise of an apple crop ranging from moderate to large in all the states between the Allaghuny and the Bocky mountains. Bye is said to make a good cover crop for orchards where nitrogenous fertilizer is not desired. It is also .use­ ful on very light, sandy, sbils, and on very bard, lumpy soils, where other crops do not easily grow..... KJ1 •v BISMARCK WEEKLY TRIBUNE: FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1899. A 1 -n MOVES THEM SOT Stated at the War Department That the Correspondents' Round Robin Will Receive No Attention What­ ever, Nor Will Protest Be Sent to Otis. News That Is Considered Enconr aging Received From Com­ missioners. WASHINGTON, July 19.—It was stated at the war department that no atten­ tion whatever would be paid to the "round robin" of the Manila correspond­ ents. The protest was not sent to Gen­ eral Otis and it is said will not be, and General Otis will not be called upon for an explanation. In addition to this it was intimated that very encouraging news had been received from the Phil­ ippines and that the situation was much better than has generally been believed. WHAT PLEASED THEM. Civil Government Sprotidincr in tho Phil* ippincs in Splto of Aguinaldo* WASHINGTON. July 19.—The advices which the president received from Ma­ nila Monday, and which have giveu so much comfort and encouragement to the members of the cabinet to whom they were communicated, had a bear­ ing rather on the political than on the military situation, although there is naturally a very direct connection be-, tween the two at this time. The com­ mission. or at least so much of it as re­ mains at Manila since the departure of President Schurman and Admiral Dewey, has been unrelaxing in the ef­ fort to restore the confidence of the na­ tives and aid military operations by in­ ducing defections among Aguinaldo's followers. Some crocrress ban been made more, it is said, than the public is acquainted with, for not only have the United States authorities been able to secure the unqualified ad­ hesion of the natives of the more im­ portant islands outside of Luzon, in the Philippine group, but even in that island they have steadily encroached on what was regarded as purely insur­ gent territory, and are arranging for the establishment of full civil govern­ ments in some of the provinces of the island wherein Aguinaldo has been strongest. Because this is to be accom­ plished by peaceful means, and with the full assent of the inhabitants of the provinces, the administration naturally felt that it had cause for gratification. Cabluut Mooting Was Long. The cabinet meeting was longer than usual, and tho members, after it ad­ journed were more reticent than usual. Secretaries Gage, Wilson, Alger and Attorney General Griggs are out of the city. It was was admitted that tlier was some discussion of the "roun robin" sent by the American newspaper correspondents from Manila, via Hon^ Kong, but all information regarding the character of the discussion or the nature of tho decision, if one was reached, was refused. A cablo from Colonel Denby, a member of tho Phil­ ippine commission, was read. Ii showed a fairly good state of affairs, one of the officers said, but it did not say that peace negotiations with Aguinaldo were in progress. Later it was ascertained that the de­ cision was reached to allow tho "round robin" matter to drop. At an informal conference held at the White House, the subject, was thoroughly discussed and such a policy agreed upon. This, it is stated, was confirmed at tile cabi­ net meeting. Officially, tho matter will bo ignored and General Otis will be allowed to treat it as he may deem best. Fenry Stcnmor Sails. ST. JOHNS, N. F., July 17.—The Peary expedition steamer Diana sailed for Sid­ ney at 11 a. m. Sho lias supplies foi two years and carried a crew of IS men, well accustomed to Arctic navigation. Ordered Fruit Seized. LONDON, July 17.—A magistrate has ordered 14 tons of rotten fruit seized in the boiling room of Sir Thomas Lip ton's jam factory.

Copper A portion of the full paid and non-assessable capital stock of tlic Boston & Texas topper Company is offered for sale at Five Dollars per share (par $10 for Treasury purposes), and is recommended as a safe and highly promising investment. The company controls twelve thousand acres of rich copper land in North Texas which is also valuable for farming and town site purposes. The tract is some 10 miles long and about three miles wide. It is equivalent in size to five hundred ordi­ nary mining claims. The property has been developed sufficiently to begin producing at once, large amounts of the richest copper ore (40 to 70 per cent.) taken out and marketed, and inexhaustible quantities of copper marl and clay running from 3 to 15 per cent, copper found. (Calumet and Hecla and other great dividend payers are working on 1 to 3 per cent, ore.) The property is within 12 miles of a railroad and fuel and water are available. The ores and marl are on the surface and a few feet down, and can be mined and converted into copper cheaper than any other deposits in America. Copper will be produced on the ground and a plant of moderate cost will treat 300 to 500 tons of ore and material per day, and according to engineers' estimates earn $3,000 to $5,000 per day net, with copper at 15 cts per pound. It is now 18 cts. per pound. The property has a historical reputation and a record in the State Geological Reports. It has been examined and reported upou by the highest engineering, geo­ logical and expert authorities, and its merit and value are established beyond ail question. It is not an experiment, nor its value speculative, they are proven and demonstrated. From Report of Prof. Wm. DeRyee, former State Chemist of Texas. Such numerous outcrops of copper ore have been traced over tlic summit and aides of those hills that out of 12,000 acres of land which the company own, hardly a 160 acre tract should be found without ore upon the surface. A cross-cut to the depth of 15 feet was made upon the Isbell lead, and ten hours' work resulted in the raising of 6,000 lbs. of rich copper ore, averaging about 60 per cent, of copper. (Worth $360, net.) It is easily smelted and the strata in which it is found can also be more econom­ ically excavated than other in which copper ores occur.'' From Report of Prof. W. F. Cummins, former Geologist of Texas. In order that I might see the condition of this lode after this amount of work had been done, I employed a few hands and cleaned out the tunnels when I fonnd a lode of copper. This is the disulpliate of copper anil wiil yield as high as 70 per cent, of copper. I drove the tunnel twenty feet further into the hill, following the lode. When I had gone about twelve feet I struck another lode of copper eighteen inches east and six inches below the second lode. In three feet more we struck another lode below the second lode. Immediately below the lower sandstone is a stratum of cupriferous marl schists extending the entire width of the tunnel, say four feet, and is probably much wider. This marl will yield about 15 per cent, of copper." From Report of Prof. Gustave Westman, Mining Engineer. "I beg to express my entire satisfaction with and confidence in the report made by Prof. W. F. Cummins. I only had to remove one foot of earth from the surface on the three spots already mentioned in order to find large deposits bedded into the clay. After washing, this clay was found to contain 15 per cent, of copper ore of same value as above. These ores could of course be taken out and made available at a relatively small expense. FEAR ASSASSINATION. Imported Negro Miner* Quitting Ala bniun In Hurry. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 19.—The Georgia negroes imported to Ishkoda mines to take tho places of strikers have stampeded from that place as the result of tlio assassination of two of their number-aid the wounding of four others Saturday night. Another lot of Georgia negroes, about 200 in number, arrived during the day and were taken to Ish­ koda, but when they were informed ol what had happened tlioy too began to" leave. BRITISH FLEET ARRIVES. Demonstration in tho Fisheries Dispute Soon to llo Mado. ST. JOHNS, N. F., July 19.—The Brit­ ish squadron, under Admiral Sir Fred­ erick George Benham Bedford, has as­ sembled hero. The French fleet has not yet arrived. Admiral Bedford's confer­ ence with the colonial ministry will fol low. It is assumed he will outlino a plan for dealing with the French en­ croachments on the treaty coast. Safest Investment, Largest Dividends. UiBgost Steel Contract. PiTTsmntu, July 10.—The Pressed Steel Car company has contracted with the Carnegie Steel company for ilU.UOU tons of steel plates monthly for a period of 10 years. This is tho largest steel contract ever awarded to one lirm and amounts to about $1,000,000,000. A rep­ resentative of the Pressed Steel (Jar company said that the actual cost ot the material to be furnished will be between .^Tn,000,000 and $80,000,000 a year. The delivery of the contract will begin on Aug. 1 next. STRIKERS GAIN SOME. More Mon Out tin tlio Various Brooklyn Trolley I„ines. NEW YOBK, July 19.—The Brooklyn street car strikers evidently won over number of non-union men to tlteii ranks during the night. Tho Putnam avenue line, over which the/ cars had been running on schedule time for the last few days, is now crippled, certainly one-tliird of the cars being tied up. On the Fulton avenue line which ran on nearly schedule time, tho number of cars were reduced about one-tliird. Nc cars were running on the Nostrond av­ enue and the Tompkins avenue line. FROM REPORT OF T. BURTON EVERETT, MINING ENGINEER AND EXPERT. ARCHER CITT, TEXAS, MAY 3, 1899. HOK. EVERY H. LOW, President, and others, Boston, Mass.: 'Gentlemen:—There is abundant evidence of rich copper deposits, not only at the mines already •pened, but at various other parts of the property, and it is my opinion that this will prove to be one of the exceptionally rich copper-bearing fields of the United States, The ores found in these deposits are immensely rich in copper values and the cuperiferous clays that are also found here in immense beds, while not as rich, will undoubtedly prove of great value on account of the cheapness witii which they can be mined and reduced. The mines are accessible at every point the cost of mining will be very small, as the ore is not in hard formation and there is no deep work. I have examined the various reports made by others, and confirm them. ». As far as I have been able to investigate, and I have done so carefully, I am of the opinion it is one of the richest copper fields in the country. Very respectfully yours, T. BURTON EVERETT, M. E. Mr. G. H. Savage, Mine Examiner of Butte, Montana, after gaining sample of ore from the property, says: "The ore is the richest in the country. If you have the fleld you can pay 91,000,000 dividends per year." Major F. M. Spaulding, of Boston, and C. F. Crosby, Esq., of Lowell, Mass., who returned June 16th from an examination of the property on behalf of the Com pany's stockholders and intending investors, report that they found the property as represented and confirm the expert reports. They visited and examined the nine jiines and explored the entire property. The Company Is thoroughly organized with substantial business men in the management. It has such extensive acreage of land, rich la copper, and so easily and cheaply mioed and converted, that dividends can be earned and paid during the current year. Now Is the time to make a tmfe and profitable Investment, and those who take advantage of this opportunity to buy stock at the low price offered will reap the beneft. Remit by O. Order, Registered Letter, Check or Express to Edward B. Robins* Treasurer, Tremont Building, Boston, Mass. Pripe 85.00 per 8hare, Subject to advance. BOSTON & TEXAS COPPER CO. rv-i, Shares Tiie cupriferous marl situated below the sandstone, containing 15 per cent, of copper, can be estimated worth at the place at least 910.00 per ton, net." From Report of George F. Rendall, Mining Engineer. "It is a self-evident fact deducible from every report that on this property large bodies of copper ore exists and that hundreds of tons have been shipped of high grade ore. That a deposit of this nature can at a very small expense be made to yield handsome profits, from all existing reports, appears not only likely but certain." Front Report of Francis Arthur Reall, Superintendent. "Tins property is all right and there is all the copper you want here. I think it is tiie best in Texas utid it seems to have been selected as such for copper. It is near tiie top of a water shed and the hills crop out here. I think there is oil here because there is coal. Oil lias been found at Corsicana. The property is adapted to general farming purposes which seems to be very profitable here and a town could be laid out on it und a railroad built to Dundee, 12 miles, to great advantage." The Great Boom in Copper Shares. Copper mining has proved tiie safest and most profitable industry in America, and the largest and most conservative capitalists in the world have recently become large investors in copper stocks. This company can produce copper as cheaply as any in the world. It is capi­ talized the lowest of any in proportion to its acreage, and at the price of copper bearing land in Michigan ($100 per acre) containing a much less per cent." of copper, lias a large value in excess of its low capitalization ($2,500,000.) Receipts for ore and assays by the leading chemists and assayers in the country are on file in the company's offices. The officers and directors of the company are men of the highest standing and business capacity, and include ill. Emery M. Low, manufacturer, mayor of Brockton, Mass., President*. George W. Russell, Esq., paper manufacturer, Boston, Vice-President. Maj. F. Jt. Spaulding, 2d Vice-President. Col. Edward B. Robins, Boston, Treasurer. Col. James. I£. Wheaton, Boston, Secretary. Hon. Jus. W. Bennett, Fx-President Erie Telephone Co. Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold at the price of $5.00 per share and those wishing to secure shares should act at once. As stated the stock is full paid and non-assessable. As soon as this, allottment is sold the price will be advanced. Amount of land, quantity and quality of ore, cheapness of mining and treat­ ment, nearness to transportation, favorable climate for continuous work the year around, the increasing demand and profit in producing copper considered, the Boston and Texas Copper Company possesses unequalled advantages and affords the best kind of an investment. It can easily earn 50 per cent, per year on the price at which the stock is here offered. Stock may be ordered througli your banker or broker,'or direct as below. i-i t.j ti iAi.%* i* 1 •AROUND THE COUNTY. Items of Interest from Tribune Country Correspondents. rmiSCOLL GLEANINGS. Last Sunday, the Silt. ]]. MeCluiv took his wool to llisinarek, but: did not sell as prices are way down. Last: week's bail storm did more dam­ age than was at first estimated. It mowed to the ground ten actus of line (lax for Howard Thomas, and seriously damaged rye for 11. \Y. McChire anil M. 1. Matthews. Ilow hard people are to please! Km a little while ago the cry was "too much rain," now it is "more rain." The grain is uoi hurt as yet. Last Friday i'atii I.eddy and family sinned for Eduiuuton. They wiil drive to I'orial itI there take an im­ migrant ear. A mom other tilings iliey take wiili iliein to aid in making a new home in our neighboring country are seven tnileli cows. We wish tiiein "bon voyage" and may they prosper in their chosen connlrv. FORT It 1 CIO AND MANN INC 1TKMS. Oops in thfsi' purls arc looking tine. AA hi'iit ami us uv iil hcnili'd otu corn is doiiin' nicely :iiul new potntoes are every where. Weiither the p:ist week is lieen pretty wnrni. There is good shower ot' rain Inst Wednesday morn­ ing. -which helped a great deal, and another would he very welcome. Work is progressing nicely on Henry Small's new frame residence. Tlu werkmen under the supervision of 11. (iiliud are doing good work. Frank Caiupagna is also putting up a new residence. Tin- Fort llice and .Manning schools closed July M. Tiie teachers. Miss Bessie Thompson and Miss Annie Mc (Jownn, wiil attend tiie teachers train­ ing school at Hismarck. .luneherries are ripe and young folks are busy picking them. Farmers and stockmen have begun haying. There will lie a heavy crop of hay on the river hoitonis and a good yield on the prairie also. Henry Crawford is putting up new barn which, when completed, will be a good one. July 17, 1S09. VI' 1$ AC J*"11%. $ M. A. I-i.